diff --git a/scripts/download.mjs b/scripts/download.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..095d779 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/download.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +import fs from "node:fs"; +import fsP from "node:fs/promises"; +import { join, dirname, basename } from "node:path"; +import { pipeline } from "node:stream/promises"; +import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; +import { homedir } from "node:os"; +import crypto from "node:crypto"; +import { tgz } from "compressing"; +import { Readable } from "node:stream"; +import { finished } from "node:stream/promises"; + +const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); +const __dirname = dirname(__filename); + +const resourceJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(join(__dirname, "resource.json"), "utf-8")); + +const info = resourceJSON[`${process.platform}-${process.arch}`]; +if (!info) { + const supportList = Object.keys(resourceJSON).map(item => item.split("-").join(" ")).join(", "); + console.warn(`[OVM]: Currently only supports ${supportList}`); + process.exit(0); +} + +const cacheDir = join(homedir(), ".cache", "ovm"); +const distDir = join(__dirname, "vm-resources"); +await fsP.mkdir(distDir, { recursive: true }); + +for (const { name, version, download: downloadTemplate, sha256, out } of info) { + const downloadURL = downloadTemplate.replace(/\{version}/g, version); + const cachePath = join(cacheDir, `${name}-${version}`, ...out.split("/")); + await fsP.mkdir(dirname(cachePath), { recursive: true }); + + await download(5)(downloadURL, cachePath, sha256); + + let distPath; + if (out.endsWith(".tar.gz")) { + distPath = join(distDir, out.replace(".tar.gz", "")); + await fsP.rm(distPath, { force: true, recursive: true }); + await tgz.uncompress(cachePath, distPath) + } else { + distPath = join(distDir, out); + await fsP.rm(distPath, { force: true, recursive: true }); + await fsP.mkdir(dirname(distPath), { recursive: true }); + await fsP.copyFile(cachePath, distPath); + } + + console.log(`[OVM]: Downloaded ${distPath}`); +} + +const files = await fsP.readdir(distDir, { withFileTypes: true, recursive: true }); +for (const file of files) { + if (file.isDirectory()) { + continue; + } + if (["gvproxy", "krunkit", "ovm", "ovm.exe"].includes(file.name)) { + await fsP.chmod(join(file.path, file.name), 0o755); + } +} + +console.log("[OVM]: Downloaded successfully"); + +function download(retry) { + let r = retry; + return async function doDownload(url, output, sha256, isRetry = false) { + if (r === 0) { + console.error("[OVM]: Failed to download the file"); + process.exit(1); + } + r--; + + if (fs.existsSync(output)) { + const cacheHash = await computeHash(output); + if (cacheHash === sha256) { + isRetry || console.info(`[OVM]: Find ${basename(output)} in cache, hash matched`); + return; + } + + console.warn(`[OVM]: Hash mismatch for ${basename(output)}, Expected: ${sha256}, Actual: ${cacheHash}`); + await fsP.rm(output, { force: true }); + } + + console.log("[OVM]: Downloading", url, "to", output); + try { + await downloadSteam(url, output) + } catch (_err) { + console.warn("[OVM]: Download failed, retrying..."); + await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); + await fsP.rm(output, { force: true }); + } + + await doDownload(url, output, sha256, true); + } +} + +async function computeHash(filePath) { + const input = fs.createReadStream(filePath); + const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256"); + await pipeline(input, hash); + return hash.digest("hex"); +} + + +async function downloadSteam (url, dest) { + const resp = await fetch(url); + if (!resp.ok || !resp.body) { + throw new Error(`unexpected response ${resp.statusText}`); + } + + const file = fs.createWriteStream(dest); + await finished(Readable.fromWeb(resp.body) + .pipe(file)); +} diff --git a/scripts/package-lock.json b/scripts/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d72812 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +{ + "name": "scripts", + "version": "1.0.0", + 