diff --git a/src/Locale/hi/Facility.json b/src/Locale/hi/Facility.json index d19c889a98f..67032df0cb9 100644 --- a/src/Locale/hi/Facility.json +++ b/src/Locale/hi/Facility.json @@ -1,119 +1,119 @@ { - "facility_search_placeholder": "Search by Facility / District Name", - "advanced_filters": "Advanced Filters", - "facility_type": "Facility Type", - "facility_name": "Facility Name", - "KASP Empanelled": "KASP Empanelled", - "View Facility": "View Facility", - "no_duplicate_facility": "You should not create duplicate facilities", - "no_facilities": "No Facilities found", - "no_staff": "No staff found", - "no_bed_types_found": "No Bed Types found", - "total_beds": "Total Beds", - "create_facility": "Create a new facility", - "staff_list": "Staff List", - "bed_capacity": "Bed Capacity", - "cylinders": "Cylinders", - "cylinders_per_day": "Cylinders/day", - "liquid_oxygen_capacity": "Liquid Oxygen Capacity", - "expected_burn_rate": "Expected Burn Rate", - "type_b_cylinders": "B Type Cylinders", - "type_c_cylinders": "C Type Cylinders", - "type_d_cylinders": "D Type Cylinders", - "select_local_body": "Select Local Body", - "update_asset": "Update Asset", - "create_new_asset": "Create New Asset", - "you_need_at_least_a_location_to_create_an_assest": "You need at least a location to create an assest.", - "add_location": "Add Location", - "close_scanner": "Close Scanner", - "scan_asset_qr": "Scan Asset QR!", - "update": "Update", - "create": "Create", - "asset_name": "Asset Name", - "asset_location": "Asset Location", - "asset_type": "Asset Type", - "asset_class": "Asset Class", - "details_about_the_equipment": "Details about the equipment", - "working_status": "Working Status", - "why_the_asset_is_not_working": "Why the asset is not working?", - "describe_why_the_asset_is_not_working": "Describe why the asset is not working", - "asset_qr_id": "Asset QR ID", - "manufacturer": "Manufacturer", - "eg_xyz": "Eg. XYZ", - "eg_abc": "Eg. ABC", - "warranty_amc_expiry": "Warranty / AMC Expiry", - "customer_support_name": "Customer Support Name", - "customer_support_number": "Customer support number", - "customer_support_email": "Customer Support Email", - "eg_mail_example_com": "Eg. mail@example.com", - "vendor_name": "Vendor Name", - "serial_number": "Serial Number", - "last_serviced_on": "Last Serviced On", - "notes": "Notes", - "create_asset": "Create Asset", - "create_add_more": "Create & Add More", - "discharged_patients": "Discharged Patients", - "discharged_patients_empty": "No discharged patients present in this facility", - "update_facility_middleware_success": "Facility middleware updated successfully", - "treatment_summary__head_title": "Treatment Summary", - "treatment_summary__print": "Print Treatment Summary", - "treatment_summary__heading": "INTERIM TREATMENT SUMMARY", - "patient_registration__name": "Name", - "patient_registration__address": "Address", - "patient_registration__age": "Age", - "patient_consultation__op": "OP", - "patient_consultation__ip": "IP", - "patient_consultation__dc_admission": "Date of domiciliary care commenced", - "patient_consultation__admission": "Date of admission", - "patient_registration__gender": "Gender", - "patient_registration__contact": "Emergency Contact", - "patient_registration__comorbidities": "Comorbidities", - "patient_registration__comorbidities__disease": "Disease", - "patient_registration__comorbidities__details": "Details", - "patient_consultation__consultation_notes": "General Instructions", - "patient_consultation__special_instruction": "Special Instructions", - "suggested_investigations": "Suggested Investigations", - "investigations__date": "Date", - "investigations__name": "Name", - "investigations__result": "Result", - "investigations__ideal_value": "Ideal Value", - "investigations__range": "Value