Best article i've found so far on javascript -->
- Single-line comment:
- Multi-line comment:
/* */
Variables are used to store data. There are three ways to declare a variable:
- let: Block-scoped variable.
- const: Constant variable, its value cannot be changed once assigned.
- var: Function-scoped variable.
It's a way of increasing and decreasing a number gradually.
To do so, you use the operands(++, --
) to either increase and decrease respectively.
You can do this by adding the operands in front or after the variable. The difference is, add before returns the new incremented/decremented value while adding it after returns the value that was incremented/decremented.
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In JavaScript, individual characters in a string variable can be accessed using bracket notation.
Arrays allow storing multiple values, which can be of different data types. They are actually objects but their main purpose is to create ordered data so you need to be careful.
To delete an whole array, you can use the .length
method by setting it to 0.
Best article i've seen on arrays so far -
Functions are blocks of reusable code that can be invoked as needed.
Note - they can be hoisted!
Built in functions
- generates random numbers between 0 - 1 (not inclusive of 1)Math.floor()
- returns the largest interger
Scope defines the visibility of variables.
- Global Scope: Variables can be accessed throughout the JavaScript code.
- Local Scope: Variables are only accessible within a specific portion of the code.
Conditional statements are used to execute different actions based on different conditions.
JavaScript objects are used to store data using key-value pairs.
Objects that have keys who's values are functions, the values can be referred to as methods.
To find out the properties in an object - Object.keys(object)
To copy an object's property into another - Object.assign(object, {newObject})
Loops are used to iterate through data until a certain condition is met.
For/in - used to loop through an object's property
Do/while - does something then checks the condition
The ternary operator provides a shorthand for if-else statements.
: Returns the length of data..hasOwnProperty()
: Checks if an object has a property.Object.freeze()
: Freezes an object to prevent mutation..concat()
: Concatenates arrays..append()
: Adds specified content as the last child of the selected element(s)..matches()
: determine whether or not an element matches a specific CSS selector..forEach()
: adds a function to every element in an array(doesn't create a new array) - gives a callback function..filter()
: this separates a specified element in an array.indexOf()
: finds the location of the specified element, can take 2 parameters. it's very usefulreverse()
: the reverse method can be used to reverse elements in an array. It mutates(changes) an array's order
: Adds a value to an array..pop()
: Removes and returns the last value in an array..includes()
: Checks if a value is in an array..shift()
: Removes the first element in an array..unshift()
: Adds an element to the beginning of an array..reduce()
: Reduces an array using a callback function..add()
: Used to adding something.remove()
: Used in removing something.contains()
: Used to check if something has something.setTimeout()
: takes two parameters, a callback function, the time to be delayed in milliseconds before execcution
: This can be used to delete for example a property in an object
- Rest operator:
- Converts arguments into an array. - Spread operator:
- Expands elements of an array - . One of it's usefulness is it doesn't mutate an array. - new operator:
- creates a new object usinf a constructor function. - instanceof: - checks if something is an instance of something
- this can be used to set or return the value in an input field
String interpolation allows combining strings and variables together using backticks (`).
It's a way of manipulating HTML elements using Javascript.
- get a list of attribute(s) you can select from -
- get every class attribute -
element.setAttribute(’attribute’, ‘content’);
- set an attribute -
- delete an attribute -
- get an attribute
- gives the list of classes of a selected element in an array.
- uses the .add()
function to add class to a selected element's class attribute.
- uses the .remove()
function to remove class of a selected element's class attribute.
- checks if a selected element has a particular class using the .contains()
This is a way of travelling through the DOM. However, before delving into the code to do that, i'll like to explain the difference between a node and a element in DOM.
- Nodes are elements nodes, text nodes(includes whitespace) and comment nodes
- Elements are simply element nodes
- gets the parent node of selected element. -
- gets the parent element of selected element.
- gets the child node of selected element. -
- gets the child element of selected element. -
— gets the text of the first child node of selected element -
— gets the text of the last child node of selected element
— gets the next element after selected element -
— gets the previous element before selected element
They allow us to add interactive functionality to HTML elements by listening to different events that happen on a page.
Ways of adding event-listeners
- adding it directly in the html elements
- adding it using the addEventListener method
"click" - listens to a click
element.addEventListener(”event”, function);
"mouseover " - listens to the movement of a mouse
This is a way to dictate how events travel through the DOM when an event occurs, reaches it's target and possibily executing further actions based on the event.
It's a great way to bring structure to event handling.
