From 043fed1d54da3293ab5b2a6fb60afe71e1b1a019 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:07:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 001/216] New translations app_en.arb (French) --- fr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 fr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb diff --git a/fr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb b/fr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4169b9e9548 --- /dev/null +++ b/fr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Oui", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Ajouter", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?\nS'il y a une raison spécifique, veuillez partager ci-dessous", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Raison", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Ok", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Créer", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Appliquer", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Suivant", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Retour en haut", + "save": "Enregistrer", + "save_confirmation": "Voulez-vous vraiment sauvegarder ?", + "skip": "Ignorer", + "cancel": "Annuler", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorer", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Fermer", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Non", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Arrêter", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Terminer", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculer", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Réinitialiser les préférences alimentaires", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Une erreur s'est produite", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Une erreur s’est produite", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Nous travaillons encore sur cette fonctionnalité, restez à l'écoute", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Voir sur le Web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "En savoir plus", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Inconnu", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Très compatible", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Compatible", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Peu compatible", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Compatibilité incertaine", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Pas de compatibilité", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Compatibilité inconnue", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Très compatible", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Compatible", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Peu compatible", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Compatibilité incertaine", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Pas de compatibilité", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Compatibilité inconnue", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "À la recherche de", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bienvenue sur Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts est une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif alimentée par les communautés locales.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choisissez des aliments bons pour vous et pour la planète.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Consultez les données alimentaires selon vos préférences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choisissez des aliments qui sont bons pour vous.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choisissez des aliments qui sont bons pour la planète.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Connectez-vous à votre compte Open Food Facts pour enregistrer vos contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect.", + "login": "Connexion", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Veuillez saisir un nom d'utilisateur ou un e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Veuillez saisir un mot de passe", + "create_account": "Créer un compte", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Se connecter", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Pour cette fonctionnalité, vous devez vous connecter.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Se déconnecter", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Voulez-vous vraiment vous déconnecter ?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Mot de passe", + "forgot_password": "Mot de passe oublié", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Afficher le profil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "En cas d'oubli du mot de passe, saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur ou votre adresse e-mail pour recevoir les instructions de réinitialisation du mot de passe. N'oubliez pas non plus de vérifier le dossier Spam.", + "username_or_email": "Nom d'utilisateur ou e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Un e-mail avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe a été envoyé à l'adresse e-mail associée à votre compte. Vérifiez également vos indésirables", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Modifier le mot de passe", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Veuillez saisir du texte", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "S'inscrire", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "S'inscrire", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Inscription en cours…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Toutes nos félicitations ! Votre compte vient d'être créé.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nom", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Veuillez saisir le nom d'affichage que vous souhaitez utiliser", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "Courriel", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Une adresse est requise", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "E-mail invalide", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nom d'utilisateur : visible publiquement", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Veuillez saisir un nom d'utilisateur", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Veuillez saisir un nom d'utilisateur valide", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Le nom d'utilisateur ne peut pas contenir d'espaces, de majuscules ou de caractères spéciaux.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Le nom d'utilisateur ne peut pas dépasser {value} caractères", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Mot de passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Veuillez saisir un mot de passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Veuillez saisir un mot de passe valide (au moins 6 caractères)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmez le mot de passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Veuillez confirmer le mot de passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Je suis d'accord avec les", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "conditions d'utilisation et de contribution d'Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Lors de la création d'un compte, l'acceptation des conditions d'utilisation est obligatoire, cependant, des contributions anonymes peuvent toujours être effectuées via l'application", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Je suis un producteur alimentaire", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producteur/marque", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Veuillez saisir un nom de producteur ou de marque", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Je souhaite m'inscrire à la newsletter Open Food Facts (Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Ce nom d'utilisateur existe déjà, veuillez en choisir un autre.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "existe déjà, connectez-vous au compte ou essayez avec une autre adresse e-mail.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Veuillez fournir une adresse e-mail valide.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Paramètres", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Thème", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Sombre", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Clair", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Valeur du système", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Merci pour votre contribution !", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributeurs", + "support": "Assistance", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Demandez de l'aide sur notre canal Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Demandez de l'aide sur notre forum", + "support_via_email": "Envoyez-nous un e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Envoyer les journaux de débogage ?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Souhaitez-vous inclure les journaux d'application en pièce jointe à votre e-mail ?", + "termsOfUse": "Conditions d'utilisation", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "À propos de cette appli", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribuer", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Développement logiciel", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "Le code source de chaque version d'Open Food Facts est disponible sur GitHub. Vous pouvez réutiliser le code (il est open source) et nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tout le monde, sur toute la planète.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Vous pouvez rejoindre le salon de discussion Slack Open Food Facts qui est le meilleur moyen de poser des questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Mode de développement ? ", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activer le mode de développement", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donner à Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produits à compléter", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Améliorer", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "La base de données est le cœur du projet. Il est facile de participer. Vous pouvez télécharger l'appli mobile, et commencer à ajouter ou améliorer des produits existants: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Traduire", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Commencer à traduire", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts est un projet mondial, contenant des produits de plus de 160 pays. Open Food Facts est traduit dans des dizaines de langues, avec un contenu en constante évolution.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Les traductions sont l'une des tâches clés du projet", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Partagez Open Food Facts avec vos amis", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Je voudrais te faire découvrir l'app que j'utilise, Open Food Facts, qui te permet de voir l'impact de ton alimentation sur la santé et l'environnement, de manière personnalisée. Elle fonctionne en scannant les codes barres des emballages. Et en plus c'est gratuit, sans inscription obligatoire, et tu peux même aider à augmenter le nombre de produits décryptés. Voilà le lien pour la télécharger:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Appuyez ici pour répondre aux questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Appuyez ici pour répondre aux questions sur ce produit", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement des questions sur ce produit", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Enregistrement de votre réponse", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Aidez la transparence alimentaire et obtenez des badges", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Connectez-vous à votre compte Open Food Facts pour être crédité de vos contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Répondre par oui", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Répondre par non", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Passer cette question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Appuyez pour modifier la recherche", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mes préférences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Créez votre compte et rejoignez la communauté Open Food Facts pour aider à développer des connaissances alimentaires partout dans le monde !", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Rejoignez-nous", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Votre profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gérez votre compte contributeur Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Paramètres de l'application", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Mode sombre, statistiques, ...", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Préférences alimentaires", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choisissez les informations sur la nourriture qui vous importent le plus.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choisissez les informations sur les aliments qui vous intéressent le plus, afin de classer les aliments en fonction de vos préférences, de voir les informations qui vous intéressent en premier et d'obtenir un résumé de compatibilité. Ces préférences alimentaires restent sur votre appareil et ne sont pas associées à votre compte contributeur Open Food Facts si vous en avez un.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Réinitialiser vos préférences alimentaires ?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mon classement personnel", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Tout", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Très bonne compatibilité", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Très mauvaise compatibilité", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Compatibilité inconnue", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Actualisez la liste avec vos nouvelles préférences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Rechargé avec vos nouvelles préférences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scanner", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historique", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listes", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrer par catégorie", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Tout", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(recherche par catégorie)", + "filter": "Filtre", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Session de scan", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Historique des scans", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Rechercher", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Appuyez pour plus d'informations…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produit", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Marque inconnue", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Produit inconnu", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Actualiser", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Photo frontale", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingrédients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Conservez l'ordre original. Indiquer le pourcentage lorsque spécifié. Séparez par une virgule ou un trait d'union, utilisez des parenthèses pour les ingrédients d'un ingrédient et indiquez les allergènes entre tirets du bas.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Échec de l’enregistrement des ingrédients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Échec de l'obtention d'une nouvelle image d'ingrédients.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Modifier les ingrédients", + "ingredients_photo": "Photo des ingrédients", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Listez toutes les pièces d'emballage séparées par une virgule ou un saut de ligne, avec leur quantité (par exemple 1 ou 6) type (par exemple bouteille, boîte, canette), matériau (par exemple plastique, métal, aluminium) et si disponible leur taille (par exemple 33cl) et consignes de recyclage.\nExemple : 1 bouteille en verre à recycler, 1 bouchon en plastique à jeter", + "packaging_editing_error": "Échec de l'enregistrement de l'emballage.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Impossible d'obtenir une nouvelle image d'emballage.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Modifier l'emballage", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Photo des informations nutritionnelles", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informations sur l'emballage", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Photo des informations sur l'emballage", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Vous avez trouvé un nouveau produit !", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Prenez des photos de l'emballage pour ajouter ce produit à Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Veuillez d'abord prendre quelques photos. Vous pouvez toujours compléter le produit ultérieurement.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Ajouter les informations sur le produit", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nouveau produit", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Vous venez de trouver un nouveau produit !", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Il semble que vous n'ayez rien saisi. Voulez-vous vraiment quitter cette page ?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Veuillez prendre des photos de l'emballage pour ajouter ce produit à notre base de données commune", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Photo frontale du produit", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmer le téleversement de la photo frontale du produit", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirmer", + "send_image_button_label": "Envoyer l'image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Enregistrement de l'image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Recadrage de l'image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Enregistrement d'une version locale…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oups… il y a un problème avec votre photo !", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Nous ne pouvons pas traiter l'image localement, avant de l'envoyer à notre serveur. Veuillez réessayer plus tard ou contactez-nous si le problème persiste.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "L'image est trop petite !", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "La taille minimale en pixels pour le téléchargement d'images est {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. L'image actuelle est {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Préparation d'un appel au serveur…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Photo de l'emballage de face", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Photo des ingrédients", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Photo des valeurs nutritionnelles", + "recycling_photo_title": "Photo du recyclage", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Autres photos intéressantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Photo de la face avant téléchargée", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Photo des ingrédients", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Photo des ingrédients téléchargée", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Impossible de charger les nutriments à partir du cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Photo des informations nutritionnelles", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Saisir les informations nutritionnelles", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Informations nutritionnelles ajoutées", + "categories_added": "Catégories ajoutées", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calculez le Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Merci de renseigner la catégorie de l'aliment et les données nutritionnelles", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calculez l'Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Merci de renseigner au moins la catégorie de l'aliment", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Rendre le calcul de l'Eco-Score plus précis avec les origines géographiques, l'emballage et plus", + "new_product_title_nova": "Calculer le niveau de transformation des aliments (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Obtenez-le en remplissant la catégorie alimentaire et les ingrédients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Degré de transformation des aliments inconnu", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Prenons quelques photos !", + "new_product_title_misc": "Et quelques données de base…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Appuyez pour répondre MAINTENANT à 3 questions pour calculer le Nutri-Score, l'Eco-Score et le niveau d'ultra-transformation NOVA.", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Photo des informations nutritionnelles téléchargée", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Photo des informations de recyclage", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Photo des informations de recyclage téléchargée", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Autres photos intéressantes", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Photo annexe téléversée", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Reprendre", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Sélection de la photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Envoi de la photo sur le serveur", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Envoi de la photo de la face avant à Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Envoi de la photo des ingrédients à Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Envoi de la photo des informations nutritionnelles à Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Envoi de la photo de l'emballage sur Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Envoi d'une autre image sur Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Envoi de l'image à Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Ajouter les ingrédients manquants", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Ajouter l'image d'emballage manquante", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Ajouter les informations nutritionnelles manquantes", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Ajouter une catégorie de produit manquante", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Ajouter les pays de vente manquants", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Ajouter les codes de traçabilité manquants", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Ajouter les labels manquants", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Ajouter les origines manquantes", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Ajouter les magasins de vente manquants", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Mettre à jour les informations nutritionnelles", + "nutrition_page_title": "Informations nutritionnelles", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Les valeurs nutritionnelles ne sont pas spécifiées sur le produit", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "pour 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "par portion", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Ajouter un nutriment", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Taille d'une portion", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Nombre invalide", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Mise à jour du produit sur le serveur...", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produit mis à jour !", + "more_photos": "Plus de photos intéressantes", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Aucun produit trouvé", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "non trouvé :", + "searchPanelHeader": "Recherchez ou scannez votre premier produit", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Actualisation du produit", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produit actualisé", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Vous utilisez une version obsolète de l'application.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Cliquez ici", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Téléchargez la nouvelle version de l'application", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Impossible d'actualiser le produit", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible de récupérer les informations sur ce produit en raison d'une erreur réseau.", + "cached_results_from": "Résultats mis en cache depuis :", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Merci d'avoir ajouté ce produit !", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Comparer à la catégorie", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Ajoutez une catégorie pour calculer le Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Ajoutez des informations nutritionnelles pour calculer le Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Ajoutez des informations nutritionnelles et une catégorie pour calculer le Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Le Nutri-Score de ce produit ne peut pas être calculé, ce qui peut être dû, par exemple, à une catégorie non standard. Si cela est considéré comme une erreur, veuillez nous contacter.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "L'image des informations nutritionnelles est obsolète : veuillez la mettre à jour.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "L'Eco-Score prend en compte l'origine des ingrédients. Veuillez les prendre en photo (liste d'ingrédients et/ou toute allégation géographique) ou modifiez le produit afin qu'elles puissent être prises en compte.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Veuillez choisir un pays", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Votre pays", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Certaines fonctionnalités environnementales sont liées à l'emplacement.", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produit retiré du comparatif", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Paramètres natifs de l'application", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Ouvrir les paramètres systèmes pour Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produit retiré de l'historique", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produit retiré de la liste", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Impossible de supprimer le produit", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Il n'y a aucun produit dans cette liste", + "no_product_in_section": "Il n'y a aucun produit dans cette section", + "recently_seen_products": "Historique", + "clear": "Effacer", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette liste ?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% de correspondance", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{il y a un jour} other{il y a {count} jours}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{il y a une heure} other{il y a {count} heures}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{moins d'une minute} =1{une minute} other{{count} minutes}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{il y a un mois} other{il y a {count} mois}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{il y a une semaine} other{il y a {count} semaines}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparer un produit} other{Comparer {count} produits}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Comparer les articles", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparer les articles", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Veuillez sélectionner au moins deux produits", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Réessayer", + "connect_with_us": "Nous contacter", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Découvrir", + "how_to_contribute": "Comment contribuer", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Vous pouvez appuyer sur n'importe quelle partie de la carte pour obtenir plus d'informations sur ce que vous voyez. Essayez dès maintenant !", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Partager anonymement les statistiques", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Aidez les bénévoles d'Open Food Facts à améliorer l'application. C'est vous qui décidez d'envoyer des données analytiques anonymes.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Si vous changez d'avis, cette option peut être activée et désactivée à tout moment depuis les paramètres.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Accès à la caméra", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Pour scanner un code-barre avec l'appareil photo de votre téléphone, veuillez autoriser l'accès.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Si vous changez d'avis, cette option peut être activée et désactivée à tout moment depuis les paramètres.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "Système d'exploitation : Android (SDK Int : {sdkInt} / Version : {release})\nModèle : {model}\nProduit : {product}\nAppareil : {device}\nMarque : {brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS : iOS ({version})\nModèle : {model}\nModèle localisé : {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersion de l'application : {appVersion}\nNuméro de build de l'application : {appBuildNumber}\nNom du package de l'application : {appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autoriser", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuser", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Plus tard", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Êtes-vous sûr ?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "En savoir plus sur {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Nous avons inventé\nl'appli de scan\ncollaborative en 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "10 ans après,\nnous la réinventons\ncomplètement !", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Chargement de votre premier exemple de produit", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Il semble qu'il n'y ait pas de produit d'exemple dans votre langue", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Votre classement", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historique non disponible", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Lancez le scan", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Les produits scannés apparaîtront ici et vous pourrez vérifier leurs informations détaillées", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Actualisation de {count,plural, =0{produits} =1{produit} other{produits}} dans votre historique", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Rafraîchissement de {count,plural, =0{produit} =1{produit} other{produits}} terminé", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Téléchargement des données", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Impossible de télécharger les données", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Supprimer le compte", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Supprimer mon compte", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Compte", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Bienvenue !", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour rejoindre la communauté Open Food Facts", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Identifiant Open Food Facts : {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bienvenue {id} !", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Supprimer le compte", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Bonjour, veuillez supprimer mon compte Open Food Facts : {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Confidentialité et télémetrie", + "settings_app_camera": "Appareil photo", + "settings_app_products": "Produits", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Divers", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Jouer un son lors du scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Bipper à chaque scan réussi", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration et retours tactiles", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations après l'exécution de certaines actions (décodé en code-barre, produit supprimé…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Rapport de plantage", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quand ils sont activés, les rapports de plantage sont automatiquement envoyés au système de suivi des erreurs d'Open Food Facts pour améliorer l'application en corrigeant les bugs.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Envoyer des données anonymes", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Lorsque cette option est activée, certaines informations anonymes concernant l'utilisation de l'application seront envoyées aux serveurs Open Food Facts pour que nous puissions comprendre comment et combien de fonctionnalités sont utilisées afin de les améliorer.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Modifier la photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Erreur", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Autoriser l'utilisation de l'appareil photo pour scanner les codes-barres", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Pour une expérience améliorée, veuillez autoriser {appName} à accéder à votre appareil photo. Vous pourrez scanner directement les codes-barres.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Autoriser", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission refusée", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Puisque vous avez refusé l'utilisation de l'appareil photo, vous devez l'autoriser manuellement dans les paramètres.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Ouvrir les paramètres", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annuler", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Aucune caméra détectée.", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Aucun accès à l'appareil photo autorisé", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Modifier le produit", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Ajouter un nouveau {itemType}", + "description": "Infobulle à afficher lorsque l'utilisateur appuie longuement sur le bouton (+)", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Code-barres", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Informations de base", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nom du produit, marque, quantité", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Détails supplémentaires", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Site Web…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Ajouter ou mettre à jour des photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environnement, Labels de qualité…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Magasins", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "magasin", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "magasin", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origines", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Espagne", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "pays", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Ajoutez toutes les indications d'origine que vous pouvez trouver sur l'emballage. Vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des origines indiquées directement dans la liste des ingrédients.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemples : Bœuf d'Argentine, Le soja ne provient pas de l'Union européenne", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Pays", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Espagne", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "pays", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Pays dans lesquels le produit est largement distribué (hors magasins spécialisés dans l'import).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Codes de traçabilité", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "code de traçabilité", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "En Europe, le code est une ellipse contenant les deux initiales du pays suivies par un nombre et CE.\nExemples : EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Catégories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "catégorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "catégorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indiquez uniquement la catégorie la plus spécifique. Les catégories parentes seront automatiquement ajoutées.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Si une catégorie n'est pas disponible en saisie semi-automatique, n'hésitez pas à l'ajouter quand même, cela nous aidera à améliorer Open Food Facts dans votre pays.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemples : Sardines à l'huile d'olive, Jus d'orange à base de concentré", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Souhaitez-vous enregistrer vos modifications avant de quitter cette page ?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Enregistrer les modifications", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Annuler les modifications", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingrédients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Ajouter", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Veuillez d'abord saisir un texte", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Retirer", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Photo des informations de recyclage", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Tableau nutritionnel", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, teneur en alcool…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Modifier", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Site Web", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Compléter les informations de base", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Pas encore disponible", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Catégories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extraire les ingrédients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Mettre à jour la photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extraire l'emballage", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Mettre à jour la photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Impossible de détecter le texte dans l'image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nouvelle liste de produits", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Renommer la liste", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listes", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Ajouter le produit à vos listes", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Créer une nouvelle liste", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Aucune liste disponible pour le moment, veuillez commencer par en créer une", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Ajouter à une liste", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Ajouté à la liste", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Effacer votre historique", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Renommer", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Ma liste", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Le nom est obligatoire", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Ce nom est déjà utilisé", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "C'est le même nom", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Réessayer", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Une erreur s’est produite", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Aucune catégorie trouvée pour {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Basculer entre la caméra arrière et avant", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Allumer ou éteindre le flash de l'appareil photo", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Activer le flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Désactiver le flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Une erreur est survenue !", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la modification de l'état de votre flash. Veuillez vous assurer que votre smartphone n'a pas déjà activé la torche.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Retour", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Mode DEV", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Relancer l'expérience de bienvenue", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Vous devez ensuite redémarrer l'application pour la revoir.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Basculer entre (PROD) et test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Tester les paramètres d'environnement", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL de base actuelle pour l'environnement de test : {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Tester l'hôte de l'environnement", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Utiliser ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "puis vous devez redémarrer cette application", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Bouton supplémentaire sur la page produit", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Modifier les ingrédients via un bouton de knowledge panel", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Exporter l'historique", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "produit trouvé", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produit NON trouvé", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Exporter l'historique", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Annuler", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migration des données depuis la V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Statut : {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "succès ou nouvelle installation", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "succès", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "erreur", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "en cours", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "requis (cliquez pour commencer)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "inconnu", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importer l'historique", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Effacera l'historique et y mettra 3 produits", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Fait", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Mode de scan", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Le mode de scan actuel est : « {mode} »", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Mode de scan", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclure l'éco-score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Uniquement flux de caméra, pas de scan", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Flux de caméra et prétraitement complet de l'image, pas de scan", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Flux de caméra et prétraitement de la moitié de l'image, pas de scan", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Scan complet de l'image", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Scan d'une demi-image", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Réutiliser et modifier cette recherche", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Vous avez téléchargé les {totalSize} produits.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Télécharger {count} autres produits\n{downloaded} sur {totalSize} déjà téléchargés.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produits que j'ai ajoutés", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produits que j'ai modifiés", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produits que j'ai photographiés", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Mes produits à compléter", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Tous les produits à compléter", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Reprendre une photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Prendre la photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirmer", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Je suis d'accord avec les ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "conditions d'utilisation et de contribution d'Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Icône de la télémetrie", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Erreur fatale : {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Erreur fatale : {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Compléter les informations de base", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Modifier", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Désélectionner la photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Choisir une photo existante", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Photos existantes", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Récupération des images existantes…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Il n'y a pas de photos précédemment téléchargées liées à ce produit.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Pas encore d'image dans cette langue", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Pas encore d'image", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Catégories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Renseignements de base", + "product_name": "Nom du produit", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Veuillez saisir le nom du produit", + "brand_name": "Marque", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Veuillez saisir la marque", + "quantity": "Quantité et poids", + "barcode": "Code-barres", + "barcode_barcode": "Code-barres : {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Code-barres invalide", + "basic_details_add_success": "Informations de base ajoutées avec succès", + "basic_details_add_error": "Impossible d'ajouter les informations de base. Veuillez réessayer après un certain temps", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Effacer votre recherche", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer tout votre historique : êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer les éléments sélectionnés de votre historique", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Veuillez sélectionner un ou plusieurs éléments à effacer", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer cette liste ({name}) : êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Supprimer la liste ?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la liste \"{name}\". \nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Oui, je confirme", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance : {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listes", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Créez votre première liste !", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Sélectionner une liste", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Liste vide} =1{Un produit} other{{count} produits}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Ajouter une liste", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Modifier vos préférences alimentaires", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Ajouter une photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Prenez des photos de toute information sur l'emballage/le recyclage", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choisissez la source de l'image", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Veuillez choisir la source de l'image", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galerie", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Partager", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Jetez un œil à ce produit sur Open Food Facts : {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Jetez un œil à ma liste de produits sur Open Food Facts : {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "En prendre une autre", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choisir depuis la galerie", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "L'image va être envoyée en arrière-plan dès que possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Démarrage de la mise à jour de tous les produits stockés localement", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Démarrage du téléchargement des produits les plus populaires", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Développer le tableau nutritionnel", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Garder le tableau nutritionnel étendu", + "expand_ingredients": "Développer les ingrédients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Garder le panneau des ingrédients étendu", + "no_internet_connection": "Pas de connexion internet", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Monde entier", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Étendez votre recherche au monde", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copier", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copier le code-barres dans le presse-papiers", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Le code-barres {barcode} a été copié dans le presse-papiers !", + "language_picker_label": "Votre langue", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Bienvenue sur OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Le produit sera mis à jour en arrière-plan dès que possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Aucune application de messagerie !", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Veuillez nous envoyer manuellement un email à", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Toutes les images", + "selected_images": "Images sélectionnées", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Retirer le produit", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nouveau code-barres scanné : {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Retirer tous les produits du carrousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Veuillez scanner au moins deux produits pour les comparer", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Cliquez pour comparer les produits que vous avez scannés", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Vous avez scanné\nle code-barres :", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Nous recherchons ce produit !\nVeuillez patienter quelques secondes…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Nous recherchons toujours ce produit !\nTrouvez-vous le temps de chargement trop long ? Nous, oui…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Nous recherchons toujours ce produit.\nSouhaitez-vous relancer la recherche ?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Relancer la recherche", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculer les valeurs nutritionnelles pour une quantité spécifique", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantité dans", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Saisissez une quantité pour calculer la valeur nutritive", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Merci de renseigner une quantité entre {min} et {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Valeurs nutritionnelles pour {grams} g (ou ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Données hors-ligne", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Téléchargez une image pour extraire automatiquement les informations fournies.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Envoyer une photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Échec du téléchargement de l'image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Impossible d'éditer l'image car l'URL de l'image n'a pas été définie.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Mémoriser mon choix", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Sélectionner à chaque fois", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continuer", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "{count,plural, =1{Une question} other{{count} questions}} de plus !", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Afficher le Mot de Passe", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Noter l'application", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Super ! Faites savoir aux autres ce que vous pensez de cette application !", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Noter l'application", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Plus tard", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Appréciez-vous cette application ?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Ouais!", + "not_really": "Pas vraiment", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Nous sommes désolés d'entendre cela ! Pourriez-vous nous dire ce qu'il s'est passé ?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Composants d'emballage", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Ajouter un composant d'emballage", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "L'emballage est complet", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Composant d'emballage #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Nombre d'éléments", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Entrez le nombre d'unités d'emballage de la même forme et de la même matière contenue dans le produit.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Forme", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Entrez le nom de la forme indiqué dans les instructions de recyclage si elles sont disponibles, ou sélectionnez une forme.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bouteille", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Matière", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Entrez le matériau spécifique s'il peut être déterminé (un code de matériau à l'intérieur d'un triangle peut souvent être trouvé sur les éléments d'emballage), ou un matériau générique (par exemple du plastique ou du métal) si vous n'êtes pas sûr.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Verre", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Consigne de tri", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Saisissez les instructions de recyclage uniquement si elles figurent sur le produit.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycler", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Quantité nette de produit par unité", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Entrez le poids net ou le volume net et indiquez l'unité (par exemple g ou ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Poids d'une unité vide (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Retirez tous les restes de nourriture et lavez et séchez l'emballage avant de peser. Si possible, utilisez une balance avec une précision de 0,1 g ou 0,01 g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Contributions en attente", + "background_task_subtitle": "Vos contributions sont automatiquement enregistrées sur notre serveur, mais pas toujours en temps réel.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Aucune tâche d'arrière-plan en attente", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Timeout du serveur", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erreur de connexion Internet. Essayez plus tard.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "type d'opération inconnu", + "background_task_operation_details": "modifications détaillées", + "background_task_operation_image": "Téléversement de photo", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "rafraîchissement retardé après le téléversement de la photo", + "background_task_run_started": "démarré", + "background_task_run_not_started": "pas encore débuté", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "à supprimer", + "background_task_question_stop": "Voulez-vous arrêter cette tâche dès que possible ?", + "feed_back": "Commentaires", + "undo": "Annuler", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copier l'adresse e-mail dans le presse-papiers", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Veuillez nous envoyer manuellement un e-mail à", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail copié dans le presse-papiers !", + "select_accent_color": "Sélectionnez la couleur d'accentuation", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Bleu", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Vert", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Par défaut", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rose", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Rouge", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rouille", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Bleu canard", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste du texte", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Élevée", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Moyen", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Faible", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Produit non trouvé!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Un produit avec le code-barres suivant n'existe pas dans notre base de données : {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Pas de connexion Internet!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Veillez à ce que votre téléphone soit sur un réseau Wi-Fi ou que les données mobiles soient activées", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page non trouvée!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Retourner à la page d'accueil", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Télécharger les données", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Téléchargez les 1000 meilleurs produits de votre pays pour un scan instantané", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Téléchargez le top {count,plural, one {}other{{count} produits}} dans votre pays pour une numérisation instantanée", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Téléchargement des données\nCela peut prendre un certain temps", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} produits ajoutés", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Mettre à jour les données produit hors ligne", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Mettre à jour la base locale de produits avec les dernières données d'Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Effacer les données produit hors ligne", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Effacez toutes les données produit locales de votre application pour libérer de l'espace", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} produits supprimés", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Chargement…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "En savoir plus", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Cliquez pour en savoir plus sur les données hors connexion", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Données produit hors ligne", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} produits disponibles pour un scan immédiat", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Sélectionnez votre pays :", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Sélectionnez votre langue :", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Supprimer", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Changer la liste actuelle", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Créer", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Créer une nouvelle liste", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score inconnu", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score non applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Éco-score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Éco-score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Éco-score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Éco-score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Éco-score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Éco-score inconnu", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Éco-Score non applicable", + "nova_group_1": "Groupe NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "Groupe NOVA 2", + "nova_group_3": "Groupe NOVA 3", + "nova_group_4": "Groupe NOVA 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Groupe NOVA inconnu" +} \ No newline at end of file From 900a9ec6f6e691c5a5e42fa28d53e187033135cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:07:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 002/216] New translations app_en.arb (Bulgarian) --- bg/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bg/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb diff --git a/bg/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb b/bg/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..16ee18153e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/bg/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Да", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Добави", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да изтриеш акаунта си?\nАко има конкретна причина, моля сподели по-долу", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Причина", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Добре", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Създай", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Приложи", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Следваща", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Върни се горе", + "save": "Запис", + "save_confirmation": "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да запазиш?", + "skip": "Пропусни", + "cancel": "Отмени", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Игнорирай", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Затвори", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Не", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Спри", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Край", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Изчисли", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Нулиране на хранителните предпочитания", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Нещо се обърка", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Възникна грешка", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Все още работим по тази функция, следвай ни", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Преглед в интернет", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Научи повече", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Неизвестно", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Много добро съвпадение", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Добро съвпадение", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Лошо съвпадение", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Може да не съвпада", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Не съвпада", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Неизвестно съвпадение", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Много добро съвпадение", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Добро съвпадение", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Лошо съвпадение", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Може да не съвпада", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Не съвпада", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Неизвестно съвпадение", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Лицензи", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Какво търсиш", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Добре дошъл в Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Избери храна, която е полезна за теб и за планетата.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Виж информация за храната, която отговаря на твоите предпочитания.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Избери храни, които са полезни за теб.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Избери храни, които са полезни за планетата.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Грешно потребителско име или парола.", + "login": "Потребителско име", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Моля, въведи потребителско име или имейл", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Моля, въведи парола", + "create_account": "Създаване на акаунт", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Вход", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "За тази функция трябва да влезеш в своя профил.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Изход", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да излезеш от профила си?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Парола", + "forgot_password": "Забравена парола", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Преглед на профила", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Нулиране на паролата", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "В случай на забравена парола, въведи твоето потребителско име или емайл адрес, за да получиш инструкции за нулиране на паролата. Също така, не забравяй да провериш папка Спам.", + "username_or_email": "Потребителско име или е-мейл адрес", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Имейл с линк за нулиране на паролата е изшратен на имейл адреса, свързан с твоя акаунт. Също така, провери и папка спам", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Смяна на парола", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Моля, въведи текст", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Регистрация", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Регистрация", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Регистриране…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Честито! Твоят акаунт току-що бе създаден.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Име", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Моля, въведи екранно име, което искаш да използваш", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "Имейл", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Изисква се имейл", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Невалиден имейл", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Потребителско име: публично видимо", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Моля, въведи потребителско име", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Въведи валидно потребителско име", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Потребителското име не може да съдържа интервали, главни или специални знаци.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Потребителското име не може да надвишава {value} знака", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Парола", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Моля, въведи парола", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Моля, въведи валидна парола (поне 6 знака)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Потвърди паролата", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Моля, потвърди паролата", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Паролите не съвпадат", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": " условията за ползване и принос на Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Когато създаваш нов профил, приемането на условията за ползване е задължително, но въпреки това, анонимни приноси могат все пак да се правят чрез приложението", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Аз съм производител на храни", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Производител/марка", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Моля, въведи производител или марка", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Потребителското име вече съществува, моля избери друго потребителско име.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "вече съществува, влез в акаунта или опитай с друг имейл.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Моля, посочи валиден имейл адрес.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Настройки", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Тема", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Тъмен", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Светъл", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Стандартно за системата", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Сътрудници", + "support": "Поддръжка", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Поискай помощ в нашият Slack канал", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Изпрати ни имейл", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Изпращане на логовете на приложението?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Искаш ли да включиш логовете на приложението като прикачен файл към твоя имейл?", + "termsOfUse": "Условия за ползване", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Относно приложението", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Допринеси", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Разработване на софтуер", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Режим на разработчик?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Включи режим на разработчик", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Продукти за завършване", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Подобряване", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Превеждане", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Започни превода", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Преводите са една от ключовите задачи на проекта", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Натисни тук, за да отговориш на въпроси", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Запазване на твоят отговор", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Помогни за подобряването на прозрачността на храните и получи награди", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Докосни, за да редактираш търсенето", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Моите настройки", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Присъедини се", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Профил", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Настройки", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Тъмен режим, Статистики…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Хранителни предпочитания", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Избери каква информация за храната е най-важна за теб.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Нулиране на твоите хранителни предпочитания?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Моето класиране", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Всички", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Добро съвпадение за теб", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Много лошо съвпадение", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Неизвестно съвпадение", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Обнови списъка с новите си предпочитания", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Презаредено с новите ти предпочитания", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Профил", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Сканирай", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "История", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Списъци", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Филтър по категория", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Всички", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(търсене по категории)", + "filter": "Филтър", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Търсене", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Продукт", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Неизвестна марка", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Неразпознат продукт", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Опресни", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Снимка", + "front_photo": "Снимка отпред", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Съставки", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Запази оригиналната подредба. Посочи процента, когато е посочен. Раздели със запетая или тире, използвай скоби за съставките на съставка и посочи алергените между долни тирета.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Неуспешно запазване на съставките.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Неуспешно получаване на новата снимка на съставките.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Редактиране на съставките", + "ingredients_photo": "Снимка на съставките", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Изброй всички части на опаковката, разделени със запетая или ред, с тяхното количество (напр. 1 или 6), вид (напр. бутилка, кутия, кен), материал (напр. пластмаса, метал, алуминий) и ако е наличен, техния размер (напр. 33cl) и инструкции за рециклиране.\nПример: 1 стъклена бутилка за рециклиране, 1 пластмасова тапа за изхвърляне", + "packaging_editing_error": "Неуспешно запазване на опаковката.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Неуспешно получаване на новата снимка на опаковката.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Редактиране на опаковката", + "nutrition": "Хранителни стойности", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Снимка на хранителните стойности", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Информация на опаковката", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Снимка с информация за опаковката", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Откри нов продукт!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Моля, първо направи няколко снимки. Винаги можеш да завършиш продукта по-късно.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Добави информация за продукта", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Нов продукт", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Току-що намери нов продукт!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Изглежда, че не си въвел нищо. Наистина ли искаш да напуснеш тази страница?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Моля, направи снимки на опаковката, за да добавиш този продукт към нашата обща база данни", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Снимка на продукта отпред", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Потвърди качването на снимката на предната страна на продукта", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Потвърди", + "send_image_button_label": "Изпрати снимката", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Запазване на снимката…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Изрязване на снимката…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Снимката е прекалено малка!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Снимка на предната част на опаковката", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Снимка на съставките", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Снимка на хранителните стойности", + "recycling_photo_title": "Снимка на указанията за рециклиране", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Други интересни снимки", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Снимката на предната страна е качена", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Снимка на съставките", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Снимката на съставките е качена", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Не може да се заредят хранителни вещества от кеша", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Снимка на хранителните стойности", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Въведи хранителните стойности", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Хранителните стойности са добавени", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Изчисли Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Изчисли Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Направи изчисляването на Eco-Score по-прецизно с произход, опаковка и други", + "new_product_title_nova": "Изчисли нивото на обработка на храната (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Нивото на обработка на храни не е известно", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Да направим няколко снимки!", + "new_product_title_misc": "И някои основни данни…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Снимката с хранителните стойности е качена", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Снимка с информацията за рециклиране", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Снимката за рециклиране е качена", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Други интересни снимки", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Качена е различна снимка", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Направи отново", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Избор на снимката", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Качване на снимката на сървъра", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Добави липсващите съставки", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Добави липсващата снимка на опаковката", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Добави липсващи хранителни стойности", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Добави липсваща продуктова категория", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Добави липсващите страни където се продава", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Добави липсващите кодове за проследяване на продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Добави липсващите етикети", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Добавете липсващ произход на продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Добавяне на липсващите магазини за продукта", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Актуализирай хранителните стойности", + "nutrition_page_title": "Хранителни стойности", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Хранителните стойности не са посочени върху продукта", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "на 100 г", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "на порция", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Добави хранително вещество", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Размер на порция", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Невалидно число", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Актуализиране на продукта на сървъра…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Продуктът е актуализиран!", + "more_photos": "Още интересни снимки", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Няма намерен продукт", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "не е намерено:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Потърси или сканирай първия си продукт", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Актуализация на продукта", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Продуктът е актуализиран", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Използваш остаряла версия на приложението.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Натисни тук", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Изтегли новата версия на приложението", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Продуктът не можа да се обнови", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Невъзможно е да се извлече информация за този продукт поради грешка в мрежата.", + "cached_results_from": "Кеширани резултати от:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Благодарим, че добави този продукт!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Сравни с категорията", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Добави категория, за да изчислиш Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Добави хранителни стойности, за да изчислиш Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Добави хранителни стойности и категория, за да изчислиш Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Nutri-Score за този продукт не може да бъде изчислен, това може да се дължи например на нестандартна категория. Ако това се счита за грешка, моля, свържете се с нас.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Снимката на хранителните стойности е остаряла: моля, актуализирай я.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score взема предвид произхода на съставките. Моля, направи снимка на съставките и/или всякакви географски обозначения или редактирай продукта, за да могат да бъдат взети предвид.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Моля, избери страна", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Някои характеристики на околната среда са специфични за местоположението", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Продуктът е премахнат от сравнението", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Продуктът е премахнат от историята", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Продуктът не можа да бъде премахнат", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Няма продукт в този списък", + "no_product_in_section": "Няма продукт в този раздел", + "recently_seen_products": "История", + "clear": "Изчисти", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Наистина ли желаеш да изтриеш този списък?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% съвпадение", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{преди един ден} other{преди {count} дни}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{преди един час} other{преди {count} часа}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{преди по-малко от една минута} =1{преди една минута} other{преди {count} минути}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{преди един месец} other{преди {count} месеца}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{преди една седмица} other{преди {count} седмици}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Сравни един продукт} other{Сравни {count} продукта}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Сравни продукти", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Сравни продукти", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Моля, избери поне два продукта", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Повторен опит", + "connect_with_us": "Свържи се с нас", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Блог", + "faq": "ЧЗВ", + "discover": "Открийте", + "how_to_contribute": "Как да допринесеш", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Можеш да докоснеш всяка част от картата, за да получиш повече подробности за това, което виждаш. Опитай сега!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Анонимно споделяне на статистики", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Ако промениш решението си, тази опция може да бъде активирана и деактивирана по всяко време от настройките.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Достъп до камерата", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "За да сканираш баркодове с камерата на телефона си, моля разреши достъпа.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Ако промениш решението си, тази опция може да бъде активирана и деактивирана по всяко време от настройките.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "ОС: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Версия: {release})\nМодел: {model}\nПродукт: {product}\nУстройство: {device}\nМарка:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "ОС: iOS ({version})\nМодел: {model}\nЛокализиран модел: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp версия:{appVersion}\nApp номер на build:{appBuildNumber}\nApp име на пакета:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Разреши", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Отказ", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "По-късно", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Сигурен ли си?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Научи повече на {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Измислихме приложението\nза съвместно сканиране \nпрез 2012 г.", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "10 години по-късно\nго преоткриваме\nот самото начало!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Зареждане на първия ти примерен продукт", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Изглежда, че няма примерен продукт на твоя език", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Твоето класиране", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Историята не е налична", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Започни да сканираш", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Тук ще се появят сканираните продукти и можеш да провериш подробна информация за тях", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Обновяване на {count,plural, =0{продукт} =1{продукт} other{продукти}} в твоята история", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Изтегляне на данни", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Данните не можаха да се изтеглят", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Изтриване на акаунт", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Изтриване на моят профил", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Профил", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Добре дошъл!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Добре дошъл {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Изтриване на акаунт", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Приложение", + "settings_app_data": "Поверителност и наблюдение", + "settings_app_camera": "Камера", + "settings_app_products": "Продукти", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Разни", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Възпроизвеждане на звук при сканиране", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Звуков сигнал при всяко успешно сканиране", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Вибрация и усещане", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Вибрации след извършване на някои действия (декодиран баркод, премахнат продукт…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Докладване за срив", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Изпращане на анонимни данни", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Редактиране на снимка", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Грешка", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Разреши използването на камерата за да сканираш баркодове", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "За по-добро изживяване, моля разреши на {appName} достъп до твоята камера. Ще можеш директно да сканираш баркодове.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Разреши", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Достъпът е отказан", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Тъй като по-рано си отказал разрешението на камерата, трябва да го разрешиш ръчно от настройките.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Отвори настройките", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Отмени", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Не е открита камера", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Не е предоставен достъп до камерата", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Редактирай продукта", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Баркод", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Основни подробности", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Име на продукта, марка, количество", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Допълнителни подробности", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Уеб сайт…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Снимки", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Добави или опресни снимки", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Етикети и сертификати", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Околна среда, Етикети за качество…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "етикет", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "етикет", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Магазини", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "магазин", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "магазин", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Произход", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Испания", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Добави всички указания за произход, които можеш да намериш върху опаковката. Не е нужно да се притесняваш за произхода, посочен директно в списъка на съставките.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Примери: Говеждо от Аржентина, Соята не идва от Европейския съюз", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Испания", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Страни където продуктът е широко достъпен (специализирани магазини за чужди продукти не са включени).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Кодове за проследимост", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, BG1612009, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "код за проследимост", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "В Европа, код в елипса с 2 инициала на страната следвани от номер и CE.\nПримери: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Категории", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категория", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категория", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Посочи само най-конкретната категория. Родителските категориите ще бъдат добавени автоматично.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Примери: Сардини в дървено масло, Портокалов сок от концентрат", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Искаш ли да запазиш промените, преди да напуснеш тази страница?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Запази промените", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Отхвърли промените", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Съставки", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Добави", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Моля, първо въведи текст", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Премахни", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Снимка с инструкции за рециклиране", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Хранителни стойности", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Хранителни стойности, съдържание на алкохол…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Редактирай", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Уеб сайт", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Попълни основните подробности", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Все още не е внедрено", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Категории", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Извлечи съставките", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Обнови снимката", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Извличане на опаковката", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Обнови снимката", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Неуспешно откриване на текст в снимката.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Нов списък с продукти", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Преименувай списъка", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Списъци", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Добави продукта към твоите списъци", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Създай нов списък", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Добави към списък", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Добавено към списъка", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Изчистване на историята", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Преименувай", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Моят списък", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Името е задължително", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Това име вече е заето", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Това е същото име", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Опитай отново", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Възникна грешка", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Няма намерена категория за {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Превключване между задна и предна камера", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Включване или изключване на светкавицата на камерата", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Включи светкавицата", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Изключи светкавицата", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Възникна грешка!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Назад", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Режим на разработчик", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Рестартирайте включването", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "След това трябва да рестартираш приложението, за да го видиш отново.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Превключва между (PROD) и test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Параметри на тестовата среда", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Базов URL за текущото test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Хост на тестовата среда", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Използвай ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "след това трябва да рестартираш приложението", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Допълнителен бутон на продуктовата страница", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Редактиране на съставките чрез бутон панел за познание", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Експортирай историята", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "изключение", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "намерен продукт", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "продуктът НЕ е намерен", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Експортирай историята", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Добре", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Отмени", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Миграция на данните от V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Статус: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "успешно или ново инсталиране", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "успешно", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "грешка", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "в ход", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "задължително (щракни, за да започнеш)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "неизвестно", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Импортирай историята", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Ще изчисти историята и ще сложи 3 продукта там", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Готово", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Режим на сканиране", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Текущият режим на сканиране е: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Режим на сканиране", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Изключи Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Само поточно предаване от камерата, без сканиране", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Обработка на потокът от камерата и обработка на пълното изображението, без сканиране", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Обработка на потокът от камерата и половината изображение, без сканиране", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Сканиране на пълното изображение", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Сканиране на половината изображение", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Изтегли всички {totalSize} продукта.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Изтегли още {count} продукта\nВече изтеглени {downloaded} от {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Добавени от мен продукти", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Редактирани от мен продукти", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Снимани от мен продукти", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Моите продукти, които предстои да бъдат завършени", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Всички продукти, които трябва да бъдат завършени", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Презаснемане", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Направи снимка", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Потвърди", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": " условията за ползване и принос на Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Икона анализи", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Фатална грешка: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Фатална грешка: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Попълни основните подробности", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Редактирай", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Отмяна на избор на снимка", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Избери съществуваща снимка", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Съществуващи снимки", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Извличане на съществуващите снимки…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Няма качени снимки, свързани с този продукт.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Все още няма изображение на този език", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Все още няма изображение", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Категории", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Основни подробности", + "product_name": "Име на продукта", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Моля, въведи името на продукта", + "brand_name": "Марка", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Моля, въведи името на марката", + "quantity": "Количество и тегло", + "barcode": "Баркод", + "barcode_barcode": "Баркод: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Невалиден баркод", + "basic_details_add_success": "Основните подробности са добавени успешно", + "basic_details_add_error": "Не може да се добавят основните подробности. Моля, опитай отново по-късно", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "На път си да изчистиш цялата си история: сигурен ли си, че искаш да продължиш?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "На път си да изчистиш избраните елементи от хронологията", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да продължиш?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "На път си да изчистиш този списък ({name}): сигурен ли си, че искаш да продължиш?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} важност: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Списъци", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Създай първия си списък", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Добави списък", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Редактирай хранителните предпочитания", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Добави снимка", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Направи снимки на информацията за опаковката/рециклирането", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Избери източник на снимката", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Моля, избери източник на снимката", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Галерия", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Сподели", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Ново заснемане", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Избери от галерията", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Снимката ще бъде качена във фонов режим възможно най-скоро.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Стартиране на опресняването на всички продукти, съхранявани локално", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Започва изтеглянето на най-популярните продукти", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Разгъни таблицата с хранителните стойности", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Дръж таблицата с хранителните стойности разгъната", + "expand_ingredients": "Разгъни съставките", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Дръж панела на съставките разгънат", + "no_internet_connection": "Няма интернет връзка", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Целият свят", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Разшири търсенето си до света", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Копиране", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Копирай баркода в клипборда", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Баркода {barcode} е копиран в системния буфер!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Помощ с OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Продуктът ще бъде актуализиран във фонов режим възможно най-скоро.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Моля, изпрати ни ръчно имейл до", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Всички снимки", + "selected_images": "Избрани снимки", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Премахни продукт", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Нов сканиран баркод: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Моля, сканирай поне два продукта, за да ги сравниш", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Кликни, за да сравниш продуктите, които си сканирал", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Изчисли хранителните стойности за определено количество", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Хранителни стойности за {grams} г (или мл)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Данни извън линия", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Качи снимка, за да извлечеш автоматично информацията, която съдържа.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Качете снимка", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Неуспешно изтегляне на снимката", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Редактирането на снимката не бе успешно, защото URL адресът на снимката не беше зададен.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Запомни моя избор", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Избери всеки път", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Продължи", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Покажи паролата", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Оцени приложението", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Страхотно! Кажи на другите какво мислиш за това приложениие!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Оцени приложението", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "По-късно", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Да!", + "not_really": "Не особено", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Съжаляваме да чуем това! Би ли ни казал какво се случи?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Части на опаковката", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Добави компонент от опаковката", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Опаковката е пълна", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Опаковъчна част #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Брой единици", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Въведи броя на опаковъчните единици с еднаква форма и материал, съдържащи се в продукта.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Форма", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Въведи името на формата, посочено в инструкциите за рециклиране, ако са налични, или избери форма.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Бутилка", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Материал", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Въведи конкретния материал, ако може да бъде определен (код на материала вътре в триъгълник често може да се намери върху частите на опаковката) или общ материал (например пластмаса или метал), ако не си сигурен.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Стъкло", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Инструкция за рециклиране", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Въведи инструкциите за рециклиране само ако са посочени на продукта.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Рециклирай", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Нетно количество продукт на единица", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Въведи нетното тегло или нетния обем и посочи единицата (например г или мл).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Тегло на една празна единица (г)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Отстрани останалата храна, измий и подсуши опаковката преди претеглянето. Ако е възможно, използвай везна с точност 0,1 г или 0,01 г.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Чакащ принос", + "background_task_subtitle": "Вашите приноси се записват автоматично на нашия сървър, но не винаги в реално време.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Няма чакащи фонови задачи", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Грешка в интернет връзката. Пробвайте по-късно.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "неизвестен тип операция", + "background_task_operation_details": "подробни промени", + "background_task_operation_image": "качване на снимка", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "опресняването се забави след качването на снимка", + "background_task_run_started": "започнат", + "background_task_run_not_started": "все още не е започнал", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "да бъде изтрито", + "background_task_question_stop": "Искаш ли да спреш тази задача възможно най-скоро?", + "feed_back": "Обратна връзка", + "undo": "Отмяна", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Копирай имейла в буфера", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Моля, изпрати ни ръчно имейл до", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Имейлът е копиран в клипборда!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Продъктът не е открит!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Продукт със следния баркод не съществува в нашата база данни: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Няма връзка с интернет!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Моля, провери дали твоят смартфон има активирано WiFi или мобилни данни", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Страницата не е намерена!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Изтегляне на данните", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Изтегли най-добрите 1000 продукта в твоята страна за незабавно сканиране", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Изтегляне на данните\nТова може да отнеме известно време", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} добавени продукта", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} продукта са изтрити", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Зареждане…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Научи повече", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} налични продукта за незабавно сканиране", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Избери език:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Изтрий", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Създай", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Създай нов списък", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 968a7a1bd398111d75e87db69351933f1ce80496 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:07:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 003/216] New translations app_en.arb (Swedish) --- sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb diff --git a/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb b/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c86cfe766b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Lägg till", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okej", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Skapa", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Verkställ", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Nästa", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Spara", + "save_confirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill spara?", + "skip": "Hoppa over", + "cancel": "Annulera", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Stäng", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nej", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stopp", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Återställ matpreferenser", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Någonting gick fel", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Ett fel uppstod", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Vi arbetar fortfarande med den här funktionen, håll ögonen öppna", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Läs mer", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Okänd", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Matchar inte", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Okänd matchning", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Matchar inte", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Okänd matchning", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licenser", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Letar efter", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Välkommen till Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Se de matdata som är relevanta för dina önskemål.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Välj mat som är bra för dig.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Välj mat som är bra för planeten.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord.", + "login": "Användarnamn", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Vänligen ange användarnamn eller e-post", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Vänligen ange ett lösenord", + "create_account": "Skapa konto", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Logga in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Logga ut", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Lösenord", + "forgot_password": "Glömt lösenord", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Visa profil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Återställ lösenord", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Om du har glömt lösenordet, skriv in ditt användarnamn eller e-postadress för att få instruktioner om lösenordsåterställning. Kom också ihåg att kontrollera skräppostmappen.", + "username_or_email": "Användarnamn eller e-postadress", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Ett e-postmeddelande med en länk för att återställa ditt lösenord har skickats till e-postadressen som är kopplad till ditt konto. Kontrollera även din skräppost", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Ändra lösenord", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Skriv in lite text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registrera dig", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registrera dig", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Grattis! Ditt konto har just skapats.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Namn", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Ange det visningsnamn du vill använda", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-post", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-post krävs", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Ange ett användarnamn", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Ange ett giltigt användarnamn", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Lösenord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Vänligen ange ett lösenord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Vänligen ange ett giltigt lösenord (minst 6 tecken)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bekräfta Lösenord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vänligen bekräfta ditt lösenord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Lösenorden matchar inte", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "användarvillkor och bidrag", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "När du skapar ett konto är det obligatoriskt att acceptera användarvillkoren, men anonyma bidrag kan fortfarande göras via appen", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jag är en livsmedelsproducent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent/märke", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Ange en producent eller ett varumärke", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Ange en giltig e-postadress.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Inställningar", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Mörkt", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Ljust", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Systemets standardinställning", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Bidragsgivare", + "support": "Stod", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Be om hjälp i vår Slack-kanal", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Skicka ett e-postmeddelande till oss", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Användningsvillkor", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Om appen", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Bidra", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Mjukvaruutveckling", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donera till Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produkter att slutföra", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Förbättrar", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Översätt", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Börja översätta", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Översättningar är ett av projektets viktigaste uppgifter", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Dela Open Food Facts med dina vänner", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tryck här för att svara på frågor", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Sparar ditt svar", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Hjälp till att förbättra mat-transparens och få belöningar", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mina preferenser", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Din profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Appinställningar", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Matpreferenser", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Välj vilken information om mat som är viktigast för dig.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Återställa dina matpreferenser?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Min personliga rankning", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Alla", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "En bra match för dig", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Mycket dålig matchning", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Okänd matchning", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Laddades om med dina nya inställningar", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Skanna", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historik", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrera efter kategori", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Alla", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(kategorisökning)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Sök", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Okänt varumärke", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Okänt produktnamn", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Uppdatera", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Bild", + "front_photo": "Framsidans foto", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredienser", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Behåll den ursprungliga ordningen. Ange procenttalet när det anges. Separera med ett kommatecken eller bindestreck, använd parenteser för ingredienser i en ingrediens och ange allergener mellan understreck.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Det gick inte att spara ingredienserna.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Det gick inte att hämta en ny ingrediensbild.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Redigera ingredienser", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto på ingredienser", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Näring", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto på näringsfakta", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Förpackningsinformation", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto på förpackningsinformation", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Du har hittat en ny produkt!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Lägg till produktinformation", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Ny produkt", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Bekräfta", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto på Förpackningens Framsida", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto på Ingredienser", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Bild på återvinningsinformation", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Andra intressanta foton", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Framsidefoto uppladdat", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto på ingredienser", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingrediensfoto uppladdat", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto på näringsfakta", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto på näringsfakta uppladdat", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto på återvinningsinformation", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Återvinningsfoto uppladdat", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Andra intressanta foton", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Övrigt foto uppladdat", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Ta om", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Väljer foto", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Laddar upp fotot till servern", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Lägg till saknade ingredienser", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Lägg till saknade näringsfakta", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Lägg till saknad produktkategori", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Uppdatera näringsfakta", + "nutrition_page_title": "Näringsfakta", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Näringsfakta anges inte på produkten", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per portion", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Lägg till ett näringsämne", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Portionsstorlek", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Ogiltigt nummer", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produkt uppdaterad!", + "more_photos": "Fler intressanta bilder", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Ingen produkt hittades", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "hittades inte:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Sök eller skanna din första produkt", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Uppdaterar produkt", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produkt uppdaterad", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Kunde inte uppdatera produkt", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Omöjligt att hämta information om denna produkt på grund av ett nätverksfel.", + "cached_results_from": "Visa resultat från:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Tack för att du lägger till denna produkt!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Jämför med kategori", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Lägg till en kategori för att beräkna Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Lägg till näringsfakta för att beräkna Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Lägg till näringsfakta och en kategori för att beräkna Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Nutri-Score för denna produkt kan inte beräknas, vilket kan bero på t.ex. en kategori som inte är standard. Om detta anses vara ett fel, vänligen kontakta oss.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Näringsbilden är föråldrad: vänligen förnya den.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score tar hänsyn till ingrediensernas ursprung. Ta en bild av ingredienslistan och/eller eventuella geografiska anspråk eller redigera produkten, så att de kan beaktas.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Välj ett land", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Vissa miljöegenskaper är platsspecifika", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produkt borttagen från jämförelse", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produkt borttagen från historik", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Kunde inte ta bort produkt", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Det finns ingen produkt i denna lista", + "no_product_in_section": "Det finns ingen produkt i detta avsnitt", + "recently_seen_products": "Historik", + "clear": "Rensa", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Vill du verkligen radera den här listan?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% matchning", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{en dag sedan} other{{count} dagar sedan}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{en timme sedan} other{{count} timmar sedan}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{mindre än en minut sedan} =1{en minut sedan} other{{count} minuter sedan}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{en månad sedan} other{{count} månader sedan}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{en vecka sedan} other{{count} veckor sedan}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Jämför en produkt} other{Jämför {count} produkter}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Jämför produkter", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Jämför produkter", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Försök igen", + "connect_with_us": "Kontakta oss", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blogg", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Upptäck", + "how_to_contribute": "Hur man bidrar", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Du kan trycka på valfri del av kortet för att få mer information om vad du ser. Prova det nu!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Om du ändrar dig kan det här alternativet aktiveras och inaktiveras när som helst från inställningarna.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Om du ändrar dig kan det här alternativet aktiveras och inaktiveras när som helst från inställningarna.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Neka", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Laddar din första exempelprodukt", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Din placering är", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historik inte tillgänglig", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Laddar ner data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Kunde inte ladda ner data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Radera konto", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Radera mitt konto", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Välkommen!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Radera konto", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Produkter", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Skicka anonym data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Redigera foto", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Fel", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Tillåt kameraanvändning för att skanna streckkoder", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "För en förbättrad upplevelse, låt {appName} komma åt din kamera. Du kommer att kunna skanna streckkoder direkt.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Tillåt", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Åtkomst nekad", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Eftersom du tidigare har nekat kameratillstånd måste du tillåta det manuellt från Inställningar.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Öppna inställningar", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annulera", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Ingen kameraåtkomst beviljad", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Redigera produkt", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Streckkod", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Grundläggande uppgifter", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Produktnamn, varumärke, kvantitet", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Foton", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Lägg till eller uppdatera foton", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiketter & Certifieringar", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Butiker", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "butik", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "butik", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Ursprung", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Spårbarhetskoder", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "spårbarhetskod", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorier", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Spara ändringar", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredienser", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Lägg till", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Näringsfakta", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Näring, alkoholhalt…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Redigera", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Komplettera grundläggande uppgifter", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Inte implementerat ännu", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorier", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extrahera ingredienser", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Lägg till i lista", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Min lista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Ett fel uppstod!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Tillbaka", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Annulera", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Klar", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Bekräfta", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "användarvillkor och bidrag", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Komplettera grundläggande uppgifter", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Redigera", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorier", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Streckkod", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Ogiltig streckkod", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Välj en lista", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Redigera dina matpreferenser", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Dela", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopiera", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Ditt språk", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Bra! Låt andra veta vad du tycker om den här appen!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Form", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Flaska", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glas", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Ångra", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blå", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Grön", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Standard", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosa", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Röd", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Laddar…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Välj ditt land:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Välj ditt språk:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Radera", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Skapa", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 8d8aca3f07ec0d56498f356a7dc50a4f3a383794 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:07:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 004/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (French) --- fr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 fr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/fr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/fr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..56c135aa2d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/fr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Cette application a besoin d'un accès à l'appareil photo pour scanner des codes à barres et pour prendre des photos de produits"; From 343b7da97b5e264e6d21f868cd026fbe874fb5aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 18:07:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 005/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Swedish) --- sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sv.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sv.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sv.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sv.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sv-SE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sv.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 9e0424f8c9ecaeae5df675721b7bbd6abfde4545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 006/216] New translations app_en.arb (Spanish) --- es-ES/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 es-ES/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb diff --git a/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb b/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9a5a879efd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Sí", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Añadir", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "¿Estás seguro de querer eliminar tu cuenta?\nSi hay una razón específica, por favor detállalo abajo", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Razón", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Vale", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Crear", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Aplicar", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Siguiente", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Volver al principio", + "save": "Guardar", + "save_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres guardar?", + "skip": "Omitir", + "cancel": "Cancelar", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorar", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Cerrar", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Parar", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finalizar", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calcular", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Restablecer preferencias de alimentos", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Algo ha salido mal", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Se ha producido un error", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Todavía estamos trabajando en esta función, estad atentos", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Ver en la web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Saber más", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Desconocido", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Muy recomendable", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Recomendable", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poco recomendable", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Poca información", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "No recomendable", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Sin información suficiente", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Muy recomendable", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Recomendable", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poco recomendable", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Poca información", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "No recomendable", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Sin información suficiente", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licencias", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Buscando", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bienvenido a Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Elige alimentos que sean buenos para ti y para el planeta.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Consulta los datos de los alimentos relacionados con tus preferencias.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Elige los alimentos que sean buenos para ti.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Elige alimentos que sean buenos para el planeta.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrecto.", + "login": "Usuario", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, introduce tu nombre de usuario o correo electrónico", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce una contraseña", + "create_account": "Crear una cuenta", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Iniciar sesión", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Para usar esa función necesitas iniciar sesión.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Cerrar sesión", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar la sesión?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Contraseña", + "forgot_password": "He olvidado la contraseña", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Ver perfil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Restablecer la contraseña", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "En caso de que hayas olvidado la contraseña, introduce tu nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico para recibir instrucciones de cómo restablecerla. No olvides revisar la carpeta de Spam.", + "username_or_email": "Nombre de usuario o correo electrónico", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Se ha enviado un correo electrónico con un enlace a la dirección de correo electrónico vinculada a tu cuenta de usuario para que puedas restablecer tu contraseña. No olvides revisar la carpeta de Spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Cambiar contraseña", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Por favor, escribe algo", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Regístrate", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Regístrate", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrando…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "¡Felicidades! Tu cuenta acaba de ser creada.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nombre", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce el nombre que deseas mostrar", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "Correo electrónico", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Se requiere un correo electrónico", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Correo electrónico inválido", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nombre de usuario: visible públicamente", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce un nombre de usuario", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor, introduce un nombre de usuario válido", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "El nombre de usuario no puede contener espacios, mayúsculas o caracteres especiales.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "El nombre de usuario no puede exceder los {value} caracteres", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Contraseña", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce una contraseña", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor, introduce una contraseña válida (al menos 6 caracteres)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmar contraseña", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirma la contraseña", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "los términos de uso y contribución de Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Al crear una cuenta, es obligatorio aceptar los Términos de Uso. Sin embargo, aún se pueden hacer contribuciones anónimas a través de la aplicación", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Soy productor de alimentos", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Productor/marca", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce un productor o una marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Este nombre de usuario ya existe, por favor, elige uno nuevo.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "ya existe, inicia sesión en la cuenta o intenta con otro correo electrónico.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico válida.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Configuración", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Oscuro", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Claro", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Automático", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Colaboradores", + "support": "Soporte", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Pide ayuda en nuestro canal de Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Envíanos un correo electrónico", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "¿Enviar registros de errores?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "¿Quieres enviar los registros internos de la aplicación como adjunto en tu correo?", + "termsOfUse": "Condiciones de uso", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Sobre la aplicación", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribuir", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Desarrollo de software", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "¿Modo DEV?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activa el modo DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Productos por completar", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Aportando datos", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Traducir", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Empieza a traducir", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "La traducción es una de las tareas clave del proyecto.", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Toca aquí para responder a las preguntas", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Guardando tu respuesta", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ayuda a mejorar la transparencia alimentaria y obtén recompensas", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tocar para editar la búsqueda", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mis preferencias", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Únetenos", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Tu perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ajustes de la aplicación", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo oscuro, analíticas,…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferencias alimentarias", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Elige qué tipo de información alimentaria es más importante para ti.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "¿Quieres restablecer tus preferencias alimentarias?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mi clasificación personalizada", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Todo", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Una buena opción para ti", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Muy poco adecuado", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Sin información suficiente", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Actualice la lista con sus nuevas preferencias", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Actualizado con tus nuevas preferencias", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Perfil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Escanear", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historial", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listas", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrar por categoría", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Todo", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(búsqueda de categorías)", + "filter": "Filtros", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Buscar", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Pulsa para ver más información…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Producto", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Marca desconocida", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Nombre de producto desconocido", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Actualizar", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Imagen", + "front_photo": "Foto frontal", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredientes", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantén el orden original. Indica el porcentaje cuando se especifique. Separa los ingredientes con una coma o guion, introduce entre paréntesis los componentes de un ingrediente y señala los alérgenos con guiones bajos.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Error al guardar los ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "No se ha podido obtener una nueva imagen de los ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Editar ingredientes", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto de los ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Enumere todas las partes del empaquetado separadas por una coma o salto de línea, con su cantidad (por ejemplo, 1 o 6), tipo (por ejemplo, botella, caja, lata), material (por ejemplo, plástico, metal, aluminio) y, si está disponible, su tamaño (por ejemplo, 33cl) y instrucciones de reciclaje.\nEjemplo: 1 botella de vidrio para reciclar, 1 corcho de plástico para tirar", + "packaging_editing_error": "No se pudo guardar el envase.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "No se pudo obtener la nueva imagen del envase.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Editar el envase", + "nutrition": "Nutrición", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto de la información nutricional", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Información sobre el envase", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de la información del envase", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "¡Has encontrado un nuevo producto!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Por favor, tome algunas fotos primero. Siempre puede completar el producto en un momento posterior.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Agregar información del producto", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nuevo producto", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "¡Acabas de encontrar un nuevo producto!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor, toma fotos del envase para añadir este producto a nuestra base de datos general", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto frontal del producto", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirme la carga de la foto frontal del producto", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirmar", + "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imagen", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Recortando imagen…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Ups… hay algo con tu foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "No podemos procesar la imagen localmente, antes de enviarla a nuestro servidor. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde o ponte en contacto con nosotros si el problema persiste.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto frontal del envase", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto de los ingredientes", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto de información nutricional", + "recycling_photo_title": "Foto sobre el reciclaje", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Otras fotos interesantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto frontal subida", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto de los ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto de los ingredientes subida", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Imposible cargar los nutrientes desde el caché", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto de la información nutricional", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Introducir información nutricional", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Información nutricional añadida", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nivel de procesamiento de alimentos desconocido", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Se ha subido la foto con información nutricional", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto de información de reciclaje", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto de reciclaje subida", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Otras fotos interesantes", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Foto miscelánea cargada", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Repetir foto", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Seleccionando foto", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Subiendo imagen al servidor", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Añadir los ingredientes que faltan", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Añadir imagen faltante del embalaje", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Añadir la información nutricional que falta", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Agregar las categorías del producto que faltan", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Añadir países faltantes de los productos", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Añadir códigos de trazabilidad faltantes de productos", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Añadir etiquetas faltantes de productos", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Añadir orígenes faltantes en productos", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Agregar tiendas faltantes de productos", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Actualizar información nutricional", + "nutrition_page_title": "Información nutricional", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "La información nutricional no aparece en el producto", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "por 100 g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "por porción", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Añadir un nutriente", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tamaño de la porción", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número inválido", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Actualizando el producto en el servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "¡Producto Actualizado!", + "more_photos": "Más fotos interesantes", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No se ha encontrado ningún producto", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "no se ha encontrado:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Busca o escanea tu primer producto", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Actualizando producto", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Producto actualizado", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Está utilizando una versión obsoleta de la aplicación.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Clic aquí", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Descargar la nueva versión de la aplicación", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "No se pudo actualizar el producto", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Imposible obtener información sobre este producto debido a un error de red.", + "cached_results_from": "Mostrar resultados de:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "¡Gracias por añadir este producto!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Comparar con otros del mismo tipo", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Añade una categoría para calcular la puntuación Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Añade la información nutricional para calcular la puntuación Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Añade una categoría y la información nutricional para calcular la puntuación de Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "No se ha podido calcular la puntuación Nutri-Score para este producto. Esto puede deberse a que, por ejemplo, una categoría no es estándar. Si crees que es un error, por favor, ponte en contacto con nosotros.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "La imagen nutricional está obsoleta: por favor, actualízala.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "El Eco-Score tiene en cuenta el origen de los ingredientes. Haz una foto de los ingredientes y/o cualquier declaración geográfica y edita el producto para que se tengan en cuenta estos datos.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Elige un país", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Algunas características ambientales son específicas de su ubicación geográfica", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Producto eliminado de la comparación", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Configuración de la aplicación nativa", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Producto eliminado del historial", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "No se ha podido eliminar el producto", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "No hay ningún producto en esta lista", + "no_product_in_section": "No hay ningún producto en esta sección", + "recently_seen_products": "Historial", + "clear": "Limpiar", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta lista?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "coincide un {percent}%", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{hace un día} other{{count} días atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{hace una hora} other{{count} horas atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{hace menos de un minuto} =1{hace un minuto} other{{count} minutos atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{hace un mes} other{{count} meses atras}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{hace una semana} other{{count} semanas atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar un producto} other{Comparar {count} productos}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Comparar productos", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparar productos", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Por favor, seleccione al menos dos productos", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Reintentar", + "connect_with_us": "Conecta con nosotros", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Preguntas frecuentes", + "discover": "Descubrir", + "how_to_contribute": "Cómo contribuir", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Toca cualquier parte de la tarjeta para obtener más detalles sobre lo que ves. ¡Pruébalo ahora!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Enviar análisis anónimos", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Si cambias de opinión, esta opción puede ser activada y desactivada desde la configuración en cualquier momento.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Acceso a la cámara", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Para escanear códigos de barras con la cámara de tu teléfono, autoriza el acceso.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Si cambias de opinión, esta opción puede ser activada y desactivada desde la configuración en cualquier momento.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProducto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "SO: iOS ({version})\nModelo: {model}\nModelo localizado: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersión de la aplicación: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilación de la aplicación: {appBuildNumber}\nNombre del paquete de la aplicación: {appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autorizar", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Rechazar", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Después", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "¿Estás seguro?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Ir más allá en {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Inventamos\nla aplicación de escaneo\ncolaborativa en 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Al cumplir\ndiez añitos nos\nreinventamos", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Cargando tu primer producto de ejemplo", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que no hay ningún producto de ejemplo en tu idioma", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Tu clasificación", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historial no disponible", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Los productos escaneados aparecerán aquí y podrás consultar la información detallada sobre ellos", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refrescando {count,plural, =0{producto} =1{producto} other{productos}} en tu historial", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Producto} =1{Producto} other{Productos}} actualización completa", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Descargando datos", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "No se han podido descargar los datos", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Eliminar cuenta", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Eliminar mi cuenta", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Cuenta", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "¡Te damos la bienvenida!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "¡Te damos la bienvenida, {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Eliminar cuenta", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplicación", + "settings_app_data": "Privacidad y monitorización", + "settings_app_camera": "Cámara", + "settings_app_products": "Productos", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscelánea", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Reproducir un sonido al escanear", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Pitará al completar cada escaneo", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibración y háptica", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibraciones después de ejecutar algunas acciones (código de barras decodificado, producto eliminado…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Informar de fallos", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar comentarios anónimos", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Editar foto", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir el uso de la cámara para escanear códigos de barras", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para una experiencia mejorada, permite que {appName} acceda a tu cámara. Así podrás escanear los códigos de barras directamente.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Permitir", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permiso dengado", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como ya ha negado el permiso de la cámara, debe permitirlo manualmente desde la Configuración.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Abrir configuración", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancelar", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Cámara no detectada", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Permiso de acceso a la cámara denegado", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Editar producto", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Código de barras", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Detalles básicos", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nombre del producto, marca, cantidad", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Detalles adicionales", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Sitio web…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Añadir o actualizar fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiquetas y certificados", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Sellos ambientales, de calidad,…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Tiendas", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "tienda", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "tienda", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Orígenes", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "España", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Añade cualquier indicación de origen que puedas encontrar en el empaquetado. No tienes que preocuparte por los orígenes indicados directamente en la lista de ingredientes.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Ejemplos: carne de vacuno de Argentina, La soja no procede de la Unión Europea", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "País", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "España", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países donde el producto está por todas partes (pero no se incluyen tiendas de productos extranjeros).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Códigos de trazabilidad", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANTE 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "código de trazabilidad", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "En Europa es un código en una elipse con las dos iniciales del país seguido por un número y CE. Ejemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorías", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categoría", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categoría", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indique sólo la categoría más específica. Las categorías superiores se añadirán automáticamente.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Ejemplos: sardinas en aceite de oliva, jugo de naranja de concentrado", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "¿Deseas guardar los cambios antes de salir de esta página?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Guardar cambios", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descartar cambios", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredientes", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Añadir", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor ingrese un texto primero", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Eliminar", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto de instrucciones de reciclaje", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Información nutricional", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrición, contenido en alcohol…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Editar", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Sitio web", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Completa los datos básicos", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Aún no está implementado", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorías", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extraer ingredientes", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Actualizar foto", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extraer el envase", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Actualizar foto", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Error al detectar texto en la imagen.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nueva lista de productos", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Renombrar la lista", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listas", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Añade el producto a tus listas", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Crear una nueva lista", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Añadir a la lista", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Añadido a la lista", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Renombrar", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Mi lista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "El nombre es obligatorio", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Este nombre ya está en uso", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Ese es el mismo nombre", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Inténtalo de nuevo", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Ha ocurrido un error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No se encontró ninguna categoría para {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Activar flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Desactivar flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "¡Ha ocurrido un error!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocurrió un error al cambiar el estado de su flash. Asegúrate que tu teléfono inteligente no tenga la linterna ya habilitada.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Atrás", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo DEV", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Reiniciar incorporación", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Cambiar entre (PROD) y test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Parámetros del entorno de prueba", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL base para el entorno de prueba actual: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Entorno de prueba host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar kit de aprendizaje automático", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "entonces tienes que reiniciar esta aplicación", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Botón adicional en la página del producto", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edite los ingredientes a través de un botón del panel de conocimiento", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Exportar historial", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "excepción", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "producto encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "producto NO encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Exportar historial", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Aceptar", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancelar", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migración de datos desde V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Estado: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "éxito o nueva instalación", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "éxito", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "en curso", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "necesario (clic para comenzar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconocido", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importar historial", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Se borrará el historial y se pondrán 3 productos", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Hecho", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Modo de escaneo", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "El modo de escaneo actual es: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Modo de escaneo", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Excluir Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Solo transmisión de cámara, sin escaneo", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Flujo de cámara y preprocesamiento completo de imágenes, sin escaneo", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Flujo de cámara y preprocesamiento de media imagen, sin escaneo", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Escaneo de imagen completa", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Escaneo de media imagen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reutilizar y editar esta búsqueda", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Has descargado los {totalSize} productos.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Descargar {count} productos más.\nSe han descargado {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Productos que he añadido", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Productos que he editado", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Productos que he fotografiado", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Mis productos por completar", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Todos los productos por completar", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Volver a hacer la foto", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Hacer una foto", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirmar", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "los términos de uso y contribución de Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Icono de análisis", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Error fatal: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Error fatal: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Completa los datos básicos", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Editar", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Dejar de seleccionar la imagen", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Seleccionar una imagen existente", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Imágenes existentes", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Recuperando imágenes existentes…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "No existen imágenes previamente relacionadas con este producto.