Range", - "investigations__unit": "Unit", - "patient_consultation__treatment__plan": "Plan", - "patient_consultation__treatment__summary": "Summary", - "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__date": "Date", - "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__spo2": "SpO2", - "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__temperature": "Temperature", - "diagnosis": "Diagnosis", - "diagnosis__principal": "Principal", - "diagnosis__confirmed": "Confirmed", - "diagnosis__provisional": "Provisional", - "diagnosis__unconfirmed": "Unconfirmed", - "diagnosis__differential": "Differential", - "active_prescriptions": "Active Prescriptions", - "prescriptions__medicine": "Medicine", - "prescriptions__route": "Route", - "prescriptions__dosage_frequency": "Dosage & Frequency", - "prescriptions__start_date": "Prescribed On", - "select_facility_for_discharged_patients_warning": "Facility needs to be selected to view discharged patients.", - "duplicate_patient_record_confirmation": "Admit the patient record to your facility by adding the year of birth", - "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "I confirm that the suspect / patient I want to create is not on the list.", - "duplicate_patient_record_birth_unknown": "Please contact your district care coordinator, the shifting facility or the patient themselves if you are not sure about the patient's year of birth.", - "patient_transfer_birth_match_note": "Note: Year of birth must match the patient to process the transfer request.", - "cover_image_updated_note": "It could take a while to see the updated cover image", - "available_features": "Available Features", - "update_facility": "Update Facility", - "configure_facility": "Configure Facility", - "inventory_management": "Inventory Management", - "location_management": "Location Management", - "resource_request": "Resource Request", - "view_asset": "View Assets", - "view_users": "View Users", - "view_abdm_records": "View ABDM Records", - "delete_facility": "Delete Facility", - "central_nursing_station": "Central Nursing Station", - "add_details_of_patient": "Add Details of Patient", - "choose_location": "Choose Location", - "live_monitoring": "Live Monitoring", - "open_live_monitoring": "Open Live Monitoring" + "facility_search_placeholder": "सुविधा / जिला नाम से खोजें", + "advanced_filters": "उन्नत फ़िल्टर", + "facility_type": "सुविधा का प्रकार", + "facility_name": "सुविधा का नाम", + "KASP Empanelled": "KASP पैनलबद्ध", + "View Facility": "सुविधा देखें", + "no_duplicate_facility": "आपको डुप्लिकेट सुविधाएं नहीं बनानी चाहिए", + "no_facilities": "कोई सुविधा नहीं मिली", + "no_staff": "कोई कर्मचारी नहीं मिला", + "no_bed_types_found": "कोई बिस्तर प्रकार नहीं मिला", + "total_beds": "कुल बिस्तर", + "create_facility": "एक नई सुविधा बनाएं", + "staff_list": "स्टाफ सूची", + "bed_capacity": "बिस्तर क्षमता", + "cylinders": "सिलेंडर", + "cylinders_per_day": "सिलेंडर/दिन", + "liquid_oxygen_capacity": "द्रव ऑक्सीजन क्षमता", + "expected_burn_rate": "अपेक्षित बर्न दर", + "type_b_cylinders": "बी प्रकार सिलेंडर", + "type_c_cylinders": "सी प्रकार सिलेंडर", + "type_d_cylinders": "डी प्रकार सिलेंडर", + "select_local_body": "स्थानीय निकाय का चयन करें", + "update_asset": "संपत्ति अपडेट करें", + "create_new_asset": "नई संपत्ति बनाएं", + "you_need_at_least_a_location_to_create_an_assest": "संपत्ति बनाने के लिए आपको कम से कम एक स्थान की आवश्यकता होगी।", + "add_location": "स्थान जोड़ना", + "close_scanner": "स्कैनर बंद करें", + "scan_asset_qr": "एसेट क्यूआर स्कैन करें!", + "update": "अद्यतन", + "create": "बनाएं", + "asset_name": "संपत्ति का नाम", + "asset_location": "परिसंपत्ति स्थान", + "asset_type": "संपदा प्रकार", + "asset_class": "परिसंपत्ति वर्ग", + "details_about_the_equipment": "उपकरण के बारे में विवरण", + "working_status": "कामकाजी स्थिति", + "why_the_asset_is_not_working": "परिसंपत्ति काम क्यों नहीं कर रही है?", + "describe_why_the_asset_is_not_working": "बताएं कि परिसंपत्ति काम क्यों नहीं कर रही है", + "asset_qr_id": "एसेट क्यूआर आईडी", + "manufacturer": "उत्पादक", + "eg_xyz": "उदाहरण: XYZ", + "eg_abc": "उदाहरण: एबीसी", + "warranty_amc_expiry": "वारंटी / एएमसी