diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 1e8da18fcb..62c212ea0a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/base/BaseContainerFragment.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/base/BaseContainerFragment.kt
index 9514ddd210..7930520238 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/base/BaseContainerFragment.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/base/BaseContainerFragment.kt
@@ -152,88 +152,88 @@ abstract class BaseContainerFragment : BaseResourceFragment() {
- private fun checkFileExtension(items: RealmMyLibrary) {
- val mimetype = Utilities.getMimeType(items.resourceLocalAddress)
- val userId = "${model?.id}"
- Log.d("FileExtension", "Mimetype: ${items.resourceLocalAddress}")
- val extension = items.resourceLocalAddress
- ?.substringAfterLast('.', "")
- ?.lowercase()
- val existingAction = mRealm.where(RealmUserChallengeActions::class.java)
- .equalTo("userId", userId)
- .equalTo("resourceId", items.resourceId)
- .findFirst()
- if (mimetype != null) {
- if (mimetype.contains("image")) {
- openIntent(items, ImageViewerActivity::class.java)
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- } else if (mimetype.contains("pdf")) {
- openPdf(items)
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- } else if (mimetype.contains("audio")) {
- openIntent(items, AudioPlayerActivity::class.java)
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- } else {
- checkMoreFileExtensions(extension, items)
- }
- }
- }
- private fun checkMoreFileExtensions(extension: String?, items: RealmMyLibrary) {
- val userId = "${model?.id}"
- val existingAction = mRealm.where(RealmUserChallengeActions::class.java)
- .equalTo("userId", userId)
- .equalTo("resourceId", items.resourceId)
- .findFirst()
- when (extension) {
- "txt" -> {
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- openIntent(items, TextFileViewerActivity::class.java)
- }
- "html", "htm" -> {
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- openHtmlResource(items)
- }
- "md" -> {
- if (items.resourceLocalAddress?.contains("README.md", ignoreCase = true) == true) {
- Log.d("FileExtension", "Detected README.md file")
- return
- }
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- openIntent(items, MarkdownViewerActivity::class.java)
- }
- "csv" -> {
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- openIntent(items, CSVViewerActivity::class.java)
- }
- "apk" -> {
- if (existingAction == null) {
- createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
- }
- installApk(items)
- }
- else -> Toast.makeText(activity, getString(R.string.this_file_type_is_currently_unsupported), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
- }
- }
+// private fun checkFileExtension(items: RealmMyLibrary) {
+// val mimetype = Utilities.getMimeType(items.resourceLocalAddress)
+// val userId = "${model?.id}"
+// Log.d("FileExtension", "Mimetype: ${items.resourceLocalAddress}")
+// val extension = items.resourceLocalAddress
+// ?.substringAfterLast('.', "")
+// ?.lowercase()
+// val existingAction = mRealm.where(RealmUserChallengeActions::class.java)
+// .equalTo("userId", userId)
+// .equalTo("resourceId", items.resourceId)
+// .findFirst()
+// if (mimetype != null) {
+// if (mimetype.contains("image")) {
+// openIntent(items, ImageViewerActivity::class.java)
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// } else if (mimetype.contains("pdf")) {
+// openPdf(items)
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// } else if (mimetype.contains("audio")) {
+// openIntent(items, AudioPlayerActivity::class.java)
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// } else {
+// checkMoreFileExtensions(extension, items)
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// private fun checkMoreFileExtensions(extension: String?, items: RealmMyLibrary) {
+// val userId = "${model?.id}"
+// val existingAction = mRealm.where(RealmUserChallengeActions::class.java)
+// .equalTo("userId", userId)
+// .equalTo("resourceId", items.resourceId)
+// .findFirst()
+// when (extension) {
+// "txt" -> {
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// openIntent(items, TextFileViewerActivity::class.java)
+// }
+// "html", "htm" -> {
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// openHtmlResource(items)
+// }
+// "md" -> {
+// if (items.resourceLocalAddress?.contains("README.md", ignoreCase = true) == true) {
+// Log.d("FileExtension", "Detected README.md file")
+// return
+// }
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// openIntent(items, MarkdownViewerActivity::class.java)
+// }
+// "csv" -> {
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// openIntent(items, CSVViewerActivity::class.java)
+// }
+// "apk" -> {