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-const info = resourceJSON[`${process.platform}-${process.arch}`]; -if (!info) { - const supportList = Object.keys(resourceJSON).map(item => item.split("-").join(" ")).join(", "); - console.warn(`[OVM]: Currently only supports ${supportList}`); - process.exit(0); -} - -const cacheDir = join(homedir(), ".cache", "ovm"); -const distDir = join(__dirname, "..", "vm-resources"); -await fsP.mkdir(distDir, { recursive: true }); - -for (const { name, version, download: downloadTemplate, sha256, out } of info) { - const downloadURL = downloadTemplate.replace(/\{version}/g, version); - const cachePath = join(cacheDir, `${name}-${version}`, ...out.split("/")); - await fsP.mkdir(dirname(cachePath), { recursive: true }); - - await download(5)(downloadURL, cachePath, sha256); - - let distPath; - if (out.endsWith(".tar.gz")) { - distPath = join(distDir, out.replace(".tar.gz", "")); - await fsP.rm(distPath, { force: true, recursive: true }); - await tgz.uncompress(cachePath, distPath) - } else { - distPath = join(distDir, out); - await fsP.rm(distPath, { force: true, recursive: true }); - await fsP.mkdir(dirname(distPath), { recursive: true }); - await fsP.copyFile(cachePath, distPath); - } - - console.log(`[OVM]: Downloaded ${distPath}`); -} - -const files = await fsP.readdir(distDir, { withFileTypes: true, recursive: true }); -for (const file of files) { - if (file.isDirectory()) { - continue; - } - if (["gvproxy", "krunkit", "ovm", "ovm.exe"].includes(file.name)) { - await fsP.chmod(join(file.path, file.name), 0o755); - } -} - -console.log("[OVM]: Downloaded successfully"); - -function download(retry) { - let r = retry; - return async function doDownload(url, output, sha256, isRetry = false) { - if (r === 0) { - console.error("[OVM]: Failed to download the file"); - process.exit(1); - } - r--; - - if (fs.existsSync(output)) { - const cacheHash = await computeHash(output); - if (cacheHash === sha256) { - isRetry || console.info(`[OVM]: Find ${basename(output)} in cache, hash matched`); - return; - } - - console.warn(`[OVM]: Hash mismatch for ${basename(output)}, Expected: ${sha256}, Actual: ${cacheHash}`); - await fsP.rm(output, { force: true }); - } - - console.log("[OVM]: Downloading", url, "to", output); - try { - await pipeline(got.stream(url), fs.createWriteStream(output)); - } catch (_err) { - console.warn("[OVM]: Download failed, retrying..."); - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); - await fsP.rm(output, { force: true }); - } - - await doDownload(url, output, sha256, true); +const workspace = await fsP.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "ovm-download-")); + +await Promise.all([ + fsP.cp(path.join(__dirname, "download.mjs"), path.join(workspace, "download.mjs"), { force: true }), + fsP.cp(path.join(__dirname, "resource.json"), path.join(workspace, "resource.json"), { force: true }), + fsP.cp(path.join(__dirname, "package.json"), path.join(workspace, "package.json"), { force: true }), + fsP.cp(path.join(__dirname, "package-lock.json"), path.join(workspace, "package-lock.json"), { force: true }), +]) + +cp.execSync("npm install", { + cwd: workspace, + encoding: "utf-8", + shell: true, + stdio: "inherit", +}); + +cp.execSync("node download.mjs", { + cwd: workspace, + encoding: "utf-8", + shell: true, + stdio: "inherit", +}); + +fs.access(path.join(workspace, "vm-resources"), constants.F_OK, async (err) => { + if (!err) { + console.log(`[OVM]: Move ${path.join(workspace, "vm-resources")} to ${path.join(__dirname, "..", "vm-resources")}`); + await fsP.cp(path.join(workspace, "vm-resources"), path.join(__dirname, "..", "vm-resources"), { + recursive: true, + force: true, + preserveTimestamps: true, + }); } -} -async function computeHash(filePath) { - const input = fs.createReadStream(filePath); - const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256"); - await pipeline(input, hash); - return hash.digest("hex"); -} + await fsP.rm(workspace, { recursive: true, force: true }); +}); diff --git a/resource.json b/scripts/resource.json similarity index 100% rename from resource.json rename to scripts/resource.json