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oldtechaa edited this page Oct 8, 2016 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the SeekMIDI wiki!

SeekMIDI is a simple multi-channel graphical MIDI sequencer. It is similar to Seq24 but does not have the live performance features, as it is meant for simple and quick song generation. Officially supported platforms are only most BSD and Linux distributions. Windows and Mac OS are not officially supported, but if someone were to get them running on these platforms with minor modifications, those modifications would probably be accepted into SeekMIDI.

SeekMIDI is written in Perl and uses Gtk+2, Cairo, and Pango for its GUI, and MIDI-Perl for its MIDI output system. It is licensed GPLv3.

We recommend pulling from master, but you can also look at our releases.

We'll be updating this wiki as we add more features.

Thanks for coming!

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