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorías", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Detalles básicos", + "product_name": "Nombre del producto", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Por favor, añade el nombre del producto", + "brand_name": "Nombre de la marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Por favor, introduce el nombre de la marca", + "quantity": "Cantidad y peso", + "barcode": "Código de barras", + "barcode_barcode": "Código de barras: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Código de barras no válido", + "basic_details_add_success": "Detalles básicos agregados con éxito", + "basic_details_add_error": "No hemos podido añadir los datos básicos. Vuelve a intentarlo en un rato", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Borrar tu búsqueda", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Está a punto de eliminar todo tu historial, ¿está seguro de que quiere continuar?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Está a punto de borrar esta lista ({name}): ¿está seguro de que desea continuar?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "Importancia {name}: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listas", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Crea tu primera lista", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lista vacía} =1{Un producto} other{{count} productos}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Agregar lista", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Editar tus preferencias de alimentos", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Agregar foto", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tome fotos de cualquier información del empaque/reciclaje", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Elegir fuente de la imagen", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Por favor, elija una fuente de la imagen", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galería", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Compartir", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Nueva captura", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Seleccionar de la galería", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "La imagen se cargará en segundo plano tan pronto como sea posible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Iniciando la actualización de todos los productos almacenados localmente", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Iniciando la descarga de los productos más populares", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Ampliar tabla de información nutricional", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Mantener ampliada la tabla de datos nutricionales", + "expand_ingredients": "Expandir ingredientes", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Mantener expandido el panel de ingredientes", + "no_internet_connection": "No hay conexión a internet", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Mundo entero", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Amplía tu búsqueda al mundo", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copiar", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar código de barras al portapapeles", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "¡Código de barras {barcode} copiado al portapapeles!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Ayuda con OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "El producto se actualizará en segundo plano lo antes posible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Envíanos manualmente un correo electrónico a", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Todas las imágenes", + "selected_images": "Imágenes seleccionadas", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Eliminar producto", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcula información nutricional para una cantidad específica", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Cantidad", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Ingrese una cantidad para calcular los datos nutricionales", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Por favor ingrese una cantidad entre {min} y {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Información nutricional por {grams} g (o ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Datos sin conexión", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Sube una imagen para extraer automáticamente la información que contiene.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Subir foto", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Error al descargar la imagen", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "No se pudo editar la imagen porque no se configuró la URL de la imagen.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Recuerda mi elección", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Seleccione cada vez", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continuar", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Mostrar contraseña", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Calificar la aplicación", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "¡Genial! ¡Hazle saber a los demás lo que piensas de esta aplicación!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Calificar la aplicación", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Después", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "¡Sí!", + "not_really": "No del todo", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Componentes del embalaje", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Añadir un componente de embalaje", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "El envase está completo", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Componente del embalaje #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Número de unidades", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Indique el número de unidades de embalaje de la misma forma y material que contiene el producto.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Forma", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Ingrese el nombre de la forma que aparece en las instrucciones de reciclaje, si están disponibles, o seleccione una forma.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Botella", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Ingrese el material específico si se pudiera determinar (a menudo se puede encontrar un código de material dentro de un triángulo en las piezas del empaque), o un material genérico (por ejemplo, plástico o metal) si no está seguro.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Vidrio", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Instrucción de reciclaje", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Ingrese las instrucciones de reciclaje solo si están enumeradas en el producto.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Reciclar", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Cantidad neta de producto por unidad", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Ingrese el peso neto o el volumen neto e indique la unidad (por ejemplo g o ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Peso de una unidad vacía (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Contribuciones pendientes", + "background_task_subtitle": "Sus contribuciones se guardan automáticamente en nuestro servidor, pero no siempre en tiempo real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Sin tareas pendientes en segundo plano", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Error de conexión a Internet. Inténtalo más tarde.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "acción desconocida", + "background_task_operation_details": "cambios detallados", + "background_task_operation_image": "subir foto", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "actualización retrasada después de cargar la foto", + "background_task_run_started": "iniciado", + "background_task_run_not_started": "todavía no se ha iniciado", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "para ser eliminado", + "background_task_question_stop": "¿Quieres detener esa tarea lo antes posible?", + "feed_back": "Sugerencias", + "undo": "Deshacer", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copia el correo electrónico al portapapeles", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor, envíenos un correo electrónico manualmente a", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "¡Correo electrónico copiado al portapapeles!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecciona el color de énfasis", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Azul", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cian", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Verde", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Predeterminado", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Anaranjado", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosado", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Rojo", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Naranja rojizo", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Verde azulado", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "De contraste de texto", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Color de texto de alto contraste", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medio", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Bajo", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "¡Descarga la parte superior {count,plural, one {}other{{count} ¡productos}} en tu país para escanear instantáneamente", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Cargando…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Selecciona tu país:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Crear", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Crear una nueva lista", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From efe627deb396d0a985501be5d172edc7e741633e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 007/216] New translations app_en.arb (Arabic) --- ar/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ar/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb diff --git a/ar/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb b/ar/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f2e64f2c4ee --- /dev/null +++ b/ar/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "نعم", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "إضافة", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "هل انت متأكد انك تريد حذف حسابك؟\nإذا كان هناك سبب محدد ، يرجى المشاركة بالأسفل", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "السبب", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "حسناً", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "إنشاء", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "طبق", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "التالى", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "العودة لأعلى", + "save": "حفظ", + "save_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد المغادرة؟", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "إلغاء", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "تجاهل", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "إغلق", + "@close": {}, + "no": "لا", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "توقّف", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "قم بالحساب", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "إعادة تعيين تفضيلات الطعام", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "حدث خطأ ما", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "حدث خطأ", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "لا زلنا نعمل على هذه الميزة. ترقبوا", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "لمعرفة المزيد", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "غير معروف", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "تطابق غير معروف", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "تطابق غير معروف", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "البحث عن", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "مرحبًا بكم في موقع Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "اطلع على بيانات الطعام ذات الصلة بتفضيلاتك.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "اختر الأطعمة المفيدة لك.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "اختر الأطعمة المفيدة للكوكب.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة.", + "login": "اسم المستخدم", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "الرجاء إدخال اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكتروني", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "برجاء إخال كلمة مرور", + "create_account": "إنشاء حساب", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "تسجيل الدخول", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "تسجيل الخروج", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد تسجيل الخروج؟", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "كلمة المرور", + "forgot_password": "نسيت كلمة المرور", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "عرض الصفحة الشخصية", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "في حالة نسيت كلمة المرور، أدخل اسم المستخدم أو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لتلقي تعليمات لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور. تذكر أيضا التحقق من مجلد البريد المزعج.", + "username_or_email": "اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكتروني", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني مع رابط لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرتبط بحسابك. تحقق أيضا من البريد المزعج الخاص بك", + "send_reset_password_mail": "تغيير كلمة المرور", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "برجاء إدخال نص", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "تسجيل", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "تسجيل", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "تسجيل الدخول…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "تهانينا! تم إنشاء حسابك للتو.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "اﻹسم", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "يرجاء إدخال الإسم العرض الذي تود استخدامه", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "البريد الإلكتروني", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "البريد الإلكتروني مطلوب", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "بريد إلكتروني غير صالح", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "برجاء إدخال اسم المستخدم", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "برجاء إدخال اسم مستخدم صحيح", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "كلمة المرور", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "برجاء إخال كلمة مرور", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "برجاء إدخال كلمة مرور (6 أحرف على الأقل)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "تأكيد كلمة المرور", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "برجاء تأكيد كلمة المرور", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "كلمة السر غير مطابقة", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "\n", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "عند إنشاء حساب، الموافقة على شروط الاستخدام إلزامية، ولكن من الممكن تقديم مساهمات مجهولة من خلال التطبيق", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "أنا منتج للغذاء", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "المنتِج / العلامة التجارية", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "برجاء إدخال اسم منتِج أو اسم علامة تجارية", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "الإعدادات", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "مظهر", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "بنتاا", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "وضع نهاري", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "الإعداد الافتراضي للنظام", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "المساهمون", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "طلب المساعدة في قناتنا على Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "ارسل لنا بريد إلكتروني", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "شروط الاستخدام", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "حول هذا التطبيق", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "المساهمة", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "تطوير البرمجيات", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "مُنتجات مراد إكمالها", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "قيد التحسن", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "ترجم", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "إبدأ بالترجمة", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "الترجمات هي إحدى المهام الرئيسية للمشروع", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "اضغط هنا للإجابة على الأسئلة", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "حفظ إجابتك", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "ساعد في تحسين شفافية الطعام واحصل على مكافآت", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "ماهذا وكيف يستخدم", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "خياراتي", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "انضم إلينا", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "صفحتك الشخصية", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "إعدادات التطبيق", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "أضف تفضيلات غذائية", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "اختر المعلومات التي تهمك أكثر عن الطعام.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "إعادة تعيين تفضيلات التطبيق؟", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "تصنيفي الشخصي", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "الكل", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "تطابُق ضعيف جداً", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "تطابق غير معروف", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "الملف الشخصي", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "مسح", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "السجل", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "فرز حسب الفئة", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "الكل", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(بحث عن فئة)", + "filter": "تصفية", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "بحث", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "نتاج", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "علامة تجارية مجهولة", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "إسم منتج غير معروف", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "تحديث", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "الصورة", + "front_photo": "الصورة الأمامية", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "المكونات", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "فشل في حفظ المكونات.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "فشل الحصول على صورة جديدة للمكونات.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "تعديل المكونات", + "ingredients_photo": "صورة المكونات", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "التغذية", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "صورة حقائق التغذية", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "معلومات التعبِئة", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "صورة معلومات التعبِئة", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "لقد وجدت منتجا جديدا!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "إضافة معلومات عن المنتج", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "منتج جديد", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "لقد وجدت الآن منتجا جديدا!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "المرجو أخذ صورة للعبوة من اجل هشا المنتج إلى قاعدة بياناتنا المشتركة", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "صورة المكونات", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "صورة الحقائق الغذائية", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "صور أخرى مثيرة للاهتمام", + "front_photo_uploaded": "تم تحميل الصورة الأمامية", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "صورة المكونات", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "تم تحميل صورة المكونات", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "صورة حقائق التغذية", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "مستوى معالجة الطعام غير معروف", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "صورة معلومات إعادة التدوير", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "تم تحميل صورة إعادة التدوير", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "صور أخرى مثيرة للاهتمام", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "تم تحميل صور متنوعة", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "الإعادة", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "تحديد الصورة", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "تحميل الصورة على الخادم", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "أضف المكونات المفقودة", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "إضافة معلومات التغذية المفقودة", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "إضافة فئة المنتج مفقودة", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "تحديث المعلومات الغذائية", + "nutrition_page_title": "حقائق غذائية", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "لم يتم تحديد المعلومات الغذائية على المنتج", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "لكل 100 غرام", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "لكل وجبة", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "إضافة مادة غذائية", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "حجم الحصة", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "الرقم غير صحيح", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "تم تحديث المنتج!", + "more_photos": "صور أكثر إثارة للاهتمام", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "لم يتم العثور على أي منتج", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "لم يتم العثور على نتائج:", + "searchPanelHeader": "ابحث عن أول منتج لك، أو اعمل مسح ضوئي للكود. ", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "تحديث المنتج", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "تم تحديث المنتج", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "أنت تستخدم الإصدار القديم من التطبيق.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "قم بتحميل النسخة الجديدة من التطبيق", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "تعذر تحديث المنتج", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "يتعذر جلب معلمومات حول هذا المنتج بسبب خطأ في الشبكة.", + "cached_results_from": "إظهار النتائج من:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "شكرًا لَإضافة هذا المنتج!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "قارن بالفئة", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "إضافة فئة لحساب Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "إضافة المعلومات الغذائية لحساب Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "أضف المعلومات الغذائية والفئة لحساب Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "لا يمكن حساب Nutri-Score هذا المنتج، والذي قد يكون بسبب مثل. فئة غير قياسية. إذا كان هذا خطأ، يرجى الاتصال بنا.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "صورة التغذية قديمة: يرجى تحديثها.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "تأخذ النتيجة البيئية في الاعتبار أصول المكونات. يرجى التقاط صورة لقائمة المكونات و / أو أي مطالبة جغرافية أو تعديل المنتج ، حتى يمكن أخذها في الحسبان.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "الرجاء اختيار بلد", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "بعض السمات البيئية خاصة بالموقع", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "تم إزالة المنتج من المقارنة", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "تم إزالة المنتج من السجل", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "لا يمكن إزالة المنتج", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "لا يوجد منتج في هذه القائمة", + "no_product_in_section": "لا يوجد منتج في هذا القسم", + "recently_seen_products": "السجل", + "clear": "محو", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "هل تريد حقًا حذف هذه القائمة؟", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}٪ تطابق", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{قبل يوم} other{{count} قبل أيام}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{قبل ساعة} other{{count} قبل ساعات}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{قبل أقل من دقيقة} =1{قبل دقيقة} other{{count} منذ دقائق}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{قبل شهر} other{{count} قبل أشهر}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{قبل أسبوع} other{{count} قبل أسابيع}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "إعادة المحاولة", + "connect_with_us": "اتصل بنا", + "instagram": "إنستغرام", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "الأسئلة المتكررة", + "discover": "إكتشف", + "how_to_contribute": "كيفية المساهمة", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "إرسال تحليلات مجهولة", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "الوصول إلى الكاميرا", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "رفض", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "لاحقاً", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "تعرف أكثر من خلال {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "ترتيبك هو", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "السجل غير متوفر", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "ستظهر المنتجات الممسوحة ضوئيًا هنا ويمكنك التحقق من المعلومات التفصيلية عنها", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "تحميل البيانات", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "تعذر تحميل البيانات", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "حذف الحساب", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "الحساب", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "مرحباً!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "حذف الحساب", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "المنتجات", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "حرر الصورة", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "خطأ", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "السماح باستخدام الكاميرا لمسح الباركود", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "للحصول على تجربة محسّنة ، يُرجى السماح لـ {appName} بالوصول إلى الكاميرا. سوف تكون قادرا على مسح الباركود مباشرة.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "سماح", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "تم رفض الإذن", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "نظرًا لأنك رفضت مسبقًا إذن الكاميرا ،يجب أن تسمح بذلك يدويًا من الإعدادات.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "إلغاء", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "لم يتم منح الوصول إلى الكاميرا", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "تحرير المنتج", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "الرمز الشريطي", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "المعلومات الأساسية", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "اسم المنتج، العلامة التجارية، الكمية", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "صور", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "إضافة أو تحديث الصور", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "التسميات وشهادات الاعتماد", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "al3alama", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "al3alama", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "المتاجر", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "almatajir", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "almatajir", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "أصلي", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "إسبانيا", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "الدولة", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "إسبانيا", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "الدولة", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "رموز التتبع", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "رمز التتبع", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "الفئات", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "atassnifate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "atassnifate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "حفظ التغييرات", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "المكونات", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "إضافة", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "الرجاء إدخال النص أولا", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "إزالة", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "حقائق غذائية", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "التفاضيل الغذائية، ومحتوى الكحول…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "تحرير", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "الفئات", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "استخراج المكونات", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "تحديث الصورة", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "تحديث الصورة", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "أضف إلى القائمة", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "عودة", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "موافق", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "إلغاء", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "تم", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "المنتجات المعدلة", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "عربية", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "تحرير", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "إلغاء تحديد الصورة", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "إختيار صورة موجودة من قبل", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "الصور الموجودة", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "لا توجد صور تم تحميلها سابقا فيما يتعلق بهذا المنتج.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "الفئات", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "اسم المنتج", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "اسم العلامة التجارية", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "الكمية و الوزن", + "barcode": "الرمز الشريطي", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "باركود غير صالح", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "أنت على وشك مسح السجل بأكمله: هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد المتابعة؟", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "أنت على وشك مسح هذه القائمة ({name}): هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد المتابعة؟", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "مشاركة", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "سيتم تحميل الصورة في الخلفية في أقرب وقت ممكن.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "نسخ الباركود إلى الحافظة", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "سيتم تحديث المنتج في الخلفية بأسرع ما يمكن.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلينا يدويًا إلى", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "احسب المعلومات الغذائية لكمية محددة", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "رائع! دع اﻷخرين يعرفون رأيك في هذا التطبيق!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "لاحقاً", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "نعم!", + "not_really": "ليس تماماً", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "ملاحظات", + "undo": "تراجع", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "جاري التحميل…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "حذف", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "إنشاء", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 632959a1eb52e99917e12f88f0ff81e6493d4b45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 008/216] New translations app_en.arb (Catalan) --- ca/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ca/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb diff --git a/ca/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb b/ca/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5b350bfe032 --- /dev/null +++ b/ca/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Si", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Afegeix", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Segur que voleu suprimir el vostre compte?\nSi hi ha una raó específica, compartiu-la a continuació", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Raó", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "D'acord", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Crea", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Aplicar", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Següent", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Torna a dalt", + "save": "Desa", + "save_confirmation": "De debò que ho voleu desar?", + "skip": "Omet", + "cancel": "Cancel·lar", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorar", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Tanca", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Atura't", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finalitzat", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calcular", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Restableix les preferències d'aliments", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Alguna cosa ha anat malament", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "S'ha produït un error", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Seguim treballant en aquesta funció, estigueu atents", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Veure a la web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Saber-ne més", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Desconegut", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Molt bona coincidència", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Bona coincidència", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poca coincidència", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Podria no coincidir", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "No coincideix", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Coincidència desconeguda", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Molt bona coincidència", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Bona coincidència", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poca coincidència", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Podria no coincidir", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "No coincideix", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Coincidència desconeguda", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Llicències", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Tot cercant", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Benvingut a Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Trieu menjar que sigui bo per a vosaltres i per al planeta.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Consulteu les dades dels aliments rellevants per a les vostres preferències.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Trieu aliments que us siguin bons.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Trieu aliments que siguin bons per al planeta.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Usuari o contrasenya incorrectes.", + "login": "Nom d'usuari", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Introduïu l'usuari o l'adreça electrònica", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Si us plau, introduïu una contrasenya", + "create_account": "Crear un compte", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Inicia la sessió", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Per a aquesta funció, necessitem que inicieu la sessió.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Tancar la sessió", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Segur que voleu tancar la sessió?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Contrasenya", + "forgot_password": "Contrasenya oblidada", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Mostra el perfil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reinicialitza contrasenya", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "En cas d'oblidar la contrasenya, introduïu el vostre usuari o adreça electrònica per rebre les instruccions per restablir la contrasenya. A més, recordeu comprovar la carpeta de correu brossa.", + "username_or_email": "Usuari o adreça electrònica", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "S'ha enviat un missatge de correu electrònic amb un enllaç per restablir la contrasenya a l'adreça associada al vostre compte. Comproveu també dins el correu brossa", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Canvia la contrasenya", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Si us plau, introduïu algun text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registreu-vos", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registreu-vos", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrant-se…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Felicitats! S'acaba de crear el vostre compte.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nom", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Introduïu el nom que voleu que es mostri", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "Adreça electrònica", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Cal una adreça electrònica", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Adreça no vàlida", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Usuari: visible públicament", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Si us plau, introduïu un usuari", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Si us plau, introduïu un usuari vàlid", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "El nom d'usuari no pot contenir espais, majúscules ni caràcters especials.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "L'usuari no pot excedir els {value} caràcters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Contrasenya", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Si us plau, introduïu una contrasenya", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Si us plau, introduïu una contrasenya vàlida (com a mínim 6 caràcters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmeu la contrasenya", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Si us plau, confirmeu la contrasenya", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termes d'ús i contribució", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "En crear un compte, acceptar les condicions d'ús és obligatori, però encara es poden fer contribucions anònimes a través de l'aplicació", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sóc productor d'aliments", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Productor/marca", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Introduïu un nom de productor o marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "El nom d'usuari ja existeix, trieu-ne un altre.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "ja existeix, inicieu sessió amb el compte o proveu amb un altre correu electrònic.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Introduïu una adreça electrònica vàlida.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Preferències", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Fosc", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Clar", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Per defecte del sistema", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contribuents", + "support": "Suport", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Demana ajuda al nostre canal de Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Demana ajuda al nostre fòrum", + "support_via_email": "Envieu-nos un correu electrònic", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Vols enviar els registres de l'aplicació?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Voleu incloure els registres de l'aplicació al fitxer adjunt al vostre correu electrònic?", + "termsOfUse": "Condicions d'ús", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Quant a aquesta aplicació", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribuir", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Desenvolupament de programari", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Mode Desenvolupador?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activeu el mode DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Productes que s'han de completar", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Millorant", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Tradueix", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Comenceu a traduir", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Les traduccions són una de les tasques clau del projecte", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Fes clic per respondre preguntes", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Fes clic aquí per respondre preguntes sobre aquest producte", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Si us plau, espereu mentre es carreguen les preguntes sobre aquest producte", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Desant la vostra resposta", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajudeu a millorar la transparència alimentària i obteniu recompenses", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Respondre amb sí", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Respondre amb no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Omet aquesta pregunta", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Feu clic per editar la cerca", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Les meves preferències", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Uneix-te'ns", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "El vostre perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configuració de l'App", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Mode fosc, Analítiques…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferències alimentàries", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Triau quina informació dels aliments us importa més.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Voleu restablir les vostres preferències alimentàries?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "El meu rànquing personalitzat", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Tots", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Una bona coincidència per a vós", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Coincidència molt pobra", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Coincidència desconeguda", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Actualitzeu la llista amb les vostres noves preferències", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregat amb les teves noves preferències", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Perfil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Escàner", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historial", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Llistes", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtra per categoria", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Tots", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(cerca per categoria)", + "filter": "Filtre", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Sessió d'escaneig", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Historial d'escaneig", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Cerca", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Producte", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Marca desconeguda", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Nom de producte desconegut", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresca", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Imatge", + "front_photo": "Foto frontal", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantingueu l'ordre original. Indica el percentatge quan s'especifiqui. Separeu amb una coma o un guionet, feu servir parèntesis per als ingredients d'un ingredient i indiqueu els al·lèrgens entre guions baixos.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "No s'han pogut desar els ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "No s'ha pogut obtenir una nova imatge dels ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edita els ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto dels ingredients", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Introduïu totes les peces d'embalatge separades per una coma o una línia, amb la seva quantitat (p. ex. 1 o 6) tipus (p. ex. ampolla, caixa, llauna), material (p. ex. plàstic, metall, alumini) i, si està disponible, la seva mida (p. ex. 33cl) i instruccions de reciclatge.\nExemple: 1 ampolla de vidre per reciclar, 1 suro de plàstic per llençar", + "packaging_editing_error": "No s'ha pogut desar l'embalatge.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "No s'ha pogut obtenir una nova imatge del paquet.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edita l'embalatge", + "nutrition": "Nutrició", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Fotos dels valors nutricionals", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informació de l'embolcall", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de la informació de l'embolcall", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Heu trobat un nou producte!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Si us plau, feu algunes fotos primer. Sempre podeu completar el producte més endavant.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Afegiu informació del producte", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nou producte", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Heu trobat un producte nou!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Sembla que no has introduït res. De veritat vols sortir d'aquesta pàgina?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Si us plau, feu fotos de l'embalatge per afegir aquest producte a la nostra base de dades comuna", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto frontal del producte", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirma la càrrega de la foto frontal del producte", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirma", + "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imatge", + "crop_page_action_saving": "S'està desant la imatge…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Retallant la imatge…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "S'està desant una versió local…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "La imatge és massa petita!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "La mida mínima en píxels per pujar imatges és {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. La imatge actual és de {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparant una trucada al servidor…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto frontal de l'embalatge", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto dels ingredients", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto dels valors nutricionals", + "recycling_photo_title": "Foto del reciclatge", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Altres fotos interessants", + "front_photo_uploaded": "S'ha penjat la foto frontal", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto dels ingredients", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "S'ha penjat la foto dels ingredients", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "No es poden carregar els nutrients de la memòria cau", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Fotos dels valors nutricionals", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Introduïu valors nutricionals", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Afegits els valors nutricionals", + "categories_added": "Categories afegides", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calculeu el Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Aconsegueix-ho omplint la categoria de l'aliment i els valors nutricionals", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calculeu l'Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Aconsegueix-ho omplint almenys una categoria", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Feu que el càlcul Eco-Score sigui més precís amb els orígens, l'embalatge i molt més", + "new_product_title_nova": "Calcula el nivell de processament d'aliments (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Aconsegueix-ho omplint la categoria de l'aliment i els ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nivell de processament d'aliments desconegut", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Fem unes fotos!", + "new_product_title_misc": "I algunes dades bàsiques…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toqueu per respondre 3 preguntes ARA per calcular el Nutri-Score, l'Eco-Score i l'Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "S'ha penjat una foto de dades nutricionals", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto informativa sobre el reciclatge", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "S'ha penjat una foto de reciclatge", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Altres fotos interessants", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "S'ha penjat una altra foto", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Torna a fer", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecció de la foto", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "S'està carregant la foto al servidor", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Afegiu els ingredients que falten", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Afegeix la imatge que falta de l'envàs", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Afegiu les dades nutricionals que falten", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Afegiu la categoria de producte que falta", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Afegiu els països del producte que falten", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Afegiu els codis de traçabilitat dels productes que falten", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Afegiu les etiquetes dels productes que falten", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Afegiu els orígens dels productes que falten", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Afegeix les botigues de productes que falten", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Actualitzar les dades nutricionals", + "nutrition_page_title": "Informació nutricional", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Les dades nutricionals no estan especificades en el producte", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100 g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per porció", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Afegir un nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Mida de la porció", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número no vàlid", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Actualització del producte al servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Producte actualitzat!", + "more_photos": "Més fotos interessants", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Cap producte trobat", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "no trobat:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Cerqueu o escanegeu el primer producte", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Producte refrescant", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Producte actualitzat", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Esteu fent servir una versió obsoleta de l'aplicació.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Feu clic aquí", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "S'està descarregant la nova versió de l'aplicació", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Impossible d'actualitzar el producte", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "No es pot obtenir informació sobre aquest producte a causa d'un error de xarxa.", + "cached_results_from": "Mostra resultats de:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Gràcies per afegir aquest producte!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compara amb la categoria", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Afegiu una categoria per calcular el Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Afegiu dades nutricionals per calcular el Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Afegiu dades nutricionals i una categoria per calcular el Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "La Nutri-score d'aquest producte no es pot calcular, la qual cosa pot ser degut, per exemple, a una categoria no estàndard. Si ho consideres un error, posa't en contacte amb nosaltres.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "La imatge nutricional és obsoleta: si us plau, actualitzeu-la.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "L'Eco-Score té en compte l'origen dels ingredients. Si us plau, feu una foto de la llista d'ingredients i/o qualsevol referència geogràfica o editeu el producte, per tal que es puguin tenir en compte.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Si us plau, trieu un país", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Algunes característiques ambientals són específiques del lloc", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Producte eliminat de la comparació", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Configuració de l'aplicació nativa", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Producte eliminat de l'historial", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Producte eliminat de la llista", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "No s'ha pogut eliminar el producte", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "No hi ha cap producte en aquesta llista", + "no_product_in_section": "No hi ha cap producte en aquesta secció", + "recently_seen_products": "Historial", + "clear": "Esborra", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Realment voleu suprimir aquesta llista?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% de coincidència", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{fa un dia} other{fa {count} dies}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{Fa una hora} other{Fa {count} hores}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{fa menys d'un minut} =1{fa un minut} other{fa {count} minuts}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{fa un mes} other{fa {count} mesos}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{fa una setmana} other{fa {count} setmanes}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compara un producte} other{Compara {count} Productes}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Comparar productes", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparar productes", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Seleccioneu com a mínim dos productes", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Torna a provar", + "connect_with_us": "Connecta amb nosaltres", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Bloc", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Descobrir", + "how_to_contribute": "Com contribuir", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Podeu fer clic a qualsevol part de la targeta per obtenir més detalls del que veieu. Proveu-ho ara!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Enviament de dades anònimes", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Si canvieu d'opinió, aquesta opció es pot activar o desactivar en qualsevol moment des de la configuració.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Accés a la càmera", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Per escanejar codis de barres amb la càmera del telèfon, si us plau, autoritzeu l'accés.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Si canvieu d'opinió, aquesta opció es pot activar o desactivar en qualsevol moment des de la configuració.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "Sistema operatiu: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Versió: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProducte: {product}\nDispositiu: {device}\nMarca:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "Sistema operatiu: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nModel localitzat: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersió de l'aplicació:{appVersion}\nNúmero de compilació de l'aplicació:{appBuildNumber}\nNom del paquet de l'aplicació:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autoritza", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Denegar", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Més tard", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "N'esteu segur?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Aneu més enllà del {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Vam inventar\nl'aplicació col·laborativa\nd'escaneig l'any 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Ja que en fem 10,\nl'estem reinventant\ndes de zero!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "S'està carregant el vostre primer exemple de producte", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Sembla que no hi ha cap producte d'exemple en el vostre idioma", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "La teva classificació", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historial no disponible", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Comenceu a escanejar", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Els productes escanejats apareixeran aquí i podeu consultar informació detallada sobre ells", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refrescant {count,plural, =0{cap producte} =1{un producte} other{els productes}} en el teu historial", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Refrescament acabat {count,plural, =0{pel producte} =1{pel producte} other{pels productes}}", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Descàrregant les dades", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "No s'han pogut baixar les dades", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Eliminar compte", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Suprimeix el meu compte", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Compte", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Benvingut! Benvinguda!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Benvingut/da {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Eliminar compte", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplicació", + "settings_app_data": "Privacitat i seguiment", + "settings_app_camera": "Càmera", + "settings_app_products": "Productes", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscel·lània", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Reprodueix un so en escanejar", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Emetrà un so en cada escaneig exitós", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibració i hàptica", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibracions després d'executar algunes accions (codi de barres descodificat, producte eliminat…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Informes d'errors", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviament de dades anònimes", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Editar foto", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permeteu l'ús de la càmera per escanejar codis de barres", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Per obtenir una experiència millorada, permeteu que {appName} accedeixi a la vostra càmera. Us permetrà escanejar codis de barres directament.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Permet", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permís denegat", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Com que prèviament heu denegat el permís de la càmera, heu de permetre'l manualment des de la configuració.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Obre la configuració", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel·lar", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No es detecta cap càmera", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No s'ha concedit accés a la càmera", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edita el producte", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Afegeix un nou {itemType}", + "description": "Informació sobre eines per mostrar quan l'usuari prem el botó (+) durant una estona", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Codi de barres", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Detalls bàsics", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nom del producte, marca, quantitat", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Més detalls", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Lloc web…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Afegeix o actualitza fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiquetes i certificacions", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Mediambiental, Segells de qualitat…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Botigues", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "botiga", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "botiga", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Orígens", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Espanya", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Afegiu qualsevol indicació d'origen que pugueu trobar a l'embalatge. No us haureu de preocupar pels orígens indicats directament a la llista d'ingredients.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemples: vedella d'Argentina, La soja no prové de la Unió Europea", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "País", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Espanya", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Països on el producte està àmpliament disponible (sense incloure les botigues especialitzades en productes estrangers).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Codis de traçabilitat", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, ES 10.01235 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "codi de traçabilitat", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "A Europa, codifiqueu en una el·lipse amb les inicials dels 2 països seguides d'un número i CE.\nPer exemple: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicau només la categoria més concreta. Les categories arrel s'afegiran automàticament.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemples: Sardines en oli d'oliva, Suc de taronja a partir de concentrat", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Voleu desar els canvis abans de sortir de la pàgina?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Desa els canvis", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descarta els canvis", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Afegeix", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Si us plau, introduïu un text", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Suprimeix", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto d'instruccions sobre el reciclatge", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Informació nutricional", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrició, contingut alcohòlic…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edita", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Lloc web", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Detalls bàsics complets", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Encara no s'ha implementat", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extreu els ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Actualitza la foto", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extreure l'embalatge", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Actualitza la foto", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "No ha pogut detectar text a la imatge.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nova llista de productes", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Canvia el nom a la llista", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Llistes", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Afegeix el producte a les teves llistes", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Crea una llista nova", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Encara no hi ha cap llista disponible,\nsi us plau, comenceu creant-ne una", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Afegeix a la llista", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "S'ha afegit a la llista", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Neteja l'historial", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Canviar el nom", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "La meva llista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "El nom és obligatori", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Aquest nom ja s'està utilitzat", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Aquest és el mateix nom", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Torneu-ho a provar", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "S'ha produït un error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No s'ha trobat cap categoria per a {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Canvia entre la càmera posterior i la frontal", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Enceneu o apagueu el flaix de la càmera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Activa el flaix", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Desactiva el flaix", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "S'ha produït un error!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "S'ha produït un error en canviar l'estat del flaix. Assegureu-vos que el vostre telèfon no tingui la llanterna activada.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Enrere", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Mode Desenvolupador", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Reinicieu la incorporació", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Llavors heu de reiniciar l'aplicació per tornar-ho a veure.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Canvia entre (PROD) i prova env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Paràmetres de l'entorn de prova", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL base per a l'entorn de prova actual: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Amfitrió de l'entorn de prova", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Utilitzeu el kit ML", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "aleshores heu de reiniciar aquesta aplicació", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Botó addicional a la pàgina del producte", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Editeu els ingredients mitjançant un botó del tauler de coneixement", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Exporta l'historial", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "excepció", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "producte trobat", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "producte NO trobat", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Exportació de l'historial", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "D'acord", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel·lar", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migració de dades des de la V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Estat: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "èxit o instal·lació nova", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "èxit", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "en curs", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "obligatori (feu clic per començar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconegut", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Historial d'importacions", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Esborrarà l'historial i hi posarà 3 productes", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Fet", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Mode d'escaneig", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "El mode d'exploració actual és: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Mode d'escaneig", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclou l'Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Només flux de càmera, sense escaneig", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Flux de càmera i preprocessament complet d'imatges, sense escaneig", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Flux de càmera i preprocessament de mitja imatge, sense escaneig", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Escaneig complet d'imatge", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Escaneig de mitja imatge", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Has baixat tots els {totalSize} productes.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Descarrega {count} productes més\nJa s'han descarregat {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Productes I afegits", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Productes I editats", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Productes I fotografiats", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Els meus productes pendents de completar", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Tots els productes per completar", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Torna a fer la foto", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Fes una foto", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirma", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termes d'ús i contribució", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Icona d'Analítiques", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Error fatal: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Error fatal: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Detalls bàsics complets", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edita", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desselecciona la foto", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Seleccionar una imatge existent", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Imatges existents", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Recuperant imatges existents…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "No hi ha imatges carregades anteriorment relacionades amb aquest producte.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Encara no hi ha imatge en aquest idioma", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Encara no hi ha imatge", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Detalls bàsics", + "product_name": "Nom del producte", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Si us plau, introduïu el nom del producte", + "brand_name": "Nom de la marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Si us plau, introduïu el nom de la marca", + "quantity": "Quantitat i pes", + "barcode": "Codi de barres", + "barcode_barcode": "Codi de barres: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Codi de barres invàlid", + "basic_details_add_success": "Els detalls bàsics s'han afegit correctament", + "basic_details_add_error": "No es poden afegir detalls bàsics. Si us plau, torna-ho a provar d'aquí a un temps", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Esteu a punt d'esborrar tot el vostre historial: esteu segurs que voleu continuar?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Esteu a punt d'esborrar els elements seleccionats del vostre historial", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Estàs segur que vols continuar?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Seleccioneu un o més elements per esborrar", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Esteu a punt d'esborrar aquesta llista ({name}): estàs segur que vols continuar?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importància: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Llistes", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Creeu la vostra primera llista", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Tria una llista", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Llista buida} =1{Un producte} other{{count} productes}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Afegeix llista", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Editeu les vostres preferències alimentàries", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Afegeix foto", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Feu fotos de qualsevol informació d'embalatge/reciclatge", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Trieu la font de la imatge", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Si us plau, trieu una font d'imatge", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galeria", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Comparteix", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Nova captura", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Triar de la galeria", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "La imatge es penjarà en segon pla tan aviat com sigui possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Començant l'actualització de tots els productes emmagatzemats localment", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Començant la descàrrega dels productes més populars", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Amplieu la taula de dades nutricionals", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Manteniu la taula de dades nutricionals ampliada", + "expand_ingredients": "Ampliar els ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Manteniu el panell d'ingredients expandit", + "no_internet_connection": "No hi ha connexió a Internet", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Món sencer", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Amplieu la vostra cerca al món", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copia", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copia el codi de barres al porta-retalls", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Codi de barres {barcode} copiat al porta-retalls!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Ajuda a OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "El producte s'actualitzarà en segon pla tan aviat com sigui possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No hi ha aplicacions de correu electrònic!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Envieu-nos manualment un correu electrònic a", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Totes les imatges", + "selected_images": "Imatges seleccionades", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Eliminar el producte", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nou codi de barres escanejat: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Traieu tots els productes del carrusel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Si us plau, escaneja almenys dos productes per comparar-los", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Feu clic per comparar els productes que heu escanejat", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcula els valors nutricionals per a una quantitat específica", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Dades nutricionals per a {grams} g (o ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Dades fora de línia", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregueu una imatge per extreure automàticament la informació que conté.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Penjar una foto", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "No s'ha pogut baixar la imatge", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "No s'ha pogut editar la imatge perquè l'URL de la imatge no s'ha definit.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Recorda la meva selecció", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Seleccioneu cada cop", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continuar", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Pròxim{count,plural, =1{a pregunta} other{es {count} preguntes}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Mostra la contrasenya", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Valora l'aplicació", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Perfecte! Feu que d'altres coneguin la vostra opinió d'aquesta aplicació!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Valora l'aplicació", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Més tard", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Estàs gaudint d'aquesta aplicació?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Sí!", + "not_really": "No ben bé", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Ens sap molt greu escoltar-ho! Ens podries explicar què ha passat?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Components d'embalatge", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Afegiu un component d'embalatge", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "L'embalatge està complet", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Component d'embalatge #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Introduïu el nombre d'unitats d'embalatge de la mateixa forma i material que conté el producte.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Forma", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Introduïu el nom de la forma que apareix a les instruccions de reciclatge si està disponible o seleccioneu una forma.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Ampolla", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Introduïu el material específic si es pot determinar (hi sol haver un codi de material dins d'un triangle a les peces d'embalatge) o un material genèric (per exemple, plàstic o metall) si no n'esteu segurs.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Vidre", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Instrucció de reciclatge", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Introduïu les instruccions de reciclatge només si apareixen al producte.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Reciclar", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Quantitat neta de producte per unitat", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Introduïu el pes net o el volum net i indiqueu la unitat (per exemple, g o ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Pes d'una unitat buida (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Traieu els aliments restants i renteu i assequeu la part de l'embalatge abans de pesar. Si és possible, utilitzeu una escala amb una precisió de 0,1 g o 0,01 g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Contribucions pendents", + "background_task_subtitle": "Les teves contribucions es guarden automàticament al nostre servidor, però no sempre en temps real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No hi ha tasques de fons pendents", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Temps d'espera del servidor", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Error de connexió a Internet. Prova-ho més tard.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipus d'operació desconegut", + "background_task_operation_details": "canvis detallats", + "background_task_operation_image": "càrrega de fotos", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "actualització retardada després de pujar la foto", + "background_task_run_started": "iniciada", + "background_task_run_not_started": "sense iniciar", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "per ser suprimit", + "background_task_question_stop": "Vols aturar aquesta tasca el més aviat possible?", + "feed_back": "Suggeriments", + "undo": "Desfés", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copiar correu electrònic al porta-retalls", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Envieu-nos manualment un correu electrònic a", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "S'ha copiat el correu electrònic al porta-retalls!", + "select_accent_color": "Seleccioneu Color d'accent", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blau", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cian", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Verd", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Per defecte", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Taronja", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosa", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Vermell", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rovell", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Turquesa fosc", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Contrast del text", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Alt", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Mitjà", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Baix", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Producte no trobat!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Un producte amb el codi de barres següent no existeix a la nostra base de dades: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No hi ha conexió a internet!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Si us plau, comproveu que el vostre telèfon estigui connectat a una xarxa WiFi o que tingui activades les dades mòbils", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "No s'ha pogut trobar la pàgina!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Torna a la pàgina d'inici", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Descarregar dades", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Baixeu els 1000 millors productes del vostre país per a l'escaneig instantani", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Descarrega el{count,plural, other{/s {count} producte/s més popular/s}} al teu país per a l'escaneig instantani", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Baixant dades\nAixò pot trigar una estona", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} productes afegits", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Actualitza les dades del producte fora de línia", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Esborra les dades del producte fora de línia", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Esborra totes les dades de productes locals de la teva aplicació per alliberar espai", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} productes suprimits", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "S'està carregant…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Més informació", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Feu clic per obtenir més informació sobre les dades fora de línia", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Dades de producte fora de línia", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} productes disponibles per a l'exploració immediata", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Elimina", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Crea", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Crea una llista nova", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 2b81174d5dc2c5667e00dc9d0144d0ab82df5234 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 009/216] New translations app_en.arb (German) --- de/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 de/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb diff --git a/de/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/de/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..142503572e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/de/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Hinzufügen", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Möchten Sie Ihr Konto wirklich löschen?\nWenn es einen bestimmten Grund gibt, teilen Sie ihn uns bitte unten mit", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Grund", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Erstellen", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Übernehmen", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Weiter", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Zurück zum Anfang", + "save": "Speichern", + "save_confirmation": "Möchten Sie wirklich speichern?", + "skip": "Überspringen", + "cancel": "Abbrechen", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorieren", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Schließen", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nein", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stopp", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Fertig", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Berechnen", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Lebensmittelvorlieben zurücksetzen", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Ein Problem ist aufgetreten ", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Wir arbeiten noch an dieser Funktion, bitte gedulden Sie sich", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Im Browser anschauen", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Erfahren Sie mehr", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unbekannt", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Sehr guter Treffer", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Guter Treffer", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Schlechter Treffer", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Weicht möglicherweise ab", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Stimmt nicht überein", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unbekannte Übereinstimmung", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Sehr guter Treffer", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Guter Treffer", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Schlechter Treffer", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Weicht möglicherweise ab", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Stimmt nicht überein", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unbekannte Übereinstimmung", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Lizenzen", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Suche nach", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Willkommen bei Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts ist eine globale, gemeinnützige Organisation, die von lokalen Gemeinschaften getragen wird.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Wählen Sie die Lebensmittel, die gut für Sie und für den Planeten sind.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Lassen Sie sich die für Ihre Vorlieben relevanten Lebensmitteldaten anzeigen.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Wählen Sie Lebensmittel, die gut für Sie sind.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Wählen Sie die Lebensmittel, die gut für den Planeten sind.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Open Food Facts-Konto an, um Ihre Beiträge speichern zu können", + "incorrect_credentials": "Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort.", + "login": "Benutzername", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Bitte Benutzername oder E-Mail eingeben", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein", + "create_account": "Konto erstellen", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Anmelden", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Für diese Funktion müssen Sie sich anmelden.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Abmelden", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Möchten Sie sich wirklich abmelden?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Passwort", + "forgot_password": "Passwort vergessen", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Profil anzeigen", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Passwort zurücksetzen", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen oder Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts zu erhalten. Denken Sie auch daran, den Spam-Ordner zu überprüfen.", + "username_or_email": "Benutzername oder E-Mail-Adresse", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Eine E-Mail mit einem Link zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts wurde an die mit Ihrem Konto verknüpfte E-Mail-Adresse gesendet. Überprüfen Sie auch Ihren Spam-Ordner.", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Passwort ändern", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Bitte geben Sie etwas ein", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registrieren", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registrieren", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrierung…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr Konto wurde erstellt.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Bitte geben Sie den zu verwendenden Anzeigenamen ein", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-Mail-Adresse", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-Mail-Adresse erforderlich", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Benutzername: Öffentlich sichtbar", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Bitte geben Sie einen Benutzernamen ein", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Benutzernamen ein", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Der Benutzername darf keine Leerzeichen, Großbuchstaben oder Sonderzeichen enthalten.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Der Benutzername darf nicht mehr als {value} Zeichen enthalten", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Passwort", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Bitte geben Sie ein gültiges Passwort ein (mindestens 6 Zeichen)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Passwort bestätigen", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ich akzeptiere die Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "Nutzungsbedingungen von Open Food Facts zu", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Bei der Erstellung eines Kontos ist die Zustimmung der Nutzungsbedingungen erforderlich. Anonyme Beiträge können jedoch weiterhin über die App eingereicht werden", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Ich bin Lebensmittelproduzent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Hersteller/Marke", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Bitte geben Sie einen Hersteller oder Markennamen ein", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Ich möchte den Newsletter von Open Food Facts abonnieren (Er kann jederzeit wieder abbestellt werden)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Der Benutzername existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Benutzernamen.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "existiert bereits. Melden Sie sich bei diesem Konto an oder versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen E-Mail-Adresse.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Einstellungen", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Farbschema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dunkel", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Hell", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Systemstandard", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Mitwirkende", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Bitte um Hilfe in unserem Slack-Kanal", + "support_via_forum": "Bitten Sie um Hilfe in unserem Forum", + "support_via_email": "Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Protokolle der App senden?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Möchten Sie Ihrer E-Mail ein Protokoll der Anwendung als Anhang beifügen?", + "termsOfUse": "Nutzungsbedingungen", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Über diese App", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Mitwirken", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Softwareentwicklung", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "Der Code für jedes Open Food Facts-Produkt ist auf GitHub verfügbar. Sie können den Code (Open Source) gerne wiederverwenden und uns dabei helfen, ihn für alle auf der ganzen Welt zu verbessern.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Du kannst dem Open Food Facts Slack Chatroom beitreten, was der bevorzugte Weg ist, Fragen zu stellen.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Entwicklermodus?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Entwicklermodus aktivieren", + "contribute_donate_header": "Spenden Sie für Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Noch abzuschließende Produkte", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Verbessern", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "Die Datenbank ist der Kern des Projekts. Sie können einfach und schnell helfen. Sie können die mobile App für Ihr Telefon herunterladen und Produkte hinzufügen oder verbessern.\n\nAuf der anderen Seite bietet die Webseite Open Food Facts viele Möglichkeiten, einen Beitrag zu leisten: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Übersetzen", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Mit dem Übersetzen beginnen", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts ist ein globales Projekt, das Produkte aus über 160 Länder enthält. Open Food Facts wird in eine Vielzahl von Sprachen, mit ständig wachsendem Inhalt übersetzt.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Übersetzungen sind eine der Hauptaufgaben des Projekts", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Teilen Sie Open Food Facts mit Ihren Freunden", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Ich möchte Ihnen die App Open Food Facts vorstellen, mit der Sie die Gesundheits- und Umweltauswirkungen Ihrer Lebensmittel auf personalisierte Weise ermitteln können. Es funktioniert durch das Einlesen der Barcodes auf den Verpackungen. Es ist kostenlos, erfordert keine Registrierung und Sie können sogar dazu beitragen, die Zahl der entschlüsselten Produkte zu erhöhen. Hier ist der Link, über den Sie die Software für Ihr Handy erhalten:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tippen Sie hier, um Fragen zu beantworten", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tippe hier, um Fragen zu diesem Produkt zu beantworten", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Bitte warten Sie, während Fragen zu diesem Produkt geladen werden", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Ihre Antwort wird gespeichert", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Helfen Sie mit, die Lebensmitteltransparenz zu verbessern und erhalten Sie dafür Belohnungen", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Open Food Facts-Konto an, um eine Gutschrift für Ihre Beiträge zu erhalten", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Mit „Ja” antworten", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Mit „Nein” antworten", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Diese Frage überspringen", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tippen, um Suche zu bearbeiten", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Meine Einstellungen", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Erstellen Sie Ihr Konto und treten Sie der Open Food Facts-Community bei, um das Wissen über Lebensmittel auf der ganzen Welt zu verbessern!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Machen Sie mit", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Mein Profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Verwalten Sie Ihr Open Food Facts Konto.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-Einstellungen", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dunkler Modus, Analysen …", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Lebensmittelvorlieben", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Wählen Sie aus, welche Informationen über Lebensmittel für Sie am wichtigsten sind.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Wählen Sie aus, welche Informationen über Lebensmittel für Sie am wichtigsten sind, um Lebensmittel nach Ihren Vorlieben zu ordnen, die für Sie wichtigen Informationen zuerst zu sehen und eine Kompatibilitätsübersicht zu erhalten. Diese Lebensmittelpräferenzen verbleiben auf Ihrem Gerät und werden nicht mit Ihrem Open Food Facts-Mitarbeiterkonto verknüpft, falls Sie eines eingerichtet haben.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Lebensmittelvorlieben zurücksetzen?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mein persönliches Ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Alle", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Eine gute Wahl für Sie", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Sehr schlechte Übereinstimmung", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unbekannte Übereinstimmung", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Aktualisieren Sie die Liste mit Ihren neuen Einstellungen", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Mit Ihren neuen Einstellungen neu geladen", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Einlesen", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Verlauf", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listen", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Nach Kategorie filtern", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Alle", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(Kategoriesuche)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan-Sitzung", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scanverlauf", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Suchen", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Antippen, um weitere Infos anzuzeigen …", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unbekannte Marke", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unbekannter Produktname", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Aktualisieren", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Bild", + "front_photo": "Foto der Vorderseite", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Zutaten", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Originalbestellung beibehalten. Geben Sie den Prozentsatz an, wenn angegeben. Trennen Sie mit einem Komma oder Bindestrich, verwenden Sie Klammern für Inhaltsstoffe einer Zutat, und zeigen Sie Allergene zwischen Unterstrichen an.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Die Zutaten konnten nicht gespeichert werden.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Fehler beim Abrufen eines neuen Zutatenbildes.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Zutaten bearbeiten", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto der Zutatenliste", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Führen Sie alle Verpackungsteile durch ein Komma oder einen Zeilenvorschub getrennt auf und geben Sie die Anzahl (z. B. 1 oder 6), die Art (z. B. Flasche, Schachtel, Dose), das Material (z. B. Kunststoff, Metall, Aluminium) und, falls vorhanden, die Größe (z. B. 33cl) sowie Recyclinghinweise an.\nBeispiel: 1 Glasflasche zum Recyceln, 1 Plastikkorken zum Wegwerfen", + "packaging_editing_error": "Fehler beim Speichern der Verpackung.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Neues Foto der Verpackung konnte nicht abgerufen werden.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Verpackung bearbeiten", + "nutrition": "Nährwertangaben", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto der Nährwertangaben", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Angaben zur Verpackung", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto der Verpackungsinformation", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Sie haben eine neues Produkt gefunden!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografieren Sie die Verpackung, um dieses Produkt zu Open Food Facts hinzuzufügen", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Bitte nehmen Sie zuerst ein paar Fotos auf. Sie können das Produkt jederzeit zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt vervollständigen.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Produktinformation hinzufügen", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Neues Produkt", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Sie haben soeben ein neues Produkt gefunden!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie nichts eingegeben. Möchten Sie diese Seite wirklich verlassen?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Bitte fotografieren Sie die Verpackung, um dieses Produkt in unsere gemeinsame Datenbank aufzunehmen", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto von der Vorderseite des Produkts", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Hochladen des Fotos der Vorderseite des Produkts bestätigen", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Bestätigen", + "send_image_button_label": "Foto senden", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Bild wird gespeichert …", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Bild wird zugeschnitten …", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Lokale Version wird gespeichert …", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Hoppla... es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrem Foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Das Bild kann nicht lokal verarbeitet werden, bevor es an unseren Server gesendet wird. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal oder kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Das Bild ist zu klein!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Die Mindestgröße in Pixeln für das Hochladen von Bildern ist {expectedMinWidth}×{expectedMinHeight}. Das aktuelle Bild hat die Maße {actualWidth}×{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Anruf an den Server wird vorbereitet …", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto der Vorderseite der Verpackung", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto der Zutatenliste", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto der Nährwertangaben", + "recycling_photo_title": "Foto der Recycling-Informationen", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Weitere interessante Fotos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto der Vorderseite der Verpackung hochgeladen", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto der Zutatenliste", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto der Zutatenliste hochgeladen", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Kann Nährstoffe nicht aus Cache laden", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto der Nährwertangaben", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Nährwertangaben eingeben", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nährwertangaben hinzugefügt", + "categories_added": "Kategorien hinzugefügt", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Nutri-Score berechnen", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Sie erhalten sie, indem Sie die Lebensmittelkategorie und die Nährwerte eingeben", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Eco-Score berechnen", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Sie erhalten es, wenn Sie mindestens eine Kategorie ausfüllen", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Machen Sie die Eco-Score-Berechnung präziser mit Herkunft, Verpackung und mehr", + "new_product_title_nova": "Berechnen Sie den Grad der Lebensmittelverarbeitung (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Sie erhalten ihn, indem Sie die Lebensmittelkategorie und die Zutaten eingeben", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Grad der Lebensmittelverarbeitung unbekannt", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Lassen Sie uns ein paar Fotos aufnehmen!", + "new_product_title_misc": "Und einige grundlegende Daten …", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tippen Sie JETZT auf die Antwort auf 3 Fragen, um Nutri-Score, Eco-Score und Ultra-Processing (NOVA) zu berechnen!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto mit Nährwertangaben hochgeladen", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto mit Informationen zum Recycling", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto mit Informationen zum Recycling hochgeladen", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Weitere interessante Fotos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Sonstiges Foto hochgeladen", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Erneut aufnehmen", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Fotos werden ausgewählt …", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Foto wird auf den Server hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Foto der Vorderseite wird zu Open Food Facts hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Foto der Zutaten wird zu Open Food Facts hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Foto der Nährwertangaben wird zu Open Food Facts hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Foto der Verpackung wird zu Open Food Facts hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Weiteres Foto wird zu Open Food Facts hochgeladen", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Foto wird zu Open Food Facts hochladen", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Fehlende Zutaten hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Fehlendes Foto der Verpackung hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Fehlende Nährwertangaben hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Fehlende Produktkategorie hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Fehlende Produktländer hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Fehlende Rückverfolgbarkeitscodes fürs Produkt hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Fehlende Etiketten für Produkte hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Fehlende Herkunft der Produkte hinzufügen", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Fehlende Shops für Produkte hinzufügen", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Nährwertangaben aktualisieren", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nährwertangaben", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Auf dem Produkt sind keine Nährwertangaben angegeben", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "pro 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "pro Portion", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Nährstoff hinzufügen", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Portionsgröße", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Ungültige Nummer", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Produkts wird auf dem Server aktualisiert …", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produkt aktualisiert!", + "more_photos": "Weitere interessante Fotos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Keine Produkte gefunden", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "Nicht gefunden:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Suchen oder scannen Sie Ihr erstes Produkt", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Produkt wird aktualisiert", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produkt aktualisiert", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Sie verwenden eine veraltete Version der App.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Hier klicken", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Laden sie die neue Version der App herunter", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Produkt konnte nicht aktualisiert werden", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Informationen über dieses Produkt können aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht abgerufen werden.", + "cached_results_from": "Ergebnisse anzeigen von:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Danke, dass Sie dieses Produkt hinzugefügt haben!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Mit Kategorie vergleichen", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Fügen Sie eine Kategorie hinzu, um den Nutri-Score zu berechnen.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Fügen Sie die Nährwertangaben hinzu, um den Nutri-Score zu berechnen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Fügen Sie Nährwertangaben und eine Kategorie hinzu, um den Nutri-Score zu berechnen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Der Nutri-Score für dieses Produkt kann nicht berechnet werden, was z.B. an einer nicht standardkonformen Kategorie liegen kann. Wenn Sie dies für einen Fehler halten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Das Nährwertbild ist veraltet: Bitte aktualisieren Sie es.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Der Eco-Score berücksichtigt die Herkunft der Zutaten. Bitte fotografieren Sie die Liste der Zutaten und/oder alle geografischen Bezeichnungen oder bearbeiten Sie das Produkt, damit diese berücksichtigt werden können.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Wählen Sie ein Land aus", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Ihr Land", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Einige Umweltfaktoren sind standortspezifisch", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produkt aus dem Vergleich entfernt", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Einstellungen der nativen App", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Einstellungen für offene Systeme für Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produkt aus dem Verlauf entfernt", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produkt aus der Liste entfernt", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Produkt konnte nicht entfernt werden", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Liste enthält noch keine Produkte", + "no_product_in_section": "Bereich enthält noch kein Produkt", + "recently_seen_products": "Verlauf", + "clear": "Leeren", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Möchten Sie diese Liste wirklich löschen?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% Übereinstimmung", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{vor einem Tag} other{{count} Tage her}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{vor einer Stunde} other{vor {count} Stunden}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{vor weniger als einer Minute} =1{vor einer Minute} other{vor {count} Minuten}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{vor einem Monat} other{vor {count} Monaten}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{vor einer Woche} other{vor {count} Wochen}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Ein Produkt vergleichen} other{{count} Produkte vergleichen}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Produkte vergleichen", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Produkte vergleichen", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Bitte wählen Sie mindestens zwei Produkte", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Wiederholen", + "connect_with_us": "Mit uns in Verbindung treten", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Häufig gestellte Fragen", + "discover": "Entdecken", + "how_to_contribute": "Wie Sie beitragen können", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Sie können auf einen beliebigen Teil tippen, um mehr Details zu sehen. Probieren Sie es jetzt aus!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Anonymisierte Analysedaten senden", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Helfen Sie den Mitarbeitern von Open Food Facts, die App zu verbessern. Sie entscheiden, ob Sie anonyme Analysendaten übermitteln möchten.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie diese Option jederzeit in den Einstellungen aktivieren und deaktivieren.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Zugriff auf Kamera", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Um Strichcodes mit der Kamera Ihres Telefons zu erfassen, autorisieren Sie bitte den Zugriff.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung ändern, können Sie diese Option jederzeit in den Einstellungen aktivieren und deaktivieren.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModell: {model}\nProdukt: {product}\nGerät: {device}\nMarke: {brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModell: {model}\nLokalisiertes Modell: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp-Version: {appVersion}\nApp-Build-Nummer: {appBuildNumber}\nApp-Paketname: {appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autorisieren", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Ablehnen", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Später", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Sind Sie sicher?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Weiter zu {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Wir haben 2012 die\nApp für kollaboratives\nScannen erfunden", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Anlässlich unseres\n10-jährigen Bestehens\nerfinden wir es von Grund auf neu!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Ihr erstes Beispielprodukt wird geladen", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Es scheint, als gäbe es kein Beispielprodukt in Ihrer Sprache", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Ihr Ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Verlauf nicht verfügbar", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Scannen starten", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Die gescannten Produkte werden hier angezeigt und Sie können detaillierte Informationen über sie abrufen", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Produkt} =1{Produkt} other{Produkte}} in Ihrem Verlauf wird/werden aktualisiert", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Produkt} =1{Produkt} other{Produkte}} vollständig aktualisieren", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Daten werden heruntergeladen", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Daten konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Konto löschen", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Mein Benutzerkonto löschen", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Konto", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Willkommen!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Melden Sie sich an oder registrieren Sie sich, um der Open Food Facts-Community beizutreten", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts-Anmeldung: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Herzlich Willkommen {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Konto löschen", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hallo, bitte löschen Sie mein Open Food Facts-Konto: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Anwendung", + "settings_app_data": "Datenschutz und Überwachung", + "settings_app_camera": "Kamera", + "settings_app_products": "Produkte", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Verschiedenes", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Ton beim Scan abspielen", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Signalton bei jedem erfolgreichen Scanvorgang", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration und haptisches Feedback", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrationen nach der Ausführung einiger Aktionen (Barcode dekodiert, Produkt entfernt ...).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Abstürze melden", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Wenn aktiviert, werden Absturzberichte automatisch an das Fehlerverfolgungssystem von Open Food Facts übermittelt, so dass Fehler behoben werden können und die App dadurch verbessert wird.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Anonyme Nutzungsdaten senden", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Wenn aktiviert, werden einige anonyme Informationen über die App-Nutzung an die Server von Open Food Facts gesendet, damit wir verstehen können, wie und wie häufig einzelne Funktionen genutzt werden, um diese zu verbessern.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto bearbeiten", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Fehler", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Erlauben Sie die Verwendung der Kamera zum Scannen von Barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Für ein besseres Erlebnis erlauben Sie bitte {appName} den Zugriff auf Ihre Kamera. Sie können anschließend sofort Barcodes scannen.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Erlauben", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Zugriff verweigert", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Da Sie der Kamera zuvor die Erlaubnis verweigert haben, müssen Sie diese manuell in den Einstellungen zulassen.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Einstellungen öffnen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Abbrechen", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Keine Kamera erkannt", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Zugriff auf Kamera noch nicht gewährt", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Produkt bearbeiten", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "{itemType} hinzufügen", + "description": "Tooltip, der angezeigt wird, wenn der Benutzer lange auf die (+)-Taste drückt", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Strichcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Allgemeine Informationen", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Produktname, Hersteller, Menge", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Zusätzliche Details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website …", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Fotos hinzufügen oder aktualisieren", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": " Etikett und Zertifizierungen", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Umweltauswirkungen, Qualitätssiegel …", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "Etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "Etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Läden", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "Laden", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "Laden", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Herkunfte", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spanien", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Fügen Sie alle Herkunftsangaben hinzu, die Sie auf der Verpackung finden. Sie brauchen sich keine Sorgen über Herkunftsangaben zu machen, die direkt in der Zutatenliste stehen.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Beispiele: Rindfleisch aus Argentinien, das Soja kommt nicht aus der Europäischen Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spanien", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Länder, in denen das Produkt weithin erhältlich ist (ohne auf ausländische Produkte spezialisierte Geschäfte).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Rückverfolgbarkeitscodes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "DE BY117 EG, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "Rückverfolgbarkeitscode", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europa ist der Code in der Form einer Ellipse mit den beiden Länderinitialen, gefolgt von einer Zahl und CE, anzugeben.\nBeispiele: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorien", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "Kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "Kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Geben Sie nur die spezifischste Kategorie an. Die übergeordneten Kategorien werden automatisch hinzugefügt.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Falls eine Kategorie nicht in der Autovervollständigung enthalten ist, können Sie sie trotzdem hinzufügen. Das hilft uns, Open Food Facts in Ihrem Land zu verbessern.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Beispiele: Sardinen in Olivenöl, Orangensaft aus Konzentrat", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Möchten Sie Ihre Änderungen speichern, bevor Sie diese Seite verlassen?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Änderungen speichern", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Änderungen verwerfen", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Zutaten", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Hinzufügen", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Bitte zuerst einen Text eingeben", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Entfernen", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto der Recycling-Anweisungen", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nährwertangaben", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Ernährung, Alkoholgehalt …", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Bearbeiten", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Allgemeine Angaben vervollständigen", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Noch nicht implementiert", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorien", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Zutaten extrahieren", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto aktualisieren", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Verpackung extrahieren", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto aktualisieren", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Text im Bild konnte nicht erkannt werden.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Neue Produktliste", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Liste umbenennen", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listen", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Produkt zu Ihren Listen hinzufügen", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Neue Liste erstellen", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Noch keine Liste vorhanden. Bitte beginnen Sie, eine zu erstellen", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Zur Liste hinzufügen", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Zur Liste hinzugefügt", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Verlauf leeren", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Umbenennen", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Meine Liste", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name ist ein Pflichtfeld", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Das ist derselbe Name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Erneut versuchen", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Keine Kategorie für {items} gefunden", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Zwischen Rück- und Frontkamera umschalten", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Kamerablitz ein- oder ausschalten", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Fotoblitz aktivieren", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Fotobblitz deaktivieren", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Inhalt des Dialogs, der erklärt, dass ein Fehler aufgetreten beim Aktivieren des Kamerablitzes aufgetreten ist.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Zurück", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Entwicklermodus", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Intro erneut starten", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Sie müssen anschließend die App neu starten, um sie erneut anzuzeigen.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Wechseln zwischen (PROD) und Testumgebung", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Testumgebungsparameter", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Basis-URL für aktuelle Testumgebung: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Testumgebungs-Host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "ML Kit verwenden", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "dann musst du diese App neu starten", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Zusätzliche Schaltfläche auf der Produktseite", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Bearbeiten Sie Zutaten über eine Knowledge-Panel-Schaltfläche", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Verlauf exportieren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "ausnahme", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "artikel gefunden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produkt nicht gefunden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Verlauf exportieren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Abbrechen", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Datenübernahme aus V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "Erfolg oder Neuinstallation", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "erfolgreich", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "Fehler", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in Bearbeitung", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "benötigt (klicken, um zu starten)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "Unbekannt", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Verlauf importieren", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Wird den Verlauf löschen und 3 Produkte einfügen", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Fertig", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Aktueller Scanmodus ist: „{mode}“", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Eco-Score ausschließen", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Nur Kamerastream, kein Scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Kamerastream und vollständige Bildvorverarbeitung, kein Scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Kamerastream und halbe Bildvorverarbeitung, kein Scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Vollständige Bildsuche", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Halbbild-Scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Diese Suche wiederverwenden und bearbeiten", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Sie haben alle {totalSize} Produkte heruntergeladen.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Downloade {count} weitere Produkte\nBereits heruntergeladen {downloaded} von {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produkte, die ich hinzugefügt habe", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produkte, die ich bearbeitet habe", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produkte, die ich fotografiert habe", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Meine „noch zu vervollständigenden” Produkte", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Alle „noch zu vervollständigenden” Produkte", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Foto wiederholen", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Foto aufnehmen", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Bestätigen", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Ich akzeptiere die Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "Nutzungsbedingungen von Open Food Facts zu", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analysesymbol", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Schwerer Fehler: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Schwerer Fehler: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Allgemeine Angaben vervollständigen", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Bearbeiten", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Foto abwählen", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Vorhandene Foto auswählen", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Vorhandene Fotos", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Vorhandene Fotos werden abgerufen …", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Zu diesem Produkt wurden noch keine Fotos hochgeladen.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Noch keine Abbildung in dieser Sprache", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Noch keine Abbildungen verfügbar", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorien", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Allgemeine Details", + "product_name": "Produktname", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Bitte den Produktnamen eingeben", + "brand_name": "Markenname", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Bitte den Markennamen eingeben", + "quantity": "Menge und Gewicht", + "barcode": "Strichcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Strichcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Strichcode ungültig", + "basic_details_add_success": "Allgemeine Details erfolgreich hinzugefügt", + "basic_details_add_error": "Allgemeine Details konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden. Bitte versuche es nach einiger Zeit erneut", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Suche zurücksetzen", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Sie sind dabei, Ihren gesamten Verlauf zu löschen: Möchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Sie sind dabei, ausgewählte Elemente in Ihrem Verlauf zu löschen", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Möchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Bitte wählen Sie einen oder mehrere Punkte zum Löschen aus", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Sie sind dabei, diese Liste ({name}) zu leeren: Möchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Diese Liste löschen?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Sie sind dabei, die Liste „{name}” zu löschen.\nMöchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Ja, bestätigen", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} Wichtigkeit: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listen", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Liste", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Wählen Sie eine Liste", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Leere Liste} =1{Ein Produkt} other{{count} Produkte}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Liste hinzufügen", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Lebensmittelpräferenzen", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Foto hinzufügen", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Fotos von Verpackungs-/Recyclinginformationen aufnehmen", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Bildquelle wählen", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Bitte wählen Sie eine Bildquelle", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galerie", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Teilen", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Schauen Sie sich dieses Produkt auf Open Food Facts an: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Werfen Sie einen Blick auf meine Liste der Produkte auf Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Neu erfassen", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Aus Galerie wählen", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Das Bild wird so schnell wie möglich im Hintergrund hochgeladen.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Aktualisierung aller lokal gespeicherten Produkte wird gestartet", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Herunterladen der beliebtesten Produkte wird gestartet", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Nährwerttabelle erweitern", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Nährwerttabelle geöffnet lassen", + "expand_ingredients": "Zutatenliste erweitern", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Zutatenliste geöffnet lassen", + "no_internet_connection": "Keine Internetverbindung", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Ganze Welt", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Erweitern Sie die Suche auf die Welt", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopieren", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Strichcode in die Zwischenablage kopieren", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Strichcode „{barcode}“ in die Zwischenablage kopiert!", + "language_picker_label": "Ihre Sprache", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Hilfe bei OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Das Produkt wird so schnell wie möglich im Hintergrund aktualisiert.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Keine E-Mail-Apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Bitte senden Sie uns manuell eine E-Mail an", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Alle Fotos", + "selected_images": "Ausgewählte Fotos", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Produkt entfernen", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Neuer Strich gescannt: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Alle Produkte aus dem Karussell entfernen", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Bitte scannen Sie mindestens zwei Produkte, um sie zu vergleichen", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Klicken Sie hier, um die von Ihnen erfassten Produkte zu vergleichen", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Sie haben den\nStrichcode gescannt:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Es wird nach diesem Produkt gesucht!\nBitte warten Sie ein paar Sekunden …", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Es wird noch nach diesem Produkt gesucht!\nFinden Sie, dass es sehr lange dauert, bis es geladen wird? Wir auch …", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Es wird noch nach diesem Produkt gesucht!\nMöchten Sie die Suche neu starten?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Suche neu starten", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Nährwertangaben für eine bestimmte Menge berechnen", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Menge in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Menge eingeben, um Nährwertangaben zu berechnen", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Bitte eine Menge zwischen {min} und {max} g eingebe", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nährwertangaben für {grams} g (oder ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline-Daten", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Laden Sie ein Bild hoch, um die darin enthaltenen Informationen automatisch auszulesen.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Foto hochladen", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Bild konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Bildes, da die Bild-URL nicht festgelegt wurde.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Meine Auswahl speichern", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Jedes Mal auswählen", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Weiter", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Nächste {count,plural, =1{Frage} other{{count} Fragen}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Passwort anzeigen", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "App bewerten", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Großartig! Lassen Sie andere wissen, was Sie von dieser App halten!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "App bewerten", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Später", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Gefällt Ihnen diese App?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Ja!", + "not_really": "Nicht wirklich", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Es tut uns sehr leid, das zu hören! Können Sie uns mitteilen, was passiert ist?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Verpackungsbestandteile", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Verpackungsbestandteil hinzufügen", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Die Verpackung ist abgeschlossen", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Verpackungsbestandteil #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Anzahl der Einheiten", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Geben Sie die Anzahl der Verpackungseinheiten gleicher Form und gleichen Materials an, die in dem Erzeugnis enthalten sind.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Form", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Geben Sie den Namen der Form ein, die in der Recycling-Anleitung aufgeführt ist (falls vorhanden) oder wählen Sie eine Form aus.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Flasche", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Materialien", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Geben Sie das spezifische Material an, wenn es bestimmt werden kann (ein Materialcode in einem Dreieck ist oft auf Verpackungsteilen zu finden), oder ein allgemeines Material (z. B. Kunststoff oder Metall), wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glas", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling-Anweisungen", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Geben Sie Recyclinghinweise nur an, wenn sie auf dem Produkt angegeben sind.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recyceln", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Nettomenge des Produkts pro Einheit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Geben Sie das Nettogewicht oder Nettovolumen ein und geben Sie die Einheit an (z. B. g oder ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Gewicht einer leeren Einheit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Entfernen Sie Lebensmittelreste und waschen und trocknen Sie das Verpackungsteil vor dem Wiegen. Verwenden Sie nach Möglichkeit eine Waage mit einer Genauigkeit von 0,1 g oder 0,01 g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Ausstehende Beiträge", + "background_task_subtitle": "Ihre Beiträge werden automatisch auf unserem Server gespeichert, aber nicht immer in Echtzeit.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Keine anstehenden Hintergrundaufgaben", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server-Zeitüberschreitung", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Fehler bei der Internetverbindung. Versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "Unbekannte Vorgangsart", + "background_task_operation_details": "Ausführliche Änderungen", + "background_task_operation_image": "Foto hochladen", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "Aktualisierungsverzögerung nach dem Hochladen von Fotos", + "background_task_run_started": "Gestartet", + "background_task_run_not_started": "Noch nicht gestartet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "kann gelöscht werden", + "background_task_question_stop": "Möchten Sie diese Aufgabe so schnell wie möglich beenden?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Widerrufen", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "E-Mail in Zwischenablage kopieren", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Bitte senden Sie uns manuell eine E-Mail an", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-Mail-Adresse in Zwischenablage kopiert!", + "select_accent_color": "Akzentfarbe auswählen", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blau", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Türkis", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Grün", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Standard", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosa", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Rot", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rostbraun", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Blaugrün", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Textkontrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Hoch", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Mittel", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Niedrig", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Das Produkt wurde nicht gefunden!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Ein Produkt mit dem folgenden Barcode existiert nicht in unserer Datenbank: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Keine Internetverbindung!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Vergewissern Sie sich, dass sich Ihr Smartphone in einem WLAN-Netzwerk befindet oder mobile Daten aktiviert sind", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Seite nicht gefunden!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Zurück zur Homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Daten herunterladen", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Laden Sie die 1.000 wichtigsten Produkte in Ihrem Land zum sofortigen Scannen herunter", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Lade {count,plural, one {das beliebteste Produkt}other{die {count} beliebtesten Produkte}} in deinem Land herunter um schneller zu scannen", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Daten werden heruntergeladen\nDies kann eine Weile dauern", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} Produkte hinzugefügt", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Offline-Produktdaten aktualisieren", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Aktualisieren Sie die lokale Produktdatenbank mit den neuesten Daten von Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Offline-Produktdaten löschen", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Alle lokalen Produktdaten aus Ihrer Anwendung löschen, um Speicherplatz freizugeben", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} Produkte gelöscht", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Wird geladen …", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Mehr erfahren", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über Offline-Daten zu erfahren", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline-Produktdaten", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} Produkte zum sofortigen Scannen verfügbar", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Bitte wählen Sie Ihr Land:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Sprache auswählen:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Löschen", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Aktuelle Liste ändern", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Erstellen", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Neue Liste erstellen", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unbekannter Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score nicht zutreffend", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unbekannter Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score nicht zutreffend", + "nova_group_1": "Nova-Gruppe 1", + "nova_group_2": "Nova-Gruppe 2", + "nova_group_3": "Nova-Gruppe 3", + "nova_group_4": "Nova-Gruppe 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unbekannt NOVA-Gruppe" +} \ No newline at end of file From 74ab5881900ead86bb68be96ad66b7ea113497fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 010/216] New translations app_en.arb (Greek) --- el/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 el/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb diff --git a/el/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb b/el/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f3925c414e --- /dev/null +++ b/el/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ναι", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Προσθέστε", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Εντάξει", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Δημιουργία", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Εφαρμογή", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Επόμενο", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Επιστροφή στην κορυφή", + "save": "Αποθήκευση", + "save_confirmation": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε;", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Ακύρωση", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Αγνόηση", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Κλείσιμο", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Όχι", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Σταματά", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Επαναφ. προτιμ. φαγητού", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα σφάλμα", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Εξακολουθούμε να εργαζόμαστε σε αυτήν τη λειτουργία, μείνετε συντονισμένοι", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Προβολή στον Ιστό", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Μάθετε περισσότερα", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Άγνωστος", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Άγνωστο ταίριασμα", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Άγνωστο ταίριασμα", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Ψάχνω για", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Καλώς ήρθατε στο Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Επιλέξτε τροφές που κάνουν καλό σε εσάς και τον πλανήτη.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Δείτε τα δεδομένα τροφίμων που σχετίζονται με τις προτιμήσεις σας.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Επιλέξτε τροφές που είναι καλές για εσάς.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Επιλέξτε τροφές που είναι καλές για τον πλανήτη.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Λάθος όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικός πρόσβασης.", + "login": "Όνομα χρήστη", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε όνομα χρήστη ή e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό σας", + "create_account": "Δημιουργήστε λογαριασμό", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Σύνδεση", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Για αυτήν τη δυνατότητα, πρέπει να συνδεθείτε.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Αποσύνδεση", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αποσυνδεθείτε;", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Κωδικός χρήστη", + "forgot_password": "Ξέχασα τον κωδικό", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Προβολή προφίλ", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Ανάκληση κωδικού χρήστη", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Σε περίπτωση που ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης, εισαγάγετε το όνομα χρήστη ή τη διεύθυνση e-mail σας για να λάβετε οδηγίες για την επαναφορά του κωδικού πρόσβασης. Επίσης, θυμηθείτε να ελέγξετε τον φάκελο Ανεπιθύμητα (Spam).", + "username_or_email": "Όνομα χρήστη ή e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Ένα e-mail που περιέχει ένα σύνδεσμο για την αλλαγή του κωδικού σας έχει σταλεί στη διεύθυνση e-mail που είναι συνδεδεμένη με τον λογαριασμό σας. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε και τον φάκελο των ανεπιθύμητων (spam)", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Αλλαγή κωδικού", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε κάποιο κείμενο", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Εγγραφή", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Εγγραφή", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Συγχαρητήρια! Ο λογαριασμός σας μόλις δημιουργήθηκε.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Όνομα", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα εμφάνισης που θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Απαιτείται e-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Μη έγκυρο e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Όνομα χρήστη: Ορατό προς όλους", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε ένα όνομα χρήστη", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε ένα έγκυρο όνομα χρήστη", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Το όνομα χρήστη δεν μπορεί να είναι μεγαλύτερο από {value} χαρακτήρες", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Κωδικός χρήστη", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό σας", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε έναν έγκυρο κωδικό πρόσβασης (τουλάχιστον 6 χαρακτήρες)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Επιβεβαίωση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Επιβεβαιώστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "τους όρους χρήσης και διαμοιρασμού του Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Δημιουργώντας έναν λογαριασμό, η αποδοχή των Όρων Χρήσης είναι υποχρεωτική. Παρόλα αυτά, οι ανώνυμες συνεισφορές μπορούν ακόμα να γίνουν μέσω της εφαρμογής", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Είμαι παραγωγός τροφίμων", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Παραγωγός/επωνυμία", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Εισαγάγετε έναν παραγωγό ή μια επωνυμία", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Ρυθμίσεις", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Σκούρο", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Ανοιχτόχρωμο", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Προεπιλογή συστήματος", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Χρηστες", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ζητήστε βοήθεια στο κανάλι μας στο Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Στείλτε μας e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Αποστολή αρχείων καταγραφής εφαρμογής;", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Θέλετε να συμπεριλάβετε τα αρχεία καταγραφής της εφαρμογής σαν συνημμένο στο email;", + "termsOfUse": "Όροι χρήσης", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Σχετικά με αυτή την εφαρμογή", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Συμβάλλετε", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Ανάπτυξη λογισμικού", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Προϊόντα προς συμπλήρωση", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Βελτίωση", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Μετάφρασε", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Ξεκινήστε τη μετάφραση", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Οι μεταφράσεις είναι ένα από τα βασικά καθήκοντα του project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Πατήστε εδώ για να απαντήσετε σε ερωτήσεις", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Αποθήκευση της απάντησής σας", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Βοηθήστε στη βελτίωση της διαφάνειας των τροφίμων και κερδίστε ανταμοιβές", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Απαντήστε με ναι", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Απαντήστε με όχι", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Παράλειψη αυτής της ερώτησης", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Οι προτιμήσεις μου", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Το Προφίλ Σου", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ρυθμίσεις Εφαρμογής", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Διατροφικές προτιμήσεις", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Επιλέξτε ποιες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα τρόφιμα έχουν μεγαλύτερη σημασία για εσάς.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Επαναφορά των διατροφικών σας προτιμήσεων;", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Η εξατομικευμένη μου κατάταξη", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Όλα", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Ένα καλό ταίριασμα για εσάς", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Πολύ κακό ταίριασμα", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Άγνωστο ταίριασμα", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Επαναφορτώθηκε με τις νέες σας προτιμήσεις", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Προφίλ", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Σάρωση", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Ιστορικό", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Λίστες", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Φιλτράρισμα κατά κατηγορία", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Όλα", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(αναζήτηση κατηγορίας)", + "filter": "Φίλτρο", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Αναζήτηση", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Προϊόν", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Άγνωστη μάρκα", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Άγνωστο όνομα προϊόντος", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Ανανέωση", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Εικόνα", + "front_photo": "Μπροστινή φωτογραφία", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Συστατικά", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Διατηρήστε την αρχική παραγγελία. Αναφέρετε το ποσοστό όταν αυτό ζητείται. Διαχωρίστε με κόμμα ή παύλα, χρησιμοποιήστε παρενθέσεις για τα συστατικά ενός συστατικού και υποδείξτε τα αλλεργιογόνα ανάμεσα σε κάτω παύλες.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Απέτυχε η αποθήκευση του συστατικού.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Αποτυχία λήψης νέας εικόνας συστατικών.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Επεξεργασία Συστατικών", + "ingredients_photo": "Φωτογραφία συστατικών", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Θρεπτική Αξία", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Φωτογραφία διατροφικών στοιχείων", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Πληροφορίες συσκευασίας", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Φωτογραφία πληροφοριών συσκευασίας", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Βρήκατε ένα νέο προϊόν!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Νέο Προϊόν", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Μπροστινή φωτογραφία προϊόντος", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Επιβεβαίωση μεταφόρτωσης μπροστινής φωτογραφίας προϊόντος", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Επιβεβαίωση", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Μπροστινή φωτογραφία συσκευασίας", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Φωτογραφία συστατικών", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Φωτογραφία ανακύκλωσης", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Άλλες ενδιαφέρουσες φωτογραφίες", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Η μπροστινή φωτογραφία μεταφορτώθηκε", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Φωτογραφία συστατικών", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Η φωτογραφία των συστατικών μεταφορτώθηκε", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η φόρτωση θρεπτικών συστατικών από την προσωρινή μνήμη", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Φωτογραφία διατροφικών στοιχείων", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Προσθήκη διατροφικών στοιχείων", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Προστέθηκαν διατροφικά στοιχεία", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Η φωτογραφία διατροφικών στοιχείων μεταφορτώθηκε", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Φωτογραφία πληροφοριών ανακύκλωσης", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Η φωτογραφία ανακύκλωσης μεταφορτώθηκε", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Άλλες ενδιαφέρουσες φωτογραφίες", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Η φωτογραφίας στην κατηγορία διάφορες μεταφορτώθηκε", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Επιλογή φωτογραφίας", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Μεταφόρτωση φωτογραφίας στον διακομιστή", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Προσθήκη συστατικών που λείπουν", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Προσθήκη διατροφικών στοιχείων που λείπουν", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Προσθήκη κατηγορίας προϊόντος που λείπει", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Ενημέρωση διατροφικών στοιχείων", + "nutrition_page_title": "Διατροφικά Στοιχεία", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Τα διατροφικά στοιχεία δεν αναφέρονται στο προϊόν", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "ανά 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "ανά μερίδα", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Προσθέστε ένα θρεπτικό συστατικό", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Μέγεθος μερίδας", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Μη έγκυρος αριθμός", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Το προϊόν ενημερώθηκε!", + "more_photos": "Περισσότερες ενδιαφέρουσες φωτογραφίες", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Δεν βρέθηκε προϊόν", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "δεν βρέθηκε:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Αναζητήστε ή σαρώστε το πρώτο σας προϊόν", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Ανανέωση προϊόντος", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Το προϊόν ανανεώθηκε", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Χρησιμοποιείτε μια έκδοση της εφαρμογής που έχει καταργηθεί.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Κατεβάστε την καινούρια έκδοση της εφαρμογής", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Αδυναμία ανανέωσης προϊόντος", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Η ανάκτηση πληροφοριών για αυτό το προϊόν ήταν αδύνατη λόγω σφάλματος δικτύου.", + "cached_results_from": "Εμφάνιση αποτελεσμάτων από:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Σας ευχαριστούμε για την προσθήκη αυτού του προϊόντος!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Σύγκριση με προϊόντα στην ίδια κατηγορία", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Προσθέστε μια κατηγορία για να υπολογίσετε τη διατροφική βαθμολογία.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Προσθέστε διατροφικά στοιχεία για να υπολογίσετε τη διατροφική βαθμολογία.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Προσθέστε διατροφικά στοιχεία και κατηγορία για να υπολογίσετε τη διατροφική βαθμολογία.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Η διατροφική βαθμολογία για αυτό το προϊόν δεν μπορεί να υπολογιστεί, κάτι το οποίο μπορεί να οφείλεται π.χ. μια μη τυπική κατηγορία. Αν αυτό το θεωρείται σφάλμα, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Η εικόνα των διατροφικών στοιχείων είναι παρωχημένη: παρακαλώ ανανεώστε τη.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Το Eco-Score λαμβάνει υπόψη την προέλευση των συστατικών. Τραβήξτε μια φωτογραφία της λίστας συστατικών και/ή οποιουδήποτε γεωγραφικού ισχυρισμού ή επεξεργαστείτε το προϊόν, ώστε να μπορούν να ληφθούν υπόψη.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε μια χώρα", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Ορισμένα περιβαλλοντικά χαρακτηριστικά εξαρτώνται από την τοποθεσία σας", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Το προϊόν αφαιρέθηκε από τη σύγκριση", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Το προϊόν αφαιρέθηκε από το ιστορικό", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αφαίρεση του προϊόντος", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Δεν υπάρχει προϊόν σε αυτή τη λίστα", + "no_product_in_section": "Δεν υπάρχει προϊόν σε αυτήν την ενότητα", + "recently_seen_products": "Ιστορικό", + "clear": "Εκκαθάριση", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Θέλετε πραγματικά να διαγράψετε αυτή τη λίστα;", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% αντιστοιχία", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Προσπαθήστε ξανά", + "connect_with_us": "Συνδεθείτε μαζί μας", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Συχνές ερωτήσεις", + "discover": "Ανακαλύψτε", + "how_to_contribute": "Πως να συνεισφέρετε", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Μπορείτε να πατήσετε σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος της κάρτας για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το τι βλέπετε. Δοκιμάστε το τώρα!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Αποστολή ανώνυμων δεδομένων", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Αν αλλάξετε γνώμη, αυτή η επιλογή μπορεί να ενεργοποιηθεί και να απενεργοποιηθεί ανά πάσα στιγμή από τις ρυθμίσεις.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Αν αλλάξετε γνώμη, αυτή η επιλογή μπορεί να ενεργοποιηθεί και να απενεργοποιηθεί ανά πάσα στιγμή από τις ρυθμίσεις.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nΈκδοση εφαρμογής:{appVersion}\nΑριθμός έκδοσης εφαρμογής:{appBuildNumber}\nΌνομα πακέτου εφαρμογής:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Απόρριψη", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Σχεδιάσαμε\nτη συλλογική εφαρμογή σάρωσης\nτο 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Καθώς κλείνουμε τα 10, επανασχεδιάζουμε την εφαρμογή ξανά\nαπό την αρχή!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Φόρτωση του πρώτου παραδείγματος προϊόντος σας", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Φαίνεται σαν να μην υπάρχει προϊόν για παράδειγμα στη γλώσσα σας", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Η κατάταξή σας", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Μη διαθέσιμο ιστορικό", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Τα σαρωμένα προϊόντα θα εμφανιστούν εδώ και μπορείτε να ελέγξετε αναλυτικές πληροφορίες γι 'αυτά", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Λήψη δεδομένων", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη δεδομένων", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Διαγραφή λογαριασμού", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Λογαριασμός", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Καλώς ήρθες {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Διαγραφή λογαριασμού", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Εφαρμογή", + "settings_app_data": "Απόρρητο και παρακολούθηση", + "settings_app_camera": "Φωτογραφική μηχανή", + "settings_app_products": "Προϊόντα", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Αναπαραγωγή ήχου κατά τη σάρωση", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Ένας ήχος θα αναπαράγεται σε κάθε επιτυχημένη σάρωση", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Αναφορά σφαλμάτων", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Αποστολή ανώνυμων δεδομένων", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Επεξεργασία Φωτογραφίας", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Να επιτρέπεται η χρήση κάμερας για σάρωση barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Για βελτιωμένη εμπειρία, παρακαλώ επιτρέψτε στο {appName} να έχει πρόσβαση στην κάμερα σας. Θα μπορείτε να σαρώσετε απευθείας barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Να επιτρέπεται", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Άρνηση πρόσβασης", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Καθώς έχετε αρνηθεί στο παρελθόν την άδεια της κάμερας, πρέπει να την επιτρέψετε μη αυτόματα από τις Ρυθμίσεις.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Ανοίξτε τις ρυθμίσεις", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Ακύρωση", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Δεν έχει χορηγηθεί πρόσβαση στην κάμερα", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Επεξεργασία προϊόντος", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Βασικές Πληροφορίες", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Ονομασία προϊόντος, μάρκα, ποσότητα", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Επιπλέον Λεπτομέρειες", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Φωτογραφίες", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Προσθήκη ή ανανέωση φωτογραφιών", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Ετικέτες & Πιστοποιήσεις", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "ετικετα", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "ετικετα", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Καταστήματα", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "καταστημα", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "καταστημα", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Ισπανία", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "χωρα", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Ισπανία", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "χωρα", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Χώρες όπου το προϊόν είναι ευρέως διαθέσιμο (εξαιρουμένων των καταστημάτων που ειδικεύονται σε ξένα προϊόντα).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Στην Ευρώπη, κωδικός σε μια έλλειψη με τα 2 αρχικά της χώρας ακολουθούμενο από έναν αριθμό και CE.