Capturing phase - this is the first phase of event propagation whereby an event travels from the root of the dom element to the target element when triggered.
NOTE - event listeners can be triggered if set to capture mode.
element.addEventListener("click", eventHandler, { capture: true });
Target Phase - This is the second phase whereby the event reaches the target element on which the event was triggered.
Bubbling Phase - This is the thired and final stage whereby the event that was triggered travels back up to the root of the DOM. It can also trigger other event listeners if they are set to bubble mode.
This is a way of adding a single event listener with the same function and logic to multiple elements by attaching it to a common parent/ancestor rather than to multiple child elements.
This can work because of the "bubble phase" of event propagation. It's more efficient and it's clean code.
This stands for javascript object notation.
It's commonly used to exchange data to/from a web server.
When getting data from a web server, it's gotten in form of a string. You convert this data to javascript objects using JSON.parse()
When sending data to a web server, it has to be in string format. You can convert Javascript object to strings using JSON.Stringify()
JSON syntax are like javascript syntax. It is however plain-text.
This is used to create an object with key - value pairs in a web browser.
It does this permanently and doesn't change even if the browser has been closed.
Note - Everything stored in localStorage has to be string!
setItem(key, value)
- this is used to set the key and value in the local storage -
- used to remove all key and values in the local storage -
- this is used to get a value of a key in the local storage
This is a programming paradigm(a way of programming, using certain principles, techniques and practices for designing, structuring and implementing computer programs) based on the concepts of objects.
Objects contain properties and methods. With OOP, you can create a blue-print that multiple objects can be made out of rather than manually creating multiple object literals that have the same properties and methods!
Inheritance - This allows you to create a new class based on an existing class. This means we can make an object inherit the properties and methods of another object. It allows us to reuse code!
Encapsulation - this is the process of hiding an object's property from the outside world(other objects).
Abstration - This is a way of hiding implementation details and only revealing functionality. It's showing only required details and hiding the rest e.g hides property, shows method.
Polymorphism - This means different forms. It's creating that have the same name but different functionality.
it's a way in which we can create several instances(objects) of a class (blueprint). It's acts as a template for creating objects.
It does three things which are;
- It creates a new object on a constructor function
- It ensures that
variable points to the object e.g so when you put data in the constructor, it actually assigns it to the 'this' object property. - Returns the object
Prototypes is the way that Javascript inherits features(methods) from one another. Every object has a prototype property.
You can implement prototype inheritance using Object.create()
Apparently 😂, when you create an object literal in Javascript. The object you created is also an instance(object) of an object constructor
This means that every object created is an instance of an Object constructor and when we create an new object, we are actually creating an instance of an object constructor.
Prototype chaining means that instances of an object can access the prototype of both it's object and the object constructor!
This is a blueprint that helps us to instanciate objects! They also make use of inheritance and prototype! It's like a better way of using constructor functions and prototype inheritance!
Note - Classes cannot be hoisted. they are first class citizen(you can pass a class as an argument in a function and can return a class in a function.). Classes are executed in strict mode!
In javascript, there are mainly two types of object properties which are data properties and accessor properties.
Data properties are those propers that are set while accessor properties are methods that set and get the properties of an object.
NOTE - These methods are called properties because they are stored and accessed as properties in an object!
- Getter properties - used to read an object's property value using the
keyword. - Setter Properties - used to set an object's property value using the
keyword. NOTE - Setter function must have a value as an argument!
In order to hide the properties of an object from the outside world! This is what encapsulation is all about!
Also, it can be used to set or add to a property afterwards like adding a calculated value.
These are methods that are on the class or an object. They are called directly on the class/object. They cannot be called on an instance
You create a 'static method' using the static
keyword! This would make the object not viewable in the object as it is attached just to the class and not the class instance
Instance methods are methods that are instances of a class or an object. They are called by accessing instances of an object.
When creating a new class and we want it to inherit properties from another class, we use the key word extends
and the other classes name
When creating the classe's constructor, we use the key word super()
under the constructor to refer to the parent class so we can easily inherit it's property.
Sets are objects in javascript used to store unique values that can only occur once within the set
It's like an object that links producing code to consuming code. Producing code can take some time while consuming code waits for results. In the function, you use either a promise or a reject keyword
Synchronous means instructions are carried out one after the other, line by line and not in parallel. Javascript is a synchronous, single threaded programming language. This is used mostly for API calls.
It's an assignment that allows you scope fields within an object and declare which values will be used.
What it does is create variable names using the objects key name and storing the value of the created variable with the objects values.
However, it doesn't change the object's keys.