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oldtechaa edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the SeekMIDI wiki!

SeekMIDI is a simple graphical MIDI song editor offering multi-channel MIDI sequencing. There is nothing quite like it in the Linux world: the closest comparable software are LMMS (much larger than SeekMIDI) and Seq24 (very similar, but slightly larger). The goal is to be much easier to use than LMMS and similar to Seq24, but without the live performance features. It will run on Linux, and there are no plans for Windows or OS X, but if someone packaged it for one of those, it certainly wouldn't be discouraged.

SeekMIDI is written in Perl and uses Gtk+2, Cairo, and Pango for its GUI, and MIDI-Perl for its MIDI output system. It is licensed GPLv3.

We have released version 0.1.0. This is a sample release of some of the features.

We'll be updating this wiki as we add more features.

Thanks for coming!

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