\nΠαραδείγματα: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Κατηγορίες", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "κατηγορια", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "κατηγορια", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε τις αλλαγές σας πριν από την έξοδο από αυτή τη σελίδα;", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Συστατικά", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Προσθέστε", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Διατροφικά στοιχεία", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Διατροφή, περιεκτικότητα σε αλκοόλ…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Επεξεργασία", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Συμπληρώστε τις βασικές λεπτομέρειες", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Δεν έχει υλοποιηθεί ακόμη", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Κατηγορίες", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Εξαγωγή συστατικών", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Ανανέωση φωτογραφίας", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Ανανέωση φωτογραφίας", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Νέα λίστα προϊόντων", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Μετονομασία λίστας", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Λίστες", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Δημιουργία νέας λίστας", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Προσθήκη στη λίστα", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Μετονομασία", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Το όνομα είναι υποχρεωτικό", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Αυτό το όνομα χρησιμοποιείται ήδη", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Αυτό είναι το ίδιο όνομα", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Προσπαθήστε Ξανά", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Δεν βρέθηκε κατηγορία για το {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Ενεργοποίηση φλας", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Απενεργοποίηση φλας", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Πίσω", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Λειτουργία προγραμματιστών", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Επανεκκινήστε την ενσωμάτωση", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Εναλλαγή μεταξύ (PROD) και λειτουργίας προγραμματιστών", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Βασική διεύθυνση URL για τρέχον δοκιμαστικό env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Χρησιμοποιήστε το κιτ ML", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "τότε πρέπει να επανεκκινήσετε αυτήν την εφαρμογή", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Επιπλέον κουμπί στη σελίδα του προϊόντος", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Επεξεργασία συστατικών μέσω ενός κουμπιού από τον πίνακα γνώσεων", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Εξαγωγή ιστορικού", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "εξαίρεση", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "το προϊόν βρέθηκε", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "το προϊόν ΔΕΝ βρέθηκε", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Εξαγωγή ιστορικού", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Εντάξει", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Ακύρωση", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Μεταφορά δεδομένων από την έκδοση V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Κατάσταση: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "επιτυχία ή φρέσκια εγκατάσταση", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "επιτυχία", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "σφάλμα", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "σε εξέλιξη", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "απαιτείται (κάντε κλικ για έναρξη)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "άγνωστο", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Εισαγωγή Ιστορικού", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Το ιστορικό θα σβηστεί και θα τοποθετηθούν 3 προϊόντα εκεί", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Λειτουργία σάρωσης", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Η τρέχουσα λειτουργία σάρωσης είναι: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Λειτουργία σάρωσης", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Μόνο ροή κάμερας, χωρίς σάρωση", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Ροή κάμερας και πλήρης προεπεξεργασία εικόνας, χωρίς σάρωση", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Ροή κάμερας και προεπεξεργασία μισής εικόνας, χωρίς σάρωση", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Πλήρης σάρωση εικόνας", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Σάρωση μισής εικόνας", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Έχετε κατεβάσει και τα {totalSize} προϊόντα.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Λήψη {count} ακόμη προϊόντων\nΈχει ήδη γίνει λήψη {downloaded} από {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Προϊόντα που πρόσθεσα", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Προϊόντα που επεξεργάστηκα", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Προϊόντα που φωτογράφισα", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Τράβηγμα φωτογραφίας εκ νέου", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Λήψη φωτογραφίας", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Επιβεβαίωση", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "τους όρους χρήσης και διαμοιρασμού του Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Εικονίδιο Analytics", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Ανεπανόρθωτο σφάλμα: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Ανεπανόρθωτο σφάλμα: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Συμπληρώστε τις βασικές λεπτομέρειες", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Επεξεργασία", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Κατηγορίες", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Βασικές Πληροφορίες", + "product_name": "Όνομα Προϊόντος", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα του προϊόντος", + "brand_name": "Μάρκα", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το όνομα της μάρκας", + "quantity": "Ποσότητα και βάρος", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η προσθήκη βασικών λεπτομερειών. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά μετά από κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} σημασία: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Λίστες", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Κενή λίστα} =1{Ένα προϊόν} other{{count} προϊόντα}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Προσθήκη λίστας", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Προσθήκη Φωτογραφίας", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Επιλέξτε πηγή εικόνας", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μια πηγή εικόνας", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Συλλογή", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Κοινοποίηση", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Λήψη νέας", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Επιλέξτε από τη συλλογή", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Το barcode {barcode} αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Βοήθεια με το OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Υπολογίστε τα διατροφικά στοιχεία για μια συγκεκριμένη ποσότητα", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Τέλεια! Πείτε και σε άλλους την άποψη σας για αυτή την εφαρμογή!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Σας αρέσει η εφαρμογή;", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Φόρτωση…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Διαγραφή", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Δημιουργία", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Δημιουργία νέας λίστας", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From c18d1d7875993b5e13a51896123783219c2f4660 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 011/216] New translations app_en.arb (Japanese) --- ja/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ja/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb diff --git a/ja/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb b/ja/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a0addc69c2b --- /dev/null +++ b/ja/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "はい", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "追加", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "本当にアカウントを削除しますか?\n具体的な理由がある場合は、以下にご記入ください。", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "原因", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "OK", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "適用", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "次", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "トップに戻る", + "save": "保存", + "save_confirmation": "保存してもよろしいですか?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "無視", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "閉じる", + "@close": {}, + "no": "いいえ", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "停止", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "計算", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "食品の好みをリセット", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "問題が発生しました", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "エラーが発生しました", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "この機能はまだ開発中です。ご期待ください。", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Web 上で見る", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "詳細", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "不明", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "非常に良い一致", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "良好な一致", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "マッチが悪い", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "一致していないかもしれません。", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "一致しない", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "一致度は不明", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "非常に良い一致", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "良好な一致", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "マッチが悪い", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "一致していないかもしれません。", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "一致しない", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "一致度は不明", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "検索中", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Open Food Factsへようこそ", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "あなたと地球にとって良い食品を選んでください。", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "あなたの好みに関連する食品データを確認する。", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "あなたにとって良い食品を選んでください。", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "地球にとって良い食品を選んでください。", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "ユーザー名またはパスワードが間違っています。", + "login": "ユーザー名", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "ユーザー名またはメールアドレスを入力してください", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "パスワードを入力してください", + "create_account": "アカウントを作成", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "サインイン", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "その機能を使用するには、サインインが必要です。", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "サインアウト", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "サインアウトしますか?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "パスワード", + "forgot_password": "パスワードを忘れた場合", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "プロフィールを表示", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "パスワードをリセットする", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "パスワードを忘れた場合は、ユーザー名または電子メールアドレスを入力して、パスワードリセットの手順を受け取ってください。また、迷惑メールフォルダも忘れずにご確認ください。", + "username_or_email": "ユーザー名またはメールアドレス", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "パスワードをリセットするためのリンクが記載されたメールが、アカウントに関連付けられたメールアドレスに送信されました。迷惑メールフォルダもご確認ください。", + "send_reset_password_mail": "パスワードを変更", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "テキストを入力してください", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "サインアップ", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "サインアップ", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "サインアップ…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "おめでとうございます!あなたのアカウントが作成されました。", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名前", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "使用したい表示名を入力してください", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "メールアドレス", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "メールアドレスは必須です", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "無効なメールアドレスです", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "ユーザー名:他者に公開されます", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "ユーザー名を入力してください", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "有効なユーザー名を入力してください", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "ユーザー名にスペース、大文字、特殊文字は使用できません。", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "ユーザー名は {value} 文字以内で入力してください", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "パスワード", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "パスワードを入力してください", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "パスワードは6文字以上で入力してください", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "パスワード再確認", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "パスワードの確認をしてください", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "パスワードが一致しません", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "利用と貢献規約", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "アカウントを作成する場合、利用規約への同意が必須ですが、アプリからの投稿は匿名で可能です。", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "私は食品生産者です", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生産者/ブランド", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "生産者またはブランド名を入力してください", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "このユーザー名は既に存在します。別のユーザー名を入力してください。", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "既に存在します。アカウントにログインするか、別のメールアドレスをお試しください。", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "設定", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "テーマ", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "ダーク", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "ライト", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "システムの既定値", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "貢献者", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Slackチャンネルで質問する", + "support_via_forum": "フォーラムで助けを求める", + "support_via_email": "私たちにメールを送信", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "アプリのログを送信しますか?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "メールの添付ファイルにアプリのログを含めますか?", + "termsOfUse": "利用規約", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "このアプリについて", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "貢献する", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "ソフトウェア開発", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "開発者モード?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "開発者モードを有効にする", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "完了が必要な製品", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "改善", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "翻訳", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "翻訳を始める", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻訳はプロジェクトの重要なタスクの1つです", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "質問に答えるにはここをタップ", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "回答を保存しています", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "食品の透明性を向上させ、報酬を得ましょう。", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "「はい」で回答", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "No で回答", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "この質問をスキップ", + "tap_to_edit_search": "タップして検索を編集", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "好みの設定", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "参加する", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "あなたのプロフィール", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "アプリ設定", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "ダークモード、アナリティクス…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "食品の好み", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "あなたにとって最も重要な食品に関する情報を選択してください。", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "食品の好みをリセットしますか?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "おすすめランキング", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "全て", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "あなたにぴったり", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "非常に相性が悪い", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "一致度は不明", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "新しい好みの設定でリストを更新", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "新しい好みの設定で再読み込みしました", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "プロフィール", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "スキャン", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "履歴", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "リスト", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "カテゴリでフィルタ", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "全て", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(カテゴリ検索)", + "filter": "フィルタ", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "スキャンセッション", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "スキャン履歴", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "検索", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "詳細情報を表示するにはタップしてください…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "製品", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "不明なブランド", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "不明な製品名", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "再読み込み", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "画像", + "front_photo": "正面画像", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "原材料", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "元の順序のままにしてください。パーセンテージが明示されている場合、明記してください。コンマまたはハイフンで区切り、複合原材料は括弧で囲み、アレルギー物質はアンダースコアで囲ってください。", + "ingredients_editing_error": "原材料を保存できませんでした。", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "新しい原材料画像を取得できませんでした。", + "ingredients_editing_title": "原材料を編集", + "ingredients_photo": "原材料の画像", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "カンマもしくは改行で区切られたすべてのパッケージの要素を、数量(例:1 または 6)、種類(例:ボトル、箱、缶)、素材(例:プラスチック、金属、アルミ)、サイズ(例:33cl)、リサイクルに関する指示とともに列記してください。\n例:リサイクルするガラス瓶1本、廃棄するプラスチックの栓1つ", + "packaging_editing_error": "パッケージの保存に失敗しました。", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "新しいパッケージ画像を取得できませんでした。", + "packaging_editing_title": "パッケージを編集", + "nutrition": "栄養", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "栄養成分表の画像", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "パッケージ情報", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "パッケージ情報の画像", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "新しい製品を見つけました!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "最初に何枚か画像を撮ってください。後でいつでも製品を完成させることができます。", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "新しい製品", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "新しい製品を見つけました!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "この製品を共通データベースに追加するには、パッケージの写真を撮ってください。", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "製品の正面画像", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "製品の正面画像のアップロードを確認する", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "確定", + "send_image_button_label": "画像を送信", + "crop_page_action_saving": "画像を保存中…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "画像を加工中...", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "ローカルバージョンを保存しています…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "… あなたの写真に何かが含まれています!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "サーバーに送信する前に画像をローカルで処理することができません。後でもう一度試すか、問題が解決しない場合はcontact-usをお試しください。", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "サーバーへの呼び出しを準備しています…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "パッケージの正面の画像", + "ingredients_photo_title": "原材料の画像", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "栄養成分表の画像", + "recycling_photo_title": "リサイクル情報の画像", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "その他の興味深い画像", + "front_photo_uploaded": "正面の画像をアップロードしました", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "原材料の画像", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "原材料の画像がアップロードされました", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "キャッシュから栄養成分を読み込むことができませんでした", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "栄養成分表の画像", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "栄養成分表を入力する", + "nutritional_facts_added": "栄養成分表が追加されました", + "categories_added": "カテゴリーが追加されました。", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "ニュートリスコアを計算する", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "食品カテゴリと栄養価を満たして入手する", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "エコスコアを計算する", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "少なくともカテゴリを入力して入手してください", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "原産地、パッケージングなどを使用してエコスコアの計算をより正確に", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工レベル不明", + "new_product_title_pictures": "写真を撮りましょう!", + "new_product_title_misc": "そしていくつかの基本データ…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "今すぐタップして 3 つの質問に答えて、ニュートリ スコア、エコ スコア、およびウルトラ プロセッシング (NOVA) を計算してください。", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "栄養成分表の画像がアップロードされました", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "リサイクル情報の画像", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "リサイクル情報の画像がアップロードされました", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "その他の興味深い画像", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "その他の画像がアップロードされました", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "撮り直し", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "画像を選択中です", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "サーバーに画像をアップロードしています", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "不足している原材料を追加", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "不足しているパッケージ画像を追加", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "不足している栄養成分表を追加", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "不足している製品カテゴリを追加", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "不足している製品の国を追加", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "不足している製品のトレーサビリティコードを追加", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "不足している製品ラベルを追加", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "不足している製品の産地を追加", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "不足している製品の販売店を追加", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "栄養成分表を更新", + "nutrition_page_title": "栄養成分表", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "栄養成分表が製品に明記されていません", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "100gあたり", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "一食当たり", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "栄養成分を追加", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "一人前の分量", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "無効な数字です", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "サーバー…で製品を更新しています", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "製品が更新されました!", + "more_photos": "より興味深い画像", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "製品が見つかりません", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "見つかりません:", + "searchPanelHeader": "最初の製品を検索またはスキャン", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "製品を更新中", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "製品が更新されました", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "非推奨バージョンのアプリを使用しています。", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "ここをクリックして下さい", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "新しいバージョンのアプリをダウンロードする", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "製品を更新できませんでした", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "ネットワークエラーのため、この製品に関する情報を取得できません。", + "cached_results_from": "結果の最終更新:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "この製品を追加していただきありがとうございます!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "カテゴリと比較", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Nutri-Scoreを計算するために、カテゴリを追加してください。", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Nutri-Scoreを計算するために、栄養成分表を追加してください。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Nutri-Scoreを計算するために、栄養成分表とカテゴリを追加してください。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "この製品のNutri-Scoreは計算できません。例えば、標準的ではないカテゴリが原因である可能性があります。もしこれがエラーだと考えられる場合、お問い合わせください。", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "栄養成分の画像が古くなっています。更新してください。", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Scoreは原材料の原産地を考慮に入れています。これらを考慮に入れることができるよう、原材料一覧および/または地理的な記載の画像を撮るか、製品情報を編集してください。", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "国を選んでください", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "あなたの国", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "一部の環境特性は場所固有です", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "比較から削除された製品", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "ネイティブアプリ設定", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "履歴から削除された製品", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "リストから削除された商品", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "製品を削除できませんでした", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "このリストには製品がありません", + "no_product_in_section": "このリストには製品がありません", + "recently_seen_products": "履歴", + "clear": "クリア", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "本当にこのリストを削除しますか?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% マッチ", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{1 日前} other{{count} 日前}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{1 時間前} other{{count} 時間前}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{1分以内} =1{1 分前} other{{count} 分前}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{1 ヶ月前} other{{count} ヶ月前}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{1 週間前} other{{count} 週間前}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{1 個の製品を比較} other{{count} 個の製品を比較}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "製品を2つ以上選択してください", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "再試行", + "connect_with_us": "私たちとつながる", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "ブログ", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "見つける", + "how_to_contribute": "貢献方法", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "カードの任意の部分をタップすると、さらに詳細な情報を確認できます。試してみてください!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "気が変わった場合、設定からいつでも切り替えることができます。", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "カメラへのアクセス権限", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "携帯電話のカメラでバーコードをスキャンするには、アクセスを許可してください。", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "気が変わった場合、設定からいつでも切り替えることができます。", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nモデル: {model}\n製品: {product}\nデバイス: {device}\nブランド:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nモデル: {model}\nローカライズされたモデル: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nアプリのバージョン:{appVersion}\nアプリのビルド番号:{appBuildNumber}\nアプリのパッケージ名:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "許可する", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "拒否する", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "後で", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "よろしいですか?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "{sourceName} に進む", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "2012年に\n協同スキャンアプリを\n開発しました", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "10周年に合わせて\n一からアプリを\n再開発しています!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "最初の見本となる製品を読み込んでいます", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "あなたの言語では、見本となる製品がないようです", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "あなたのランキング", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "履歴がありません", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "スキャン開始", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "スキャンした製品がここに表示され、それらの詳細情報を確認できます", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "更新中 {count,plural, =0{商品} =1{商品} other{商品}}", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{製品} =1{製品} other{製品}} 更新完了", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "データをダウンロード中", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "データをダウンロードできませんでした", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "アカウントを削除", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "アカウントの削除", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "アカウント", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "ようこそ!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "{id} さん、ようこそ!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "アカウントを削除", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "アプリケーション", + "settings_app_data": "プライバシーと監視", + "settings_app_camera": "カメラ", + "settings_app_products": "製品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "その他", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "スキャン時にサウンドを再生する", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "スキャンが成功するたびにビープ音が鳴ります", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "振動と触覚フィードバック", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "一部アクション(バーコードの解読、製品の削除…)を行った後に振動させる。", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "エラー", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "カメラによるバーコードのスキャンを許可する", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "エクスペリエンスを向上させるために、カメラへのアクセスを {appName} に許可してください。バーコードを直接スキャンできるようになります。", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "許可する", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "権限が拒否されました", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "以前カメラの権限を拒否したため、設定から許可する必要があります。", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "設定を開く", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", + "permission_photo_none_found": "カメラを検出できませんでした", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "カメラへのアクセス権限がありません", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "製品を編集", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "バーコード", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本情報", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "製品名、ブランド、数量", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "追加情報", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "ウェブサイト…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "写真", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "画像の追加または更新", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "ラベルと認証", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "環境、品質ラベル…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "ラベル", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "ラベル", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "店舗", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "店舗", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "店舗", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "原産国", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "スペイン", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "国", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "パッケージに記載されている原産地の情報を追加してください。原材料一覧に記載されている原産地については追加不要です。", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "例:アルゼンチン産の牛肉、大豆はEU産ではない", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "国", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "スペイン", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "国", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "製品が広く入手できる国(外国製品を専門とする店を除く)。", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "トレーサビリティコード", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "トレーサビリティコード", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "ヨーロッパでは、楕円で囲まれた、国の頭文字2桁に数字とCEが続くコードです。\n例:EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "カテゴリー", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "カテゴリー", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "カテゴリー", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "最も具体的なカテゴリのみを指定してください。親カテゴリは自動的に追加されます。", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "例:イワシのオリーブオイル漬け、濃縮還元オレンジジュース", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "ページを離れる前に変更を保存しますか?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "変更を保存", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "変更を破棄", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "原材料", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "追加", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "まずは文字を入力してください", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "削除する", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "リサイクル手順の画像", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "栄養成分表", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "栄養成分、アルコール含有量…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "編集", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "ウェブサイト", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "基本情報を完成させる", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "まだ実装されていません", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "カテゴリー", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "原材料を抽出", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "画像を更新", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "パッケージ情報を抽出", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "画像を更新", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "画像内のテキストを検出できませんでした。", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "新規製品リスト", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "リスト名を変更", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "リスト", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "製品をリストに追加", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "まだリストがありません。リストを作成してください。", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "リストに追加されました", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "名前を変更", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "マイリスト", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "名前は必須です", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "この名前は既に使用されています", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "同じ名前です", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "再試行", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "エラーが発生しました", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "{items} のカテゴリが見つかりませんでした", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "前面カメラと背面カメラを切り替える", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "カメラのフラッシュをONまたはOFFにする", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "フラッシュを有効にする", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "フラッシュを無効にする", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "戻る", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "開発者モード", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "オンボーディングをやり直す", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "再び表示するにはアプリを再起動する必要があります。", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": " (PROD)とtest環境の切り替え", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "テスト環境のパラメータ", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "現在のテスト環境のベースURL: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "テスト環境のホスト", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "MLキットを使う", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "その後、アプリを再起動する必要があります", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "製品ページに追加ボタンを配置", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "ナレッジパネルのボタンから原材料を編集する", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "履歴をエクスポート", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "エラー", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "製品が見つかりました", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "製品が見つかりませんでした", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "履歴をエクスポート", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "取消", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "V1からのデータ移行", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "ステータス:{status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "成功または新規インストール", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "成功", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "エラー", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "進行中", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "必要(クリックしてスタート)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "不明", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "履歴のインポート", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "履歴をクリアし、3つの製品を追加します", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "完了", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "スキャンモード", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "現在のスキャンモード:\"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "スキャンモード", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Eco-Scoreを無効にする", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "カメラストリームのみ、スキャンなし", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "カメラストリームとフルイメージ前処理、スキャンなし", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "カメラストリームとハーフイメージ前処理、スキャンなし", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "フルイメージスキャン", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "ハーフイメージスキャン", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "この検索を再利用して編集する", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "{totalSize} 製品をすべてダウンロードしました。", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "あと {count} 製品をダウンロード\n{totalSize} 製品中 {downloaded} 製品はダウンロード済みです。", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "自分が追加した製品", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "自分が編集した製品", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "自分が撮影した製品", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "自分の未完成の製品", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "すべての未完成の製品", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "画像を再撮影", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "画像を撮影", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "確定", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "利用と貢献規約", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "分析アイコン", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "致命的なエラー:{error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "致命的なエラー:{error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "基本情報を完成させる", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "編集", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "画像の選択を解除", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "既存の画像を選択", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "既存の画像", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "既存の画像を取得中…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "この製品に関連する、過去にアップロードされた画像はありません。", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "その言語にはまだ画像がありません", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "画像はまだありません", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "カテゴリー", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "基本情報", + "product_name": "製品名", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "製品名を入力してください", + "brand_name": "ブランド名", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "ブランド名を入力してください", + "quantity": "数量と重量", + "barcode": "バーコード", + "barcode_barcode": "バーコード: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "無効なバーコード", + "basic_details_add_success": "基本情報が正常に追加されました", + "basic_details_add_error": "基本情報の追加に失敗しました。しばらくしてからもう一度お試しください。", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "検索を消去", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "すべての履歴をクリアしようとしています。続けますか?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "選択したアイテムを履歴から消去しようとしています", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "本当に続行しますか?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "削除する項目を 1 つ以上選択してください", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "リスト({name}) をクリアしようとしています。続けますか?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} の重要度: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "リスト", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "最初のリストを作成", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "リストを選択", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{空のリスト} =1{1 製品} other{{count} 製品}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "リストを追加", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "食べ物の好みの編集", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "画像を追加", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "パッケージ/リサイクル情報の画像を撮る", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "画像ソースを選択", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "画像ソースを選択してください", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "ギャラリー", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "共有", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "新しく撮影する", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "ギャラリーから選択する", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "画像はできるだけ早くpc上の背景にてアップロードされます。", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "ローカルに保存されているすべての製品の更新を開始します", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "最も人気のある製品のダウンロードを開始します", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "栄養成分表を広げる", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "栄養成分表を広げたままにする", + "expand_ingredients": "原材料を広げる", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "原材料パネルを広げたままにする", + "no_internet_connection": "インターネットに接続されていません", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "世界全体", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "検索範囲を世界に広げる", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "コピー", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "バーコードをクリップボードにコピー", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "バーコード {barcode} がクリップボードにコピーされました!", + "language_picker_label": "あなたの言語", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "OpenFoodFactsのヘルプ", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "製品は可能な限り早くバックグラウンドで更新されます。", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "メールアプリがありません!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "手動で までメールを送信してください", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "すべての画像", + "selected_images": "選択した画像", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "製品の削除", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "新しいバーコードがスキャンされました: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "バーコード\nスキャンしました:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "この商品を探しています!\n数秒お待ちください…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "この商品はまだまだ募集中です!\n読み込みに時間がかかると思いますか? 私たちもそうです…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "数量", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "数量を入力して栄養成分を計算します", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "{min} ~ {max} の間で数量を入力してください", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "{grams} g (または ml) の栄養成分表", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "オフラインデータ", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "画像をアップロードすると、画像に含まれる情報を自動的に抽出します。", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "画像をアップロード", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "画像のダウンロードに失敗しました", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "画像のURLが設定されていないため、画像の編集に失敗しました。", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "選択を保存", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "毎回選択", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "続ける", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "次 {count,plural, =1{質問} other{{count} 質問}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "パスワードを表示", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "アプリを評価する", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "アプリを評価する", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "後で", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "このアプリを気に入っていますか?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "はい!", + "not_really": "いいえ", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "申し訳ございません。何があったのか教えていただけますか?", + "edit_packagings_title": "パッケージの要素", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "パッケージの要素を追加する", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "パッケージ情報が完成しました", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "パッケージの要素 #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "ユニット数", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "製品に含まれる、同一形状、同材質の包装単位の数を入力してください。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形状", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "リサイクル手順に形状が記載されている場合それを入力するか、形状を選択してください。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "ボトル", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "材質", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "判別できる場合は特定の素材(三角で囲まれた素材コードはパッケージ部分によくあります)を入力し、不明な場合は包括的な素材(プラスチックや金属など)を入力してください。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "ガラス", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "リサイクル手順", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "製品に記載されている場合にのみ、リサイクル手順を入力してください。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "リサイクル", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "単位あたりの製品の正味数量", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "正味重量または正味体積を入力し、単位を明記します(g または ml など)。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "空の状態での単位あたりの重さ (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "計量の前に残っている食品を取り除き、パッケージを洗浄、乾燥させてください。可能であれば、0.1gまたは0.01gの精度のはかりを使用してください。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "保留中の投稿", + "background_task_subtitle": "あなたの投稿は自動的にサーバーに保存されますが、リアルタイムで保存されるとは限りません。", + "background_task_list_empty": "保留中のバックグラウンドタスクはありません", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "サーバータイムアウト", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "インターネット接続エラーが発生しました。後でお試しください。", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "不明な操作タイプ", + "background_task_operation_details": "詳細な変更", + "background_task_operation_image": "画像のアップロード", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "画像のアップロード後の更新の遅れ", + "background_task_run_started": "開始されました", + "background_task_run_not_started": "まだ開始していません", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "削除予定", + "background_task_question_stop": "直ちにタスクを停止しますか?", + "feed_back": "フィードバック", + "undo": "元に戻す", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "メールアドレスをクリップボードにコピー", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "こちらのアドレスにメールを送信してください", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "メールをクリップボードにコピーしました!", + "select_accent_color": "アクセントカラーを選択", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "青", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "シアン", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "緑", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "デフォルト", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "マゼンタ", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "オレンジ", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "ピンク", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "赤", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "赤茶色", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "ティール", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "文字のコントラスト", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "高", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "中", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "低", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "商品が見つかりませんでした", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "次のバーコードを持つ商品はデータベースに存在しません: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "インターネットに接続されていません", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "スマートフォンが WiFi ネットワークに接続されているか、モバイル データが有効になっていることを確認してください", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "ページが見つかりません。", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "ホームページへ戻る", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "データをダウンロード", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "あなたの国の上位 1,000 製品をダウンロードして即時スキャンできます", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "データをダウンロード中\nしばらく時間がかかる場合があります", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} 商品が追加されました", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "オフラインデータを更新", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "オフライン商品データを消去", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "アプリからすべてのローカル製品データを消去して空き容量を増やします", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} 商品が削除されました", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "読み込んでいます…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "詳しくはこちら", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "オフラインデータの詳細についてはクリックしてください", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "オフラインの製品データ", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "即時スキャン可能な製品は{num} 件あります", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "国を選択してください", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "言語を選択してください:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "削除", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 4ebb786984d457f600144c458c1c995f058f74c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 012/216] New translations app_en.arb (Dutch) --- nl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 nl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb diff --git a/nl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb b/nl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c70c50bea4c --- /dev/null +++ b/nl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Toevoegen", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Weet je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?\nAls er een specifieke reden is, deel deze dan hieronder", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reden", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Oké", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Aanmaken", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Toepassen", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Volgende", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Terug naar boven", + "save": "Opslaan", + "save_confirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt opslaan?", + "skip": "Overslaan", + "cancel": "Annuleer", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Negeren", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Sluit", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nee", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Voltooien", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Berekenen", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Er ging iets mis", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Er is een fout opgetreden", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We werken nog aan deze functie, wacht af", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Bekijk in een browser", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Meer informatie", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Onbekend", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Zeer goede overeenkomst", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Goede overeenkomst", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Slechte overeenkomst", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Komt mogelijk niet overeen", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Komt niet overeen", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Zeer goede overeenkomst", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Goede overeenkomst", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Slechte overeenkomst", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Komt mogelijk niet overeen", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Komt niet overeen", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licenties", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Zoeken naar", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welkom bij Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is een wereldwijde non-profitorganisatie die wordt ondersteund door lokale gemeenschappen.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Kies voedsel dat goed is voor jou en de planeet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Zie de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Kies de producten die goed voor je zijn.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Kies voedsel dat goed is voor de planeet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Log in op je Open Food Facts account om je bijdragen op te slaan", + "incorrect_credentials": "Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.", + "login": "Inloggen", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", + "create_account": "Account aanmaken", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Inloggen", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Voor deze functie moet u zich aanmelden.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Uitloggen", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Ben je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Wachtwoord", + "forgot_password": "Wachtwoord vergeten?", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Profiel bekijken", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Wachtwoord resetten", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Als u uw wachtwoord bent vergeten, voert u uw gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in om instructies te ontvangen voor het opnieuw instellen van uw wachtwoord. Vergeet ook niet de map Spam te controleren.", + "username_or_email": "Gebruikersnaam of e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap.", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Wachtwoord wijzigen", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Tekst invoeren", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registreren", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registreren", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registreren…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gefeliciteerd! Uw account is zojuist aangemaakt.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naam", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Voer de weergavenaam in die u wilt gebruiken", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is verplicht", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ongeldig e-mailadres", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Gebruikersnaam: Openbaar zichtbaar", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer een gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a.u.b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties, hoofdletters of speciale tekens bevatten.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Voer een geldig wachtwoord in (minimaal 6 tekens)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bevestig wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig a.u.b. het nieuwe wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "gebruiksvoorwaarden en bijdrage", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Als u een account aanmaakt, is akkoord gaan met de gebruiksvoorwaarden verplicht, maar anonieme bijdragen kunnen nog steeds via de app worden gedaan", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Ik ben een voedselproducent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent/merk", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Voer een producent of een merknaam in", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Ik wil me graag inschrijven voor de nieuwsbrief van Open Food Facts (u kunt zich op elk moment afmelden)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "De gebruikersnaam bestaat al, kies een andere gebruikersnaam.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "bestaat al, log in op het account of probeer het met een ander e-mailadres.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Voer een geldig e-mailadres in alsjeblieft.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Instellingen", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Thema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Donker", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Licht", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Standaard systeeminstelling", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Bedankt voor je bijdrage!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Medewerkers", + "support": "Ondersteuning", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Vraag om hulp in ons Slack-kanaal", + "support_via_forum": "Vraag om hulp op ons forum", + "support_via_email": "Stuur ons een e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "App-logboeken verzenden?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken als bijlage bij uw e-mail voegen?", + "termsOfUse": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Over deze app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Bijdragen", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Softwareontwikkeling", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "De code voor elk Open Food Facts-product is beschikbaar op GitHub. Je bent van harte welkom om de code te hergebruiken (hij is open source) en ons te helpen deze te verbeteren, voor iedereen, op de hele planeet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "U kunt deelnemen aan de Open Food Facts Slack-chatroom, wat de beste manier is om vragen te stellen.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV-modus?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activeer de DEV-modus", + "contribute_donate_header": "Doneer aan Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Onvoltooide producten", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Verbeteren", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "De database is het hart van het project. Je kan ons makkelijk en heel snel helpen: door de app voor je telefoon te downloaden en te beginnen met het toevoegen of verbeteren van producten.\n\nDe Open Food Facts-website biedt vele andere manieren om bij te dragen: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Vertaal", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Begin met vertalen", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is een wereldwijd project met producten uit meer dan 160 landen. Open Food Facts is in tientallen talen vertaald, met voortdurend wijzigende inhoud.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Vertalingen zijn een van de belangrijkste taken van het project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Deel Open Food Facts met je vrienden", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Ik wil je laten weten dat ik de app Open Food Facts gebruik, waarmee je op een gepersonaliseerde manier de gezondheids- en milieueffecten van je eten kunt zien. Het werkt door de barcodes op de verpakking te scannen. Het is gratis, vereist geen registratie en je kunt zelfs helpen het aantal ontcijferde producten te vergroten. Download de app voor jouw telefoon via deze link:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tik hier om vragen te beantwoorden", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tik hier om vragen over dit product te beantwoorden", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Een ogenblik geduld terwijl vragen over dit product worden geladen", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Uw antwoord opslaan", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help de voedseltransparantie te verbeteren en beloningen te krijgen", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Log in op uw Open Food Facts-account om krediet te krijgen voor uw bijdragen", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Antwoord met ja", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Antwoord met nee", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Sla deze vraag over", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tik om de zoekopdracht te bewerken", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mijn voorkeuren", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Maak uw account aan en sluit u aan bij de Open Food Facts-community om voedselkennis over de hele wereld op te bouwen!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Doe mee", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Uw profiel", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-instellingen", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Donkere modus, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Voedselvoorkeuren", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als je er een hebt.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mijn persoonlijke ranglijst", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Alles", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Een geweldige overeenkomst voor u", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Zeer slechte overeenkomst", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Ververs de lijst met je nieuwe voorkeuren", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Opnieuw geladen met uw nieuwe voorkeuren", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profiel", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Geschiedenis", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lijsten", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter op categorie", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Alles", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(categorie zoeken)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scansessie", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scangeschiedenis", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Zoeken", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tik om meer info te zien…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Onbekend merk", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Onbekende productnaam", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Vernieuw", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Afbeelding", + "front_photo": "Foto voorzijde", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingrediënten", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Bewaar de originele volgorde. Vermeld het percentage indien gespecificeerd. Scheid met een komma of koppelteken, gebruik haakjes voor ingrediënten van een ingrediënt en geef allergenen aan tussen onderstrepingstekens.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Kan de ingrediënten niet opslaan.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Ingrediënten bewerken", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingrediënten foto", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Vermeld alle verpakkingsonderdelen gescheiden door een komma of regel, met hun hoeveelheid (bijv. 1 of 6) type (bijv. fles, doos, blik), materiaal (bijv. plastic, metaal, aluminium) en indien beschikbaar hun grootte (bijv. 33cl) en instructies voor recycling.\nVoorbeeld: 1 glazen fles om te recyclen, 1 plastic dop om weg te gooien", + "packaging_editing_error": "Opslaan van de verpakking is mislukt.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Het ophalen van een nieuwe verpakkingsafbeelding is mislukt.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Verpakking bewerken", + "nutrition": "Voedingswaarde", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Verpakkingsinformatie", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto van verpakkingsinformatie", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Je hebt een nieuw product gevonden!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Maak foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Gelieve eerst wat foto's te maken. Je kunt het product altijd op een later tijdstip voltooien.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Voeg productinformatie toe", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nieuw Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Je hebt zojuist een nieuw product gevonden!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Het lijkt erop dat je niets hebt ingevoerd. Wil je deze pagina echt verlaten?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Neem foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan onze gemeenschappelijke database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Afbeelding voorzijde van product", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Bevestig de upload van de voorzijde van het product", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Bevestig", + "send_image_button_label": "Afbeelding verzenden", + "crop_page_action_saving": "De afbeelding opslaan…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "De afbeelding bijsnijden…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Een lokale versie opslaan…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oeps… er is iets met je foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We kunnen de afbeelding niet lokaal verwerken voordat deze naar onze server wordt verzonden. Probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact met ons op als het probleem aanhoudt.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "De afbeelding is te klein!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "De minimale grootte in pixels voor het uploaden van afbeeldingen is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. De huidige afbeelding is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Een oproep naar de server voorbereiden…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto van voorkant verpakking", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van de voedingswaardetabel", + "recycling_photo_title": "Foto recycleren", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Andere interessante foto's", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto voorkant geüpload", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingrediënten foto", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto van ingrediënten geüpload", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Kan voedingsstoffen uit de cache niet laden", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Voer voedingswaarden in", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Voedingswaarden toegevoegd", + "categories_added": "Categorieën toegevoegd", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Bereken de Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Krijg het door het invullen van de voedingscategorie en voedingswaarden", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Bereken de Ecoscore", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Krijg het door minstens één categorie in te vullen", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Maak de Eco-Score-berekening nauwkeuriger door herkomst, verpakking en meer toe te voegen", + "new_product_title_nova": "Bereken het voedselverwerkingsniveau (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Krijg het door het invullen van de voedselcategorie en ingrediënten", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Voedselverwerkingsniveau onbekend", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Laten we wat foto's maken!", + "new_product_title_misc": "En enkele basisgegevens…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto van voedingswaarden geüpload", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto van recyclen", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto recyclen geüpload", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Andere interessante foto's", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Diverse foto's geüpload", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Opnieuw", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecteer foto", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Foto uploaden naar de server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Afbeelding van de voorkant uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Afbeelding van ingrediënten uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Voedingswaardenafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Verpakkingsafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Andere afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Ontbrekende ingrediënten toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Ontbrekende verpakkingsafbeelding toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Ontbrekende voedingswaarden toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Ontbrekende productcategorie toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Voeg ontbrekende productlanden toe", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Voeg ontbrekende producttraceerbaarheidscodes toe", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Voeg ontbrekende productlabels toe", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Voeg ontbrekende productherkomsten toe", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Voeg ontbrekende productwinkels toe", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Voedingswaarden bijwerken", + "nutrition_page_title": "Voedingswaarden", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "De voedingswaarden zijn niet op het product vermeld", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per portie", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Voeg voedingsstof toe", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Grootte van een portie", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Ongeldig nummer", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Het product bijwerken op de server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product bijgewerkt!", + "more_photos": "Meer interessante foto's", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Geen product gevonden", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "niet gevonden:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Zoek of scan uw eerste product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Herladen product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product herladen", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "U gebruikt een verouderde versie van de app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Klik hier", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download de nieuwe versie van de app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Kan product niet herladen", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Onmogelijk om informatie over dit product op te halen vanwege een netwerkfout.", + "cached_results_from": "Resultaten weergeven van:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Bedankt voor het toevoegen van dit product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Vergelijk met categorie", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Voeg een categorie toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Voeg voedingswaarden toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Voeg voedingswaarden en een categorie toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "De Nutri-Score voor dit product kan niet worden berekend, wat bijvoorbeeld te wijten kan zijn aan een niet-standaard categorie. Als dit als een fout wordt beschouwd, neem dan contact met ons op.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: ververs deze alstublieft.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "De Eco-Score houdt rekening met de oorsprong van de ingrediënten. Neem een foto van de ingrediëntenlijst en/of elke geografische claim of bewerk het product, zodat er rekening mee kan worden gehouden.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Uw land", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige milieukenmerken zijn locatie-specifiek", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product verwijderd uit vergelijking", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systeeminstellingen voor Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product verwijderd uit geschiedenis", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product verwijderd uit de lijst", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Kon product niet verwijderen", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Er is geen product in deze lijst", + "no_product_in_section": "Er is geen product in deze sectie", + "recently_seen_products": "Geschiedenis", + "clear": "Wissen", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Wilt u deze lijst echt wissen?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% overeenkomst", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{een dag geleden} other{{count} dagen geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{een uur geleden} other{{count} uren geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{minder dan een minuut geleden} =1{een minuut geleden} other{{count} minuten geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{een maand geleden} other{{count} maanden geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{een week geleden} other{{count} weken geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Vergelijk Producten", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Vergelijk Producten", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecteer minimaal twee producten", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Opnieuw proberen", + "connect_with_us": "Contacteer ons", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter @", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ)", + "discover": "Ontdek", + "how_to_contribute": "Hoe kan u bijdragen?", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "U kunt op elk deel van de kaart tikken om meer details te krijgen over wat u ziet. Probeer het nu!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Stuur anonieme analyses", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help de vrijwilligers van Open Food Facts om de app te verbeteren. U beslist of u anonieme analyses wilt indienen.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Cameratoegang", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Om barcodes te scannen met de camera van uw telefoon, moet u de toegang autoriseren.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "Besturingssysteem: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nApparaat: {device}\nMerk:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "Besturingssysteem: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nGelokaliseerd model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp versie:{appVersion}\nApp build nummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package naam:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autoriseren", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Weigeren", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Weet je het zeker?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Ga verder op {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We hebben in 2012\nde collaboratieve\nscan-app uitgevonden", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Naar aanleiding van ons 10-jarig bestaan, vinden we onszelf opnieuw uit!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Uw eerste voorbeeldproduct wordt geladen", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Het lijkt erop dat er geen voorbeeldproduct is in uw taal", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Jouw ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Geschiedenis niet beschikbaar", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Begin met scannen", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Gescande producten verschijnen hier en u kunt gedetailleerde informatie over hen bekijken", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens worden gedownload...", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Kan gegevens niet downloaden", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Account verwijderen", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Verwijder mijn account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welkom!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Log in of meld je aan om lid te worden van de Open Food Facts gemeenschap", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welkom {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Account verwijderen", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hallo, verwijder mijn Open Food Facts-account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Applicatie", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy en toezicht", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Producten", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversen", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij scannen", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Piept bij elke geslaagde scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Trillen & haptieken", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Trillen na het uitvoeren van sommige acties (barcode gedecodeerd, product verwijderd…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crashrapportage", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Indien ingeschakeld, worden crashrapporten automatisch verzonden naar het foutenopvolgsysteem van Open Food Facts, zodat bugs kunnen worden verholpen en zo de app kan worden verbeterd.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Anoniem gegevens delen", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Indien ingeschakeld, wordt anonieme informatie over app-gebruik naar de Open Food Facts-servers gestuurd, zodat we kunnen begrijpen hoe en welke functies worden gebruikt, zodat we de app kunnen verbeteren.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto bewerken", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Foutmelding", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Sta het gebruik van de camera toe om streepjescodes te scannen", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Geef {appName} toegang tot uw camera voor een verbeterde ervaring. U kunt streepjescodes rechtstreeks scannen.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Toestaan", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Toestemming geweigerd", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Omdat je eerder de cameratoestemming hebt geweigerd, moet je deze handmatig toestaan via de Instellingen.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open instellingen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleer", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Geen camera gedetecteerd", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Geen cameratoegang verleend", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Bewerk product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Voeg een nieuw(e) {itemType} toe", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Streepjescode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basisdetails", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Productnaam, merk, hoeveelheid", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Aanvullende details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Foto's", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Foto's toevoegen of vernieuwen", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels en certificeringen", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Milieu, Kwaliteitslabels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "keurmerk", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "keurmerk", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Winkels", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "winkel", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "winkel", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Oorsprong", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spanje", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Voeg eventuele herkomstaanduidingen toe die je op de verpakking vindt. Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken over de herkomst die direct in de ingrediëntenlijst wordt vermeld.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Voorbeelden: rundvlees uit Argentinië, de soja komt niet uit de Europese Unie", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spanje", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Landen waar het product algemeen verkrijgbaar is (exclusief winkels die gespecialiseerd zijn in buitenlandse producten).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceerbaarheidscodes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceerbaarheidscode", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europa is het een code in een ovaal met de 2 landinitialen gevolgd door een getal en CE.\nVoorbeelden: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorieën", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Vermeld alleen de meest specifieke categorie. Bovenliggende categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Als een categorie niet beschikbaar is via auto-complete, voel je dan vrij om deze toch toe te voegen. Dat helpt ons Open Food Facts in jouw land te verbeteren.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Voorbeelden: sardientjes in olijfolie, sinaasappelsap uit concentraat", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan voor het verlaten van deze pagina?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Wijzigingen opslaan", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Wijzigingen negeren", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingrediënten", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Toevoegen", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Voer eerst een tekst in alsjeblieft", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Verwijderen", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructies foto", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Voedingswaarden", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Voeding, alcoholgehalte…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Bewerken", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Basisdetails aanvullen", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Nog niet geïmplementeerd", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorieën", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Ingrediënten extraheren", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto vernieuwen", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Verpakking uitpakken", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto vernieuwen", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Detecteren van tekst in afbeelding mislukt.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst van producten", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijst hernoemen", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lijsten", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Voeg het product toe aan je lijsten", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Er is nog geen lijst beschikbaar, maak er eerst een aan", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Toevoegen aan lijst", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Toegevoegd aan lijst", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Wis je geschiedenis", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Hernoem", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Mijn lijst", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht!", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik!", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Dat is dezelfde naam", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Probeer opnieuw", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden!", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Geen categorie gevonden voor {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Schakel tussen de camera aan de achterkant en de voorkant", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Zet de flitser van de camera AAN of UIT", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Schakel flitser in", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Flitser uitschakelen", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Er is een fout opgetreden!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Terug", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV-modus", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Onboarding opnieuw starten", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Schakel tussen (PROD) en test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Testomgevingsparameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Basis-URL voor huidige testomgeving: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Testomgeving host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Gebruik ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "dan moet je deze app opnieuw opstarten", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Extra knop op de productpagina", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Bewerk ingrediënten via een kennispaneelknop", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Geschiedenis exporteren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "Uitzondering", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product gevonden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NIET gevonden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Geschiedenis exporteren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Annuleer", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Gegevensmigratie van V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "succes of nieuwe installatie", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "geslaagd", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "fout", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in behandeling", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "vereist (klik om te beginnen)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "onbekend", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Geschiedenis importeren", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Zal de geschiedenis wissen en er 3 producten in plaatsen", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Voltooid", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Huidige scanmodus is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Eco-Score uitsluiten", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Alleen camerastream, niet scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream en volledige voorbewerking van afbeeldingen, geen scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream en halve voorbewerking van afbeeldingen, geen scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Scannen van volledige afbeeldingen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Scannen van halve afbeeldingen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Hergebruik en bewerk deze zoekopdracht", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Je hebt alle {totalSize} producten gedownload.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} meer producten\nReeds gedownload {downloaded} van de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Producten die ik heb toegevoegd", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Producten die ik heb bewerkt", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Producten die ik heb gefotografeerd", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Mijn te voltooien producten", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Alle te voltooien producten", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Foto opnieuw maken", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Maak een foto", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Bevestig", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "gebruiksvoorwaarden en bijdrage", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics-pictogram", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatale fout: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatale fout: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Basisdetails aanvullen", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Bewerken", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Foto deselecteren", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Selecteer een bestaande afbeelding", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Bestaande afbeeldingen", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Bestaande afbeeldingen ophalen…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Er zijn geen eerder geüploade afbeeldingen met betrekking tot dit product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Nog geen afbeelding in die taal", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeeldingen", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorieën", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basisgegevens", + "product_name": "Productnaam", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Voer de productnaam in", + "brand_name": "Merknaam", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a.u.b. de merknaam in", + "quantity": "Hoeveelheid en gewicht", + "barcode": "Streepjescode", + "barcode_barcode": "Streepjescode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Ongeldige barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basisgegevens succesvol toegevoegd", + "basic_details_add_error": "Kan basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Wis je zoekopdracht", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Je staat op het punt je hele geschiedenis te wissen: weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "U staat op het punt geselecteerde items in uw geschiedenis te wissen", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecteer een of meer items om te wissen", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst ({name}) te wissen: weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "De lijst verwijderen?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Ja, ik bevestig", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} belangrijkheid: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lijsten", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Maak je eerste lijst aan", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Selecteer een lijst", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Lijst toevoegen", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Bewerk je voedselvoorkeuren", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Foto toevoegen", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Maak foto's van alle informatie over verpakking/recycling", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Kies afbeeldingsbron", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Kies een afbeeldingsbron", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallerij", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Delen", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Bekijk dit product op Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Bekijk mijn lijst met producten op Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Nieuwe vastleggen", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Kies uit gallerij", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "De afbeelding zal zo snel mogelijk op de achtergrond worden geüpload.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Het vernieuwen starten van alle producten die lokaal zijn opgeslagen", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Het downloaden van de meest populaire producten starten", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Tabel met voedingswaarden uitvouwen", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Houd de tabel met voedingswaarden uitgeklapt", + "expand_ingredients": "Ingrediënten uitklappen", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Houd het ingrediëntenpaneel uitgevouwen", + "no_internet_connection": "Geen internetverbinding", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Wereldwijd", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Zoek wereldwijd", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopiëren", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer streepjescode naar klembord", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Streepjescode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", + "language_picker_label": "Uw taal", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help met OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Het product zal zo snel mogelijk op de achtergrond worden bijgewerkt.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail-apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Stuur ons alstublieft handmatig een e-mail naar", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Alle afbeeldingen", + "selected_images": "Geselecteerde afbeeldingen", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Product verwijderen", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nieuwe barcode gescand: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Scan minstens twee producten om ze te vergelijken", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Klik om de door u gescande producten te vergelijken", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "U heeft\nde barcode gescand:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We zijn op zoek naar dit product!\nWacht een paar seconden…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We zijn nog steeds op zoek naar dit product!\nVindt u dat het laden lang duurt? Wij ook…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We zijn nog steeds op zoek naar dit product.\nWilt u het zoeken opnieuw starten?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Zoek opnieuw", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Bereken voedingsfeiten voor een specifieke hoeveelheid", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Hoeveelheid in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Voer een hoeveelheid in om de voedingswaarden te berekenen", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Vul een hoeveelheid in tussen {min} en {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Voedingswaarden voor {grams} g (of ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline gegevens", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om de verstrekte informatie automatisch te extraheren.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Foto uploaden", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Kan afbeelding niet downloaden", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Kan afbeelding niet bewerken omdat de afbeeldings-URL niet is ingesteld.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Onthoud mijn keuze", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecteer elke keer", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Doorgaan", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Toon wachtwoord", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Beoordeel de app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Geweldig! Laat anderen weten wat je vindt van deze app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Beoordeel de app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Geniet je van deze app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Ja!", + "not_really": "Niet echt", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Het spijt ons dat te horen! Kunt u ons vertellen wat er is gebeurd?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Verpakkingsonderdelen", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Voeg een verpakkingsonderdeel toe", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "De verpakking is compleet", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Verpakkingscomponent #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Aantal eenheden", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Voer het aantal verpakkingseenheden van dezelfde vorm en hetzelfde materiaal in het product in.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Vorm", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Voer de vormnaam in die wordt vermeld in de recyclinginstructies als deze beschikbaar zijn, of selecteer een vorm.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Fles", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Materiaal", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Voer het specifieke materiaal in als dit kan worden bepaald (een materiaalcode in een driehoek is vaak te vinden op verpakkingsonderdelen), of een algemener materiaal (bijvoorbeeld plastic of metaal) als u het niet zeker weet.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glas", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instructie", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer alleen recyclinginstructies in als deze op het product staan vermeld.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Hergebruik", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Netto hoeveelheid product per eenheid", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het nettogewicht of het nettovolume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Gewicht van één lege eenheid (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Verwijder alle resterende levensmiddelen en droog de verpakking af voor het wegen. Gebruik indien mogelijk een schaal met 0,1g of 0,01g precisie.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "In afwachting van bijdragen", + "background_task_subtitle": "Uw bijdragen worden automatisch opgeslagen op onze server, maar niet altijd in realtime.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Geen lopende achtergrondtaken", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server time-out", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Fout met internetverbinding. Probeer het later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "onbekend bewerkingstype", + "background_task_operation_details": "gedetailleerde wijzigingen", + "background_task_operation_image": "foto uploaden", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "verversen vertraagd na uploaden van foto", + "background_task_run_started": "gestart", + "background_task_run_not_started": "nog niet gestart", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "om te worden verwijderd", + "background_task_question_stop": "Wil je die taak ASAP stoppen?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Ongedaan maken", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "E-mailadres kopiëren naar klembord", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Stuur ons handmatig een e-mail naar", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail gekopieerd naar klembord!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecteer een accentkleur", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blauw", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyaan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Groen", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Standaard", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Oranje", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Roze", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Rood", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Roest", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Groenblauw", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Tekstcontrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Hoog", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Laag", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product niet gevonden!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Er bestaat geen product met de volgende barcode in onze database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Geen internetverbinding!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Controleer of uw smartphone verbinding heeft met een wifi-netwerk of mobiele data heeft ingeschakeld", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Pagina niet gevonden!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Ga terug naar de startpagina", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download gegevens", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download de top 1000 producten in uw land om direct te scannen", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Top {count,plural, one {}other{{count} producten}} downloaden in uw land voor direct scannen", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Gegevens downloaden\nDit kan even duren", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} producten toegevoegd", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Werk offline productgegevens bij", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update de lokale productdatabase met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Offline productgegevens wissen", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Wis alle lokale productgegevens uit uw app om ruimte vrij te maken", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} producten verwijderd", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Bezig met laden…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Meer weten", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Klik om meer te weten te komen over offline gegevens", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline productgegevens", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} producten beschikbaar om onmiddellijk te scannen", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Selecteer uw land:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecteer uw taal:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Verwijder", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "De huidige lijst wijzigen", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Aanmaken", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Onbekende Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is niet van toepassing", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Onbekende Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is niet van toepassing", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Groep 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Groep 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Groep 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Groep 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Onbekende NOVA Groep" +} \ No newline at end of file From 96d2662d5b29ebff598fb71019257fb4ec376673 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 013/216] New translations app_en.arb (Polish) --- pl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb diff --git a/pl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb b/pl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..201f32ca509 --- /dev/null +++ b/pl/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Tak", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Dodaj", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć swoje konto?\nJeśli istnieje konkretny powód, podziel się nim poniżej", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Powód", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "OK", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Stwórz", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Zastosuj", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Następny", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Powrót do góry", + "save": "Zapisz", + "save_confirmation": "Na pewno chcesz zapisać?", + "skip": "Pomiń", + "cancel": "Anuluj", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignoruj", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Zamknij", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nie", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Zatrzymaj", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Zakończ", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Oblicz", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Zresetuj preferencje żywieniowe", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Coś poszło nie tak", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Wystąpił błąd", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Nadal pracujemy nad tą funkcją", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Zobacz w internecie", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Nieznany", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Bardzo dobre dopasowanie", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Dobre dopasowanie", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Słabe dopasowanie", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Może nie pasować", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Brak zgodności", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Nie znaleziono powiązania", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Bardzo dobre dopasowanie", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Dobre dopasowanie", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Słabe dopasowanie", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Może nie pasować", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Brak zgodności", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Nie znaleziono powiązania", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Szukam", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Witamy w Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Wybierz produkty, które są dobre dla Ciebie i naszej planety.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Zobacz dane dotyczące żywności odpowiadające Twoim preferencjom.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "▶ Wybierz produkty, które są dla Ciebie dobre.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Wybierz produkty, które są dobre dla naszej planety.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub hasło.", + "login": "Nazwa użytkownika", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Podaj nazwę użytkownika lub adres e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Proszę wpisać hasło", + "create_account": "Utwórz konto", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Zaloguj się", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Aby korzystać z tej funkcji, musisz się zalogować.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Wyloguj się", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz się wylogować?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Hasło", + "forgot_password": "Nie pamiętam hasła", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Zobacz profil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Zresetuj hasło", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "W przypadku zapomnienia hasła wpisz swoją nazwę użytkownika lub adres e-mail, aby otrzymać instrukcje do resetowania hasła. Pamiętaj o sprawdzeniu folderu \"Spam\".", + "username_or_email": "Nazwa użytkownika lub e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Wiadomość e-mail z linkiem do zresetowania hasła została wysłana na adres e-mail powiązany z Twoim kontem. Sprawdź też folder \"Spam\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Zmień hasło", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Wprowadź tekst", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Zarejestruj się", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Zarejestruj się", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Trwa rejestracja…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulacje! Twoje konto zostało utworzone.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nazwa", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Wprowadź nazwę, której chcesz użyć", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail jest wymagany", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Nieprawidłowy e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nazwa użytkownika: publicznie widoczna", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Wpisz nazwę użytkownika (pseudonim)", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Proszę wprowadzić poprawną nazwę użytkownika", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Nazwa użytkownika nie może zawierać spacji, dużych liter ani znaków specjalnych.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Nazwa użytkownika nie może przekraczać {value} znaków", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Hasło", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Proszę wpisać hasło", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Proszę wprowadź prawidłowe hasło (co najmniej 6 znaków)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Potwierdź hasło", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Proszę potwierdź hasło", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Hasła nie zgadzają się (nie są identyczne)", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "warunkami użytkowania i wkładu w Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Przy zakładaniu konta zgoda na Warunki Użytkowania jest obowiązkowa; anonimowe wpisy mogą być nadal dokonywane za pośrednictwem aplikacji mobilnej", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jestem producentem żywności", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent / Marka", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Proszę podać nazwę producenta lub marki", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Ta nazwa już istnieje. Wybierz inną.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "już istnieje, zaloguj się na konto lub spróbuj za pomocą innego adresu e-mail.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Podaj prawidłowy adres email.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Ustawienia", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Motyw", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Tryb ciemny", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Tryb jasny", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Jak na urządzeniu", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Współtwórcy", + "support": "Pomoc techniczna", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Zapytaj o pomoc na naszym kanale Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Poproś o pomoc na naszym forum", + "support_via_email": "Wyślij do nas maila", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Wysłać dzienniki aplikacji?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Czy chcesz dołączyć logi aplikacji do wiadomości e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Zasady korzystania", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "O tej aplikacji", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Wnieś wkład", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Usługi dla deweloperów", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Tryb deweloperski (DEV)?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktywuj tryb deweloperski", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produkty do uzupełnienia", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Ulepszenie", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Przetłumacz", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Zacznij tłumaczyć", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Tłumaczenia są jednym z kluczowych zadań projektu", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Kliknij tu, żeby odpowiedzieć na pytania", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Dotknij tutaj, aby odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące tego produktu", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Poczekaj na załadowanie pytań dotyczących tego produktu", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Zapisujemy odpowiedź", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomóż poprawić przejrzystość żywności i zdobywaj nagrody", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Odpowiedz \"tak\"", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Odpowiedz \"nie\"", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Pomiń pytanie", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Dotknij, aby edytować wyszukiwanie", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Moje ustawienia", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Dołącz do nas", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ustawienia", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tryb ciemny, zbieranie danych…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferencje żywieniowe", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Wybierz, które preferencje żywieniowe są dla Ciebie najważniejsze.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Zresetować preferencje żywieniowe?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mój spersonalizowany ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Wszystkie", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Świetne dopasowanie dla Ciebie", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Bardzo słabe dopasowanie", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Nie znaleziono powiązania", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Odśwież listę według nowych preferencji", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Odświeżono z nowymi preferencjami", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Skanuj", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historia", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listy", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtruj według kategorii", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Wszystkie", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(wyszukiwanie kategorii)", + "filter": "Filtr", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Sesja skanowania", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Historia skanowania", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Wyszukiwanie", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić więcej informacji…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Nieznana marka", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Nieznana nazwa produktu", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Odśwież", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Zdjęcie", + "front_photo": "Zdjęcie z przodu", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Składniki", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Zachowaj pierwotną kolejność. Wskaż wartości procentowe, gdy są określone. Oddziel je przecinkiem lub myślnikiem, użyj nawiasów dla elementów składowych danego składnika i wskaż alergeny między podkreślnikami.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Nie udało się zapisać składników.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Nie udało się uzyskać nowego obrazu składników.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edytuj składniki", + "ingredients_photo": "Zdjęcie listy składników", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Wymień wszystkie części opakowania oddzielone przecinkiem lub nowym wierszem, podając ich ilość (np. 1 lub 6) rodzaj (np. butelka, pudełko, puszka), materiał (np. plastik, metal, aluminium) i, jeśli to możliwe, ich rozmiar (np. 330 ml) oraz instrukcje recyklingu.\nPrzykład: 1 szklana butelka do recyklingu, 1 plastikowy korek do wyrzucenia", + "packaging_editing_error": "Nie udało się zapisać informacji o opakowaniu.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Nie udało się pobrać zdjęcia nowego opakowania.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edytuj opakowanie", + "nutrition": "Odżywianie", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Zdjęcie tabeli wartości odżywczych", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informacje dot. opakowania", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Zdjęcie informacji dotyczących opakowania", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Znalazłeś(-aś) nowy produkt!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Proszę najpierw dodać kilka zdjęć. Zawsze można dokończyć produkt później.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Dodaj informacje o produkcie", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nowy Produkt", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Właśnie znalazłeś/znalazłaś nowy produkt!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Wygląda na to, że nic nie wpisałeś. Czy naprawdę chcesz opuścić tę stronę?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Proszę zrób zdjęcia opakowania, aby dodać ten produkt do naszej wspólnej bazy danych", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Zdjęcie produktu z przodu", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Potwierdź przesłanie zdjęcia produktu", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Potwierdź", + "send_image_button_label": "Wyślij obraz", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Zapisywanie obrazu…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Przycinanie obrazu…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Zapisywanie lokalnej wersji…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Ups… coś jest nie tak z twoim zdjęciem!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Nie możemy przetworzyć obrazu lokalnie, przed wysłaniem go na nasz serwer. Spróbuj ponownie później lub skontaktuj się z nami, jeśli problem będzie się powtarzał.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Obraz jest za mały!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Minimalny rozmiar obrazu w pikselach wynosi: {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. Obecne wymiary obrazu wynoszą: {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Przygotowywanie połączenia z serwerem…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Zdjęcie opakowania z przodu", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Zdjęcie listy składników", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Zdjęcie tabeli wartości odżywczych", + "recycling_photo_title": "Zdjęcie informacji o recyklingu", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Inne ciekawe zdjęcia", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Przesłano zdjęcie przodu", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Zdjęcie listy składników", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Przesłano zdjęcie składników", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Nie można załadować składników odżywczych z pamięci podręcznej", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Zdjęcie tabeli wartości odżywczych", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Wprowadź wartości odżywcze", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Wartości odżywcze zostały dodane", + "categories_added": "Kategorie dodane", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Obliczanie Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Otrzymaj go, wypełniając kategorię żywności oraz wartości odżywcze", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Obliczanie Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Otrzymaj go, wypełniając przynajmniej jedną kategorię", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Spraw, by Eko-Wynik był bardziej precyzyjny dzięki pochodzeniu, pakowaniu & więcej", + "new_product_title_nova": "Oblicz stopień przetworzenia jedzenia (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Otrzymaj go, wypełniając kategorię żywności oraz składniki", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Poziom przetwarzania żywności nieznany", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Zróbmy kilka zdjęć!", + "new_product_title_misc": "I trochę podstawowych danych…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Dotknij, aby odpowiedzieć na 3 pytania TERAZ, aby obliczyć wskaźnik odżywczości, Eko-wynik & Ultra-przetwarzanie (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Przesłano zdjęcie z listą wartości odżywczych", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Zdjęcie informacji dotyczących Recyklingu", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Przesłano zdjęcie dot. Recyklingu", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Inne ciekawe zdjęcia", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Inne zdjęcie przesłane", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Odzyskaj", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Wybieranie zdjęcia", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia na serwer", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Dodaj brakujące składniki", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Dodaj brakujący obraz opakowania", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Dodaj brakujące informacje o wartościach odżywczych", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Dodaj brakującą kategorię produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Dodaj brakujące kraje pochodzenia produktów", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Dodaj brakujące kody identyfikacji produktów", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Dodaj brakujące etykiety produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Dodaj brakujące pochodzenie produktów", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Dodaj brakujące sklepy z produktem", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Zaktualizuj informacje o produkcie", + "nutrition_page_title": "Wartość odżywcza", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nie podano wartości odżywczych dla tego produktu", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "w 100 g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "na porcję", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Dodaj składnik odżywczy", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Wielkość porcji", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Nieprawidłowa liczba", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Aktualizacja statusu produktu…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produkt zaktualizowany!", + "more_photos": "Więcej interesujących zdjęć", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Nie znaleziono produktu", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "nie znaleziono:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Wyszukaj lub zeskanuj swój pierwszy produkt", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Odświeżanie produktu", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Odświeżono produkt", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Wersja aplikacji, której używasz, jest nieaktualna.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Kliknij tutaj", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Pobierz nową wersję aplikacji", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Nie udało się odświeżyć produktu", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Nie można pobrać informacji o tym produkcie z powodu błędu sieciowego.", + "cached_results_from": "Pokaż wyniki z:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Dziękujemy za dodanie tego produktu!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Porównaj z innymi w tej kat.", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Dodaj kategorię, aby obliczyć Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Dodaj informacje żywieniowe, aby obliczyć Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Dodaj informacje żywieniowe i kategorię, aby obliczyć Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Nie można wyliczyć Nutri-Score dla tego produktu, co może być spowodowane niestandardową kategorią. Jeśli jest to błąd, prosimy o kontakt.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Obraz tabeli wartości odżywczych jest nieaktualny: odśwież go.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score uwzględnia pochodzenie składników. Prosimy o zrobienie im zdjęcia (listy składników i/lub wszelkich roszczeń geograficznych / edycję produktu), aby można je było wziąć pod uwagę.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Proszę wybrać kraj", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Twój kraj", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Niektóre elementy środowiskowe są zależne od lokalizacji", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produkt usunięty z porównania", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Natywne ustawienia aplikacji", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produkt usunięty z historii", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produkt usunięty z listy", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Nie udało się usunąć produktu", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Na tej liście nie ma produktu", + "no_product_in_section": "W tej sekcji nie ma produktu", + "recently_seen_products": "Historia", + "clear": "Wyczyść", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę listę?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% dopasowania", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{1 dzień temu} other{{count} dni temu}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{jedną godzinę temu} other{{count} godzin temu}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{mniej niż minutę temu} =1{minutę temu} other{{count} minut temu}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{1 miesiąc temu} other{{count} miesięcy temu}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{1 tydzień temu} other{{count} tygodni temu}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Porównaj jeden produkt} other{Porównaj {count} produktów}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Porównaj produkty", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Porównaj produkty", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Proszę wybrać co najmniej dwa produkty", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Ponów próbę", + "connect_with_us": "Połącz się z nami", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)", + "discover": "Odkryj", + "how_to_contribute": "Jak mogę pomóc", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Możesz dotknąć dowolnej części karty, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat tego, co widzisz. Spróbuj teraz!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Wysyłanie anonimowych danych analitycznych", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Jeśli zmienisz zdanie, tę opcję możesz włączyć i wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie w ustawieniach.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Dostęp do aparatu", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Aby zeskanować kody kreskowe aparatem telefonu, proszę autoryzować dostęp.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Jeśli zmienisz zdanie, tę opcję możesz włączyć i wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie w ustawieniach.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "System operacyjny: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Wprowadzona: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProdukt: {product}\nUrządzenie: {device}\nMarka: {brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "System operacyjny: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nZlokalizowany model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nWersja aplikacji:{appVersion}\nNumer kompilacji aplikacji:{appBuildNumber}\nNazwa pakietu aplikacji:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autoryzuj", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Odrzuć", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Później", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Czy na pewno?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Dowiedz się więcej na {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "W 2012 roku\nstworzyliśmy aplikację\ndo wspólnego skanowania", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Po 10. latach działania\npostanowiliśmy zaprojektować\naplikację od zera!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Ładowanie pierwszego przykładowego produktu", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Wygląda na to, że nie ma przykładowego produktu w Twoim języku", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Twój ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historia niedostępna", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Rozpocznij skanowanie", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Zeskanowane produkty pojawią się tutaj i możesz sprawdzić szczegółowe informacje na ich temat", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Trwa odświeżanie {count,plural, =0{produktów} =1{produktu} other{produktów}} w twojej historii", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Odświeżanie {count,plural, =0{produktów} =1{produktu} other{produktów}} skończone", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Pobieranie danych", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Nie udało się pobrać danych", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Usuń konto", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Usuń moje konto", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Konto", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Witaj!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Witaj {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Usuń konto", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplikacja", + "settings_app_data": "Prywatność i monitorowanie", + "settings_app_camera": "Aparat", + "settings_app_products": "Produkty", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Inne", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Odtwórz dźwięk po zeskanowaniu", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Po każdym udanym skanowaniu wyda sygnał dźwiękowy", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Wibracje i Haptyczna Informacja Zwrotna", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Wibracje po wykonaniu czynności (zeskanowanie kodu kreskowego, produkt usunięty…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Raportowanie błędów", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Wysyłaj anonimowe dane", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edytuj zdjęcie", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Błąd", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Zezwalaj na używanie aparatu do skanowania kodów kreskowych", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Dla lepszego doświadczenia, proszę zezwolić {appName} na dostęp do kamery. Będziesz mógł bezpośrednio skanować kody kreskowe.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Zezwól", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Odmowa dostępu", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Ponieważ poprzednio odmówiono dostępu do aparatu, musisz zezwolić na to ręcznie w Ustawieniach.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Ustawienia", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Anuluj", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Nie wykryto aparatu", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Nie przyznano dostępu do aparatu", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edytuj produkt", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Dodaj nowy {itemType}", + "description": "Podpowiedź wyświetlająca się, gdy użytkownik długo naciska przycisk (+)", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Kod kreskowy", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Informacje podstawowe", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nazwa produktu, marka, ilość", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Dodatkowe informacje", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Strona…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Zdjęcia", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Dodaj lub odśwież zdjęcia", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etykiety i certyfikaty", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Oznakowania jakości i wpływu na środowisko…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etykieta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etykieta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Sklepy", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "stan", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "stan", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Pochodzenie", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Hiszpania", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "kraj", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Dodaj informacje o pochodzeniu, które można znaleźć na opakowaniu. Nie musisz się martwić o pochodzenie wskazane bezpośrednio na liście składników.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Przykłady: wołowina z Argentyny, soja nie pochodzi z Unii Europejskiej", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Kraj", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Hiszpania", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "kraj", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Kraje, w których produkt jest powszechnie dostępny (nie wliczając sklepów specjalizujących się w produktach zagranicznych).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Kody identyfikujące", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "kod identyfikujący", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "W Europie kod w elipsie z inicjałami 2 krajów, po których następuje liczba i CE.\nPrzykłady: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Wskaż tylko najbardziej szczegółową kategorię. Kategorie nadrzędne zostaną automatycznie dodane.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Przykłady: sardynki w oliwie z oliwek, sok pomarańczowy z koncentratu", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany przed opuszczeniem tej strony?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Zapisz zmiany", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Odrzuć zmiany", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Składniki", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Dodaj", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Proszę najpierw wpisać tekst", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Usuń", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Zdjęcie informacji dotyczących recyklingu", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Wartości odżywcze", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Wartości odżywcze, zaw. alkoholu…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edytuj", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Strona", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Uzupełnij podstawowe informacje", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Jeszcze niezaimplementowane", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorie", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Wyodrębnij składniki", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Odśwież zdjęcie", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Rozpoznaj opakowanie", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Odśwież zdjęcie", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Nie udało się wykryć tekstu na obrazie.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nowa lista produktów", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Zmień nazwę listy", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listy", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Dodaj produkt do swoich list", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Stwórz nową listę", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Brak dostępnej listy, proszę zacząć od utworzenia listy", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Dodaj do listy", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Dodano do listy", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Wyczyść historię", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Zmień nazwę", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Moja lista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Nazwa jest obowiązkowa", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Ta nazwa jest już używana", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Ta lista już się tak nazywa", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Spróbuj ponownie", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Wystąpił błąd", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Nie znaleziono kategorii dla {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Przerzuć między tylną a przednią kamerą", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Włącz lub wyłącz lampę w kamerze", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Włącz lampę błyskową", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Wyłącz lampę błyskową", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Wystąpił błąd!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zmiany stanu lampy błyskowej. Upewnij się, że latarka na Twoim smartfonie nie jest już włączona.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Wstecz", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Tryb deweloperski (DEV)", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Zrestartuj wskazówki", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Aby wskazówki pojawiły się ponownie, zrestartuj aplikację.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Przełącz pomiędzy (PROD) a test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Parametry środowiska testowego", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Podstawowy adres URL dla bieżącego środowiska testowego: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Środowisko testowe", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Użyj zestawu ML", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "musisz ponownie uruchomić tę aplikację", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Dodatkowy przycisk na stronie produktu", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edytuj składniki za pomocą przycisku panelu wiedzy", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Eksportuj historię", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "wyjątek", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "znaleziono produkt", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produkt NIE został znaleziony", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Eksportuj historię", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Dobrze", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Anuluj", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migracja danych z V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "sukces lub nowa instalacja", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "zakończono pomyślnie", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "błąd", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "w toku", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "wymagane (kliknij, aby rozpocząć)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "nieznany", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importuj historię", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Usuwa historię wyszukiwania i wstawia w to miejsce 3 produkty", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Gotowe", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Tryb Skanowania", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Bieżący tryb skanowania to: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Tryb Skanowania", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Wyklucz EcoScore", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Tryb aparatu, bez skanowania", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Tryb aparatu z obróbką wstępną, bez skanowania", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Tryb aparatu i częściowa obróbka wstępna, bez skanowania", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Skanowanie całego obrazka", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Skanowanie połowy obrazka", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Użyj ponownie i edytuj to wyszukiwanie", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Pobrałeś wszystkie {totalSize} produkty.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Pobierz {count} produktów więcej\nPobrano {downloaded} z {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produkty, które dodałem", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produkty, które edytowałem", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produkty, które sfotografowałem", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Moje produkty do uzupełnienia", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Wszystkie produkty do uzupełnienia", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Ponów zdjęcie", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Zrób zdjęcie", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Potwierdź", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "warunkami użytkowania i wkładu w Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analityka", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Błąd krytyczny: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Błąd krytyczny: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Uzupełnij podstawowe informacje", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edytuj", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Odznacz zdjęcie", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Wybierz istniejące zdjęcie", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Istniejące zdjęcia", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Pobieranie istniejących zdjęć…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Nie przesłano jeszcze żadnych zdjęć powiązanych z tym produktem.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Nie ma jeszcze obrazu w tym języku", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Jeszcze nie ma obrazu", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorie", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Podstawowe informacje", + "product_name": "Nazwa Produktu", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Wprowadź, proszę, nazwę produktu", + "brand_name": "Nazwa marki", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Wprowadź, proszę, nazwę marki", + "quantity": "Ilość i waga", + "barcode": "Kod kreskowy", + "barcode_barcode": "Kod kreskowy: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Nieprawidłowy kod kreskowy", + "basic_details_add_success": "Podstawowe informacje dodane pomyślnie", + "basic_details_add_error": "Nie można dodać podstawowych informacji. Spróbuj ponownie za jakiś czas", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Wyczyść wyszukiwanie", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Zamierzasz wyczyścić całą swoją historię: czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Za moment wyczyścisz wybrane przedmioty w twojej historii", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Na pewno chcesz kontynuować?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Proszę wybrać jeden lub więcej przedmiotów do wyczyszczenia", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Zamierzasz wyczyścić tę listę ({name}): czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Usunąć listę?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Zamierzasz usunąć listę \"{name}\". \nCzy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Tak, potwierdzam", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "Kryterium - {name}: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listy", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Utwórz pierwszą listę", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Wybierz listę", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, few {{count} produkty} many {{count} produktów} =0{Lista pusta} =1{Jeden produkt} other{{count} produktów}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Dodaj listę", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edytuj swoje preferencje żywieniowe", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Dodaj zdjęcie", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Zrób zdjęcia wszelkich informacji dotyczących pakowania i recyklingu", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Wybierz źródło obrazu", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Wybierz, proszę, źródło obrazu", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galeria", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Udostępnij", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Zrób zdjęcie", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Wybierz z galerii", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Obraz zostanie przesłany w tle tak szybko, jak to możliwe.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Rozpoczynanie odświeżania wszystkich lokalnie przechowywanych produktów", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Rozpoczynanie pobierania najbardziej popularnych produktów", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Rozwiń tabelę wartości odżywczych", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Zachowaj rozwiniętą tabelę wartości odżywczych", + "expand_ingredients": "Rozwiń składniki", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Zachowaj rozwinięty panel składników", + "no_internet_connection": "Brak połączenia z internetem", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Cały świat", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Rozszerz swoje poszukiwania na cały świat", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopiuj", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Skopiuj kod kreskowy do schowka", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Kod kreskowy {barcode} skopiowany do schowka!", + "language_picker_label": "Twój język", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Pomoc z OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Produkt zostanie zaktualizowany w tle tak szybko, jak to możliwe.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Brak aplikacji e-mail!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Prześlij nam ręcznie e-mail na adres", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Wszystkie obrazy", + "selected_images": "Wybrane obrazy", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Usuń produkt", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nowy kod kreskowy: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Usuń wszystkie produkty z karuzeli", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Zeskanuj co najmniej dwa produkty, aby je porównać", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Kliknij, aby porównać zeskanowane produkty", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Zeskanowano\nkod kreskowy:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Szukamy tego produktu!\nProszę zaczekać kilka sekund…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Nadal szukamy tego produktu!\nCzy uważasz, że ładowanie zajmuje dużo czasu? My też…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Nadal szukamy tego produktu.\nCzy chcesz ponownie uruchomić wyszukiwanie?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Uruchom ponownie wyszukiwanie", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Oblicz wartość odżywczą dla określonej ilości", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Ilość w", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Wprowadź ilość, aby obliczyć wartości odżywcze", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Wprowadź ilość pomiędzy {min} a {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Wartości odżywcze dla {grams} g (lub ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Dane offline", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Prześlij obraz, aby automatycznie wyodrębnić podane informacje.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Prześlij zdjęcie", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Nie udało się pobrać obrazu", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Nie udało się edytować zdjęcia, ponieważ nie podano adresu URL obrazu.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Zapamiętaj mój wybór", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Wybierz za każdym razem", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Kontynuuj", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Następne {count,plural, =1{pytanie}other{{count} pytania}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Pokaż hasło", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Oceń aplikację", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Świetnie! Daj znać innym co sądzisz o tej aplikacji!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Oceń aplikację", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Później", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Podoba Ci się ta aplikacja?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Pewnie!", + "not_really": "Niekoniecznie", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Przykro nam to słyszeć. Czy możesz opisać, co się stało?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Elementy opakowania", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Dodaj element opakowania", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Uzupełniono informacje o pakowaniu", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Element pakowania #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Liczba jednostek", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Wprowadź liczbę opakowań tego samego kształtu i materiału zawartych w produkcie.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Kształt", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Podaj nazwę kształtu znajdującego się w instrukcjach dotyczących recyklingu, lub go wybierz.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Butelka", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Materiał", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Podaj konkretny materiał, jeżeli można go wskazać (kod materiału znajdujący się w trójkącie często można znaleźć na opakowaniu), lub materiał ogólny (na przykład plastik lub metal), jeśli nie masz pewności.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Szkło", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Informacje dotyczące recyklingu", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Wprowadź informacje dotyczące recyklingu tylko wtedy, gdy znajdują się na produkcie.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recykling", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Ilość produktu netto na jednostkę", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Podaj wagę lub objętość produktu netto i uzupełnij jednostkę (na przykład g. lub ml.).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Waga jednej pustej jednostki (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Przed ważeniem wyjmij z opakowania całą zawartość, umyj je oraz pozwól mu wyschnąć. Jeżeli to możliwe, użyj wagi z dokładnością do części dziesiętnej lub setnej grama.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Oczekujące wpisy", + "background_task_subtitle": "Twój wkład zapisywany jest automatycznie, jednak wprowadzone zmiany nie będą widoczne natychmiast.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Brak oczekujących zadań w tle", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Przerwa serwera", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Błąd połączenia internetowego. Spróbuj ponownie później.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "Nieznany typ żądania", + "background_task_operation_details": "szczegółowe zmiany", + "background_task_operation_image": "przesłanie zdjęcia", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "odświeżanie jest opóźnione po przesłaniu zdjęcia", + "background_task_run_started": "zaczęto", + "background_task_run_not_started": "nie zaczęto", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "(do usunięcia)", + "background_task_question_stop": "Czy chcesz jak najszybciej przerwać to działanie?", + "feed_back": "Opinie", + "undo": "Cofnij", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Kopiuj adres e-mail do schowka", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Wyślij nam ręcznie wiadomość e-mail na adres", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail został skopiowany do schowka!", + "select_accent_color": "Wybierz kolor akcentu", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Niebieski", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyjan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Zielony", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Domyślny", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Pomarańczowy", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Różowy", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Czerwony", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rdza", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Morska zieleń", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Kontrast tekstu", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Wysoki", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Średni", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Niski", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Nie znaleziono produktu!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Produkt o następującym kodzie kreskowym nie istnieje w naszej bazie danych: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Brak połączenia z internetem!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Proszę sprawdzić, czy Twój smartfon jest podłączony do sieci Wi-Fi lub czy jest włączony transfer danych komórkowych", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Nie znaleziono strony!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Wróć do strony głównej", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Pobierz dane", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Pobierz najlepsze 1000 produktów w Twoim kraju do natychmiastowego skanowania", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Pobierz topowe {count,plural, one {} few {{count} produkty} many {{count} produkty}other{{count} produkty}} w twoim kraju dla natychmiastowego skanowania", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Pobieranie danych\nTo może chwilę potrwać", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "Dodano {num} produktów", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Zaktualizuj dane produktów offline", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Wyczyść dane produktów offline", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Wyczyść wszystkie lokalne dane produktów z aplikacji, aby zwolnić miejsce", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "Usunięto {num} produktów", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Ładowanie…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Dowiedz się więcej", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Kliknij, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o danych offline", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Dane produktów offline", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "Dostępnych jest {num} produktów do natychmiastowego skanowania", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Wybierz swój kraj:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Usuń", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Zmień bieżącą listę", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Stwórz", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Stwórz nową listę", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 5f2df292593d8864f9f1882f40813b5500eee073 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 014/216] New translations app_en.arb (Portuguese) --- pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb diff --git a/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f8e8155abe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Sim", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Adicionar", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, partilhe-o a seguir", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Motivo", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Ok", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Criar", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Aplicar", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Seguinte", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao topo", + "save": "Guardar", + "save_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer guardar?", + "skip": "Pular", + "cancel": "Cancelar", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorar", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Fechar", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Não", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Parar", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Terminar", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calcular", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Repor preferências alimentares", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Surgiu um erro", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Surgiu um erro", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos a trabalhar nesta funcionalidade, fique atento", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Ver na web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Mais informações", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Desconhecido", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Boa correspondência", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Baixa correspondência", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Não corresponde", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Boa correspondência", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Baixa correspondência", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Não corresponde", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licenças", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "A procurar por", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos dinamizada pelas comunidades locais.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si e para o planeta.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Veja os dados alimentares relevantes para as suas preferências.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para o planeta.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para guardar as suas contribuições", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe incorrectos.", + "login": "Iniciar sessão", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, insira o nome de utilizador ou o e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", + "create_account": "Criar conta", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Iniciar sessão", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Para essa funcionalidade tem de entrar na sua conta.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Terminar sessão", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Quer mesmo terminar a sessão?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Palavra-passe", + "forgot_password": "Esqueci-me da palavra-passe", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Ver perfil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Recuperar a palavra-passe", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso se tenha esquecido da palavra-passe, introduza o seu nome de utilizador ou e-mail para receber instruções para a criação de uma nova palavra-passe. Lembre-se também de verificar a pasta \"Spam\".", + "username_or_email": "Nome de utilizador ou e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Enviámos um e-mail para o endereço associado à sua conta, com uma hiperligação para redefinir a palavra-passe. Verifique tambem a sua pasta \"Spam\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Mudar a palavra-passe", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Por favor introduza algum texto", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Criar conta", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Criar conta", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "A registar…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! A sua conta foi criada com sucesso.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nome", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, escolha o nome que deseja usar", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "O e-mail é obrigatório", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "E-mail inválido", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de utilizador: público", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador válido", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de utilizador não pode conter espaços, maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de utilizador não pode exceder {value} caracteres", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza uma palavra-passe com pelo menos 6 caracteres", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirme a palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As palavras-passe não coincidem", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Concordo com Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de utilização e contribuição", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de utilização. No entanto, podem ser feitas contribuições anónimas através da aplicação", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sou um produtor de alimentos", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produtor/marca", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza o nome de um produtor ou de uma marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Gostaria de subscrever o boletim informativo (newsletter) Open Food Facts (pode cancelar a sua subscrição em qualquer momento)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Este nome já existe; escolha outro.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "já existe, faça o login na conta ou tente com outro e-mail.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, indique um endereço de email válido.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Configurações", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Modo noturno", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Escuro", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Claro", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Predefinição do sistema", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Colaboradores", + "support": "Suporte", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda no nosso canal Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda no nosso fórum", + "support_via_email": "Envie-nos um e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar registos da aplicação?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Quer incluir os registos da aplicação anexados ao seu e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Termos de utilização", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Sobre esta aplicação", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribuir", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Desenvolvimento de software", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "O código de cada produto Open Food Facts está disponível em GitHub. Pode reutilizar o código (é de fonte aberta) e ajudar-nos a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Pode juntar-se à sala de chat Slack da Open Food Facts, que é a opção preferida para colocar questões.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modo DEV?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Ativar o modo DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Fazer um donativo à Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos que precisam ser completados", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Melhorar", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "A base de dados é a parte central do projeto. É muito fácil e rápido colaborar. Pode descarregar a aplicação móvel para o seu telemóvel e começar a adicionar ou a melhorar produtos.\n\nPor outro lado, o website Open Food Facts permite contribuir de várias formas: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Traduzir", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Começar a traduzir", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, que contém produtos de mais de 160 países. Open Food Facts traduz-se em dezenas de línguas, com conteúdos em constante evolução.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "A tradução é uma das principais tarefas do projeto", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Partilhe Open Food Facts com os amigos", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Quero dar-vos a conhecer a aplicação que tenho vindo a utilizar, Open Food Facts, que permite conhecer os impactos dos alimentos na saúde e no ambiente, de forma personalizada. Funciona através da leitura dos códigos de barras das embalagens. É gratuito, não requer registo e pode mesmo contribuir para aumentar o número de produtos descodificados. Este é o link para instalar no seu telemóvel:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Prima aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto são carregadas", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "A guardar a sua resposta", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e receba recompensas", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para ser creditado pelo seu contributo", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responder sim", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responder não", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Ignorar esta pergunta", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar a pesquisa", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "As minhas preferências", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Crie a sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a aumentar o conhecimento sobre os alimentos de todo o mundo!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Junte-se a nós", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "O seu perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerir a sua conta como colaborador do Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações da aplicação", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analíticas…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferências alimentares", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha as informações que mais lhe importam sobre a sua comida.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Repor as suas preferências alimentares?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "A minha classificação personalizada", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Todos", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma boa correspondência", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Correspondência muito baixa", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com as suas novas preferências", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com as suas novas preferências", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Perfil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Digitalizar", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Histórico", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listas", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrar por categoria", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Todos", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(pesquisa de categoria)", + "filter": "Filtro", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Sessão de pesquisa", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Histórico de pesquisa", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Procurar", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Clique para mais informação…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produto", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Marca desconhecida", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Nome do produto desconhecido", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Atualizar", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Imagem", + "front_photo": "Foto frontal", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredientes", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a percentagem quando especificada. Separe com uma vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique alergénios entre _traços sublinhados_.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar os ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem dos ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Editar ingredientes", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto de ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou paragrafo, com a sua quantidade (ex: 1 ou 6), formato (ex: garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex: plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex: 33 cl) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 rolha de plástico para deitar fora", + "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar a embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Editar embalagem", + "nutrition": "Nutrição", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto de informações nutricionais", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informação da embalagem", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de informações da embalagem", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Encontrou um novo produto!