समाप्ति", + "customer_support_name": "ग्राहक सहायता नाम", + "customer_support_number": "ग्राहक सहायता नंबर", + "customer_support_email": "ग्राहक सहायता ईमेल", + "eg_mail_example_com": "उदाहरण: mail@example.com", + "vendor_name": "विक्रेता का नाम", + "serial_number": "क्रम संख्या", + "last_serviced_on": "अंतिम सेवा कब दी गई", + "notes": "नोट्स", + "create_asset": "संपत्ति बनाएं", + "create_add_more": "और अधिक बनाएं और जोड़ें", + "discharged_patients": "छुट्टी दिए गए मरीज़", + "discharged_patients_empty": "इस सुविधा में कोई भी डिस्चार्ज मरीज़ मौजूद नहीं है", + "update_facility_middleware_success": "सुविधा मिडलवेयर सफलतापूर्वक अपडेट किया गया", + "treatment_summary__head_title": "उपचार सारांश", + "treatment_summary__print": "प्रिंट उपचार सारांश", + "treatment_summary__heading": "अंतरिम उपचार सारांश", + "patient_registration__name": "नाम", + "patient_registration__address": "पता", + "patient_registration__age": "आयु", + "patient_consultation__op": "सेशन", + "patient_consultation__ip": "आई पी", + "patient_consultation__dc_admission": "घरेलू देखभाल शुरू होने की तिथि", + "patient_consultation__admission": "प्रवेश की तिथि", + "patient_registration__gender": "लिंग", + "patient_registration__contact": "आपातकालीन संपर्क", + "patient_registration__comorbidities": "comorbidities", + "patient_registration__comorbidities__disease": "बीमारी", + "patient_registration__comorbidities__details": "विवरण", + "patient_consultation__consultation_notes": "सामान्य निर्देश", + "patient_consultation__special_instruction": "विशेष निर्देश", + "suggested_investigations": "सुझाए गए जांच", + "investigations__date": "तारीख", + "investigations__name": "नाम", + "investigations__result": "परिणाम", + "investigations__ideal_value": "आदर्श मूल्य", + "investigations__range": "मूल्य पहुंच", + "investigations__unit": "इकाई", + "patient_consultation__treatment__plan": "योजना", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary": "सारांश", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__date": "तारीख", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__spo2": "एसपीओ2", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__temperature": "तापमान", + "diagnosis": "निदान", + "diagnosis__principal": "प्रधानाचार्य", + "diagnosis__confirmed": "की पुष्टि", + "diagnosis__provisional": "अनंतिम", + "diagnosis__unconfirmed": "अपुष्ट", + "diagnosis__differential": "अंतर", + "active_prescriptions": "सक्रिय नुस्खे", + "prescriptions__medicine": "दवा", + "prescriptions__route": "मार्ग", + "prescriptions__dosage_frequency": "खुराक और आवृत्ति", + "prescriptions__start_date": "निर्धारित", + "select_facility_for_discharged_patients_warning": "छुट्टी दिए गए मरीजों को देखने के लिए सुविधा का चयन किया जाना आवश्यक है।", + "duplicate_patient_record_confirmation": "जन्म का वर्ष जोड़कर मरीज का रिकॉर्ड अपने अस्पताल में भर्ती करें", + "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "मैं पुष्टि करता हूं कि जिस संदिग्ध/रोगी की सूची मैं बनाना चाहता हूं वह सूची में नहीं है।", + "duplicate_patient_record_birth_unknown": "यदि आप रोगी के जन्म वर्ष के बारे में निश्चित नहीं हैं तो कृपया अपने जिला देखभाल समन्वयक, स्थानांतरण सुविधा या रोगी से संपर्क करें।", + "patient_transfer_birth_match_note": "ध्यान दें: स्थानांतरण अनुरोध पर कार्रवाई करने के लिए जन्म का वर्ष मरीज से मेल खाना चाहिए।", + "cover_image_updated_note": "अपडेट की गई कवर छवि देखने में कुछ समय लग सकता है", + "available_features": "उपलब्ध सुविधाएँ", + "update_facility": "अद्यतन सुविधा", + "configure_facility": "सुविधा कॉन्फ़िगर करें", + "inventory_management": "सूची प्रबंधन", + "location_management": "स्थान प्रबंधन", + "resource_request": "संसाधन अनुरोध", + "view_asset": "संपत्तियां देखें", + "view_users": "उपयोगकर्ता देखें", + "view_abdm_records": "ABDM रिकॉर्ड देखें", + "delete_facility": "सुविधा हटाएं", + "central_nursing_station": "सेंट्रल नर्सिंग स्टेशन", + "add_details_of_patient": "मरीज़ का विवरण जोड़ें", + "choose_location": "स्थान का चयन", + "live_monitoring": "लाइव मॉनिटरिंग", + "open_live_monitoring": "लाइव मॉनिटरिंग खोलें" }