This is an example project to show the behaviour of the logging starter.
Normally the activation of the logging appenders are based on the
CoffeeNet profile coffeenet.profile
in your application properties file.
In this example project all appenders has been activated for demonstration
Please start the provided graylog docker containers with
./docker-compose up
and wait until it is fully started. Now on
http://localhost:9000 (admin/admin)
the graylog server is available. Log in and configure an UDP Input:
System -> Inputs -> Select 'GELF UDP' -> 'Launch new input' with following configuration
Global: true
Title: CoffeeNet Starter Logging Test
and take the defaults.
after you start this application, the application can push the logs via udp packages to the graylog through the 12201 port.
You can see the file logging in the logs/
The default console logging behaviour is also activated.
You can trigger logs through: