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Prezento Documentation

  1. The protocol
  1. Reference
  1. The library

1. The protocol

Whatever the use case, it's always a matter of a webpage embedding an HTML5 slide deck in an iframe or opening one in a popup window and trying to interact with it. Prezento defines the concept of a "shell" to refer to the container webpage. The slide deck page is simply refered to as a "slide deck" ;-)

The interactions between both pages are handled by postMessage. Messages are either actions or events. The shell sends actions to the slide deck and the slide deck sends events to the shell.

prezento protocol schema

1.1 Non protocol requirements

1.1.1 Metas

HTML5 slide deck documents must contain some prezento specific metas. It will be really important for search engines and sharing websites. Just add these two meta tag in the <head> :

<meta name="prezento-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="prezento-vendor" content="myvendor">

Replace vendor with the HTML5 slide deck name. It should never change!

1.1.2 Zooming

Because a prezento enabled slide deck is expected to be embed in various sizes the contents must expand automatically to the window size. Some frameworks choose to apply a CSS scale transformation other ones go responsive.

1.2 Data format

The HTML5 Web Messaging spec says postMessage can transport any kind of JavaScript value (nested objects, arrays, strings, numbers, dates...). To keep things simple, a valid prezento message must be an array. The first item is always the name of the action or the event. The other items are the different parameters, they are optionnal.

Here is an example of an action sent with no parameters :


Here is an example of an event sent with one parameter :

['cursor', '4.2']

1.3 Core and features

HTML5 slide decks don't work the same way. Prezento defines two kinds of messages : core and feature. Core messages must be implemented. Feature messages are optionals. Their implementation depends on which features a given framework offers. Feature messages must be documented in this document in order to unify similar features like notes, overview, multimedia... over the different slide deck frameworks.

1.4 Initialization

When using postMessage between a webpage and an remote window (iframe or a popup), there's two important things :

  • The webpage has to wait for the remote window to load before posting to it.
  • The remote window needs to receive a message from the webpage before being able to post back to it.

Prezento defines an initialization process. The shell will use the init action and the slide deck will use the ready event.

Here's the valid prezento initialization process :

  1. The shell loads the slide deck.
  2. Once it's loaded, the shell sends the init action to the slide deck.
  3. The slide deck receives the init action from the shell.
  4. The slide deck sends the ready event to the shell with the slideDeckInfos object passed as first parameter.
  5. The slide deck sends the cursor event to the shell with the first selected cursor.
  6. The slide deck sends the step event to the shell with the first selected step.
  7. The shell receives the ready event and use the slideDeckInfos object.
  8. The shell receives the cursor and step events and use their values.

[TODO interaction diagram]

1.5 Slide deck informations object

When the slide deck is ready it must send some informations to the deck as a parameter to the ready event. These informations are presented as a key/value object call slideDeckInfos.

Here are details about what this object can and must contain :

Key Type Description Mandatory
title String Title of the presentation.
Usually, it is the contents of the <title> tag.
metas Object(String:String) HTML contents metas with name as key and content as value.
It contains the two mandatory prezento metas (prezento-capable and prezento-vendor) and all other optional metas in the document like author, description etc...
steps Array(String) Contains all the cursors identified as important steps. Yes
features Array(String) Contains all the prezento features the current presentation uses. If none, it must be an empty array. Yes

Here's a full example :

    title: 'reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework',
    metas: {
      'prezento-capable': 'yes',
      'prezento-vendor': 'reveal.js',
      author: 'Hakim El Hattab',
      description: 'A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML'
    steps: ['0.0', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0'],
    features: ['overview', 'notes']

1.6 Cursor and step trigger

Once the slide deck is ready, the shell can send actions and the slide deck can send events.

Prezento only defines one mandatory behaviour for action/event exchanges, the cursor and step trigger. When a slide deck receives an action that modifies its current cursor (see definitions) it must send back a cursor event with the current cursor as first parameter and the step event with the current step as first parameter.

All core actions are concerned with this behaviour : init, goTo, prev, next, first and last.

2. Reference

2.1 Actions

Here are the details about core and feature actions. Remember that actions are sent by shells and received by slide decks.

Feature Action Arg Description
Core init Ask the slide deck to start the initialization process.
Core goTo cursor Move slide deck to a given cursor.
Core prev Move slide deck to the previous cursor.
Core next Move slide deck to the next cursor.
Core first Move slide deck to the first cursor.
Core last Move slide deck to the last cursor.
Overview toggleOverview Toggle overview mode.
Only works with an overview enabled slide deck.
Multimedia toggleMultimedia Toggle multimedia element (audio, video, whatever...) on the current cursor.
Only works with a multimedia enabled slide deck.

2.2 Events

Here are the details about core and feature events. Remember that events are sent by slide decks and received by shells.

Feature Event Arg Description
Core ready slideDeckInfos Fired once the slide deck is ready and the init event has been received.
It provides various informations about the slide deck contents and framework features.
Core cursor cursor Fired each time the slide deck cursor changes.
It provides the current cursor.
Core step step Fired each time the slide deck step changes.
It provides the current step.
Notes notes notes Fired each time the slide deck cursor changes.
It provides the notes for the current cursor.

