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Better SCM CI Integration Testing

Rubhan Azeem edited this page May 27, 2022 · 3 revisions

Testing In Development Environment

Most of the functionality can be tested by faking the payload sent by an SCM event. You can simply run a curl command against a local endpoint.

  1. Create a personal access token on GitHub with the public_repo scope.

  2. Create a workflow token on OBS with the scm_token containing the token created on GitHub.

  3. Take the payload of a recent delivery from one of the OBS webhooks and save it in a file like payload.json.

  4. Create a workflows.yml file under src/api/ with the workflows and steps you want to test (you can use our OBS workflow if needed). Change the method Workflows::YAMLDownloader#call to instead return'workflows.yml'). This is to use the workflows.yml you created.

  5. In your local OBS instance, create the project/package/repositories/architectures needed for the workflows.yml you created in the previous step.

  6. Change the method TriggerControllerService::TokenExtractor#valid_signature? to return true. This is to circumvent the authentication, unless you want to test that.

  7. Send a POST request with curl. Change the ALL CAPS to the according values. See the example below:


    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3000/trigger/workflow?id=YOUR_WORKFLOW_TOKEN_ID' --data @payload.json --header 'X-GitHub-Event: SCM_EVENT_YOU_WANT' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'X-Hub-Signature-256: sha256=YOUR_WORKFLOW_TOKEN_STRING'


    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3000/trigger/workflow?id=YOUR_WORKFLOW_TOKEN_ID' --data @payload.json --header 'X-Gitlab-Event: SCM_EVENT_YOU_WANT' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'X-Gitlab-Token: YOUR_WORKFLOW_TOKEN_STRING'

With ngrok

In case it is extremely needed to connect your local application with a real SCM, use ngrok as we describe here:

Warning: always log out of your VPN before starting using ngrok.

  • Create an account in and follow the instructions, which are basically:
    • Download and unzip it
    • Add the authtoken with ./ngrok authtoken <authtoken>
  • Run ngrok http 3000 to set the tunnel.
  • A UI will be displayed in your terminal with the public URL of your tunnel, copy it.
  • Add the host of the public URL to config/environments/development.rb. Example: config.hosts << ""
  • Restart the local server.
  • Both localhost:3000 and the public URL should be accessible from your browser.
  • Follow this guide to integrate your locally-running application with GitHub, keeping this in mind:
    • Create the OBS workflow token locally
    • The "Payload URL" field in GitHub webhook should look like:
  • Open a new PR towards the GitHub repository where you configured the webhook, so you will see that the new subproject has been created in the application running locally.
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