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Releases: okta/okta-sdk-dotnet

Okta.Sdk v1.0.0-alpha4

08 Jan 17:39
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Factors API and doc changes

  • Added Factors API (#163)
  • Fixed missing reference to devforum link (#162)
  • Added details on alpha status to docs (#161)
  • Pin cake addin versions for build stability (#160)

Okta.Sdk v1.0.0-alpha3

17 Jul 23:51
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Bug fixes.

  • Fixed a configuration parsing exception (#137) - thanks @diveboatslave!
  • Fixed a problem with updating User objects (#143)
  • Fixed package icon (#136)
  • Improvements to documentation

Okta.Sdk v1.0.0-alpha2

14 Jul 22:52
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Minor update to the Okta.Sdk alpha release.

  • Added more code documentation
  • Fixed an issue where API calls failed on some platforms (#127)
  • Added more convenience overloads for CreateUserAsync (#109)

Okta.Sdk v1.0.0-alpha1

07 Jul 18:23
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We're excited to drop the first prerelease version of the new Okta Management SDK for .NET! 🎉

To try it out, install the package Okta.Sdk on NuGet:

install-package Okta.Sdk

Prerelease warning

This version is alpha-quality. We'd love for you to play with it and give us your thoughts, but don't recommend using it in production applications just yet. We'll be iterating it towards a stable 1.0 release over the next few weeks, based on the feedback we receive. There may be minor breaking changes to the interfaces before we stabilize at 1.0.

What's included today

  • Support for the Users and Groups APIs.
  • Flexible configuration model so you can configure the SDK using code, environment variables, or a config file.
  • Extensible interfaces and objects so you can write your own code to call the Okta API if you need to.
  • Support for .NET Framework and .NET Core.


This version is a rewrite of the library and a completely-breaking change, so we've rolled over the major version number to 1.0.0.

If you've been using the existing Okta SDK (version 0.x), you can opt to try this new version (which will require some code changes), or stick with what you already have. The 0.x series of the SDK is still supported. If you have any questions, please get in touch!


26 Apr 22:34
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This release contains these bug fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed a deserialization error when returning a User from the AppUsersClient. (#31)
  • Fixed bugs in GetUser. (#36)
  • Added a TryGetPropertymethod. (#38)

This version of the library (0.3x series) is stored in the legacy branch. It is available as Okta.Core.Client on NuGet.


11 Nov 04:58
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v0.1.0.2 Pre-release

This is the first public beta of the Okta SDK. It is not recommended for production use.

The recommended installation method is NuGet, but if you must do otherwise, the binaries are attached for both the PowerShell Module (Okta.Core.Automation) and the Okta SDK (Okta.Core).