Both JSON and SCALE formats conform to the JAM ASN.1 schema and this subsystem STF specific schema.
This subsystem is not responsible for modifying the contents of the authorization pools, which are read-only within the scope of this STF.
Any update to the pools is delegated to the dedicated "authorizations" subsystem, which is tasked with removing consumed items from the authorization pools and introduce new authorizers from the authorization queue.
- report_curr_rotation 🟢
- Report uses current guarantors rotation.
- report_prev_rotation 🟢
- Report uses previous guarantors rotation.
- Previous rotation falls within previous epoch, thus previous epoch validators set is used to construct report core assignment to pick expected guarantors.
- multiple_reports 🟢
- Multiple good work reports.
- anchor_not_recent 🔴
- Context anchor is not recent enough.
- bad_beefy_mmr 🔴
- Context Beefy MMR root doesn't match the one at anchor.
- bad_code_hash 🔴
- Work result code hash doesn't match the one expected for the service.
- bad_core_index 🔴
- Core index is too big.
- bad_service_id 🔴
- Work result service identifier doesn't have any associated account in state.
- bad_state_root 🔴
- Context state root doesn't match the one at anchor.
- bad_validator_index 🔴
- Validator index is too big.
- core_engaged 🔴
- A core is not available.
- dependency_missing 🔴
- Prerequisite is missing.
- duplicate_package_in_recent_history 🔴
- Package was already available in recent history.
- duplicated_package_in_report 🔴
- Report contains a duplicate package.
- future_report_slot 🔴
- Report refers to a slot in the future with respect to container block slot.
- bad_signature 🔴
- Invalid report guarantee signature.
- high_work_report_gas 🟢
- Work report per core gas is very high, still less than the limit.
- too_high_work_report_gas 🔴
- Work report per core gas is too much high.
- service_item_gas_too_low 🔴
- Accumulate gas is below the service minimum.
- many_dependencies 🟢
- Work report has many dependencies, still less than the limit.
- too_many_dependencies 🔴
- Work report has too many dependencies.
- no_enough_guarantees 🔴
- Report with no enough guarantors signatures.
- not_authorized 🔴
- Target core without any authorizer.
- not_authorized 🔴
- Target core with unexpected authorizer.
- not_sorted_guarantor 🔴
- Guarantors indices are not sorted or unique.
- out_of_order_guarantees 🔴
- Reports cores are not sorted or unique.
- report_before_last_rotation 🔴
- Report guarantee slot is too old with respect to block slot.
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Simple report dependency satisfied by another work report in the same extrinsic.
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Work reports mutual dependency (indirect self-referential dependencies).
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Work report direct self-referential dependency.
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Work report dependency satisfied by recent blocks history.
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Work report segments tree root lookup dependency satisfied by another work report in the same extrinsic.
- reports_with_dependencies 🟢
- Work report segments tree root lookup dependency satisfied by recent blocks history.
- segment_root_lookup_invalid 🔴
- Segments tree root lookup item not found in recent blocks history.
- segment_root_lookup_invalid 🔴
- Segments tree root lookup item found in recent blocks history but with an unexpected value.
- wrong_assignment 🔴
- Unexpected guarantor for work report core.
- big_work_report_output 🟢
- Work report output is very big, still less than the limit.
- too_big_work_report_output 🔴
- Work report output is size is over the limit.
Currently, the same test cases as tiny vectors but at a larger scale.