+// if (existingAction == null) {
+// createAction(mRealm, userId, items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+// }
+// installApk(items)
+// }
+// else -> Toast.makeText(activity, getString(R.string.this_file_type_is_currently_unsupported), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
+// }
+// }
private fun installApk(items: RealmMyLibrary) {
currentLibrary = items
@@ -285,7 +285,9 @@ abstract class BaseContainerFragment : BaseResourceFragment() {
if (mimetype.startsWith("video")) {
playVideo(videoType, items)
} else {
- checkFileExtension(items)
+// createAction(mRealm, , items.resourceId, "resourceOpen")
+ openHtmlResource(items)
+ //checkFileExtension(items)
@@ -368,14 +370,24 @@ abstract class BaseContainerFragment : BaseResourceFragment() {
private fun openHtmlResource(items: RealmMyLibrary) {
- val intent = Intent(activity, WebViewActivity::class.java).apply {
- putExtra("TOUCHED_FILE", "${items.id}/${items.resourceLocalAddress}")
- putExtra("title", items.title)
- putExtra("isLocalFile", true)
+ //correct path found in emulator is : /storage/self/primary/Android/data/org.ole.planet.myplanet/files/ole/folder/index.html
+ val resourcePath = File(MainApplication.context.getExternalFilesDir(null), "ole/${items.id}/${items.resourceLocalAddress}")
+ if (resourcePath.exists()) {
+ Log.d("webview","THE FILE PATH IS:"+resourcePath.toURI().toString())
+ val intent = Intent(activity, WebViewActivity::class.java).apply {
+ putExtra("TOUCHED_FILE", resourcePath.toURI().toString()) // Use corrected path
+ putExtra("title", items.title)
+ putExtra("isLocalFile", true)
+ }
+ startActivity(intent)
+ } else {
+ Log.e("BaseContainerFragment", "File not found: $resourcePath")
+ Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "NO QUERO FILE", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
- startActivity(intent)
open fun handleBackPressed() {
val fragmentManager = parentFragmentManager
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/ui/viewer/WebViewActivity.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/ui/viewer/WebViewActivity.kt
index a847dda0de..ea6deb513a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/ui/viewer/WebViewActivity.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/ui/viewer/WebViewActivity.kt
@@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ import android.os.Bundle
import android.text.TextUtils
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
-import android.webkit.CookieManager
-import android.webkit.WebChromeClient
-import android.webkit.WebSettings
-import android.webkit.WebView
-import android.webkit.WebViewClient
+import android.webkit.*
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.MainApplication
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.databinding.ActivityWebViewBinding
@@ -18,99 +14,140 @@ import org.ole.planet.myplanet.utilities.Utilities
import java.io.File
class WebViewActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
- private lateinit var activityWebViewBinding: ActivityWebViewBinding
+ private lateinit var binding: ActivityWebViewBinding
private var fromDeepLink = false
private lateinit var link: String
private var isLocalFile = false
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
- activityWebViewBinding = ActivityWebViewBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
- setContentView(activityWebViewBinding.root)
- val dataFromDeepLink = intent.dataString
- fromDeepLink = !TextUtils.isEmpty(dataFromDeepLink)
- val title: String? = intent.getStringExtra("title")
+ binding = ActivityWebViewBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
+ setContentView(binding.root)
+ extractIntentData()
+ clearCookies()
+ setupWebViewSettings()
+ setupListeners()
+ if (isLocalFile) {
+ loadLocalFile()
+ } else {
+ loadRemoteUrl()
+ }
+ setupWebClient()
+ }
+ private fun extractIntentData() {
+ fromDeepLink = !TextUtils.isEmpty(intent.dataString)
link = intent.getStringExtra("link") ?: ""
isLocalFile = intent.getBooleanExtra("isLocalFile", false)
- Log.d("WebViewActivity", "onCreate: $link, isLocalFile: $isLocalFile")
- clearCookie()
+ Log.d("webview", "Intent Data - link: $link, isLocalFile: $isLocalFile, fromDeepLink: $fromDeepLink")
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.webTitle.text = title
+ intent.getStringExtra("title")?.let {
+ binding.contentWebView.webTitle.text = it
+ }
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.max = 100
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.progress = 0
- setListeners()
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.settings.apply {
+ private fun clearCookies() {
+ CookieManager.getInstance().apply {
+ removeAllCookies(null)
+ flush()
+ }
+ Log.d("webview", "Cookies cleared.")
