Url-to-Video generator allows you to create a video from html source. This project aims mainly to convert HTML content into video which could be useful in several use cases.
- Full Docker integration (based on s6-overlay hypervisor).
- Xvfb in-memory display server for UNIX-like operating system that enables you to run graphical applications without a display.
- Ffmpeg a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
- Google chrome a cross-platform web browser.
- Node.js® a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Pulseaudio a sound server that provides a number of features on top of the low-level audio interface ALSA on Linux.
Nowadays, the existing open source solutions are either based on casperjs or puppeteer. As a result, the generated videos doesn't cover well rendered web pages and they mainly lack audio support. Fortunately, this project rised to mitigate these issues and fill the gap.
After executing the following command, you will notice a new file created in the following destination /tmp/forever_tracey.mp4
docker run --rm \
-v /tmp/:/recordings/ \
-e URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYKqvDK8d8 \
-e DURATION=20 \
-e OUTPUT_FILENAME=forever_tracey.mp4 \
--shm-size=256m \
This is a sample output file.
Run the following commands to build and run the project:
git https://github.com/OmarTrigui/url-to-video.git && cd url-to-video/
make docker.build docker.run
- Add E2E tests
- Tune recording performance (reduce resource consumption)
- Add Pub/Sub support (either SQS or Kafka)
Contributions are always welcome, whether adding/suggesting new features, bug fixes or simply editing some grammar.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - check the LICENSE file for details.