This is an opinionated and extended t3-turbo stack, which includes:
- WebUI:
- ReactJS / NextJS
- NextAuth
- email / password auth
- Auth with Facebook
- Auth with Google
- Auth with Apple
- Auth with Microsoft
- Auth with Twitter
- 2fa (with Google Athenticator Codes)
- Roles + RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
- Using Postmark with NextAuth.js
- Mobile: React Native / Expo
- API Query / cache / state managment: tRPC with React Query
- JavaScript superset with strong typying: TypeScript
- Fix some TS issues: ts-reset
- CSS library: TailwindCSS with NativeWind for React Native
- Param validation: Zod
- ORM for SQL and NoSQL: Prisma
- Monorepo: Turborepo
- Package Manager: pnpm
plus more:
- Figma + Zeplin
- Atomic Design
- Storybook
- Basic setup for Sotrybook/NextJS components
- Free Storybook deployments with CI/CD, feedbacs and more: Chromatic
- shadcn/ui (RadixUI + TailwindCSS + tailwind-merge + Class Variance Authority + clsx)
- Snackbar / notifications (choose one):
- Form handler: (Formik or React Hook Form - both works with Zod)
- Icons:
- Animations:
- DreamUI (customly build UI library on top of shancn, with form handlers, snackbar, i18n/rtl, etc.)
- Git hooks: husky
- lint-staged & .lintstagedrc
- lintcommit
- Code formatter: Prettier
- Code linting: ESLint
- Sonar
- Git Commit messages: Conventional Commits & lintcommit
- Git Branch Name Convesions: validate-branch-name
- Code monitoring, logging and alerting:
- Sentry
- Checkly (e2e, monitoring & alerting, uses Playwright for e2e)
- System metrics, monitoring and alerting Prometheus + Grafana
- Vulnerabilities checks
- Audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more: Lighthouse
- Release automation (with Semantic Release) - has plugins update version and changelog, Docker Hub / Expo app / npm publish, push notification to Slack bot or Telegram Bot, etc.
- Unit / Integration testing: (choose one)
- Jest
- Vitest (Jest-compatible alternative) Migrate Jest to Vitest
- UI testing:
- Web: React Testing Library
- Mobile: React Native Testing Library
- e2e testing: (choose one) Cypress vs Playwright comparison
- API testing: Postman
- UI documentation: Storybook
- API documentation: Swagger & Postman
- Other markdown docs: (choose one)
- Docusaurus
- Nextra (preffered)
- Microservices
- NestJS
- Deno?
- Bun?
- Python?
- Go?
- Rust?
- Realtime notifications / chat: Pusher
- Upstash: serverless Redis (with rate limiting and feature flags) / Kafka / QStash
- File upload:
- S3
- MinIO (self-hosted S3-compatible object storage)
- Cloudflare R2 (S3-compatible object storage)
- UploadThing (S3 alternative from t3-stack creator)
- Vercel Storage
- Send emails
- Full text serach: ElasticSearch
- i18n / rtl support
- Row Level Security
- NPM Trends can be used if you need to complare multiple npm packages to pick from
- npm > yarn > ✅ pnpm
- webpack > vite > ✅ turbopack
- lerna > nx > ✅ turborepo
- jest > ✅ vitest
- selenium > cypress > ✅ playwright
- nvm > ✅ volta
- create-react-app > create-next-app > create-t3-app > create-t3-turbo > ✅ dreamstack