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Por favor, tire algumas fotografias primeiro. Pode concluir os dados do produto mais tarde.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Adicione informações sobre o produto", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Novo produto", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Acaba de encontrar um novo produto!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que não introduziu nada. Quer mesmo sair desta página?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor fotografe a embalagem do produto para o adicionar à nossa base de dados", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Fotografia frontal do produto", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da fotografia frontal do produto", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirmar", + "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imagem", + "crop_page_action_saving": "A guardar a imagem…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "A redimensionar a imagem…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "A guardar uma versão local…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops... há um problema com a foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não estamos a conseguir processar a sua imagem antes de a enviar para o nosso servidor. Tente novamente mais tarde ou contacte-nos se o problema persistir.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "A imagem é muito pequena!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Para carregar imagens o tamanho mínimo em píxeis é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem selecionada tem {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "A preparar um telefonema para o servidor…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Fotografia frontal da embalagem", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Fotografia dos ingredientes", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais", + "recycling_photo_title": "Fotografia de reciclagem", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Outras fotografias interessantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia inicial enviada", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto de ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de ingredientes enviada", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar os nutrientes da cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações nutricionais", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Introduzir dados nutricionais", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Informações nutricionais adicionadas", + "categories_added": "Categorias adicionadas", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calcular o Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os valores nutricionais", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calcular o Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Tornar o cálculo do Eco-Score mais exato com a indicação da origem, da embalagem e outras informações", + "new_product_title_nova": "Calcular o nível de processamento de alimentos (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Obter o produto preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os ingredientes", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nível desconhecido de processamento do alimento", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Tiremos algumas fotos!", + "new_product_title_misc": "E alguns dados básicos…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para calcular o Nutri-Score, Eco-Score e Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais enviada", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Fotografia das informações sobre reciclagem", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de reciclagem enviada", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Outras fotografias interessantes", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia diversa enviada", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Tirar novamente", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecionando fotografia", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "A enviar fotografia para o servidor", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicionar ingredientes que faltam", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem de embalagem que falta", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicionar informações nutricionais que faltam", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria que falta", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas que faltam de produtos", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar dados nutricionais", + "nutrition_page_title": "Informações nutricionais", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "A informação nutricional não é está presente no produto", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "por 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "por porção", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Adicionar um nutriente", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tamanho da porção", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número inválido", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "A atualizar o produto no servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produto atualizado!", + "more_photos": "Mais fotografias interessantes", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Não foi encontrado nenhum produto", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "não encontrado:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou digitalize o seu primeiro produto", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Atualizar produto", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produto atualizado", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Está a utilizar uma versão antiga da aplicação.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Clique aqui", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Descarregar a nova versão da aplicação", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Não foi possível atualizar o produto", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Não foi possível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", + "cached_results_from": "Mostrar resultados de:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Obrigado por adicionar este produto!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Comparar com a categoria", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Adicione uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione as informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione as informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido, por exemplo, a uma categoria fora do normal. Se isso for considerado um erro, contacte-nos.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: atualize-a.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em consideração a origem dos ingredientes. Tire uma fotografia da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para que possam ser levados em consideração.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Escolha um país", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "O seu país", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas características ambientais dependem do local", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produto removido da comparação", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Configurações Nativas do Aplicativo", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produto removido do histórico", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produto removido da lista", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Não foi possível remover o produto", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", + "no_product_in_section": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", + "recently_seen_products": "Histórico", + "clear": "Limpar", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Quer mesmo eliminar esta lista?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% de correspondência", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia antes} other{{count} dias antes}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{há uma hora} other{há {count} horas}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{ há menos de um minuto} =1{há um minuto} other{há {count} minutos}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{há um mês} other{há {count} meses}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{há uma semana} other{há {count} semanas}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um produto} other{Comparar {count} Productos}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare produtos", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare produtos", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione pelo menos dois produtos", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Repetir", + "connect_with_us": "Lige-se a nós", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blogue", + "faq": "Perguntas frequentes", + "discover": "Descobrir", + "how_to_contribute": "Como contribuir", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que vê. Tente agora!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Enviar estatísticas anónimas", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmara", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmara do telemóvel, por favor conceda o acesso.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / lançamento: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "SO: iOS ({version})\nModelo: {model}\nModelo localizado: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão da aplicação: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação da aplicação: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote da aplicação: {appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autorizar", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Recusar", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Lembrar-me depois", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Você tem certeza?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Mais informação em {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Inventamos\na aplicação de digitalização\ncolaborativa em 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "À medida que fazemos 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-a\ndo zero!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando o seu primeiro exemplo de produto", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não há nenhum exemplo de produto no seu idioma", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "A sua classificação", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Histórico indisponível", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Iniciar a digitalização", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos digitalizados aparecerão aqui e poderá ver informações detalhadas sobre eles", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Atualizando {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} no seu histórico", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Atualização de {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} completa", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "A descarregar os dados", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível descarregar os dados", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Eliminar a conta", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Eliminar a minha conta", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Conta", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo(a)!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo(a) {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Eliminar a conta", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplicação", + "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitorização", + "settings_app_camera": "Câmara", + "settings_app_products": "Produtos", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversos", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Reproduzir um som durante a digitalização", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Irá emitir um sinal sonoro em cada digitalização bem sucedida", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibração e resposta tátil", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrações após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de falhas", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anónimos", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Editar foto", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Erro", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmara para digitalizar códigos de barras", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma melhor experiência, conceda a permissão ao {appName} de acesso à sua câmara. Poderá digitalizar códigos de barras diretamente.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Permitir", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permissão negada", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmara, tem de conseder a permissão manualmente nas Configurações.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Abrir configurações", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancelar", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Nenhuma câmera detetada", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmara concedido", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Editar produto", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicionar um novo {itemType}", + "description": "Dica para mostrar quando o utilizador pressiona o botão (+) durante muito tempo", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Código de barras", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Detalhes básicos", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nome do produto, marca, quantidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Detalhes adicionais", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Site…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotografias", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Adicionar ou atualizar fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiquetas e certificações", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Ambiental, Rótulos de qualidade…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Lojas", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "loja", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "loja", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origens", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Espanha", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que encontrar na embalagem. Não precisa de se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne de vaca da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Europeia", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "País", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Espanha", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto está amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Códigos de rastreabilidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "PT DLT 1 CE, PT DPC 355 CE, PT 001901 P CE, EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "código de rastreabilidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, o código numa elipse com as iniciais de 2 países seguidas por um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorias", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicar apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias-mãe serão adicionadas automaticamente. Por exemplo introduzindo \"iogurtes líquidos aromatizados\", será adicionado automaticamente às categorias-mãe \"iogurtes líquidos\", \"iogurtes\", \"lacticínios\".", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Refrigerante, Cereais de pequeno almoço, Iogurtes aromatizados", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Quer guardar as alterações antes de deixar esta página?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Guardar alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descartar alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredientes", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicionar", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor introduza texto", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Eliminar", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Fotografia das instruções de reciclagem", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Dados nutricionais", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrição, conteúdo alcoólico…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Editar", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Site", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Detalhes básicos completos", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Ainda não implementado", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorias", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extrair ingredientes", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extrair embalagem", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falha ao detetar texto na imagem.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nova lista de produtos", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Alterar nome da lista", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listas", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Adicione o produto às suas listas", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Criar uma nova lista", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Ainda não existe nenhuma lista disponível, por favor comece por criar uma", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Adicionar à lista", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Adicionado à lista", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpar histórico", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Alterar nome", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "A minha lista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "O nome é obrigatório", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está a ser usado", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "É o mesmo nome", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Tentar novamente", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Ocorreu um erro", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Nenhuma categoria encontrada para {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre as câmaras posterior e frontal", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligar ou desligar o flash da câmara", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Ligar flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Desligar flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Ocorreu um erro!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado do seu flash. Por favor verifique que o seu smartphone não tem a tocha já ativada.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Voltar", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo programador", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Relançar experiência de boas-vindas", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Em seguida, você deve reiniciar o aplicativo para vê-lo novamente.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Alternar entre (PROD) e ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Parâmetros do ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL base para o ambiente de teste atual: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Hospedeiro do ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar kit de ML", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então terá que reiniciar esta aplicação", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Botão adicional na página do produto", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Editar ingredientes através de um botão do painel de conhecimento", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Exportar histórico", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exceção", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "produto encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produto NÃO encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Exportar histórico", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancelar", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados da V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Estado: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "sucesso ou nova instalação", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "sucesso", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "erro", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "a decorrer", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "necessário (clique para começar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconhecido", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importar histórico", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Irá limpar o histórico e colocar 3 produtos lá", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Concluído", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Modo de digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de digitalização atual é: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Modo de digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Excluir Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas o fluxo da câmara, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento total da imagem, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento de metade da imagem, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização total da imagem", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização de metade da imagem", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reproduzir e editar esta pesquisa", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Descarregou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Descarregar mais {count} produtos\nJá descarregou {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produtos que adicionei", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produtos que editei", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produtos que fotografei", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Meus produtos a serem concluídos", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Todos os produtos a serem concluídos", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tornar a fotografar", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Fotografar", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirmar", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de utilização e contribuição", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Ícone do Analytics", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Erro fatal: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Erro fatal: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Detalhes básicos completos", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Editar", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar fotografia", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Selecionar uma imagem existente", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Imagens existentes", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "A recuperar imagens existentes…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens previamente carregadas relacionadas com este produto.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não existem imagens nessa língua", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nenhuma imagem ainda", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorias", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Detalhes básicos", + "product_name": "Nome do produto", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Introduza o nome do produto", + "brand_name": "Nome da marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Introduza o nome da marca", + "quantity": "Quantidade e peso", + "barcode": "Código de barras", + "barcode_barcode": "Código de barras: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Código de barras inválido", + "basic_details_add_success": "Detalhes básicos adicionados com sucesso", + "basic_details_add_error": "Não foi possível adicionar detalhes básicos. Por favor, tente novamente depois de algum tempo", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Limpar a pesquisa", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Está prestes a limpar todo o seu histórico: tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados do seu histórico", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecione um ou mais itens para eliminar", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar a lista ({name}): tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "Importância de {name}: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listas", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Crie a sua primeira lista", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Selecione uma lista", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lista vazia} =1{Um produto} other{{count} produtos}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Adicionar lista", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edite as suas preferências alimentares", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar fotografia", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tirar fotos de qualquer informação sobre embalagem/reciclagem", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Escolher fonte da imagem", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Escolha uma fonte da imagem", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galeria", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Partilhar", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Fotografar mais recente", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Escolher da galeria", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano o mais rápido possível.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "A Iniciar a atualização dos produtos armazenados localmente", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "A iniciar a transferência dos produtos mais procurados", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de factos nutricionais", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Mantenha a tabela de factos nutricionais expandida", + "expand_ingredients": "Expandir os ingredientes", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Mantenha o painel de ingredientes expandido", + "no_internet_connection": "Sem ligação à Internet", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Todo o mundo", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Alargar a pesquisa a todo o mundo", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copiar", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar código de barras para a área de transferência", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Código de barras {barcode} copiado para a área de transferência!", + "language_picker_label": "O seu idioma", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "O produto será atualizado em segundo plano assim que possível.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Nenhum aplicativo de e-mail!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Todas as imagens", + "selected_images": "Imagens selecionadas", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remover produto", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras digitalizado: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remover todos os produtos do carrossel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Por favor, digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clicar para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Digitalizou o código de barras:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Estamos à procura deste produto!\nPor favor, aguarde alguns segundos…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto!\nVerifica que demora muito tempo a carregar? Nós também…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto.\nGostaria de reiniciar a pesquisa?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Reiniciar pesquisa", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular dados nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantidade", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Introduza uma quantidade para calcular as informações nutricionais", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Introduzir uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais para {grams} g (ou ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Dados off-line", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para extrair automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Enviar fotografia", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Falha ao descarregar a imagem", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL da imagem não foi definido.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Memorizar a minha escolha", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar a cada vez", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continuar", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Próxima {count,plural, =1{pergunta} other{{count} perguntas}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Mostrar senha", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Avaliar a aplicação", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Deixe que os outros saibam o que pensa desta aplicação!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avaliar a aplicação", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Lembrar-me depois", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Está a gostar da aplicação?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Muito!", + "not_really": "Nem por isso", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos saber isso! Pode contar-nos o que aconteceu?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Componentes da embalagem", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Adicionar um componente de embalagem", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "A embalagem está completa", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Componente de embalagem #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Número de unidades", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Introduza o número de unidades de embalagens com o mesmo formato e material.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Formato", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Introduza o nome do formato indicado nas instruções de reciclagem, se estiverem disponíveis ou selecione um formato.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Garrafa", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Escreva o material específico se souber (pode-se ver muitas vezes um código de material dentro de um triângulo na embalagem) ou um material genérico (por exemplo plástico ou metal) se não tiver a certeza.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Vidro", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Instrução de reciclagem", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Introduza as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem indicadas no produto.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Reciclar", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Quantidade líquida de produto por unidade", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Introduza o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo g ou ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Peso de uma unidade vazia (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer resto de comida, lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Contribuições pendentes", + "background_task_subtitle": "As suas contribuições são guardadas automaticamente no nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma tarefa em segundo plano pendente", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de ligação à Internet. Tente mais tarde.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecida", + "background_task_operation_details": "alterações detalhadas", + "background_task_operation_image": "envio de fotografia", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após o envio da fotografia", + "background_task_run_started": "iniciado", + "background_task_run_not_started": "ainda não iniciado", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser eliminado", + "background_task_question_stop": "Quer interromper esta tarefa o mais rápido possível?", + "feed_back": "Opinião", + "undo": "Desfazer", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copiar e-mail para a área de transferência", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor envie-nos um email para", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copiado!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecionar cor de destaque", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Azul", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Ciano", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Verde", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Predefinido", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Laranja", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosa", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Vermelho", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Ferrugem", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Azul-petróleo", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste do Texto", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Alto", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Médio", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Baixo", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Produto não encontrado!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto com o seguinte código de barras na nossa base de dados: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem ligação à Internet!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Verificar se o telemóvel está ligado a uma rede Wi-Fi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Página não encontrada!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Voltar à página inicial", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Descarregar dados", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Descarregar os 1000 melhores produtos do seu país para verificação imediata", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Descarregar os melhores {count,plural, other{{count} produtos}} no seu país para consulta imediata", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Descarregar dados\nEste processo poderá demorar algum tempo", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} produtos adicionados", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produtos offline", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Remover dados de produtos offline", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Para libertar espaço da sua aplicação remover por completo os dados de um determinado produto", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} produtos excluídos", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "A carregar…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Saiba Mais", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Clique para saber mais sobre dados offline", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Dados de produtos offline", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para verificação imediata", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Selecione o seu país:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecione o seu idioma:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Criar", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Criar uma nova lista", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 264bf2c279becd0cc36e60e0e021e728bb8bc8d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 015/216] New translations app_en.arb (Russian) --- ru/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ru/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb diff --git a/ru/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb b/ru/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8e8fb634046 --- /dev/null +++ b/ru/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Да", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Добавить", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить свой аккаунт?\nЕсли есть конкретная причина, пожалуйста, поделитесь ею ниже", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Причина", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Окей", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Создать", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Применить", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Следующий", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Вернуться к началу", + "save": "Сохранить", + "save_confirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите сохранить?", + "skip": "Пропустить", + "cancel": "Отмена", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "ПРОПУСТИТЬ", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Закрыть", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Нет", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Стоп", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Готово", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Рассчитать", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Сбросить настройки Ваших предпочтений", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Упс... что-то пошло не так", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Произошла ошибка", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Мы все еще работаем над этой функцией, следите за обновлениями", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Посмотреть в Интернете", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Узнать больше", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Неизвестный", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Очень хорошо подходит", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Хорошо подходит", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Плохо подходит", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Может не подходить вам", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Продукт не совместим", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Неизвестное совпадение", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Очень хорошо подходит", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Хорошо подходит", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Плохо подходит", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Может не подходить вам", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Продукт не совместим", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Неизвестное совпадение", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Лицензии", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Я ищу", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Добро пожаловать в Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Выбирайте еду, которая полезна для вас и для планеты.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Смотрите данные о еде, соответствующие вашим предпочтениям.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "▶ Выбирайте продукты, которые полезны для вас.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Выбирайте продукты, полезные для планеты.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль.", + "login": "Имя пользователя", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Пожалуйста, введите имя пользователя или e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Введите пароль", + "create_account": "Создать учётную запись", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Войти", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Для использования этой функции вам надо войти в систему.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Выйти", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Вы действительно хотите выйти из учётной записи?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Пароль", + "forgot_password": "Не помню пароль", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Профиль", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Сброс пароля", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "В случае утраты пароля, введите имя пользователя или адрес электронной почты, чтобы получить инструкции по сбросу пароля. Не забудьте проверить папку \"Спам\".", + "username_or_email": "Имя пользователя или e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Письмо ссылкой для сброса пароля было отправлено на вашу электронную почту. Не забудьте проверить папку \"Спам\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Сменить пароль", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Пожалуйста, заполните это поле", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Зарегистрироваться", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Зарегистрироваться", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Регистрация…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Поздравляем! Ваша учётная запись успешно зарегистрирована.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Название", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Пожалуйста, введите имя пользователя", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Введите адрес электронной почты", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Неверный e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Имя пользователя: Общедоступно", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Введите имя пользователя", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Пожалуйста, введите корректное имя пользователя", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Имя пользователя не может содержать пробелы, заглавные буквы или специальные символы.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Имя пользователя не может быть длиннее {value} символов", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Пароль", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Введите пароль", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Пароль должен содержать не менее 6 символов", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Подтвердите пароль", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Пожалуйста, подтверлите пароль", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Пароли не совпадают", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "условия использования и вклад", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "При создании учетной записи согласие с Условиями использования является обязательным, однако анонимные взносы по-прежнему можно делать через приложение", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Я производитель продуктов питания", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Производитель/марка", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Пожалуйста, введите производителя или название марки", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Имя пользователя уже существует, пожалуйста выберите другое имя.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "уже существует, войдите в учётную запись или попробуйте другой адрес электронной почты.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Пожалуйста, укажите действующий адрес электронной почты.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Настройки", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Тема", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Ночной режим", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Дневной режим", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Настройки по умолчанию", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Участники", + "support": "Поддержка", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Попросите о помощи в нашем канале Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Обратитесь за помощью на наш форум", + "support_via_email": "Отправьте нам электронное письмо", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Отправить журнал приложений?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Вы хотите включить журналы приложений во вложение к вашему электронному письму?", + "termsOfUse": "Условия использования", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "О приложении", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Способствовать", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Разработка программного обеспечения", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Режим Разработчика?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Активировать Режим Разработчика", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Незавершенные продукты", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Улучшение", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Перевести", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Начать переводить", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Переводы — одна из ключевых задач проекта", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы ответить на несколько вопросов", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы ответить на вопросы об этом продукте", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Пожалуйста, подождите, пока вопросы об этом продукте загрузятся", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Сохранение вашего ответа", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Помогайте улучшить прозрачность продуктов питания и получайте вознаграждения", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Ответить да", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Ответить нет", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Пропустить этот вопрос", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Нажмите для редактирования поиска", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Мои настройки", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Присоединяйтесь к нам", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Ваш профиль", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Настройки", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Тёмная тема, Аналитика…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Предпочтения в еде", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Выберите, какая информация о еде представляет для вас наибольший интерес.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Сбросить предпочтения?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Мой персональный рейтинг", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Все", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Хорошо подходит для вас", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Плохо подходит для вас", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Неизвестное совпадение", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Обновите список с вашими новыми предпочтениями", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Перезагружено с вашими новыми настройками", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Профиль", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Сканировать", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "История", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Списки", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Фильтр по категориям", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Все", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(поиск по категории)", + "filter": "Фильтр", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Сеанс сканирования", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "История сканов", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Поиск", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Нажмите для просмотра…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Продукт", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Неизвестный бренд", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Неизвестный продукт", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Обновить", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Изображение", + "front_photo": "Фото спереди", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ингредиенты", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Сохраняйте первоначальный порядок. Укажите процент, если он указан. Разделяйте запятой или дефисом, используйте круглые скобки для ингредиентов и указывайте аллергены между символами подчеркивания.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Не удалось сохранить ингредиенты.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Не удалось получить изображение нового ингредиента.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Изменить ингредиенты", + "ingredients_photo": "Фото состава", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Перечислите все части упаковки, разделенные запятой или переводом строки, с указанием их количества (например, 1 или 6), типа (например, бутылка, коробка, банка), материала (например, пластик, металл, алюминий) и, если возможно, их размера (например, 33 cl) и инструкции по утилизации.\nПример: 1 стеклянная бутылка на переработку, 1 пластиковая пробка на выброс", + "packaging_editing_error": "Не удалось сохранить изменения.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Не удалось получить изображение нового ингредиента.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Редактировать пакет", + "nutrition": "Пищевая ценность", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Фото информации о пищевой ценности", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Информация об упаковке", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Фото информации об упаковке", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Вы нашли новый продукт!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Пожалуйста, сделайте фотографии в первую очередь. Вы всегда можете дополнить продукт потом.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Добавление информации о продукте", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Новый продукт", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Вы нашли новый продукт!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Похоже, вы ничего не ввели. Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть эту страницу?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Пожалуйста, сделайте фотографии упаковки, чтобы добавить этот продукт в нашу общую базу данных", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Фотография лицевой стороны продукта", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Подтвердить загрузку фотографии лицевой стороны продукта", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Подтвердить", + "send_image_button_label": "Отправить изображение", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Сохранение изображения…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Обрезка изображения…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Сохранение локальной версии…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Упс… что-то с вашей фотографией!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Мы не смогли обработать изображение локально перед отправкой на наш сервер. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже или свяжитесь с нами, если проблема не исчезнет.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Изображение слишком маленькое!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Минимальный размер загружаемого изображения {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight} пикселей. Текущее изображение имеет размер {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Подготавливаем запрос для сервера…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Фото упаковки спереди", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Фото состава", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Фото информации о пищевой ценности", + "recycling_photo_title": "Изображение сведений о переработке", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Другие интересные фото", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Загружено переднее фото", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Фото состава", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Фото ингредиентов загружено", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Не удается загрузить питательные вещества из кэша", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Фото информации о пищевой ценности", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Введите данные о пищевой ценности", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Добавлены факты о пищевой ценности", + "categories_added": "Категории добавлены", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Рассчитать Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Для этого заполните категорию продукта и данные пищевой ценности", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Рассчитать Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Для этого укажите хотя бы одну категорию", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Сделайте вычисления Eco-Score более точными, указав происхождение, упаковку и другие параметры", + "new_product_title_nova": "Вычислить уровень обработки пищевых продуктов (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Для этого заполните категорию и состав продукта", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Степень обработки продуктов неизвестна", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Давайте сделаем несколько фотографий!", + "new_product_title_misc": "И некоторые основные данные…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Нажмите, чтобы ответить на 3 вопроса СЕЙЧАС, чтобы рассчитать Nutri-Score, Eco-Score и Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Фото информации о пищевой ценности загружено", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Информационное фото по переработке", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Фотография утилизации загружена", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Другие интересные фото", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Разное фото загружены", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Переснять", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Выберите фотографию", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Фото выгружается на сервер", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Добавить недостающие ингридиенты", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Добавить отсутствующее изображение упаковки", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Добавить данные о пищевой ценности", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Добавить собственную категорию продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Добавить отсутствующие страны продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Добавьте отсутствующие коды отслеживания продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Добавить отсутствующие метки продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Добавить недостающее происхождение продукта", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Добавить недостающие магазины продукта", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Введите данные о пищевой ценности", + "nutrition_page_title": "Пищевая ценность", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Пищевая ценность не указана на продукте", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "на 100 грамм", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "на порцию", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Добавить питательное вещество", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Размер порции", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Неверный номер", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Обновление продукта на сервере…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Обновления продукта!", + "more_photos": "Больше интересных фото", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Продукт не найден", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "не найдено:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Найдите или просканируйте свой первый продукт", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Обновление продукта", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Продукт обновлен", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Вы используете устаревшую версию приложения.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Нажмите здесь", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Скачать новую версию приложения", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Не удалось обновить продукт", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Невозможно получить информацию об этом продукте из-за сетевой ошибки.", + "cached_results_from": "Показать результаты из:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Спасибо Вам за добавление этого продукта!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Сравнить с категорией", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Добавьте категорию для расчета Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Добавьте информацию о пищевой ценности, чтобы вычислить Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Добавить пищевую ценность и категорию для вычисления Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Невозможно рассчитать Nutri-Score для этого продукта, что может быть связано, например, с нестандартной категорией. Если это ошибка, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Изображение пищевой ценности устарело: обновите его.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score учитывает происхождение ингредиентов. Пожалуйста, сфотографируйте состав и/или любое географическое указание или отредактируйте продукт, чтобы они могли быть учтены.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Пожалуйста, выберите страну", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Ваша страна", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Некоторые особенности окружающей среды зависят от местоположения", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Продукт удален из сравнения", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Системные настройки приложения", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Продукт удален из истории", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Продукт убран из списка", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Не удалось удалить продукт", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "В этом списке нет продуктов", + "no_product_in_section": "В этом разделе нет продуктов", + "recently_seen_products": "История", + "clear": "Очистить", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Вы действительно хотите удалить этот список?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% совместимости", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{один день назад} other{{count} дней назад}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Сравнить продукты", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Сравнить продукты", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Пожалуйста, выберите не менее двух продуктов", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Повтор", + "connect_with_us": "Мы в соцсетях", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Блог", + "faq": "Часто задаваемые вопросы", + "discover": "О проекте", + "how_to_contribute": "Как помочь проекту", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Вы можете нажать на любую часть карточки, чтобы получить более подробную информацию о том, что вы видите. Попробуйте сейчас!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Отправлять анонимную статистику", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Если вы передумаете, эту опцию можно включить и отключить в настройках в любое время.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Доступ к камере", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Для сканирования штрих-кодов с помощью камеры вашего телефона, пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для доступа.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Если вы передумаете, эту опцию можно включить и отключить в настройках в любое время.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "ОС: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Выпуск: ${release})\nМодель: ${model}\nПродукт: ${product}\nУстройство: ${device}\nМарка:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "ОС: iOS ({version})\nМодель: {model}\nЛокализованная модель: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nВерсия приложения:{appVersion}\nНомер сборки приложения:{appBuildNumber}\nИмя пакета приложения:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Авторизация", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Отклонить", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Позже", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Вы уверены?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "В 2012 году\nмы создали приложение\nдля коллективного сканирования", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Теперь когда нам 10 лет,\nнами было пересоздано\nполностью с нуля!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Загрузка вашего первого примера продукта", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Похоже, что на вашем языке нет примера продукта", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Ваш рейтинг", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "История недоступна", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Начать сканирование", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Отсканированные продукты появятся здесь, и вы сможете просмотреть подробную информацию о них", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Загрузка данных", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Не удалось загрузить данные", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Удалить учётную запись", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Удалить мой аккаунт", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Учётная запись", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Добро пожаловать!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Добро пожаловать, {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Удалить учётную запись", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Приложение", + "settings_app_data": "Конфиденциальность и мониторинг", + "settings_app_camera": "Камера", + "settings_app_products": "Продукты", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Прочее", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Воспроизвести звук при сканировании", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Издавать звуковой сигнал при каждом успешном сканировании", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Вибрация и отклик", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Вибрация после завершения некоторых действий (штрихкод декодирован, продукт удален…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Отчеты об ошибках", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Отправлять анонимные данные", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Редактировать фото", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Ошибка", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Разрешите использование камеры для сканирования штрихкодов", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Для расширения возможностей разрешите {appName} доступ к вашей камере. Вы сможете сканировать штрихкоды напрямую.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Разрешить", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Отказано в доступе", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Поскольку ранее вы отказали в доступе к камере, вы должны разрешить его вручную в настройках.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Открыть настройки", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Отмена", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Камера не обнаружена", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Нет доступа к камере", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Редактировать продукт", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Добавить новый {itemType}", + "description": "Подсказка, показывающая, когда пользователь зажимает кнопку (+)", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Штрих-код", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Основные детали", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Название продукта, марка, количество", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Дополнительная информация", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Веб-сайт…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Фотографии", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Добавьте или обновите фотографии", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Этикетки и сертификаты", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Экологичность, знаки качества…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "маркировка", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "маркировка", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Магазины", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "магазин", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "магазин", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Происхождение", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Испания", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Добавьте указания о происхождении, которые вы можете найти на упаковке. Вам не нужно беспокоиться о происхождении, указанном непосредственно в списке ингредиентов.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Примеры: Говядина из Аргентины, Соя не поставляется из Европейского Союза", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Испания", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "страна", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Страны, где продукт широко доступен (не включая магазины, специализирующиеся на иностранных товарах).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "В Европе, код является эллипсом с двумя инициалами страны, за которыми следует номер и СЕ.\nПримеры: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Категории", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категория", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категория", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Примеры: Сардины в оливковом масле, Апельсиновый сок из концентрата", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Хотите ли Вы сохранить изменения прежде чем покинуть страницу?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Сохранить изменения", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Отменить изменения", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ингредиенты", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Добавить", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Пожалуйста, сначала введите текст", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Удалить", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Фото инструкции по переработке", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Пищевая и энергетическая ценность", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Пищевая ценность, содержание алкоголя…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Редактировать", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Веб-сайт", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Детальная информация", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Пока что не реализовано", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Категории", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Распознать ингредиенты", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Обновить фото", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Извлечь информацию об упаковке", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Обновить фото", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Не удалось обнаружить текст на изображении.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Новый список продуктов", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Переименование списка", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Списки", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Добавить этот продукт в ваши списки", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Создание нового списка", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Нет доступных списков, пожалуйста, создайте новый", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Добавить в список", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Добавлено в список", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Очистить вашу историю", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Переименовать", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Мой список", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Поле \"Имя\" является обязательным", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Это имя уже используется", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Это то же самое название", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Попробуйте снова", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Ошибка", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Не найдена категория для {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Переключиться между задней и фронтальной камерой", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Включить или выключить вспышку камеры", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Включить фонарь", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Выключить фонарь", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Произошла ошибка!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Произошла ошибка переключения состояния вспышки. Убедитесь что у вашего смартфона не включен режим фонарика.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Назад", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Режим отладки", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Перезапустить ознакомление", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Переключить между (PROD) и тестовой средой", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Параметры тестовой среды", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Базовый URL для текущей тестовой среды: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Хост тестового окружения", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Использовать ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "тогда вам нужно перезапустить это приложение", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Дополнительная кнопка на странице продукта", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Редактировать состав с помощью кнопки на панели информации", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Экспортировать историю", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "исключение", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "продукт найден", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "продукт НЕ найден", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Экспортировать историю", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Отмена", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Перенос данных из V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Статус: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "успех или свежая установка", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "успех", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "ошибка", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "в процессе выполнения", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "обязательно (нажать, чтобы начать)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "неизвестно", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Импортировать историю", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Очистит историю и поместит туда 3 продукта", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Готово", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Режим сканирования", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Текущий режим сканирования: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Режим сканирования", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Исключить Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Только съемка камерой, без сканирования", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Съемка камерой и предварительная обработка полноразмерных изображений, без сканирования", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Съемка камерой и предварительная обработка части изображений, без сканирования", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Сканирование полноразмерного изображения", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Сканирование частичного изображения", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Дообавленные мной продукты", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Russsian", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Переснять", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Сфотографировать", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Подтвердить", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "условия использования и вклад", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Детальная информация", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Редактировать", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Отменить выбор фото", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Категории", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Основные сведения", + "product_name": "Название продукта", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Пожалуйста, введите название продукта", + "brand_name": "Бренд", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Пожалуйста, введите название бренда", + "quantity": "Количество и вес", + "barcode": "Штрих-код", + "barcode_barcode": "Штрихкод: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Неверный штрихкод", + "basic_details_add_success": "Основные сведения успешно добавлены", + "basic_details_add_error": "Не удалось добавить основные сведения. Повторите попытку через некоторое время", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Вы собираетесь очистить всю вашу историю: вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "Важность {name}: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Списки", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Создать ваш первый список", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Выберите список", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Пустой список} =1{Один продукт} other{{count} продукт(а/ов)}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Добавить список", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Изменить Ваши предпочтения в еде", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Добавить фото", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Выбрать источник изображения", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Пожалуйста, выберите источник изображения", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Галерея", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Поделиться", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Новый снимок", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Выбрать из галереи", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Изображение будет загружено в фоновом режиме как можно скорее.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Развернуть таблицу пищевой ценности", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Оставить таблицу пищевой ценности развернутой", + "expand_ingredients": "Развернуть ингредиенты", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Оставить панель ингредиентов развернутой", + "no_internet_connection": "Нет подключения к интернету", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Весь мир", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Расширить ваш поиск до всего мира", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Копировать", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Скопировать штрихкод в буфер обмена", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Штрих-код {barcode} скопирован в буфер обмена!", + "language_picker_label": "Ваш язык (your language)", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Помощь с OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Продукт будет обновлен в фоновом режиме как можно скорее.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Пожалуйста, отправьте нам письмо вручную по адресу", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Все изображения", + "selected_images": "Ważne: potrzebujemy Twojego wsparcia!\n\nOpen Food Facts to wspólny projekt stworzony przez dziesiątki tysięcy wolontariuszy i zarządzany przez organizację non-profit z 4 pracownikami.\nPotrzebujemy Twoich darowizn, aby sfinansować budżet Open Food Facts na rok 2022 i kontynuować prace nad projektem. Dziękuję! ❤️", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Удалить продукт", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Вы отсканировали\nштрих-код:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Мы ищем этот продукт!\nПожалуйста, подождите несколько секунд…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Мы все еще ищем этот продукт!\nВы считаете, что загрузка займет много времени? Так и есть…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Мы все еще ищем этот продукт.\nХотите перезапустить поиск?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Искать заново", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Рассчет пищевой ценности для определенного количества", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Пищевая ценность на {grams} г (или мл)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Автономные данные", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Загрузка изображения с извлечением автоматически распознанного текста.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Загрузить Фото", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Не удалось загрузить изображение", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Не удалось отредактировать изображение, так как URL изображения не был задан.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Запомнить мой выбор", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Выбирать постоянно", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Продолжить", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Показать пароль", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Оценить приложение", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Замечательно! Поделитесь с друзьями своим мнением о приложении!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Оценить приложение", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Позже", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Да!", + "not_really": "Не совсем", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Компоненты упаковки", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Добавить компонент упаковки", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Упаковка завершена", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Компонент упаковки #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Форма", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Бутылка", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Материал", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Стекло", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Инструкция по переработке", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Количество продуктов в единице товара", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Масса тары (г)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Обратная связь", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Загрузка…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Удалить", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Создать", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Создание нового списка", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 8d093511736a846a7afcf4292cf6c8fecdba2360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 016/216] New translations app_en.arb (Serbian (Cyrillic)) --- sr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 sr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb diff --git a/sr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb b/sr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..59fdac9ebcb --- /dev/null +++ b/sr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Додај", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Затвори", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Скенирање", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Производ", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Покушај поново", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "држава", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "држава", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Категорије", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категорија", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категорија", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Додај", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Категорије", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Назад", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Категорије", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 2878f39c562d22e65ade907d76ba904e0b802145 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 017/216] New translations app_en.arb (Turkish) --- tr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb diff --git a/tr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb b/tr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4f6c4a64831 --- /dev/null +++ b/tr/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Evet", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Ekle", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Hesabınızı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?\nBelirli bir nedeni varsa aşağıda paylaşın", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Sebep", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Tamam", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Oluştur", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Uygula", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Sonraki", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Başa dön", + "save": "Kaydet", + "save_confirmation": "Kaydetmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?", + "skip": "Atla", + "cancel": "İptal", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Yok say", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Kapat", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Hayır", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Durdur", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Bitir", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Hesapla", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Yemek tercihlerini sıfırla", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Bir şeyler ters gitti", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Hata oluştu", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Bu özellik üzerinde halâ çalışıyoruz, takipte kal", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Web'de görüntüle", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Daha fazla bilgi edin", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Bilinmeyen", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Çok iyi eşleşme", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "İyi eşleşme", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Zayıf eşleşme", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Eşleşmeyebilir", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Eşleşmiyor", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Bilinmeyen eşleşme", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Çok iyi eşleşme", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "İyi eşleşme", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Zayıf eşleşme", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Eşleşmeyebilir", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Eşleşmiyor", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Bilinmeyen eşleşme", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Lisanslar", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Aranıyor", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Open Food Facts'e Hoş Geldiniz", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts, yerel topluluklar tarafından desteklenen küresel, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Kendiniz ve gezegen için iyi olan yiyecekleri seçiniz.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Tercihleriniz ile ilgili gıda verilerine bakın.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Sizin için iyi olan gıdaları seçin.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Dünya için iyi olan gıdaları seçin.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola.", + "login": "Kullanıcı adı", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Lütfen kullanıcı adı veya e-posta girin", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Lütfen bir şifre girin", + "create_account": "Hesap oluştur", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Giriş Yap", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Bu özellik için oturum açmanız gerekiyor.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Çıkış yap", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Oturumu kapatmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Şifre", + "forgot_password": "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Profili görüntüle", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Parolayı sıfırla", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Parolanın unutulması durumunda parola sıfırlama talimatlarını almak için kullanıcı adınızı veya e-posta adresinizi girin. Ayrıca, Spam klasörünü kontrol etmeyi unutmayın.", + "username_or_email": "Kullanıcı adı veya e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Parolayı değiştir", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Lütfen bir metin girin", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Kaydol", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Kaydol", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Kaydolunuyor…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Tebrikler! Hesabınız başarıyla oluşturuldu.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "İsim", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Lütfen kaydetmek istediğiniz başlığı girin", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-posta", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail gereklidir", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Geçersiz e-posta", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Kullanıcı adı: Herkese açık", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Lütfen bir kullanıcı adı girin", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Lütfen Geçerli Bir Kullanıcı Adı Girin", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Kullanıcı adı boşluk, büyük harf veya özel karakter içeremez.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Kullanıcı adı {value} karakterden fazla olamaz", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Şifre", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Lütfen bir şifre girin", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Geçerli bir şifre girin. (en az 6 harf)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Şifreyi Doğrula", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Lütfen parolayı doğrulayın", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Parolalar eşleşmiyor", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Open Food Facts'i kabul ediyorum", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "kullanım ve katılım koşulları", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Bir hesap oluştururken Kullanım Koşullarını kabul etmek zorunludur, ancak uygulama aracılığıyla yine de anonim katkılar yapılabilir", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Ben bir yemek üreticisiyim", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Üretici/Marka", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Lütfen bir üretici veya marka adı girin", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Kullanıcı adı zaten var, lütfen başka bir kullanıcı adı seçin.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "zaten var, hesaba giriş yapın veya başka bir e-posta ile deneyin.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Lütfen geçerli bir e-posta adresi girin.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Ayarlar", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Karanlık", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Aydınlık", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Sistem varsayılanı", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Katkıda bulunduğunuz için teşekkürler!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Katkıda bulunanlar", + "support": "Destek", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Slack kanalımızda yardım isteyin", + "support_via_forum": "Forumumuzda yardım isteyin", + "support_via_email": "Bize bir e-posta gönder", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Uygulama günlükleri gönderilsin mi?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "E-postanıza ek olarak uygulama günlüklerini eklemek ister misiniz?", + "termsOfUse": "Kullanım Koşulları", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Bu uygulama hakkında", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Destekleyebilirsiniz", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Yazılım geliştirme", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Geliştirici Modu?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "DEV Modunu Etkinleştirin", + "contribute_donate_header": "OpenFoodFacts'e bağış yapın", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Tamamlanacak ürünler", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Geliştirmek", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Çeviri", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Çeviri Yapmaya Başlayın", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Çeviriler, projenin temel görevlerinden biridir", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Open Food Facts'ı arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Soruları yanıtlamak için buraya dokunun", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Bu ürünle ilgili soruları yanıtlamak için buraya dokunun", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Bu ürünle ilgili sorular yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Yanıtınız kaydediliyor", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Gıda şeffaflığını geliştirmeye yardımcı olun ve ödüller kazanın", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Katkılarınız için kredi almak üzere OpenFoodFacts hesabınızda oturum açın", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Evet ile cevapla", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Hayır ile cevapla", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Bu soruyu atla", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Aramayı düzenlemek için dokunun", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Tercihlerim", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Bize katılın", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profiliniz", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Uygulama Ayarları", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Karanlık mod, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Yiyecek tercihleri", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Yiyeceklerle ilgili hangi bilgilerin sizin için en önemli olduğunu seçin.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Yiyecek tercihleriniz sıfırlansın mı?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Bireysel Sıralamam", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Hepsi", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Sizin için harika bir eşleşme", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Çok zayıf eşleşme", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Bilinmeyen eşleşme", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Listeyi yeni tercihlerinizle yenileyin", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Yeni tercihlerle yeniden yüklendi", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Tara", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Geçmiş", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listeler", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Kategoriye göre ayır", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Hepsi", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(kategori arama)", + "filter": "Filtrele", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Tarama oturumu", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Tarama Geçmişi", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Ara", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Daha fazla bilgi görmek için dokunun…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Ürün", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Bilinmeyen marka", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Bilinmeyen ürün adı", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Yenile", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Resim", + "front_photo": "Ön fotoğraf", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "İçindekiler", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Orijinal düzeni koruyun. Belirtildiğinde yüzdeyi belirtin. Virgül veya kısa çizgi ile ayırın, bir bileşenin bileşenleri için parantez kullanın ve alerjenleri alt çizgiler arasında belirtin.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Malzemeler kaydedilemedi.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Yeni malzeme görüntüsü alınamadı.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Malzemeleri Düzenle", + "ingredients_photo": "İçindekiler fotoğarafı", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Tüm ambalaj parçalarını virgülle veya satır beslemesiyle ayırarak, miktarları (ör. 1 veya 6), türü (ör. şişe, kutu, kutu), malzemesi (ör. plastik, metal, alüminyum) ve varsa boyutları (ör. 33 cl) ve geri dönüşüm talimatları.\nÖrnek: Geri dönüştürülecek 1 cam şişe, çöpe atılacak 1 plastik mantar", + "packaging_editing_error": "Ambalaj kaydedilemedi.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Yeni bir paketleme görüntüsü alınamadı.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Paketlemeyi Düzenle", + "nutrition": "Beslenme", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Besin değerleri fotoğrafı", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Paketleme bilgileri", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Paketleme bilgileri fotoğrafı", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Yeni bir ürün buldun!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Lütfen önce biraz fotoğraf çekin. Ürünü her zaman daha sonra tamamlayabilirsiniz.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Ürün bilgisi ekle", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Yeni ürün", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Yeni bir ürün buldunuz!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Hiçbir şey girmemişsiniz gibi görünüyor. Bu sayfadan gerçekten ayrılmak istiyor musunuz?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Bu ürünü ortak veritabanımıza eklemek için lütfen ambalajın fotoğraflarını çekin", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Ürünün önden bir fotoğrafı", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Ürünün ön fotoğrafının yüklenmesini onaylayın", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Onayla", + "send_image_button_label": "Resim gönder", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Görüntüyü kaydetme…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Resmin kırpılması…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Yerel bir sürümü kaydetme…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Hata… Fotoğrafınızda bir şey var!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Görüntüyü sunucumuza göndermeden önce yerel olarak işleyemiyoruz. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin veya sorun devam ederse bizimle iletişime geçin.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Resim çok küçük!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Resim yükleme için minimum piksel boyutu {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. Mevcut resim {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Çağrıyı sunucuya hazırlama…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Ön ambalaj fotoğrafı", + "ingredients_photo_title": "İçindekiler fotoğarafı", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Besin Değerleri Fotoğrafı", + "recycling_photo_title": "Geri Dönüşüm Fotoğrafı", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Diğer ilginç fotoğraflar", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Önden fotoğraf yüklendi", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "İçindekiler fotoğarafı", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "\"İçindekiler\" fotoğrafı yüklendi", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Besin değerleri önbellekten yüklenemiyor", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Besin değerleri fotoğrafı", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Besin değerleri gir", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Besin değerleri eklendi", + "categories_added": "Kategoriler eklendi", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Nutri Puanını hesaplayın", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Gıda kategorisini ve besin değerlerini doldurarak alın", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Eko Puanı hesaplayın", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "En az bir kategori doldurarak alın", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Kaynaklar, paketleme ve daha fazlası ile Eco-Score hesaplamasını daha kesin hale getirin", + "new_product_title_nova": "Gıda işleme seviyesini (NOVA) hesaplayın", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Gıda kategorisini ve malzemeleri doldurarak alın", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Gıda işleme seviyesi bilinmemektedir", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Birkaç fotoğraf çekelim!", + "new_product_title_misc": "Ve bazı temel veriler…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Nutri-Score, Eco-Score ve Ultra-processing'i (NOVA) hesaplamada ŞİMDİ 3 soruyu yanıtlamak için dokunun!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "\"Besin değerleri\" fotoğrafı yüklendi", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Geri dönüşüm bilgisi fotoğrafı", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Geri dönüşüm fotoğrafı yüklendi", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Diğer ilginç fotoğraflar", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotoğraf yüklendi", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Yeniden çek", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Fotoğraf seçiliyor", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Fotoğraf sunucuya yükleniyor", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Görsel Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Eksik içindekiler bilgileri ekle", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Eksik paketleme resmini ekleyin", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Eksik besin değerlerini ekle", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Eksik ürün kategori bilgisini ekle", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Eksik ürün ülkelerini ekleyin", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Eksik ürün izlenebilirlik kodlarını ekleyin", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Eksik ürün etiketlerini ekleyin", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Eksik ürün menşelerini ekleyin", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Eksik ürün mağazalarını ekleyin", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Besin değerleri bilgilerini güncelle", + "nutrition_page_title": "Besin Değerleri", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Ürünün üzerinde besin değerleri bilgisi yer almıyor", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "100g başına", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "porsiyon başına", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Besin ögesi ekle", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porsiyon ölçüsü", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Geçersiz numara", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Ürün sunucuda güncelleniyor…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Ürün güncellendi!", + "more_photos": "Daha ilginç fotoğraflar", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Ürün bulunamadı", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "bulunamadı:", + "searchPanelHeader": "İlk ürününüzü arayın veya tarayın", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Ürün yenileme", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Ürün yenilendi", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Uygulamanın kullanımdan kaldırılmış bir sürümünü kullanıyorsunuz.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Buraya tıklayın", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Uygulamanın yeni sürümünü indirin", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Ürün yenilenemedi", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Bir ağ hatasından dolayı ürün bilgileri çekilemedi.", + "cached_results_from": "Sonuçların gösterildiği:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Bu ürünü eklediğiniz için teşekkürler!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Kategoriye göre karşılaştır", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Nutri-Score'u hesaplamak için bir kategori ekleyin.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Nutri-Score puanını hesaplamak için besin değerleri bilgisi ekleyin.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Nutri-Score puanını hesaplamak için besin değerleri ve bir kategori bilgisi ekleyin.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Bu ürün için Nutri-Score hesaplanamıyor, bunun nedeni örneğin standart olmayan bir kategori olabilir. Bu bir hata olarak kabul edilirse, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Beslenme resmi eskidir: lütfen yenileyin.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score, içindeki maddelerin kökenlerini hesaba katar. Hesaba katılabilmesi için lütfen bunları fotoğraflayın (içindekiler listesi ve/veya herhangi bir coğrafi iddia) veya ürünü düzenleyin.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Lütfen bir ülke seçin", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Ülkeniz", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Bazı çevresel özellikler konuma özgüdür", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Ürün karşılaştırmadan kaldırıldı", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Yerel Uygulama Ayarları", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Ürün geçmişten kaldırıldı", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Ürün listeden kaldırıldı", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Ürün kaldırılamadı", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Bu listede ürün yok", + "no_product_in_section": "Bu bölümde ürün bulunmamaktadır", + "recently_seen_products": "Geçmiş", + "clear": "Temizle", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Bu listeyi silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% eşleşme", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{bir gün önce} other{{count} gün önce}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{bir saat önce} other{{count} saatler önce}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{bir dakikadan az önce} =1{bir dakika önce} other{{count} dakika önce}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{bir ay önce} other{{count} ay önce}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{bir hafta önce} other{{count} hafta önce}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Bir Ürünü Karşılaştırın} other{Ürünler {count} Karşılaştırın}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Ürünleri karşılaştırın", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Ürünleri karşılaştırın", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Lütfen en az iki ürünü seçiniz", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Tekrar dene", + "connect_with_us": "Bizimle iletişime geçin", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "SSS", + "discover": "Keşfet", + "how_to_contribute": "Nasıl Katkıda Bulunulur", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Gördüğünüz şey hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı almak için kartın herhangi bir yerine dokunabilirsiniz. Şimdi dene!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Anonim analizler gönder", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Fikrinizi değiştirirseniz, bu seçenek istediğiniz zaman ayarlardan etkinleştirilebilir ve devre dışı bırakılabilir.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Kamera erişimi", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Barkodları telefonunuzun kamerasıyla taramak için lütfen erişimi yetkilendirin.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Fikrinizi değiştirirseniz, bu seçenek istediğiniz zaman ayarlardan etkinleştirilebilir ve devre dışı bırakılabilir.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Sürüm: {release})\nModel: {model}\nÜrün: {product}\nCihaz: {device}\nMarka:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "İşletim Sistemi: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nYerelleştirilmiş model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nUygulama sürümü:{appVersion}\nUygulama yapı numarası:{appBuildNumber}\nUygulama paketi adı:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Yetkilendirme", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Reddet", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Daha sonra", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Emin misiniz?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "{sourceName} Daha ileri git", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "İşbirliğine dayalı tarama uygulamasını 2012'de icat ettik", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "10 yaşına geldiğimizde, onu sıfırdan yeniden keşfediyoruz!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "İlk örnek ürününüz yükleniyor", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Dilinizde örnek ürün yok gibi görünüyor", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Sıralamanız", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Geçmiş kullanılamıyor", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Taramayı başlat", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Taranan ürünler burada görünecektir. Onlar hakkında detaylı bilgileri kontrol edebilirsiniz", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Tazeleme {count,plural, =0{ürün} =1{ürün} other{ürünler}} geçmişinizde", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Ürün} =1{Ürün} other{Ürünler}} yenileme tamamlandı", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Veri indiriliyor", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Veri indirilemedi", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Hesabımı sil", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Hesabımı sil", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Hesap", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Hoşgeldiniz!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts giriş: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "{id} hoş geldiniz!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Hesabımı sil", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Uygulama", + "settings_app_data": "Gizlilik ve izleme", + "settings_app_camera": "Kamera", + "settings_app_products": "Ürünler", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Çeşitli", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Taranınca ses çıkar", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Her başarılı taramada bip sesi çıkarır", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Titreşim ve Dokunma", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Bazı eylemler gerçekleştirildikten sonra titreşimler (barkod kodu çözüldü, ürün kaldırıldı…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Çökme raporlaması", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Anonim veri gönder", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Fotoğrafı Düzenle", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Hata", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Barkodları taramak için kamera kullanımına izin verin", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Gelişmiş bir deneyim için lütfen {appName} kameranıza erişmesine izin verin. Barkodları doğrudan tarayabileceksiniz.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "İzin ver", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "İzin reddedildi", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Daha önce kamera iznini reddettiğinizden, ayarlardan el ile izin vermelisiniz.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Ayarları Aç", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "İptal", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Kamera algılanmadı", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Kamera erişimi verilmedi", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Ürünü Düzenle", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Yeni bir {itemType} ekle", + "description": "Kullanıcı (+) düğmesine uzun bastığında gösterilecek araç ipucu", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barkod", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Temel bilgiler", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Ürün adı, markası, miktarı", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Ek ayrıntılar", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Web sitesi…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotoğraflar", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Fotoğraf ekle veya yenile", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiketler ve Sertifikalar", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Çevre, Kalite etiketleri…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etiket", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etiket", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Mağazalar", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "mağaza", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "mağaza", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Kökenleri", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "İspanya", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "ülke", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Ambalajın üzerinde bulabileceğiniz herhangi bir menşe belirtisi ekleyin. Doğrudan içerik listesinde belirtilen kökenler hakkında endişelenmenize gerek yok.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Örnekler: Arjantin'den sığır eti, Soya Avrupa Birliği'nden gelmiyor", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Ülke", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "İspanya", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "ülke", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Ürünün yaygın olarak bulunduğu ülkeler (yabancı ürünlerde uzmanlaşmış mağazalar hariç).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "İzlenebilirlik kodları", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "izlenebilirlik Kodu", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Avrupa'da, 2 ülke baş harfi ve ardından bir sayı ve CE ile bir elips içinde kodlayın.\nÖrnekler: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategoriler", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Yalnızca en spesifik kategoriyi belirtin. Üst kategoriler otomatik olarak eklenecektir.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Örnekler: Zeytinyağında sardalya, Konsantreden portakal suyu", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Sayfadan ayrılmadan önce değişiklikleri kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Değişiklikleri kaydet", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Değişiklileri yoksay", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "İçindekiler", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Ekle", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Lütfen önce bir metin girin", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Kaldır", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Geri dönüşüm talimatları fotoğrafı", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Beslenme gerçekleri", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Besin değerleri, alkol içeriği…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Düzenle", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Web sitesi", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Temel bilgileri tamamlayın", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Henüz uygulanmadı", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategoriler", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "İçindekileri çıkartın", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Fotoğrafı yenileyin", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Fotoğrafı yenileyin", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Resimdeki metin algılanamadı.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Ürünlerin yeni listesi", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Listeyi yeniden adlandırın", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listeler", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Ürünü listelerinize ekleyin", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Yeni bir liste oluştur", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Henüz bir liste mevcut değil,\nlütfen bir tane oluşturarak başlayın", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Listeye ekle", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Listeye eklendi", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Geçmişinizi temizleyin", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Yeniden adlandırın", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Listem", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Ad zorunludur", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Bu isim zaten kullanılmakta", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Bu aynı isim", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Tekrar Dene", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Bir hata oluştu", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "{items} için kategori bulunamadı", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Arka ve ön kamera arasında geçiş yapın", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Kameranın flaşını AÇIN veya KAPATIN", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Flaşı etkinleştir", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Flaşı kapat", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Bir hata oluştu!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Flaşınızın durumu değiştirilirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen akıllı telefonunuzda el fenerinin etkinleştirilmiş olmadığından emin olun.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Geri", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Geliştirici Modu", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Daha sonra tekrar görmek için Uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": " (PROD) ve test ortamı arasında geçiş yapın", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test ortamı parametreleri", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Mevcut test ortamı için temel URL: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test ortamı ana bilgisayarı", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "ML Kitini Kullan", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "o zaman bu uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekiyor", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Ürün sayfasındaki ek düğme", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Bir bilgi paneli düğmesi aracılığıyla içindeki malzemeleri düzenleyin", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Geçmişi dışa aktar", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "istisna", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "ürün bulundu", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "ürün bulunamadı", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Geçmişi dışa aktar", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Tamam", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "İptal", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "V1'den veri aktarma", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Durum: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "başarı veya yeni yükleme", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "başarı", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "hata", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "devam ediyor", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "gerekli (başlamak için tıklayın)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "bilinmiyor", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "İçe aktarma geçmişi", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Geçmişi temizleyecek ve oraya 3 ürün koyacak", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Yapıldı", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Tarama modu", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Geçerli tarama modu: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Tarama modu", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "EcoScore'u hariç tut", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Yalnızca kamera akışı, tarama yok", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Kamera akışı ve tam görüntü ön işleme, tarama yok", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Kamera akışı ve yarım görüntü ön işleme, tarama yok", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Tam görüntü tarama", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Yarım görüntü tarama", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Bu aramayı yeniden kullan ve düzenle", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Tüm {totalSize} ürünleri indirdiniz.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "{count} ürün daha indir\n{totalSize} üründen {downloaded} tanesi indirildi.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Eklediğim Ürünler", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Düzenlediğim ürünler", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Fotoğrafını çektiğim ürünler", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Tamamlanacak ürünlerim", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Tamamlanacak tüm ürünler", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Yeniden çek", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Fotoğraf çek", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Onayla", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Open Food Facts'i kabul ediyorum ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "kullanım ve katılım koşulları", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analitik simgesi", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Önemli Hata: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Önemli Hata: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Temel bilgileri tamamlayın", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Düzenle", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Fotoğrafın seçimini kaldır", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Mevcut bir resmi seçin", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Mevcut resimler", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Mevcut görüntüler alınıyor…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Bu ürünle ilgili daha önce yüklenmiş görsel bulunmamaktadır.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Henüz o dilde resim yok", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Henüz resim yok", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategoriler", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Temel bilgiler", + "product_name": "Ürün adı", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Lütfen ürün adı girin", + "brand_name": "Marka adı", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Lütfen marka adını girin", + "quantity": "Miktar ve ağırlık", + "barcode": "Barkod", + "barcode_barcode": "Barkod: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Geçersiz barkod", + "basic_details_add_success": "Temel ayrıntılar başarıyla eklendi", + "basic_details_add_error": "Temel detaylar eklenemiyor. Lütfen bir süre sonra tekrar deneyin", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Aramanızı temizleyin", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Tüm geçmişinizi temizlemek üzeresiniz: devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Geçmişinizdeki seçili öğeleri silmek üzeresiniz", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Devam etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Lütfen temizlemek için bir veya daha fazla öğe seçin", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Bu listeyi temizlemek üzeresiniz ({name}): devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} önemi: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listeler", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "İlk listenizi oluşturun", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Bir liste seçin", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Liste boş} other{{count} ürün}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Liste ekle", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Yemek tercihlerinizi düzenleyin", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Fotoğraf ekle", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Herhangi bir ambalaj/geri dönüşüm bilgisinin fotoğrafını çekin", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Görüntü kaynağını seçin", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Lütfen bir resim kaynağı seçin", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galeri", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Paylaş", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Yeni Yakala", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Galeriden seç", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Resim en kısa sürede arka planda yüklenecektir.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Yerel olarak depolanan tüm ürünlerin yenilenmesinin başlatılması", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "En popüler ürünlerin indirilmesinin başlatılması", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Beslenme değerleri tablosunu genişletin", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Beslenme değerleri tablosunu genişletin", + "expand_ingredients": "Malzemeleri genişlet", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Malzemeler panelini genişletilmiş tutun", + "no_internet_connection": "İnternet bağlantısı yok", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Tüm dünya", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Aramanızı dünyaya genişletin", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopyala", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Barkodu panoya kopyala", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barkod {barcode} panoya kopyalandı!", + "language_picker_label": "Diliniz", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "OpenFoodFacts ile Yardım", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Ürün en kısa sürede arka planda güncellenecektir.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "E-posta uygulaması yok!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Lütfen bize manuel olarak adresine bir e-posta gönderin", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Tüm Resimler", + "selected_images": "Seçilmiş Resimler", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Ürünü kaldır", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Taranan yeni barkod: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Karuselden tüm ürünleri kaldır", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Lütfen karşılaştırmak için en az iki ürünü tarayın", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Taradığınız ürünleri karşılaştırmak için tıklayın", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Barkodu\ntaradınız:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Bu ürünü arıyoruz!\nLütfen birkaç saniye bekleyin…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Hala bu ürünü arıyoruz!\nYüklemenin uzun sürdüğünü düşünüyor musunuz? Biz de…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Hala bu ürünü arıyoruz.\nAramayı yeniden başlatmak ister misiniz?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Aramayı yeniden başlat", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Belirli bir miktar için besin değerlerini hesaplayın", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Miktar", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "{grams} g (veya ml) için besin değerleri", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Çevrimdışı Veri", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "İçerdiği bilgileri otomatik olarak çıkarmak için bir resim yükleyin.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Fotoğraf Yükle", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Resim indirilemedi", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Resim URL'si ayarlanmadığından resim düzenlenemedi.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Seçimimi hatırla", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Her seferinde seç", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Devam et", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Sonraki {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Şifreyi Göster", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Uygulamaya puan verin", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Harika! Diğerlerine bu uygulama hakkında ne düşündüğünüzü bildirin!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Uygulamaya puan verin", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Daha sonra", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Bu uygulamanın tadını çıkarıyor musunuz?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Evet!", + "not_really": "Pek sayılmaz", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Bunu duyduğumuz için çok üzgünüz! Bize ne olduğunu anlatır mısın?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Ambalaj bileşenleri", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Bir paketleme bileşeni ekleyin", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Paketleme tamamlandı", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Paketleme bileşeni #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Birim sayısı", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Üründe bulunan aynı şekil ve malzemeye sahip ambalaj birimlerinin sayısını girin.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Şekil", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Varsa, geri dönüşüm talimatlarında listelenen şeklin adını girin veya bir şekil seçin.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Şişe", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Malzeme", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Belirlenebiliyorsa belirli bir malzemeyi (bir üçgen içindeki bir malzeme kodu genellikle ambalaj parçalarında bulunur) veya emin değilseniz genel bir malzemeyi (örneğin plastik veya metal) girin.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Cam", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Geri dönüşüm talimatı", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Yalnızca ürün üzerinde listeleniyorsa geri dönüşüm talimatlarını girin.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Geri dönüşüm", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Birim başına net ürün miktarı", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Net ağırlığı veya net hacmi girin ve birimi belirtin (örneğin g veya ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Bir boş birimin ağırlığı (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Kalan yiyecekleri çıkarın ve tartmadan önce ambalaj parçasını yıkayın ve kurulayın. Mümkünse 0,1g veya 0,01g hassasiyetli bir terazi kullanın.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Bekleyen katkılar", + "background_task_subtitle": "Katkılarınız otomatik olarak sunucumuza kaydedilir, ancak her zaman gerçek zamanlı olarak kaydedilmez.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Bekleyen Arka Plan Görevi Yok", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Sunucu zaman aşımı", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "İnternet bağlantısı hatası. Daha sonra tekrar deneyin.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "bilinmeyen işlem türü", + "background_task_operation_details": "ayrıntılı değişiklikler", + "background_task_operation_image": "fotoğraf yükleme", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "fotoğraf yüklendikten sonra yenileme ertelendi", + "background_task_run_started": "başladı", + "background_task_run_not_started": "henüz başlamadı", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "silinecek", + "background_task_question_stop": "Bu görevi en kısa sürede durdurmak istiyor musunuz?", + "feed_back": "Geri bildirim", + "undo": "Geri al", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "E-postayı panoya kopyala", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Lütfen bize manuel olarak şu adrese bir e-posta gönderin", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-posta panoya kopyalandı!", + "select_accent_color": "Vurgu Rengini Seçin", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Mavi", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cam göbeği", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Yeşil", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Varsayılan", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Eflatun", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Turuncu", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pembe", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Kırmızı", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Pas rengi", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Deniz Mavisi", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Metin Kontrastı", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Yüksek", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Orta", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Düşük", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Ürün bulunamadı!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Aşağıdaki barkoda sahip bir ürün veritabanımızda yok: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "İnternet bağlantısı yok!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Lütfen akıllı telefonunuzun bir Wi-Fi ağına bağlı olduğundan veya mobil verinin etkinleştirildiğinden emin olun", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Sayfa bulunamadı!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Ana sayfaya geri dön", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Verileri indir", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Anında tarama ile ülkenizdeki en iyi 1000 ürünü indirin", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Veri indiriliyor\nBu biraz zaman alabilir", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} ürün eklendi", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Çevrimdışı ürün verilerini güncelleyin", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Çevrimdışı ürün verilerini temizle", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Yer açmak için uygulamanızdaki tüm yerel ürün verilerini temizleyin", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} ürün silindi", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Yükleniyor…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Çevrimdışı veriler hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için tıklayın", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Çevrimdışı ürün verileri", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "Anında tarama için {num} ürün mevcut", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Dilinizi seçiniz:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Sil", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Oluştur", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Yeni bir liste oluştur", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Grup 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Grup 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Grup 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Grup 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Bilinmeyen NOVA Grubu" +} \ No newline at end of file From f27522be22c2ab98016b6ec32ad18792b844143c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 018/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Simplified) --- zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb diff --git a/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0dd07634366 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "是的", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "加入产品", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "您确定要删除您的账户吗?\n如果有特殊原因,请在下面分享", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "原因", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "好的", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "创建", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "应用", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "下一个", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "返回顶端", + "save": "保存", + "save_confirmation": "您确定要保存吗?", + "skip": "跳过", + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "忽略", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "关闭", + "@close": {}, + "no": "不", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "停止", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "完成", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "计算", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "重设食物偏好", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "出错", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "发生错误", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "我们正在开发此功能,敬请期待", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "在网站查看", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "更多信息", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "未知", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "优秀的配对", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "不错的配对", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "较差的配对", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "可能不匹配", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "不匹配", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "是否适合未知", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "优秀的配对", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "不错的配对", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "较差的配对", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "可能不匹配", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "不匹配", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "是否适合未知", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "许可证", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "查找", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "欢迎使用 Open Food Facts!", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "选择对您和地球有益的食物。", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "查看和您的偏好有关的食品数据。", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "选择对您有益的食品。", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "选择对地球有益的食品。", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "用户名或密码错误。", + "login": "用户名", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "请输入用户名或邮箱", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", + "create_account": "创建账号", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "登录", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "您需要登录才可以使用该功能", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "登出", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "您确定要登出吗?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "密码", + "forgot_password": "忘记密码", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "查看个人资料", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "重置密码", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘记密码,请输入您的用户名或邮箱地址以接收重置密码验证邮件。请检查您的收件箱,另外,也请记得检查垃圾邮件文件夹。", + "username_or_email": "用户名或邮箱", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "一封包含重置密码链接的电子邮件已发送到与您的账户关联的电子邮件地址,请检查您的收件箱或垃圾邮件文件夹。", + "send_reset_password_mail": "更改密码", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "请填写信息", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "注册", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "注册", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "正在注册…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜! 您的账户已经被创建。", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名称", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "请输入您想使用的显示名称", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "电子邮件", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "电子邮件是必需的", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "无效电子邮件", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "用户名: 公开可见", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "请输入用户名", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "请输入有效的用户名", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "用户名不能包含空格、大写字母或特殊字符。", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "用户名不能超过 {value} 个字符", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密码", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "请输入一个有效密码 (包含至少6个字符)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "确认密码", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "请确认密码", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密码不相符", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用条款和贡献", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "创建帐户时, 必须同意使用条款, 然而, 仍然可以通过应用程序进行匿名贡献", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生产商", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生产商/品牌", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "请输入生产商或品牌名称", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "该用户名已存在,请选择一个不同的用户名。", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已存在。登录该账号或尝试其他电子邮件地址。", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "请提供一个有效的电子邮箱地址。", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "设置", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "主题", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "深色", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "浅色", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "系统默认", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "贡献者", + "support": "支持", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "在我们的Slack频道寻求帮助", + "support_via_forum": "在我们的社区上寻求帮助", + "support_via_email": "给我们发送电子邮件", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "发送应用日志?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望在电子邮件附件中包含应用程序日志?", + "termsOfUse": "使用条款", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "关于这个应用程序", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "贡献", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "软件开发", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "开发模式?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "启用开发者模式", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "待完成的产品", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "改进", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "翻译", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "开始翻译", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻译是项目的关键任务之一", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "点击此处回答问题", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "点击此处回答有关该产品的问题", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "正在加载有关该产品的问题,请稍候", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "保存您的答案", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "为提高食品透明度提供帮助并获得奖励", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答“是”", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答“否”", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳过该题", + "tap_to_edit_search": "点击打开搜索框", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "我的偏好", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "加入我们", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的个人信息", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "应用设置", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "深色模式,分析,...", + "myPreferences_food_title": "食物偏好", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "选择对您最重要的食物信息.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "重置您的食物偏好?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的个性化排名", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "全部", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "非常适合", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "非常不适合", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "是否适合未知", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "使用您的新偏好刷新列表", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "重新加载新的偏好设置", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "个人资料", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "扫描", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "历史记录", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "列表", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "按类别筛选", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "全部", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(类别搜索)", + "filter": "过滤器", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "扫描结果", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "扫描历史记录", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "搜索", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "点击获取更多信息", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "产品", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "未知品牌", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "未知产品名称", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "刷新", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "图片", + "front_photo": "正面照片", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "成分", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保留原顺序。指定时显示百分比。使用逗号或连字符分隔,用括号将配料表的成分括起来,并用下划线标出过敏原。", + "ingredients_editing_error": "未能保存配料表。", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能获取配料表图像。", + "ingredients_editing_title": "编辑配料表", + "ingredients_photo": "原料的照片", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "列出用逗号或换行符分隔的所有包装零件,以及它们的数量(例如1或6)类型(例如瓶、盒、罐)、材料(例如塑料、金属、铝)以及它们的尺寸(例如33cl)和回收说明。示例:1个要回收的玻璃瓶,1个要丢弃的塑料软木塞", + "packaging_editing_error": "无法保存包装信息。", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "无法获得新的包装图片。", + "packaging_editing_title": "编辑包装信息", + "nutrition": "营养", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "营养成分的照片", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "包装信息", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "包装信息照片", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "你发现了一件新产品!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "请您先拍几张照片,你可以在以后完成操作", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "添加产品信息", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "新产品", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "你发现了一件新产品!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "看起来你没有输入任何内容。你真的想要离开这个页面吗?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "拍摄包装照片以将此产品添加到我们的数据库中", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "产品的正面照片", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "确认上传产品的正面照片", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "确认", + "send_image_button_label": "发送图片", + "crop_page_action_saving": "正在保存图像…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "剪裁图像…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "保存本地版本…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "啊噢…你的照片有点问题!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "在把图片上传到服务器前,我们没有办法在本地进行处理。请稍后再试,如果仍有问题请联系我们。", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "图片尺寸过小", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "图片上传的最小尺寸(以像素为单位)为 {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}。当前图片的尺寸为 {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}。", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "准备调用服务器…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "正面包装照片", + "ingredients_photo_title": "配料表照片", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "营养成分表", + "recycling_photo_title": "循环利用照片", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "其他有趣的照片", + "front_photo_uploaded": "已上传正面照片", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "原料的照片", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上传配料表照片", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "无法从缓存中加载营养成分", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "营养成分的照片", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "输入营养成分表", + "nutritional_facts_added": "已添加营养成分表", + "categories_added": "分类已添加", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "计算 Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "通过填写食品类别和营养成分获得它", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "计算 Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "通过填写至少一个类别获得它", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "通过补充原产地、包装等信息使 Eco-Score 得分计算更加精确", + "new_product_title_nova": "计算食品加工水平(NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "通过填写食品类别和配料获得它", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工水平未知", + "new_product_title_pictures": "让我们拍一些照片吧!", + "new_product_title_misc": "还有一些基本数据…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "现在点击并回答 3 个问题即可帮助计算 Nutri-Score、Eco-Score 和食品加工水平 (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "已上传营养成分表照片", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "循环利用信息照片", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上传循环利用照片", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "其他有趣的照片", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "已上传其他照片", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "重拍", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "正在选择照片", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "正在向服务器上传照片", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺失的成分", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "添加缺失的包装照片", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "添加缺失的营养成分", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺失的产品类别", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "添加缺失的产品产地国", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "添加缺失的产品代码(翻译注:可能是条形码", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "添加缺失的产品标签", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "添加缺失的产品来源", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "添加缺失的产品来源商店", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新营养成分表", + "nutrition_page_title": "营养成分表", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "产品未标明营养成分", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "每 100 克", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每份", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "添加营养", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "无效的数字", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "正在更新服务器上的产品…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "产品已更新!", + "more_photos": "更有趣的照片", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "没有找到的产品", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "未找到:", + "searchPanelHeader": "搜索或扫描您的第一个产品", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "产品更新中", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "产品已更新", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "你正在使用较老版本的app", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "点击此处", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "下载最新版app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "无法刷新产品", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "由于网络错误,无法获取有关此产品的信息。", + "cached_results_from": "显示结果来自:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "感谢您添加这个产品!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "对比类别", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "添加类别以计算Nutri-Score。", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "添加营养成分以计算Nutri-Score。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "添加营养成分和类别以计算 Nutri-Score。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "无法计算此产品的营养评分,这可能是由于例如:非标准类别。如果这被认为是错误,请与我们联系。", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "营养表图片已过时,请刷新。", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score 会参考配料的来源地。请给配料表和/或地理说明拍照,或者编辑该产品,以便于计算。", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "请提供国家信息", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "有些环境特征是因地而异的。", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "已从对比中删除该产品", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "本机应用程序设置", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "已从历史记录中删除该产品", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "把产品从列表移除", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "无法移除产品", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "这个列表中没有产品", + "no_product_in_section": "这个区域没有产品", + "recently_seen_products": "历史记录", + "clear": "清除", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "确定要删除此列表吗?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{Percent}% 匹配度", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{一天前} other{{count} 天前}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{一小时前} other{{count} 小时前}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{不到一分钟前} =1{1 分钟前} other{{count} 分钟前}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{一个月前} other{{count} 个月前}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{一周前} other{{count} 周前}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{比较一种产品} other{比较 {count} 种产品}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "比较产品", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "比较产品", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "请至少选择两个产品", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "重试", + "connect_with_us": "联系我们", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "博客", + "faq": "常见问题", + "discover": "发现", + "how_to_contribute": "如何贡献数据", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "点击卡片任意部分获取更多信息。立即尝试!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "发送匿名分析", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "相机访问权限", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "请授权访问摄像头,不然你不能扫描条形码", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "操作系统:Android(SDK Int: {sdkInt} / 版本: {release})\n型号: {model}\n产品: {product}\n设备: {device}\n品牌:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "操作系统: iOS ({version})\n型: {model}\n本地化模型: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\n应用版本:{appVersion}\n应用内部版本号:{appBuildNumber}\n应用包名称:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "授权", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "拒绝", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "稍后", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "确定吗?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "继续了解 {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "我们在 2012 年发明了\n协作\n扫描应用程序", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "当我们 10 岁时,\n我们正在从头开始重新改变它\n!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "正在加载您的第一个产品", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "好像没有您的语言的示例产品", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "您的排名", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "无历史记录", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "开始扫描", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "扫描的产品会出现在这里,您可以查看详细信息。", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "重新加载在你历史记录中的{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}重新加载完成", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下载数据", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "无法下载数据", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "删除账号", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "注销 删除账号", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "账户", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "欢迎!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "欢迎 {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "删除账号", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "应用程序", + "settings_app_data": "隐私和监控", + "settings_app_camera": "相机", + "settings_app_products": "产品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "其他", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "在扫描时播放声音", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "每次成功扫描都会发出蜂鸣声", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "振动 触觉", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "执行某些操作后的振动(条形码已解码,产品已移除…)。", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "崩溃报告", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "发送匿名数据", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "编辑照片", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "错误", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "允许使用照相机扫描条码", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "为了提高使用体验,请允许{appName}访问您的照相机。以便于直接扫描条码。", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "允许", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "没有权限", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "因为之前拒绝了访问照相机,所以只能在设置里手动允许使用照相机。", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "打开权限设置", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", + "permission_photo_none_found": "没有检测到摄像头", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "未授权访问照相机", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "编辑产品", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "添加新的 {itemType}", + "description": "当用户长按 (+) 按钮时显示的工具提示", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "条形码", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本信息", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "产品名称、品牌、数量", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "额外细节", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "产品网站…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "照片", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或刷新照片", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "标签和证书", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "环保、质量标签…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "标签", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "标签", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "起源", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "西班牙", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "国家", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "添加你可以在包装上找到的任何原产地标记。你不必担心直接在成份列表中显示的原产地。", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "示例:来自阿根廷的牛肉,大豆不是来自欧盟", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "国家/地区", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "西班牙", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "国家", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "产品广泛销售的国家(不包括专营外国产品的商店)。", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "可追踪码", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "可追踪码", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "在欧洲,使用椭圆形编码,带有 2 个国家/地区首字母,后跟一个数字和 CE。\n示例:EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分类", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分类", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分类", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "仅指明最具体的类别。将自动添加父类别。", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "示例:橄榄油中的沙丁鱼、浓缩橙汁", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "是否再离开页面前保存?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "保存更改", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "放弃更改", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "成分", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入产品", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "请先输入文字", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "移除", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "回收说明照片", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "营养成分", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "营养成分、酒精含量……", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "编辑", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "网站", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "完善基本信息", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "尚未生效", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分类", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "提取成分", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "提取包装信息", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "无法检测图像中的文本。", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "新产品列表", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "重命名列表", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "列表", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "将产品添加到您的列表", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "暂无可用列表,请从创建一个新列表开始", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "添加到列表", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "已添加到列表", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "清除历史记录", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "重命名", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "我的列表", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "名称是必填项", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "名称已被使用", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "名称重复", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "重试", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "有错误产生", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "没有 {items} 对应的类别", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "在后置和前置相机之间切换", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "打开或关闭摄像头的闪光灯", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "打开闪光灯", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "禁用闪光灯", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "发生错误", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "更改闪光灯状态时发生错误。请确保你的智能手机尚未启用手电筒。", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "返回", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "开发模式", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "重置引导流程", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "你必须重新启动应用才能再次看到它。", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "在 (PROD) 和测试环境之间切换", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "测试环境参数", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "当前测试环境的基本 URL: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "测试环境主机", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "使用机器学习套件", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "您需要重新启动此应用", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "产品页面上的附加按钮", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "通过信息面板按钮编辑成分", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "导出历史记录", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "异常", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "找到产品", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "未找到产品", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "导出历史记录", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "确定", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "取消", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "从 V1 迁移数据", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "状态:{status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "成功或全新安装", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "成功", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "错误", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "进行中", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "需要(点击开始)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "未知", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "导入历史记录", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "将清除历史记录并在其中放置 3 个产品", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "完成", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "扫描模式", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "当前扫描模式: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "扫描模式", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "排除 Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "仅摄像头流,不扫描", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "相机流和完整图像预处理,不扫描", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "相机流和半图像预处理,不扫描", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "全幅扫描", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "半幅扫描", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "已成功加载 {totalSize} 产品.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "再加载 {count} 产品\n已经加载 {totalSize} 产品中的 {downloaded} 产品.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "我添加的产品", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "我编辑过的产品", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "我拍摄过的产品", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "需要完善信息的产品", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "所有待完善产品", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "重拍", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "拍摄", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "确认", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用条款和贡献", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "分析图标", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "完善基本信息", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "编辑", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "取消选择照片", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "选择现有图像", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "现有图像", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "正在获取现有图像…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "没有以前上传的与此产品相关的图像。", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "暂无该语言的图像", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "暂无图像", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "分类", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "基本信息", + "product_name": "产品名称", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "请输入产品名称", + "brand_name": "品牌", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "请输入品牌名称", + "quantity": "数量和重量", + "barcode": "条形码", + "barcode_barcode": "条码: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "无效的条形码", + "basic_details_add_success": "基本信息添加成功", + "basic_details_add_error": "无法添加基本信息,请稍后再试", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "您即将清除整个历史记录:您确定要继续吗?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "你即将清除历史记录中选定的项目", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "您确定要继续吗?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "请选择一个或多个要清理的项目", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "您即将清除此列表 ({name}):您确定要继续吗?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} 重要性: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "列表", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "创建您的第一个列表", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "请选择一个列表", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{空列表} =1{一款产品} other{{count} 产品}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "创建列表", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "编辑您的食物偏好", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "添加照片", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "对任何包装/回收信息拍照", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "选择图片来源", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "请选择图片来源", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "相册", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "推荐给好友", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "拍摄", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "从相册选择", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "图片将尽快上传。", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "开始刷新本地存储的所有产品", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "开始下载最受欢迎的产品", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "展开营养成分表", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "扩大营养成分表", + "expand_ingredients": "展开成分", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "保持成分面板扩展", + "no_internet_connection": "无互联网连接", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "整个世界", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "将您的搜索扩大到全世界", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "复制", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "将条形码复制到剪贴板", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "条码 {barcode} 已复制到剪贴板!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "帮助 OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "产品将尽快在后台更新。", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "没有电子邮件应用!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "请手动向我们发送一封电子邮件到", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "所有图像", + "selected_images": "选定图片", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "移除产品", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "扫描到一个新条形码:{barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "从扫描结果轮播中删除所有产品", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "请扫描至少两个产品以进行比较", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "点击以比较您扫描过的产品", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "计算特定数量的营养成分", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "{grams} 克(或毫升)的营养成分", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "离线数据", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "上传图片以自动提取其包含的信息。", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "上传图片", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ",", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "图片下载失败", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "由于未设置图片 URL,无法编辑图片。", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "记住我的选择", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "每次都选择", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "继续", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "下{count,plural, =1{一个问题} other{ {count} 个问题}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "显示密码", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "评价此应用", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "大!