#highlight "struct"
#highlight "ProcDict": "struct"
"struct": "Process",
"ErtsPTabElementCommon": "common",
"Eterm": {"*htop": ""},
"Eterm": {"*stop": ""},
"Uint": "freason",
"Eterm": "fvalue",
"Sint32": "fcalls",
"Uint32": "flags",
"Uint32": "rcount",
"byte": "schedule_count",
"-": "...",
"ErtsCodePtr": "i",
"Sint": "catches",
"Uint": "reds",
"Eterm": "group_leader",
"Eterm": "ftrace",
"Process": {"*next": ""},
"-": "...",
"ProcDict": {"*dictionary": ""},
"-": "...",
"const ErtsCodeMFA": {"*current": ""},
"Eterm": "parent",
"Uint32": "static_flags",
"-": "...",
"ErtsMessage": {"*msg_frag": ""},
"-": "...",
"ErtsSchedulerData": {"*scheduler_data": ""},
"-": "..."
struct process {
ErtsPTabElementCommon common; /* *Need* to be first in struct */
/* Place fields that are frequently used from BEAMASM instructions near the
* beginning of this struct so that a shorter instruction can be used to
* access them. */
/* These are paired to exploit the STP instruction in the ARM JIT. */
Eterm *htop; /* Heap top */
Eterm *stop; /* Stack top */
/* These are paired to exploit the STP instruction in the ARM JIT. */
Uint freason; /* Reason for detected failure. */
Eterm fvalue; /* Exit & Throw value (failure reason) */
Sint32 fcalls; /* Number of reductions left to execute.
* Only valid for the current process while it
* is executing. */
Uint32 flags; /* Trap exit, etc */
/* End of frequently used fields by BEAMASM code. */
Uint32 rcount; /* Suspend count */
byte schedule_count; /* Times left to reschedule a low prio process */
ErtsCodePtr i; /* Program counter. */
Sint catches; /* Number of catches on stack */
Uint reds; /* No of reductions for this process */
Eterm group_leader; /* Pid in charge (can be boxed) */
Eterm ftrace; /* Latest exception stack trace dump */
Process *next; /* Pointer to next process in run queue */
ProcDict *dictionary; /* Process dictionary, may be NULL */
const ErtsCodeMFA* current; /* Current Erlang function, part of the
* funcinfo:
* module(0), function(1), arity(2)
* (module and functions are tagged atoms;
* arity an untagged integer).
* Information mainly for post-mortem use (erl crash dump).
Eterm parent; /* Pid of process that created this process. */
Uint32 static_flags; /* Flags that do *not* change */
ErtsMessage *msg_frag; /* Pointer to message fragment list */
ErtsSchedulerData *scheduler_data;
#highlight "struct"
#highlight "union" / "0" / "struct"
"struct": "ErtsPTabElementCommon",
"Eterm": "id",
"union": [
"refc.atmc": "",
"erts_atomic_t": "atmc"
"refc.sint": "",
"Sint": "sint"
"erts_atomic_t": "timer",
"union": [{
"u.alive": "",
"struct": "alive",
"Uint64": "started_interval",
"struct reg_proc": {"*reg": ""},
"ErtsLink": {"*links": ""},
"ErtsMonitor": {"*lt_monitors": ""},
"ErtsMonitor": {"*monitors": ""}
"u.release": "",
"ErtsThrPrgrLaterOp": "release"
"ErtsTracer": "tracer",
"Uint32": "trace_flags"
typedef struct {
Eterm id;
union {
erts_atomic_t atmc;
Sint sint;
} refc;
erts_atomic_t timer;
union {
/* --- While being alive --- */
struct {
Uint64 started_interval;
struct reg_proc *reg;
ErtsLink *links;
/* Local target monitors, double linked list
contains the remote part of local monitors */
ErtsMonitor *lt_monitors;
/* other monitors, rb tree */
ErtsMonitor *monitors;
} alive;
/* --- While being released --- */
ErtsThrPrgrLaterOp release;
} u;
ErtsTracer tracer;
Uint32 trace_flags;
} ErtsPTabElementCommon;
#highlight "struct"
#highlight "ErtsMessage" / "struct"
#highlight "ErlHeapFragment" / "struct"
"struct": "ErtsMessage",
"ErtsMessage": {"*next": ""},
"union": [
"data.heap_flag": "",
"ErlHeapFragment": {"*heap_frag": ""}
"data.attached": "",
"void": {"*attached": ""}
"ErlHeapFragment": "heap_frag"
typedef struct erl_mesg ErtsMessage;
ErtsMessage *next; /* Next message */ \
union { \
ErlHeapFragment *heap_frag; \
void *attached; \
} data; \
struct erl_mesg {
ErlHeapFragment hfrag;
#highlight "struct"
"struct": "ErlHeapFragment",
"ErlHeapFragment": {"*next": ""},
"ErlOffHeap": "off_heap",
"Uint": "alloc_size",
"Uint": "used_size",
"Eterm": "mem[1]"
* This struct represents a heap fragment, which is used when there
* isn't sufficient room in the process heap and we can't do a GC.
typedef struct erl_heap_fragment ErlHeapFragment;
struct erl_heap_fragment {
ErlHeapFragment* next; /* Next heap fragment */
ErlOffHeap off_heap; /* Offset heap data. */
Uint alloc_size; /* Size in words of mem */
Uint used_size; /* With terms to be moved to heap by GC */
Eterm mem[1]; /* Data */
#highlight "struct"
"struct": "ErtsPTab",
"union": [
"": "",
"ErtsPTabListData": "data"
"list.algn": "",
"char": "algn[size-of-data]"
"union": [
"vola.tile": "",
"ErtsPTabVolatileData": "tile"
"vola.algn": "",
"char": "algn[size-of-tile]"
"union": [
"r.o": "",
"ErtsPTabReadOnlyData": "o"
"r.algn": "",
"char": "algn[size-of_o]"
typedef struct {
* Data mainly modified when someone is listing
* the content of the table.
union {
ErtsPTabListData data;
char algn[ERTS_ALC_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(ErtsPTabListData))];
} list;
* Frequently modified data.
union {
ErtsPTabVolatileData tile;
char algn[ERTS_ALC_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(ErtsPTabVolatileData))];
} vola;
* Read only data.
union {
ErtsPTabReadOnlyData o;
char algn[ERTS_ALC_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(ErtsPTabReadOnlyData))];
} r;
} ErtsPTab;
** Data types:
** Eterm: A tagged erlang term (possibly 64 bits)
typedef unsigned long Eterm erts_align_attribute(sizeof(long));
typedef unsigned int Eterm erts_align_attribute(sizeof(int));
typedef unsigned long long Eterm erts_align_attribute(sizeof(long long));
#error Found no appropriate type to use for 'Eterm', 'Uint' and 'Sint'