- move $inits accessors to $defaults
- fix bug of $clone method call
- clone.by*() methods will be available only if it can be applied
- speed up empty clone creation
- change ideology of constructor usage
- rename _clone$ to _protoOfNewClones
- rename clone.create to create.new
- _objectCreate_es3(null) should not throw an error
- fix msg in deploy script
- rename $super to $inherits
- fix benchmarking
- fix _getPrototypeOf_es3
- add bench to test
- arhitecture redisign
- add behavior$
- docs: dont show word in docs
- docs: show constructor details only if it description present
- add __parent__ property
- add clone.$call(), clone.$apply()
- add clone method shoosing
- add AMD compability
- fix bugs
- determination with static methods naming
- fix bugs
- add some tests
- make API docs
Completely redesigned, the new version of framework:
- Very improved speed
- Separation of objects to state and behavior
- Lazy initialization
- Supporting IE6+
- add ability to inject into Object.prototype, update module interface
- change namespace interface
- add RequireJS support
- bugfix: does not seal() created objects by default
- update NodeUnit browser tests look
- improve documentation
- refactor tests
- improve documentation
- fix bug: first call applySuper() on sealed object
- optimize
- deploy scripts: add comments
- reverse changelog items order
- deploy scripts: fix new line in build message
- fix cdn src
- update documentation
- fix bug in getKeys(), forEach()
- add getValues() test
- add getSuper()
- update documentation, code formatting
- add getPrototypes() test
- home page: remove [ ] from nav bar
- update describe() test
- fix applySuper() bug
- fix home page nav
- incrase CI speed
- fix deploy scripts
- jsdoc template: update DL's formatting
- edit readme
- add changelog
- fix bug in ns.put()
- move constructor setup from clone() to describe()
- add nodeunit browser test runner
- add scripts
- add npm overlay
- test script: run all *.test.js files
- version 0.4.5 9d4bfee
- version 0.5.0 4125a04ec5
- version 0.6.0 0bcbbca1d1
- version 0.6.1 8b099b53a7
- version 0.6.2 18dfca72c3
- version 0.7.0 26e58a1e7e
- version 0.7.1 bdaa55564d