We got an alert email from letsencrypt on certificate expiration
Let's Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain "*.openbeautyfacts.org" (and 3 more)
Looking at /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log, we see that the renewal failed, but it's not clear why it is failing, as writing entries to OVH DNS seems to work.
I can't use renew command to try a dry run, as it runs on all domains…
and you can't use -d
option with renew
I try a dry run using certonly command and the right parameters:
certbot certonly --dry-run --test-cert -d openbeautyfacts.org -d "*.openbeautyfacts.org" --dns-ovh --dns-ovh-credentials /root/.ovhapi/openbeautyfacts.org
It's failing:
Challenge failed for domain openbeautyfacts.org
Challenge failed for domain openbeautyfacts.org
dns-01 challenge for openbeautyfacts.org
dns-01 challenge for openbeautyfacts.org
Cleaning up challenges
Some challenges have failed.
Going to OVH DNS Zones interface, I see that there are a lot of stalled _acme-challenge records.
I removed them (I advise using the edit zone as text option because the interface is buggy, not refrecting just removed entries).
I can test it's not there using:
dig TXT _acme-challenge.openbeautyfacts.org @ns103.ovh.net +short
is the authority name server, I get it with dig NS openbeautyfacts.org +short
I'm able to test again:
certbot certonly --dry-run --test-cert -d openbeautyfacts.org -d "*.openbeautyfacts.org" --dns-ovh --dns-ovh-credentials /root/.ovhapi/openbeautyfacts.org
This time it passes.
I did the same work of cleaning for openproductsfacts.org, openpetfoodfacts.org and openfoodfacts.org domains.
Then I ran:
certbot renew
And all works fine.
I added an email alert on certbot.service failure.
ln -s /opt/openfoodfacts-infrastructure/confs/off2-reverse-proxy/systemd/system/certbot.service.d /etc/systemd/system/
sytemctl daemon-reload
While at it, I also cleaned openfoodfacts.net.