OpenStack images for Windows are available from, including images for Windows Server 2012R2.
Follow the local setup instructions before starting.
Download image from the above URL, then run:
openstack image create --file ~/Downloads/windows_server_2012_r2_standard_eval_kvm_20170321.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare "Windows Server 2012R2"
List available networks:
openstack network list
Set net_id
using id
for required network (must permit outgoing
external connections for downloading packages).
Create a VM using our new image:
openstack server create --image="Windows Server 2012R2" --security-group "$security_group" --nic "net-id=$net_id" --key-name "$ssh_key" --flavor "m1.small" "test7"
Set test_vm_id
using id
of created VM.
The Windows image requires the Admin password to be obtained:
nova get-password "$test_vm_id" | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey "$ssh_private_key_file"
It should now be possible to log on to the OpenStack console for this
VM using the username Admin
and this password. You can also use
PowerShell remoting (RMI) to administer the system with the same