让其他人知道您对这个应用程式的看法!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "评价此应用", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "稍后", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "您喜欢这个应用吗?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "是的!", + "not_really": "不太喜欢", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "我们很遗憾听到这个消息!你能告诉我们发生了什么吗?", + "edit_packagings_title": "包装成分", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "添加包装成分", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "此包装成分已完整", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "包装成分 #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "输入产品中包含的相同形状和材料的包装单位数量。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形状", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "输入回收说明中列出的形状名称(如果可用),或选择一个形状。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "瓶子", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "材料", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "如果可以确定,请输入具体材料(三角形内的材料代码通常可以在包装部件上找到),如果您不确定,请输入通用材料(例如塑料或金属)。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "玻璃", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "回收说明", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "只有在产品上列出的回收说明才可输入。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "回收", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "每单位产品净数量", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "输入净重或净体积并注明单位(例如克 g 或毫升 ml)。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "一个空单位的重量(克)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "在称重之前,请清除所有剩余的食物并清洗和干燥包装部分。如果可能,使用精度为 0.1g 或 0.01g 的秤。", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "待处理贡献", + "background_task_subtitle": "您的贡献会自动保存到我们的服务器,但并不总是实时的。", + "background_task_list_empty": "没有待处理的后台任务", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "服务器超时", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "网络连接错误,请稍后再试。", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "未知操作类型", + "background_task_operation_details": "详细更改", + "background_task_operation_image": "照片上传", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "照片上传后刷新延迟", + "background_task_run_started": "已开始", + "background_task_run_not_started": "尚未开始", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "待删除", + "background_task_question_stop": "您想尽快停止该任务吗?", + "feed_back": "意见反馈", + "undo": "撤销", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "复制电子邮箱到剪贴板", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "请手动向我们发送电子邮件至", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "电子邮件地址已复制到剪贴板", + "select_accent_color": "选择强调色", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "蓝色", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "青色", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "绿色", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "默认", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "洋红色", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "橙色", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "粉色", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "红色", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "赤色", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "鸭青色", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "文本对比度", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "高", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "中等", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "低", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "未找到该产品!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "我们的数据库中不存在以下条形码对应的产品:{barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "无网络连接", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "请检查您的智能手机是否已连接无线网络或已启用移动数据", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "页面未找到", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "返回首页", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "下载数据", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 1000 的产品进行即时扫描", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 {count,plural, other{{count} 的产品}}进行即时扫描", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "正在下载数据\n这可能需要一段时间", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} 个产品被添加", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "更新离线产品数据", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "清除离线产品数据", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "清除应用中的所有本地产品数据以释放空间", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} 个产品被删除", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "正在加载…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "了解更多", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "点击了解更多有关离线数据的信息", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "离线产品数据", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} 产品可供立即扫描", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "删除", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "创建", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 75f8ebff27b6c2c87ca2c64d67b8072b9818e724 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 019/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Traditional) --- zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb diff --git a/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ee4bc1b27a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "是", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "新增", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "您確定要刪除您的帳戶嗎?\n如果有具體原因,請在下方分享", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "原因", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "確定", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "套用", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "下一個", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "回到頂端", + "save": "儲存", + "save_confirmation": "您確定要存檔嗎?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "忽略", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "關閉", + "@close": {}, + "no": "否", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "停止", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "計算", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "出現錯誤", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "發生錯誤", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "我們仍在開發此功能,敬請期待", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "在瀏覽器上查看", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "瞭解更多", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "不明", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "尋找", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "歡迎來到 Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "選擇對您和地球都有益的食物。", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "查看與您的偏好相關的食物資料。", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "選擇對您有益的食物。", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "選擇對地球有益的食物。", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "使用者名稱或密碼錯誤。", + "login": "用戶名", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "請輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", + "create_account": "創建帳號", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "登入", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "對於該功能,我們需要您先登入。", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "登出", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "確定要登出嗎?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "密碼", + "forgot_password": "忘記密碼", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "檢視個人檔案", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "重設密碼", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘記密碼,請輸入您的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址以接收重置密碼的步驟說明。另外,記得檢查垃圾郵件的文件夾。", + "username_or_email": "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "一封含有重設密碼連結的電子郵件已寄給您的帳戶中所設定的電子郵件地址。另外,請檢查垃圾郵件。", + "send_reset_password_mail": "修改密碼", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "請輸入內容", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "註冊", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "註冊", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "註冊中…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜!您已經成功創建帳號。", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名稱", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "請輸入您想要使用的顯示名稱", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "電子郵件", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "電子郵件(必填)", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "電子信箱無效", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "使用者名稱:公開可見", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "請填入使用者名稱", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "請輸入一個有效的使用者名稱", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "使用者名稱不能包含空格、大寫字母或特殊字符", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "使用者名稱的長度不能超過 {value} 個字元", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密碼", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "請輸入有效密碼(至少 6 個字元)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "再次輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "請再次輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密碼錯誤", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用及貢獻條款", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "創建帳號時,必須同意使用條款,但是您仍然可以通過應用程式進行匿名捐款", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生產商", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生產商/品牌", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "請輸入生產商或品牌名稱", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "這個使用者名稱已存在,請改用其他名稱。", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已經存在,請直接登入、或改用其他電子郵件。", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "請提供有效的電子郵件地址。", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "設定", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "主題", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "深色", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "淺色", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "系統預設值", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "合作者", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "在我們的 Slack 頻道尋求幫助", + "support_via_forum": "在論壇上尋求幫助", + "support_via_email": "給我們傳送電子郵件", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "要將紀錄送出嗎?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望將應用程式紀錄附在電子郵件中?", + "termsOfUse": "使用條款", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "關於本程式", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "貢獻", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "軟體開發", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "開發模式?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "起用開發模式", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "改善", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "翻譯", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "開始翻譯", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻譯是專案的關鍵任務之一", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "點擊此處回答問題", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "點擊此處並回答有關此產品的問題", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "儲存您的回覆", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "幫忙提高食品透明度並獲得獎勵", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答是", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答不是", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳過此問題", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "我的偏好設定", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "加入我們", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的個人檔案", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "應用程式設定", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "食品偏好選項", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "選擇對您最至關重要的食物資訊", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的個人化排名", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "全部", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "個人檔案", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "掃描", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "歷史紀錄", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "按類別篩選", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "全部", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(類別搜尋)", + "filter": "篩選器", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "搜尋", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "產品", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "未知品牌", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "未知產品名稱", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "重新整理", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "圖片", + "front_photo": "正面照片", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "成分", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保持原來的順序。在指定的情況下輸入百分比。用逗號或連字號分隔項目,用括號表示一種成分中含有的成分細項,並在下劃線之間輸入過敏原。", + "ingredients_editing_error": "儲存成分失敗。", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能獲取新的成分圖像。", + "ingredients_editing_title": "編輯成分", + "ingredients_photo": "成分照片", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "營養成分", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "營養標示相片", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "包裝資訊", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "包裝資訊照片", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "您發現了一個新產品!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "新的產品", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "更多奇妙的相片", + "front_photo_uploaded": "已上載正面包裝的相片", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "成分照片", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上載成分的相片", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "營養標示相片", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工程度未知", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "回收資訊的相片", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上載回收的相片", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "更多奇妙的相片", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "已上傳其它相片", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "重拍", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "選取相片", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺少的成分", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "補充營養成分", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺少的產品類別", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新營養成分", + "nutrition_page_title": "營養成分", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "產品未具體標明營養成分", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "每 100 克", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每個包含", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "無效數值", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "產品更新了!", + "more_photos": "更多奇妙照片", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "未發現產品", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "無法查明:", + "searchPanelHeader": "搜尋或是掃瞄您的第一項產品", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "食品重新整理中", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "產品更新", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "無法重新整理產品", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "因為網路錯誤,無法取得關於此產品的資訊。", + "cached_results_from": "顯示結果自:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "謝謝您新增此產品。", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "同類別中的其它產品", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "新增一個類別以計算 Nutri-Score。", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "此營養成分表已過時:請更新。", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "請選擇國家", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "產品已從歷史記錄中刪除", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "無法移除產品", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "此清單裡沒有任何產品", + "no_product_in_section": "此部門仍未有產品", + "recently_seen_products": "歷史紀錄", + "clear": "清除", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "您確定要刪除此清單嗎?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "重試", + "connect_with_us": "聯繫我們", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "部落格", + "faq": "常見問題", + "discover": "探索", + "how_to_contribute": "如何貢獻", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "您可以點擊卡片的任何部分以獲取有關您所看到內容的更多詳細信息。現在就試試!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "拒絕", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "你的排名", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "無歷史資料", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下載資料", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "無法下載資料", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "刪除帳號", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "歡迎!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "刪除帳號", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "產品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "錯誤", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "開啟設定", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "未授權相機訪問權限", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "編輯產品", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "條碼", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本資料", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "產品名稱、品牌、數量", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "照片", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或更新照片", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "標籤和認證", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "標籤", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "標籤", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "產地", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "國家", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "地區", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "國家", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "產銷履歷代碼", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062,FR 62.448.034 CE,84 R 20,33 RECOLANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "產銷履歷代碼", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "類別", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "類別", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "類別", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "成分", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "新增", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養成分", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "營養、酒精含量⋯⋯", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "編輯", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "類別", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "返回", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "好", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "取消", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "已完成", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "沿用與編輯此搜尋的項目", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用及貢獻條款", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "編輯", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "類別", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "條碼", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "條碼無效", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "分享", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形狀", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "載入中…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "刪除", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From da7fd8ed0c278406e713c2a6dcd0a71aad6d8500 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 020/216] New translations app_en.arb (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb diff --git a/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..db18d0488f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Sim", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Adicione", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, compartilhe abaixo", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Motivo", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Ok", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Criar", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Aplicar", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Seguinte", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao início", + "save": "Guardar", + "save_confirmation": "Você tem certeza de que deseja salvar?", + "skip": "Pular", + "cancel": "Cancelar", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorar", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Fechar", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Não", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Parar", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Terminar", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calcular", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Resetar preferências alimentares", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Algo correu mal", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Ocorreu um erro", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos trabalhando nesse recurso, fique atento", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Visualizar no navegador", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Saiba mais", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Desconhecido", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Boa compatibilidade", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Pode não combinar", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Não combina", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Boa compatibilidade", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Pode não combinar", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Não combina", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licenças", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Procurando", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos desenvolvida por comunidades locais.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que são bons para você e para o planeta.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Veja as informações nutricionais relevantes às suas preferências.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "▶ Escolha os alimentos que são bons para você.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para o planeta.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para salvar suas contribuições", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nome do usuário ou senha incorretos.", + "login": "Nome de Utilizador", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, digite o nome de usuário ou e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", + "create_account": "Criar uma conta", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Iniciar sessão", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Para usar esse recurso, entre na sua conta.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sair", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Você tem certeza que deseja sair?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Palavra-passe", + "forgot_password": "Esqueci a senha", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Ver perfil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Recuperar a palavra-passe", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso de esqueça sua senha, digite seu nome de usuário ou e-mail e receberá instruções para redefinir a senha. Verifique também a pasta \"Spam\" de seu e-mail.", + "username_or_email": "Nome de usuário ou e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Um e-mail com um link para redefinir sua senha foi enviado para o endereço de e-mail associado à sua conta. Não se esqueça de checar também a sua pasta \"Spam\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Alterar senha", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Por favor, insira algum texto", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Criar conta", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Criar conta", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrando…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! Sua conta acabou de ser criada.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nome", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, digite o nome de exibição que você deseja usar", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "O e-mail é obrigatório", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "E-mail inválido", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de usuário: publicamente visível", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário válido", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de usuário não pode conter espaços, letras maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de usuário não pode exceder {value} caracteres", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira uma senha válida (pelo menos 6 caracteres)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmar senha", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a senha", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As senhas não conferem", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de uso e contribuição", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de Uso, porém, contribuições anônimas ainda podem ser feitas através do app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sou um produtor de alimentos", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produtor/marca", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de um produtor ou marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Eu gostaria de assinar a newsletter da Open Food Facts (você pode cancelar a assinatura a qualquer momento)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "O nome de usuário já existe, por favor escolha outro nome.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "já existe, faça o login na conta ou tente com outro e-mail.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, forneça um endereço de e-mail válido.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Definições", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Escuro", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Claro", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Padrão do sistema", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado por sua contribuição!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Colaboradores", + "support": "Suporte", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda em nosso canal Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda em nosso fórum", + "support_via_email": "Envie-nos um e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar logs do aplicativo?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Deseja incluir logs do aplicativo anexos ao seu e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Termos de uso", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Sobre este aplicativo", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribuir", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Desenvolvimento de software", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "O código para cada produto do Open Food Facts está disponível no GitHub. Você pode reutilizar o código (é de código aberto) e nos ajudar a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Você pode participar da sala de bate-papo Open Food Facts que é a melhor forma de fazer perguntas.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modo DEV?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Ativar o modo DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Contribua para o Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos a completar", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Aprimorando", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "O banco de dados é o núcleo do projeto. Ajudar é fácil e rápido. Você pode baixar o aplicativo no seu telefone e começar a adicionar produtos ou fazer correções.\n\nAlém disso, o site Open Food Facts oferece muitas maneiras de contribuir: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Traduzir", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Comece a traduzir", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, contendo produtos de mais de 160 países. O Open Food Facts está traduzido em dezenas de idiomas, com conteúdo em constante evolução.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "A tradução é uma das principais tarefas do projeto", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Compartilhe o Open Food Facts com seus amigos", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Eu queria que você soubesse sobre o aplicativo que tenho usado, Open Food Facts, que permite que você descubra os impactos de sua alimentação na saúde e no meio ambiente de forma personalizada. Funciona digitalizando os códigos de barras na embalagem. Por fim, é gratuito, não requer registro e você pode até ajudar a aumentar o número de produtos decodificados. Aqui está o link para baixá-lo no seu telefone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto estão sendo carregadas", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Salvando sua resposta", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e obtenha recompensas", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para ganhar crédito pelas suas contribuições", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com sim", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com não", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Pular essa pergunta", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar pesquisa", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Minhas preferências", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Crie sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a construir conhecimento sobre alimentos em todo o mundo!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Junte-se a nós", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Seu perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerencie sua conta de colaborador da Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações do aplicativo", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferências alimentares", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha quais informações sobre alimentos são mais importantes para você.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Escolha quais informações sobre os alimentos são mais importantes para você, a fim de classificar os alimentos de acordo com suas preferências, ver as informações que lhe interessam primeiro e obter um resumo de compatibilidade. Essas preferências alimentares permanecem no seu dispositivo e não são associadas à sua conta de colaborador do Open Food Facts, se você tiver uma.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Redefinir suas preferências alimentares?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Minha classificação personalizada", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Todos", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma ótima combinação para você", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Combinação muito fraca", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Combinação desconhecida", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com suas novas preferências", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com suas novas preferências", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Perfil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Escanear", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Histórico", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Listas", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrar por categoria", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Todos", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(pesquisa de categoria)", + "filter": "Filtro", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Escanear sessão", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Histórico de escaneamento", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Procurar", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Clique para ver mais informações…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produto", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Marca desconhecida", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Nome de produto desconhecido", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Atualizar", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Imagem", + "front_photo": "Foto frontal", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredientes", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a porcentagem quando especificada. Separe com vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para os ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique os alérgenos entre sublinhados.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar os ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Editar ingredientes", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto de ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou linha, com a sua quantidade (ex. 1 ou 6), tipo (ex. garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex. plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex. 330 ml) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 tampa de plástico para descartar", + "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar a embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Editar embalagem", + "nutrition": "Nutrição", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto de informações nutricionais", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informação de embalagem", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de informações da embalagem", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Você encontrou um novo produto!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografe a embalagem para adicionar este produto ao Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Primeiro tire algumas fotos. Você poderá completar os dados do produto mais tarde.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Adicione informações sobre o produto", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Produto Novo", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Você acabou de encontrar um novo produto!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que você não colocou algo. Quer realmente sair desta página?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor, fotografe a embalagem para adicionar esse produto à nossa base de dados comum", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto frontal do produto", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da foto frontal do produto", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirmar", + "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imagem", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Salvando a imagem…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Recortando a imagem…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Salvando versão local…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Ops… há algo com a sua foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não foi possível processar a imagem localmente, antes de enviá-la para nosso servidor. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde ou entre em contato conosco se o problema persistir.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "A imagem é muito pequena!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "O tamanho mínimo em pixels para upload de imagens é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem atual é {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparando uma chamada para o servidor…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto frontal da embalagem", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto dos ingredientes", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto das Informações Nutricionais", + "recycling_photo_title": "Reciclagem de imagem", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto inicial carregada", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto de ingredientes", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto dos ingredientes enviada", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar nutrientes do cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações nutricionais", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Preencher informações nutricionais", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Informações nutricionais adicionadas", + "categories_added": "Categorias adicionadas", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calcular o Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha preenchendo a categoria de alimentos e valores nutricionais", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calcular o Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Torne o cálculo do Eco-Score mais preciso com as origens, embalagens & muito mais", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute o nível de processamento alimentar (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Ganhe em preencher a categoria e ingredientes alimentares", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nível desconhecido de processamento do alimento", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Vamos tirar algumas fotos!", + "new_product_title_misc": "E alguns dados básicos…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para avaliar o Nutri-Score, o Eco-Score e o Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto das informações nutricionais enviada", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações sobre reciclagem", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto de reciclagem enviada", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotos diversas enviadas", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Tirar novamente", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecionando foto", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Enviando imagem para o servidor", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Enviando a imagem frontal para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Enviando imagem de ingredientes para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Enviando imagem nutricional para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Enviando imagem de embalagem para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Enviando outra imagem para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Enviando imagem para a Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicione os ingredientes que faltam", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem faltando na embalagem", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais ausentes", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria de produto ausente", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países de produtos faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade de produto ausentes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos de produto faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens de produto faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas de produto faltando", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar informações nutricionais", + "nutrition_page_title": "Informações nutricionais", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "A informação nutricional não é está presente no produto", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "por 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "por porção", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Adicionar um nutriente", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tamanho da porção", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número inválido", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Atualizando o produto no servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produto atualizado!", + "more_photos": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Nenhum produto encontrado", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "não encontrado:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou escaneie seu primeiro produto", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Atualizando o produto", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produto atualizado", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Você está usando uma versão obsoleta do aplicativo.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Clique aqui", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Baixe a nova versão do aplicativo", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Não foi possível atualizar o produto", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", + "cached_results_from": "Exibir resultados de:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Obrigado por adicionar este produto!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare com categoria", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Adicione uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido a, por exemplo, uma categoria não padrão. Se isto for considerado um erro, por favor contacte-nos.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: por favor, atualize-a.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em conta as origens dos ingredientes. Por favor, tire uma foto da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para serem considerados.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Por favor, escolha um país", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Seu país", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas funções ambientais são específicas do local", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produto removido da comparação", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Configurações Nativas do Aplicativo", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Abrir configurações de sistemas para Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produto removido do histórico", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produto removido da lista", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Não foi possível remover o produto", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", + "no_product_in_section": "Não há produto nessa seção", + "recently_seen_products": "Histórico", + "clear": "Limpar", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Você realmente deseja excluir esta lista?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% de correspondência", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia atrás} other{{count} dias atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{uma hora atrás} other{{count} horas atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{menos de um minuto atrás} =1{um minuto atrás} other{{count} minutos atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{um mês atrás} other{{count} meses atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{uma semana atrás} other{{count} semanas atrás}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um Produto} other{Comparar {count} Produtos}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Comparar produtos", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparar produtos", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione ao menos dois produtos", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Repetir", + "connect_with_us": "Conecte-se conosco", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blogue", + "faq": "Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)", + "discover": "Descubra", + "how_to_contribute": "Como contribuir", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Você pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que você vê. Experimente agora!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Compartilhar dados anônimos", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Ajude os voluntários da Open Food Facts a melhorar o aplicativo. Você decide se deseja enviar análises anônimas.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmera", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmera do seu celular, por favor autorize o acesso.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "SO: iOS ({version})\nModelo: {model}\nModelo localizado: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão do aplicativo: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação do aplicativo: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote do aplicativo: {appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autorizar", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Recusar", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Mais tarde", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Você tem certeza?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Aprofundar-se em {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Nós inventamos o aplicativo\nde digitalização colaborativo\nem 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Ao completar 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-o\ndo zero!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando seu primeiro produto de exemplo", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não tem nenhum produto de exemplo em seu idioma", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Sua classificação", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Histórico indisponível", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Comece a escanear", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos que você digitalizar aparecerão aqui e você poderá verificar informações detalhadas sobre eles", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Recarregando {count,plural, =0{os produtos} =1{o produto} other{os produtos}} no seu histórico", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Carregamento de {count,plural, =0{Produto} =1{Produto} other{Produtos}} completo", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Baixando dados", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível baixar os dados", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Excluir a conta", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Excluir minha conta", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Conta", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Faça login ou cadastre-se para participar da comunidade Open Food Facts", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Login no Open Food Facts: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Excluir a conta", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Olá, por favor exclua minha conta Open Food Fact: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplicativo", + "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitoramento", + "settings_app_camera": "Câmera", + "settings_app_products": "Produtos", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversos", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Emitir um som durante o escaneamento", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Emite um alerta sonoro a cada escaneamento bem-sucedido", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Intensidade da vibração e da resposta tátil", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibração após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de erro", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, os relatórios de falhas são enviados automaticamente ao sistema de rastreamento de erros do Open Food Facts, para que os bugs possam ser corrigidos e, assim, melhorar o aplicativo.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anônimos", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, algumas informações anônimas sobre o uso do aplicativo serão enviadas aos servidores do Open Food Facts, para que possamos entender como e quantos recursos são usados para melhorá-los.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Editar foto", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Erro", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma experiência aprimorada, permita que o {appName} acesse a sua câmera. Você poderá ler códigos de barras diretamente.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Permitir", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permissão negada", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmera, você deve permiti-la manualmente nas Configurações.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Abrir configurações", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancelar", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Nenhuma câmera detetada", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmera concedido", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Modificar produto", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicione um novo {itemType}", + "description": "Dica de ferramenta para mostrar quando o usuário pressiona longamente o botão (+)", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Código de barras", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Detalhes básicos", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Nome do produto, marca, quantidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Detalhes adicionais", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Adicionar ou atualizar fotos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiquetas e certificações", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Rótulos de Qualidade Ambiental…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etiqueta", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Lojas", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "loja", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "loja", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origens", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Espanha", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que você encontrar na embalagem. Você não precisa se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne bovina da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Européia", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "País", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Espanha", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "país", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto é amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Códigos de rastreabilidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "PT DLT 1 CE, PT DPC 355 CE, PT 001901 P CE, EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "código de rastreabilidade", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, codifique como uma elipse com as 2 iniciais do pais seguidas de um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorias", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categoria", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indique apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias principais serão adicionadas automaticamente.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Caso uma categoria não esteja disponível no preenchimento automático, sinta-se à vontade para adicioná-la de qualquer maneira, isso nos ajudará a melhorar o Open Food Facts em seu país.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Suco de Laranja concentrado", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Deseja salvar suas alterações antes de sair desta página?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Salvar as alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descartar alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredientes", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicione", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor, digite um texto primeiro", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remover", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto de instruções de reciclagem", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Informação nutricional", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrição, conteúdo alcoólico…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edite", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Completar detalhes básicos", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Ainda não implementado", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorias", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extrair ingredientes", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extrair embalagem", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falhou em detectar texto em imagem.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nova lista de produtos", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Renomear lista", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Listas", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Adicione o produto às suas listas", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Criar uma nova lista", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Não há lista disponível ainda, por favor inicie criando uma lista nova", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Adicionar à lista", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Adicionado à lista", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpe seu histórico", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Renomear", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Minha lista", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "O nome é obrigatório", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está em uso", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Esse é o mesmo nome", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Tente novamente", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Houve um erro", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Nenhuma categoria encontrada para {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre a câmera frontal e traseira", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligue ou desligue o flash da câmera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Ativar flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Desativar flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Ocorreu um erro!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado de seu flash. Por favor, certifique-se de que seu smartphone não tem a tocha já habilitada.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Voltar", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo DEV", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Reiniciar tutorial", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Em seguida, você deve reiniciar o aplicativo para vê-lo novamente.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Alternar entre (PROD) e ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Parâmetros do ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL base para o ambiente de teste atual: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Domínio do ambiente de teste", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar Kit ML", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então você precisa reiniciar este aplicativo", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Botão adicional na página do produto", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edite ingredientes por meio de um botão do painel de conhecimento", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Exportar histórico", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exceção", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "produto encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produto NÃO encontrado", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Exportar histórico", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancelar", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados de V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "sucesso ou nova instalação", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "sucesso", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "erro", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "em progresso", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "obrigatório (clique para começar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconhecido", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Histórico de importação", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "O histórico será limpo e serão colocados 3 produtos lá", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Concluído", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Modo de digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de varredura atual é: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Modo de digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Excluir Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas transmissão de câmera, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Reprodução de câmera e pré-processamento completo imagem, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Transmissão de câmera e pré-processamento parcial de imagem, sem digitalização", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização completa de imagem", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização parcial de imagem", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reutilizar e editar esta pesquisa", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Você baixou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Baixe mais {count} produtos\nJá foram baixados {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produtos que adicionei", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produtos que editei", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produtos que fotografei", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Meus produtos a serem concluídos", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Todos os produtos a serem concluídos", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tirar foto novamente", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Tirar foto", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirmar", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de uso e contribuição", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Ícone do Analytics", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Erro fatal: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Erro fatal: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Completar detalhes básicos", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edite", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar foto", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Selecionar uma imagem existente", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Imagens existentes", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Recuperando imagens existentes…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens anteriormente enviadas relacionadas a este produto.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não há imagem para este idioma", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Ainda não há imagem", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorias", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Detalhes básicos", + "product_name": "Nome do produto", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Por favor, digite o nome do produto", + "brand_name": "Nome da marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Por favor, insira o nome da marca", + "quantity": "Quantidade e peso", + "barcode": "Código de barras", + "barcode_barcode": "Código de barras: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Código de barras inválido", + "basic_details_add_success": "Detalhes básicos adicionados com sucesso", + "basic_details_add_error": "Não foi possível adicionar detalhes básicos. Por favor, tente novamente depois de algum tempo", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Limpe a sua busca", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Você está prestes a excluir todo o seu histórico. Tem certeza que quer continuar?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados em seu histórico", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Você tem certeza que deseja continuar?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Por favor selecione um ou mais arquivos para excluir", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar esta lista ({name}): tem certeza que quer continuar?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Excluir lista?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Você está prestes a excluir esta lista ({name}). Tem certeza que quer continuar?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Sim, eu confirmo", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "Importância de {name}: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Listas", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Crie sua primeira lista", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Selecione uma lista", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lista vazia} =1{Um produto} other{{count} produtos}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Adicionar lista", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edite as suas preferências alimentares", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar foto", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tire fotos de qualquer informação de embalagem/reciclagem", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Escolha a fonte da imagem", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Por favor, escolha uma fonte de imagem", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galeria", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Partilhar", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Dê uma olhada neste produto na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Dê uma olhada na minha lista de produtos do Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capturar nova", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Escolher da galeria", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano assim que possível.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Iniciando a atualização de todos os produtos armazenados localmente", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Iniciando o download dos produtos mais populares", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de informações nutricionais", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Manter a tabela de informações nutricionais expandida", + "expand_ingredients": "Expandir ingredientes", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Manter o painel de ingredientes expandido", + "no_internet_connection": "Sem conexão com a internet", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "No mundo inteiro", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Amplie sua pesquisa para o mundo", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copiar", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar o código de barras para a área de transferência", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Código de barras {barcode} copiado para a área de transferência!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Uma ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "O produto será atualizado em segundo plano assim que possível.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Nenhum aplicativo de e-mail!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor, envie manualmente um e-mail para", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Todas as imagens", + "selected_images": "Imagens seleccionadas", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remover produto", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras escaneado: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remova todos os produtos do carrinho", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clique para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular as informações nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantidade", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Insira a quantidade para calcular os dados nutriciais", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Por favor, insira uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais em {grams} g (ou ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Dados offline", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para obter automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Carregar foto", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Falha ao baixar a imagem", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL não foi definido.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Lembrar minha escolha", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar cada vez", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continuar", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Mostrar senha", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Avalie o aplicativo", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Conte aos outros o que você acha deste aplicativo!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avalie o aplicativo", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Mais tarde", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Você está gostando deste aplicativo?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Isso!", + "not_really": "Não muito", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos ouvir isso! Poderia nos dizer o que aconteceu?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Componentes da embalagem", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Adicionar um componente de embalagem", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "A embalagem está completa", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Componente de embalagem #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Número de unidades", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Insira o número de unidades de embalagem do mesmo formato e material contidos no produto.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Formato", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Digite o nome do formato listado nas instruções de reciclagem se estiverem disponíveis, ou selecione um formato.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Garrafa", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Digite o material específico se ele puder ser determinado (um código de material dentro de um triângulo pode muitas vezes ser encontrado em partes de embalagens), ou um material genérico (por exemplo, plástico ou metal) se você não tiver certeza.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Vidro", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Instrução de reciclagem", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Digite as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem listadas no produto.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Reciclar", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Quantidade líquida de produto por unidade", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Digite o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo, g ou ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Peso de uma unidade vazia (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer alimento restante, e lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Contribuições pendentes", + "background_task_subtitle": "Suas contribuições são salvas automaticamente em nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma Tarefa em Segundo Plano Pendente", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Sem resposta do servidor", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de conexão com a internet. Tente mais tarde.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecido", + "background_task_operation_details": "alterações detalhadas", + "background_task_operation_image": "envio de foto", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após envio de foto", + "background_task_run_started": "iniciado", + "background_task_run_not_started": "não iniciado", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser excluído", + "background_task_question_stop": "Você quer parar a tarefa o mais rápido possível?", + "feed_back": "Opinião", + "undo": "Desfazer", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copie e-mail para a área de transferência", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor, envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail copiado para a área de transferência!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecione Cor de Destaque", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Azul", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Ciano", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Verde", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Padrão", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Laranja", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Rosa", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Vermelho", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Ferrugem", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Turquesa", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste de texto", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Alto", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Médio", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Baixo", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Produto não encontrado!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto em nosso banco de dados com o seguinte código de barras: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem conexão com a internet!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Por favor, verifique se seu smartphone está em uma rede WiFi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Página não encontrada!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Volte à página inicial", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Dados de download", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Faça o download dos melhores 1000 produtos do seu país para escaneamento instantâneo", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Baixe o topo {count,plural, one {}other{{count} produtos}} em seu país para digitalização instantânea", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Baixando os dados\nIsso demorar algum tempo", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} produtos adicionados", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produto offline", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Atualize o banco de dados de produtos locais com os últimos dados do Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Limpe dados de produtos offline", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Limpe todos os dados de produtos locais do seu aplicativo para liberar espaço", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} produtos excluídos", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Carregando…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Saiba Mais", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Clique para saber mais sobre dados offline", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Dados de produtos offline", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para escaneamento imediato", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Selecione seu país:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecione seu idioma:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Alterar a guia atual", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Criar", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Criar uma nova lista", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score Desconhecido", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score não aplicável", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Eco-Pontuação Desconhecida", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score não é aplicável", + "nova_group_1": "Grupo NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 6560c28f0e15cc0778c81fb672fc0c6b46828afe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 021/216] New translations app_en.arb (Thai) --- th/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 th/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb diff --git a/th/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb b/th/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..922b45921a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/th/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "ถูกต้อง", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "เพิ่ม", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการลบบัญชี หากมีเหตุผลที่เฉพาะเจาะจงโปรดแจ้งด้านล่าง", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "สาเหตุ", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "โอเค", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "ใช้", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "ถัดไป", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "กลับขึ้นไปด้านบน", + "save": "บันทึก", + "save_confirmation": "คุณแน่ใจว่าต้องการจะบันทึกใช่มั้ย", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "ยกเลิก", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "ละเว้น", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "ปิด", + "@close": {}, + "no": "ไม่ใช่", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "หยุด", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "คำนวณ", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "ล้างค่าการกำหนดลักษณะ", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "บางอย่างผิดพลาด", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "เกิดความผิดพลาด", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "เรากำลังพัฒนากับฟีเจอร์นี้เจอกันเร็วๆนี้", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "เปิดดูบนเว็บไซต์", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "ดูเพิ่มเติม", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "ไม่ทราบ", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "กำลังหา", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ โอเพ้น ฟู๊ด แฟค", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "เลือกอาหาร ที่ดีสำหรับคุณ และโลกนี้", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "ดูข้อมูลอาหาร ที่คุณสนใจ(ความต้องการ)", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "เลือกอาหารที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับคุณ", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "เลือกอาหารที่ดีมีประโยชน์ที่ดีกับโลกใบนี้", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "ชื่อและพาสเวิร์ดไม่ถูกต้อง", + "login": "ชื่อผู้ใช้", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "กรุณากรอกชื่อแอคเค้าท์ หรือ อีเมล์", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "ใส่รหัสผ่าน", + "create_account": "สร้าง แอคเค้าท์", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "เข้าสู่ระบบ", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "คุณต้องลงชื่อเข้าใช้ เพื่อใช้ฟีเจอร์นี้", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "ล๊อคเอ้าท์", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "คุณแน่ใจว่าจะล๊อคเอ้าท์?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "รหัสผ่าน", + "forgot_password": "ชืมรหัสผ่าน", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "ดูโปรไฟล์", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "ถ้าหากชืมรหัสผ่านให้กรอก ชื่อแอคเค้าท์ หรือ อีเมล์ เพื่อรับ ข้อมูล ขั้นตอนการตั้งค่ารหัสใหม่ กรุณาเปิดกล่องจดหมายขยะด้วย", + "username_or_email": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ อีเมล์", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "อีเมล์ที่มีลิงค์สำหรับ ตั้งค่ารหัสผ่านใหม่ได้ถูกส่งไปยังอีเมล์ที่ท่านใช้สมัครแอคเค้าท์เรียบร้อยแล้ว กรุณาเช็คกล่องจดหมายที่ไม่ต้องการด้วย", + "send_reset_password_mail": "เปลี่ยนรหัส", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "กรุณาเขียนข้อความ", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "สมัคร", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "สมัคร", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "กำลังลงทะเบียน…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "ยินดีด้วยแอคเค้าท์ของคุณสร้างเสร็จเรียบร้อย", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "ชื่อ", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "กรุณาตั้งชื่อเล่น ที่คุณต้องการ", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "อีเม", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "ต้องระบุอีเมล์", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "ชื่อผู้ใช้: เปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะ", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "กรุณา ใส่ชื่อแอคเค้าท์", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "ชื่อไม่ถูกต้อง", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ต้องไม่มีช่องว่าง ตัวพิมพ์ใหญ่ หรือตัวอักษรพิเศษ", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ต้องไม่เกิน {value} ตัวอักษร", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "รหัสผ่าน", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "ใส่รหัสผ่าน", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "รหัสผ่านของคุณไม่ถูกต้อง(ต้องมีความยาวอย่างน้อย6ตัว)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "ยืนยันรหัส", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "กรุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "ข้อมูลและเงื่อนไขการใช้งาน", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "เมื่อสร้างบัญชี จะถือว่าเป็นการยอมรับข้อกำหนดการใช้งานโดยปริยาย แต่คุณสามารถใช้งานแบบไม่ระบุตัวตนได้ผ่านแอป", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "ฉันเป็นผู้ผลิตอาหาร", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "ผู้ผลิต/ยี่ห้อ", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "โปรดป้อนผู้ผลิตหรือยี่ห้อ", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "ชื่อผู้ใช้นี้มีอยู่แล้ว โปรดเลือกชื่อผู้ใช้อื่น", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "มีอยู่แล้ว โปรดเข้าสู่ระบบหรือลองด้วยอีเมลอื่น", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "โปรดใส่ที่อยู่อีเมลที่ถูกต้อง", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "ตั้งค่า", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "ธีม", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "มืด", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "สว่าง", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "ใช้ค่าจากระบบ", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "ขอความช่วยเหลือผ่าน Slack ของเรา", + "support_via_forum": "ขอความช่วยเหลือในฟอรัมของเรา", + "support_via_email": "ส่งอีเมลถึง Open Food Facts", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "ส่งข้อมูลการใช้แอป", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "คุณต้องการแนบบันทึกการใช้งานไปกับอีเมลหรือไม่?", + "termsOfUse": "ข้อกำหนดการใช้งาน", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "เกี่ยวกับแอพนี้", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "สนับสนุน", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "การพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "โหมด DEV?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "เปิดใช้งานโหมด DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "ปรับปรุง", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "แปลภาษา", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "เริ่มแปล", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "การแปลเป็นหนึ่งในงานหลักของโครงการ", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "แตะที่นี่เพื่อตอบคำถาม", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "แตะที่นี่เพื่อตอบคำถามเกี่ยวกับผลิตภัณฑ์", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "โปรดรอสักครู่ในขณะที่กำลังโหลดคำถามเกี่ยวกับผลิตภัณฑ์นี้", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "กำลังบันทึกคำตอบของคุณ", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "ช่วยปรับปรุงความโปร่งใสของอาหารและรับรางวัล", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "ตอบด้วยใช่", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "ตอบด้วยไม่", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "ข้ามคำถามนี้", + "tap_to_edit_search": "แตะเพื่อแก้ไขการค้นหา", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "การตั้งค่าของฉัน", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "เข้าร่วมกับเรา", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "โปรไฟล์ของคุณ", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "การตั้งค่าแอพ", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "โหมดกลางคิน, การวิเคราะห์…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "เลือกข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับอาหารที่สำคัญที่สุดสำหรับคุณ", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "การจัดอันดับส่วนบุคคลของฉัน", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "จับคู่ที่ดีสำหรับคุณ", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "โปรไฟล์", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "สแกน", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "ประวัติการเข้าใช้", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "กรองตามหมวดหมู่", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(ค้นหาหมวดหมู่)", + "filter": "กรอง", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "ประวัติการสแกน", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "ค้นหา", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "สินค้า", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "ไม่ทราบยี่ห้อ", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ไม่รู้จัก", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "โหลดใหม่", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "รูปภาพ", + "front_photo": "รูปหน้าตรง", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "ส่วนผสม", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "เก็บข้อมูลอันเดิมไว้. ระบุจำนวนเปอร์เซ็นต์ที่ต้องการ. แยก เครื่องหมายจุลภาคหรือ วงเล็บสำหรับระบุส่วนผสมต่างๆ และ ระบุสารก่อให้เกิดอาการแพ้ ล่างบรรทัด", + "ingredients_editing_error": "ไม่สามาบันทึกส่วนผสมได้", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "ไม่สามารถใส่รูปภาพของส่วนผสมได้", + "ingredients_editing_title": "แก้ไขส่วนผสม", + "ingredients_photo": "รูปภาพของส่วนประกอบของอาหาร", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "อาหารการกิน", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "ข้อมูลโภชนาการ", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "รายละเอียดการบรรจุ", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "รูปภาพข้อมูลภาชนะบรรจุ", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "คุณพบสินค้าใหม่", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "สินค้าใหม่", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "ยืนยัน", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "รูปถ่ายด้านหน้าของบรรจุภัณฑ์", + "ingredients_photo_title": "รูปภาพส่วนประกอบของอาหาร", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "การนำกลับไปใช้ใหม่", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "รูปภาพอื่นๆที่น่าสนใจ", + "front_photo_uploaded": "รูปภาพด้านหน้าอัพโหลดเรียบร้อย", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "รูปภาพของส่วนประกอบของอาหาร", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "รูปภส่วนประกอบของอาหารถูกอัพโหลดแล้ว", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "ข้อมูลโภชนาการ", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "รูปภาพโภชนาการอาหารอัพโหลดแล้ว", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "ข้อมูลการรีไซเคิล", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "รูปภาพรีไซเคิลอัพโหลดแล้ว", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "รูปภาพอื่นๆที่น่าสนใจ", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "รูปภาพข้อมูลทั่วไป", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "กำลังเลือกรูป", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "อัพโหลดรูแขึ้นระบบ", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "เพิ่มฉลากผลิตภัณฑ์", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "เพิ่มแหล่งที่มาของผลิตภัณฑ์", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "เพิ่มร้านค้าสินค้า", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "อัพเดทข้อมูลโภชนาการ", + "nutrition_page_title": "ข้อมูลโภชนาการ", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "ไม่ได้ระบุข้อมูลโภชนาการบนผลิตภัณฑ์", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "ต่อ 100 กรัม", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "ต่อการให้บริการ", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "เพิ่มสารอาหารอื่นๆ", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "หน่วยบริโภค", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "หมายเลขไม่ถูกต้อง", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "กำลังอัพเดทผลิตภัณฑ์บนเซิร์ฟเวอร์…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "อัพเดทผลิตภัณฑ์สำเร็จ!", + "more_photos": "รูปภาพอื่นๆที่น่าสนใจ", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "ไม่พบผลิตภัณฑ์", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "ไม่พบ", + "searchPanelHeader": "ค้นหาหรือสแกนผลิตภัณฑ์แรกของคุณ", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "กำลังโหลดผลิตภัณฑ์ใหม่", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "โหลดผลิตภัณฑ์ใหม่สำเร็จ", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "คุณกำลังใช้แอพเวอร์ชั่นที่ยังไม่ได้อัพเดท", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "ดาวน์โหลดแอพเวอร์ชั่นล่าสุด", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "ไม่สามารถโหลดใหม่", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "ไม่สามารถดึงข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับผลิตภัณฑ์นี้ได้เนื่องจากข้อผิดพลาดของเครือข่าย", + "cached_results_from": "แสดงผลลัพธ์จาก:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการเพิ่มผลิตภัณฑ์นี้!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "เพิ่มหมวดหมู่เพื่อคำนวณ Nutri-Score", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "เพิ่มข้อมูลโภชนาการเพื่อคำนวณ Nutri-Score", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "เพิ่มข้อมูลโภชนาการและหมวดหมู่เพื่อคำนวณ Nutri-Score", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "ไม่สามารถคำนวณ Nutri-Score สำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์นี้ อาจเป็นเพราะหมวดหมู่ที่ไม่ได้มาตรฐาน หากสิ่งนี้ถือเป็นข้อผิดพลาด โปรดติดต่อเรา", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "ประวัติการเข้าใช้", + "clear": "ล้างข้อมูล", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "ค้นพบ", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "ยินดีต้อนรับ!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "ผลิตภัณฑ์", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "ตั้งค่า", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "ยกเลิก", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "แก้ไขสินค้า", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "บาร์โค้ด", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "ร้านค้า", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "ประเทศ", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "ประเทศ", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "หมวดหมู่", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "ประเภท", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "ประเภท", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "ส่วนผสม", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "เพิ่ม", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "ข้อมูลโภชนาการ", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "แก้ไข", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "หมวดหมู่", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "ย้อนกลับ", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "แก้ไขส่วนผสมคลิกที่ปุ่มแห่งความรู้", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ตกลง", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "ยกเลิก", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "ยืนยัน", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "ข้อมูลและเงื่อนไขการใช้งาน", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "แก้ไข", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "หมวดหมู่", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "บาร์โค้ด", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "ลบ", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From eddc6271e58d1d6b4b479be681ca465319010212 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 022/216] New translations app_en.arb (Norwegian Nynorsk) --- nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb diff --git a/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb b/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6b680381996 --- /dev/null +++ b/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Legg til", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Neste", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Lagr", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nei", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Username", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Logg inn", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Passord", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Navn", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Passord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Innstillinger", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Bidragere", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Logg", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Søk", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredienser", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Næring", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per porsjon", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porsjonstørrelse", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "Logg", + "clear": "Tøm", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Utforsk", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Produkter", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Redigér produkt", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Strekkode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "etikett", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Butikker", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "butikk", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "butikk", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorier", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredienser", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Legg til", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Næringsfakta", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorier", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorier", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Strekkode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Del", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Laster inn…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Slett", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From b6494cec1c2e0dfa2a09a081a1126a37b58f3e54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 023/216] New translations app_en.arb (Hindi) --- hi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 hi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb diff --git a/hi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb b/hi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2a99460a0b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/hi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "हाँ", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "डालिए", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "सेव़", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "बंद करें", + "@close": {}, + "no": "नहीं", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "कुछ गड़बड़ हुई है।", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "साइन इन करें", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "पासवर्ड", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "नाम", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "पासवर्ड", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "सेटिंग्स", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "स्कैन", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "वृत्तांत", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "ढूंढें", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "सामग्री", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "पोषण", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "पोषण तथ्य", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "प्रत्येक हिस्सा", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "सेवारत माप", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "वृत्तांत", + "clear": "खाली करें", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "फिर कोशिश करें ।", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "तलाश करें", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "उत्पाद संपादित करें", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "बारकोड", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "तस्वीरें", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "लेबल", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "लेबल", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "दुकाने", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "दुकान", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "दुकान", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "देश", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "देश", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "श्रेणियाँ", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "वर्ग", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "वर्ग", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "सामग्री", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "डालिए", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "पोषण तथ्य", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "संपादित करें", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "श्रेणियाँ", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "पीछे", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ठीक है", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "संपादित करें", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "श्रेणियाँ", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "बारकोड", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "शेयर", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "लोड किया जा रहा है…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "नष्ट करे", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 4c49ce59d7da48e6f653725bd9886fbbc01ddd51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 024/216] New translations app_en.arb (English, Australia) --- en-AU/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 en-AU/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb diff --git a/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1c920900898 --- /dev/null +++ b/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalised ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading...", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 991915c15e28c1cc365c9da22bd6a589534bebad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 025/216] New translations app_en.arb (English, United Kingdom) --- en-GB/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 en-GB/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb diff --git a/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From a4561705f59743ffbb7b1e95f2517db2993a3ad4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 026/216] New translations app_en.arb (Welsh) --- cy/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cy/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb diff --git a/cy/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb b/cy/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1e08d8f4719 --- /dev/null +++ b/cy/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Ychwanegu", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Gynnyrch", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Cynhwysion", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Côd bar", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorïau", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Cynhwysion", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Ychwanegu", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorïau", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorïau", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Côd bar", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 642039b8a1a1bfce438c00ab9e6233ba5c33e39d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 027/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) --- zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb diff --git a/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1289ee843e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "是", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "加入產品", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "好的", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "新增", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "應用", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "下一個", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "儲存", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "取消", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "關閉", + "@close": {}, + "no": "否", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "停止", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "重設食物偏好", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "出現錯誤", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "發生錯誤", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "不明", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "用戶名", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "登入", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "登出", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "密碼", + "forgot_password": "忘記密碼", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "重設密碼", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "註冊", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "註冊", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名稱", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密碼", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "設定", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "合作者", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "使用條款", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "貢獻", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "掃描", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "查看紀錄", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "搜尋", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "產品", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "成分", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "營養素", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "營養標籤", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每個包含", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養素", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "查看紀錄", + "clear": "清除", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "重試", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "探索", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "產品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "錯誤", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "開啟設定", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "編輯產品", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "條碼", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "相片", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "標籤", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "標籤", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "商店", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "原產地", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "國家", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "國家", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分類", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分類", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分類", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "成分", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入產品", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養素表", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "編輯", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分類", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "摘錄成分", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "加入列表", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "返回", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "確定", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "取消", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "編輯", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "分類", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "條碼", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "分享", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "載入中……", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "刪除", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "新增", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 20d63779dead910339aed2fa6d9334b99dd6982a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 028/216] New translations app_en.arb (Odia) --- or/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 or/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb diff --git a/or/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb b/or/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a688ed69c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/or/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "ହଁ", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "ଠିକ୍ ଅଛି", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "ବାଦ୍ ଦିଅ", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "ଏକ ତ୍ରୁଟି ଘଟିଛି", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "ଅଧିକ ଜାଣନ୍ତୁ", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "ଦୟାକରି ଗୋଟିଏ ପାସ୍‍ୱର୍ଡ଼ ପ୍ରଵେଶ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "ପାସ୍‍ୱର୍ଡ଼ ବଦଳାନ୍ତୁ", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "ଇ-ମେଲ୍ ଆଵଶ୍ୟକ ଅଟେ", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "ଅଵୈଧ ଇ-ମେଲ୍", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "ଦୟାକରି ଗୋଟିଏ ପାସ୍‍ୱର୍ଡ଼ ପ୍ରଵେଶ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "ଥିମ୍", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "ଗାଢ଼", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "ହାଲୁକା", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "ସିଷ୍ଟମ୍ ଡିଫଲ୍ଟ", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "ସମର୍ଥନ", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "ଵ୍ୟଵହାର ସର୍ତ୍ତାଵଳୀ", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "ଏହି ଆପ୍ ଵିଷୟରେ", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "ଯୋଗଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "ଅନୁଵାଦ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "ହଁ ବୋଲି ଉତ୍ତର ଦେବା", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "ନାହିଁ ବୋଲି ଉତ୍ତର ଦେବା", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "ଏହି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଟିକୁ ବାଦ୍ ଦିଅ", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "ପୋଷଣ", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "ଆଵିଷ୍କାର କରନ୍ତୁ", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "ସ୍ୱାଗତ!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "ଏପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ କୌଣସି ତାଲିକା ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ନାହିଁ, ଦୟାକରି ଗୋଟିଏ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରି ଆରମ୍ଭ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "ସ୍ଥିତି: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "ସଫଳ ହୋ‌ଇଛି", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "ତ୍ରୁଟି", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "ଚାଲିଛି", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "ଆଵଶ୍ୟକ (ଆରମ୍ଭ କରିବାକୁ କ୍ଲିକ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "ଅଜ୍ଞାତ", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "ଏକ ତାଲିକା ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "ଆପଣ ଏହି ଆପ୍ ଉପଭୋଗ କରୁଛନ୍ତି ତ?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From c91b800ac89527438a50696664ed3b3667a9f38e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 029/216] New translations app_en.arb (Norwegian Bokmal) --- nb/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 nb/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb diff --git a/nb/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb b/nb/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1f62420ae1f --- /dev/null +++ b/nb/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Legg til", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette kontoen?\nHvis det er av en spesifikk grunn, kan du dele nedenfor", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Grunn", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Ok", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Opprett", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Bruk", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Neste", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Gå tilbake til toppen", + "save": "Lagre", + "save_confirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil lagre?", + "skip": "Hopp over", + "cancel": "Avbryt", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorer", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Lukk", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nei", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stopp", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Ferdig", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Beregn", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Tilbakestill matpreferanser", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Noe gikk galt", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "En feil oppstod", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Vi jobber fortsatt med denne funksjonen, følg med", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Se på nettet", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Lær mer", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Ukjent", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Veldig bra match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Bra match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Dårlig match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Matcher kanskje ikke", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Matcher ikke", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Ukjent match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Veldig bra match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Bra match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Dårlig match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Matcher kanskje ikke", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Matcher ikke", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Ukjent match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Lisenser", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Leter etter", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Velkommen til Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Velg mat som er bra for deg og planeten.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Se matdata som er relevant for dine preferanser.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Velg mat som er bra for deg.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Velg mat som er bra for planeten.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Feil brukernavn eller passord.", + "login": "Logg inn", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Vennligst skriv inn brukernavn eller e-post", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Vennligst angi passord", + "create_account": "Opprett konto", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Logg på", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Denne funksjonen krever innlogging.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Logg ut", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Er du sikker på at du vil logge ut?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Passord", + "forgot_password": "Glemt passordet", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Vis profil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Tilbakestill passord", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "I tilfelle du har glemt passordet ditt, skriv inn brukernavnet eller e-postadressen din for å motta instruksjoner for tilbakestilling av passordet. Husk å sjekke Spam-mappen om du ikke mottar e-posten.", + "username_or_email": "Brukernavn eller e-post", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "En e-post med en lenke for å tilbakestille passordet ditt er sendt til e-posten knyttet til kontoen din. Sjekk også spam-mappen din", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Bytt passord", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Skriv inn tekst", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registrer deg", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registrer deg", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrerer…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulerer! Kontoen din er nå opprettet.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Navn", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Vennligst skriv inn navnet du vil andre skal se deg som", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-post", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-post er påkrevd", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ugyldig e-postadresse", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Brukernavn: Synlig offentlig", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Skriv inn et brukernavn", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig brukernavn", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Brukernavnet kan ikke inneholde mellomrom, store bokstaver eller spesialtegn.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Brukernavnet kan ikke være på over {value} tegn totalt", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Passord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Vennligst angi passord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig passord (minst 6 tegn)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bekreft passord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vennligst bekreft passordet ditt", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passordene er ikke like", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "vilkår for bruk og bidrag", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jeg er en matprodusent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produsent/merke", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Skriv inn navnet på produsenten eller et merkenavn", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Brukernavnet er allerede i bruk, velg et annet brukernavn.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "er allerede i bruk, logg inn på kontoen eller prøv med en annen e-post.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig epostadresse.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Innstillinger", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Tema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Mørkt", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Lyst", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Systemstandard", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Bidragsytere", + "support": "Støtte", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Be om hjelp i vår Slack-kanal", + "support_via_forum": "Be om hjelp på forumet vårt", + "support_via_email": "Send oss en e-post", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Sende app-logger til support?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Ønsker du å inkludere applikasjonslogger som vedlegg til e-posten din?", + "termsOfUse": "Bruksvilkår", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Om denne appen", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Bidra", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Programvareutvikling", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Forbedre", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Oversett", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Begynn å oversette", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mine innstillinger", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Din profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Appinnstillinger", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Matpreferanser", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Velg den informasjonen om mat som er viktigst for deg.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Tilbakestill matpreferansene dine?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Min personlige rangering", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Alle", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "En flott match for deg", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Veldig dårlig match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Ukjent match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Skann", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historikk", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lister", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrer etter kategori", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Alle", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Søk", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredienser", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Ernæring", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Ernæringsinnhold", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per porsjon", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Legg til et næringsstoff", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porsjonstørrelse", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Søk etter eller skann ditt første produkt", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Sammenlign med kategori", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Velg et land", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "Historikk", + "clear": "Tøm", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Sammenlign produkter", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Sammenlign produkter", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Prøv på nytt", + "connect_with_us": "Kontakt oss", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blogg", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Oppdag", + "how_to_contribute": "Hvordan bidra", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Slett konto", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Konto", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Velkommen!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Velkommen {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Slett konto", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Applikasjon", + "settings_app_data": "Personvern og overvåking", + "settings_app_camera": "Kamera", + "settings_app_products": "Produkter", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Spill av en lyd ved skanning", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Vil pipe ved hver vellykket skanning", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Feilrapportering", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Del anonyme data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Rediger bilde", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Feilmelding", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open Settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Avbryt", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Rediger produkt", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Strekkode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Bilder", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "stempel", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "stempel", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Butikker", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "butikk", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "butikk", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Sporbarhetskode", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "sporbarhetskode", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorier", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategori", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredienser", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Legg til", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Ernæringsinnhold", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Rediger ", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorier", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Ny liste med produkter", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lister", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Prøv igjen", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Det oppstod en feil", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Tilbake", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Avbryt", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Ferdig", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Du har lastet ned {totalSize} produkter.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produkter jeg har lagt til", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produkter jeg har redigert", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produkter jeg har fotografert", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Alle produkter som skal fullføres", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "vilkår for bruk og bidrag", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Rediger ", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorier", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Strekkode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lister", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Legg til liste", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Velg kilde til bildet", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Del", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Form", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Laster…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Slett", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Opprett", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 7cd8fc277926becd76a8f4e38579083a62c94052 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 030/216] New translations app_en.arb (Serbian (Latin)) --- sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb diff --git a/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb b/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a638ecbb96d --- /dev/null +++ b/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Da", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Dodajte", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "U redu", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Primeni", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Sledeće", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Sačuvaj", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Zatvori", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Ne", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stani", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Resetujte preferencije hrane", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Došlo je do greške", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "I dalje radimo na ovoj funkciji, budite u toku", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Saznajte Više", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Nepoznato", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Tražimo", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Pogledajte podatke o hrani koji su relevantni za vaše preferencije.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Birajte hranu koja je dobra za vas.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Korisničko ime", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Prijavite se", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Lozinka", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Resetuj lozinku", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naziv", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Lozinka", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Podešavanja", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Saradnici", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Uslovi korišćenja", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Moje preference", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Moje personalizovano rangiranje", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Skeniraj", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Istorija", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Pretraživanje", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Proizvod", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Sastojci", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutritivne vrednosti", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "po porciji", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porcija", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pretraži ili skeniraj svoj prvi artikal", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "Istorija", + "clear": "Obriši", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Pokušaj ponovo", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Otkrij", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Proizvodi", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Greška", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Izmenite proizvod", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barkod", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "oznaka", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "oznaka", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Prodavnice", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "prodavnica", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "prodavnica", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "država", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "država", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Категорије", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategorija", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategorija", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Sastojci", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Dodajte", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Hranljiva vrednost", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Izmeni", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Категорије", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Nazad", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ОК", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Izmeni", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Категорије", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barkod", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Podeli", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Učitavam", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Obriši", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 5728ec1be9f5f877ef3018339561e148f1e8d144 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 031/216] New translations app_en.arb (Dutch, Belgium) --- nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb | 2396 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb diff --git a/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb b/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..445249441fa --- /dev/null +++ b/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Toevoegen", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Weet je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?\nAls er een specifieke reden is, deel deze dan hieronder", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reden", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Oké", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Aanmaken", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Toepassen", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Volgende", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Terug naar boven", + "save": "Opslaan", + "save_confirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u wilt opslaan?", + "skip": "Overslaan", + "cancel": "Annuleer", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Negeren", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Sluit", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Nee", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Beëindigen", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Berekenen", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Er ging iets mis", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Er is een fout opgetreden", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We werken nog aan deze functie, wacht af", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Bekijk op het web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Meer informatie", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Onbekend", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Zeer goede overeenkomst", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Goede overeenkomst", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Slechte overeenkomst", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Komt mogelijk niet overeen", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Komt niet overeen", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Zeer goede overeenkomst", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Goede overeenkomst", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Slechte overeenkomst", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Komt mogelijk niet overeen", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Komt niet overeen", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licenties", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Zoeken naar", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welkom bij Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is een wereldwijde non-profitorganisatie die wordt ondersteund door lokale gemeenschappen.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Kies voedsel dat goed is voor jou en de planeet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Bekijk de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Kies voedingsmiddelen die goed voor je zijn.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Kies voedsel dat goed is voor de planeet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Log in op je Open Food Facts account om je bijdragen op te slaan", + "incorrect_credentials": "Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.", + "login": "Log in", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer je gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", + "create_account": "Account aanmaken", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Inloggen", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Voor deze functie moet u zich aanmelden.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Uitloggen", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Ben je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Wachtwoord", + "forgot_password": "Wachtwoord vergeten?", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Profiel bekijken", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Paswoord resetten", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Als u uw wachtwoord bent vergeten, voert u uw gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in om instructies te ontvangen voor het opnieuw instellen van uw wachtwoord. Vergeet ook niet de map Spam te controleren.", + "username_or_email": "Gebruikersnaam of e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Wachtwoord wijzigen", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Tekst invoeren", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Registreren", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registreren", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registreren…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gefeliciteerd! Uw account is zojuist aangemaakt.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naam", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Voer de weergavenaam in die u wilt gebruiken", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is vereist", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ongeldig e-mailadres", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Gebruikersnaam: Openbaar zichtbaar", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer aub. een gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a. u. b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties, hoofdletters of speciale tekens bevatten.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "De gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Voer een geldig wachtwoord in (minimaal 6 tekens)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Wachtwoord bevestigen", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig uw wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "gebruiksvoorwaarden en bijdrage", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Als u een account aanmaakt, is akkoord gaan met de gebruiksvoorwaarden verplicht, maar anonieme bijdragen kunnen nog steeds via de app worden gedaan", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Ik ben een voedselproducent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent/merk", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Voer een producent of een merknaam in", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Ik wil me graag inschrijven voor de nieuwsbrief van Open Food Facts (u kunt zich op elk moment afmelden)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "De gebruikersnaam bestaat al, kies een andere gebruikersnaam.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "bestaat al, log in op het account of probeer het met een ander e-mailadres.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Voer een geldig e-mailadres in alsjeblieft.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Instellingen", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Thema", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Donker", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Licht", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Standaard systeeminstelling", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Bedankt voor je bijdrage!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Bijdragers", + "support": "Ondersteuning", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Vraag om hulp in ons Slack-kanaal", + "support_via_forum": "Vraag om hulp op ons forum", + "support_via_email": "Stuur ons een e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "App-logboeken verzenden?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken toevoegen aan uw e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Over deze app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Bijdragen", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Softwareontwikkeling", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "De code voor elk Open Food Facts-product is beschikbaar op GitHub. Je bent van harte welkom om de code te hergebruiken (hij is open source) en ons te helpen deze te verbeteren, voor iedereen, op de hele planeet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "U kunt deelnemen aan de Open Food Facts Slack-chatroom, wat de beste manier is om vragen te stellen.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV-modus?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activeer de DEV-modus", + "contribute_donate_header": "Doneer aan Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Onvoltooide producten", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Verbeteren", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "De database is het hart van het project. Je kan ons makkelijk en heel snel helpen: door de app voor je telefoon te downloaden en te beginnen met het toevoegen of verbeteren van producten.\n\nDe Open Food Facts-website biedt vele andere manieren om bij te dragen: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Vertaal", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Begin met vertalen", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is een wereldwijd project met producten uit meer dan 160 landen. Open Food Facts is in tientallen talen vertaald, met voortdurend wijzigende inhoud.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Vertalingen zijn een van de belangrijkste taken van het project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Deel Open Food Facts met je vrienden", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Ik wil je laten weten dat ik de app Open Food Facts gebruik, waarmee je op een gepersonaliseerde manier de gezondheids- en milieueffecten van je eten kunt zien. Het werkt door de barcodes op de verpakking te scannen. Het is gratis, vereist geen registratie en je kunt zelfs helpen het aantal ontcijferde producten te vergroten. Download de app voor jouw telefoon via deze link:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tik hier om vragen te beantwoorden", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tik hier om vragen over dit product te beantwoorden", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Een ogenblik geduld terwijl vragen over dit product worden geladen", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Uw antwoord opslaan", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help de voedseltransparantie te verbeteren en beloningen te krijgen", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Log in op uw Open Food Facts-account om krediet te krijgen voor uw bijdragen", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Antwoord met ja", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Antwoord met nee", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Sla deze vraag over", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tik om de zoekopdracht te bewerken", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Mijn voorkeuren", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Maak uw account aan en sluit u aan bij de Open Food Facts-community om voedselkennis over de hele wereld op te bouwen!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Doe mee", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Jouw profiel", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer je Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-instellingen", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Donkere modus, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Voedselvoorkeuren", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als u er een heeft.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Mijn persoonlijke ranglijst", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Alle", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Een geweldige overeenkomst voor u", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Zeer slechte overeenkomst", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Onbekende overeenkomst", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Vernieuw de lijst met uw nieuwe voorkeuren", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Opnieuw geladen met uw nieuwe voorkeuren", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profiel", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Geschiedenis", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lijsten", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter op categorie", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Alle", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(categorie zoeken)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scansessie", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scangeschiedenis", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Zoeken", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tik om meer info te zien…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Onbekend merk", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Onbekende productnaam", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Herladen", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Afbeelding", + "front_photo": "Foto voorzijde", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingrediënten", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Bewaar de originele volgorde. Vermeld het percentage indien gespecificeerd. Scheid met een komma of koppelteken, gebruik haakjes voor ingrediënten van een ingrediënt en geef allergenen aan tussen onderstrepingstekens.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Kan de ingrediënten niet opslaan.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor de nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Ingrediënten bewerken", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Vermeld alle verpakkingsonderdelen gescheiden door een komma of regel, met hun hoeveelheid (bijv. 1 of 6) type (bijv. fles, doos, blik), materiaal (bijv. plastic, metaal, aluminium) en indien beschikbaar hun grootte (bijv. 33cl) en instructies voor recycling.\nVoorbeeld: 1 glazen fles om te recyclen, 1 plastic dop om weg te gooien", + "packaging_editing_error": "Opslaan van de verpakking is mislukt.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Het ophalen van een nieuwe verpakkingsafbeelding is mislukt.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Verpakking bewerken", + "nutrition": "Voedingswaarde", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Verpakkingsinformatie", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Foto van verpakkingsinformatie", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Je hebt een nieuw product gevonden!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Maak foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Gelieve eerst wat foto's te maken. Je kunt het product altijd op een later tijdstip voltooien.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Voeg productinformatie toe", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nieuw Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Je hebt zojuist een nieuw product gevonden!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Het lijkt erop dat je niets hebt ingevoerd. Wil je deze pagina echt verlaten?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Neem foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan onze gemeenschappelijke database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Afbeelding voorzijde van product", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Bevestig de upload van de voorzijde van het product", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Bevestig", + "send_image_button_label": "Afbeelding verzenden", + "crop_page_action_saving": "De afbeelding opslaan…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "De afbeelding bijsnijden…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Een lokale versie opslaan…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oeps… er is iets met je foto!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We kunnen de afbeelding niet lokaal verwerken voordat deze naar onze server wordt verzonden. Probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact met ons op als het probleem aanhoudt.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "De afbeelding is te klein!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "De minimale grootte in pixels voor het uploaden van afbeeldingen is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. De huidige afbeelding is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Een oproep naar de server voorbereiden…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto van voorkant verpakking", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling afbeelding", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Andere interessante foto's", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto voorkant geüpload", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto van ingrediënten geüpload", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Kan voedingsstoffen uit de cache niet laden", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Voer voedingswaarden in", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Voedingswaarden toegevoegd", + "categories_added": "Categorieën toegevoegd", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Bereken de Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Krijg het door het invullen van de voedingscategorie en voedingswaarden", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Bereken de Ecoscore", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Krijg het door minstens één categorie in te vullen", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Maak de Eco-Score-berekening nauwkeuriger door herkomst, verpakking en meer toe te voegen", + "new_product_title_nova": "Bereken het voedselverwerkingsniveau (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Krijg het door het invullen van de voedselcategorie en ingrediënten", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Voedselverwerkingsniveau onbekend", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Laten we wat foto's maken!", + "new_product_title_misc": "En enkele basisgegevens…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & de Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto van voedingswaarden geüpload", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto van recyclen", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto recyclen geüpload", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Andere interessante foto's", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Diverse foto's geüpload", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Opnieuw", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Foto selecteren", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Foto uploaden naar de server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Voorste afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Afbeelding van ingrediënten uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploaden van afbeelding van voedingswaarden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Verpakkingsafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Andere afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Ontbrekende ingrediënten toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Ontbrekende verpakkingsafbeelding toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Ontbrekende voedingswaarden toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Ontbrekende productcategorie toevoegen", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Voeg ontbrekende productlanden toe", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Voeg ontbrekende producttraceerbaarheidscodes toe", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Voeg ontbrekende productlabels toe", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Voeg ontbrekende productherkomsten toe", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Voeg ontbrekende productwinkels toe", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Voedingswaarden bijwerken", + "nutrition_page_title": "Voedingswaarden", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "De voedingswaarden zijn niet op het product vermeld", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per portie", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Voeg voedingsstof toe", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Grootte van een portie", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Ongeldig nummer", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Het product bijwerken op de server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product bijgewerkt!", + "more_photos": "Meer interessante foto's", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Geen product gevonden", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "niet gevonden:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Zoek of scan uw eerste product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Product herladen", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product herladen", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "U gebruikt een verouderde versie van de app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Klik hier", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download de nieuwe versie van de app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Kan product niet herladen", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Onmogelijk om informatie over dit product op te halen vanwege een netwerkfout.", + "cached_results_from": "Resultaten weergeven van:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Bedankt voor het toevoegen van dit product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Vergelijk met categorie", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Voeg een categorie toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Voeg voedingswaarden toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Voeg voedingswaarden en een categorie toe om de Nutri-Score te berekenen.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "De Nutri-Score voor dit product kan niet worden berekend, wat bijvoorbeeld te wijten kan zijn aan een niet-standaard categorie. Als dit als een fout wordt beschouwd, neem dan contact met ons op.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: vernieuw deze alstublieft.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "De Eco-Score houdt rekening met de oorsprong van de ingrediënten. Neem een foto van de ingrediëntenlijst en/of elke geografische claim of bewerk het product, zodat er rekening mee kan worden gehouden.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b.", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Uw land", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige omgevingskenmerken zijn locatiespecifiek", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product verwijderd uit vergelijking", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native app-instellingen", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systeeminstellingen voor Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product verwijderd uit geschiedenis", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product verwijderd uit de lijst", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Kon product niet verwijderen", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Er is geen product in deze lijst", + "no_product_in_section": "Er is geen product in deze sectie", + "recently_seen_products": "Geschiedenis", + "clear": "Wissen", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Wilt u deze lijst echt wissen?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% overeenkomst", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{een dag geleden} other{{count} dagen geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{een uur geleden} other{{count} uren geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{minder dan een minuut geleden} =1{een minuut geleden} other{{count} minuten geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{een maand geleden} other{{count} maanden geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{een week geleden} other{{count} weken geleden}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Vergelijk {count} producten}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Producten vergelijken", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Producten vergelijken", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecteer minimaal twee producten", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Opnieuw proberen", + "connect_with_us": "Contacteer ons", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter @", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ)", + "discover": "Ontdek", + "how_to_contribute": "Hoe kan u bijdragen?", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "U kunt op elk deel van de kaart tikken om meer details te krijgen over wat u ziet. Probeer het nu!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Stuur anonieme analyses", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help de vrijwilligers van Open Food Facts om de app te verbeteren. U beslist of u anonieme analyses wilt indienen.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Cameratoegang", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Om barcodes te scannen met de camera van uw telefoon, moet u de toegang autoriseren.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "Besturingssysteem: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nApparaat: {device}\nMerk:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "Besturingssysteem: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nGelokaliseerd model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp-versie:{appVersion}\nApp-buildnummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp-pakketnaam:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autoriseren", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Weigeren", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Weet je het zeker?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Ga verder op {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We hebben in 2012\nde collaboratieve\nscan-app uitgevonden", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Naar aanleiding van ons 10-jarig bestaan, vinden we onszelf opnieuw uit!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Uw eerste voorbeeldproduct wordt geladen", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Het lijkt erop dat er geen voorbeeldproduct is in uw taal", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Jouw ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Geschiedenis niet beschikbaar", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Begin met scannen", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Gescande producten verschijnen hier en u kunt gedetailleerde informatie over hen bekijken", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Verversen van {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in jouw geschiedens", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Producten}} verversen voltooid", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens downloaden", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Kan gegevens niet downloaden", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Account verwijderen", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Verwijder mijn account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welkom!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Log in of meld je aan om lid te worden van de Open Food Facts gemeenschap", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welkom {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Account verwijderen", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hallo, verwijder mijn Open Food Facts-account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Applicatie", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy en toezicht", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Producten", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversen", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij het scannen", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Piept bij elke geslaagde scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Trillen & haptieken", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Trillen na het uitvoeren van sommige acties (barcode gedecodeerd, product verwijderd…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crashrapportage", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Indien ingeschakeld, worden crashrapporten automatisch verzonden naar het foutenopvolgsysteem van Open Food Facts, zodat bugs kunnen worden verholpen en zo de app kan worden verbeterd.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Anoniem gegevens delen", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Indien ingeschakeld, wordt anonieme informatie over app-gebruik naar de Open Food Facts-servers gestuurd, zodat we kunnen begrijpen hoe en welke functies worden gebruikt, zodat we de app kunnen verbeteren.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto Bewerken", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Foutmelding", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Sta het gebruik van de camera toe om streepjescodes te scannen", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Geef {appName} toegang tot uw camera voor een verbeterde ervaring. U kunt streepjescodes rechtstreeks scannen.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Toestaan", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Toestemming geweigerd", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Omdat je eerder de cameratoestemming hebt geweigerd, moet je deze handmatig toestaan via de Instellingen.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Instellingen openen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleer", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Geen camera gedetecteerd", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Geen cameratoegang verleend", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Bewerk product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Voeg een nieuw(e) {itemType} toe", + "description": "Tooltip om te laten zien wanneer de gebruiker lang op de (+) knop drukt", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Streepjescode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basisdetails", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Productnaam, merk, hoeveelheid", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Aanvullende details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Foto's", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Foto's toevoegen of vernieuwen", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiketten & certificaten", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Milieu, Kwaliteitslabels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "keurmerk", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "keurmerk", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Winkels", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "winkel", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "winkel", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Oorsprong", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spanje", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Voeg eventuele herkomstaanduidingen toe die je op de verpakking vindt. Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken over de herkomst die direct in de ingrediëntenlijst wordt vermeld.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Voorbeelden: rundvlees uit Argentinië, de soja komt niet uit de Europese Unie", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spanje", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "land", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Landen waar het product algemeen verkrijgbaar is (exclusief winkels die gespecialiseerd zijn in buitenlandse producten).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceerbaarheidscodes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceerbaarheidscode", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europa is het een code in een ovaal met de 2 landinitialen gevolgd door een getal en CE.\nVoorbeelden: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categorieën", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "categorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "categorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Duid enkel de meest specifieke categorie aan. De \"verwante\" categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Als een categorie niet beschikbaar is via auto-complete, voel je dan vrij om deze toch toe te voegen. Dat helpt ons Open Food Facts in jouw land te verbeteren.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Voorbeelden: sardientjes in olijfolie, sinaasappelsap uit concentraat", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u uw wijzigingen opslaan voordat u deze pagina verlaat?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Wijzigingen opslaan", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Wijzigingen negeren", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingrediënten", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Toevoegen", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Voer eerst een tekst in alsjeblieft", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Verwijderen", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructies foto", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Voedingswaarden", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Voeding, alcoholgehalte…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Bewerken", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Basisdetails aanvullen", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Nog niet geïmplementeerd", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorieën", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingrediënten", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto vernieuwen", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Verpakking uitpakken", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Foto vernieuwen", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Detecteren van tekst in afbeelding mislukt.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst met producten", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijstnaam wijzigen", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lijsten", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Voeg het product toe aan je lijsten", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Er is nog geen lijst beschikbaar, maak er eerst een aan", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Toevoegen aan lijst", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Toegevoegd aan lijst", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Wis je geschiedenis", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Hernoem", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Mijn lijst", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Dat is dezelfde naam", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Probeer het opnieuw", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Geen categorie gevonden voor {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Schakel tussen de camera aan de achterkant en de voorkant", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Zet de flitser van de camera AAN of UIT", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Flits inschakelen", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Flits uitschakelen", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Er is een fout opgetreden!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het wijzigen van de status van uw flitser. Zorg ervoor dat de zaklamp niet reeds is ingeschakeld op uw smartphone.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Terug", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV-modus", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Onboarding opnieuw starten", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Schakel tussen (PROD) en test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Testomgevingsparameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Basis-URL voor huidige testomgeving: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Testomgeving host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Gebruik ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "dan moet je deze app opnieuw opstarten", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Extra knop op de productpagina", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Bewerk ingrediënten via een kennispaneelknop", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Geschiedenis exporteren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "uitzondering", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product gevonden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NIET gevonden", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Geschiedenis exporteren", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Annuleer", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Gegevensmigratie van V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "succes of nieuwe installatie", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "geslaagd", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "fout", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in behandeling", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "vereist (klik om te beginnen)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "onbekend", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Geschiedenis importeren", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Zal de geschiedenis wissen en er 3 producten in plaatsen", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Voltooid", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Huidige scanmodus is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scanmodus", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Eco-Score uitsluiten", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Alleen camerastream, niet scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream en volledige voorbewerking van afbeeldingen, geen scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream en halve voorbewerking van afbeeldingen, geen scannen", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Scannen van volledige afbeeldingen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Scannen van halve afbeeldingen", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Hergebruik en bewerk deze zoekopdracht", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Je hebt alle {totalSize} producten gedownload.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} meer producten\nReeds gedownload {downloaded} van de {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Producten die ik heb toegevoegd", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Producten die ik heb bewerkt", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Producten die ik heb gefotografeerd", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Mijn te voltooien producten", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Alle te voltooien producten", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Foto opnieuw maken", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Maak een foto", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Bevestig", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "gebruiksvoorwaarden en bijdrage", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics-pictogram", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatale fout: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatale fout: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Basisdetails aanvullen", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Bewerken", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Foto deselecteren", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Selecteer een bestaande afbeelding", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Bestaande afbeeldingen", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Bestaande afbeeldingen ophalen…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Er zijn geen eerder geüploade afbeeldingen met betrekking tot dit product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Nog geen afbeelding in die taal", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeelding", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categorieën", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basisdetails", + "product_name": "Productnaam", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Voer de productnaam in", + "brand_name": "Merknaam", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a. u. b. de merknaam in", + "quantity": "Hoeveelheid en gewicht", + "barcode": "Streepjescode", + "barcode_barcode": "Streepjescode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Ongeldige barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basisgegevens succesvol toegevoegd", + "basic_details_add_error": "Kan de basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Wis je zoekopdracht", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Je staat op het punt je hele geschiedenis te wissen: weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "U staat op het punt geselecteerde items in uw geschiedenis te wissen", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecteer een of meer items om te wissen", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst te wissen ({name}): weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "De lijst verwijderen?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "U staat op het punt de lijst \"{name}\" te verwijderen.\nWeet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Ja, ik bevestig", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} belangrijkheid: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lijsten", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Maak je eerste lijst aan", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Selecteer een lijst", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lege lijst} =1{Een product} other{{count} producten}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Lijst toevoegen", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Bewerk je voedselvoorkeuren", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Foto toevoegen", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Maak foto's van alle informatie over verpakking/recycling", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Kies een afbeeldingsbron", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Kies een afbeeldingsbron", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallerij", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Delen", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Bekijk dit product op Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Bekijk mijn lijst met producten op Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Nieuwe vastleggen", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Kies uit gallerij", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "De afbeelding zal zo snel mogelijk op de achtergrond worden geüpload.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Het vernieuwen starten van alle producten die lokaal zijn opgeslagen", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Het downloaden van de meest populaire producten starten", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Tabel met voedingswaarden uitvouwen", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Houd de tabel met voedingswaarden uitgeklapt", + "expand_ingredients": "Ingrediënten uitklappen", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Houd het ingrediëntenpaneel uitgevouwen", + "no_internet_connection": "Geen internetverbinding", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Wereldwijd", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Zoek wereldwijd", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopiëren", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer de barcode naar het klembord", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", + "language_picker_label": "Uw taal", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help met OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Het product zal zo snel mogelijk op de achtergrond worden bijgewerkt.