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Before setting up cStor operators make sure your Kubernetes Cluster meets the following prerequisites:

  1. You will need to have Kubernetes version 1.14 or higher
  2. iSCSI initiator utils installed on all the worker nodes
  3. You have access to install RBAC components into kube-system namespace.
  4. You have disks attached to nodes to provision storage.


  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Make sure you are at the root directory of the cloned repository.

    cd cstor-operators
  3. Apply RBAC.

    kubectl create -f deploy/rbac.yaml
  4. Install node disk manager(NDM).

    kubectl create -f deploy/ndm-operator.yaml

    Check that NDM daemonset and operator pods are running:

    kubectl get pod -n openebs
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    openebs-ndm-f4kzc                       1/1     Running   0          37s
    openebs-ndm-operator-796f98fdd7-kvmpn   1/1     Running   0          37s
    openebs-ndm-t65b5                       1/1     Running   0          37s
    openebs-ndm-xztkj                       1/1     Running   0          37s

    Check that blockdevices are created:

    kubectl get bd -n openebs
     NAME                                           NODENAME           SIZE          CLAIMSTATE   STATUS   AGE
    blockdevice-01afcdbe3a9c9e3b281c7133b2af1b68    worker3            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m10s
    blockdevice-10ad9f484c299597ed1e126d7b857967    worker1            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m17s
    blockdevice-3ec130dc1aa932eb4c5af1db4d73ea1b    worker2            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m12s


    1. It can take little while for blockdevices to appear when the application is warming up.
    2. For a blockdevice to appear, you must have disks attached to node.
  5. Install cStor CRDs.

    kubectl create -f deploy/crds
  6. Install cStor operators.

    kubectl create -f deploy/cstor-operator.yaml

    Check that cspc-operator, cvc-operator and admission server pod has came up.

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cspc-operator-874cdcb6b-t4zcs                     1/1     Running   0          25s
    cvc-operator-fbcf99548-swlbg                      1/1     Running   0          25s
    openebs-cstor-admission-server-7c89777f8c-bbgwp   1/1     Running   0          25s
    openebs-ndm-f4kzc                                 1/1     Running   0          6m5s
    openebs-ndm-operator-796f98fdd7-kvmpn             1/1     Running   1          6m5s
    openebs-ndm-t65b5                                 1/1     Running   0          6m5s
    openebs-ndm-xztkj                                 1/1     Running   0          6m5s
  7. Provision a cStor pool. For simplicity, this guide will provision a stripe pool on one node. Use the CSPC file from examples/cspc/cspc-single.yaml and modify by performing follwing steps:

    i) Modify CSPC to add your node selector for the node where you want to provision the pool. List the nodes with labels:

    kubectl get node --show labels
     NAME               STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION   LABELS
     master1            Ready    master   5d2h   v1.18.0,,,,,
     worker1            Ready    <none>   5d2h   v1.18.0,,,,
     worker2            Ready    <none>   5d2h   v1.18.0,,,,
     worker3            Ready    <none>   5d2h   v1.18.0,,,,

    In this guide, worker1 is picked. Modify the CSPC yaml to use this worker. (Note: Use the value from labels as this label value and node name could be different in some platforms) "worker1"

    i) Modify CSPC to add blockdevice attached to the same node where you want to provision the pool.

    kubectl get bd -n openebs
     NAME                                           NODENAME           SIZE          CLAIMSTATE   STATUS   AGE
     blockdevice-01afcdbe3a9c9e3b281c7133b2af1b68    worker3            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m10s
     blockdevice-10ad9f484c299597ed1e126d7b857967    worker1            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m17s
     blockdevice-3ec130dc1aa932eb4c5af1db4d73ea1b    worker2            21474836480   Unclaimed    Active   2m12s
    - blockDeviceName: "blockdevice-10ad9f484c299597ed1e126d7b857967"

    Finally the CSPC YAML looks like the following :

    kind: CStorPoolCluster
      name: cspc-stripe
      namespace: openebs
        - nodeSelector:
          - blockDevices:
              - blockDeviceName: "blockdevice-10ad9f484c299597ed1e126d7b857967" 
            dataRaidGroupType: "stripe"
  8. Apply the modified CSPC YAML.

    kubectl apply -f examples/cspc/cspc-single.yaml
  9. Check if the pool has came online.

    kubectl get cspc -n openebs
    cspc-stripe   1                  1                      1                  2m2s
    kubectl get cspi -n openebs
    NAME               HOSTNAME           ALLOCATED   FREE     CAPACITY   STATUS   AGE
    cspc-stripe-vn92   worker1            260k        19900M   19900M     ONLINE   2m17s
  10. Once your pool has came online. Follow steps from here to provision a volume and deploy an app. Please note, we already have created a pool using CSPC and we can skip the pool creation step explained there.