2.3 Definitions

Here are some definitions used in the protocol documentation :

Slide deck
A slide deck is sequential collections of slides that can be viewed one after another in a defined order.
A shell is a webpage that can embed and control a slide deck using the prezento protocol.
A message consists of an action or event name and zero to many parameters. It must be passed via `postMessage` as an array.
An action is a message sent from a shell to a slide deck.
An event is a message sent from a slide deck to a shell.
A cursor is a unique identifier for a given slide deck state. A cursor can be composed of a slide number, a fragment (in-slide number), a second dimension slide number... Each framework can have its own way to identify a cursor, it does not prevent the shell to use them. Ex: "42", "4.7", "3.1.2", "my-super-slide"...
A step is an important cursor. Steps can be used to know current progress in the presentation (4 of 12 for example). Usually, steps identify slide cursor (as opposed to subslide or fragment cursors).
A slide is composed of visual contents that can appear at once or incrementally (fragments). A combination of ordered slides compose a slide deck that can be used during a presentation.
A fragment is a division of a slide. In most cases it refers to bullet points that appear one by one.
Some slide decks contain multimedia elements. It can be audio, video, animations... Depending on the vendor, these multimedia elements can be auto started or stopped as the slide appears or disappears. They can also be arbitrarily started or stopped.
Notes are additionnal text not displayed on the slide but that can be used by the author during the presentation or by people viewing the slides afterwards.

3. The library

The prezento.js library is provided to help slide deck and shell developers to implement the protocol. Its usage is not mandatory to comply to the protocol but it most cases it will help.

[TODO diagram of the two page and library usage]

3.1 Implementing prezento on a shell

Let's use the presentation sharing website example. A page contains :

  • An iframe pointing to the HTML5 slide deck
  • Informations about the slide deck : current step, total number or steps...
  • Different buttons to interact with the slide deck : next, previous...

3.1.1 Initialization

To interact with the slide deck the shell needs to create a slide deck proxy using prezento.createSlideDeckProxy(initArg). This creation will automatically send the init action once the contents are loaded.

initArg can have 3 types :

initArg is a CSS selector pointing to an iframe DOM element
var slideDeckProxy = prezento.createSlideDeckProxy('iframe');
initArg is an iframe DOM element
var iframe = document.getElementById('#slide-deck');
var slideDeckProxy = prezento.createSlideDeckProxy(iframe);
initArg is a window object with a postMessage function
var popup ='http://domain.tld/my-slide-deck');
var slideDeckProxy = prezento.createSlideDeckProxy(popup);

3.1.2 Listening for events

Once we have a slideDeckProxy object, we must add listeners to the core events ready, cursor and step with the configListeners function with a config object. This function returns the slideDeckProxy instance so calls can be chained. Parameters are automatically extracted from the message by the library and passed to the listener as function arguments.

var slideDeckProxy = prezento.createSlideDeckProxy(...)


    ready: function (slideDeckInfos) {
      // use the slideDeckInfos object to update your display...

    cursor: function (cursor) {
      // update current cursor display...

    step: function (step) {
      // update current step display...

3.1.3 Sending actions

Sending actions to the slide deck can be done using slideDeckProxy object corresponding methods. Parameters can be passed as arguments to theses function when needed. The library automatically formats the message as required by the protocol. We only need to wire them to the shell interface buttons and controls.

All core and feature actions are available as direct methods with the same name :

var nextButton = document.querySelector('.next-button'),
    goTo42Button = document.querySelector('.go-to-42');

nextButton.addEventListener('click', function () {;
}, false);

goTo42Button.addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);

3.2 Implementing prezento on a slide deck framework

3.2.1 Initialization

To interact with the shell the slide deck needs to create a shell proxy using prezento.createShellProxy(slideDeckInfos).

The library does some stuffs automatically :

  • complete slideDeckInfos object with title and metas properties
  • listen to the init action and send ready event with appropriate slideDeckInfos

Because title and metas are set by the library, you only have to provide the steps and features properties :

var shellProxy = prezento.createShellProxy({
  steps: ['0.0', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0'],
  features: ['overview', 'notes']

3.2.2 Providing event arguments getters

To comply to the protocol, the library automatically sends cursor and step event on when receiving a core action. In order to send the appropriate informations. It needs a way to get it. That's why you'll need to configure some getters :

var shellProxy = prezento.createShellProxy(...)


    cursor: function () {
      // return current cursor

    step: function () {
      // return current step

If the slide deck framework supports the notes feature. It can also set the getter for notes this way. The library will automatically send the notes event when receiving a core action.

3.2.3 Listening for actions

Because a shellProxy will receive actions, we must add listeners to modify the slide deck state according to the specification.

var slideDeckProxy = prezento.createSlideDeckProxy(...)


    init: function () {
      // this listener is not mandatory
    goTo: function (cursor) {
      // ...
    prev: function () {
      // ...
    next: function () {
     // ...
    first: function () {
      // ...
    last: function () {
     // ...

3.2.4 Sending events

The library should send all the necessary events automatically but if the slide deck state changes by itself, the shell must be notified.

Sending events to the shell can be done using shellProxy object corresponding methods. Parameters can be passed as arguments to theses function when needed. The library automatically formats the message as required by the protocol. We only need to wire them to the slide deck code.

All core and feature events are available as direct methods with the name notify[EventName] :

// Ignite talks timed example
setTimeout(function () {

  // Slide deck specific code to go to next slide
  // ...

  // Notify shell using shellProxy.notify*() methods :

}, 15000);