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Stuur ons alstublieft handmatig een e-mail naar", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Alle afbeeldingen", + "selected_images": "Geselecteerde afbeeldingen", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Product verwijderen", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nieuwe barcode gescand: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Scan minstens twee producten om ze te vergelijken", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Klik om de door u gescande producten te vergelijken", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "U heeft\nde barcode gescand:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We zijn op zoek naar dit product!\nWacht een paar seconden…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We zijn nog steeds op zoek naar dit product!\nVindt u dat het laden lang duurt? Wij ook…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We zijn nog steeds op zoek naar dit product.\nWilt u het zoeken opnieuw starten?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Zoek opnieuw", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Bereken voedingsfeiten voor een specifieke hoeveelheid", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Hoeveelheid in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Voer een hoeveelheid in om de voedingswaarden te berekenen", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Vul een hoeveelheid in tussen {min} en {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Voedingswaarden voor {grams} g (of ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline gegevens", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om automatisch de informatie die erop staat te extraheren.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Foto uploaden", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Kan afbeelding niet downloaden", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Kan afbeelding niet bewerken omdat de afbeeldings-URL niet is ingesteld.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Onthoud mijn keuze", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecteer elke keer", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Doorgaan", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Laat wachtwoord zien", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Beoordeel de app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Geweldig! Laat anderen weten wat je vindt van deze app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Beoordeel de app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Geniet je van deze app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Ja!", + "not_really": "Niet echt", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Het spijt ons dat te horen! Kunt u ons vertellen wat er is gebeurd?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Verpakkingsonderdelen", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Voeg een verpakkingsonderdeel toe", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "De verpakking is compleet", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Verpakkingscomponent #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Aantal eenheden", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Voer het aantal verpakkingseenheden van dezelfde vorm en hetzelfde materiaal in het product in.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Vorm", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Voer de vormnaam in die wordt vermeld in de recyclinginstructies als deze beschikbaar zijn, of selecteer een vorm.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Fles", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Materiaal", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Voer het specifieke materiaal in als dit kan worden bepaald (een materiaalcode in een driehoek is vaak te vinden op verpakkingsonderdelen), of een algemener materiaal (bijvoorbeeld plastic of metaal) als u het niet zeker weet.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glas", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instructie", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer recyclinginstructies alleen in als ze op het product vermeld staan.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recyclen", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Netto hoeveelheid product per eenheid", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het netto gewicht of netto volume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Gewicht van één lege eenheid (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Verwijder alle resterende levensmiddelen en droog de verpakking af voor het wegen. Gebruik indien mogelijk een schaal met 0,1g of 0,01g precisie.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "In afwachting van bijdragen", + "background_task_subtitle": "Uw bijdragen worden automatisch opgeslagen op onze server, maar niet altijd in realtime.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Geen lopende achtergrondtaken", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server time-out", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Fout met internetverbinding. Probeer het later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "onbekend bewerkingstype", + "background_task_operation_details": "gedetailleerde wijzigingen", + "background_task_operation_image": "foto uploaden", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "verversen vertraagd na uploaden van foto", + "background_task_run_started": "gestart", + "background_task_run_not_started": "nog niet gestart", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "wordt verwijderd", + "background_task_question_stop": "Wil je die taak ASAP stoppen?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Ongedaan maken", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "E-mailadres kopiëren naar klembord", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Stuur ons handmatig een e-mail naar", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail gekopieerd naar klembord!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecteer een accentkleur", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blauw", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyaan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Groen", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Standaard", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Oranje", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Roze", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Rood", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Roest", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Groenblauw", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Tekstcontrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Hoog", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Laag", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product niet gevonden!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Er bestaat geen product met de volgende barcode in onze database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Geen internetverbinding!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Controleer of uw smartphone verbinding heeft met een wifi-netwerk of mobiele data heeft ingeschakeld", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Pagina niet gevonden!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Ga terug naar de startpagina", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Gegevens downloaden", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download de top 1000 producten in uw land om direct te scannen", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Top {count,plural, one {}other{{count} producten}} downloaden in uw land voor direct scannen", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Gegevens downloaden\nDit kan even duren", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} producten toegevoegd", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Werk offline productgegevens bij", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Werk de lokale productdatabase bij met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Wis offline productgegevens", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Wis alle lokale productgegevens uit uw app om ruimte vrij te maken", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} producten verwijderd", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Bezig met laden…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Meer weten", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Klik om meer te weten te komen over offline gegevens", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline productgegevens", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} producten beschikbaar om onmiddellijk te scannen", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Selecteer uw land:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecteer uw taal:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Verwijder", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Wijzig de huidige lijst", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Aanmaken", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Onbekende Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is niet van toepassing", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Onbekende Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is niet van toepassing", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Groep 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Groep 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Groep 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Groep 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Onbekende NOVA Groep" +} \ No newline at end of file From 906d0f8908ad72456abe2aacfd9e20418a1ae0a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 032/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Spanish) --- es-ES/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 es-ES/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c358a54698e --- /dev/null +++ b/es-ES/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Esta aplicación necesita acceso a la cámara para escanear códigos de barras y tomar fotos de productos"; From c7b7ef94d0a4ada6d8d634f396e02694ed6c425d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 033/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Arabic) --- ar/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 ar/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/ar/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ar/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a9d1d3c4513 --- /dev/null +++ b/ar/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "هذا التطبيق يحتاج إلى الوصول إلى الكاميرا لمسح رموز الباركود والتقاط صور المنتج"; From 860b2c5d24c1eba68c6b3813e48f63aa21b52a26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 034/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Catalan) --- ca/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 ca/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/ca/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ca/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ca/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 5920303bbf5b3bc5b501a211254ef85f03f589f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 035/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (German) --- de/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 de/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/de/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/de/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ed2e88f2ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/de/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Diese App benötigt Zugriff auf die Kamera, um Barcodes zu scannen und Produktfotos aufzunehmen"; From 82952234d67d05679ca9425aefde3342a6a0ce89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 036/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Greek) --- el/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/el.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 el/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/el.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/el/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/el.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/el/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/el.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/el/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/el.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 122743899e32bc0afde8ba39dd3850643d46da84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 037/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Japanese) --- ja/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 ja/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/ja/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ja/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f76d1857bab --- /dev/null +++ b/ja/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "このアプリは、バーコードのスキャンと製品の画像を撮るためにカメラへのアクセスが必要です"; From b86d23d6d13a63844908332ccd35ab60b76f9f29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 038/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Dutch) --- nl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 nl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/nl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/nl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3a87f48c7ee --- /dev/null +++ b/nl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Deze app heeft cameratoegang nodig om streepjescodes te scannen en productfoto's te maken"; From 2c3a8e37b4cf9a9fe55ef6235b656619a1e689e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 039/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Polish) --- pl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 pl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/pl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/pl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..98e36ff2f47 --- /dev/null +++ b/pl/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Ta aplikacja potrzebuje dostępu do aparatu, aby skanować kody kreskowe i robić zdjęcia produktów"; From ba2f0419a791a1fdb8dbcd3f36ddd958203923cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 040/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Portuguese) --- pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2ae82cb28cf --- /dev/null +++ b/pt-PT/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Esta aplicação precisa de acesso à câmara para ler códigos de barras e tirar fotografias de produtos"; From 3617bcc4936f6750a2307988c0b824985ac4bb73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 041/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Russian) --- ru/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 ru/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/ru/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ru/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..afa7f00adeb --- /dev/null +++ b/ru/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Этому приложению нужен доступ к камере, чтобы сканировать штрихкоды и фотографировать продукты"; From 28188914b5253984e4201d2accf63cbd1d7d3ba1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 042/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Serbian (Cyrillic)) --- sr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 sr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/sr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/sr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 0c25fe98de01003f1fd291078c2f9c42829eab6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:27:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 043/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Turkish) --- tr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 tr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/tr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/tr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e8962516f5a --- /dev/null +++ b/tr/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Bu uygulama, barkodları taramak ve ürün fotoğrafları çekmek için kamera erişimine ihtiyaç duyar"; From 2e12d94b3844c3ac69a400c2871a16a15295ce5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 044/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Chinese Simplified) --- zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-CN/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From d5da18ae78f645947ce6c9f4768c96b7d1a56121 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 045/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Chinese Traditional) --- zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-TW/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From c2955b4e5bc0ff4dddc7ab6606184bce69c0ce72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 046/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..88a746ef6ae --- /dev/null +++ b/pt-BR/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Este aplicativo precisa de acesso à câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras e tirar fotos de produtos"; From 4d82feeaa1324248611c4dd66e92f747736897e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 047/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Thai) --- th/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/th.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 th/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/th.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/th/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/th.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/th/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/th.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/th/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/th.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From a0a77c2bbced92890772643c0e19560982201b80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 048/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Norwegian Nynorsk) --- nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nn.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nn.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nn.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nn.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nn-NO/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nn.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 8b711dececa984dc0cb17d20fb4cde5b760060a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 049/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Hindi) --- hi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 hi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/hi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/hi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/hi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From c9e9030a20bc3961fb4c5a569add464b9f4e897d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 050/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (English, Australia) --- en-AU/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 en-AU/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/en-AU/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 477b1c17ac2ec5acee4fa5b324a50c7c5c8e7e5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 051/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (English, United Kingdom) --- en-GB/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 en-GB/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/en-GB/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 0f55221c7d21d175e357dc318fdd3bf3a876cdb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 052/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Welsh) --- cy/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/cy.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 cy/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/cy.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/cy/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/cy.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/cy/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/cy.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cy/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/cy.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 6f7dc833bd6b77a19b4858dd95116335e42c905f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 053/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) --- zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/zh-HK/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/zh.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 1f0cf50fcb0a2c45ac5b08d623d3d23520849db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 054/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Odia) --- or/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/or.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 or/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/or.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/or/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/or.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/or/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/or.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/or/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/or.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 67c7d3990c94aee3ca5ebb66100aa404cd8751dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 055/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Norwegian Bokmal) --- nb/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 nb/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/nb/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/nb/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b1f20219279 --- /dev/null +++ b/nb/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Kameratilgang er nødvendig for å skanne strekkoder og ta produktbilder"; From 65d60d0168675c7bc23182b072cf9a2bad3decb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 056/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Serbian (Latin)) --- sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96121c1b1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sr-CS/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/sr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; From 22d694d464770bd0fb142acf1ac3b8379e9e725f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 19:28:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 057/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Dutch, Belgium) --- nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3a87f48c7ee --- /dev/null +++ b/nl-BE/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Deze app heeft cameratoegang nodig om streepjescodes te scannen en productfoto's te maken"; From 45d6e668d77ef8203b8cd4076d3fd10f335c0be4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 20:48:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 058/216] New translations app_en.arb (Vietnamese) --- vi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb diff --git a/vi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb b/vi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6712f49265e --- /dev/null +++ b/vi/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Có", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Thêm vào", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Bạn có chắc rằng bạn muốn xóa tài khoản của bạn?\nNếu có lý do cụ thể hãy chia sẻ bên dưới", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Lý do", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Tạo", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Áp dụng", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Kế tiếp", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Quay trở lại bên trên", + "save": "Lưu", + "save_confirmation": "Bạn chắc chắn muốn lưu?", + "skip": "Bỏ qua", + "cancel": "Huỷ", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Bỏ qua", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Đóng", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Không", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Dừng", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Hoàn thành", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Tính toán", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Đặt lại sở thích ăn uống", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Đã xảy ra lỗi", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Đã xảy ra lỗi", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Chúng tôi vẫn đang xây dựng tính năng này, nhớ theo dõi nhé", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Xem trên web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Tìm hiểu thêm", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Không biết", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Rất phù hợp", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Phù hợp", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Kém phù hợp", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Không phù hợp", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Không phù hợp", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Độ phù hợp không xác định", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Rất phù hợp", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Phù hợp", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Kém phù hợp", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Không phù hợp", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Không phù hợp", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Độ phù hợp không xác định", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Đang tìm", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Chào mừng đến với Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Lựa chọn thực phẩm tốt cho bạn và hành tinh này.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Xem dữ liệu thực phẩm liên quan đến sở thích của bạn.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Chọn thực phẩm tốt cho bạn.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Chọn thực phẩm tốt cho hành tinh này.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Tên đăng nhập hoặc mật khẩu không đúng.", + "login": "Tên người dùng", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Vui lòng nhập tên người dùng hoặc e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu", + "create_account": "Tạo tài khoản", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Đăng nhập", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Để sử dụng tính năng này chúng tôi cần bạn đăng nhập.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Thoát", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Bạn có chắc muốn thoát không?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Mật khẩu", + "forgot_password": "Quên mật khẩu", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Xem hồ sơ", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Đặt lại mật khẩu", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Trong trường hợp quên mật khẩu, vui lòng điền tên đăng nhập hoặc địa chỉ email để nhận hướng dẫn đặt lại mật khẩu. Xin hãy kiểm tra cả hòm thư Spam.", + "username_or_email": "Tên đăng nhập hoặc email", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "Một email chứa liên kết đặt lại mật khẩu đã được gửi tới địa chỉ email liên kết với tài khoản của bạn. Vui lòng kiểm tra đồng thời hòm thư spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Thay đổi mật khẩu", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Vui lòng nhập một vài kí tự", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Đăng ký", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Đăng ký", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Chúc mừng! Tài khoản của bạn vừa được tạo.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Tên", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập tên hiển thị bạn muốn sử dụng", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "Email là bắt buộc", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Email không hợp lệ", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Tên người dùng: Hiển thị công khai", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập tên đăng nhập", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vui lòng nhập tên đăng nhập hợp lệ", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Tên người dùng không được chứa dấu cách, chữ hoa hoặc ký tự đặc biệt.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Tên người dùng không được quá {value} kí tự", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Mật khẩu", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu hợp lệ (ít nhất 6 kí tự)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Xác nhận mật khẩu", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vui lòng xác nhận mật khẩu", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Mật khẩu không khớp", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "điều khoản sử dụng và đóng góp", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Khi tạo tài khoản, việc đồng ý với Điều khoản sử dụng là bắt buộc, tuy nhiên người dùng ẩn danh vẫn có thể đóng áp thông qua ứng dụng", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Tôi là nhà sản xuất thực phẩm", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Nhà sản xuất/thương hiệu", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập tên nhà sản xuất hoặc thương hiệu", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Tên người dùng đã tồn tại, vui lòng chọn tên người dùng khác.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "đã tồn tại, đăng nhập vào tài khoản hoặc thử với một email khác.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Vui lòng cung cấp một địa chỉ email hợp lệ.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Cài đặt", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Giao diện", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Tối", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Sáng", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Mặc định hệ thống", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Người đóng góp", + "support": "Hỗ Trợ", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Yêu cầu hỗ trợ trên kênh Slack của chúng tôi", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Gửi email tới chúng tôi", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Gửi nhật ký ứng dụng?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Bạn có muốn đính kèm nhật ký ứng dụng vào email của mình không?", + "termsOfUse": "Điều khoản sử dụng", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "Thông tin về ứng dụng", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Góp phần", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Phát triển phần mềm", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Chế độ DEV?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Kích hoạt Chế độ DEV", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Các sản phẩm cần được hoàn thành", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Đang cải thiện", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Dịch", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Bắt đầu dịch", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Phiên dịch là một trong những nhiệm vụ trọng tâm của dự án", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Nhấn vào đây để trả lời câu hỏi", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Lưu câu trả lời của bạn", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Giúp cải thiện tính minh bạch của thực phẩm và nhận phần thưởng", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Có", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Không", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Bỏ qua câu hỏi này", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Chạm để chỉnh sửa tìm kiếm", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Tuỳ chọn của tôi", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Tham gia ngay", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Thông tin của bạn", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Cài đặt ứng dụng", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Sở thích ăn uống", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Chọn loại thông tin về thực phẩm quan trọng nhất đối với bạn.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Đặt lại sở thích ăn uống của bạn?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Xếp hạng cá nhân của tôi", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Tất cả", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Phù hợp nhất cho bạn", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Độ phù hợp thấp", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Độ phù hợp không xác định", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Làm mới danh sách với các tùy chọn mới của bạn", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Đã tải lại với các tùy chọn mới", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Hồ sơ", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Quét", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Lịch sử", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Danh sách", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Lọc theo danh mục", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Tất cả", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(tìm kiếm danh mục)", + "filter": "Bộ lọc", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Phiên quét", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Lịch sử quét", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Tìm kiếm", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Sản phẩm", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Thương hiệu không xác định", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Tên sản phẩm không xác định", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Làm mới", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Hình ảnh", + "front_photo": "Ảnh mặt trước", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Thành phần", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Giữ thứ tự ban đầu. Cho biết tỷ lệ phần trăm khi được chỉ định. Phân tách bằng dấu phẩy hoặc dấu gạch ngang, sử dụng dấu ngoặc đơn cho các thành phần của một thành phần và chỉ ra chất gây dị ứng giữa các dấu gạch dưới.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Không thể lưu các thành phần.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Không lấy được hình ảnh nguyên liệu mới.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Chỉnh sửa nguyên liệu", + "ingredients_photo": "Ảnh chụp thành phần", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Liệt kê tất cả các phần đóng gói, phân tách bằng dấu phẩy hoặc gạch chéo, kèm theo số lượng (ví dụ 1 hoặc 6), loại (ví dụ chai, hộp, lon), chất liệu ( ví dụ nhựa, kim loại, nhôm), kích thước nếu có (ví dụ 33cl) và hướng dẫn tái chế.\nVí dụ 1 chai thủy tinh tái chế, 1 nút chai nhựa cần loại bỏ", + "packaging_editing_error": "Lỗi lưu ảnh bao bì.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Không thể lấy ảnh bao bì mới.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Chỉnh sửa bao bì", + "nutrition": "Dinh dưỡng", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Ảnh chụp thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Thông tin bao bì", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Ảnh chụp thông tin bao bì", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Bạn đã tìm thấy một sản phẩm mới!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Đầu tiên xin vui lòng chụp một số hình ảnh. Bạn luôn có thể hoàn thiện thông tin sản phẩm sau đó.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Sản phẩm mới", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Bạn vừa tìm thấy một sản phẩm mới!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Có vẻ như bạn chưa không nhập bất cứ thứ gì. Bạn có thực sự muốn rời khỏi trang này?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Vui lòng chụp ảnh bao bì để thêm sản phẩm này vào cơ sở dữ liệu chung", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Ảnh mặt trước sản phẩm", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Xác nhận tải lên ảnh trước của Sản phẩm", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Xác nhận", + "send_image_button_label": "Gửi ảnh", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Đang lưu ảnh…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Đang cắt hình ảnh…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Đang lưu phiên bản cục bộ…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Chuẩn bị cuộc gọi đến máy chủ…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Ảnh bao bì phía trước", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ảnh thành phần", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Ảnh chụp thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "recycling_photo_title": "Ảnh quy định tái chế", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Hình ảnh thú vị khác", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Đã tải ảnh mặt trước lên", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ảnh chụp thành phần", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Đã tải ảnh thành phần lên", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Không thể tải thông tin dinh dưỡng từ bộ nhớ sản phẩm", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Ảnh chụp thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Thêm vào thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Thông tin dinh dưỡng đã được thêm", + "categories_added": "Đã thêm danh mục", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Tính điểm dinh dưỡng", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Tính điểm bằng cách điền danh mục thực phẩm và các giá trị dinh dưỡng", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Tính điểm sinh thái", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Nhận kết quả bằng cách điền ít nhất một danh mục", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Thực hiện tính toán điểm sinh thái chính xác hơn với nguồn gốc, bao bì, và nhiều hơn nữa", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Mức độ chế biến thực phẩm không xác định", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Hãy chụp một vài bức ảnh!", + "new_product_title_misc": "Và một số dữ liệu cơ bản…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Ảnh thông tin dinh dưỡng đã được tải lên", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Ảnh thông tin tái chế", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Ảnh thông tin tái chế đã được tải lên", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Hình ảnh thú vị khác", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Ảnh hỗn hợp đã được tải lên", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Chụp lại", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Chọn ảnh", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Đang tải ảnh lên hệ thống", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Thêm các thành phần còn thiếu", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Thêm hình ảnh bao bì bị thiếu", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Thêm thông tin dinh dưỡng còn thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Thêm danh mục sản phẩm bị thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Thêm quốc gia sản phẩm bị thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Thêm mã truy xuất nguồn gốc sản phẩm còn thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Thêm nhãn sản phẩm còn thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Thêm nguồn gốc sản phẩm còn thiếu", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Thêm cửa hàng bán sản phẩm còn thiếu", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Cập nhật thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "nutrition_page_title": "Giá trị dinh dưỡng", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Thành phần dinh dưỡng không được chỉ định trên sản phẩm", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "mỗi 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "mỗi khẩu", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Thêm chất dinh dưỡng", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Kích thước phục vụ", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Số không hợp lệ", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Sản phẩm được cập nhật!", + "more_photos": "Nhiều hình ảnh thú vị hơn", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Không tìm thấy sản phẩm", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "không tìm thấy:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Tìm kiếm hoặc quét sản phẩm đầu tiên của bạn", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Làm mới sản phẩm", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Sản phẩm đã được làm mới", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Bạn đang sử dụng phiên bản cũ của ứng dụng này.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Nhấn vào đây", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Tải xuống phiên bản mới nhất", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Không thể làm mới sản phẩm", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Không thể nạp thông tin về sản phẩm này do lỗi kết nối mạng.", + "cached_results_from": "Hiển thị kết quả từ:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Cảm ơn bạn đã thêm sản phẩm này!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "So sánh với Danh mục", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Thêm danh mục để tính Điểm dinh dưỡng.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Thêm thông tin dinh dưỡng để tính Điểm dinh dưỡng.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Thêm thông tin dinh dưỡng và danh mục để tính Điểm dinh dưỡng.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Không thể tính được Nutri-Score cho sản phẩm này, có thể do danh mục không đạt tiêu chuẩn. Nếu đây là lỗi, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Hình ảnh dinh dưỡng đã quá hạn: vui lòng cập nhật.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Điểm số sinh thái tính đến nguồn gốc của các thành phần. Vui lòng chụp ảnh danh sách thành phần và / hoặc bất kỳ yêu cầu địa lý nào hoặc chỉnh sửa sản phẩm, để các thông tin có thể được xem xét.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Vui lòng chọn quốc gia", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Một số đặc điểm môi trường là đặc thù địa lý", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Sản phẩm bị gỡ bỏ khỏi phần so sánh", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Cài đặt ứng dụng gốc", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Sản phẩm bị xóa khỏi lịch sử", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Không thể loại bỏ sản phẩm", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "Không có sản phẩm nào trong danh sách này", + "no_product_in_section": "Không có sản phẩm nào trong phần này", + "recently_seen_products": "Lịch sử", + "clear": "Xóa", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Bạn có thực sự muốn xoá danh sách này?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% phù hợp", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{một ngày trước} other{{count} ngày trước}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{một giờ trước} other{{count} giờ trước}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{gần một phút trước} =1{một phút trước} other{{count} phút trước}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{một tháng trước} other{{count} tháng trước}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{một tuần trước} other{{count} tuần trước}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{So sánh một sản phẩm} other{So sánh {count} sản phẩm}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "So sánh sản phẩm", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "So sánh sản phẩm", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Xin vui lòng chọn ít nhất hai sản phẩm", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Thử lại", + "connect_with_us": "Kết nối với chúng tôi", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Khám phá", + "how_to_contribute": "Làm thế nào để đóng góp", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Bạn có thể nhấn vào bất kì vị trí nào trên thẻ để xem chi tiết hơn về những gì bạn đang xem. Thử ngay!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Gửi phân tích ẩn danh", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Nếu bạn thay đổi ý định, lựa chọn này có thể được bật hoặc tắt bất kì lúc nào trong phần cài đặt.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Truy cập máy ảnh", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Để quét mã vạch với máy ảnh của bạn, vui lòng Cấp quyền truy cập.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Nếu bạn thay đổi ý định, lựa chọn này có thể được bật hoặc tắt bất kì lúc nào trong phần cài đặt.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Phát hành: {release})\nMẫu: {model}\nSản phẩm: {product}\nThiết bị: {device}\nNhãn hiệu:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nMẫu: {model}\nMẫu bản địa hóa: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nPhiên bản ứng dụng:{appVersion}\nBản dựng ứng dụng số:{appBuildNumber}\nTên gói ứng dụng:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Cho phép", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Từ chối", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Để sau", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Bạn chắc chứ?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Nhiều hơn trên {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Chúng tôi đã phát mình\nứng dụng quét cộng tác\nvào năm 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Khi tròn 10 năm,\nchúng tôi đã phát minh lại nó\ntừ đầu!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Đang tải lên sản phẩm mẫu đầu tiên của bạn", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Có vẻ không có sản phẩm mẫu nào bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Xếp hạng của bạn", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Lịch sử không có sẵn", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Bắt đầu quét", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Các sản phẩm bạn quét sẽ xuất hiện ở đây và bạn có thể kiểm tra thông tin chi tiết về chúng", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Làm mới {count,plural, =0{sản phẩm} =1{sản phẩm} other{sản phẩm}} trong lịch sử của bạn", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Sản phẩm} =1{Sản phẩm} other{sản phẩm}} làm mới hoàn thành", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Đang tải xuống dữ liệu", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Không thể tải dữ liệu", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Xoá tài khoản", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Tài khoản", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Xin chào!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Chào mừng {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Xoá tài khoản", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Ứng dụng", + "settings_app_data": "Quyền riêng tư và giám sát", + "settings_app_camera": "Máy ảnh", + "settings_app_products": "Sản phẩm", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Các tùy chọn khác", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Phát âm thanh khi quét", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Có tiếng bíp mỗi lần quét thành công", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Rung & Phản hồi", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Rung sau khi thực hiện một số hành động (giải mã mã vạch, xóa bỏ sản phẩm…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Báo cáo lỗi", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Gửi dữ liệu ẩn danh", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Chỉnh sửa ảnh", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Lỗi", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Cho phép sử dụng máy ảnh để quét mã vạch", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Để có trải nghiệm nâng cao, vui lòng cho phép {appName} truy cập vào máy ảnh của bạn. Bạn sẽ có thể quét trực tiếp mã vạch.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Cho phép", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Quyền truy cập bị từ chối", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Vì trước đây bạn đã từ chối quyền đối với máy ảnh, bạn phải cho phép nó theo cách thủ công từ Cài đặt.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Mở cài đặt", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Huỷ", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Không có quyền truy cập máy ảnh", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Chỉnh sửa sản phẩm", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Mã vạch", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Thông tin cơ bản", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Tên sản phẩm, thương hiệu, số lượng", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Ảnh", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Thêm hoặc làm mới ảnh", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Nhãn & Giấy chứng nhận", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "nhãn hiệu", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "nhãn hiệu", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Cửa hàng", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "cửa hàng", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "cửa hàng", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Nguồn gốc", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Tây Ban Nha", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "nước", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Thêm bất kì dấu hiệu xuất xứ mà bạn tìm thấy trên bao bì. Bạn không cần phải lo lắng về nguồn gốc được ghi trên danh sách thành phần.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Ví dụ: Thịt bò từ Argentina, Đậu nành không đến từ Liên minh Châu Âu", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Quốc gia", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Tây Ban Nha", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "nước", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Các quốc gia nơi sản phẩm được phổ biến rộng rãi (không bao gồm các cửa hàng chuyên kinh doanh sản phẩm nước ngoài).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Mã xác định nguồn gốc", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "mã truy xuất nguồn gốc", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Ở Châu Âu, mã có trong một hình elip với 2 chữ cái đầu của quốc gia, sau đó là một số và kí hiệu CE.\nVí dụ: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Thể loại", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "danh mục", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "danh mục", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Chỉ định chỉ danh mục cụ thể nhất. Các danh mục chính sẽ được thêm tự động.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Ví dụ: Cá mòi ngâm dầu ô liu, Nước cam cô đặc", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Bạn có muốn lưu các thay đổi trước khi rời trang?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Lưu thay đổi", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Hủy bỏ thay đổi", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Thành phần", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Thêm vào", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Vui lòng nhập một văn bản trước", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Gỡ bỏ", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Ảnh hướng dẫn tái chế", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Giá trị dinh dưỡng", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Dinh dưỡng, độ cồn…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Chỉnh sửa", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Hoàn thành thông tin cơ bản", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Chưa thực hiện", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Thể loại", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Trích xuất thành phần", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Làm mới ảnh", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Xuất thông tin từ bao bì", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Làm mới ảnh", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Không thể phát hiện văn bản trong hình ảnh.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Danh sách sản phẩm mới", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Đổi tên danh sách", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Danh sách", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Thêm sản phẩm vào danh sách của bạn", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Tạo danh sách mới", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Thêm vào danh sách", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Đổi tên", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Tên là thông tin bắt buộc", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Tên đã được sử dụng", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "Tên bị trùng", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Thử lại", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Có lỗi xảy ra", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Không tìm thấy danh mục nào cho {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Bật flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Tắt flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Quay lại", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Chế độ DEV", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Bắt đầu lại phần giới thiệu", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Sau đó, bạn phải khởi động lại Ứng dụng để xem lại.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Chuyển đổi giữa (PROD) và test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Các thông số môi trường thử nghiệm", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "URL cơ sở cho thử nghiệm hiện tại env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Máy chủ môi trường thử nghiệm", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Sử dụng ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "sau đó bạn phải khởi động lại ứng dụng này", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Nút bổ sung trên trang sản phẩm", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Chỉnh sửa thành phần thông qua nút bảng điều khiển", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Xuất lịch sử", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "ngoại lệ", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "tìm thấy sản phẩm", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "KHÔNG tìm thấy sản phẩm", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Xuất lịch sử", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Huỷ", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Chuyển dữ liệu từ V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Trạng thái: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "thành công hoặc cài đặt mới", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "thành công", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "lỗi", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "đang xử lý", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "bắt buộc (bấm để bắt đầu)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "không xác định", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Nhập lịch sử", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Sẽ xóa lịch sử và thêm 3 sản phẩm mới vào", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Xong", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Chế độ quét", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Chế độ quét hiện tại là: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Chế độ quét", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Loại trừ Điểm sinh thái", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Chỉ bật camera, không quét", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Tiền xử lý truyền phát Camera và hình ảnh đầy đủ, không quét", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Tiền xử lý truyền phát camera và một nửa hình ảnh, không quét", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Quét toàn bộ ảnh", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Quét một nửa ảnh", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Bạn vừa tải xuống tất cả {totalSize} sản phẩm.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Tải thêm {count} sản phẩm\nĐã tải {downloaded} trên tổng {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Sản phẩm tôi đã thêm", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Sản phẩm tôi đã chỉnh sửa", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Sản phẩm tôi đã chụp", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Các sản phẩm sắp hoàn thiện của tôi", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Tất cả các sản phẩm sắp hoàn thiện", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Chụp lại ảnh", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Chụp ảnh", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Xác nhận", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "điều khoản sử dụng và đóng góp", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Biểu tượng phân tích", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Lỗi nghiêm trọng: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Lỗi nghiêm trọng: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Hoàn thành thông tin cơ bản", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Chỉnh sửa", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Bỏ chọn ảnh", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Chọn một hình ảnh có sẵn", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Các ảnh hiện có", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Không có hình ảnh nào được tải lên trước đây liên quan đến sản phẩm này.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Thể loại", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Thông tin chi tiết cơ bản", + "product_name": "Tên sản phẩm", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Vui lòng nhập tên sản phẩm", + "brand_name": "Tên thương hiệu", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vui lòng nhập tên thương hiệu", + "quantity": "Số lượng và cân nặng", + "barcode": "Mã vạch", + "barcode_barcode": "Mã vạch: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Mã vạch không hợp lệ", + "basic_details_add_success": "Thông tin chi tiết cơ bản đã được thêm thành công", + "basic_details_add_error": "Không thể thêm thông tin chi tiết cơ bản. Vui lòng thử lại lúc khác", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Bạn sắp xóa toàn bộ lịch sử của mình: bạn có chắc muốn tiếp tục?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Bạn sắp xóa danh sách ({name}): bạn có chắc muốn tiếp tục?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} quan trọng: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Danh sách", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Tạo danh sách sản phẩm đầu tiên", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Danh sách trống} =1{Một sản phẩm} other{{count} Sản phẩm}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Thêm danh sách", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Chỉnh sửa tiêu chí thực phẩm của bạn", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Thêm ảnh", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Chụp ảnh thông tin đóng gói/tái chế bất kì", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Chọn nguồn ảnh", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Vui lòng chọn một nguồn ảnh", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Thư viện", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Chia sẻ", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Chụp mới", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Chọn từ thư viện ảnh", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Ảnh sẽ được tải lên trong nền trong thời gian sớm nhất.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Mở rộng bảng thông tin dinh dưỡng", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Giữ bảng thông tin dinh dưỡng mở rộng", + "expand_ingredients": "Mở rộng thành phần", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Giữ bảng thành phần mở rộng", + "no_internet_connection": "Không có kết nối mạng", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Toàn cầu", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Mở rộng tìm kiếm toàn cầu", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Sao chép mã vạch vào khay nhớ tạm", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Mã vạch {barcode} đã được sao chép vào khay nhớ tạm!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Trợ giúp với OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Sản phẩm sẽ được cập nhật trong nền trong thời gian sớm nhất.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Không có ứng dụng email!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Vui lòng gửi email cho chúng tôi tại địa chỉ", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Tất cả Hình ảnh", + "selected_images": "Hình ảnh được chọn", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Gỡ bỏ sản phẩm", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Xóa tất cả sản phẩm khỏi băng chuyền", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Vui lòng quét ít nhất hai sản phẩm để thực hiện so sánh", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Nhấp để so sánh các sản phẩm bạn đã quét", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Tính toán thông tin dĩnh dưỡng cho một khối lượng nhất định", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Thông tin dinh dưỡng cho {grams} g (hoặc ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Dữ liệu ngoại tuyến", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Tải lên một hình ảnh để tự động trích xuất thông tin chứa trong đó.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Tải ảnh lên", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Tải hình ảnh thất bại", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Không thể chỉnh sửa hình ảnh vì URL hình ảnh chưa được đặt.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Nhớ lựa chọn của tôi", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Chọn từng lần", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Tiếp tục", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "{count,plural, =1{câu hỏi} other{{count} câu hỏi}} kế tiếp", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Hiện mật khẩu", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Tuyệt quá! Hãy cho người khác biết bạn nghĩ gì về ứng dụng này nhé!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Để sau", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Bạn có thích ứng dụng này?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Chúng tôi rất tiếc về điều đó! Bạn có thể cho chúng tôi biết những gì đã xảy ra không?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Thành phần bao bì", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Thêm thành phần bao bì", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Bao bì đã hoàn thành", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Thành phần bao bì #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Nhập số lượng đơn vị đóng gói có cùng hình dạng và chất liệu chứa trong sản phẩm.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Hình dạng", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Nhập tên hình dạng được liệt kê trong hướng dẫn tái chế nếu chúng có sẵn, hoặc chọn một hình dạng.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Chai", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Chất liệu", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Nhập vật liệu cụ thể nếu có thể xác định được (mã vật liệu bên trong hình tam giác thường có trên các bộ phận đóng gói) hoặc một loại vật liệu chung (ví dụ: nhựa hoặc kim loại) nếu bạn không chắc chắn.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Thủy tinh", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Hướng dẫn tái chế", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Chỉ nhập hướng dẫn tái chế nếu chúng được liệt kê trên sản phẩm.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Tái chế", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Số lượng tịnh của sản phẩm trên một đơn vị", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Nhập khối lượng tịnh hoặc thể tích tịnh và cho biết đơn vị (ví dụ g hoặc ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Trọng lượng của một đơn vị rỗng (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Loại bỏ bất kỳ thực phẩm thừa sau đó rửa sạch và lau khô bộ phận đóng gói trước khi cân. Nếu có thể, hãy sử dụng cân có độ chính xác đến 0,1g hoặc 0,01g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Đóng góp đang chờ xử lý", + "background_task_subtitle": "Đóng góp của bạn được lưu tự động vào máy chủ của chúng tôi, nhưng không phải lúc nào cũng theo thời gian thực.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Không có tác vụ nền đang chờ xử lý", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Lỗi kết nối Internet. Thử lại sau.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "loại hoạt động không xác định", + "background_task_operation_details": "thay đổi chi tiết", + "background_task_operation_image": "tải ảnh lên", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "làm mới bị trì hoãn sau khi tải ảnh lên", + "background_task_run_started": "đã bắt đầu", + "background_task_run_not_started": "chưa bắt đầu", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "bị xóa", + "background_task_question_stop": "Bạn có muốn dừng nhiệm vụ đó sớm không?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Hoàn tác", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Sao chép email vào khay nhớ tạm", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Vui lòng gửi cho email cho chúng tôi đến địa chỉ", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email được sao chép vào clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Chọn màu chủ đề", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Xanh dương", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Lục lam", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Xanh lá cây", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Mặc định", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Đỏ tươi", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Cam", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Hồng", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Đỏ", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rỉ sắt", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Xanh mòng két", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Tương phản văn bản", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Cao", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Trung bình", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Thấp", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Không tìm thấy sản phẩm!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Sản phẩm có vạch mã sau không tồn tại trong cơ sở dữ liệu của chúng tôi: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Không có kết nối mạng!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Vui lòng kiểm tra kết nối Wifi hoặc di động trên thiết bị di động của bạn", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Không tìm thấy trang!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Trở về trang chủ", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Tải dữ liệu", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Tải xuống 1000 sản phẩm hàng đầu ở quốc gia của bạn để quét ngay lập tức", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Đang tải xuống dữ liệu\nQuá trình này có thể mất một chút thời gian", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "Đã thêm {num} sản phẩm", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Cập nhật dữ liệu sản phẩm ngoại tuyến", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Xóa dữ liệu sản phẩm ngoại tuyến", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Xóa tất cả dữ liệu sản phẩm tại phương khỏi ứng dụng của bạn để giải phóng dung lượng", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "Đã xóa {num} sản phẩm", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading...", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Tìm hiểu thêm", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Nhấp để biết thêm về dữ liệu ngoại tuyến", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Dữ liệu sản phẩm ngoại tuyến", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} sản phẩm có sẵn để quét ngay lập tức", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Xóa", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Tạo", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Tạo danh sách mới", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 8201aabd8473a7d744bafbdf7b60450b182becc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 20:48:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 059/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Vietnamese) --- vi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/vi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 vi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/vi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings diff --git a/vi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/vi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/vi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/vi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..49a9f0915ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vi/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/vi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Ứng dụng này cần quyền truy cập máy ảnh để quét mã vạch và chụp ảnh sản phẩm"; From 0cd390218f57ace7a748e2710598b3f2836b8f55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 23:49:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 060/216] New translations app_en.arb (Czech) --- cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb diff --git a/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb b/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..483ec0da1f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ano", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Přidat", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Opravdu chcete smazat svůj účet?\nPokud existuje konkrétní důvod, podělte se prosím níže", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Důvod", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Potvrdit", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Vytvořit", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Použít", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Další", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Přejít zpět na začátek", + "save": "Uložit", + "save_confirmation": "Opravdu to chcete uložit?", + "skip": "Přeskočit", + "cancel": "Zrušit", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignorovat", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Zavřít", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Ne", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Zastavit", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Dokončit", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Vypočítat", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Obnovit předvolby jídla", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Něco se nepovedlo", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "Vyskytla se chyba", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "Na této funkci stále pracujeme, zůstaňte na příjmu", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "Zobrazit na webu", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Zjistit více", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Neznámo", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Velmi dobrá shoda", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Dobrá shoda", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Špatná shoda", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "Nemusí se shodovat", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Neshoduje se", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Neznámá shoda", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Velmi dobrá shoda", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Dobrá shoda", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Špatná shoda", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "Nemusí se shodovat", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Neshoduje se", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Neznámá shoda", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licence", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Hledáte", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Vítejte v Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globální nezisková organizace tvořená místními komunitami.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Vyberte si jídlo, které je dobré pro vás i planetu.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "Podívejte se na údaje o jídle relevantní pro vaše preference.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Vyberte si potraviny, které jsou pro vás dobré.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Vyberte si potraviny, které jsou dobré pro planetu.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Pro uložení vašich příspěvků se přihlaste ke svému účtu Open Food Facts", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nesprávné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo.", + "login": "Uživatelské jméno", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Zadejte prosím uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Zadejte heslo", + "create_account": "Vytvořit účet", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Přihlásit se", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "Pro tuto funkci potřebujeme, abyste se přihlásili.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Odhlásit", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Heslo", + "forgot_password": "Zapomenuté heslo", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "Zobrazit profil", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Obnovit heslo", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "V případě zapomenutého hesla zadejte své uživatelské jméno nebo e-mailovou adresu, abyste mohli obdržet pokyny pro obnovení hesla. Také nezapomeňte zkontrolovat složku nevyžádané pošty.", + "username_or_email": "Uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "E-mail s odkazem na obnovení hesla byl odeslán na e-mailovou adresu spojenou s vaším účtem. Také zkontrolujte spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Změnit heslo", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Zadejte prosím nějaký text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Vytvořit účet", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Vytvořit účet", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrace…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulujeme! Váš účet byl vytvořen.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Jméno", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Zadejte zobrazované jméno, které chcete používat", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail je povinný", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Neplatný e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Uživatelské jméno: Veřejně viditelné", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Prosím, zadejte své uživatelské jméno", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Zadejte prosím platné uživatelské jméno", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Uživatelské jméno nesmí obsahovat mezery, velká písmena ani speciální znaky.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Uživatelské jméno nesmí přesáhnout {value} znaků", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Heslo", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Zadejte heslo", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Zadejte prosím platné heslo (alespoň 6 znaků)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Potvrzení hesla", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Potvrďte prosím heslo", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Hesla se neshodují", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Souhlasím s Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "podmínky použití a příspěvek", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Při vytváření účtu je souhlas s Podmínkami použití povinný, nicméně prostřednictvím aplikace lze stále přispívat anonymně", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jsem výrobce potravin", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Výrobce/značka", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Zadejte výrobce nebo název značky", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Chci se přihlásit k odběru newsletteru Open Food Facts (můžete se kdykoli odhlásit)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Uživatelské jméno již existuje, zvolte prosím jiné uživatelské jméno.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "již existuje, přihlaste se k účtu nebo zkuste jiný e-mail.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Zadejte platnou e-mailovou adresu.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Nastavení", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Motiv", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Tmavý", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Světlý", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "Výchozí nastavení", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Děkujeme za příspěvek!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Přispěvatelé", + "support": "Podpora", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Požádejte o pomoc na našem kanálu Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Požádejte o pomoc na našem fóru", + "support_via_email": "Pošlete nám e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Odeslat protokoly aplikace?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Přejete si zahrnout protokoly aplikace do přílohy vašeho e-mailu?", + "termsOfUse": "Podmínky použití", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "O této aplikaci", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Přispět", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Vývoj softwaru", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "Kód pro každý produkt Open Food Facts je k dispozici na GitHubu. Můžete znovu použít kód (je to open source) a pomoci nám jej vylepšit, pro každého na celé planetě.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Můžete se připojit k chatovací místnosti Open Food Facts Slack, což je preferovaný způsob, jak klást otázky.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV režim?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktivovat DEV režim", + "contribute_donate_header": "Přispějte na Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Nedokončené", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Zlepšování", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "Databáze je jádrem projektu. Pomoci je snadné a velmi rychlé. Můžete si stáhnout mobilní aplikaci pro svůj telefon a začít přidávat nebo vylepšovat produkty.\n\nNa druhou stranu webová stránka Open Food Facts nabízí mnoho způsobů, jak přispět: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Přeložit", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Zahájit překlad", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts je globální projekt, který obsahuje produkty z více než 160 zemí. Open Food Facts je přeložena do desítek jazyků s neustále se vyvíjejícím obsahem.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Překlady jsou jedním z klíčových úkolů projektu", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Sdílejte Open Food Facts se svými přáteli", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "Chtěl jsem vám dát vědět o aplikaci, kterou používám, Open Food Facts, která vám umožňuje personalizovaným způsobem získat informace o dopadech vašeho jídla na zdraví a životní prostředí. Funguje naskenováním čárových kódů na obalu. Konečně je to zdarma, nevyžaduje registraci a dokonce můžete pomoci zvýšit počet dešifrovaných produktů. Zde je odkaz, jak jej získat pro váš telefon:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Klepnutím sem odpovíte na otázky", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Klepnutím sem odpovězte na otázky týkající se tohoto produktu", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Počkejte prosím, než budou otázky k tomuto produktu načteny", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Ukládání odpovědi", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomozte zlepšit transparentnost potravin a získat odměny", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Přihlaste se ke svému účtu Open Food Facts a získejte kredit za vaše příspěvky", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Odpovězte ano", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Odpovězte ne", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Přeskočit tuto otázku", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Klepnutím upravíte hledání", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "Moje předvolby", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Vytvořte si účet a připojte se ke komunitě Open Food Facts a pomozte tak budovat znalosti o potravinách po celém světě!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Připojte se k nám", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Váš profil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Spravujte svůj účet přispěvatele Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Nastavení aplikace", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tmavý režim, Analytika…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Předvolby jídla", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Vyberte si, které informace o jídle jsou pro vás nejdůležitější.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Obnovit předvolby jídla?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Můj osobní žebříček", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "Vše", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Skvělá shoda pro vás", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Velmi špatná shoda", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Neznámá shoda", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Aktualizujte seznam s novými nastaveními", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Znovu načteno s vašimi novými předvolbami", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profil", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Skenovat", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Historie", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Seznamy", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filtrovat podle kategorie", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "Vše", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(hledání kategorií)", + "filter": "Filtr", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Skenovací párty", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Historie skenování", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Vyhledat", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Klepnutím zobrazíte více informací…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Produkt", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Neznámá značka", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Neznámý název produktu", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Obnovit", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Obrázek", + "front_photo": "Přední fotka", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Složení", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Zachovejte původní řazení. Při specifikaci uveďte procento. Oddělte je čárkou nebo pomlčkou, použijte závorky pro složky přísady a označte alergeny mezi podtržítka.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Ingredience se nepodařilo uložit.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Nepodařilo se získat nový obrázek ingrediencí.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Upravit ingredience", + "ingredients_photo": "Fotografie ingrediencí", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Uveďte všechny části balení oddělené čárkou nebo odřádkováním s uvedením jejich množství (např. 1 nebo 6), typu (např. láhev, krabice, plechovka), materiálu (např. plast, kov, hliník) a pokud je k dispozici jejich velikost (např. 33 cl) a pokyny k recyklaci.\nPříklad: 1 skleněná láhev k recyklaci, 1 plastový korek k vyhození", + "packaging_editing_error": "Balení se nepodařilo uložit.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Nepodařilo se získat nový obrázek obalu.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Upravit obal", + "nutrition": "Nutriční hodnoty", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Fotografie výživových faktů", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Informace o balení", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Informační foto balení", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "Našli jste nový produkt!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Nejprve prosím udělejte nějaké fotky. Produkt můžete vždy dokončit později.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Přidat informace o produktu", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "Nový produkt", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "Právě jste našli nový produkt!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "Zdá se, že jste nic nezadali. Opravdu chcete opustit tuto stránku?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Pořiďte prosím fotografie obalu, abyste přidali tento produkt do naší společné databáze", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Přední fotka produktu", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Potvrdit nahrání přední fotky produktu", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Potvrdit", + "send_image_button_label": "Odeslat obrázek", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Ukládání obrázku…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Oříznutí obrázku…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Ukládání místní verze…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops, něco se stalo s tvojí fotkou!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Před odesláním na náš server nejsme schopni zpracovat obrázek lokálně. Zkuste to znovu později nebo nás kontaktujte, pokud problém přetrvává.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Obrázek je příliš malý!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Minimální velikost v pixelech pro nahrávání obrázků je {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. Aktuální obrázek je {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Příprava volání serveru…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Fotografie předního obalu", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Fotografie ingrediencí", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Fotografie nutričních údajů", + "recycling_photo_title": "Fotografie recyklace", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Další zajímavé fotky", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Přední fotka nahrána", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Fotografie ingrediencí", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Fotografie ingrediencí nahrána", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Nelze načíst živiny z mezipaměti", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Fotografie výživových faktů", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Zadejte fakta o výživě", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Byly přidány údaje o výživě", + "categories_added": "Kategorie přidány", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Vypočítejte Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Získejte jej vyplněním kategorie potravin a výživových hodnot", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Vypočítejte Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Získejte jej vyplněním alespoň kategorie", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Zpřesněte výpočet Eco-Score pomocí původu, balení a dalších údajů", + "new_product_title_nova": "Vypočítejte úroveň zpracování potravin (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Získejte ji vyplněním kategorie potravin a složek", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Neznámá úroveň průmyslového zpracování potraviny", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Pojďme udělat pár fotek!", + "new_product_title_misc": "A pár základních údajů…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Klepnutím odpovězte na 3 otázky HNED k výpočtu Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Fotografie nutričních údajů byla nahrána", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Informační fotografie o recyklaci", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Nahrána fotografie recyklace", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Další zajímavé fotky", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Různé fotografie nahrány", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Pořídit znovu", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Výběr fotografie", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Nahrávání fotografie na server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Přidejte chybějící přísady", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Přidat chybějící obrázek obalu", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Přidejte chybějící výživová fakta", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Přidejte chybějící kategorii produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Přidat chybějící země produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Přidat chybějící kódy sledovatelnosti produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Přidat chybějící štítky produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Přidat chybějící původ produktu", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Přidat chybějící obchody produktů", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Aktualizujte výživová fakta", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutriční hodnoty", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Výživové údaje nejsou u produktu uvedeny", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "na 100 g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "v jedné porci", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Přidejte živinu", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Velikost porce", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Neplatné číslo", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Aktualizace produktu na serveru…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produkt aktualizován!", + "more_photos": "Další zajímavé fotky", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "Nebyl nalezen žádný produkt", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "nenalezeno:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Vyhledejte nebo naskenujte svůj první produkt", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Obnovování produktu", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Produkt obnoven", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "Používáte zastaralou verzi aplikace.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Klikněte zde", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Stáhněte si novou verzi aplikace", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Produkt se nepodařilo obnovit", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Nelze načíst informace o tomto produktu kvůli chybě sítě.", + "cached_results_from": "Zobrazit výsledky z:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Děkujeme za přidání tohoto produktu!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Porovnat s kategorií", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Přidejte kategorii pro výpočet Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Přidejte výživové údaje pro výpočet Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Přidejte výživové údaje a kategorii pro výpočet Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "Nutri-score pro tento produkt nelze vypočítat, což může být způsobeno např. nestandardní kategorií. Pokud je to považováno za chybu, kontaktujte nás.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "Obrázek výživy je zastaralý: obnovte jej.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eko-skóre bere v úvahu původ ingrediencí. Vyfoťte prosím seznam ingrediencí a/nebo jakékoli geografické tvrzení nebo upravte produkt, aby mohly být zohledněny.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Vyberte prosím zemi", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Vaše země", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Některé prvky prostředí jsou specifické pro dané místo", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Produkt byl odstraněn ze srovnání", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Nastavení aplikace", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Produkt byl odstraněn z historie", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Produkt odstraněn ze seznamu", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Produkt se nepodařilo odebrat", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "V tomto seznamu není žádný produkt", + "no_product_in_section": "V této sekci není žádný produkt", + "recently_seen_products": "Historie", + "clear": "Vymazat", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Opravdu chcete tento seznam smazat?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% shoda", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{před {count} dny} other{před {count} dny}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{před {count} hodinami} many{před {count} hodinami} other{před {count} hodinami}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{před méně než minutou} =1{před minutou} many{před {count} minutami} other{před {count} minutami}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{před měsícem} other{před {count} měsíci}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "před {count,plural, =1{týdnem} other{{count} týdny}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Porovnání jednoho produktu} other{Porovnání {count} produktů}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Porovnejte produkty", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Porovnejte produkty", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Vyberte prosím alespoň dva produkty", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Opakovat", + "connect_with_us": "Spojte se s námi", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "Často kladené otázky", + "discover": "Zjistit víc", + "how_to_contribute": "Jak přispět", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Klepnutím na kteroukoli část karty získáte další podrobnosti o tom, co vidíte. Vyzkoušejte to teď!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Odesílejte anonymní analýzy", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "Pokud si to rozmyslíte, můžete tuto možnost kdykoli povolit nebo zakázat v nastavení.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Přístup k fotoaparátu", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "Chcete-li skenovat čárové kódy fotoaparátem telefonu, autorizujte přístup.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "Pokud si to rozmyslíte, můžete tuto možnost kdykoli povolit nebo zakázat v nastavení.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProdukt: {product}\nZařízení: {device}\nZnačka:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLokalizovaný model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVerze aplikace:{appVersion}\nČíslo sestavení aplikace:{appBuildNumber}\nNázev balíčku aplikace:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Autorizovat", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Odmítnout", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Později", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Jste si jisti?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Přejít dále na {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "V roce 2012 jsme vynalezli\nkooperativní\naplikaci pro skenování", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Jelikož je nám 10 let, vymýšlíme ji od základu znovu!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Načítám váš první příklad produktu", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Zdá se, že ve vašem jazyce neexistuje žádný příklad produktu", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Vaše hodnocení", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "Historie není k dispozici", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Začít skenovat", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Zde se zobrazí naskenované produkty a můžete si o nich zkontrolovat podrobné informace", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Obnovuji {count,plural, few {produkty} many {produktů} =0{produkt} =1{produkt} other{produkty}} v historii", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Aktualizace {count,plural, few {produktů} many {produktů}=0{produktů} =1{produktu} other{Products}} dokončena", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Stahování dat", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Nelze stáhnout data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Smazat účet", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Odstranit můj účet", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Účet", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Vítejte!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts přihlášení: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Vítejte {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Smazat účet", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Aplikace", + "settings_app_data": "Soukromí a monitorování", + "settings_app_camera": "Fotoaparát", + "settings_app_products": "Produkty", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Ostatní", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Přehrát zvuk při skenování", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Při každém úspěšném skenování pípne", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibrace a haptika", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrace po provedení některých akcí (čárový kód dekódován, produkt odstraněn…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Hlášení o pádu", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Odeslat anonymní data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Upravit obrázek", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Chyba", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Povolit použití fotoaparátu ke skenování čárových kódů", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Pro lepší zážitek povolte {appName} přístup ke kameře. Budete moci přímo skenovat čárové kódy.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Povolit", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Přístup odepřen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Protože jste dříve odepřeli povolení fotoaparátu, musíte jej povolit ručně v Nastavení.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Otevřít nastavení", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Zrušit", + "permission_photo_none_found": "Nenalezen žádný fotoaparát", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "Není povolen přístup ke kameře", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Upravit produkt", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Přidat nový {itemType}", + "description": "Popisek, který se zobrazí, když uživatel dlouze stiskne tlačítko (+)", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Čárový kód", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Základní detaily", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Název produktu, značka, množství", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Další detaily", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Webová stránka…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotky", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Přidat nebo obnovit fotky", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Štítky a certifikace", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmentální, kvalitativní štítky…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "štítek", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "štítek", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Prodejny", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "prodejna", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "prodejna", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Původ", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Španělsko", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "země", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Přidejte jakékoli označení původu, které najdete na obalu. Nemusíte se starat o původ uvedený přímo v seznamu přísad.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Příklady: Hovězí maso z Argentiny, Sója nepochází z Evropské unie", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Země", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Španělsko", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "země", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Země, kde je produkt široce dostupný (nezahrnuje obchody specializované na zahraniční produkty).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Kód EMB", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62,448,034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "kód EMB", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "V Evropě je kód v elipse s dvěna iniciálami země následovanými číslem a CE.\nPříklady: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategorie", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Uveďte pouze nejkonkrétnější kategorii. Nadřazené kategorie budou přidány automaticky.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Příklady: sardinky v olivovém oleji, pomerančová šťáva z koncentrátu", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Chcete uložit změny před opuštěním této stránky?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Uložit změny", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Zrušit změny", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Složení", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Přidat", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Nejprve prosím zadejte text", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Odstranit", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Fotografie pokynů pro recyklaci", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutriční hodnoty", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Výživa, obsah alkoholu…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Upravit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Webová stránka", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Vyplňte základní údaje", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Zatím neimplementováno", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Kategorie", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Aut. rozpoznat složení", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Obnovit fotku", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extrakt balení", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Obnovit fotku", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Nepodařilo se rozpoznat text v obrázku.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nový seznam produktů", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Přejmenovat seznam", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Seznamy", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Přidejte produkt do svých seznamů", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Vytvořit nový seznam", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "Zatím není k dispozici žádný seznam, začněte jeho vytvořením", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Přidat na seznam", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Přidáno do seznamu", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Vymažte historii", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Přejmenovat", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "Můj seznam", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Název je povinný", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "Tento název se již používá", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "To je stejné jméno", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Zkuste to znovu", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "Došlo k chybě", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "Pro {items} nebyla nalezena žádná kategorie", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Přepínání mezi zadní a přední kamerou", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Zapnout nebo vypnout blesk kamery", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Povolit blesk", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Zakázat blesk", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "Vyskytla se chyba!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Při změně stavu blesku došlo k chybě. Ujistěte se, že váš smartphone již nemá zapnutou svítilnu.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Zpět", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV režim", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restartovat zapojení", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "Potom musíte aplikaci restartovat, abyste ji mohli znovu vidět.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Přepínání mezi (PROD) a testovacím prostředím", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Parametry testovacího prostředí", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Základní URL pro aktuální testovací prostředí: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Hostitel testovacího prostředí", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Použít ML kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "pak musíte tuto aplikaci restartovat", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Další tlačítko na stránce produktu", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Upravte přísady pomocí tlačítka na panelu znalostí", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Historie exportu", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "výjimka", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "produkt nalezen", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "produkt nenalezen", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Historie exportu", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Zrušit", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migrace dat z V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Stav: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "úspěšná nebo čerstvá instalace", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "úspěch", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "chyba", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "probíhá", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "vyžadováno (kliknutím spustíte)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "neznámý", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Historie importu", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Vymaže historii a vloží tam 3 produkty", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Hotovo", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Režim skenování", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Aktuální režim skenování je: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Režim skenování", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Vyloučit Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Pouze přenos kamery, žádné skenování", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Přenos z kamery a předzpracování celého obrazu, žádné skenování", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Přenos z kamery a předzpracování celého obrazu, žádné skenování", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Skenování celého obrázku", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Skenování poloviny obrazu", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Znovu použijte a upravte toto vyhledávání", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "Stáhli jste všech {totalSize} produktů.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Stáhnout {count} dalších produktů\nJiž staženo {downloaded} ze {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Produkty, které jsem přidal", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Produkty, které jsem upravoval", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Produkty, které jsem nafotil", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "Moje produkty k dokončení", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "Všechny produkty k dokončení", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Znovu pořídit fotografii", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Vyfotit", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Potvrdit", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "podmínky použití a příspěvek", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Ikona analytiky", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Závažná chyba: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Závažná chyba: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Vyplňte základní údaje", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Upravit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Zrušit výběr fotky", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Vyberte existující obrázek", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existující obrázky", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Načítání existujících obrázků…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Neexistují žádné dříve nahrané obrázky související s tímto produktem.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "V tomto jazyce zatím není žádný obrázek", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "Zatím žádný obrázek", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Kategorie", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Základní detaily", + "product_name": "Název produktu", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Zadejte název produktu", + "brand_name": "Název značky", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Zadejte název značky", + "quantity": "Množství a hmotnost", + "barcode": "Čárový kód", + "barcode_barcode": "Čárový kód: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Neplatný čárový kód", + "basic_details_add_success": "Základní údaje byly úspěšně přidány", + "basic_details_add_error": "Nelze přidat základní podrobnosti. Zkuste to znovu po nějaké době", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Vymažte vyhledávání", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "Chystáte se vymazat celou historii: opravdu chcete pokračovat?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Chystáte se vymazat vybrané položky ve své historii", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Opravdu si přejete pokračovat?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Vyberte jednu nebo více položek, které chcete vymazat", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Chystáte se vymazat tento seznam ({name}): opravdu chcete pokračovat?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Smazat seznam?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Chystáte se smazat seznam \"{name}\".\nOpravdu chcete pokračovat?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Ano, potvrzuji", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} důležitosti: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Seznamy", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Vytvořte svůj první seznam", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Vyberte seznam", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Prázdný seznam} =1{1 produkt} other{{count} produktů}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Přidat seznam", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Upravte své preference ohledně jídla", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Přidat fotografii", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Vyfoťte veškeré informace o balení/recyklaci", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Vyberte zdroj obrázku", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Vyberte prosím zdroj obrázku", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Galerie", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Sdílet", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Zachytit nový", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Vybrat z galerie", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "Obrázek bude nahrán na pozadí co nejdříve.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Spouštění aktualizace všech lokálně uložených produktů", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Zahájení stahování nejoblíbenějších produktů", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Rozbalit tabulku nutričních údajů", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Nechte tabulku nutričních údajů rozšířenou", + "expand_ingredients": "Rozbalit přísady", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Nechte panel ingrediencí rozbalený", + "no_internet_connection": "Žádné připojení k Internetu", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Celý svět", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Rozšířit hledání na celý svět", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Kopírovat", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopírovat čárový kód do schránky", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Čárový kód {barcode} zkopírován do schránky!", + "language_picker_label": "Váš jazyk", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Pomoc s OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "Produkt bude aktualizován na pozadí co nejdříve.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Žádné e-mailové aplikace!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Pošlete nám prosím ručně e-mail na adresu", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "Všechny obrázky", + "selected_images": "Vybrané obrázky", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Odstranit produkt", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Nový naskenovaný čárový kód: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Odstranit všechny produkty z karuselu", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Naskenujte prosím alespoň dva produkty a porovnejte je", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Kliknutím porovnáte produkty, které jste naskenovali", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "Naskenovali jste\nčárový kód:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Hledáme tento produkt!\nPočkejte prosím několik sekund…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Tento produkt stále hledáme!\nZdá se vám, že načítání trvá dlouho? Tak my…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Stále hledáme tento produkt.\nChcete restartovat vyhledávání?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restartovat hledání", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Vypočítejte nutriční údaje pro konkrétní množství", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Množství v", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Zadejte množství pro výpočet nutričních údajů", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Zadejte množství mezi {min} a {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Výživové údaje na {grams} g (nebo ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Nahrajte obrázek, abyste automaticky extrahovali informace, které obsahuje.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Nahrát fotku", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Nepodařilo se stáhnout obrázek", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Úprava obrázku se nezdařila, protože nebyla nastavena URL obrázku.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Zapamatovat si moji volbu", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Vybrat pokaždé znovu", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Pokračovat", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Další {count,plural, =1{otázka} other{{count} otázek}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Zobrazit heslo", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Ohodnoťte aplikaci", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Skvěle! Dejte ostatním vědět, co si o aplikaci myslíte!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Ohodnoťte aplikaci", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Později", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Líbí se vám tato aplikace?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Jasně!", + "not_really": "Ani ne", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "To nás moc mrzí! Můžete nám dát vědět, co se stalo?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Součásti obalu", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Přidejte součást obalu", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "Balení je kompletní", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Složka balení #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Počet jednotek", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Zadejte počet obalových jednotek stejného tvaru a materiálu obsažených v produktu.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Tvar", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Zadejte název tvaru uvedený v pokynech k recyklaci, pokud jsou k dispozici, nebo vyberte tvar.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Láhev", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Materiál", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Zadejte konkrétní materiál, pokud jej lze určit (kód materiálu uvnitř trojúhelníku lze často nalézt na částech balení), nebo obecný materiál (například plast nebo kov), pokud si nejste jisti.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Sklo", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Pokyny k recyklaci", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Pokyny k recyklaci zadávejte pouze v případě, že jsou uvedeny na produktu.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recyklace", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Čisté množství produktu na jednotku", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Zadejte čistou hmotnost nebo čistý objem a uveďte jednotku (například g nebo ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Hmotnost jedné prázdné jednotky (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Před vážením odstraňte veškeré zbývající potraviny a omyjte a osušte část obalu. Pokud je to možné, použijte váhu s přesností 0,1 g nebo 0,01 g.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Nevyřízené příspěvky", + "background_task_subtitle": "Vaše příspěvky jsou automaticky uloženy na náš server, ale ne vždy v reálném čase.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Žádné nevyřízené úkoly na pozadí", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Časový limit serveru", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Chyba připojení k internetu. Zkuste to později.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "neznámý typ operace", + "background_task_operation_details": "podrobné změny", + "background_task_operation_image": "nahrání fotografie", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "aktualizace zpožděna po nahrání fotografie", + "background_task_run_started": "začalo", + "background_task_run_not_started": "zatím nezačalo", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "k vymazání", + "background_task_question_stop": "Chcete tento úkol co nejdříve zastavit?", + "feed_back": "Zpětná vazba", + "undo": "Zpět", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Kopírovat e-mail do schránky", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Pošlete nám prosím ručně e-mail na", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail zkopírován do schránky!", + "select_accent_color": "Vyberte barvu zvýraznění", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Modrá", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Azurová", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Zelená", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Výchozí", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Purpurová", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Oranžová", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Růžová", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Červená", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rezavá", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Tmavě modrozelená", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Kontrast textu", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "Vysoký", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Střední", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Nízký", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Produkt nenalezen!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Produkt s následujícím čárovým kódem v naší databázi neexistuje: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Žádné připojení k Internetu!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Zkontrolujte, zda je váš smartphone připojen k síti WiFi nebo má povolená mobilní data", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Stránka nenalezena!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Vraťte se na domovskou stránku", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Stáhnout data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Stáhněte si 1000 nejlepších produktů ve vaší zemi pro okamžité skenování", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Stáhnout {count,plural, one {nejlepší {count} produkt} few {nejlepší {count} produkty} many {nejlepších {count} produktů}other{nejlepších {count} produktů}} ve tvé zemi pro okamžité skenování", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Stahování dat\nMůže to chvíli trvat", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} produktů přidáno", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Aktualizovat offline data produktů", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Vymažte offline produktová data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Vymazat všechna data lokálních produktů z aplikace a uvolnit tak místo", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} produktů smazáno", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Načítá se…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Zjistit více", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Klikněte pro více informací o offline datech", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline produktová data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} produktů dostupných k okamžitému skenování", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Vyberte svou zemi:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Vyberte svůj jazyk:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Odstranit", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Změnit aktuální seznam", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Vytvořit", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Vytvořit nový seznam", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Neznámé Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score nelze použít", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Neznámé Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score nelze použít", + "nova_group_1": "Skupina NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "Skupina NOVA 2", + "nova_group_3": "Skupina NOVA 3", + "nova_group_4": "Skupina NOVA 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Neznámá skupina NOVA" +} \ No newline at end of file From 5c241104e4b757302e7e1ae8479da9881ca3e530 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 00:51:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 061/216] New translations app_en.arb (Czech) --- cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb b/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb index 483ec0da1f4..a9bc1700e98 100644 --- a/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb +++ b/cs/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tmavý režim, Analytika…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Předvolby jídla", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Vyberte si, které informace o jídle jsou pro vás nejdůležitější.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Vyberte si, na kterých informacích o potravinách vám nejvíce záleží, abyste mohli seřadit potraviny podle svých preferencí, prohlédněte si informace, které vás zajímají, jako první a získejte přehled kompatibility. Tyto preference jídla zůstanou ve vašem zařízení a nejsou spojeny s vaším účtem přispěvatele Open Food Facts, pokud jej máte.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Obnovit předvolby jídla?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" From 5357a69cf75778cd5fb53baa5808d26f4d149fa8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 062/216] New translations app_en.arb (Romanian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb | 60 +++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb index a84d5e69ca7..d889aab3999 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts este o organizație non-profit globală susținută de comunitățile locale.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Alege alimente care sunt bune pentru tine și planetă.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Vedeți datele despre alimente relevante pentru preferințele dvs.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Parolele nu se potrivesc", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Sunt de acord cu Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termeni de utilizare și contribuție", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sunt un producător de alimente", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producător/marcă", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Vă rugăm să introduceţi un producător sau un nume de marcă", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Aș dori să mă abonez la buletinul informativ Open Food Facts (vă puteți dezabona de la acesta în orice moment)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Aș dori să mă abonez la buletinul informativ Open Food Facts (vă puteți dezabona de la acesta oricând)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Numele de utilizator există deja, vă rugăm să alegeți un alt nume de utilizator.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "există deja, conectați-vă la cont sau încercați cu un alt e-mail.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Vă rugăm să furnizați o adresă de e-mail validă.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Mulțumim pentru contribuție", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Mulțumesc pentru contribuție!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Codul pentru fiecare produs Open Food Facts este disponibil pe GitHub. Sunteți bineveniți să reutilizați codul (este în acces liber) și să ne ajutați să îl îmbunătățim pentru toată lumea.", + "contribute_develop_text": "Codul pentru fiecare produs Open Food Facts este disponibil pe GitHub. Sunteți binevenit să-l reutilizați (este open source) și să ne ajutați să-l îmbunătățim, pentru toată lumea, pe toată planeta.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Puteți să vă alăturați sălilor de discuții Open Food Facts Slack care este modul preferat de a pune întrebări.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Vă puteți înscrie în sala de chat Open Food Facts Slack, care este modalitatea preferată de a pune întrebări.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modul DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activați modul DEV", @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Baza de date reprezinta nucleul proiectului. Puteți ajuta ușor si foarte rapid. Puteți descărca aplicația pentru mobilul dvs. și să incepeți sa adaugați sau sa ameliorați produsele: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "Baza de date este nucleul proiectului. Este ușor și foarte rapid să ajutați. Puteți descărca aplicația mobilă pentru telefon și puteți începe să adăugați sau să îmbunătățiți produse.\n\nPe de altă parte, site-ul Open Food Facts oferă multe modalități de a contribui: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Tradu", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ }, "tap_to_answer": "Atingeți aici pentru a răspunde la întrebări", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Atingeți aici pentru a răspunde la întrebări despre acest produs", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajută la îmbunătățirea transparenței produselor și primește recompense", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Conectați-vă la contul dvs. Open Food Facts pentru a obține credit pentru contribuțiile dvs", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Raspunde cu da", @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profilul tău", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gestionați-vă contul de colaborator Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gestionați contul dvs. de colaborator Open Food Facts.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Setările aplicației", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Mod întunecat, Analiză…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferințe alimentare", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Alegeți ce informații despre alimente contează cel mai mult pentru dvs.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Alegeți ce informații despre alimente contează cel mai mult pentru dvs., pentru a clasifica alimentele în funcție de preferințele dvs., vedeți mai întâi informațiile care vă interesează și obțineți un rezumat de compatibilitate. Aceste preferințe alimentare rămân pe dispozitivul dvs. și nu sunt asociate cu contul dvs. de colaborator Open Food Facts, dacă aveți unul.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Alegeți ce informații despre alimente contează cel mai mult pentru dvs., pentru a clasifica alimentele în funcție de preferințele dvs., pentru a vedea mai întâi informațiile care vă interesează și pentru a obține un rezumat de compatibilitate. Aceste preferințe alimentare rămân pe dispozitivul dvs. și nu sunt asociate cu contul dvs. de colaborator Open Food Facts, dacă aveți unul.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Resetați preferințele alimentare?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Ai gasit un produs nou!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Faceți fotografii ale ambalajului pentru a adăuga acest produs în Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Faceți fotografii ale ambalajului pentru a adăuga acest produs la Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Vă rugăm să faceți mai întâi câteva fotografii. Puteți completa întotdeauna produsul mai târziu.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Se încarcă imaginea nutrițională în Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Se încarcă imaginea informațiilor nutriționale în Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Bună ziua, vă rog să ștergeți contul meu Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Bună ziua, vă rugăm să ștergeți contul meu Open Food Facts: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Evaluează aplicația", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Grozav! Împărtășeste cu ceilalți ce crezi despre această aplicație!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Evaluează aplicația", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Mai târziu", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Implicit", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Selectați limba dvs.:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Ştergeţi", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Creați o listă nouă", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Scor nutrițional A", + "nutriscore_b": "Scor nutrițional B", + "nutriscore_c": "Scor nutrițional C", + "nutriscore_d": "Scor nutrițional D", + "nutriscore_e": "Scor nutrițional E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Scor nutrițional necunoscut", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Scorul nutrițional nu se aplică", + "ecoscore_a": "Scor Ecologic A", + "ecoscore_b": "Scor Ecologic B", + "ecoscore_c": "Scor Ecologic C", + "ecoscore_d": "Scor Ecologic D", + "ecoscore_e": "Scor Ecologic E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Scor ecologic necunoscut", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Scorul Ecologic nu se aplică", + "nova_group_1": "Grupa 1 NOVA", + "nova_group_2": "Grupa 2 NOVA", + "nova_group_3": "Grupa 3 NOVA", + "nova_group_4": "Grupa 4 NOVA", + "nova_group_unknown": "Grupul NOVA necunoscut" } \ No newline at end of file From 1a82cca2c9ed539551666a3e1baf0245bf66993e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 063/216] New translations app_en.arb (French) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb | 86 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb index 4f2800604bd..4169b9e9548 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts est une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif alimentée par les communautés locales.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choisissez des aliments bons pour vous et pour la planète.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Consultez les données alimentaires selon vos préférences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Connectez-vous à votre compte Open Food Facts pour enregistrer vos contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect.", - "login": "Nom d'utilisateur", + "login": "Connexion", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Je suis d'accord avec les", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "conditions d'utilisation et de contribution d'Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Merci pour votre contribution", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Merci pour votre contribution !", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Mode de développement ? ", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activer le mode de développement", - "contribute_donate_header": "Faire un don à l'association Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donner à Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produits à compléter", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, "contribute_share_header": "Partagez Open Food Facts avec vos amis", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Je voulais te signaler l'app que j'utilise, Open Food Facts, qui te permet de voir l'impact de ton alimentation sur la santé et l'environnement, de manière personnalisée. Elle fonctionne en scannant les codes barres des emballages. Et en plus c'est gratuit, sans inscription obligatoire, et tu peux même aider à augmenter le nombre de produits décryptés. Voilà le lien pour la télécharger:", + "contribute_share_content": "Je voudrais te faire découvrir l'app que j'utilise, Open Food Facts, qui te permet de voir l'impact de ton alimentation sur la santé et l'environnement, de manière personnalisée. Elle fonctionne en scannant les codes barres des emballages. Et en plus c'est gratuit, sans inscription obligatoire, et tu peux même aider à augmenter le nombre de produits décryptés. Voilà le lien pour la télécharger:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Appuyez ici pour répondre aux questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Appuyez ici pour répondre aux questions sur ce produit", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Aidez la transparence alimentaire et obtenez des badges", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Connectez-vous à votre compte Open Food Facts pour être crédité de vos contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Répondre par oui", @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, - "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Votre pays", "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Ouvrir les paramètres systèmes pour Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, - "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Réutiliser et modifier cette recherche", "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Je suis d'accord avec les", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Je suis d'accord avec les ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, - "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "clear_search": "Effacer votre recherche", "@confirm_clearclear_search": { "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" }, @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Supprimer la liste ?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la liste \"{name}\". \nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Oui, je confirme", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ } }, "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Le code-barres {barcode} a été copié dans le presse-papiers !", - "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "language_picker_label": "Votre langue", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" }, @@ -1967,23 +1967,23 @@ "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" }, - "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "scan_product_loading": "Vous avez scanné\nle code-barres :", "@scan_product_loading": { "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Nous recherchons ce produit !\nVeuillez patienter quelques secondes…", "@scan_product_loading_initial": { "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Nous recherchons toujours ce produit !\nTrouvez-vous le temps de chargement trop long ? Nous, oui…", "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Nous recherchons toujours ce produit.\nSouhaitez-vous relancer la recherche ?", "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Relancer la recherche", "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { "description": "Button to force restart a product search" }, @@ -1991,15 +1991,15 @@ "@portion_calculator_description": { "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." }, - "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantité dans", "@portion_calculator_hint": { "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." }, - "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Saisissez une quantité pour calculer la valeur nutritive", "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." }, - "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "portion_calculator_error": "Merci de renseigner une quantité entre {min} et {max} g", "@portion_calculator_error": { "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Noter l'application", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Super ! Faites savoir aux autres ce que vous pensez de cette application !", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Noter l'application", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Plus tard", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Par défaut", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2349,15 +2350,19 @@ } } }, - "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "country_selector_title": "Sélectionnez votre pays :", "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Sélectionnez votre langue :", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Supprimer", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "Changer la liste actuelle", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Créer une nouvelle liste", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score inconnu", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score non applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Éco-score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Éco-score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Éco-score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Éco-score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Éco-score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Éco-score inconnu", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Éco-Score non applicable", + "nova_group_1": "Groupe NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "Groupe NOVA 2", + "nova_group_3": "Groupe NOVA 3", + "nova_group_4": "Groupe NOVA 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Groupe NOVA inconnu" } \ No newline at end of file From eb1e9709fdd173fbce3d95dc876afb9c488a03e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 064/216] New translations app_en.arb (Spanish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb index 9a38ed2374d..9a5a879efd2 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_es.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bienvenido a Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts es una organización global sin ánimo de lucro impulsada por comunidades locales.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Elige alimentos que sean buenos para ti y para el planeta.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Consulta los datos de los alimentos relacionados con tus preferencias.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Open Food Facts para guardar tus contribuciones", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrecto.", "login": "Usuario", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmar contraseña", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirma la contraseña", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Estoy de acuerdo con", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "los términos de uso y contribución de Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Soy productor de alimentos", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Productor/marca", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, introduce un productor o una marca", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Me gustaría suscribirme al boletín de Open Food Facts (puedes darte de baja en cualquier momento)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Este nombre de usuario ya existe, por favor, elige uno nuevo.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "ya existe, inicia sesión en la cuenta o intenta con otro correo electrónico.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico válida.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Gracias por tu contribución", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "El código de los productos de Open Food Facts está disponible en GitHub. Puedes reutilizarlo (es código abierto) y ayudarnos a mejorarlo, para todos, en todo el planeta.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Puedes unirte a la sala de Slack Open Food Facts, el lugar preferido para hacer preguntas.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "¿Modo DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activa el modo DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donar a Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Productos por completar", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "La base de datos es el núcleo del proyecto. Puedes ayudar de manera fácil y muy rápido. Descarga la aplicación en tu teléfono móvil y empieza a añadir productos o a mejorar los ya existentes.\n\nPor otro lado, el sitio web de Open Food Facts ofrece muchas maneras de contribuir: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Traducir", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts es un proyecto global que contiene productos de más de 160 países. Open Food Facts está traducido a docenas de idiomas, con contenido en constante evolución.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "La traducción es una de las tareas clave del proyecto.", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Comparte Open Food Facts con tus amigos", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Quería informarles sobre la aplicación que he estado usando, Open Food Facts, la cual permite conocer el impacto sobre la salud y el medio ambiente de su comida, de una manera personalizada. Funciona escaneado los códigos de barra del envase. Por último es gratis, no requiere registro, y le permite incrementar el número de productos de la base de datos. Aquí les dejo el vínculo para descargarla en su teléfono:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Toca aquí para responder a las preguntas", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ayuda a mejorar la transparencia alimentaria y obtén recompensas", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Open Food Facts para obtener crédito por tus contribuciones", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Tu perfil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Administre su cuenta de colaborador de Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ajustes de la aplicación", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo oscuro, analíticas,…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferencias alimentarias", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Elige qué tipo de información alimentaria es más importante para ti.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Elige qué propiedades alimentarias de verdad te importan y así clasificar los alimentos, ordenándolos de acuerdo a tus necesidades. Las propiedades destacadas aparecerán primero y obtendrás un resumen de compatibilidad. Tus preferencias alimentarias permanecen en tu dispositivo y no están asociadas a tu cuenta de colaborador de Open Food Facts, si es que la tienes.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "¿Quieres restablecer tus preferencias alimentarias?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "¡Has encontrado un nuevo producto!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Haz fotos del envase para añadir el producto a Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Por favor, tome algunas fotos primero. Siempre puede completar el producto en un momento posterior.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Subiendo imagen frontal a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Subiendo la imagen de ingredientes a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Subiendo imagen de nutrición a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Subir la imagen del empaque a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Subir otra imagen a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Subiendo imagen a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Ayuda a los voluntarios de Open Food Facts a mejorar la aplicación. Elige si quieres enviar análisis anónimos.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Inicie sesión o regístrese para unirse a la comunidad Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Inicio de sesión de Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hola. Por favor, quiero eliminar mi cuenta de Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Al activarlo, los informes de errores se envían automáticamente al sistema de seguimiento de Open Food Facts para que podamos corregirlos y mejorar la aplicación.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Cuando lo desees, puedes contarnos tu experiencia como usuario de la aplicación, dicha información será enviada de forma completamente anónima a los servidores de Open Food Facts, para que podamos entender cómo y cuántas funciones se utilizan para mejorarlas.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "En caso de que una categoría no esté disponible en el autocompletado, no dude en añadirla de todos modos, que nos ayudarán a mejorar Open Food Facts en tu país.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Estoy de acuerdo con Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Echa un vistazo a este producto en Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Consulta mi lista de productos en Open Food Facts", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Calificar la aplicación", "app_rating_dialog_title": "¡Genial! ¡Hazle saber a los demás lo que piensas de esta aplicación!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Calificar la aplicación", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Después", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Predeterminado", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Crear una nueva lista", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From db6dabc73976624317336d5a142b741162d3ac50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 065/216] New translations app_en.arb (Afrikaans) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_af.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_af.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_af.arb index 855b06a7db1..ae0f13b096c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_af.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_af.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 890ce75c5de4f8b290db4fb6fb2d0b796d4cc848 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 066/216] New translations app_en.arb (Arabic) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb index 660908bcb99..f2e64f2c4ee 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ar.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "مرحبًا بكم في موقع Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts هي منظمة عالمية غير ربحية تدعمها المجتمعات المحلية.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "اطلع على بيانات الطعام ذات الصلة بتفضيلاتك.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "ادخل حسابك على Open Food Facts لحفظ مساهماتك.", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة.", "login": "اسم المستخدم", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "تأكيد كلمة المرور", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "برجاء تأكيد كلمة المرور", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "كلمة السر غير مطابقة", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "\n", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "أنا منتج للغذاء", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "المنتِج / العلامة التجارية", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "برجاء إدخال اسم منتِج أو اسم علامة تجارية", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "أرغب في الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لـ Open Food Facts (يمكنك إلغاء الاشتراك بها في أي وقت)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "شكراً على المساهمة", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "رمز كل منتج في Open Food Facts موجود على GitHub. نرحب بإعادة استخدام الكود (وهو مفتوح المصدر) ومساعدتنا على تعزيزه للجميع ، في جميع أنحاء الكوكب.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "يمكنك الانضمام إلى غرفة الدردشة Open Food Facts Slack وهي الطريقة المفضلة لطرح الأسئلة.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "تبرع ل Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "مُنتجات مراد إكمالها", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "قاعدة البيانات هي جوهر المشروع. إنها مساعدة سهلة وسريعة جدًا. يمكنك تنزيل تطبيق الهاتف المحمول لهاتفك والبدء في إضافة أو تحسين المنتجات.\n\nمن ناحية أخرى ، يقدم موقع Open Food Facts العديد من الطرق للمساهمة: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "ترجم", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts مشروع عالمي يحتوي على منتجات من أكثر من 160 دولة.\nتُترجم Open Food Facts إلى عشرات اللغات ، مع محتويات متطورة باستمرار.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "الترجمات هي إحدى المهام الرئيسية للمشروع", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "اضغط هنا للإجابة على الأسئلة", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "ساعد في تحسين شفافية الطعام واحصل على مكافآت", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "صفحتك الشخصية", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "إعدادات التطبيق", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "أضف تفضيلات غذائية", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "اختر المعلومات التي تهمك أكثر عن الطعام.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "إعادة تعيين تفضيلات التطبيق؟", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "لقد وجدت منتجا جديدا!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "التقاط صور من التغليف لإضافة هذا المنتج إلى Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "تحميل الصورة الأمامية إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "تحميل صورة المكونات إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "تحميل صورة المكونات الغذائية إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "تحميل صورة التغليف إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "تحميل صورة أخرى إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "تحميل الصورة إلى Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "ساعد المتطوعين في Open Food Facts لتحسين التطبيق. أنت تقرر ما إذا كنت تريد تقديم تحليلات مجهولة.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "عند التمكين، يتم إرسال تقارير الأعطال تلقائيًا إلى نظام تتبع الأخطاء في Open Food Facts، بحيث يمكن إصلاح الأخطاء وبالتالي تحسين التطبيق.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "رائع! دع اﻷخرين يعرفون رأيك في هذا التطبيق!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "لاحقاً", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "حذف", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 1a42e6e7c2f325fe34f6e1e5050f496446d6b1fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 067/216] New translations app_en.arb (Belarusian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_be.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_be.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_be.arb index 04e78ea34d1..604c1705bf2 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_be.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_be.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Запрашаем у Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts — гэта глабальная некамерцыйная арганізацыя, якая падтрымліваецца мясцовымі супольнасцямі.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Выбірайце прадукты, карысныя для вас і планеты.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Паглядзіце даныя аб прадуктах, якія адпавядаюць вашым перавагам.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Увайдзіце ў свой уліковы запіс Open Food Facts, каб захаваць вашы ўнёскі", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Няправільнае імя карыстальніка або пароль.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Спраўдзіць пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Калі ласка, спраўдзіце пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Паролі не супадаюць", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Я згодны з", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "умовамі выкарыстання і ўнёску ў Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Я вытворца прадуктаў харчавання", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Вытворца/брэнд", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Калі ласка, увядзіце вытворцу або назву брэнда", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Я хачу падпісацца на рассылку Open Food Facts (Вы можаце адмовіцца ад яе ў любы час)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Дзякуй за ўнёсак", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Код для кожнага прадукту Open Food Facts даступны на GitHub. Вы можаце паўторна выкарыстоўваць код (ён з адкрытым зыходным кодам) і дапамагчы нам палепшыць яго для ўсіх на планеце.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Вы можаце далучыцца да чата Open Food Facts у Slack, які ёсць пераважным спосабам задаваць пытанні.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Рэжым распрацоўшчыка?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Актываваць рэжым распрацоўшчыка", - "contribute_donate_header": "Ахвяраваць на Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "База даных — гэта ядро праекта. Дапамагчы з яе напаўненнем лёгка і не займае шмат часу. Вы можаце спампаваць мабільную праграму для свайго тэлефона і пачаць дадаваць або паляпшаць прадукты.\n\nЗ іншага боку, вэб-сайт Open Food Facts прапануе мноства спосабаў рабіць свой унёсак: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Перакласці", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts — гэта глабальны праект, які змяшчае прадукты з больш чым 160 краін. Open Food Facts, змесціва якога пастаянна развіваецца, перакладзены на дзясяткі моў.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Пераклады — адна з ключавых задач праекта", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Я хачу паведаміць вам аб праграме Open Food Facts, якая дазваляе персаналізавана ацэньваць уздзеянне прадуктаў харчавання на здароўе і навакольнае асяроддзе. Яна працуе шляхам сканавання штрых-кодаў на ўпакоўцы. Гэта праграма ёсць бясплатнай, не патрабуе рэгістрацыі і праз яе вы нават можаце дапамагчы павялічыць колькасць дэшыфраваных прадуктаў. Вось спасылка, па якой вы можаце атрымаць праграму на свой тэлефон:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Націсніце тут, каб адказаць на пытанні", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Дапамагайце палепшыць «празрыстасць» прадуктаў і атрымлівайце ўзнагароды", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Увайдзіце ў ваш уліковы запіс Open Food Facts, каб захаваць свае ўнёскі", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Ваш профіль", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Кіруйце сваім уліковым запісам удзельніка Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Налады праграмы", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Перавагі ў харчаванні", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Выберыце, якая інфармацыя пра харчаванне для вас найбольш важная.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Выберыце, якія звесткі аб прадуктах для вас найбольш важныя, каб ранжыраваць іх у адпаведнасці з вашымі перавагамі, у першую чаргу праглядаць інфармацыю, якая вас цікавіць, і атрымліваць зводку аб сумяшчальнасці. Гэтыя харчовыя перавагі застаюцца на вашай прыладзе і не звязаны з вашым уліковым запісам удзельніка Open Food Facts, калі ён у вас ёсць.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Скінуць налады харчовых пераваг?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Вы знайшлі новы прадукт!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Сфатаграфуйце ўпакоўку, каб дадаць гэты прадукт у Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Калі ласка, спачатку зрабіце некалькі фота. Вы заўсёды можаце завяршыць дадаванне прадукту пазней.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Запампоўванне выявы спераду ў Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Запампоўванне выявы інгрэдыентаў у Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Запампоўванне выявы пажыўнасці ў Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Запампоўванне выявы ўпакоўкі ў Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Запампоўванне іншай выявы ў Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Запампоўванне выявы ў Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Дапамажыце валанцёрам Open Food Facts палепшыць праграму. Вы самі вырашаеце, ці варта падаваць ананімную аналітыку.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Увайдзіце або зарэгіструйцеся, каб далучыцца да супольнасці Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Уваход у Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Вітаю. Калі ласка, выдаліце мой уліковы запіс Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Калі гэта ўключана, справаздачы аб збоях аўтаматычна перадаюцца ў сістэму адсочвання памылак Open Food Facts, каб можна было іх выправіць і, такім чынам, палепшыць праграму.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Калі катэгорыя не даступна ў аўтазапаўненні, усё роўна дадайце яе. Гэта дапаможа нам палепшыць Open Food Facts у вашай краіне.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Згаджаюся з умовамі выкарыстання Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Паглядзіце на гэты прадукт на Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Ацаніць праграму", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Ацаніць праграму", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Пазней", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 20a46bfce15e77e17b349258d74fcc197eda38eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 068/216] New translations app_en.arb (Bulgarian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb index 684debcc79d..16ee18153e5 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bg.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Добре дошъл в Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts е глобална организация с нестопанска цел, задвижвана от местни общности.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Избери храна, която е полезна за теб и за планетата.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Виж информация за храната, която отговаря на твоите предпочитания.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Влез в акаунта си в Open Food Facts, за да запазиш приноса си", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Грешно потребителско име или парола.", "login": "Потребителско име", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Потвърди паролата", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Моля, потвърди паролата", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Паролите не съвпадат", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Съгласен съм с", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": " условията за ползване и принос на Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Аз съм производител на храни", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Производител/марка", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Моля, въведи производител или марка", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Бих искал да се абонирам за бюлетина на Open Food Facts (Можеш да се отпишеш от него по всяко време)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Потребителското име вече съществува, моля избери друго потребителско име.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "вече съществува, влез в акаунта или опитай с друг имейл.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Моля, посочи валиден имейл адрес.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Благодаря за приноса", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Кодът за всяка версия на Open Food Facts е достъпен в GitHub. Можеш да използваш повторно кода (той е с отворен код) и да ни помогнеш да го подобрим за всички, на цялата планета.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Можеш да се присъединиш към чата Open Food Facts в Slack, където е най-удобно да задаваш въпроси.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Режим на разработчик?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Включи режим на разработчик", - "contribute_donate_header": "Дари на Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Продукти за завършване", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Базата данни е ядрото на проекта. Лесно и много бързо се помага. Можеш да изтеглиш мобилното приложение на телефона ти и да започнеш да добавяш или подобряваш продукти.\n\nОт друга страна, уебсайтът Open Food Facts предлага много начини за принос: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Превеждане", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts е глобален проект, съдържащ продукти от над 160 страни. Open Food Facts е преведен на десетки езици, с постоянно развиващо се съдържание.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Преводите са една от ключовите задачи на проекта", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Сподели Open Food Facts с приятелите си", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Исках да те уведомя за приложението, което използвам, Open Food Facts, което ти позволява да получаваш информация за въздействието на твоьта храна върху здравето и околната среда по персонализиран начин. Работи чрез сканиране на баркодовете на опаковката.То е безплатно, не изисква регистрация и дори можеш да помогнеш за увеличаване на броя на дешифрираните продукти. Ето връзката, за да го получиш за твоя телефон:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Натисни тук, за да отговориш на въпроси", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Помогни за подобряването на прозрачността на храните и получи награди", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Влез в акаунта си в Open Food Facts, за да запишеш своите приноси", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Създай своя акаунт и се присъедини към общността Open Food Facts, за да помогнеш за изграждането на знания за храните по целия свят!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Профил", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Управлявай своя акаунт на сътрудник в Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Настройки", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Тъмен режим, Статистики…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Хранителни предпочитания", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Избери каква информация за храната е най-важна за теб.