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Using Pux components in React

Pux components can be rendered to a React class instead of the DOM, for use inside an existing React application.

Use Pux.start to initialize your component with state, then use Pux.toReact to return a React class:

module Counter where

import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Prelude ((+), (-), bind, const, show)
import Pux (CoreEffects, ReactClass)
import Pux.Html (Html, div, span, button, text)
import Pux.Html.Events (onClick)

data Action = Increment | Decrement

type State = Int

update :: Action -> State -> State
update Increment count = count + 1
update Decrement count = count - 1

view :: State -> Html Action
view count =
    [ button [ onClick (const Increment) ] [ text "Increment" ]
    , span [] [ text (show count) ]
    , button [ onClick (const Decrement) ] [ text "Decrement" ]

toReact :: forall props. State -> Eff CoreEffects (ReactClass props)
toReact state = do
  comp <- Pux.start
    { initialState: state
    , update: fromSimple update
    , view: view
    , inputs: []

  Pux.toReact comp.html

After your PureScript has been compiled, call this module's toReact method to return your class:

const Counter = PS.Counter.toReact(state)