+ }
+ private fun setupWebViewSettings() {
+ with(binding.contentWebView.wv.settings) {
javaScriptEnabled = true
- domStorageEnabled = true
javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
+ domStorageEnabled = true
mixedContentMode = WebSettings.MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW
+ cacheMode = WebSettings.LOAD_DEFAULT
+ databaseEnabled = true
+ useWideViewPort = true
+ loadWithOverviewMode = true
builtInZoomControls = true
+ displayZoomControls = false
+ allowFileAccess = true
+ allowContentAccess = true
+ Log.d("webview", "WebView settings configured.")
+ }
-// activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
-// activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.settings.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
- if (isLocalFile) {
- val touchedFile = intent.getStringExtra("TOUCHED_FILE")
- if (!touchedFile.isNullOrEmpty()) {
- val localFilePath = File(MainApplication.context.getExternalFilesDir(null), touchedFile).absolutePath
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.loadUrl("file://$localFilePath")
+ private fun loadLocalFile() {
+ val touchedFile = intent.getStringExtra("TOUCHED_FILE")
+ if (!touchedFile.isNullOrEmpty()) {
+ val localFilePath = if (touchedFile.startsWith("file://")) {
+ touchedFile
+ } else {
+ File(MainApplication.context.getExternalFilesDir(null), touchedFile).absolutePath
+ binding.contentWebView.wv.loadUrl(localFilePath)
+ Log.d("webview", "Loaded local file: $localFilePath")
} else {
- // Existing remote URL loading logic
- val headers = mapOf("Authorization" to Utilities.header)
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.loadUrl(link, headers)
+ Log.w("webview", "TOUCHED_FILE is null or empty.")
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.finish.setOnClickListener { finish() }
- setWebClient()
+ private fun loadRemoteUrl() {
+ val headers = mapOf("Authorization" to Utilities.header)
+ binding.contentWebView.wv.loadUrl(link, headers)
+ Log.d("webview", "Loaded remote URL: $link with headers.")
+ }
- private fun setWebClient() {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
+ private fun setupWebClient() {
+ binding.contentWebView.wv.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView, url: String, favicon: Bitmap?) {
super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon)
+ Log.d("webview", "Page started loading: $url")
if (url.endsWith("/eng/")) {
+ Log.d("webview", "Finishing activity due to /eng/ URL.")
- val i = Uri.parse(url)
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.webSource.text = i.host
+ val host = Uri.parse(url).host.orEmpty()
+ binding.contentWebView.webSource.text = host
override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, url: String) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url)
+ Log.d("webview", "Page finished loading: $url")
- }
- private fun clearCookie() {
- val cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance()
- cookieManager.removeAllCookies(null)
- cookieManager.flush()
- }
- private fun setListeners() {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.wv.webChromeClient = object : WebChromeClient() {
+ binding.contentWebView.wv.webChromeClient = object : WebChromeClient() {
override fun onProgressChanged(view: WebView, newProgress: Int) {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.progress = newProgress
- if (view.url?.endsWith("/eng/") == true) {
- finish()
- }
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.incrementProgressBy(newProgress)
- if (newProgress == 100 && activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.isShown) {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.pBar.visibility = View.GONE
+ binding.contentWebView.pBar.progress = newProgress
+ if (newProgress == 100) {
+ binding.contentWebView.pBar.visibility = View.GONE
+ Log.d("webview", "Page loading progress: $newProgress%")
override fun onReceivedTitle(view: WebView, title: String) {
- activityWebViewBinding.contentWebView.webTitle.text = title
- super.onReceivedTitle(view, title)
+ binding.contentWebView.webTitle.text = title
+ Log.d("webview", "Received page title: $title")
+ private fun setupListeners() {
+ binding.contentWebView.finish.setOnClickListener {
+ Log.d("webview", "Finish button clicked.")
+ finish()
+ }
+ }