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Избери коя информация за храната е най-важна за теб, за да класираш храната според твоите предпочитания. Виж информацията, която те интересува и получи обобщение за съвместимост. Тези предпочитания за храна остават на твоето устройство и не са свързани с твоят акаунт на сътрудник в Open Food Facts, ако имаш такъв.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Нулиране на твоите хранителни предпочитания?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Откри нов продукт!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Направи снимки на опаковката, за да добавиш този продукт в Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Моля, първо направи няколко снимки. Винаги можеш да завършиш продукта по-късно.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Качване на снимката на предната страна на продукта в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Качване на снимката на съставките в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Качване на снимката на хранителните стойности в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Качване на снимката на вида на опаковката в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Качване на друга снимка в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Качване на снимката в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Помогни на доброволците на Open Food Facts да подобрят приложението. Ти решаваш дали искаш да изпращаш анонимни данни.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Влез или се регистрирай, за да се присъединиш към общността на Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts потребител: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Здравейте, моля изтрийте моят акаунт в Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Когато е активирано, докладите за сривове се изпращат автоматично до системата за проследяване на грешки на Open Food Facts, така че те да бъдат коригирани и да се подобри приложението.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Когато е активирано, известна анонимна информация за използването на приложението ще бъде изпратена до сървърите на Open Food Facts, за да можем да разберем как и колко функции се използват, за да ги подобрим.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "В случай, че опледелена категория не е налична в автоматичното довършване, не се колебай да я добавиш защото това ще ни помогне да подобрим Open Food Facts в твоята страна.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Съгласен съм с ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Разгледай този продукт в Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Разгледай моя списък с продукти на Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Оцени приложението", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Страхотно! Кажи на другите какво мислиш за това приложениие!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Оцени приложението", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "По-късно", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Актуализирай базата данни с местни продукти с най-новите данни от Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Избери език:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Изтрий", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Създай нов списък", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 28253a9855c22f70b7be4864d6b81be95c8c8fcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 069/216] New translations app_en.arb (Catalan) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb index 881e6edf4ec..5b350bfe032 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Benvingut a Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts és una organització global sense ànim de lucre impulsada per comunitats locals.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Trieu menjar que sigui bo per a vosaltres i per al planeta.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Consulteu les dades dels aliments rellevants per a les vostres preferències.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Inicieu la sessió al vostre compte d'Open Food Facts per desar les vostres contribucions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Usuari o contrasenya incorrectes.", "login": "Nom d'usuari", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmeu la contrasenya", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Si us plau, confirmeu la contrasenya", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Estic d'acord amb Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termes d'ús i contribució", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sóc productor d'aliments", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Productor/marca", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Introduïu un nom de productor o marca", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "M'agradaria subscriure'm al butlletí de notícies Open Food Facts (pots donar-te de baixa en qualsevol moment)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "El nom d'usuari ja existeix, trieu-ne un altre.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "ja existeix, inicieu sessió amb el compte o proveu amb un altre correu electrònic.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Introduïu una adreça electrònica vàlida.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Gràcies per contribuir", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "El codi de cada producte Open Food Facts està disponible a GitHub. Podeu reutilitzar el codi (és de codi obert) i ajudar-nos a millorar-lo, per a tothom i a tot el planeta.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Podeu unir-vos a la sala de xat Open Food Facts Slack, que és la forma preferida de fer preguntes.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Mode Desenvolupador?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activeu el mode DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Feu un donatiu a Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Productes que s'han de completar", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "La base de dades és el nucli del projecte. És fàcil i ràpid d’ajudar. Podeu baixar l'aplicació mòbil per al vostre telèfon i començar a afegir o millorar productes.\n\nD'altra banda, el lloc web Open Food Facts ofereix moltes maneres de contribuir: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Tradueix", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts és un projecte global que conté productes de més de 160 països. Open Food Facts es tradueix a desenes d’idiomes, amb contingut en constant evolució.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Les traduccions són una de les tasques clau del projecte", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Compartiu Open Food Facts amb els amics", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Volia donar-te a conèixer l'aplicació que he estat utilitzant, Open Food Facts, que et permet conèixer els impactes sobre la salut i el medi ambient dels teus aliments, de manera personalitzada. Funciona escanejant els codis de barres de l'embalatge. Finalment, és gratuïta, no requereix registre i fins i tot pots ajudar a augmentar el nombre de productes desxifrats. Aquí teniu l'enllaç per obtenir-la per a telèfon:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Fes clic per respondre preguntes", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Fes clic aquí per respondre preguntes sobre aquest producte", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajudeu a millorar la transparència alimentària i obteniu recompenses", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Inicieu la sessió al vostre compte d'Open Food Facts per obtenir crèdit per les vostres contribucions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Respondre amb sí", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Respondre amb no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Omet aquesta pregunta", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Crea el teu compte i uneix-te a la comunitat Open Food Facts per ajudar a construir coneixements sobre els aliments de tot el món!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "El vostre perfil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gestiona el compte de col·laborador d'Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configuració de l'App", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Mode fosc, Analítiques…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferències alimentàries", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Triau quina informació dels aliments us importa més.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Trieu quina informació sobre els aliments us importa més, per classificar els aliments segons les vostres preferències, consulteu primer la informació que us interessa i obteniu un resum de compatibilitat. Aquestes preferències alimentàries romandran al vostre dispositiu i no s'associaran al vostre compte de col·laborador d'Open Food Facts si en teniu un.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Voleu restablir les vostres preferències alimentàries?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Heu trobat un nou producte!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Feu fotos de l'embalatge per afegir aquest producte a Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Si us plau, feu algunes fotos primer. Sempre podeu completar el producte més endavant.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "S'està penjant la imatge frontal a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "S'està penjant la imatge dels ingredients a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "S'està penjant la imatge nutricional a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "S'està penjant la imatge de l'envàs a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "S'està penjant una altra imatge a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "S'està penjant la imatge a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Ajudeu als voluntaris d'Open Food Facts a millorar l'aplicació. Decidiu si envieu analítiques anònimes.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Inicieu la sessió o registreu-vos per unir-vos a la comunitat Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Inici de sessió Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hola, suprimiu el meu compte d'Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quan està activat, els informes d'error s'envien automàticament al sistema de seguiment d'errors d'Open Food Facts, de manera que es puguin corregir i millorar així l'aplicació.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Quan estigui activat, s'enviarà informació anònima sobre l'ús de l'aplicació als servidors Open Food Facts, de manera que puguem entendre com i quantes funcions s'utilitzen per millorar-les.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Si una categoria no estigués disponible en autocompletar, no dubteu a afegir-la de totes maneres, això ens ajudarà a millorar Open Food Facts al vostre país.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Estic d'acord amb Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Fes una ullada a aquest producte a Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Fes una ullada a la meva llista de productes a Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Valora l'aplicació", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Perfecte! Feu que d'altres coneguin la vostra opinió d'aquesta aplicació!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Valora l'aplicació", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Més tard", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Per defecte", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Actualitzeu la base de dades de productes locals amb les dades més recents d'Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Elimina", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Crea una llista nova", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 83fedf9bfa9f3b7113ec87f35d3fd500be100b78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 070/216] New translations app_en.arb (Czech) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb | 84 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb index 3842955fbe0..a9bc1700e98 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Vítejte v Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globální nezisková organizace založená na místních komunitách.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globální nezisková organizace tvořená místními komunitami.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Vyberte si jídlo, které je dobré pro vás i planetu.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Podívejte se na údaje o jídle relevantní pro vaše preference.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Hesla se neshodují", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Souhlasím s Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "podmínky použití a příspěvek", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Děkujeme, že přispíváte", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Děkujeme za příspěvek!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ }, "contribute_develop_text": "Kód pro každý produkt Open Food Facts je k dispozici na GitHubu. Můžete znovu použít kód (je to open source) a pomoci nám jej vylepšit, pro každého na celé planetě.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Můžete se připojit k chatovací místnosti Open Food Facts Slack, což je preferovaný způsob, kde klást otázky.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Můžete se připojit k chatovací místnosti Open Food Facts Slack, což je preferovaný způsob, jak klást otázky.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV režim?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktivovat DEV režim", @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ }, "tap_to_answer": "Klepnutím sem odpovíte na otázky", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Klepnutím sem odpovězte na otázky týkající se tohoto produktu", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomozte zlepšit transparentnost potravin a získat odměny", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Přihlaste se ke svému účtu Open Food Facts a získejte kredit za vaše příspěvky", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Odpovězte ano", @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Našli jste nový produkt!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Vyfoťte obal a přidejte tento produkt do Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Nejprve prosím udělejte nějaké fotky. Produkt můžete vždy dokončit později.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Nahrávání předního obrázku do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Nahrávání obrázku přísad do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Nahrávání obrázku výživy do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Nahrávání obrázku balení do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Nahrání jiného obrázku do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Nahrávání obrázku do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Otevřít systémové nastavení pro Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Pomozte dobrovolníkům Open Food Facts vylepšit aplikaci. Vy se rozhodnete, zda odeslat anonymní analýzu.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Přihlaste se nebo se zaregistrujte a připojte se ke komunitě Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts přihlášení: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Dobrý den, smažte prosím můj účet Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Pokud je tato možnost povolena, zprávy o selhání se automaticky odesílají do systému sledování chyb Open Food Facts, aby bylo možné opravit chyby a vylepšit tak aplikaci.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Pokud je povoleno, některé anonymní informace o používání aplikace a jejích funkcích budou odeslány na server Open Food Facts, abychom mohli aplikaci dále vylepšovat.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "V případě, že kategorie není k dispozici v automatickém doplňování, klidně ji přidejte, pomůže nám to zlepšit Open Food Facts ve vaší zemi.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Souhlasím s Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Podívejte se na tento produkt na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Podívejte se na můj seznam produktů na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Ohodnoťte aplikaci", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Skvěle! Dejte ostatním vědět, co si o aplikaci myslíte!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Ohodnoťte aplikaci", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Později", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Výchozí", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Purpurová", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Aktualizovat místní databázi produktů o nejnovější data z Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Vyberte svůj jazyk:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Odstranit", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Vytvořit nový seznam", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Neznámé Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score nelze použít", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Neznámé Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score nelze použít", + "nova_group_1": "Skupina NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "Skupina NOVA 2", + "nova_group_3": "Skupina NOVA 3", + "nova_group_4": "Skupina NOVA 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Neznámá skupina NOVA" } \ No newline at end of file From 4a0f309ead7797567808fb2419312b2b62cf5042 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 071/216] New translations app_en.arb (Danish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_da.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_da.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_da.arb index 425f2526aa8..37fe05cda8a 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_da.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_da.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Velkommen til Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts er en global non-profit drevet af lokalsamfund.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Vælg fødevarer, som er gode for dig og planeten.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Se fødevaredata relevante for dine præferencer.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Log ind på din Open Food Facts-konto for at gemme dine bidrag", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Forkert brugernavn eller adgangskode.", "login": "Brugernavn", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bekræft adgangskode", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bekræft adgangskoden", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Adgangskoder matcher ikke", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Jeg accepterer Open Food Facts'", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "vilkår for brug og bidrag", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jeg er fødevareproducent", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent/mærke", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Angiv en producent eller et mærkenavn", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Jeg ønsker at abonnere på Open Food Facts-nyhedsbrevet (kan altid afmeldes)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Brugernavn findes allerede, vælg et andet.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "findes allerede. Log ind på kontoen eller prøv med en anden e-mail.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Angiv en gyldig e-mailadresse.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Tak for at bidrage", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Koden til hvert Open Food Facts-produkt er tilgængelig på GitHub. Man er velkommen til at genbruge koden (den er open-source) og hjælpe med at forbedre den for alle på hele planeten.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Man kan deltage i Open Food Facts Slack-chatrum, der er den foretrukne måde at stille spørgsmål på.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV-tilstand?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktivér DEV-tilstand", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donér til Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produkter, som skal færdiggøres", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Databasen er kernen i projektet. Det er let og meget hurtigt at hjælpe. Man kan downloade appen til sin mobil og begynde at tilføje/forbedre produkter.\n\nDerudover tilbyder Open Food Facts-webstedet mange bidragsmuligheder: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Oversæt", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts er et globalt projekt indeholdende produkter fra flere end 160 lande. Open Food Facts er oversat til snesevis af sprog med indhold i konstant udvikling.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Oversættelser er en af projektets nøgleopgaver", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Del Open Food Facts med vennerne", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Vil gerne lige fortælle om den app, jeg har brugt, Open Food Facts, der giver mulighed for at få mads sundheds- og miljøpåvirkninger på en personlig måde. Den fungerer ved at skanne emballagestregkoder. Den er desuden gratis, kræver ingen registrering, og man kan endda hjælpe med at øge antallet af dechifrerede produkter. Her er linket til at få den på mobilen:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tryk her for at besvare spørgsmål", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tryk her for at besvare spørgsmål om dette produkt", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Hjælp med at forbedre fødevaregennemsigtighed og få belønninger", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Log ind på Open Food Facts-kontoen for at blive krediteret for dine bidrag", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Svar med ja", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Svar med nej", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Overspring spørgsmålet", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Opret en konto og tilmeld dig Open Food Facts-fællesskabet for at hjælpe med at opbygge fødevareviden verden over!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Din profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Håndtér din OFF-bidragsyderkonto.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-indstillinger", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Fødevarepræferencer", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Vælg, hvilke oplysninger om fødevarer, som betyder mest.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Vælg de fødevareoplysninger med størst betydning for dig, for at kunne rangere dem efter dine præferencer, se de oplysninger, du finder interessante, først samt få en kompatibilitetsoversigt. Disse fødevarepræferencer forbliver lokale og tilknyttes ikke OFF-bidragsyderkontoen, såfremt du har én.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Nulstil dine fødevarepræferencer?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Nyt produkt blev fundet!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Tag emballagefotos for at føje dette produkt til Open Food Facts-databasen", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Tag først nogle fotos. Produktet kan altid færdiggøre senere.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploader forsidefoto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploader ingrediensfoto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploader ernæringsfoto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploader emballagefoto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploader andet foto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploader foto til Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Åbn Open Food Facts-systemindstillingerne", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Hjælp Open Food Facts-frivillige med at forbedre appen. Man afgør selv, om der skal indsendes anonyme analysedata.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Log ind eller tilmeld for at deltage i OFF-fællesskabet", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "OFF-login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hej, slet venligst min Open Food Facts-konto: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Når aktiveret, indsendes nedbrudsrapporter automatisk til Open Food Facts' fejlsporingssystem, så fejl kan rettes og dermed forbedre appen.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Når aktiveret, indsendes visse anonyme oplysninger om app-brug til OFF-serverne, så vi kan forstå, hvordan og i hvilket omfang funktioner bruges forbedre disse.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Er en kategori ikke tilgængelig i autofuldførelse, er man velkommen til at tilføje den alligevel, det vil forbedre Open Food Facts i det pågældende land.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Jeg accepterer Open Food Facts' ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Tag et kig på dette produkt på Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Tag et kig på min produktliste på Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Bedøm appen", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Storartet! Lad andre vide, hvad du synes om appen!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Bedøm appen", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Senere", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Standard", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Rødlilla", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Opdatér lokal produktdatabase med seneste data fra Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Slet", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Opret ny liste", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b7b712e48b016e11450ba39c52188930c60fa3fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 072/216] New translations app_en.arb (German) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb | 54 ++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb index 966975de123..142503572e6 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_de.arb @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts ist eine globale, gemeinnützige Organisation, die von lokalen Gemeinschaften getragen wird.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Wählen Sie die Lebensmittel, die gut für Sie und für den Planeten sind.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Lassen Sie sich die für Ihre Vorlieben relevanten Lebensmitteldaten anzeigen.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Passwort bestätigen", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ich stimme den", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ich akzeptiere die Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "Nutzungsbedingungen von Open Food Facts zu", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Entwicklermodus?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Entwicklermodus aktivieren", - "contribute_donate_header": "An Open Food Facts spenden", + "contribute_donate_header": "Spenden Sie für Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Noch abzuschließende Produkte", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ }, "tap_to_answer": "Tippen Sie hier, um Fragen zu beantworten", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tippe hier, um Fragen zu diesem Produkt zu beantworten", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Helfen Sie mit, die Lebensmitteltransparenz zu verbessern und erhalten Sie dafür Belohnungen", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Open Food Facts-Konto an, um eine Gutschrift für Ihre Beiträge zu erhalten", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Mit „Ja” antworten", @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Sie haben eine neues Produkt gefunden!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Nimm Fotos von der Verpackung auf, um dieses Produkt zu Open Food Facts hinzuzufügen", + "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografieren Sie die Verpackung, um dieses Produkt zu Open Food Facts hinzuzufügen", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Bitte nehmen Sie zuerst ein paar Fotos auf. Sie können das Produkt jederzeit zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt vervollständigen.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Systemeinstellungen für Open Food Facts öffnen", + "native_app_description": "Einstellungen für offene Systeme für Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, werden Absturzberichte automatisch an das Fehlertrackingsystem von Open Food Facts übermittelt, sodass Fehler behoben und die App verbessert werden kann.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Wenn aktiviert, werden Absturzberichte automatisch an das Fehlerverfolgungssystem von Open Food Facts übermittelt, so dass Fehler behoben werden können und die App dadurch verbessert wird.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Ich stimme den Open Food Facts zu ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Ich akzeptiere die Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "App bewerten", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Großartig! Lassen Sie andere wissen, was Sie von dieser App halten!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "App bewerten", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Später", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Standard", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Sprache auswählen:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Löschen", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Neue Liste erstellen", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unbekannter Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score nicht zutreffend", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unbekannter Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score nicht zutreffend", + "nova_group_1": "Nova-Gruppe 1", + "nova_group_2": "Nova-Gruppe 2", + "nova_group_3": "Nova-Gruppe 3", + "nova_group_4": "Nova-Gruppe 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unbekannt NOVA-Gruppe" } \ No newline at end of file From 6a7edc3e3ff0188029e810364525c27be904b4fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 073/216] New translations app_en.arb (Greek) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb index 1d8a8aed7a6..3f3925c414e 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_el.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Καλώς ήρθατε στο Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Το Open Food Facts είναι ένας παγκόσμιος μη κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός που υποστηρίζεται από τις τοπικές κοινότητες.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Επιλέξτε τροφές που κάνουν καλό σε εσάς και τον πλανήτη.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Δείτε τα δεδομένα τροφίμων που σχετίζονται με τις προτιμήσεις σας.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Συνδεθείτε στον λογαριασμό σας Open Food Facts για να αποθηκεύσετε τις συνεισφορές σας", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Λάθος όνομα χρήστη ή κωδικός πρόσβασης.", "login": "Όνομα χρήστη", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Επιβεβαίωση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Επιβεβαιώστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Συμφωνώ με", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "τους όρους χρήσης και διαμοιρασμού του Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Είμαι παραγωγός τροφίμων", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Παραγωγός/επωνυμία", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Εισαγάγετε έναν παραγωγό ή μια επωνυμία", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Θα ήθελα να εγγραφώ στο newsletter του Open Food Facts (Μπορείτε να απεγγραφείτε από αυτό ανά πάσα στιγμή)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Ευχαριστούμε για τη συμβολή σας!", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Ο κωδικός για κάθε προϊόν του Open Food Facts είναι διαθέσιμος στο GitHub. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ξανά τον κώδικα (ανοιχτού κώδικα) και να μας βοηθήσετε να τον βελτιώσουμε, για όλους, σε όλο τον πλανήτη.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε στο Open Food Facts Slack chatroom που είναι ο προτιμώμενος τρόπος για να κάνετε ερωτήσεις.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Προϊόντα προς συμπλήρωση", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Η βάση δεδομένων είναι ο πυρήνας του έργου. Είναι εύκολο και πολύ γρήγορο να βοηθήσετε. Μπορείτε να κάνετε λήψη της εφαρμογής για κινητά και να αρχίσετε να προσθέτετε ή να βελτιώνετε προϊόντα.\n\nΕκτός αυτού, ο ιστότοπος Open Food Facts προσφέρει πολλούς τρόπους συνεισφοράς: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Μετάφρασε", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Το Open Food Facts είναι ένα παγκόσμιο project, που περιλαμβάνει προϊόντα από περισσότερες από 160 χώρες. Το Open Food Facts είναι μεταφρασμένο σε δεκάδες γλώσσες, με συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο περιεχόμενο.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Οι μεταφράσεις είναι ένα από τα βασικά καθήκοντα του project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Πατήστε εδώ για να απαντήσετε σε ερωτήσεις", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Βοηθήστε στη βελτίωση της διαφάνειας των τροφίμων και κερδίστε ανταμοιβές", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Απαντήστε με ναι", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Απαντήστε με όχι", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Παράλειψη αυτής της ερώτησης", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Το Προφίλ Σου", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Διαχειριστείτε τον λογαριασμό χρήστη Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ρυθμίσεις Εφαρμογής", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Διατροφικές προτιμήσεις", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Επιλέξτε ποιες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα τρόφιμα έχουν μεγαλύτερη σημασία για εσάς.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Επιλέξτε ποιες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα τρόφιμα έχουν μεγαλύτερη σημασία για εσάς, προκειμένου να ταξινομηθούν τα τρόφιμα σύμφωνα με τις προτιμήσεις σας, να εμφανιστούν πρώτα οι πληροφορίες που σας ενδιαφέρουν και να λάβετε περίληψη συμβατότητας. Αυτές οι προτιμήσεις τροφίμων παραμένουν στη συσκευή σας και δεν συσχετίζονται με τον λογαριασμό συνεργάτη σας στο Open Food Facts, εάν έχετε.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Επαναφορά των διατροφικών σας προτιμήσεων;", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Βρήκατε ένα νέο προϊόν!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Φωτογραφίστε τη συσκευασία για να προσθέσετε αυτό το προϊόν στο Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Μεταφόρτωση μπροστινής εικόνας στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας συστατικών στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας διατροφικών στοιχείων στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας συσκευασίας στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Μεταφόρτωση άλλης εικόνας στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Μεταφόρτωση εικόνας στο Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Βοηθήστε τους εθελοντές του Open Food Facts να βελτιώσουν την εφαρμογή. Αποφασίζετε αν θα υποβάλετε ανώνυμα στοιχεία χρήσης.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Συνδεθείτε ή εγγραφείτε για να συμμετάσχετε στην κοινότητα Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Γεια σας, παρακαλώ διαγράψτε τον λογαριασμό μου στο Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Όταν αυτή η επιλογή είναι ενεργοποιημένη, οι αναφορές σφαλμάτων υποβάλλονται αυτόματα στο σύστημα εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων του Open Food Facts, έτσι ώστε τα σφάλματα να μπορούν να διορθωθούν και συνεπώς να βελτιωθεί η εφαρμογή.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Όταν αυτή η επιλογή είναι ενεργοποιημένη, ορισμένες ανώνυμες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη χρήση της εφαρμογής θα αποστέλλονται στους διακομιστές του Open Food Facts, ώστε να μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε πώς και πόσες λειτουργίες χρησιμοποιούνται με σκοπό τη βελτίωσή τους.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Συμφωνώ με τα Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Δείτε αυτό το προϊόν στο Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Τέλεια! Πείτε και σε άλλους την άποψη σας για αυτή την εφαρμογή!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Διαγραφή", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Δημιουργία νέας λίστας", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 0576ed34021d5523c5c28b338cdfb32793dd87fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 074/216] New translations app_en.arb (Basque) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eu.arb index c98de759507..52040787b62 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Ongi etorri Open Food Facts-era", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts komunitate lokalek sustatutako irabazi-asmorik gabeko mundu mailako elkarte bat da.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Aukeratu zuretzat eta planetarentzako elikagai egokiak.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Zure lehentasunekin bat datozen elikagaien datuak ikusi.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Zure ekarpenak gordetzeko, hasi saioa zure Open Food Facts-en kontuan", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Erabiltzaile-izena edo pasahitz okerra.", "login": "Erabiltzaile-izena", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Pasahitza baieztatu", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Mesedez, pasahitz baieztatu", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Erabiltzaile-izena jada badago, mesedez, erabili beste bat.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "jada badago, hasi saioa kontuarekin edo saiatu beste helbide-elektroniko batekin.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Mesedez, sartu baliozko helbide-elektroniko bat.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Eskerrik asko ekarpenagatik", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Osatu beharreko produktuak", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Sakatu hemen produktu honi buruzko galderei erantzuteko", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Bai esanez erantzun", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Ez esanez erantzun", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Utzi galdera hau", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Sortu zure kontua eta elkartu Open Food Facts-eko komunitatera, janariaren inguruko jakinduria mundu osora zabaltzera laguntzeko!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modu iluna, Analitikak…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Hasi saioa edo eman izena Open Food Facts komunitatean sartzeko", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Begirada bat emaiozu nire produktuen zerrendari Open Food Facts-en: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Hautatu zure hizkuntza:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Ezabatu", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Sortu zerrenda berria", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From c7c02bf34f4bc4072ae98c7a7ff753bbe71d4e64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 075/216] New translations app_en.arb (Finnish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb index 5d7941ae33c..d4123a6f457 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fi.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Tervetuloa Open Food Factsiin", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts on maailmanlaajuinen yleishyödyllinen yhdistys, jota tukee paikalliset yhteisöt.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Valitse ruoka, joka tekee hyvää sinulle ja planeetalle.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Katso valintoihisi liittyvät ruokatietosi.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Kirjaudu Open Food Facts -käyttäjällesi tallentaaksesi työsi", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Virheellinen käyttäjätunnus tai salasana.", "login": "Käyttäjätunnus", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Vahvista salasana", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vahvistathan salasanasi", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Salasanat eivät täsmää", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Hyväksyn Open Food Factsin", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "käyttöehdot ja rahoitus", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Olen elintarvikkeiden tuottaja", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Tuottaja/tuotemerkki", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Syötä valmistaja tai tuotemerkki", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Haluan saada Open Food Facts -uutiskirjeitä (voit peruuttaa milloin tahansa)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Käyttäjänimi on varattu, valitse toinen käyttäjänimi.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "on jo käytössä, kirjaudu tai kokeile toisella sähköpostiosoitteella.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Anna käypä sähköpostiosoite.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Kiitos osallistumisesta", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Jokaisen Open Food Facts -tuotteen koodi on saatavilla GitHubista. Voit käyttää koodia (se on avointa lähdekoodia) uudelleen ja auttaa meitä parantamaan sitä kaikille kaikkialla planeetalla.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Voit liittyä Open Food Facts Slack -keskusteluryhmään, joka on ensisijainen tapa esittää kysymyksiä.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Kehittäjätila?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktivoi kehittäjätila", - "contribute_donate_header": "Lahjoita Open Food Factsille", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Täydennettävät tuotteet", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Tietokanta on projektimme ydin. On helppoa ja nopeaa auttaa. Voit ladata mobiilisovelluksen puhelimeesi, ja lisätä tai parantaa tuotteita.\n\nToisaalta, Open Food Facts -nettisivulla voit auttaa monin tavoin: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Käännä", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts on kansainvälinen projekti, jossa on tuotteita yli 160 maasta. Open Food Facts on käännetty kymmenille kielille, ja sisältö kehittyy jatkuvasti.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Käännökset on yksi hankkeen keskeisistä tehtävistä", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Jaa Open Food Facts ystävillesi", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Halusin kertoa käyttämästäni sovelluksesta, Open Food Factsistä, josta saat terveys- ja ilmastotietoja ruoastasi, personalisoidusti. Se toimii tuotteiden viivakoodien skannaamisella. Se on myös ilmainen, ei vaadi rekisteröintiä, ja voit auttaa tuotteiden lisäämisellä. Tässä linkki, josta voit ladata sovelluksen puhelimeesi:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Vastaa tästä kysymyksiin", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Napauta tätä vastataksesi tätä tuotetta koskeviin kysymyksiin", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Auta parantamaan ruoan läpinäkyvyyttä ja hanki palkintoja", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Kirjaudu Open Food Facts -tilillesi, jos haluat tunnustusta työstäsi", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Vastaa kyllä", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Vastaa ei", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Ohita tämä kysymys", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Luo käyttäjä ja liity Open Food Facts -yhteisöön, jossa voit auttaa koko maailman ruokatietämystä!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profiilisi", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Hallinoi Open Food Facts -tiliäsi.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Sovellusasetukset", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tumma tila, tilastot…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Ruokamieltymykset", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Valitse, mikä ruoan tieto kiinnostaa eniten.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Valitse sinulle tärkeimmät ruokatiedot, jotta voit järjestellä ruoat mieltymystesi mukaan, nähdä sinulle tärkeät tiedot ensin ja saada yhteensopivuusyhteenvedon. Nämä ruokamieltymykset pysyvät laitteessasi, eikä niitä yhdistetä Open Food Facts -osallistujatiliisi, jos sinulla on sellainen.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Nollaa ruokamieltymyksesi?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Löysit uuden tuotteen!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Ota kuvia pakkauksesta lisätäksesi tuotteen Open Food Factsiin", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Ota kuvia ensin. Voit viimeistellä myöhemmin.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Ladataan etukuva sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Ladataan sisältökuvaa sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Ladataan ravintosisältökuvaa sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Ladataan pakkauskuvaa sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Ladataan kuvaa sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Ladataan kuvaa sovellukseen", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Auta Open Food Factsin vapaaehtoisia parantamaan sovellusta. Voit päättää, lähetätkö tilastotietoja nimeä lähettämättä.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy liittyäksesi Open Food Facts -yhteisöön", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts -kirjautuminen: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Terve, poista Open Food Facts -tili {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Käytössä ollessaan virheraportit lähetetään heti Open Food Facts -virhejäljitysjärjestelmään, jotta virheitä voidaan korjata ja sovellusta parantaa.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Jos luokkaa ei näy heti, lisää se silti, koska se parantaa sovellusta maassasi.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Hyväksyn Open Food Factsin ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Katso tämä tuote Open Food Factsissä: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Katso Open Food Factsin tuotelistaani: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Arvioi sovellus", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Loistavaa! Kerro muille mitä ajattelet tästä sovelluksesta!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Arvioi sovellus", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Myöhemmin", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Oletus", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Aniliininpunainen", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Päivitä paikallinen tuotetietokanta Open Food Factsin uusimmilla tiedoilla", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Poista", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 86f8b5cac74676c638bec5760a7a49535dda87a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 076/216] New translations app_en.arb (Irish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ga.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ga.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ga.arb index 052b1ca21aa..9ae1c2a2b38 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ga.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ga.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 04f4a2cf322a56612ef573fe6bffbd5e9aea8ba0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 077/216] New translations app_en.arb (Gujarati) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gu.arb index fe72d76b1e4..f81bee1a287 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "ફૂડ ફેક્ટ્સ ખોલવા માટે દાન કરો", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 47f9db8880ccc477c6ded036e2735342e1a20bb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 078/216] New translations app_en.arb (Hebrew) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_he.arb | 58 +++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_he.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_he.arb index 2fe5a471d3f..94df14277bd 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_he.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_he.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "ברוך בואך ל־Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts הוא ארגון כלל עולמי ללא מטרות רווח שמופעל על ידי קהילות מקומיות.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "בחירה במזון שטוב לך ולכדור הארץ.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "הצגת נתוני המזון שתואמים להעדפות שלך.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "ניתן להיכנס לחשבונך ב־Open Food Facts כדי לשמור את התרומות שלך", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "שם משתמש או סיסמה שגויים.", "login": "שם משתמש", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "אימות סיסמה", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "נא לאשר את הסיסמה", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "הסיסמאות שונות זו מזו", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "מוסכמים עלי", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "אני מסכים ל־Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "תנאי השימוש והתרומה של Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "תודה על תרומתך", + "thanks_for_contributing": "תודה על תרומתך!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ }, "tap_to_answer": "יש לגעת כאן כדי לענות על שאלות", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "נא לגעת כאן כדי לענות על שאלות בנוגע למוצר", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "מסייעים בשיפור שקיפות המזון ומקבלים פרסים", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "כדאי להיכנס לחשבונך ב־Open Food Facts כדי לקבל הוקרה על התרומות שלך", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "לענות בכן", @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "מוסכמים עלי ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "נתתי ל־Open Food Facts את הסכמתי ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "למחוק את הרשימה?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "פעולה זו תמחק את הרשימה „{name}”.\nלהמשיך?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "כן, מקובל עליי", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "דירוג היישומון", "app_rating_dialog_title": "מצוין! אנו בטוחים שכולם ישמחו לשמוע מה דעתך על היישומון!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "דירוג היישומון", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "אחר כך", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "ברירת מחדל", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "ארגמן", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2353,11 +2354,15 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "נא לבחור את השפה שלך:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "מחיקה", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "החלפת הרשימה הנוכחית", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "יצירת רשימה חדשה", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score לא ידוע", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score לא ניתן ליישום", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Eco-Score לא ידוע", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score לא ניתן ליישום", + "nova_group_1": "קבוצת NOVA‏ 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 2928926dfd64255792fd8b6c5b67b3d228c5b7c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 079/216] New translations app_en.arb (Hungarian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb index 2f28399b9f3..9e8e3f20557 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Üdvözli az Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Az Open Food Facts egy globális nonprofit szervezet, amelyet helyi közösségek működtetnek.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Válassz olyan ételt, amely jó neked és a bolygónak.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Tekintse meg az Ön preferenciáinak megfelelő élelmiszeradatokat.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Jelentkezz be az Open Food Facts-fiókodba a hozzájárulások mentéséhez", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Helytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó.", "login": "Felhasználói név", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Jelszó megerősítése", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Kérjük, erősítse meg a jelszót", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "A jelszavak nem egyeznek", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Elfogadom az Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "felhasználási és hozzájárulási feltételek", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Élelmiszer termelő vagyok", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Termelő/márka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy termelő vagy egy márkanevet", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Szeretnék feliratkozni az Open Food Facts hírlevélre (bármikor leiratkozhat róla)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "A felhasználónév már létezik, kérjük válassz másik felhasználónevet.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "már létezik, jelentkezzen be a fiókba, vagy próbálja meg másik e-mail címmel.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Kérem adjon meg valós email címet.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Köszönjük a közreműködést", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Minden Open Food Facts termék kódja elérhető a GitHubon. Örömmel veszük, ha felhasználja a kódot (nyílt forráskódú) és segít jobbá tenni azt, a bolygó minden lakója számára.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Csatlakozhat az Open Food Facts Slack csevegőszobához, amely a legjobb módja a kérdések feltevésének.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Fejlesztői mód?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Fejlesztői mód aktiválása", - "contribute_donate_header": "Adományozzon az Open Food Facts programnak", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Kiegészítendő termékek", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Az adatbázis a projekt magja. Könnyű és nagyon gyorsan hozzá tud járulni. Letöltheti a mobilalkalmazást telefonjára, és megkezdheti a termékek hozzáadását vagy kiegészítését.\n\nAz Open Food Facts webhely pedig számos, további módot kínál a hozzájárulásra: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Fordítás", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Az Open Food Facts egy globális projekt, amely több mint 160 ország termékeit tartalmazza. Az Open Food Facts több tucat nyelvre van lefordítva, folyamatosan fejlődő tartalommal.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "A fordítás a projekt egyik legfontosabb feladatai közé tartozik", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Ossza meg barátaival az Open Food Facts-t.", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Szerettem volna, ha tudsz az általam használt Open Food Facts nevű alkalmazásról, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy személyre szabott módon megismerd az ételek egészségügyi és környezeti hatásait. A csomagoláson található vonalkódok beolvasásával működik. Végre ingyenes, nem igényel regisztrációt, és még segíthetsz is növelni a megfejtett termékek számát. Itt a link, hogy beszerezd a telefonodra:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Koppints a kérdések megválaszolásáhkz", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Koppintson ide a termékkel kapcsolatos kérdések megválaszolásához", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Segítsen az élelmiszerek átláthatóságának javításában és kapjon jutalmat", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Jelentkezzen be az Open Food Facts fiókjába, hogy jóváírást kapjon hozzájárulásaiért", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Válaszoljon igennel", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Válaszoljon nemmel", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Ezt a kérdést kihagyhatja", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Hozzon létre fiókot, és csatlakozzon az Open Food Facts közösséghez, hogy segítsen az élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatos ismeretek bővítésében az egész világon!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Ha engedélyezve van, az alkalmazás használatával kapcsolatban néhány névtelen információt elküldünk az Open Food Facts szerverekre, hogy megértsük, hogyan és mennyi funkciót használ, azok fejlesztése céljából.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Nagyszerű! Tudasd másokkal, hogy mit gondolsz erről az appról!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Törlés", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a730b294261b091bb6eacbf6a1bea0d67bff91aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 080/216] New translations app_en.arb (Armenian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hy.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hy.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hy.arb index a492904965e..5423bcd1a65 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hy.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hy.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Ջնջել", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4620453ea35ef5d804d3f6d1f6b15b08587b81fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 081/216] New translations app_en.arb (Italian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb | 92 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb index 0f315dcc305..a8a026f7fce 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_it.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Benvenuto in Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts è una non-profit globale sviluppata dalle comunità locali.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts è una no-profit globale, sostenuta dalle community locali.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Scegli gli alimenti che fanno bene a te e al pianeta.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Visualizza i dati alimentari rilevanti alle tue preferenze.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Accedi al tuo profilo di Open Food facts per salvare i tuoi contributi", + "sign_in_text": "Accedi al tuo profilo di Open Food Facts per salvare i tuoi contributi", "incorrect_credentials": "Nome utente o password errati.", "login": "Nome utente", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Ripeti la password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Ripeti la password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Le password non corrispondono", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Acconsento ai termini d'uso e di", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Acconsento ai", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "contributo di Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sono un produttore di alimenti", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produttore/marca", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Sei pregato di inserire il nome di un produttore o marchio", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Vorrei iscrivermi alla newsletter di Open Food Facts (Puoi disiscriverti da essa in qualsiasi momento)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Vorrei iscrivermi alla newsletter di Open Food facts (Puoi disiscriverti in qualsiasi momento)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Il nome utente esiste già, ti preghiamo di sceglierne un altro.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "esiste già, accedi al profilo o prova con un'altra email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Ti preghiamo di fornire un indirizzo email valido.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Grazie per aver contribuito", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Grazie per aver contribuito!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Il codice per ogni prodotto di Open Food Facts è disponibile su GitHub. Sei benvenuto per riutilizzare il codice (che è open-source) e aiutarci a migliorarlo, per tutti, su tutto il pianeta.", + "contribute_develop_text": "Il codice per qualsiasi prodotto di Open Food Facts è disponibile su GitHub. Puoi riutilizzare il codice (è open source) e aiutarci a migliorarlo, per tutti, su tutto il pianeta.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Puoi unirti alla chatroom di Slack di Open Food Facts, il modo preferito per chiedere domande.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Puoi unirti alla chat room di Slack di Open Food Facts, il metodo preferito per fare domande.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modalità DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Attiva la Modalità DEV", @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Il database è il fulcro del progetto. Aiutare è facile e molto rapido. Puoi scaricare l'app mobile per il tuo telefono e iniziare ad aggiungere o migliorare i prodotti.\n\nD'altra parte, il sito web di Open Food Facts offre molti modi per contribuire: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "Il database è il cuore del progetto. È facile e davvero rapido aiutare. Puoi scaricare l'app mobile per il tuo telefono, e iniziare ad aggiungere o migliorare i prodotti.\n\nD'altra parte, il sito web di Open Food Facts offre molti metodi per contribuire: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Traduci", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts è un progetto globale, contenente prodotti da più di 160 paesi. Open Food Facts è tradotto in dozzine di lingue, con contenuti che evolvono in continuazione.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts è un progetto globale, contenente prodotti per oltre 160 paesi. Open Food Facts è tradotto in dozzine di lingue, con contenuti in continua evoluzione.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Le traduzioni sono tra i compiti chiave del progetto", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, "contribute_share_header": "Condividi Open Food Facts con i tuoi amici", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Volevo farti conoscere l'app che sto utilizzando, Open Food Facts, che ti fa vedere l'impatto sulla salute ambientale da parte del tuo cibo, in un modo personalizzato. Funziona scansionando i codici a barre sulla confezione. Finalmente è gratuito, non richiede registrazione e puoi anche contribuire ad aumentare il numero di prodotti decifrati. Ecco il link per ottenerlo per il tuo telefono:", + "contribute_share_content": "Volevo farti conoscere l'app che sto utilizzando, Open Food Facts, che ti consente di ottenere la salute e gli impatti ambientali dei tuo alimenti, in un modo personalizzato. Funziona scansionando i codici a barre sull'imballaggio. Infine, è gratuita, non richiede la registrazione e puoi persino aiutare a incrementare il numero di prodotti decifratii. Ecco il link per scaricarla sul tuo telefono:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tocca qui per rispondere a delle domande", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tocca qui per rispondere alle domande su questo prodotto", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Aiuta a migliorare la trasparenza alimentare e ricevi ricompense", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Accedi al tuo account Open Food Facts per ottenere credito per i tuoi contributi", + "question_sign_in_text": "Accedi al tuo profilo di Open Food Facts per ricevere credito per i tuoi contributi", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Rispondi con sì", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Rispondi con no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Salta questa domanda", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Crea il tuo profilo e unisciti alla community di Open Food Facts per aiutarci a sviluppare la conoscenza alimentare, in tutto il mondo!", + "account_create_message": "Crea il tuo profilo e unisciti alla community di Open Food Facts per aiutare a sviluppare la conoscenza alimentare in tutto il mondo!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Il Tuo Profilo", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gestisci il tuo account collaboratore di Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gestisci il tuo profilo da collaboratore di Open Food Facts.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Impostazioni dell'App", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modalità scura, Statistiche…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferenze Alimentari", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Scegli quali informazioni alimentari sono più importanti per te.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Scegli quali informazioni sul cibo conta di più per te, al fine di classificare il cibo in base alle tue preferenze, vedere le informazioni che ti interessano in primo luogo e ottenere un riepilogo di compatibilità. Quelle preferenze alimentari rimangono sul tuo dispositivo e non sono associate al tuo account contributore di Open Food Facts, se ne hai uno.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Scegli quali informazoni alimentari ti importano di più, per poter classificare il cibo secondo le tue preferenze, visualizzare le informazioni che ti interessano di più e ottenere un riepilogo di compatibilità. Queste preferenze alimentari restano sul tuo dispositivo, e non sono associate al profilo da collaboratore di Open Food Facts, se ne possiedi uno.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Ripristinare le tue preferenze alimentari?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Caricamento immagine frontale su Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Caricamento dell'immagine frontale su Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Caricamento dell'immagine nutrizionale su Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Caricamento dell'immagine dei valori nutrizionali su Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Caricamento immagine su Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Caricamento di un'immagine su Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Aiuta i volontari di Open Food Facts a migliorare l'app. Decidi tu se vuoi inviare statistiche anonime.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Aiuta i volontari di Open Food Facts per migliorare l'app. Decidi tu se vuoi inviare le statistiche anonime.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quando abilitati, i rapporti sugli arresti anomali vengono inviati automaticamente al sistema di tracciamento degli errori di Open Food Facts, in modo che i bug possano essere corretti e quindi migliorare l'app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quando abilitati, i rapporti sugli arresti anomali sono inviati automaticamente al sistema di monitoraggio degli errori di Open Food Facts, così che i bug possano essere risolti e, dunque, che l'app possa essere migliorata.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Se abilitata, alcune informazioni anonime sull'utilizzo delle app verranno inviate ai server di Open Food Facts, in modo da capire come e quante funzioni vengano utilizzate, per migliorarle.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Quando abilitate, alcune informazioni anonime relative all'utilizzo dell'app saranno inviate ai server di Open Food Facts, quindi, potremo comprendere come e quante funzionalità sono utilizzate, così da migliorarle.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Nel caso in cui una categoria non sia disponibile nel completamento automatico, sentiti libero di aggiungerla comunque, questo ci aiuterà a migliorare Open Food Facts nel tuo paese.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Nel caso in cui una categoria non sia disponibile nel completamento automatico, sentiti libero di aggiungerla comunque, ciò ci aiuterà a migliorare Open Food Facts nel tuo pese.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Open Food Facts: Acconsento ai ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Acconsento ai ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Eliminare la lista?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Stai per eliminare la lista \"{name}\".\nSei sicuro di voler continuare?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Sì, confermo", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Valuta l'app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ottimo! Fai sapere agli altri cosa ne pensi di questa app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Valuta l'app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "In seguito", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Predefinito", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2353,11 +2354,15 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Seleziona la tua lingua:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Elimina", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "Modifica la lista corrente", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Crea una nuova lista", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score Sconosciuto", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score non applicabile", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Eco-Score Sconosciuto", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score non applicabile", + "nova_group_1": "Gruppo NOVA 1", + "nova_group_2": "Gruppo NOVA 2", + "nova_group_3": "Gruppo NOVA 3", + "nova_group_4": "Gruppo NOVA 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Gruppo NOVA Sconosciuto" } \ No newline at end of file From 9ed3e3a0f240f5a51c494a2a0108d8f19c7918ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 082/216] New translations app_en.arb (Japanese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb index b2229f60174..a0addc69c2b 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ja.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Open Food Factsへようこそ", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Factsは、地域コミュニティによって運営されているグローバルな非営利団体です。", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "あなたと地球にとって良い食品を選んでください。", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "あなたの好みに関連する食品データを確認する。", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Open Food Factsアカウントにサインインすることで、投稿を保存できます", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "ユーザー名またはパスワードが間違っています。", "login": "ユーザー名", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "パスワード再確認", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "パスワードの確認をしてください", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "パスワードが一致しません", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Open Food Factsの規約に同意します", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "利用と貢献規約", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "私は食品生産者です", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生産者/ブランド", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "生産者またはブランド名を入力してください", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Open Food Factsのニュースレターを購読します。(いつでも購読を解除できます。)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "このユーザー名は既に存在します。別のユーザー名を入力してください。", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "既に存在します。アカウントにログインするか、別のメールアドレスをお試しください。", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "ご協力ありがとうございます!", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "すべてのOpenFood Facts製品のコードは、GitHubで入手できます。コード(オープンソース)を再利用して、世界中のすべての人のためにコードを改善するのを手伝ってください。", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "質問がある場合はOpen Food FactsのSlackチャットで聞いてみましょう。", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "開発者モード?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "開発者モードを有効にする", - "contribute_donate_header": "Open Food Facts に寄付する", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "完了が必要な製品", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "データベースはプロジェクトの核となるものです。簡単かつ迅速に支援することができます。スマホにモバイルアプリをダウンロードすれば、製品の追加や修正ができます。\n\nまた、Open Food Factsのウェブサイトにも多数の貢献をする方法があります。: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "翻訳", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Factsは、160か国以上の製品を含むグローバルプロジェクトです。 Open Food Factsは数十の言語に翻訳されており、コンテンツは絶えず進化しています。", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻訳はプロジェクトの重要なタスクの1つです", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Open Food Factsを友達と共有する", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "私が使っているアプリ、Open Food Factsについて教えたいと思います。このアプリでは、食品の健康と環境への影響についてのパーソナライズされた情報を得ることができます。パッケージのバーコードをスキャンすることで動作します。最後に、無料で、登録不要で、解読された製品の数を増やすこともできます。こちらが携帯電話でアプリを取得するためのリンクです:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "質問に答えるにはここをタップ", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "食品の透明性を向上させ、報酬を得ましょう。", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Open Food Factsアカウントにサインインすることで、あなたの投稿に対する信用を得ることができます", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "「はい」で回答", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "No で回答", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "この質問をスキップ", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "アカウントを作成してOpen Food Factsコミュニティに参加することで、世界中の食品に関する知識を築く手助けをしましょう!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "あなたのプロフィール", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Open Food Factsの投稿者アカウントを管理します。", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "アプリ設定", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "ダークモード、アナリティクス…", "myPreferences_food_title": "食品の好み", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "あなたにとって最も重要な食品に関する情報を選択してください。", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "あなたの好みに応じた食品のランク付けや、あなたが気になる情報の確認、好みとの適合性の概要の取得をするために、食品に関する情報のうち、あなたにとって何が最も重要かを選択してください。これらの食品の好みの情報はデバイスに保存されます。Open Food Factsの投稿者アカウントには関連付けられません。", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "食品の好みをリセットしますか?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "新しい製品を見つけました!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "パッケージの写真を撮って、この製品をOpenFoodFactsに追加します", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "最初に何枚か画像を撮ってください。後でいつでも製品を完成させることができます。", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Open Food Factsに正面の画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Open Food Factsに原材料の画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Open Food Factsに栄養成分の画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Open Food Factsにパッケージの画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Open Food Factsにその他の画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Open Food Factsに画像をアップロードしています", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open Food Facts のオープンシステム設定", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Open Food Factsのボランティアがアプリを改善するのを手伝ってください。匿名の分析を提供するかどうか決定します。", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "サインインまたはサインアップしてOpen Food Factsコミュニティに参加する", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Factsログイン: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "こんにちは。私のOpen Food Factsアカウントを削除してください:{userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "有効にすると、バグ修正をしてアプリを改善するため、Open Food Factsのエラー探知システムにクラッシュレポートが自動的に送信されます。", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "カテゴリがオートコンプリートに存在しない場合でも、自由に追加してください。あなたの国のOpen Food Factsを改善するのに役立ちます。", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Open Food Factsの規約に同意します ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Open Food Facts でこの製品を見る: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Open Food Factsで私の製品リストを見てください:{url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "アプリを評価する", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "アプリを評価する", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "後で", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "デフォルト", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "マゼンタ", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Open Food Facts の最新データを使用してローカル製品データベースを更新します。", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "言語を選択してください:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "削除", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 781c745ef6cec71106c93d85fbc1c8953b7f5909 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 083/216] New translations app_en.arb (Georgian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ka.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ka.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ka.arb index 4e63ab28a50..eac287990f2 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ka.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ka.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From f3d40495cad4a5c91c212c0cbea82c7d4a585ac2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 084/216] New translations app_en.arb (Korean) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ko.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ko.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ko.arb index 6a91e09948c..343e4ffc828 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ko.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ko.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Open Food Facts 사용을 환영합니다", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts는 지역사회 커뮤니티의 기여를 바탕으로 하는 글로벌 비영리 활동입니다.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "당신과 지구에 좋은 음식을 고르세요.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "당신의 선호도와 관련된 식품 데이터를 확인하세요.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "기여를 저장하려면 Open Food Facts 계정에 로그인하세요", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "잘못된 사용자 이름 또는 암호입니다.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "비밀번호 확인", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "비밀번호를 확인하십시오", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Open Food Facts 약관에 동의합니다", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "이용 및 기여 약관", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "저는 식품 생산자입니다", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "생산자/브랜드", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "생산자 또는 브랜드 이름을 입력해주십시오", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Open Food Facts 뉴스레터를 구독하고 싶습니다 (언제든지 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "기여해주셔서 감사합니다", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "모든 Open Food Facts 제품의 코드는 GitHub에서 볼 수 있습니다. 코드를 재사용하거나(오픈 소스입니다), 지구의 모든 이들을 위해 앱 개선에 기여하는 것을 환영합니다.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "궁금한 점을 물어볼 수 있는 Open Food Facts Slack 채팅방에 참여하실 수 있습니다.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "개발자 모드를 활성화할까요?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "개발자 모드 활성화", - "contribute_donate_header": "Open Beauty Facts에게 기부하기", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "완제품", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "데이터베이스는 이 프로젝트의 핵심입니다. 쉽고 빠르게 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 모바일 앱을 내려받고, 제품을 추가하거나 개선할 수 있습니다.\n\n또한 Open Food Facts 웹 사이트에서는 아래와 같은 다양한 방법으로 기여할 수 있습니다: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "번역하기", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts는 160개 이상의 국가에서 생산된 상품을 포함하는 글로벌 프로젝트입니다. Open Food Facts는 지속적으로 진화하는 콘텐츠와 함께 수십 개의 언어로 번역됩니다.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "번역은 프로젝트의 핵심 작업 중 하나입니다", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Open Food Facts를 친구들과 공유하세요", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "제가 사용하고 있는 앱인 Open Food Facts에 대해 알려드리고 싶었습니다. 음식이 건강과 환경에 미치는 영향을 개인화된 방식으로 얻을 수 있습니다. 포장의 바코드를 스캔하여 작동합니다. 마지막으로 무료이며 등록이 필요하지 않으며 해독되는 제품의 수를 늘리는 데 도움을 줄 수도 있습니다. 휴대폰용으로 다운로드할 수 있는 링크는 다음과 같습니다.", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "여기를 눌러 질문에 답하세요", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "식품 투명성을 개선하고 보상을 받으세요", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "기여에 대한 크레딧을 받으려면 Open Food Facts 계정에 로그인하세요.", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "내 프로필", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Open Food Facts 기여자 계정을 관리합니다.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "앱 설정", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "식품 설정", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "당신에게 가장 중요한 음식 정보를 선택하십시오.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "음식에 대해 가장 중요한 정보를 선택하여 선호도에 따라 음식 순위를 매기고 관심 있는 정보를 먼저 보고 호환성 요약을 받으세요. 이러한 선호하는 음식은 기기에 남아 있으며 Open Food Facts 기고자 계정이 있는 경우 해당 계정과 연결되지 않습니다.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "식품 설정을 초기화하시겠습니까?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "새 상품을 찾았습니다!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "이 제품을 Open Food Facts에 추가하려면 포장 사진을 찍으세요.", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "사진을 먼저 찍어주세요. 나중에 언제든지 제품을 완성할 수 있습니다.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "전면 사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "재료 사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "영양 성분 사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "포장 사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "기타 사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "사진을 Open Food Facts에 올리는 중", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Open Food Facts 자원 봉사자가 앱을 개선하도록 도와주세요. 익명 분석 보고서을 제출할지 여부는 귀하가 결정합니다.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Open Food Facts 커뮤니티에 가입하려면 로그인 또는 가입하세요.", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts 로그인: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "안녕하세요, 제 Open Food Facts 계정을 삭제해주세요: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "활성화되면 충돌 보고서가 Open Food Facts의 오류 추적 시스템에 자동으로 제출되므로 버그를 수정하여 앱을 개선할 수 있습니다.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "자동 완성에서 카테고리를 사용할 수 없는 경우에도 자유롭게 추가하면 귀하의 국가에서 Open Food Facts를 개선하는 데 도움이 됩니다.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Open Food Facts 약관에 동의합니다 ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Open Food Facts에서 상품을 확인하세요: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "앱 평가하기", "app_rating_dialog_title": "좋아요! 다른 사람들에게 당신이 이 앱에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지 알려주세요!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "앱 평가하기", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "다음에", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "삭제", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From d4f788f6008afc536be85d0924b097931205617b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:10:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 085/216] New translations app_en.arb (Kurdish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ku.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ku.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ku.arb index 449688882de..97cbe69e95c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ku.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ku.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Paqijkirin", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a71d02de341781c12f3028623b6af83dde89b89d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 086/216] New translations app_en.arb (Lithuanian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lt.arb | 156 ++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lt.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lt.arb index 698e1bcd86e..2dfe917d622 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lt.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lt.arb @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ "@no": {}, "stop": "Sustabdyti", "@stop": {}, - "finish": "Finish", + "finish": "Užbaigti", "@finish": {}, "calculate": "Apskaičiuoti", "@calculate": { @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Sveiki atvykę į Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "„Open Food Facts“ yra pasaulinė ne pelno siekianti organizacija, kurią maitina vietos bendruomenės.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Pasirinkite maistą, kuris tinka jums ir planetai.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Peržiūrėkite maisto duomenis, atitinkančius jūsų pageidavimus.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Prisijunkite prie „Open Food Facts“ paskyros, kad išsaugotumėte savo indėlį", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Neteisingas prisijungimo vardas arba slaptažodis.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Patvirtinkite slaptažodį", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Pakartokite slaptažodį", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Slaptažodžiai nesutampa", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Sutinku su Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "naudojimo ir įnašo sąlygomis", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Esu maisto gamintoja", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Gamintojas/prekės ženklas", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Įveskite gamintoją arba prekės pavadinimą", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Norėčiau užsiprenumeruoti „Open Food Facts“ naujienlaiškį (jo galite bet kada atsisakyti)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Toks vartotojo vardas jau užimtas, prašome pasirinkti kitą.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "jau egzistuoja, prisijunkite prie paskyros arba pabandykite naudodami kitą el.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Nurodykite teisingą el. pašto adresą.", @@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Ačiū, kad prisidėjote", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, "contributors": "Contributors", - "support": "Support", + "support": "Pagalba", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kiekvieno „Open Food Facts“ produkto kodą galite rasti „GitHub“. Kviečiame pakartotinai naudoti kodą (jis yra atvirojo kodo) ir padėti mums jį tobulinti visiems, visoje planetoje.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Galite prisijungti prie „Open Food Facts Slack“ pokalbių kambario, kuris yra tinkamiausias būdas užduoti klausimus.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Programuotojo režimas?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Įjunkite programuotojo režimą", - "contribute_donate_header": "Paaukokite Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produktai, kurie turi būti baigti", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Duomenų bazė yra projekto pagrindas. Padėti lengva ir labai greita. Galite atsisiųsti mobiliąją programėlę savo telefonui ir pradėti pridėti arba tobulinti produktus.\n\nKita vertus, „Open Food Facts“ svetainė siūlo daug būdų prisidėti: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Išversti", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,25 +336,25 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "„Open Food Facts“ yra pasaulinis projektas, kuriame yra produktų iš daugiau nei 160 šalių. „Open Food Facts“ yra išverstas į daugybę kalbų ir jo turinys nuolat plėtojamas.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Vertimai yra viena iš pagrindinių projekto užduočių", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Pasidalykite „Open Food Facts“ su draugais", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Norėjau jums pranešti apie mano naudojamą programėlę „Open Food Facts“, kuri leidžia individualiai sužinoti apie jūsų maisto poveikį sveikatai ir aplinkai. Jis veikia nuskaitydamas brūkšninius kodus ant pakuotės. Galiausiai tai nemokama, nereikalaujama registracijos ir netgi galite padėti padidinti iššifruotų produktų skaičių. Čia yra nuoroda, kaip ją gauti savo telefone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Bakstelėkite čia, kad atsakytumėte į klausimus", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Paspausk čia, kad atsakytum į klausimus apie šį produktą", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, - "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Prašome palaukti, kol klausimai apie įš produktą užsikraus", "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Padėkite pagerinti maisto skaidrumą ir gaukite prizų", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Prisijunkite prie savo „Open Food Facts“ paskyros, kad gautumėte atlygį už savo indėlį", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Atsakyti „taip“", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Atsakyti „ne“", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Praleisti šį klausimą", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Susikurkite paskyrą ir prisijunkite prie „Open Food Facts“ bendruomenės, kad padėtumėte kaupti žinias apie maistą visame pasaulyje!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Jūsų profilis", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Tvarkykite savo „Open Food Facts“ bendraautorio paskyrą.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Programos nustatymai", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tamsusis režimas; Analizė…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Maisto pasirinkimai", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Pasirinkite, kokia informacija apie maistą jums yra svarbiausia.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Pasirinkite, kokia informacija apie maistą jums yra svarbiausia, kad įvertintumėte maistą pagal savo pageidavimus, pirmiausia pamatytumėte jums rūpimą informaciją ir gautumėte suderinamumo suvestinę. Šios maisto nuostatos lieka jūsų įrenginyje ir nėra susietos su jūsų „Open Food Facts“ bendraautorio paskyra, jei tokią turite.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Iš naujo nustatyti maisto nuostatas?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "History", + "history_navbar_label": "Istorija", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ }, "ingredients": "Sudėtis", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Išsaugokite originalų užsakymą. Nurodykite procentus jei tai reikalinga. Atskirkite kableliu arba brūkšneliu, naudokite skliaustus ingrediento sudedamosioms dalims, o apatiniais brūkšniais nurodykite alergenus.", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Išsaugokite originalų eiliškumą. Įveskite procentus jei nurodyta. Atskirkite kableliu arba brūkšneliu, naudokite skliaustus ingrediento sudedamosioms dalims, o apatiniais brūkšniais nurodykite alergenus.", "ingredients_editing_error": "Nepavyko išsaugoti ingredientų.", "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Nepavyko gauti naujo ingredientų nuotraukos.", "ingredients_editing_title": "Redaguoti sudėtį", @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Radote naują produktą!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Nufotografuokite pakuotę, kad įtrauktumėte šį produktą į ,,Open Food Facts\" duomenų bazę.", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Pirmiausia padarykite kelias nuotraukas. Produktą visada galite užbaigti vėliau.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ "@crop_page_action_local_message": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "Paveikslėlis per mažas!", "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Mažiausias įkeliamų nuotraukų dydis pikseliais yra {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. Dabartinė nuotrauka yra {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", "placeholders": { @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Priekinis vaizdas įkeliamas į „Open Food Facts“", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Ingredientų vaizdas įkeliamas į „Open Food Facts“", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Mitybos vaizdas įkeliamas į „Open Food Facts“", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Įkeliamas pakuotės vaizdas į „Open Food Facts“", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Į „Open Food Facts“ įkeliamas kitas vaizdas", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Įkeliamas vaizdas į „Open Food Facts“", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Pridėti trūkstamas produktų kilmes", "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Pridėti trūkstamas produktų parduotuves", "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atnaujinkite mitybos faktus", - "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Maistingumo faktai", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Mitybos faktai ant gaminio nenurodyti", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "už 100 g", "nutrition_page_per_serving": "porcijoje", @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Atidaryti „Open Food Facts“ sistemos nuostatas", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ "@Lists": {}, "no_prodcut_in_list": "Šiame sąraše nėra produkto", "no_product_in_section": "Šiame skyriuje nėra produkto", - "recently_seen_products": "History", + "recently_seen_products": "Istorija", "clear": "Clear", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" @@ -827,15 +827,15 @@ "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "compare_products_mode": "Palyginkite produktus", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Palyginkite produktus", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, - "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Prašome pasirinkti bent du produktus", "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Padėkite „Open Food Facts“ savanoriams tobulinti programą. Jūs nusprendžiate, ar pateikti anoniminę analizę.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Prisijunkite arba prisiregistruokite, kad prisijungtumėte prie „Open Food Facts“ bendruomenės", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "„Open Food Facts“ prisijungimo paštas: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Sveiki, prašau ištrinkite mano „Open Food Facts“ paskyrą: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Kai įjungta, strigčių ataskaitos automatiškai pateikiamos „Open Food Facts“ klaidų stebėjimo sistemai, kad būtų galima ištaisyti klaidas ir patobulinti programėlę.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Kai įjungta, tam tikra anoniminė informacija apie programos naudojimą bus siunčiama į „Open Food Facts“ serverius, kad galėtume suprasti, kaip ir kiek funkcijų naudojama siekiant jas tobulinti.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1148,11 +1148,11 @@ "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "edit_product_label": "Redaguoti produktą", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Pridėkite naują {itemType}", "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { @@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Nuotraukos", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Jei kategorija nepasiekiama automatinio užbaigimo funkcija, nedvejodami pridėkite ją, nes tai padės mums patobulinti „Open Food Facts“ jūsų šalyje.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ "@user_list_popup_rename": { "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" }, - "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "user_list_name_hint": "Mano sąrašas", "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Sutinku su „Open Food Facts“ ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Ištrinti sąrašą?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Jūs ketinate ištrinti sąrašą „{name}“.\nAr tikrai norite tęsti?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Taip, patvirtinu", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Peržiūrėkite šį produktą „Open Food Facts“: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Peržiūrėkite mano produktų sąrašą „Open Food Facts“: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Įvertinti programėlę", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Puiku! Praneškite kitiems, ką manote apie šią programą!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Įvertinti programėlę", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Vėliau", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Numatytoji", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Violetinė", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2258,7 +2259,7 @@ "@product_loader_network_error_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Pasitikrinkite, ar jūsų išmanusis telefonas yra prijungtas prie „WiFi“ tinklo arba įjungti mobilieji duomenys", "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, @@ -2266,7 +2267,7 @@ "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, - "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "page_not_found_button": "Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį", "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Atnaujinkite vietinių produktų duomenų bazę su naujausiais duomenimis iš „Open Food Facts“", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,11 +2354,15 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Pasirinkite savo kalbą:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Ištrinti", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "Pakeiskite dabartinį sąrašą", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Sukurti naują sąrašą", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4e98461d56222a458a5000305fff61292da1327e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 087/216] New translations app_en.arb (Mongolian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mn.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 15ca91608d6a7c90e3a70dbae9e5fca93dff9e74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 088/216] New translations app_en.arb (Dutch) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb | 216 +++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb index 54be1ce048a..c70c50bea4c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ "@no": {}, "stop": "Stop", "@stop": {}, - "finish": "Beëindigen", + "finish": "Voltooien", "@finish": {}, "calculate": "Berekenen", "@calculate": { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ "@error_occurred": {}, "featureInProgress": "We werken nog aan deze functie, wacht af", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "Bekijk op het web", + "label_web": "Bekijk in een browser", "@label_web": {}, "learnMore": "Meer informatie", "@learnMore": {}, @@ -123,17 +123,17 @@ "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is een wereldwijde non-profitorganisatie die wordt ondersteund door lokale gemeenschappen.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Kies voedsel dat goed is voor jou en de planeet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Bekijk de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", + "productDataUtility": "Zie de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Kies voedingsmiddelen die goed voor je zijn.", + "healthCardUtility": "Kies de producten die goed voor je zijn.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Log in op je Open Food Facts account om je bijdragen op te slaan", "incorrect_credentials": "Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.", - "login": "Log in", + "login": "Inloggen", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer je gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", + "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", "login_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", "create_account": "Account aanmaken", "@create_account": { @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "Paswoord resetten", + "reset_password": "Wachtwoord resetten", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap", + "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap.", "send_reset_password_mail": "Wachtwoord wijzigen", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naam", "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Voer de weergavenaam in die u wilt gebruiken", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is vereist", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is verplicht", "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ongeldig e-mailadres", "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Gebruikersnaam: Openbaar zichtbaar", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer aub. een gebruikersnaam in", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a. u. b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer een gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a.u.b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", "sign_up_page_username_description": "Gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties, hoofdletters of speciale tekens bevatten.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "De gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Wachtwoord", "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Voer een geldig wachtwoord in (minimaal 6 tekens)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Wachtwoord bevestigen", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig uw wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bevestig wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig a.u.b. het nieuwe wachtwoord", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "gebruiksvoorwaarden en bijdrage", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Bedankt voor je bijdrage", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Bedankt voor je bijdrage!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "Bijdragers", + "contributors": "Medewerkers", "support": "Ondersteuning", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ "support_via_forum": "Vraag om hulp op ons forum", "support_via_email": "Stuur ons een e-mail", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "App-logboeken verzenden?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken toevoegen aan uw e-mail?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken als bijlage bij uw e-mail voegen?", "termsOfUse": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "Over deze app", @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ }, "tap_to_answer": "Tik hier om vragen te beantwoorden", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tik hier om vragen over dit product te beantwoorden", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help de voedseltransparantie te verbeteren en beloningen te krijgen", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Log in op uw Open Food Facts-account om krediet te krijgen voor uw bijdragen", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Antwoord met ja", @@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "Jouw profiel", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer je Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Uw profiel", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-instellingen", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Donkere modus, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Voedselvoorkeuren", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als u er een heeft.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als je er een hebt.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, - "ranking_tab_all": "Alle", + "ranking_tab_all": "Alles", "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Een geweldige overeenkomst voor u", "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Zeer slechte overeenkomst", "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Onbekende overeenkomst", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Vernieuw de lijst met uw nieuwe voorkeuren", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Ververs de lijst met je nieuwe voorkeuren", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ "@category": { "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" }, - "category_all": "Alle", + "category_all": "Alles", "@category_al": { "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" }, @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ "@unknownBrand": {}, "unknownProductName": "Onbekende productnaam", "@unknownProductName": {}, - "label_refresh": "Herladen", + "label_refresh": "Vernieuw", "@label_refresh": { "description": "Refresh the cached product" }, @@ -474,9 +474,9 @@ "@ingredients": {}, "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Bewaar de originele volgorde. Vermeld het percentage indien gespecificeerd. Scheid met een komma of koppelteken, gebruik haakjes voor ingrediënten van een ingrediënt en geef allergenen aan tussen onderstrepingstekens.", "ingredients_editing_error": "Kan de ingrediënten niet opslaan.", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor de nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", "ingredients_editing_title": "Ingrediënten bewerken", - "ingredients_photo": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingrediënten foto", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Je hebt een nieuw product gevonden!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Neem foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan onze database", + "add_product_take_photos": "Maak foto's van de verpakking om dit product toe te voegen aan Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Gelieve eerst wat foto's te maken. Je kunt het product altijd op een later tijdstip voltooien.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ }, "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto van voorkant verpakking", "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van voedingswaarden", - "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling afbeelding", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van de voedingswaardetabel", + "recycling_photo_title": "Foto recycleren", "other_interesting_photo_title": "Andere interessante foto's", "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto voorkant geüpload", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, - "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingrediënten foto", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto van ingrediënten geüpload", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Voedselverwerkingsniveau onbekend", "new_product_title_pictures": "Laten we wat foto's maken!", "new_product_title_misc": "En enkele basisgegevens…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & de Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto van voedingswaarden geüpload", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto van recyclen", @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "Foto selecteren", + "selecting_photo": "Selecteer foto", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Voorste afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Afbeelding van de voorkant uploaden naar Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Voedingsafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Voedingswaardenafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ "not_found": "niet gevonden:", "searchPanelHeader": "Zoek of scan uw eerste product", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "Product herladen", + "refreshing_product": "Herladen product", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: vernieuw deze alstublieft.", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: ververs deze alstublieft.", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b.", + "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige omgevingskenmerken zijn locatiespecifiek", + "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige milieukenmerken zijn locatie-specifiek", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ "@product_removed_comparison": { "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" }, - "native_app_settings": "Native app-instellingen", + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, @@ -820,18 +820,18 @@ "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Vergelijk {count} producten}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Producten vergelijken", + "compare_products_mode": "Vergelijk Producten", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Producten vergelijken", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Vergelijk Producten", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, @@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", + "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", + "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp-versie:{appVersion}\nApp-buildnummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp-pakketnaam:{appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp versie:{appVersion}\nApp build nummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package naam:{appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -1004,21 +1004,21 @@ "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Verversen van {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in jouw geschiedens", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Producten}} verversen voltooid", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens downloaden", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens worden gedownload...", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, @@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij het scannen", + "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij scannen", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, @@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto Bewerken", + "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto bewerken", "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ }, "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Toestemming geweigerd", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Omdat je eerder de cameratoestemming hebt geweigerd, moet je deze handmatig toestaan via de Instellingen.", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Instellingen openen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open instellingen", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleer", "permission_photo_none_found": "Geen camera gedetecteerd", "@permission_photo_none_found": { @@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiketten & certificaten", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels en certificeringen", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Duid enkel de meest specifieke categorie aan. De \"verwante\" categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Vermeld alleen de meest specifieke categorie. Bovenliggende categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, @@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u uw wijzigingen opslaan voordat u deze pagina verlaat?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan voor het verlaten van deze pagina?", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Wijzigingen opslaan", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Wijzigingen negeren", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingrediënten", @@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Basisdetails aanvullen", "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Nog niet geïmplementeerd", "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorieën", - "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingrediënten", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Ingrediënten extraheren", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, @@ -1346,11 +1346,11 @@ "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, - "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst met producten", + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst van producten", "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijstnaam wijzigen", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijst hernoemen", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, @@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ "@user_list_add_product": { "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" }, - "user_list_button_new": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", + "user_list_button_new": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, @@ -1390,11 +1390,11 @@ "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht", + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht!", "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik", + "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik!", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, @@ -1402,11 +1402,11 @@ "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "Probeer het opnieuw", + "try_again": "Probeer opnieuw", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden", + "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden!", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, @@ -1427,11 +1427,11 @@ "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "Flits inschakelen", + "camera_enable_flash": "Schakel flitser in", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "Flits uitschakelen", + "camera_disable_flash": "Flitser uitschakelen", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, @@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "uitzondering", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "Uitzondering", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" }, @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeelding", + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeeldingen", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, @@ -1722,11 +1722,11 @@ "@category_picker_screen_title": { "description": "Categories picker screen title" }, - "basic_details": "Basisdetails", + "basic_details": "Basisgegevens", "product_name": "Productnaam", "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Voer de productnaam in", "brand_name": "Merknaam", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a. u. b. de merknaam in", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a.u.b. de merknaam in", "quantity": "Hoeveelheid en gewicht", "barcode": "Streepjescode", "barcode_barcode": "Streepjescode: {barcode}", @@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ }, "barcode_invalid_error": "Ongeldige barcode", "basic_details_add_success": "Basisgegevens succesvol toegevoegd", - "basic_details_add_error": "Kan de basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", + "basic_details_add_error": "Kan basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, @@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "U staat op het punt geselecteerde items in uw geschiedenis te wissen", "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecteer een of meer items om te wissen", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst te wissen ({name}): weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst ({name}) te wissen: weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "U staat op het punt de lijst \"{name}\" te verwijderen.\nWeet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ "@product_list_select": { "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" }, - "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lege lijst} =1{Een product} other{{count} producten}}", + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", "@user_list_length": { "description": "Length of a user product list", "placeholders": { @@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "Kies een afbeeldingsbron", + "choose_image_source_title": "Kies afbeeldingsbron", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer de barcode naar het klembord", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer streepjescode naar klembord", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ } } }, - "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Streepjescode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", "language_picker_label": "Uw taal", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" @@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ "@product_task_background_schedule": { "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail apps!", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail-apps!", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, @@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om automatisch de informatie die erop staat te extraheren.", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om de verstrekte informatie automatisch te extraheren.", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, @@ -2060,17 +2060,18 @@ "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "show_password": "Laat wachtwoord zien", + "show_password": "Toon wachtwoord", "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Beoordeel de app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Geweldig! Laat anderen weten wat je vindt van deze app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Beoordeel de app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2132,11 +2133,11 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer recyclinginstructies alleen in als ze op het product vermeld staan.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer alleen recyclinginstructies in als deze op het product staan vermeld.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recyclen", + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Hergebruik", "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { "description": "Text field hint" }, @@ -2144,7 +2145,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het netto gewicht of netto volume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het nettogewicht of het nettovolume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2167,7 +2168,7 @@ "background_task_operation_refresh": "verversen vertraagd na uploaden van foto", "background_task_run_started": "gestart", "background_task_run_not_started": "nog niet gestart", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "wordt verwijderd", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "om te worden verwijderd", "background_task_question_stop": "Wil je die taak ASAP stoppen?", "feed_back": "Feedback", "undo": "Ongedaan maken", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Standaard", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2270,7 +2271,7 @@ "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "Gegevens downloaden", + "download_data": "Download gegevens", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, @@ -2303,11 +2304,11 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Werk de lokale productdatabase bij met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update de lokale productdatabase met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "Wis offline productgegevens", + "clear_local_database": "Offline productgegevens wissen", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, @@ -2353,11 +2354,15 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecteer uw taal:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Verwijder", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Wijzig de huidige lijst", + "action_change_list": "De huidige lijst wijzigen", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2365,8 +2370,27 @@ "@product_list_create": { "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" }, - "product_list_create_tooltip": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Onbekende Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is niet van toepassing", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Onbekende Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is niet van toepassing", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Groep 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Groep 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Groep 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Groep 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Onbekende NOVA Groep" } \ No newline at end of file From 98cc18aeba3b15dcd920ea1ed2d7ca86c84cfb4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 089/216] New translations app_en.arb (Norwegian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_no.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_no.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_no.arb index c96ab4a2820..6b680381996 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_no.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_no.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Slett", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 03d11e5e681193a4b5b09031c926a16ea3457273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 090/216] New translations app_en.arb (Punjabi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pa.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pa.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pa.arb index 960821f029f..33e07b4b887 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pa.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pa.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e9446ea4d94a5ccbaa654f0a8b5807bf83b67fce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 091/216] New translations app_en.arb (Polish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb | 146 ++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb index 181d854f41f..201f32ca509 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Wyzeruj swoje preferencje", + "reset_food_prefs": "Zresetuj preferencje żywieniowe", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Witamy w Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts to globalna organizacja non-profit tworzona przez lokalną społeczność.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Wybierz produkty, które są dobre dla Ciebie i naszej planety.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Zobacz dane dotyczące żywności odpowiadające Twoim preferencjom.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Zaloguj się na swoje konto Open Food Facts i zapisz swój wkład", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub hasło.", "login": "Nazwa użytkownika", "@login": { @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "Na pewno chcesz się wylogować?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz się wylogować?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, - "view_profile": "Profil", + "view_profile": "Zobacz profil", "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, @@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "W przypadku zapomnienia hasła wprowadź swoją nazwę użytkownika lub adres e-mail, aby otrzymać instrukcje do resetowania hasła. Pamiętaj o sprawdzeniu folderu \"Spam\".", - "username_or_email": "Nazwa użytkownika / użytkowniczki lub e-mail", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "W przypadku zapomnienia hasła wpisz swoją nazwę użytkownika lub adres e-mail, aby otrzymać instrukcje do resetowania hasła. Pamiętaj o sprawdzeniu folderu \"Spam\".", + "username_or_email": "Nazwa użytkownika lub e-mail", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulacje! Twoje konto zostało stworzone.", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulacje! Twoje konto zostało utworzone.", "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nazwa", "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Wprowadź nazwę, której chcesz użyć", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Potwierdź hasło", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Proszę potwierdź hasło", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Hasła nie zgadzają się (nie są identyczne)", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Zgadzam się z", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "warunkami użytkowania i wkładu w Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jestem producentem żywności", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent / Marka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Proszę podać nazwę producenta lub marki", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Chcę się zapisać do newslettera Open Food Facts (Możesz zrezygnować w dowolnym momencie)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Ta nazwa już istnieje. Wybierz inną.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "już istnieje, zaloguj się na konto lub spróbuj za pomocą innego adresu e-mail.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Podaj prawidłowy adres email.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Dziękujemy za wsparcie", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kod dla każdego produktu Open Food Facts jest dostępny na GitHub. Możesz ponownie użyć kodu (jest on open source) i pomóc nam go ulepszyć dla wszystkich nas na całej planecie.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Możesz dołączyć do Open Food Facts Slack, który jest preferowanym sposobem na zadawanie pytań.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Tryb deweloperski (DEV)?", - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktywuj tryb deweloperski (DEV)", - "contribute_donate_header": "Wesprzyj Open Food Facts", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktywuj tryb deweloperski", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produkty do uzupełnienia", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Baza danych jest rdzeniem projektu. Pomoc jest łatwa i bardzo szybka. Możesz pobrać aplikację mobilną na swój telefon i zacząć dodawać lub ulepszać produkty.\n\nZ drugiej strony, witryna Open Food Facts oferuje wiele sposobów, aby przyczynić się do wkładu: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Przetłumacz", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts to globalny projekt obejmujący produkty z ponad 160 krajów. Open Food Facts jest tłumaczony na dziesiątki języków i zawiera stale ewoluującą zawartość.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Tłumaczenia są jednym z kluczowych zadań projektu", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Udostępnij Open Food Facts znajomym", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Korzystam z takiej aplikacji, Open Food Facts, która pozwala w spersonalizowany sposób poznać wpływ żywności na zdrowie i środowisko. Działa poprzez skanowanie kodów kreskowych na opakowaniu. Jest bezpłatna, nie wymaga rejestracji, a nawet możesz pomóc w zwiększeniu liczby znanych produktów. Oto link do pobrania jej na swój telefon:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Kliknij tu, żeby odpowiedzieć na pytania", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Dotknij tutaj, aby odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące tego produktu", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomóż poprawić przejrzystość żywności i zdobywaj nagrody", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Zaloguj się na swoje konto Open Food Facts, aby doceniono Twój wkład", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Odpowiedz \"tak\"", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Odpowiedz \"nie\"", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Pomiń pytanie", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Utwórz konto i dołącz do społeczności Open Food Facts, aby pomóc w budowaniu wiedzy o jedzeniu na całym świecie!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Zarządzaj swoim kontem współtwórcy Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Ustawienia", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Tryb ciemny, zbieranie danych…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferencje żywieniowe", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Wybierz, które preferencje żywieniowe są dla Ciebie najważniejsze.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Wybierz, które informacje o jedzeniu są dla Ciebie najważniejsze, aby uszeregować żywność zgodnie z własnymi preferencjami, najpierw zobacz informacje, na których Ci zależy, i uzyskaj podsumowanie zgodności. Te preferencje żywieniowe pozostają na Twoim urządzeniu i nie są powiązane z Twoim kontem współtwórcy Open Food Facts, jeśli je posiadasz.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Zresetować preferencje żywieniowe?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Znalazłeś(-aś) nowy produkt!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Zrób zdjęcia opakowania, aby dodać ten produkt do Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Proszę najpierw dodać kilka zdjęć. Zawsze można dokończyć produkt później.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,33 +622,33 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia przodu do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia składników do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia wartości odżywczych do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia opakowania do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Przesyłanie zdjęcia przodu do Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Dodaj brakujące składniki", "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Dodaj brakujący obraz opakowania", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Dodaj brakujące informacje o pożywieniu", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Dodaj brakujące informacje o wartościach odżywczych", "score_add_missing_product_category": "Dodaj brakującą kategorię produktu", "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Dodaj brakujące kraje pochodzenia produktów", "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Dodaj brakujące kody identyfikacji produktów", @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Otwórz ustawienia systemowe dla Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Pomóż wolontariuszom Open Food Facts ulepszyć aplikację. Zdecydujesz, czy chcesz przesyłać anonimowe dane analityczne.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Zaloguj się lub zarejestruj, aby dołączyć do społeczności Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Logowanie do Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Cześć, usuń, proszę, moje konto Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Po włączeniu raporty o awariach są automatycznie przesyłane do systemu śledzenia błędów Open Food Facts, dzięki czemu będzie można naprawić błędy, a tym samym ulepszyć aplikację.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Po włączeniu niektóre anonimowe informacje dotyczące użytkowania aplikacji będą wysyłane na serwery Open Food Facts, abyśmy mogli zrozumieć, w jaki sposób i ile funkcji jest używanych w celu ich ulepszenia.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Jeśli kategoria nie jest dostępna w autouzupełnianiu, możesz ją dodać, pomoże nam to ulepszyć Open Food Facts w Twoim kraju.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_name_error_empty": "Nazwa jest obowiązkowe", + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Nazwa jest obowiązkowa", "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Akceptuję warunki umowy aplikacji Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Usunąć listę?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Zamierzasz usunąć listę \"{name}\". \nCzy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Tak, potwierdzam", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Obejrzyj ten produkt na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Obejrzyj moją listę produktów na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Oceń aplikację", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Świetnie! Daj znać innym co sądzisz o tej aplikacji!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Oceń aplikację", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Później", @@ -2096,7 +2097,7 @@ } } }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Liczba jednostek", "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { "description": "Field label" }, @@ -2189,7 +2190,7 @@ "@color_blue": { "description": "Color Blue" }, - "color_cyan": "Błękitny", + "color_cyan": "Cyjan", "@color_cyan": { "description": "Color Cyan" }, @@ -2199,9 +2200,9 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Domyślny", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, - "color_magenta": "Karmazynowy", + "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { "description": "Color Magenta" }, @@ -2241,7 +2242,7 @@ "@contrast_low": { "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" }, - "product_loader_not_found_title": "Produkt nie znaleziony!", + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Nie znaleziono produktu!", "@product_loader_not_found_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" }, @@ -2262,7 +2263,7 @@ "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "page_not_found_title": "Strona nie znaleziona!", + "page_not_found_title": "Nie znaleziono strony!", "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Zaktualizuj lokalną bazę danych produktów najnowszymi danymi z Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,11 +2354,15 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Usuń", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "Zmień bieżącą listę", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Stwórz nową listę", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4d61cf8a726320f46a54e4770f2452e893edfb7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 092/216] New translations app_en.arb (Portuguese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb | 886 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 455 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb index 64762ab62fd..f8e8155abe3 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ }, "yes": "Sim", "@yes": {}, - "add": "Adicione", + "add": "Adicionar", "@add": {}, - "account_delete_message": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, compartilhe abaixo", + "account_delete_message": "Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, partilhe-o a seguir", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "Motivo", "@reason": {}, @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, - "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao início", + "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao topo", "save": "Guardar", - "save_confirmation": "Você tem certeza de que deseja salvar?", + "save_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer guardar?", "skip": "Pular", "cancel": "Cancelar", "@cancel": {}, @@ -46,94 +46,94 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Resetar preferências alimentares", + "reset_food_prefs": "Repor preferências alimentares", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, - "error": "Algo correu mal", + "error": "Surgiu um erro", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "Ocorreu um erro", + "error_occurred": "Surgiu um erro", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos trabalhando nesse recurso, fique atento", + "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos a trabalhar nesta funcionalidade, fique atento", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "Visualizar no navegador", + "label_web": "Ver na web", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Saiba mais", + "learnMore": "Mais informações", "@learnMore": {}, "unknown": "Desconhecido", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, - "match_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", + "match_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", "@match_very_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_good": "Boa compatibilidade", + "match_good": "Boa correspondência", "@match_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", + "match_poor": "Baixa correspondência", "@match_poor": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_may_not": "Pode não combinar", + "match_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", "@match_may_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_does_not": "Não combina", + "match_does_not": "Não corresponde", "@match_does_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", + "match_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", "@match_unknown": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "match_short_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", + "match_short_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", "@match_short_very_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_short_good": "Boa compatibilidade", + "match_short_good": "Boa correspondência", "@match_short_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_short_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", + "match_short_poor": "Baixa correspondência", "@match_short_poor": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_short_may_not": "Pode não combinar", + "match_short_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", "@match_short_may_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_short_does_not": "Não combina", + "match_short_does_not": "Não corresponde", "@match_short_does_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_short_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", + "match_short_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", "@match_short_unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, "licenses": "Licenças", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Procurando", + "looking_for": "A procurar por", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, - "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos desenvolvida por comunidades locais.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos dinamizada pelas comunidades locais.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, - "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que são bons para você e para o planeta.", + "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si e para o planeta.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Veja as informações nutricionais relevantes às suas preferências.", + "productDataUtility": "Veja os dados alimentares relevantes para as suas preferências.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "▶ Escolha os alimentos que são bons para você.", + "healthCardUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para salvar suas contribuições", - "incorrect_credentials": "Nome do usuário ou senha incorretos.", - "login": "Nome de Utilizador", + "sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para guardar as suas contribuições", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe incorrectos.", + "login": "Iniciar sessão", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, digite o nome de usuário ou e-mail", - "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", - "create_account": "Criar uma conta", + "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, insira o nome de utilizador ou o e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", + "create_account": "Criar conta", "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, @@ -158,20 +158,20 @@ "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, - "sign_in_mandatory": "Para usar esse recurso, entre na sua conta.", + "sign_in_mandatory": "Para essa funcionalidade tem de entrar na sua conta.", "@sign_in_mandatory": { "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" }, - "sign_out": "Sair", + "sign_out": "Terminar sessão", "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "Você tem certeza que deseja sair?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "Quer mesmo terminar a sessão?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, "password": "Palavra-passe", - "forgot_password": "Esqueci a senha", + "forgot_password": "Esqueci-me da palavra-passe", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, @@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso de esqueça sua senha, digite seu nome de usuário ou e-mail e receberá instruções para redefinir a senha. Verifique também a pasta \"Spam\" de seu e-mail.", - "username_or_email": "Nome de usuário ou e-mail", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso se tenha esquecido da palavra-passe, introduza o seu nome de utilizador ou e-mail para receber instruções para a criação de uma nova palavra-passe. Lembre-se também de verificar a pasta \"Spam\".", + "username_or_email": "Nome de utilizador ou e-mail", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "Um e-mail com um link para redefinir sua senha foi enviado para o endereço de e-mail associado à sua conta. Não se esqueça de checar também a sua pasta \"Spam\"", - "send_reset_password_mail": "Alterar senha", + "reset_password_done": "Enviámos um e-mail para o endereço associado à sua conta, com uma hiperligação para redefinir a palavra-passe. Verifique tambem a sua pasta \"Spam\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Mudar a palavra-passe", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "Por favor, insira algum texto", + "enter_some_text": "Por favor introduza algum texto", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, @@ -205,21 +205,21 @@ "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrando…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "A registar…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! Sua conta acabou de ser criada.", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! A sua conta foi criada com sucesso.", "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nome", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, digite o nome de exibição que você deseja usar", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, escolha o nome que deseja usar", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "O e-mail é obrigatório", "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "E-mail inválido", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de usuário: publicamente visível", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário válido", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de usuário não pode conter espaços, letras maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de usuário não pode exceder {value} caracteres", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de utilizador: público", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador válido", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de utilizador não pode conter espaços, maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de utilizador não pode exceder {value} caracteres", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -228,44 +228,44 @@ } }, "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Palavra-passe", - "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira uma senha válida (pelo menos 6 caracteres)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmar senha", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a senha", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As senhas não conferem", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza uma palavra-passe com pelo menos 6 caracteres", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirme a palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a palavra-passe", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As palavras-passe não coincidem", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Concordo com Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de uso e contribuição", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de utilização e contribuição", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, - "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, - "donate_url": "", + "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." }, - "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de Uso, porém, contribuições anônimas ainda podem ser feitas através do app", + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de utilização. No entanto, podem ser feitas contribuições anónimas através da aplicação", "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sou um produtor de alimentos", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produtor/marca", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de um produtor ou marca", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Eu gostaria de assinar a newsletter da Open Food Facts (você pode cancelar a assinatura a qualquer momento)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "O nome de usuário já existe, por favor escolha outro nome.", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza o nome de um produtor ou de uma marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Gostaria de subscrever o boletim informativo (newsletter) Open Food Facts (pode cancelar a sua subscrição em qualquer momento)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Este nome já existe; escolha outro.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "já existe, faça o login na conta ou tente com outro e-mail.", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, forneça um endereço de e-mail válido.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, indique um endereço de email válido.", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "Definições", + "settingsTitle": "Configurações", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "Tema", + "darkmode": "Modo noturno", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, @@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ "@darkmode_light": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" }, - "darkmode_system_default": "Padrão do sistema", + "darkmode_system_default": "Predefinição do sistema", "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, - "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda em nosso canal Slack", - "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda em nosso fórum", + "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda no nosso canal Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda no nosso fórum", "support_via_email": "Envie-nos um e-mail", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar logs do aplicativo?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Deseja incluir logs do aplicativo anexos ao seu e-mail?", - "termsOfUse": "Termos de uso", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar registos da aplicação?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Quer incluir os registos da aplicação anexados ao seu e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Termos de utilização", "@termsOfUse": {}, - "about_this_app": "Sobre este aplicativo", + "about_this_app": "Sobre esta aplicação", "@about_this_app": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" }, @@ -310,73 +310,73 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "O código para cada produto do Open Food Facts está disponível no GitHub. Você pode reutilizar o código (é de código aberto) e nos ajudar a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", + "contribute_develop_text": "O código de cada produto Open Food Facts está disponível em GitHub. Pode reutilizar o código (é de fonte aberta) e ajudar-nos a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Você pode participar da sala de bate-papo Open Food Facts que é a melhor forma de fazer perguntas.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Pode juntar-se à sala de chat Slack da Open Food Facts, que é a opção preferida para colocar questões.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modo DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Ativar o modo DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Fazer uma doação ao Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Fazer um donativo à Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, - "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos a completar", + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos que precisam ser completados", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" }, - "contribute_improve_header": "Aprimorando", + "contribute_improve_header": "Melhorar", "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "O banco de dados é o núcleo do projeto. Ajudar é fácil e rápido. Você pode baixar o aplicativo no seu telefone e começar a adicionar produtos ou fazer correções.\n\nAlém disso, o site Open Food Facts oferece muitas maneiras de contribuir: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "A base de dados é a parte central do projeto. É muito fácil e rápido colaborar. Pode descarregar a aplicação móvel para o seu telemóvel e começar a adicionar ou a melhorar produtos.\n\nPor outro lado, o website Open Food Facts permite contribuir de várias formas: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Traduzir", "@contribute_translate_header": { "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" }, - "contribute_translate_link_text": "Comece a traduzir", + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Começar a traduzir", "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, contendo produtos de mais de 160 países. O Open Food Facts está traduzido em dezenas de idiomas, com conteúdo em constante evolução.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, que contém produtos de mais de 160 países. Open Food Facts traduz-se em dezenas de línguas, com conteúdos em constante evolução.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "A tradução é uma das principais tarefas do projeto", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Compartilhe o Open Food Facts com seus amigos", + "contribute_share_header": "Partilhe Open Food Facts com os amigos", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Eu queria que você soubesse sobre o aplicativo que tenho usado, Open Food Facts, que permite que você descubra os impactos de sua alimentação na saúde e no meio ambiente de forma personalizada. Funciona digitalizando os códigos de barras na embalagem. Por fim, é gratuito, não requer registro e você pode até ajudar a aumentar o número de produtos decodificados. Aqui está o link para baixá-lo no seu telefone:", + "contribute_share_content": "Quero dar-vos a conhecer a aplicação que tenho vindo a utilizar, Open Food Facts, que permite conhecer os impactos dos alimentos na saúde e no ambiente, de forma personalizada. Funciona através da leitura dos códigos de barras das embalagens. É gratuito, não requer registo e pode mesmo contribuir para aumentar o número de produtos descodificados. Este é o link para instalar no seu telemóvel:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Prima aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, - "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto estão sendo carregadas", + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto são carregadas", "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, - "saving_answer": "Salvando sua resposta", + "saving_answer": "A guardar a sua resposta", "@saving_answer": { "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." }, - "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e obtenha recompensas", + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e receba recompensas", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para ganhar crédito pelas suas contribuições", - "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com sim", - "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com não", - "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Pular essa pergunta", - "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar pesquisa", + "question_sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para ser creditado pelo seu contributo", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responder sim", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responder não", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Ignorar esta pergunta", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar a pesquisa", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "Minhas preferências", + "myPreferences": "As minhas preferências", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Crie sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a construir conhecimento sobre alimentos em todo o mundo!", + "account_create_message": "Crie a sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a aumentar o conhecimento sobre os alimentos de todo o mundo!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -384,30 +384,30 @@ "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "Seu perfil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerencie sua conta de colaborador da Open Food Facts.", - "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações do aplicativo", - "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "O seu perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerir a sua conta como colaborador do Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações da aplicação", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analíticas…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferências alimentares", - "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha quais informações sobre alimentos são mais importantes para você.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Escolha quais informações sobre os alimentos são mais importantes para você, a fim de classificar os alimentos de acordo com suas preferências, ver as informações que lhe interessam primeiro e obter um resumo de compatibilidade. Essas preferências alimentares permanecem no seu dispositivo e não são associadas à sua conta de colaborador do Open Food Facts, se você tiver uma.", - "confirmResetPreferences": "Redefinir suas preferências alimentares?", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha as informações que mais lhe importam sobre a sua comida.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Repor as suas preferências alimentares?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "Minha classificação personalizada", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "A minha classificação personalizada", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, "ranking_tab_all": "Todos", - "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma ótima combinação para você", - "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Combinação muito fraca", - "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Combinação desconhecida", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com suas novas preferências", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma boa correspondência", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Correspondência muito baixa", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com as suas novas preferências", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, - "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com suas novas preferências", + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com as suas novas preferências", "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" }, @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "Escanear", + "scan_navbar_label": "Digitalizar", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, @@ -441,11 +441,11 @@ "@filter": { "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" }, - "scan": "Escanear sessão", + "scan": "Sessão de pesquisa", "@scan": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" }, - "scan_history": "Histórico de escaneamento", + "scan_history": "Histórico de pesquisa", "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, @@ -453,13 +453,13 @@ "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, - "tap_for_more": "Clique para ver mais informações…", + "tap_for_more": "Clique para mais informação…", "@Product": {}, "product": "Produto", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "Marca desconhecida", "@unknownBrand": {}, - "unknownProductName": "Nome de produto desconhecido", + "unknownProductName": "Nome do produto desconhecido", "@unknownProductName": {}, "label_refresh": "Atualizar", "@label_refresh": { @@ -472,16 +472,16 @@ }, "ingredients": "Ingredientes", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a porcentagem quando especificada. Separe com vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para os ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique os alérgenos entre sublinhados.", - "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar os ingredientes.", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a percentagem quando especificada. Separe com uma vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique alergénios entre _traços sublinhados_.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar os ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem dos ingredientes.", "ingredients_editing_title": "Editar ingredientes", "ingredients_photo": "Foto de ingredientes", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, - "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou linha, com a sua quantidade (ex. 1 ou 6), tipo (ex. garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex. plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex. 330 ml) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 tampa de plástico para descartar", - "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar a embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou paragrafo, com a sua quantidade (ex: 1 ou 6), formato (ex: garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex: plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex: 33 cl) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 rolha de plástico para deitar fora", + "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar a embalagem.", "packaging_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de embalagem.", "packaging_editing_title": "Editar embalagem", "nutrition": "Nutrição", @@ -490,59 +490,59 @@ "@nutrition_facts_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" }, - "packaging_information": "Informação de embalagem", + "packaging_information": "Informação da embalagem", "@packaging_information": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" }, "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de informações da embalagem", "@packaging_information_photo": {}, - "missing_product": "Você encontrou um novo produto!", + "missing_product": "Encontrou um novo produto!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografe a embalagem para adicionar este produto ao Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, - "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Primeiro tire algumas fotos. Você poderá completar os dados do produto mais tarde.", + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Por favor, tire algumas fotografias primeiro. Pode concluir os dados do produto mais tarde.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, "add_product_information_button_label": "Adicione informações sobre o produto", "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, - "new_product": "Produto Novo", + "new_product": "Novo produto", "@new_product": {}, - "new_product_dialog_title": "Você acabou de encontrar um novo produto!", + "new_product_dialog_title": "Acaba de encontrar um novo produto!", "@new_product_dialog_title": { "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que você não colocou algo. Quer realmente sair desta página?", + "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que não introduziu nada. Quer mesmo sair desta página?", "@new_product_leave_message": { "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." }, - "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor, fotografe a embalagem para adicionar esse produto à nossa base de dados comum", + "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor fotografe a embalagem do produto para o adicionar à nossa base de dados", "@new_product_dialog_description": { "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto frontal do produto", + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Fotografia frontal do produto", "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, - "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da foto frontal do produto", + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da fotografia frontal do produto", "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." }, "confirm_button_label": "Confirmar", "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imagem", - "crop_page_action_saving": "Salvando a imagem…", + "crop_page_action_saving": "A guardar a imagem…", "@crop_page_action_saving": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_cropping": "Recortando a imagem…", + "crop_page_action_cropping": "A redimensionar a imagem…", "@crop_page_action_cropping": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local": "Salvando versão local…", + "crop_page_action_local": "A guardar uma versão local…", "@crop_page_action_local": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Ops… há algo com a sua foto!", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops... há um problema com a foto!", "@crop_page_action_local_title": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não foi possível processar a imagem localmente, antes de enviá-la para nosso servidor. