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Make rdmpromotion your own project !

Thank you for considering a contribution to this project: we love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy, inclusive and transparent as possible (see also our code of conduct), whether it's:

  • Help with the website, outreach and give feedback.
  • Add input (promotion material list, life-stories, idea for movies)
  • Proposing new features, expanding the project
  • Becoming a maintainer

All contribution will be under a permissive liscence (MIT for website, CC0 or CC-BY for contributions). You may also contribute anonymously (see below).

What is it for you?

  • Obtain awesome promotion material: Let's see how far we can go together.
  • Work, discuss and interact with other RDM specialists worldwide.
  • Learn from each other.
  • Get credit for your involvement: make this project your own.

Indeed all content created in this project will be distributed under a CC0 or CC-BY license: helping us making awesome material will provide you (and all the others) with awesome material. These are the principles of open FAIR data and open science, and (at least for those of you who are teaching these principles) you do probably believe in them.

While our community is growing, this project is a good way to get to know other rdm specialist in your country and abroad, we have a lot to learn from each other and everyone will welcome your contribution. You will be listed in the contributor list and your institution may be listed in the supporter list. You will also be listed as an author of the repository on the zenodo archive of this project, unless you specify you do not want to.

How to contribute

Technology should not hinder anyone's participation, if you would like to send regular mail or phone us, you can, have a look at our contact details on the website. Of course, our workflow will be facilitated if you send us digitalised contributions and here are the different paths you may go.

  1. On Github: Open a new issue here. Follow the template and give your input.

  2. Per google documents: here. anonymous contribution possible

  3. Per email: send your comments/input to the address you will find here.

  4. For advanced github users. You may fork the project or ask for write access to the admins. Then make changes, add inputs on your branch (you might use the blogdown::new_post_addin() function in Rstudio) and ask for a pull request. Keep in touch if you like to learn how to do that.

To make an anonymous contribution, you have to copy the google document path. You will need to log out of your google account first (or open a private window on your browser). You may then add content anonymously (on the upper right part of the window, google should be asking you to login).

What do we need ?

  1. Feedback: Something is bothering you with this project, or you have a question? Open an github issue or contact us via email. Every feedback will be considered as a gift, especially negative ones. You may also look at existing issues and see whether you can help with one of them. In addition, you may browse the stories and ideas on the website and add your thoughts and comments via the website functionalities.

  2. An exhaustive list of Promotion material You know of some material that is not on the list? Please add it to the google speadsheet: Enter at least the url linking to that video, image, comics,etc. Feel free to fill the other columns or to left it blank, another member of the team will fill it later. (This spreadsheet is downloaded regularly into the github repository).

  3. RDM life-story. Share one or several of your favorite experience with RDM (how we manage to convince a scientist, how RDM saved your project, your stress of nearly loosing your data, your super-hero feeling when you could provide a scientist with his own data he had lost,...) To this end, you may use the github comment function here on REFISSUE. In contrast, if you would like it to be an anonymous addition, if you would like us to copy-edit or translate your text or if you would prefer to talk to us, please contact us via email and we will find a way.

  4. Ideas for new material creation. We are still in a fuzzy stage of the development of new material, any help would be greatly appreciated (script ideas, concept ideas, putative partners, workflow idea...). Any comment can be sent via email or via github issues.

Our DMP: what becomes of your contribution.

Your text or a derivative of your text will be make public on the website and will therefore be in the github repository and zenodo archive of that repository. You are kindly asked to indicate whether your text will be published under a CC-BY-SA, CC-BY or a CC0 license and how to cite you in case it is not CC0. Your contribution will not get a DOI, but the whole repository will.

In case your text was already published somewhere, this will be indicated in the post. For any copyrighted material, we will only provide a link to the original source.

The technology

Alghouth we are happy with emails or phone calls, the project runs on github for its project managment and your are welcome to use github functionalities (issue tracker, pull request,..). Contact us if you would like to get read and write access to the repository, by entering the organisation "open-science-promoters".

The website is being produced using Rblogdown in Rstudio (Xie, 2018; Xie, Hill, and Thomas, 2017). Please reach out if you would like to apply open science principles to your own project.


Y. Xie. blogdown: Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown. R package version 0.6. 2018. <URL:>.

Y. Xie, A. P. Hill and A. Thomas. blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown. ISBN 978-0815363729. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2017. <URL:>.