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Akin edited this page May 9, 2018 · 15 revisions



Keypress Command
Ctrl-C / ⌘-C Copy to clipboard, (When in visual mode).
Ctrl-V / ⌘-V Paste from clipboard, (When in insert or command mode).
Alt-F4 / ⌘-Q Quit.
Ctrl-⇧-P / ⌘-⇧-P Show Command Menu (When in normal mode).
Ctrl-Pageup Cycle to next Oni process.
Ctrl-Pagedown Cycle to previous Oni process.


Keypress Command
Ctrl-G Open 'sneak mode.'
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-V Open vertical split.
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-S Open horizontal split.
Keypress Command
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-H Move left a window.
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-L Move right a window.
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-J Move down a window.
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-K Move up a window.

same as:

Keypress Command
Ctrl-W, h Move left a window.
Ctrl-W, l Move right a window.
Ctrl-W, j Move down a window.
Ctrl-W, k Move up a window.

Tab navigation

Keypress Command mode
gt move to next tab normal
gT move to previous tab normal

same as:

Keypress Command mode
Ctrl-Shift-Up move to next tab normal + insert
Ctrl-Shift-Down move to previous tab normal + insert

same as:

Keypress Command mode
Ctrl-Shift-PageDown move to next tab normal + insert
Ctrl-Shift-PageUp move to previous tab normal + insert

Language Server Interaction

Keypress Command
F2 Rename variable (When in normal mode).
Esc Cancel rename.
Enter Confirm rename.
F3 Apply formatting.
F12 Go to definition, (When in normal mode and menu is not open).
Ctrl-Enter, Ctrl-F12 Go to definition and open in vertical split, (When in normal mode and menu is not open).
⇧-Enter, ⇧-F12 Go to definition and open in horizontal split, (When in normal mode and menu is not open).
Alt-Enter / ⌘-Enter Expand function.
Ctrl-T / ⌘-T Search symbols in workspace.
Ctrl-⇧-T / ⇧-⌘-T Search symbols in document.

QuickOpen Menu

Keypress Command
Ctrl-P / ⌘-P Show quick open menu (When in normal mode and menu is not open).
Ctrl-/ Search current buffers (When in normal mode).
Ctrl-Enter, Ctrl-V Open selected file in vertical split.
⇧-Enter, Ctrl-S Open selected file in horizontal split.
Ctrl-T Open selected file in new tab.

Auto Completion

Keypress Command
Enter Select completion option.
Down, Ctrl-N Next completion option.
Up, Ctrl-P Previous completion option.
Esc Close completion menu.


Keypress Command
Enter Select menu item.
Down, Ctrl-N Next menu item.
Up, Ctrl-P Previous menu item.
Esc, Ctrl-[, Ctrl-C Close menu.


Keypress Command
Ctrl-E Create new File.
Ctrl-F Create new Folder.
Ctrl-d Permanent delete
d Undoable delete
h Collapse directory
l Expand directory
j Move Down One
k Move Up One
Enter Open File
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