- go slow
- zoom in, and make sure your screen is visible
- make sure class is recording
- have fun, don't take it too seriously, people enjoy when the teacher is having fun and is excited about what they are sharing
- allow space and pauses for the students to think and process
- ask the students questions to make them think
- for example, if you are about to teach a method or touch upon a previously mentioned concept, you can see if they remember the name of the concept by givin them the definition. e.g what rest method would we use to update existing data? Yes, a "put" request.
- if they are not following along, or get lost, don't get frustrated with them or yourself. This stuff is hard! Just start over!
- explain what you are doing, then do it, then repeat so they know the goal/purpose at every moment
- give equal attention to the virtual and in-person students
- teaching is not about demonstrating how smart you are, it is about making complex topics super simple, and removing small details that are not important at the beginner stage
- EXAMPLES EXAMPLES EXAMPLES - real world examples make things go click