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde ou entre em contato conosco se o problema persistir.", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não estamos a conseguir processar a sua imagem antes de a enviar para o nosso servidor. Tente novamente mais tarde ou contacte-nos se o problema persistir.", "@crop_page_action_local_message": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "O tamanho mínimo em pixels para upload de imagens é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem atual é {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Para carregar imagens o tamanho mínimo em píxeis é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem selecionada tem {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", "placeholders": { @@ -568,94 +568,94 @@ } } }, - "crop_page_action_server": "Preparando uma chamada para o servidor…", + "crop_page_action_server": "A preparar um telefonema para o servidor…", "@crop_page_action_server": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto frontal da embalagem", - "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto dos ingredientes", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto das Informações Nutricionais", - "recycling_photo_title": "Reciclagem de imagem", - "other_interesting_photo_title": "Mais fotos interessantes", - "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto inicial carregada", + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Fotografia frontal da embalagem", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Fotografia dos ingredientes", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais", + "recycling_photo_title": "Fotografia de reciclagem", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Outras fotografias interessantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia inicial enviada", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto de ingredientes", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, - "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto dos ingredientes enviada", + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de ingredientes enviada", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, - "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar nutrientes do cache", + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar os nutrientes da cache", "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações nutricionais", "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, - "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Preencher informações nutricionais", + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Introduzir dados nutricionais", "nutritional_facts_added": "Informações nutricionais adicionadas", "categories_added": "Categorias adicionadas", "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calcular o Nutri-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha preenchendo a categoria de alimentos e valores nutricionais", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os valores nutricionais", "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calcular o Eco-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", - "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Torne o cálculo do Eco-Score mais preciso com as origens, embalagens & muito mais", - "new_product_title_nova": "Compute o nível de processamento alimentar (NOVA)", - "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Ganhe em preencher a categoria e ingredientes alimentares", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Tornar o cálculo do Eco-Score mais exato com a indicação da origem, da embalagem e outras informações", + "new_product_title_nova": "Calcular o nível de processamento de alimentos (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Obter o produto preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os ingredientes", "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nível desconhecido de processamento do alimento", - "new_product_title_pictures": "Vamos tirar algumas fotos!", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Tiremos algumas fotos!", "new_product_title_misc": "E alguns dados básicos…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para avaliar o Nutri-Score, o Eco-Score e o Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", - "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto das informações nutricionais enviada", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para calcular o Nutri-Score, Eco-Score e Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais enviada", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, - "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações sobre reciclagem", + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Fotografia das informações sobre reciclagem", "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, - "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto de reciclagem enviada", + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de reciclagem enviada", "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, - "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Outras fotografias interessantes", "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, - "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotos diversas enviadas", + "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia diversa enviada", "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, "retake_photo_button_label": "Tirar novamente", "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "Selecionando foto", + "selecting_photo": "Selecionando fotografia", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, - "uploading_image": "Enviando imagem para o servidor", + "uploading_image": "A enviar fotografia para o servidor", "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Enviando a imagem frontal para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Enviando imagem de ingredientes para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Enviando imagem nutricional para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Enviando imagem de embalagem para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Enviando outra imagem para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Enviando imagem para a Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicione os ingredientes que faltam", - "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem faltando na embalagem", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais ausentes", - "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria de produto ausente", - "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países de produtos faltando", - "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade de produto ausentes", - "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos de produto faltando", - "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens de produto faltando", - "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas de produto faltando", - "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar informações nutricionais", + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicionar ingredientes que faltam", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem de embalagem que falta", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicionar informações nutricionais que faltam", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria que falta", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens que faltam de produtos", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas que faltam de produtos", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar dados nutricionais", "nutrition_page_title": "Informações nutricionais", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "A informação nutricional não é está presente no produto", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "por 100g", @@ -663,16 +663,16 @@ "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Adicionar um nutriente", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tamanho da porção", "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número inválido", - "nutrition_page_update_running": "Atualizando o produto no servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "A atualizar o produto no servidor…", "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produto atualizado!", - "more_photos": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "more_photos": "Mais fotografias interessantes", "@more_photos": {}, - "no_product_found": "Nenhum produto encontrado", + "no_product_found": "Não foi encontrado nenhum produto", "@no_product_found": {}, "not_found": "não encontrado:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou escaneie seu primeiro produto", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou digitalize o seu primeiro produto", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "Atualizando o produto", + "refreshing_product": "Atualizar produto", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ "@product_refreshed": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" }, - "deprecated_header": "Você está usando uma versão obsoleta do aplicativo.", + "deprecated_header": "Está a utilizar uma versão antiga da aplicação.", "@deprecated_header": { "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" }, @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ "@click_here": { "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" }, - "download_new_version": "Baixe a nova versão do aplicativo", + "download_new_version": "Descarregar a nova versão da aplicação", "@download_new_version": { "description": "Download new version of the app text" }, @@ -696,15 +696,15 @@ "@could_not_refresh": { "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" }, - "product_internet_error": "Impossível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", - "cached_results_from": "Exibir resultados de:", + "product_internet_error": "Não foi possível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", + "cached_results_from": "Mostrar resultados de:", "@cached_results_from": { "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" }, "@Product Addition": {}, "added_product_thanks": "Obrigado por adicionar este produto!", "@added_product_thanks": {}, - "product_search_same_category": "Compare com categoria", + "product_search_same_category": "Comparar com a categoria", "@product_search_same_category": { "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" }, @@ -712,35 +712,35 @@ "@product_improvement_add_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione as informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione as informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido a, por exemplo, uma categoria não padrão. Se isto for considerado um erro, por favor contacte-nos.", + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido, por exemplo, a uma categoria fora do normal. Se isso for considerado um erro, contacte-nos.", "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: por favor, atualize-a.", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: atualize-a.", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, - "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em conta as origens dos ingredientes. Por favor, tire uma foto da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para serem considerados.", + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em consideração a origem dos ingredientes. Tire uma fotografia da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para que possam ser levados em consideração.", "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "Por favor, escolha um país", + "country_chooser_label": "Escolha um país", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, - "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Seu país", + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "O seu país", "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas funções ambientais são específicas do local", + "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas características ambientais dependem do local", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Abrir configurações do sistema para Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -770,13 +770,13 @@ }, "@Lists": {}, "no_prodcut_in_list": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", - "no_product_in_section": "Não há produto nessa seção", + "no_product_in_section": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", "recently_seen_products": "Histórico", "clear": "Limpar", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, - "really_clear": "Você realmente deseja excluir esta lista?", + "really_clear": "Quer mesmo eliminar esta lista?", "@Plural": {}, "pct_match": "{percent}% de correspondência", "@pct_match": { @@ -785,99 +785,99 @@ "percent": {} } }, - "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia atrás} other{{count} dias atrás}}", + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia antes} other{{count} dias antes}}", "@plural_ago_days": { "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{uma hora atrás} other{{count} horas atrás}}", + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{há uma hora} other{há {count} horas}}", "@plural_ago_hours": { "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{menos de um minuto atrás} =1{um minuto atrás} other{{count} minutos atrás}}", + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{ há menos de um minuto} =1{há um minuto} other{há {count} minutos}}", "@plural_ago_minutes": { "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{um mês atrás} other{{count} meses atrás}}", + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{há um mês} other{há {count} meses}}", "@plural_ago_months": { "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{uma semana atrás} other{{count} semanas atrás}}", + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{há uma semana} other{há {count} semanas}}", "@plural_ago_weeks": { "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um Produto} other{Comparar {count} Produtos}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um produto} other{Comparar {count} Productos}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Comparar produtos", + "compare_products_mode": "Compare produtos", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparar produtos", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare produtos", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, - "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione ao menos dois produtos", + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione pelo menos dois produtos", "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, "retry_button_label": "Repetir", - "connect_with_us": "Conecte-se conosco", + "connect_with_us": "Lige-se a nós", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", "twitter": "Twitter", "twitter_link": "", "blog": "Blogue", - "faq": "Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)", - "discover": "Descubra", + "faq": "Perguntas frequentes", + "discover": "Descobrir", "how_to_contribute": "Como contribuir", - "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Você pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que você vê. Experimente agora!", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que vê. Tente agora!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" }, - "consent_analytics_title": "Compartilhar dados anônimos", + "consent_analytics_title": "Enviar estatísticas anónimas", "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Ajude os voluntários da Open Food Facts a melhorar o aplicativo. Você decide se deseja enviar análises anônimas.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "consent_analytics_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmera", + "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmara", "@permissions_page_title": { "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmera do seu celular, por favor autorize o acesso.", + "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmara do telemóvel, por favor conceda o acesso.", "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "permissions_page_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", + "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / lançamento: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", "@contact_form_body_android": { "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", "placeholders": { @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão do aplicativo: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação do aplicativo: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote do aplicativo: {appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão da aplicação: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação da aplicação: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote da aplicação: {appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ "@refuse": { "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" }, - "ask_me_later_button_label": "Mais tarde", + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Lembrar-me depois", "@ask_me_later": { "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" }, @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ "@are_you_sure": { "description": "Are you sure?" }, - "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Aprofundar-se em {sourceName}", + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Mais informação em {sourceName}", "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", "placeholders": { @@ -972,23 +972,23 @@ } } }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Nós inventamos o aplicativo\nde digitalização colaborativo\nem 2012", + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Inventamos\na aplicação de digitalização\ncolaborativa em 2012", "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Ao completar 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-o\ndo zero!", + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "À medida que fazemos 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-a\ndo zero!", "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando seu primeiro produto de exemplo", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando o seu primeiro exemplo de produto", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não tem nenhum produto de exemplo em seu idioma", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não há nenhum exemplo de produto no seu idioma", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" }, - "product_list_your_ranking": "Sua classificação", + "product_list_your_ranking": "A sua classificação", "@product_list_your_ranking": { "description": "Your ranking screen title" }, @@ -996,41 +996,41 @@ "@product_list_icon_desc": { "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_title": "Comece a escanear", + "product_list_empty_title": "Iniciar a digitalização", "@product_list_empty_title": { "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos que você digitalizar aparecerão aqui e você poderá verificar informações detalhadas sobre eles", + "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos digitalizados aparecerão aqui e poderá ver informações detalhadas sobre eles", "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Recarregando {count,plural, =0{os produtos} =1{o produto} other{os produtos}} no seu histórico", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Atualizando {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} no seu histórico", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Carregamento de {count,plural, =0{Produto} =1{Produto} other{Produtos}} completo", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Atualização de {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} completa", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "Baixando dados", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "A descarregar os dados", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, - "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível baixar os dados", + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível descarregar os dados", "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { "description": "Default loading dialog error message" }, - "account_delete": "Excluir a conta", + "account_delete": "Eliminar a conta", "@account_delete": { "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" }, - "account_deletion_subject": "Excluir minha conta", + "account_deletion_subject": "Eliminar a minha conta", "@account_deletion_subject": { "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" }, @@ -1038,12 +1038,12 @@ "@user_profile": { "description": "User account (if connected)" }, - "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo!", + "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo(a)!", "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Faça login ou cadastre-se para participar da comunidade Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Login no Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ } } }, - "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo {id}!", + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo(a) {id}!", "@user_profile_title_id_default": { "description": "User login (when it's an id)", "placeholders": { @@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@ } } }, - "email_subject_account_deletion": "Excluir a conta", + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Eliminar a conta", "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Olá, por favor exclua minha conta Open Food Fact: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1074,43 +1074,43 @@ } } }, - "settings_app_app": "Aplicativo", - "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitoramento", - "settings_app_camera": "Câmera", + "settings_app_app": "Aplicação", + "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitorização", + "settings_app_camera": "Câmara", "settings_app_products": "Produtos", "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversos", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "Emitir um som durante o escaneamento", + "camera_play_sound_title": "Reproduzir um som durante a digitalização", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Emite um alerta sonoro a cada escaneamento bem-sucedido", + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Irá emitir um sinal sonoro em cada digitalização bem sucedida", "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Intensidade da vibração e da resposta tátil", + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibração e resposta tátil", "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibração após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrações após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de erro", + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de falhas", "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, os relatórios de falhas são enviados automaticamente ao sistema de rastreamento de erros do Open Food Facts, para que os bugs possam ser corrigidos e, assim, melhorar o aplicativo.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anônimos", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anónimos", "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, algumas informações anônimas sobre o uso do aplicativo serão enviadas aos servidores do Open Food Facts, para que possamos entender como e quantos recursos são usados para melhorá-los.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1122,8 +1122,8 @@ "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, - "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras", - "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma experiência aprimorada, permita que o {appName} acesse a sua câmera. Você poderá ler códigos de barras diretamente.", + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmara para digitalizar códigos de barras", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma melhor experiência, conceda a permissão ao {appName} de acesso à sua câmara. Poderá digitalizar códigos de barras diretamente.", "@permission_photo_denied_message": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", "placeholders": { @@ -1137,23 +1137,23 @@ "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permissão negada", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmera, você deve permiti-la manualmente nas Configurações.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmara, tem de conseder a permissão manualmente nas Configurações.", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Abrir configurações", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancelar", "permission_photo_none_found": "Nenhuma câmera detetada", "@permission_photo_none_found": { "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" }, - "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmera concedido", + "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmara concedido", "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "Modificar produto", + "edit_product_label": "Editar produto", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicione um novo {itemType}", - "description": "Dica de ferramenta para mostrar quando o usuário pressiona longamente o botão (+)", + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicionar um novo {itemType}", + "description": "Dica para mostrar quando o utilizador pressiona o botão (+) durante muito tempo", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { "itemType": { @@ -1177,11 +1177,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Site…", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotografias", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, @@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Rótulos de Qualidade Ambiental…", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Ambiental, Rótulos de qualidade…", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, @@ -1229,11 +1229,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que você encontrar na embalagem. Você não precisa se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que encontrar na embalagem. Não precisa de se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne bovina da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Européia", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne de vaca da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Europeia", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto é amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto está amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" }, @@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, codifique como uma elipse com as 2 iniciais do pais seguidas de um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, o código numa elipse com as iniciais de 2 países seguidas por um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" }, @@ -1281,33 +1281,33 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indique apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias principais serão adicionadas automaticamente.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicar apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias-mãe serão adicionadas automaticamente. Por exemplo introduzindo \"iogurtes líquidos aromatizados\", será adicionado automaticamente às categorias-mãe \"iogurtes líquidos\", \"iogurtes\", \"lacticínios\".", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Caso uma categoria não esteja disponível no preenchimento automático, sinta-se à vontade para adicioná-la de qualquer maneira, isso nos ajudará a melhorar o Open Food Facts em seu país.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Suco de Laranja concentrado", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Refrigerante, Cereais de pequeno almoço, Iogurtes aromatizados", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Deseja salvar suas alterações antes de sair desta página?", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Salvar as alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Quer guardar as alterações antes de deixar esta página?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Guardar alterações", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descartar alterações", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredientes", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicione", - "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor, digite um texto primeiro", - "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remover", - "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto de instruções de reciclagem", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicionar", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor introduza texto", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Eliminar", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Fotografia das instruções de reciclagem", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Informação nutricional", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Dados nutricionais", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, @@ -1315,22 +1315,22 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "Edite", + "edit_product_form_save": "Editar", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, - "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "product_field_website_title": "Site", "@product_field_website_title": { "description": "Title of a product field: website" }, - "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Completar detalhes básicos", + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Detalhes básicos completos", "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Ainda não implementado", "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorias", "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extrair ingredientes", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, - "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" }, @@ -1338,11 +1338,11 @@ "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" }, - "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falhou em detectar texto em imagem.", + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falha ao detetar texto na imagem.", "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, @@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Renomear lista", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Alterar nome da lista", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, @@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, - "user_list_empty_label": "Não há lista disponível ainda, por favor inicie criando uma lista nova", + "user_list_empty_label": "Ainda não existe nenhuma lista disponível, por favor comece por criar uma", "@user_list_empty_label": { "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" }, @@ -1378,15 +1378,15 @@ "@added_to_list_msg": { "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" }, - "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpe seu histórico", + "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpar histórico", "@user_list_popup_clear": { "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" }, - "user_list_popup_rename": "Renomear", + "user_list_popup_rename": "Alterar nome", "@user_list_popup_rename": { "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" }, - "user_list_name_hint": "Minha lista", + "user_list_name_hint": "A minha lista", "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, @@ -1394,19 +1394,19 @@ "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está em uso", + "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está a ser usado", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, - "user_list_name_error_same": "Esse é o mesmo nome", + "user_list_name_error_same": "É o mesmo nome", "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "Tente novamente", + "try_again": "Tentar novamente", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "Houve um erro", + "there_was_an_error": "Ocorreu um erro", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, @@ -1419,19 +1419,19 @@ } } }, - "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre a câmera frontal e traseira", + "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre as câmaras posterior e frontal", "@camera_toggle_camera": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" }, - "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligue ou desligue o flash da câmera", + "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligar ou desligar o flash da câmara", "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "Ativar flash", + "camera_enable_flash": "Ligar flash", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "Desativar flash", + "camera_disable_flash": "Desligar flash", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, @@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado de seu flash. Por favor, certifique-se de que seu smartphone não tem a tocha já habilitada.", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado do seu flash. Por favor verifique que o seu smartphone não tem a tocha já ativada.", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, @@ -1447,11 +1447,11 @@ "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, - "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo DEV", + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo programador", "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Reiniciar tutorial", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Relançar experiência de boas-vindas", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" }, @@ -1476,15 +1476,15 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Domínio do ambiente de teste", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Hospedeiro do ambiente de teste", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar Kit ML", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar kit de ML", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então você precisa reiniciar este aplicativo", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então terá que reiniciar esta aplicação", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" }, @@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edite ingredientes por meio de um botão do painel de conhecimento", + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Editar ingredientes através de um botão do painel de conhecimento", "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1524,8 +1524,8 @@ "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" }, - "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados de V1", - "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados da V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Estado: {status}", "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { "placeholders": { "status": { @@ -1536,14 +1536,14 @@ "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "sucesso ou nova instalação", "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "sucesso", "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "erro", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "em progresso", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "obrigatório (clique para começar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "a decorrer", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "necessário (clique para começar)", "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconhecido", - "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Histórico de importação", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importar histórico", "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "O histórico será limpo e serão colocados 3 produtos lá", + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Irá limpar o histórico e colocar 3 produtos lá", "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" }, @@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de varredura atual é: \"{mode}\"", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de digitalização atual é: \"{mode}\"", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", "placeholders": { @@ -1572,31 +1572,31 @@ "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas transmissão de câmera, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas o fluxo da câmara, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Reprodução de câmera e pré-processamento completo imagem, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento total da imagem, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Transmissão de câmera e pré-processamento parcial de imagem, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento de metade da imagem, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização completa de imagem", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização total da imagem", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização parcial de imagem", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização de metade da imagem", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, - "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reutilizar e editar esta pesquisa", + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reproduzir e editar esta pesquisa", "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, - "product_search_no_more_results": "Você baixou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", + "product_search_no_more_results": "Descarregou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", "@product_search_no_more_results": { "description": "Product search list - No more results available", "placeholders": { @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ } } }, - "product_search_button_download_more": "Baixe mais {count} produtos\nJá foram baixados {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "product_search_button_download_more": "Descarregar mais {count} produtos\nJá descarregou {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", "@product_search_button_download_more": { "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", "placeholders": { @@ -1640,11 +1640,11 @@ "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" }, - "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tirar foto novamente", + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tornar a fotografar", "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Tirar foto", + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Fotografar", "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" }, @@ -1652,11 +1652,11 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de uso e contribuição", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de utilização e contribuição", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, @@ -1682,15 +1682,15 @@ } } }, - "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Completar detalhes básicos", + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Detalhes básicos completos", "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "Edite", + "edit_photo_button_label": "Editar", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, - "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar foto", + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar fotografia", "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" }, @@ -1702,19 +1702,19 @@ "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { "description": "Page title" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Recuperando imagens existentes…", + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "A recuperar imagens existentes…", "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { "description": "Dialog label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens anteriormente enviadas relacionadas a este produto.", + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens previamente carregadas relacionadas com este produto.", "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { "description": "Error message" }, - "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não há imagem para este idioma", + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não existem imagens nessa língua", "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "Ainda não há imagem", + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nenhuma imagem ainda", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, @@ -1724,9 +1724,9 @@ }, "basic_details": "Detalhes básicos", "product_name": "Nome do produto", - "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Por favor, digite o nome do produto", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Introduza o nome do produto", "brand_name": "Nome da marca", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Por favor, insira o nome da marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Introduza o nome da marca", "quantity": "Quantidade e peso", "barcode": "Código de barras", "barcode_barcode": "Código de barras: {barcode}", @@ -1744,18 +1744,18 @@ "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, - "clear_search": "Limpe a sua busca", + "clear_search": "Limpar a pesquisa", "@confirm_clearclear_search": { "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" }, - "confirm_clear": "Você está prestes a excluir todo o seu histórico. Tem certeza que quer continuar?", + "confirm_clear": "Está prestes a limpar todo o seu histórico: tem a certeza que quer continuar?", "@confirm_clear": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" }, - "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados em seu histórico", - "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Você tem certeza que deseja continuar?", - "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Por favor selecione um ou mais arquivos para excluir", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar esta lista ({name}): tem certeza que quer continuar?", + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados do seu histórico", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecione um ou mais itens para eliminar", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar a lista ({name}): tem a certeza que quer continuar?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ "@user_list_all_title": { "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" }, - "user_list_all_empty": "Crie sua primeira lista", + "user_list_all_empty": "Crie a sua primeira lista", "@user_list_all_empty": { "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" }, @@ -1820,19 +1820,19 @@ "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" }, - "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar foto", + "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar fotografia", "@add_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add photo button" }, - "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tire fotos de qualquer informação de embalagem/reciclagem", + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tirar fotos de qualquer informação sobre embalagem/reciclagem", "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "Escolha a fonte da imagem", + "choose_image_source_title": "Escolher fonte da imagem", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, - "choose_image_source_body": "Por favor, escolha uma fonte de imagem", + "choose_image_source_body": "Escolha uma fonte da imagem", "@choose_image_source_body": { "description": "Body for the image source chooser" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Dê uma olhada neste produto na Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Dê uma olhada na minha lista de produtos do Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ } } }, - "capture": "Capturar nova", + "capture": "Fotografar mais recente", "@capture": { "description": "Button label for taking a photo" }, @@ -1870,37 +1870,37 @@ "@choose_from_gallery": { "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" }, - "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano assim que possível.", + "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano o mais rápido possível.", "@image_upload_queued": { "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" }, - "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Iniciando a atualização de todos os produtos armazenados localmente", + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "A Iniciar a atualização dos produtos armazenados localmente", "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" }, - "background_task_title_top_n": "Iniciando o download dos produtos mais populares", + "background_task_title_top_n": "A iniciar a transferência dos produtos mais procurados", "@background_task_title_top_n": { "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de informações nutricionais", + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de factos nutricionais", "@expand_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Manter a tabela de informações nutricionais expandida", - "expand_ingredients": "Expandir ingredientes", + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Mantenha a tabela de factos nutricionais expandida", + "expand_ingredients": "Expandir os ingredientes", "@expand_ingredients": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_ingredients_body": "Manter o painel de ingredientes expandido", - "no_internet_connection": "Sem conexão com a internet", + "expand_ingredients_body": "Mantenha o painel de ingredientes expandido", + "no_internet_connection": "Sem ligação à Internet", "@no_internet_connection": { "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" }, - "world_results_label": "No mundo inteiro", + "world_results_label": "Todo o mundo", "@world_results_label": { "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" }, - "world_results_action": "Amplie sua pesquisa para o mundo", + "world_results_action": "Alargar a pesquisa a todo o mundo", "@world_results_action": { "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" }, @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar o código de barras para a área de transferência", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar código de barras para a área de transferência", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1919,11 +1919,11 @@ } }, "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Código de barras {barcode} copiado para a área de transferência!", - "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "language_picker_label": "O seu idioma", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" }, - "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Uma ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { "description": "Label for the email title" }, @@ -1935,17 +1935,17 @@ "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor, envie manualmente um e-mail para", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, "all_images": "Todas as imagens", - "selected_images": "Imagens seleccionadas", + "selected_images": "Imagens selecionadas", "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remover produto", "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" }, - "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras escaneado: {barcode}", + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras digitalizado: {barcode}", "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", "placeholders": { @@ -1955,39 +1955,39 @@ } } }, - "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remova todos os produtos do carrinho", + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remover todos os produtos do carrossel", "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Por favor, digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clique para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clicar para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" }, - "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "scan_product_loading": "Digitalizou o código de barras:", "@scan_product_loading": { "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "scan_product_loading_initial": "Estamos à procura deste produto!\nPor favor, aguarde alguns segundos…", "@scan_product_loading_initial": { "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto!\nVerifica que demora muito tempo a carregar? Nós também…", "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto.\nGostaria de reiniciar a pesquisa?", "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Reiniciar pesquisa", "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { "description": "Button to force restart a product search" }, - "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular as informações nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular dados nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", "@portion_calculator_description": { "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." }, @@ -1995,11 +1995,11 @@ "@portion_calculator_hint": { "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." }, - "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Insira a quantidade para calcular os dados nutriciais", + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Introduza uma quantidade para calcular as informações nutricionais", "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." }, - "portion_calculator_error": "Por favor, insira uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", + "portion_calculator_error": "Introduzir uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", "@portion_calculator_error": { "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", "placeholders": { @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ } } }, - "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais em {grams} g (ou ml)", + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais para {grams} g (ou ml)", "@portion_calculator_result_title": { "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", "placeholders": { @@ -2020,15 +2020,15 @@ } } }, - "offline_data": "Dados offline", + "offline_data": "Dados off-line", "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para obter automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para extrair automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, - "upload_image": "Carregar foto", + "upload_image": "Enviar fotografia", "@upload_image": { "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" }, @@ -2040,19 +2040,19 @@ "@word_separator": { "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" }, - "image_download_error": "Falha ao baixar a imagem", + "image_download_error": "Falha ao descarregar a imagem", "@image_download_error": { "description": "Error message, when image download fails" }, - "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL não foi definido.", + "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL da imagem não foi definido.", "@image_edit_url_error": { "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." }, - "user_picture_source_remember": "Lembrar minha escolha", + "user_picture_source_remember": "Memorizar a minha escolha", "@user_picture_source_remember": { "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" }, - "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar cada vez", + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar a cada vez", "@user_picture_source_select": { "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" }, @@ -2060,7 +2060,7 @@ "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Próxima {count,plural, =1{pergunta} other{{count} perguntas}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,13 +2071,14 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, - "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Conte aos outros o que você acha deste aplicativo!", - "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avalie o aplicativo", - "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Mais tarde", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Você está gostando deste aplicativo?", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Isso!", - "not_really": "Não muito", - "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos ouvir isso! Poderia nos dizer o que aconteceu?", + "rate_app": "Avaliar a aplicação", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Deixe que os outros saibam o que pensa desta aplicação!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avaliar a aplicação", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Lembrar-me depois", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Está a gostar da aplicação?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Muito!", + "not_really": "Nem por isso", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos saber isso! Pode contar-nos o que aconteceu?", "edit_packagings_title": "Componentes da embalagem", "@edit_packagings_title": { "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" @@ -2100,7 +2101,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Insira o número de unidades de embalagem do mesmo formato e material contidos no produto.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Introduza o número de unidades de embalagens com o mesmo formato e material.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2108,7 +2109,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Digite o nome do formato listado nas instruções de reciclagem se estiverem disponíveis, ou selecione um formato.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Introduza o nome do formato indicado nas instruções de reciclagem, se estiverem disponíveis ou selecione um formato.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2120,7 +2121,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Digite o material específico se ele puder ser determinado (um código de material dentro de um triângulo pode muitas vezes ser encontrado em partes de embalagens), ou um material genérico (por exemplo, plástico ou metal) se você não tiver certeza.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Escreva o material específico se souber (pode-se ver muitas vezes um código de material dentro de um triângulo na embalagem) ou um material genérico (por exemplo plástico ou metal) se não tiver a certeza.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2132,7 +2133,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Digite as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem listadas no produto.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Introduza as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem indicadas no produto.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2144,7 +2145,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Digite o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo, g ou ml).", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Introduza o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo g ou ml).", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2152,32 +2153,32 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer alimento restante, e lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer resto de comida, lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, "background_task_title": "Contribuições pendentes", - "background_task_subtitle": "Suas contribuições são salvas automaticamente em nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", - "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma Tarefa em Segundo Plano Pendente", - "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Sem resposta do servidor", - "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de conexão com a internet. Tente mais tarde.", - "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecido", + "background_task_subtitle": "As suas contribuições são guardadas automaticamente no nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma tarefa em segundo plano pendente", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de ligação à Internet. Tente mais tarde.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecida", "background_task_operation_details": "alterações detalhadas", - "background_task_operation_image": "envio de foto", - "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após envio de foto", + "background_task_operation_image": "envio de fotografia", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após o envio da fotografia", "background_task_run_started": "iniciado", - "background_task_run_not_started": "não iniciado", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser excluído", - "background_task_question_stop": "Você quer parar a tarefa o mais rápido possível?", + "background_task_run_not_started": "ainda não iniciado", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser eliminado", + "background_task_question_stop": "Quer interromper esta tarefa o mais rápido possível?", "feed_back": "Opinião", "undo": "Desfazer", - "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copie e-mail para a área de transferência", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copiar e-mail para a área de transferência", "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" }, - "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor, envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", - "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail copiado para a área de transferência!", - "select_accent_color": "Selecione Cor de Destaque", + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor envie-nos um email para", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copiado!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecionar cor de destaque", "@select_accent_color": { "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." }, @@ -2197,9 +2198,9 @@ "@color_green": { "description": "Color Green" }, - "color_light_brown": "Padrão", + "color_light_brown": "Predefinido", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2221,11 +2222,11 @@ "@color_rust": { "description": "Color Rust" }, - "color_teal": "Turquesa", + "color_teal": "Azul-petróleo", "@color_teal": { "description": "Color Teal" }, - "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste de texto", + "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste do Texto", "@text_contrast_mode": { "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" }, @@ -2245,7 +2246,7 @@ "@product_loader_not_found_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" }, - "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto em nosso banco de dados com o seguinte código de barras: {barcode}", + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto com o seguinte código de barras na nossa base de dados: {barcode}", "@product_loader_not_found_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", "placeholders": { @@ -2254,11 +2255,11 @@ } } }, - "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem conexão com a internet!", + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem ligação à Internet!", "@product_loader_network_error_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "product_loader_network_error_message": "Por favor, verifique se seu smartphone está em uma rede WiFi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Verificar se o telemóvel está ligado a uma rede Wi-Fi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, @@ -2266,19 +2267,19 @@ "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, - "page_not_found_button": "Volte à página inicial", + "page_not_found_button": "Voltar à página inicial", "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "Dados de download", + "download_data": "Descarregar dados", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, - "download_top_products": "Faça o download dos melhores 1000 produtos do seu país para escaneamento instantâneo", + "download_top_products": "Descarregar os 1000 melhores produtos do seu país para verificação imediata", "@download_top_products": { "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" }, - "download_top_n_products": "Baixe o topo {count,plural, one {}other{{count} produtos}} em seu país para digitalização instantânea", + "download_top_n_products": "Descarregar os melhores {count,plural, other{{count} produtos}} no seu país para consulta imediata", "@download_top_n_products": { "placeholders": { "count": { @@ -2286,7 +2287,7 @@ } } }, - "download_in_progress": "Baixando os dados\nIsso demorar algum tempo", + "download_in_progress": "Descarregar dados\nEste processo poderá demorar algum tempo", "@download_in_progress": { "description": "Download in progress" }, @@ -2299,19 +2300,19 @@ } } }, - "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produto offline", + "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produtos offline", "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Atualize o banco de dados de produtos locais com os últimos dados do Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "Limpe dados de produtos offline", + "clear_local_database": "Remover dados de produtos offline", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, - "clear_local_database_sub": "Limpe todos os dados de produtos locais do seu aplicativo para liberar espaço", + "clear_local_database_sub": "Para libertar espaço da sua aplicação remover por completo os dados de um determinado produto", "@clear_local_database_sub": { "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" }, @@ -2324,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Carregando…", + "loading": "A carregar…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2340,7 +2341,7 @@ "@offline_product_data_title": { "description": "Offline Product Data" }, - "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para escaneamento imediato", + "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para verificação imediata", "@available_for_download": { "description": "text to show details of products available for download", "placeholders": { @@ -2349,10 +2350,14 @@ } } }, - "country_selector_title": "Selecione seu país:", + "country_selector_title": "Selecione o seu país:", "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Selecione o seu idioma:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Criar uma nova lista", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 54738d580ab9969a6a3a947f47f5381f87660c5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 093/216] New translations app_en.arb (Russian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb index a02e940d04a..8e8fb634046 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Добро пожаловать в Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts — это глобальная некоммерческая организация, основанная местными сообществами.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Выбирайте еду, которая полезна для вас и для планеты.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Смотрите данные о еде, соответствующие вашим предпочтениям.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Войдите в свою учетную запись Open Food Facts, чтобы сохранить свои взносы", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль.", "login": "Имя пользователя", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Подтвердите пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Пожалуйста, подтверлите пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Пароли не совпадают", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Я согласен с Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "условия использования и вклад", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Я производитель продуктов питания", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Производитель/марка", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Пожалуйста, введите производителя или название марки", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Я хотел бы подписаться на рассылку Open Food Facts (Вы можете отказаться от рассылки в любое время)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Имя пользователя уже существует, пожалуйста выберите другое имя.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "уже существует, войдите в учётную запись или попробуйте другой адрес электронной почты.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Пожалуйста, укажите действующий адрес электронной почты.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Спасибо за ваш вклад!", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Код для каждого продукта Open Food Facts доступен на GitHub. Вы можете повторно использовать код (это открытый исходный код) и помочь нам улучшить его для всех людей на нашей планете.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Вы можете присоединиться к чату Open Food Facts Slack, здесь будет удобно задавать вопросы.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Режим Разработчика?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Активировать Режим Разработчика", - "contribute_donate_header": "Пожертвовать Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Незавершенные продукты", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "База данных — это основа проекта. Помочь нетрудно и не займет много времени. Вы можете загрузить мобильное приложение на свой телефон и начать добавлять или улучшать продукты.\n\nВ то же время, сайт Open Food Facts предлагает множество способов внести свой вклад: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Перевести", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts — это глобальный проект, содержащий информацию о продуктах из более чем 160 стран. Open Food Facts переведена на десятки языков, и продолжает постоянно изменяться.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Переводы — одна из ключевых задач проекта", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Поделитесь Open Food Facts с друзьями", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Я хотел сообщить вам о приложении Open Food Facts, которое я использую, которое позволяет вам персонализировать информацию о воздействии пищи на здоровье и окружающую среду. Он работает путем сканирования штрих-кодов на упаковке. Наконец-то это бесплатно, не требует регистрации, и вы даже можете помочь увеличить количество расшифровываемых продуктов. Вот ссылка, чтобы получить его для вашего телефона:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы ответить на несколько вопросов", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы ответить на вопросы об этом продукте", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Помогайте улучшить прозрачность продуктов питания и получайте вознаграждения", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Войдите в свою учетную запись Open Food Facts, чтобы получить признание за свой вклад", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Ответить да", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Ответить нет", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Пропустить этот вопрос", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Создайте свой аккаунт и присоединяйтесь к сообществу Open Food Facts, чтобы помочь создать знания о пище по всему миру!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Ваш профиль", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Управление учетной записью участника Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Настройки", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Тёмная тема, Аналитика…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Предпочтения в еде", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Выберите, какая информация о еде представляет для вас наибольший интерес.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Выберите, какую информацию о питании больше всего для вас, чтобы ранжировать еду в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями, ознакомьтесь с интересующей Вас информацией и получите сводку по совместимости. Эти настройки питания остаются на вашем устройстве, и не связаны с вашим аккаунтом участника Open Food Facts если он у вас есть.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Сбросить предпочтения?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Вы нашли новый продукт!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Сфотографируйте упаковку, чтобы добавить этот продукт в Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Пожалуйста, сделайте фотографии в первую очередь. Вы всегда можете дополнить продукт потом.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Загрузка фронтального изображения в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Загрузка листа ингредиентов в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Загрузка листа ингредиентов в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Загрузка изображения упаковки в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Загрузка другого изображения в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Загрузка изображения в Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Открыть системные настройки Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Помогите волонтерам Open Food Facts улучшить приложение. Вы сами решаете, отправлять ли анонимную аналитику.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Войти или зарегистрироваться, чтобы присоединиться к сообществу Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts логин: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Пожалуйста, удалите мою учётную запись Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Если включено, отчеты о сбоях автоматически отправляются в систему отслеживания ошибок Open Food Facts, что позволяет исправить ошибки и тем самым улучшить приложение.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Если включено, некоторые анонимные данные об использовании приложения будут отправлена на серверы Open Food Facts, чтобы мы могли понять, как и сколько функций используется, для их улучшения.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Если категория не доступна в автозаполнении, не стесняйтесь добавить ее в любом случае, это поможет нам улучшить Open Food Facts в вашей стране.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Посмотрите как выглядит этот продукт на Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Оценить приложение", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Замечательно! Поделитесь с друзьями своим мнением о приложении!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Оценить приложение", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Позже", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Удалить", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Создание нового списка", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From f4a13bb637b88636ea8318fb84854d2339dfa97f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 094/216] New translations app_en.arb (Slovak) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sk.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sk.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sk.arb index f97576b129e..99e5834ce24 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sk.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sk.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Vitajte v službe Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globálna nezisková organizácia založená na miestnych komunitách.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Vyberte si potraviny, ktoré sú dobré pre vás a planétu.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Zobraziť údaje o potravinách, ktoré zodpovedajú vašim preferenciám.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Prihláste sa do svojho účtu Open Food Facts a uložte svoje príspevky", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nesprávne meno alebo heslo.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Potvrdiť heslo", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Prosím potvrďte heslo", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Heslá sa nezhodujú", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Súhlasím s Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "podmienkami používania a prispievaním", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Som výrobca potravín", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Výrobca/značka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Zadajte výrobcu alebo názov značky", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Chcem sa prihlásiť na odber noviniek Open Food Facts (z odberu sa môžete kedykoľvek odhlásiť)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Toto meno už existuje, prosím zadajte iné.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "už existuje, prihláste sa do účtu alebo skúste použiť iný e-mail.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Prosím zadajte platnú e-mailovú adresu.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Ďakujem za príspevok", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kód pre každý produkt Open Food Facts je dostupný na GitHub. Môžete znova použiť kód (je to otvorený zdroj) a pomôcť nám ho vylepšiť pre všetkých na celej planéte.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Môžete sa pripojiť k diskusnej miestnosti Open Food Facts Slack, čo je preferovaný spôsob kladenia otázok.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Režim DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktivujte režim DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Výrobky, ktoré sa majú dokončiť", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Databáza je jadrom projektu. Pomôcť je jednoduché a veľmi rýchle. Môžete si stiahnuť mobilnú aplikáciu pre svoj telefón a začať pridávať alebo vylepšovať produkty.\n\nNa druhej strane webová stránka Open Food Facts ponúka mnoho spôsobov, ako prispieť: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Preložiť", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts je globálny projekt, ktorý obsahuje produkty z viac ako 160 krajín. Open Food Facts je preložený do desiatok jazykov s neustále sa vyvíjajúcim obsahom.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Preklady sú jednou z kľúčových úloh projektu", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Zdieľajte Open Food Facts so svojimi priateľmi", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Chcel by som ti dať vedieť o aplikácii ktorú používam - Open Food Facts - ktorá ti umožňuje personalizovaným spôsobom získať informácie o vplyve tvojho jedla na zdravie a životné prostredie. Funguje tak, že naskenuješ čiarový kód na obale. Je to zadarmo, nevyžaduje registráciu a dokonca môžeš pomôcť zvýšiť počet dešifrovaných produktov. Tu je odkaz na stiahnutie do telefónu:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Klepnutím sem odpovedzte na otázky", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomôžte zlepšiť transparentnosť potravín a získajte odmeny", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Prihláste sa do svojho účtu Open Food Facts a získajte kredit za svoj príspevok", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Vytvorte si účet a pripojte sa ku komunite Open Food Facts, aby ste pomohli budovať vedomosti o potravinách na celom svete!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Váš profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Spravujte svoj účet prispievateľa Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Nastavenia aplikácie", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Potravinové preferencie", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Vyberte si, ktoré informácie o jedle sú pre vás najdôležitejšie.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Vyberte si, ktoré informácie o potravinách sú pre vás najdôležitejšie, aby ste mohli zoradiť jedlo podľa svojich preferencií, pozrite si informácie, ktoré vás zaujímajú ako prvé, a získajte súhrn kompatibility. Tieto preferencie jedla zostanú vo vašom zariadení a nie sú spojené s vaším účtom prispievateľa Open Food Facts, ak ho máte.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Obnoviť predvoľby jedla?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Skvelé! Dajte ostatným vedieť, čo si myslíte o tejto aplikácii!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Vymazať", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b6c14d06a2a33682dbc1378c295be6ac1e753b54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 095/216] New translations app_en.arb (Slovenian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb index e360466bae8..2a1fb9fa761 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Dobrodošli v Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je svetovna neprofitna organizacija, ki deluje s pomočjo prostovoljcev.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Izberite živila, ki je dobra za vas, kot tudi za svet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Oglejte si podatke o živilih, ki ustrezajo vašim željam.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Ustvarite Open Food Facts račun in si oglejte svoje prispevke", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo.", "login": "Uporabniško ime", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Potrditev gesla", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Prosimo potrdite geslo", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Vneseni gesli se ne ujemata", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Strinjam se z Open Food Facts pogoji", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "pogoji uporabe in prispevki", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sem proizvajalec hrane", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Proizvajalec/blagovna Znamka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Prosimo vnesite proizvajalca ali blagovno znamko", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Rad bi se naročio na Open Food Facts novice (Odjavite se lahko kadarkoli)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Hvala za vaš prispevek", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Koda vsakega Open Food Facts izdelka je na voljo na GitHub. Vabimo vas k uporabi kod, ki so odprtokodne, s čimer lahko prispevate k izboljšavam.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Najboljši način, da nam postavite vprašanje je, da se nam pridružite v Open Food Facts Slack klepetalnici.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Doniraj k Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Izdelki, ki jih je potrebno dokončati", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Baza podatkov je osredje projekta. Pomagate nam lahko hitro in enostavno. Naložite si mobilno aplikacijo na telefon in pomagajte nam izboljšati izdelke.\n\nSpletna stran Open Food Facts nudi veliko različnih načinov s katerimi lahko prispevate k izboljšavam: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Prevedi", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts je svetovni projekt, ki vsebuje izdelke iz več kot 160 držav. Open Food Facts je preveden v desetine jezikov, vsebina pa se nenehno razvija.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Prevodi so ena ključnih nalog projekta", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Kliknite tukaj, da odgovorite na vprašanja", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Pomagajte izboljšati preglednost hrane in boste nagrajeni", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Vaš profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Upravljajte svoj račun sodelavca Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Nastavitve aplikacije", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Najljubša hrana", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Izberite katere informacije o hrani so vam najbolj pomembne.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Za razvrstitev živil na podlagi vaših želja, izberite kateri podatki o živilih so vam najbolj pomembni. Vaše nastavitve bodo shranjene na vaši napravi. Nastavitve niso povezane z računom sodelavca Open Food Facts (v kolikor ga imate).", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Ponastavitev preferenc o izdelkih?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Našli ste nov izdelek!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografirajte embalažo, da dodate ta izdelek v Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Nalaganje sprednje fotografije v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Nalaganje fotografije sestavin v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Nalaganje fotografije hranilnih vrednosti v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Nalaganje fotografije embalaže v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Nalaganje drugih fotografij v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Nalaganje fotografije v Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Pomagajte prostovoljcem Open Food Facts izboljšati aplikacijo. Odločite se, ali želite oddati anonimno analitiko.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Prijavite se ali registrirajte se v Open Food Facts in se pridružite skupnosti", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Prijava v Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Pozdravljeni, prosim izbrišite moj račun Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Ko je omogočeno, se poročila o zrušitvah samodejno pošljejo v sistem za sledenje napakam Open Food Facts. Na ta način je mogoče popravljati napake in s tem, izboljšati aplikacijo.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Ko je omogočeno, bodo nekateri anonimni podatki o uporabi poslani strežnikom Open Food Facts, da bomo lahko lažje razumeli, kako in koliko funkcij se uporablja za njihovo izboljšanje.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Strinjam se z Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Super! Sporočite drugim, kaj menite o tej aplikaciji!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Izbriši", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b9956e29d7986dce7b06c05b52a46f0fcca222c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 096/216] New translations app_en.arb (Albanian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sq.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sq.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sq.arb index 2aa72b3abe5..ba8b2adfbe0 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sq.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sq.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts eshte nje organizate jo fitimprurese globale e fuqizuar dhe mundesuar nga komunitete lokale.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Shihni te dhenat ushqimore qe jane te rendesishme lidhur me pelqyeshmerite tuaja.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Hyni ne llogarine tuaj ne Open Food Facts per te ruajtur kontributet, ndihmesat tuaja. ", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Emri i perdoruesit ose fjalekalimi i pasakte", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Konfirmoni fjalekalimin.", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Ju lutem konfirmoni fjalekalimin.", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Fjalekalimet nuk perputhen", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Une jam nje prodhues ushqimor.", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Prodhuesi/marka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Ju lutemi shkruani një prodhues ose një emër marke", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Ju faleminderit per kontributin.", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kodi për çdo produkt Open Food Facts është i disponueshëm në GitHub. Jeni të mirëpritur të ripërdorni kodin (është me burim të hapur) dhe të na ndihmoni ta përmirësojmë atë, për të gjithë, në të gjithë planetin.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Ju mund te beheni pjese e dhomes se bisedes Open Food Facts Slack, e cila eshte menyra me e preferuar per te bere ,adresuar pyetje.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Baza e te dhenave eshte thelbi i projektit. Eshte e thjeshte dhe shume e shpejte per t'ju ardhur ne ndihme. Ju mund te shkarkoni aplikacionin celular per telefonin tuaj dhe te filloni te shtoni ose permiresoni, produktet.", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "PERKTHE", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts eshte nje projekt global, qe permban produkte nga me shume se 160 vende te botes. Open Food Facts eshte perkthyer ne me shume se dhjetera gjuhe, me permbajtje qe zhvillohet vazhdimisht.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Perkthimet jane nje nga detyrat kyce te projektit.", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Trokisni ketu per t'ju pergjigjur pyetjeve.", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profili juaj", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Parametrat e aplikacionit", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferencat ushqimore", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Zgjidhni cfare informacioni rreth ushqimit eshte me i rendesishmi per ju.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Rinis, rivendos preferencat ushqimore?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Ju gjetet nje produkt te ri!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From ac92f745a7ab09e6912ffe289fd36d18e6450334 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 097/216] New translations app_en.arb (Serbian (Cyrillic)) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb | 240 +++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb index 8a264bb2637..59fdac9ebcb 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb @@ -4,28 +4,28 @@ "@sep": { "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." }, - "yes": "Da", + "yes": "Yes", "@yes": {}, - "add": "Dodajte", + "add": "Додај", "@add": {}, "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "Reason", "@reason": {}, - "okay": "U redu", + "okay": "Okay", "@okay": {}, "create": "Create", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "Primeni", + "applyButtonText": "Apply", "@applyButtonText": {}, - "next_label": "Sledeće", + "next_label": "Next", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", - "save": "Sačuvaj", + "save": "Save", "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", "skip": "Skip", "cancel": "Cancel", @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ "@ignore": { "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." }, - "close": "Zatvori", + "close": "Затвори", "@close": {}, - "no": "Ne", + "no": "No", "@no": {}, - "stop": "Stani", + "stop": "Stop", "@stop": {}, "finish": "Finish", "@finish": {}, @@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Resetujte preferencije hrane", + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, "error": "Something went wrong", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "Došlo je do greške", + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "I dalje radimo na ovoj funkciji, budite u toku", + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", "@featureInProgress": {}, "label_web": "View on the web", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Saznajte Više", + "learnMore": "Learn more", "@learnMore": {}, - "unknown": "Nepoznato", + "unknown": "Unknown", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, @@ -114,26 +114,26 @@ }, "licenses": "Licences", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Tražimo", + "looking_for": "Looking for", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globalna neprofitna organizacija koju pokreću lokalne zajednice.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Pogledajte podatke o hrani koji su relevantni za vaše preferencije.", + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Birajte hranu koja je dobra za vas.", + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", - "login": "Korisničko ime", + "login": "Login", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, - "sign_in": "Prijavite se", + "sign_in": "Sign in", "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, - "password": "Lozinka", + "password": "Password", "forgot_password": "Forgot password", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "Resetuj lozinku", + "reset_password": "Reset password", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", - "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naziv", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", @@ -227,15 +227,15 @@ } } }, - "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Lozinka", + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,12 +256,12 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "Podešavanja", + "settingsTitle": "Settings", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, @@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "Saradnici", + "contributors": "Contributors", "support": "Support", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", - "termsOfUse": "Uslovi korišćenja", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "About this app", "@about_this_app": { @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donirajte Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,19 +364,19 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "Moje preference", + "myPreferences": "My preferences", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,17 +385,17 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "Moje personalizovano rangiranje", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, @@ -416,11 +416,11 @@ "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "Skeniraj", + "scan_navbar_label": "Скенирање", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "Istorija", + "history_navbar_label": "History", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, @@ -449,13 +449,13 @@ "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, - "search": "Pretraživanje", + "search": "Search", "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", "@Product": {}, - "product": "Proizvod", + "product": "Производ", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", "@unknownBrand": {}, @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ "@front_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" }, - "ingredients": "Sastojci", + "ingredients": "Ingredients", "@ingredients": {}, "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", - "nutrition": "Nutritivne vrednosti", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", "@nutrition": {}, "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", "@nutrition_facts_photo": { @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", - "nutrition_page_per_serving": "po porciji", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", - "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porcija", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ "no_product_found": "No product found", "@no_product_found": {}, "not_found": "not found:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Pretraži ili skeniraj svoj prvi artikal", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", "@Product query status": {}, "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", "@refreshing_product": { @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -771,8 +771,8 @@ "@Lists": {}, "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", - "recently_seen_products": "Istorija", - "clear": "Obriši", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, - "retry_button_label": "Pokušaj ponovo", + "retry_button_label": "Покушај поново", "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ "twitter_link": "", "blog": "Blog", "faq": "FAQ", - "discover": "Otkrij", + "discover": "Discover", "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ "settings_app_app": "Application", "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", "settings_app_camera": "Camera", - "settings_app_products": "Proizvodi", + "settings_app_products": "Products", "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, - "permission_photo_error": "Greška", + "permission_photo_error": "Error", "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "Izmenite proizvod", + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ } } }, - "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barkod", + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { "description": "Product edition - Barcode" }, @@ -1197,23 +1197,23 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "oznaka", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "oznaka", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Prodavnice", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "prodavnica", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "prodavnica", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "država", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "држава", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, @@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "država", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "држава", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, @@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategorija", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категорија", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategorija", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категорија", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1296,18 +1296,18 @@ "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", - "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Sastojci", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Dodajte", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Додај", "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Hranljiva vrednost", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "Izmeni", + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Nazad", + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Назад", "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ОК", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "Izmeni", + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, @@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ "brand_name": "Brand name", "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", "quantity": "Quantity and weight", - "barcode": "Barkod", + "barcode": "Barcode", "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", "@barcode_barcode": { "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", @@ -1840,11 +1840,11 @@ "@gallery_source_label": { "description": "Label for the gallery image source" }, - "share": "Podeli", + "share": "Share", "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2324,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Učitavam", + "loading": "Loading…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2353,7 +2354,11 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, - "action_delete_list": "Obriši", + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From adbc08da665209c5e20106c8115eea6a19c68a0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 098/216] New translations app_en.arb (Swati) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ss.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ss.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ss.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ss.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ss.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From f99294033ac2768380de6eb7f2706b820e4b9fdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 099/216] New translations app_en.arb (Southern Sotho) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_st.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_st.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_st.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_st.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_st.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 5153bbc1dd486bbb35db49c376aa701567654a00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 100/216] New translations app_en.arb (Swedish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb | 108 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb index 6a130709a88..c86cfe766b9 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Välkommen till Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts är en global ideell verksamhet som drivs av lokala intressegrupper.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Se de matdata som är relevanta för dina önskemål.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Logga in på ditt Open Food Fact-konto för att spara dina bidrag", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord.", "login": "Användarnamn", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bekräfta Lösenord", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vänligen bekräfta ditt lösenord", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Lösenorden matchar inte", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Jag samtycker till Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "användarvillkor och bidrag", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jag är en livsmedelsproducent", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producent/märke", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Ange en producent eller ett varumärke", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Jag vill prenumerera på Open Food Facts nyhetsbrev (Du kan avregistrera dig när som helst)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Ange en giltig e-postadress.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Tack för att du bidrar", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Koden för alla Open Food Facts-produkter finns på GitHub. Du är välkommen att återanvända koden (den är öppen källkod) och hjälpa oss att förbättra den för alla på hela planeten.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Du kan gå med i Open Food Facts Slack-chattrummet, det är det föredragna sättet att ställa frågor.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Databasen är kärnan i projektet. Det är enkelt och väldigt snabbt att hjälpa till. Du kan ladda ner mobilappen till din telefon och börja lägga till eller förbättra produkter.\n\nÅ andra sidan, så erbjuder Open Food Facts webbsida många sätt att bidra: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Översätt", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts är ett globalt projekt som innehåller produkter från mer än 160 länder. Open Food Facts översätts till dussintals språk, med innehåll som ständigt förändras.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Översättningar är ett av projektets viktigaste uppgifter", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Dela Open Food Facts med dina vänner", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tryck här för att svara på frågor", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Hjälp till att förbättra mat-transparens och få belöningar", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Din profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Appinställningar", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Matpreferenser", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Välj vilken information om mat som är viktigast för dig.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Återställa dina matpreferenser?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Du har hittat en ny produkt!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Ta foton av förpackningen för att lägga till denna produkt i Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Laddar upp bild på framsida till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Laddar upp ingrediensbild till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Laddar upp näringsbild till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Laddar upp förpackningsbild till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Laddar upp en annan bild till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Laddar upp bild till Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hej där, vänligen radera mitt Open Food Facts konto: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Bra! Låt andra veta vad du tycker om den här appen!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Standard", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Välj ditt språk:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Radera", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 20ed2c5ba863d22b26ad18724a38e40533944360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 101/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tswana) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tn.arb index 27a6a4cc4ad..870c8edb8b4 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 374d8e06d26d446cb8a260cee178ecd33a9db687 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 102/216] New translations app_en.arb (Turkish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb | 102 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb index 0ad079a784e..4f6c4a64831 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tr.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Open Food Facts'e Hoş Geldiniz", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts, gücünü yerel topluluklardan alan kar amacı gütmeyen küresel bir kuruluştur.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts, yerel topluluklar tarafından desteklenen küresel, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Kendiniz ve gezegen için iyi olan yiyecekleri seçiniz.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Tercihleriniz ile ilgili gıda verilerine bakın.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Katkılarınızı kaydetmek için Open Food Facts hesabınızda oturum açın", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola.", "login": "Kullanıcı adı", "@login": { @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Parolalar eşleşmiyor", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Open Food Facts'i kabul ediyorum", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "kullanım ve katılım koşulları", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Ben bir yemek üreticisiyim", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Üretici/Marka", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Lütfen bir üretici veya marka adı girin", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Open Food Facts haber bültenine abone olmak istiyorum (İstediğiniz zaman aboneliğinizi iptal edebilirsiniz)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Kullanıcı adı zaten var, lütfen başka bir kullanıcı adı seçin.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "zaten var, hesaba giriş yapın veya başka bir e-posta ile deneyin.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Lütfen geçerli bir e-posta adresi girin.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Katkınız için teşekkürler", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Katkıda bulunduğunuz için teşekkürler!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Her Open Food Facts ürününün kodu GitHub'da mevcuttur. Kodu yeniden kullanmakta özgürsünüz (kod açık kaynaklı) ve dünyadaki herkes için iyileştirmemize yardımcı olabilirsiniz.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Soru sormanın genelde tercih edilen yolu olan Open Food Facts Slack sohbet odasına katılabilirsiniz.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Geliştirici Modu?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "DEV Modunu Etkinleştirin", - "contribute_donate_header": "Open Food Facts'e Bağışta Bulunun", + "contribute_donate_header": "OpenFoodFacts'e bağış yapın", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Tamamlanacak ürünler", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Veritabanı, projenin özüdür. Yardım etmek kolay ve çok hızlı. Telefonunuz için mobil uygulamayı indirebilir ve ürün eklemeye veya iyileştirmeye başlayabilirsiniz.\n\nÖte yandan, Open Food Facts web sitesi katkıda bulunmanız için birçok yol sunar: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Çeviri", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts, 160'tan fazla ülkeden ürünler içeren global bir projedir. Open Food Facts, sürekli gelişen içeriklerle düzinelerce dile çevrilir.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Çeviriler, projenin temel görevlerinden biridir", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Open Food Facts'i arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın", + "contribute_share_header": "Open Food Facts'ı arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Kullanmakta olduğum uygulama olan Open Food Facts hakkında bilgi vermek istedim. Ambalaj üzerindeki barkodları okutarak çalışır. Ücretsizdir, kayıt gerektirmez ve şifresi çözülen ürün sayısını artırmaya yardımcı olabilirsiniz. İşte telefonunuza alabileceğiniz bağlantı:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Soruları yanıtlamak için buraya dokunun", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Bu ürünle ilgili soruları yanıtlamak için buraya dokunun", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Gıda şeffaflığını geliştirmeye yardımcı olun ve ödüller kazanın", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Katkılarınız için kredi almak için Open Food Facts hesabınızda oturum açın", + "question_sign_in_text": "Katkılarınız için kredi almak üzere OpenFoodFacts hesabınızda oturum açın", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Evet ile cevapla", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Hayır ile cevapla", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Bu soruyu atla", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Hesabınızı oluşturun ve tüm dünyada gıda bilgisi oluşturmaya yardımcı olmak için Open Food Facts topluluğuna katılın!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profiliniz", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Open Food Facts hesabını yönet.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Uygulama Ayarları", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Karanlık mod, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Yiyecek tercihleri", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Yiyeceklerle ilgili hangi bilgilerin sizin için en önemli olduğunu seçin.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Yiyecekleri tercihlerinize göre sıralamak, önemsediğiniz bilgileri ilk önce görmek ve uyumluluk özeti almak için yiyeceklerle ilgili sizin için en önemli olan bilgileri seçin. Bu yemek tercihleri cihazınızda kalır ve varsa Open Food Facts katılımcı hesabınızla ilişkilendirilmez.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Yiyecek tercihleriniz sıfırlansın mı?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Yeni bir ürün buldun!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Bu ürünü Open Food Facts'e eklemek için ambalajın fotoğraflarını çekin", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Lütfen önce biraz fotoğraf çekin. Ürünü her zaman daha sonra tamamlayabilirsiniz.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,23 +622,23 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Ön yüz görseli Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "İçindekiler görseli Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Besin değerleri görseli Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Ambalaj görseli Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "\"Diğer\" görseli Open Food Facts'e yükleniyor", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open Food Facts için açık sistem ayarları", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Uygulamayı geliştirmek için Open Food Facts gönüllülerine yardım edin. Anonim analizlerin gönderilip gönderilmeyeceğine siz karar verirsiniz.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Open Food Facts topluluğuna katılmak için oturum açın veya kaydolun", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts giriş: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Merhaba, lütfen Open Food Facts hesabımı silin: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, hataların düzeltilmesi ve böylece uygulamanın iyileştirilmesi için çökme raporları Open Food Facts'in hata izleme sistemine otomatik olarak gönderilir.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, uygulama kullanımıyla ilgili bazı anonim bilgiler Open Food Facts sunucularına gönderilir, böylece onları geliştirmek için özelliklerin nasıl ve ne kadar kullanıldığını anlayabiliriz.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Otomatik tamamlamada bir kategori mevcut değilse, yine de eklemekten çekinmeyin; bu, ülkenizdeki Open Food Facts'i iyileştirmemize yardımcı olacaktır.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Open Food Facts'teki bu ürüne bir göz atın: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Open Food Facts'teki ürün listeme bir göz atın: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Uygulamaya puan verin", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Harika! Diğerlerine bu uygulama hakkında ne düşündüğünüzü bildirin!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Uygulamaya puan verin", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Daha sonra", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Varsayılan", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Eflatun", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Yerel ürün veritabanını Open Food Facts'ten alınan en son verilerle güncelleyin", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Dilinizi seçiniz:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Sil", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Yeni bir liste oluştur", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Grup 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Grup 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Grup 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Grup 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Bilinmeyen NOVA Grubu" } \ No newline at end of file From 5c1c004e4bfdfdc7dab4e6b2240e7ef6de72b7ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 103/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tsonga) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ts.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ts.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ts.arb index 27a6a4cc4ad..870c8edb8b4 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ts.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ts.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b470c1c6670088eb924633eb4083b79039580b31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 104/216] New translations app_en.arb (Ukrainian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uk.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uk.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uk.arb index ba0b658d49d..d8522fef9ce 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uk.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uk.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Вітаємо в Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts - це світова некомерційна організація, що заснована місцевими спільнотами.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Обирайте їжу, що не шкодить ні Вам, ні планеті.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Продивіться дані про харчові продукти, що відповідають вашим вподобанням.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Увійдіть у свій обліковий запис Open Food Facts, щоб зберегти свої матеріали", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Неправильне ім'я користувача або пароль.", "login": "Ім'я користувача", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Підтвердіть пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Будь ласка, підтвердіть пароль", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Паролі відрізняються", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Я погоджуюся з Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "умови використання та внесок", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Я виробник продуктів харчування", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Виробник/бренд", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Будь ласка, введіть виробника або торгову марку", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Я хотів би підписатися на розсилку Open Food Facts (Ви можете відписатися з неї в будь-який час)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Ім'я користувача вже існує, будь ласка, виберіть інше ім'я користувача.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "вже існує, увійдіть до облікового запису або спробуйте іншу електронну адресу.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Будь ласка, вкажіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Дякуємо за внесок", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Код кожного продукту Open Food Facts доступний на GitHub. Ви можете повторно використовувати код (він із відкритим кодом) і допомогти нам вдосконалити його для всіх на цій планеті.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Ви можете приєднатися до чату Open Food Facts Slack, який є найкращим способом задавати питання.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Режим DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Активувати режим DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Пожертвуй на Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Незавантажені продукти", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "База знань - це ядро проекту. Допомогти легко і дуже швидко. Ви можете завантажити мобільний додаток для свого телефону та почати додавати або вдосконалювати продукти.\n\nЗ іншого боку, веб-сайт Open Food Facts пропонує безліч способів зробити свій внесок: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Перекласти", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts - це глобальний проєкт, що містить продукти з більш ніж 160 країн. Інформація про Open Food Facts перекладається на десятки мов, і постійно змінюється.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Переклади - одне з ключових завдань проекту", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Поділіться Open Food Facts з друзями", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Я хотів би розповісти вам про додаток, який я використовую, Open Food Facts, який дозволяє вам отримати інформацію про вплив продуктів харчування на здоров'я та навколишнє середовище в персоналізованому вигляді. Він працює шляхом сканування штрих-кодів на упаковці. Нарешті він безкоштовний, не вимагає реєстрації, і ви навіть можете допомогти збільшити кількість розшифрованих продуктів. Ось посилання, за яким ви можете завантажити його на свій телефон:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Натисніть тут, що відповісти на запитання", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Допоможіть підвищити прозорість харчових продуктів та отримайте винагороду", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Увійдіть до облікового запису Open Food Facts, аби ваші внески було оцінено", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Створіть обліковий запис і приєднайтеся до спільноти Open Food Facts, щоб допомогти поширювати знання про їжу в усьому світі!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Ваш Профіль", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Керуйте своїм обліковим записом учасника Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Налаштування Додатку", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Темний режим, аналітика…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Харчові вподобання", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Виберіть інформацію про їжу, яка цікавить Вас понад усе.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Виберіть, яка інформація про продукти харчування має для Вас найбільше значення, щоб ранжувати продукти харчування відповідно до Ваших уподобань, бачити інформацію, яка Вас цікавить в першу чергу, і отримувати зведення про сумісність. Ці харчові уподобання залишаються на вашому пристрої і не пов'язані з вашим обліковим записом учасника Open Food Facts, якщо він у вас є.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Змінити свої харчові вподобання?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Ви знайшли новий продукт!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Зробіть фото пакування, щоб додати цей продукт до Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Будь ласка, для початку зробіть кілька світлин. Ви можете завершити опис продукту в будь-який час.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Вивантаження лицьового зображення до Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Вивантаження зображення інгредієнтів до Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Вивантаження зображення харчової цінності до Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Завантаження зображення упакування на Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Вивантаження іншого зображення на Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Вивантаження зображення на Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Відкрити налаштування системи для Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Допоможіть волонтерам Open Food Facts покращити додаток. Ви вирішуєте, чи подавати анонімну аналітику.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Увійдіть або зареєструйтеся, щоб приєднатися до спільноти Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Логін Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Привіт, будь ласка, видаліть мій обліковий запис Open Food Facts: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Якщо увімкнено, звіти про збої автоматично надсилаються до системи відстеження помилок Open Food Facts, щоб можна було виправити помилки та, таким чином, покращити додаток.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "При активації додатку, деяка анонімна інформація про використання програми буде відправлена на сервери Open Food Facts, щоб ми мали змогу зрозуміти, як і в якому обсязі використовуються функції для їх поліпшення.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Якщо категорія недоступна в автозаповненні, усе одно додайте її, це допоможе нам покращити Open Food Facts у вашій країні.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Я погоджуюся з Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Перегляньте цей продукт на Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Перегляньте цей продукт на Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Оцініть додаток", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Чудово! Дайте іншим знати, що ви думаєте про цей додаток!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Оцініть додаток", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Потім", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "За умовчанням", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Пурпуровий", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Виберіть свою мову:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Видалити", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b01ff7827dac0e514a34fd9b596257749b28e449 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 105/216] New translations app_en.arb (Venda) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ve.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ve.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ve.arb index 27a6a4cc4ad..870c8edb8b4 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ve.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ve.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 0b0476e9a9df3bf495e27399b961a96789f856c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 106/216] New translations app_en.arb (Xhosa) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_xh.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_xh.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_xh.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_xh.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_xh.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From c887321be314a9e39f1aacce4ef87882447360ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 107/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Simplified) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 1340 ++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 682 insertions(+), 658 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb index 7396dc95a72..0dd07634366 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -4,161 +4,161 @@ "@sep": { "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." }, - "yes": "是", + "yes": "是的", "@yes": {}, - "add": "加入產品", + "add": "加入产品", "@add": {}, - "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "account_delete_message": "您确定要删除您的账户吗?\n如果有特殊原因,请在下面分享", "@account_delete_message": {}, - "reason": "Reason", + "reason": "原因", "@reason": {}, "okay": "好的", "@okay": {}, - "create": "新增", + "create": "创建", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "應用", + "applyButtonText": "应用", "@applyButtonText": {}, - "next_label": "下一個", + "next_label": "下一个", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, - "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", - "save": "儲存", - "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", - "skip": "Skip", + "go_back_to_top": "返回顶端", + "save": "保存", + "save_confirmation": "您确定要保存吗?", + "skip": "跳过", "cancel": "取消", "@cancel": {}, - "ignore": "Ignore", + "ignore": "忽略", "@ignore": { "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." }, - "close": "關閉", + "close": "关闭", "@close": {}, - "no": "否", + "no": "不", "@no": {}, "stop": "停止", "@stop": {}, - "finish": "Finish", + "finish": "完成", "@finish": {}, - "calculate": "Calculate", + "calculate": "计算", "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "重設食物偏好", + "reset_food_prefs": "重设食物偏好", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, - "error": "出現錯誤", + "error": "出错", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "發生錯誤", + "error_occurred": "发生错误", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "featureInProgress": "我们正在开发此功能,敬请期待", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "View on the web", + "label_web": "在网站查看", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Learn more", + "learnMore": "更多信息", "@learnMore": {}, - "unknown": "不明", + "unknown": "未知", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, - "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "match_very_good": "优秀的配对", "@match_very_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_good": "Good match", + "match_good": "不错的配对", "@match_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_poor": "Poor match", + "match_poor": "较差的配对", "@match_poor": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_may_not": "May not match", + "match_may_not": "可能不匹配", "@match_may_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "match_does_not": "不匹配", "@match_does_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "match_unknown": "是否适合未知", "@match_unknown": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "match_short_very_good": "优秀的配对", "@match_short_very_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_short_good": "Good match", + "match_short_good": "不错的配对", "@match_short_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "match_short_poor": "较差的配对", "@match_short_poor": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "match_short_may_not": "可能不匹配", "@match_short_may_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "match_short_does_not": "不匹配", "@match_short_does_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "match_short_unknown": "是否适合未知", "@match_short_unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "licenses": "Licences", + "licenses": "许可证", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Looking for", + "looking_for": "查找", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, - "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "欢迎使用 Open Food Facts!", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, - "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "offUtility": "选择对您和地球有益的食物。", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "productDataUtility": "查看和您的偏好有关的食品数据。", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "healthCardUtility": "选择对您有益的食品。", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, - "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "ecoCardUtility": "选择对地球有益的食品。", "@ecoCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", - "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", - "login": "用戶名", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "用户名或密码错误。", + "login": "用户名", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", - "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", - "create_account": "Create account", + "login_page_username_or_email": "请输入用户名或邮箱", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", + "create_account": "创建账号", "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, - "sign_in": "登入", + "sign_in": "登录", "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, - "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "sign_in_mandatory": "您需要登录才可以使用该功能", "@sign_in_mandatory": { "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" }, @@ -166,60 +166,60 @@ "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "您确定要登出吗?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, - "password": "密碼", - "forgot_password": "忘記密碼", + "password": "密码", + "forgot_password": "忘记密码", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, - "view_profile": "View profile", + "view_profile": "查看个人资料", "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "重設密碼", + "reset_password": "重置密码", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", - "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘记密码,请输入您的用户名或邮箱地址以接收重置密码验证邮件。请检查您的收件箱,另外,也请记得检查垃圾邮件文件夹。", + "username_or_email": "用户名或邮箱", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", - "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "reset_password_done": "一封包含重置密码链接的电子邮件已发送到与您的账户关联的电子邮件地址,请检查您的收件箱或垃圾邮件文件夹。", + "send_reset_password_mail": "更改密码", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "enter_some_text": "请填写信息", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, - "sign_up_page_title": "註冊", + "sign_up_page_title": "注册", "@sign_up_page_title": { "description": "Header" }, - "sign_up_page_action_button": "註冊", + "sign_up_page_action_button": "注册", "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "正在注册…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", - "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名稱", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", - "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", - "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜! 您的账户已经被创建。", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名称", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "请输入您想使用的显示名称", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "电子邮件", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "电子邮件是必需的", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "无效电子邮件", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "用户名: 公开可见", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "请输入用户名", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "请输入有效的用户名", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "用户名不能包含空格、大写字母或特殊字符。", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "用户名不能超过 {value} 个字符", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -227,330 +227,330 @@ } } }, - "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密碼", - "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密码", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "请输入一个有效密码 (包含至少6个字符)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "确认密码", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "请确认密码", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密码不相符", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用条款和贡献", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." }, - "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "创建帐户时, 必须同意使用条款, 然而, 仍然可以通过应用程序进行匿名贡献", "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, - "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", - "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", - "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生产商", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生产商/品牌", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "请输入生产商或品牌名称", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "该用户名已存在,请选择一个不同的用户名。", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已存在。登录该账号或尝试其他电子邮件地址。", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "请提供一个有效的电子邮箱地址。", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "設定", + "settingsTitle": "设置", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "Theme", + "darkmode": "主题", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, - "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "darkmode_dark": "深色", "@darkmode_dark": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" }, - "darkmode_light": "Light", + "darkmode_light": "浅色", "@darkmode_light": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" }, - "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "darkmode_system_default": "系统默认", "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "合作者", - "support": "Support", + "contributors": "贡献者", + "support": "支持", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, - "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", - "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", - "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", - "termsOfUse": "使用條款", + "support_join_slack": "在我们的Slack频道寻求帮助", + "support_via_forum": "在我们的社区上寻求帮助", + "support_via_email": "给我们发送电子邮件", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "发送应用日志?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望在电子邮件附件中包含应用程序日志?", + "termsOfUse": "使用条款", "@termsOfUse": {}, - "about_this_app": "About this app", + "about_this_app": "关于这个应用程序", "@about_this_app": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" }, "@About this app section": {}, - "contribute": "貢獻", + "contribute": "贡献", "@contribute": { "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" }, - "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "contribute_sw_development": "软件开发", "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "捐助Open Food Facts", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "开发模式?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "启用开发者模式", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, - "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "待完成的产品", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" }, - "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "contribute_improve_header": "改进", "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "contribute_translate_header": "翻译", "@contribute_translate_header": { "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" }, - "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "contribute_translate_link_text": "开始翻译", "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻译是项目的关键任务之一", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, - "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "tap_to_answer": "点击此处回答问题", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "点击此处回答有关该产品的问题", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, - "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "正在加载有关该产品的问题,请稍候", "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, - "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "saving_answer": "保存您的答案", "@saving_answer": { "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." }, - "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "为提高食品透明度提供帮助并获得奖励", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", - "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", - "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", - "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", - "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答“是”", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答“否”", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳过该题", + "tap_to_edit_search": "点击打开搜索框", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "myPreferences": "我的偏好", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, - "join_us": "Join us", + "join_us": "加入我们", "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", - "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", - "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", - "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", - "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", - "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的个人信息", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "应用设置", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "深色模式,分析,...", + "myPreferences_food_title": "食物偏好", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "选择对您最重要的食物信息.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "重置您的食物偏好?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的个性化排名", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, - "ranking_tab_all": "All", - "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", - "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", - "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "ranking_tab_all": "全部", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "非常适合", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "非常不适合", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "是否适合未知", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "使用您的新偏好刷新列表", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, - "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "重新加载新的偏好设置", "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" }, "@other": {}, - "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "profile_navbar_label": "个人资料", "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "掃描", + "scan_navbar_label": "扫描", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "查看紀錄", + "history_navbar_label": "历史记录", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, - "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "list_navbar_label": "列表", "@list_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" }, - "category": "Filter by category", + "category": "按类别筛选", "@category": { "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" }, - "category_all": "All", + "category_all": "全部", "@category_al": { "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" }, - "category_search": "(category search)", - "filter": "Filter", + "category_search": "(类别搜索)", + "filter": "过滤器", "@filter": { "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" }, - "scan": "Scan session", + "scan": "扫描结果", "@scan": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" }, - "scan_history": "Scan history", + "scan_history": "扫描历史记录", "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, - "search": "搜尋", + "search": "搜索", "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, - "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "tap_for_more": "点击获取更多信息", "@Product": {}, - "product": "產品", + "product": "产品", "@product": {}, - "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "unknownBrand": "未知品牌", "@unknownBrand": {}, - "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "unknownProductName": "未知产品名称", "@unknownProductName": {}, - "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "label_refresh": "刷新", "@label_refresh": { "description": "Refresh the cached product" }, - "image": "Image", - "front_photo": "Front photo", + "image": "图片", + "front_photo": "正面照片", "@front_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" }, "ingredients": "成分", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", - "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", - "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", - "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保留原顺序。指定时显示百分比。使用逗号或连字符分隔,用括号将配料表的成分括起来,并用下划线标出过敏原。", + "ingredients_editing_error": "未能保存配料表。", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能获取配料表图像。", + "ingredients_editing_title": "编辑配料表", + "ingredients_photo": "原料的照片", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, - "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", - "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", - "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", - "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", - "nutrition": "營養素", + "packaging_editing_instructions": "列出用逗号或换行符分隔的所有包装零件,以及它们的数量(例如1或6)类型(例如瓶、盒、罐)、材料(例如塑料、金属、铝)以及它们的尺寸(例如33cl)和回收说明。示例:1个要回收的玻璃瓶,1个要丢弃的塑料软木塞", + "packaging_editing_error": "无法保存包装信息。", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "无法获得新的包装图片。", + "packaging_editing_title": "编辑包装信息", + "nutrition": "营养", "@nutrition": {}, - "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "nutrition_facts_photo": "营养成分的照片", "@nutrition_facts_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" }, - "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "packaging_information": "包装信息", "@packaging_information": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" }, - "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "packaging_information_photo": "包装信息照片", "@packaging_information_photo": {}, - "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "missing_product": "你发现了一件新产品!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, - "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "请您先拍几张照片,你可以在以后完成操作", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, - "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "add_product_information_button_label": "添加产品信息", "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, - "new_product": "New Product", + "new_product": "新产品", "@new_product": {}, - "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "new_product_dialog_title": "你发现了一件新产品!", "@new_product_dialog_title": { "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "new_product_leave_message": "看起来你没有输入任何内容。你真的想要离开这个页面吗?", "@new_product_leave_message": { "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." }, - "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "new_product_dialog_description": "拍摄包装照片以将此产品添加到我们的数据库中", "@new_product_dialog_description": { "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "产品的正面照片", "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, - "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "确认上传产品的正面照片", "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." }, - "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", - "send_image_button_label": "Send image", - "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "confirm_button_label": "确认", + "send_image_button_label": "发送图片", + "crop_page_action_saving": "正在保存图像…", "@crop_page_action_saving": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "crop_page_action_cropping": "剪裁图像…", "@crop_page_action_cropping": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "crop_page_action_local": "保存本地版本…", "@crop_page_action_local": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "啊噢…你的照片有点问题!", "@crop_page_action_local_title": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "在把图片上传到服务器前,我们没有办法在本地进行处理。请稍后再试,如果仍有问题请联系我们。", "@crop_page_action_local_message": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "图片尺寸过小", "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "图片上传的最小尺寸(以像素为单位)为 {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}。当前图片的尺寸为 {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}。", "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", "placeholders": { @@ -568,171 +568,171 @@ } } }, - "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "crop_page_action_server": "准备调用服务器…", "@crop_page_action_server": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", - "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", - "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", - "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", - "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "front_packaging_photo_title": "正面包装照片", + "ingredients_photo_title": "配料表照片", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "营养成分表", + "recycling_photo_title": "循环利用照片", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "其他有趣的照片", + "front_photo_uploaded": "已上传正面照片", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, - "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "原料的照片", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, - "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上传配料表照片", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, - "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", - "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "无法从缓存中加载营养成分", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "营养成分的照片", "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, - "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", - "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", - "categories_added": "Categories added", - "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", - "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", - "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", - "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", - "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", - "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", - "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", - "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", - "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "输入营养成分表", + "nutritional_facts_added": "已添加营养成分表", + "categories_added": "分类已添加", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "计算 Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "通过填写食品类别和营养成分获得它", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "计算 Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "通过填写至少一个类别获得它", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "通过补充原产地、包装等信息使 Eco-Score 得分计算更加精确", + "new_product_title_nova": "计算食品加工水平(NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "通过填写食品类别和配料获得它", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工水平未知", + "new_product_title_pictures": "让我们拍一些照片吧!", + "new_product_title_misc": "还有一些基本数据…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "现在点击并回答 3 个问题即可帮助计算 Nutri-Score、Eco-Score 和食品加工水平 (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "已上传营养成分表照片", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, - "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "recycling_photo_button_label": "循环利用信息照片", "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, - "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上传循环利用照片", "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, - "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "其他有趣的照片", "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, - "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "other_photo_uploaded": "已上传其他照片", "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, - "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "retake_photo_button_label": "重拍", "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "selecting_photo": "正在选择照片", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, - "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "uploading_image": "正在向服务器上传照片", "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", - "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", - "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", - "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", - "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", - "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", - "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", - "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", - "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", - "nutrition_page_title": "營養標籤", - "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", - "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", - "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每個包含", - "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養素", + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺失的成分", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "添加缺失的包装照片", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "添加缺失的营养成分", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺失的产品类别", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "添加缺失的产品产地国", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "添加缺失的产品代码(翻译注:可能是条形码", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "添加缺失的产品标签", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "添加缺失的产品来源", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "添加缺失的产品来源商店", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新营养成分表", + "nutrition_page_title": "营养成分表", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "产品未标明营养成分", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "每 100 克", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每份", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "添加营养", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", - "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", - "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", - "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", - "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "无效的数字", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "正在更新服务器上的产品…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "产品已更新!", + "more_photos": "更有趣的照片", "@more_photos": {}, - "no_product_found": "No product found", + "no_product_found": "没有找到的产品", "@no_product_found": {}, - "not_found": "not found:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "not_found": "未找到:", + "searchPanelHeader": "搜索或扫描您的第一个产品", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "refreshing_product": "产品更新中", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, - "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "product_refreshed": "产品已更新", "@product_refreshed": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" }, - "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "deprecated_header": "你正在使用较老版本的app", "@deprecated_header": { "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" }, - "click_here": "Click here", + "click_here": "点击此处", "@click_here": { "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" }, - "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "download_new_version": "下载最新版app", "@download_new_version": { "description": "Download new version of the app text" }, - "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "could_not_refresh": "无法刷新产品", "@could_not_refresh": { "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" }, - "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", - "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "product_internet_error": "由于网络错误,无法获取有关此产品的信息。", + "cached_results_from": "显示结果来自:", "@cached_results_from": { "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" }, "@Product Addition": {}, - "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "added_product_thanks": "感谢您添加这个产品!", "@added_product_thanks": {}, - "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "product_search_same_category": "对比类别", "@product_search_same_category": { "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" }, - "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_category": "添加类别以计算Nutri-Score。", "@product_improvement_add_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "添加营养成分以计算Nutri-Score。", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "添加营养成分和类别以计算 Nutri-Score。", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "无法计算此产品的营养评分,这可能是由于例如:非标准类别。如果这被认为是错误,请与我们联系。", "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "营养表图片已过时,请刷新。", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, - "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score 会参考配料的来源地。请给配料表和/或地理说明拍照,或者编辑该产品,以便于计算。", "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "country_chooser_label": "请提供国家信息", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, @@ -740,144 +740,144 @@ "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "country_selection_explanation": "有些环境特征是因地而异的。", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, - "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "product_removed_comparison": "已从对比中删除该产品", "@product_removed_comparison": { "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" }, - "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "native_app_settings": "本机应用程序设置", "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, - "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "product_removed_history": "已从历史记录中删除该产品", "@product_removed_history": { "description": "Product got removed from history" }, - "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "product_removed_list": "把产品从列表移除", "@product_removed_list": { "description": "Product got removed from list" }, - "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "product_could_not_remove": "无法移除产品", "@product_could_not_remove": { "description": "Could not remove product from a list" }, "@Lists": {}, - "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", - "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", - "recently_seen_products": "查看紀錄", + "no_prodcut_in_list": "这个列表中没有产品", + "no_product_in_section": "这个区域没有产品", + "recently_seen_products": "历史记录", "clear": "清除", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, - "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "really_clear": "确定要删除此列表吗?", "@Plural": {}, - "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "pct_match": "{Percent}% 匹配度", "@pct_match": { "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", "placeholders": { "percent": {} } }, - "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{一天前} other{{count} 天前}}", "@plural_ago_days": { "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{一小时前} other{{count} 小时前}}", "@plural_ago_hours": { "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{不到一分钟前} =1{1 分钟前} other{{count} 分钟前}}", "@plural_ago_minutes": { "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{一个月前} other{{count} 个月前}}", "@plural_ago_months": { "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{一周前} other{{count} 周前}}", "@plural_ago_weeks": { "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{比较一种产品} other{比较 {count} 种产品}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "compare_products_mode": "比较产品", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "比较产品", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, - "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "请至少选择两个产品", "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, - "retry_button_label": "重試", - "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "retry_button_label": "重试", + "connect_with_us": "联系我们", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", "twitter": "Twitter", "twitter_link": "", - "blog": "Blog", - "faq": "FAQ", - "discover": "探索", - "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", - "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "blog": "博客", + "faq": "常见问题", + "discover": "发现", + "how_to_contribute": "如何贡献数据", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "点击卡片任意部分获取更多信息。立即尝试!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" }, - "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "consent_analytics_title": "发送匿名分析", "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "consent_analytics_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "permissions_page_title": "相机访问权限", "@permissions_page_title": { "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "permissions_page_body1": "请授权访问摄像头,不然你不能扫描条形码", "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "permissions_page_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "contact_form_body_android": "操作系统:Android(SDK Int: {sdkInt} / 版本: {release})\n型号: {model}\n产品: {product}\n设备: {device}\n品牌:{brand}", "@contact_form_body_android": { "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", "placeholders": { @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "contact_form_body_ios": "操作系统: iOS ({version})\n型: {model}\n本地化模型: {localizedModel}", "@contact_form_body_ios": { "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", "placeholders": { @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\n应用版本:{appVersion}\n应用内部版本号:{appBuildNumber}\n应用包名称:{appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -947,23 +947,23 @@ } } }, - "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "authorize_button_label": "授权", "@authorize": { "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" }, - "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "refuse_button_label": "拒绝", "@refuse": { "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" }, - "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "ask_me_later_button_label": "稍后", "@ask_me_later": { "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" }, - "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "are_you_sure": "确定吗?", "@are_you_sure": { "description": "Are you sure?" }, - "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "继续了解 {sourceName}", "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", "placeholders": { @@ -972,78 +972,78 @@ } } }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "我们在 2012 年发明了\n协作\n扫描应用程序", "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "当我们 10 岁时,\n我们正在从头开始重新改变它\n!", "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "正在加载您的第一个产品", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "好像没有您的语言的示例产品", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" }, - "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "product_list_your_ranking": "您的排名", "@product_list_your_ranking": { "description": "Your ranking screen title" }, - "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "无历史记录", "@product_list_icon_desc": { "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "product_list_empty_title": "开始扫描", "@product_list_empty_title": { "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "product_list_empty_message": "扫描的产品会出现在这里,您可以查看详细信息。", "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "重新加载在你历史记录中的{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}重新加载完成", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下载数据", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, - "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "无法下载数据", "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { "description": "Default loading dialog error message" }, - "account_delete": "Delete account", + "account_delete": "删除账号", "@account_delete": { "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" }, - "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "account_deletion_subject": "注销 删除账号", "@account_deletion_subject": { "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" }, - "user_profile": "Account", + "user_profile": "账户", "@user_profile": { "description": "User account (if connected)" }, - "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "user_profile_title_guest": "欢迎!", "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ } } }, - "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "user_profile_title_id_default": "欢迎 {id}!", "@user_profile_title_id_default": { "description": "User login (when it's an id)", "placeholders": { @@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@ } } }, - "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "email_subject_account_deletion": "删除账号", "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1074,56 +1074,56 @@ } } }, - "settings_app_app": "Application", - "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", - "settings_app_camera": "Camera", - "settings_app_products": "產品", - "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "settings_app_app": "应用程序", + "settings_app_data": "隐私和监控", + "settings_app_camera": "相机", + "settings_app_products": "产品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "其他", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "camera_play_sound_title": "在扫描时播放声音", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "每次成功扫描都会发出蜂鸣声", "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "振动 触觉", "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "执行某些操作后的振动(条形码已解码,产品已移除…)。", "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "崩溃报告", "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "发送匿名数据", "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "product_edit_photo_title": "编辑照片", "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, - "permission_photo_error": "錯誤", + "permission_photo_error": "错误", "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, - "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", - "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "permission_photo_denied_title": "允许使用照相机扫描条码", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "为了提高使用体验,请允许{appName}访问您的照相机。以便于直接扫描条码。", "@permission_photo_denied_message": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", "placeholders": { @@ -1132,28 +1132,28 @@ } } }, - "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "permission_photo_denied_button": "允许", "@permission_photo_denied_button": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "開啟設定", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "没有权限", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "因为之前拒绝了访问照相机,所以只能在设置里手动允许使用照相机。", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "打开权限设置", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", - "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "permission_photo_none_found": "没有检测到摄像头", "@permission_photo_none_found": { "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" }, - "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "permission_photo_denied": "未授权访问照相机", "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "編輯產品", + "edit_product_label": "编辑产品", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", - "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "添加新的 {itemType}", + "description": "当用户长按 (+) 按钮时显示的工具提示", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { "itemType": { @@ -1161,47 +1161,47 @@ } } }, - "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "條碼", + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "条形码", "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { "description": "Product edition - Barcode" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本信息", "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "产品名称、品牌、数量", "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "额外细节", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "产品网站…", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "相片", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "照片", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或刷新照片", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "标签和证书", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "环保、质量标签…", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "標籤", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "标签", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "標籤", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "标签", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" }, @@ -1217,43 +1217,43 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "原產地", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "起源", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "西班牙", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "國家", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "国家", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "添加你可以在包装上找到的任何原产地标记。你不必担心直接在成份列表中显示的原产地。", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "示例:来自阿根廷的牛肉,大豆不是来自欧盟", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "国家/地区", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "西班牙", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "國家", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "国家", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "产品广泛销售的国家(不包括专营外国产品的商店)。", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "可追踪码", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" }, @@ -1261,104 +1261,104 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "可追踪码", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "在欧洲,使用椭圆形编码,带有 2 个国家/地区首字母,后跟一个数字和 CE。\n示例:EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLTANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分類", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分类", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分類", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分类", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分類", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分类", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "仅指明最具体的类别。将自动添加父类别。", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "示例:橄榄油中的沙丁鱼、浓缩橙汁", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "是否再离开页面前保存?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "保存更改", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "放弃更改", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "成分", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入產品", - "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", - "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", - "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入产品", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "请先输入文字", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "移除", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "回收说明照片", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養素表", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "营养成分", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "营养成分、酒精含量……", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "編輯", + "edit_product_form_save": "编辑", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, - "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "product_field_website_title": "网站", "@product_field_website_title": { "description": "Title of a product field: website" }, - "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", - "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", - "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分類", - "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "摘錄成分", + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "完善基本信息", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "尚未生效", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分类", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "提取成分", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, - "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "提取包装信息", "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" }, - "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "无法检测图像中的文本。", "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, - "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "新产品列表", "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "重命名列表", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "user_list_subtitle_product": "列表", "@user_list_subtitle_product": { "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" }, - "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "user_list_add_product": "将产品添加到您的列表", "@user_list_add_product": { "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" }, @@ -1366,51 +1366,51 @@ "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, - "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "user_list_empty_label": "暂无可用列表,请从创建一个新列表开始", "@user_list_empty_label": { "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" }, - "user_list_button_add_product": "加入列表", + "user_list_button_add_product": "添加到列表", "@user_list_button_add_product": { "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" }, - "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "added_to_list_msg": "已添加到列表", "@added_to_list_msg": { "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" }, - "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "user_list_popup_clear": "清除历史记录", "@user_list_popup_clear": { "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" }, - "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "user_list_popup_rename": "重命名", "@user_list_popup_rename": { "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" }, - "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "user_list_name_hint": "我的列表", "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "user_list_name_error_empty": "名称是必填项", "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "user_list_name_error_already": "名称已被使用", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, - "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "user_list_name_error_same": "名称重复", "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "Try Again", + "try_again": "重试", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "there_was_an_error": "有错误产生", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, - "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "没有 {items} 对应的类别", "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { "description": "Label when no category is available", "placeholders": { @@ -1419,27 +1419,27 @@ } } }, - "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "camera_toggle_camera": "在后置和前置相机之间切换", "@camera_toggle_camera": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" }, - "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "camera_toggle_flash": "打开或关闭摄像头的闪光灯", "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "camera_enable_flash": "打开闪光灯", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "camera_disable_flash": "禁用闪光灯", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "发生错误", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "更改闪光灯状态时发生错误。请确保你的智能手机尚未启用手电筒。", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, @@ -1447,27 +1447,27 @@ "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, - "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "开发模式", "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "重置引导流程", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "你必须重新启动应用才能再次看到它。", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "在 (PROD) 和测试环境之间切换", "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "测试环境参数", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "当前测试环境的基本 URL: {url}", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", "placeholders": { @@ -1476,47 +1476,47 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "测试环境主机", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "使用机器学习套件", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "您需要重新启动此应用", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "产品页面上的附加按钮", "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "通过信息面板按钮编辑成分", "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "导出历史记录", "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "异常", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "找到产品", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "未找到产品", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "导出历史记录", "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "確定", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "确定", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1524,8 +1524,8 @@ "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" }, - "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", - "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "从 V1 迁移数据", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "状态:{status}", "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { "placeholders": { "status": { @@ -1533,29 +1533,29 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", - "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "成功或全新安装", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "成功", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "错误", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "进行中", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "需要(点击开始)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "未知", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "导入历史记录", "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "将清除历史记录并在其中放置 3 个产品", "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "完成", "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "扫描模式", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "当前扫描模式: \"{mode}\"", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", "placeholders": { @@ -1564,31 +1564,31 @@ } } }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "扫描模式", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" }, - "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "排除 Eco-Score", "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "仅摄像头流,不扫描", "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "相机流和完整图像预处理,不扫描", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "相机流和半图像预处理,不扫描", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "全幅扫描", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "半幅扫描", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, @@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, - "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "product_search_no_more_results": "已成功加载 {totalSize} 产品.", "@product_search_no_more_results": { "description": "Product search list - No more results available", "placeholders": { @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ } } }, - "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "product_search_button_download_more": "再加载 {count} 产品\n已经加载 {totalSize} 产品中的 {downloaded} 产品.", "@product_search_button_download_more": { "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", "placeholders": { @@ -1620,51 +1620,51 @@ } } }, - "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "user_search_contributor_title": "我添加的产品", "@user_search_contributor_title": { "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" }, - "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "user_search_informer_title": "我编辑过的产品", "@user_search_informer_title": { "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" }, - "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "user_search_photographer_title": "我拍摄过的产品", "@user_search_photographer_title": { "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" }, - "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "需要完善信息的产品", "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" }, - "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "所有待完善产品", "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" }, - "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "重拍", "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "拍摄", "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "edit_product_action_confirm": "确认", "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用条款和贡献", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, - "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "分析图标", "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" }, - "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", "placeholders": { @@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ } } }, - "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "preferences_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", "@preferences_page_loading_error": { "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", "placeholders": { @@ -1682,54 +1682,54 @@ } } }, - "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "完善基本信息", "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "編輯", + "edit_photo_button_label": "编辑", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, - "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "取消选择照片", "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "选择现有图像", "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "现有图像", "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { "description": "Page title" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "正在获取现有图像…", "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { "description": "Dialog label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "没有以前上传的与此产品相关的图像。", "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { "description": "Error message" }, - "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "暂无该语言的图像", "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "edit_photo_language_none": "暂无图像", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, - "category_picker_screen_title": "分類", + "category_picker_screen_title": "分类", "@category_picker_screen_title": { "description": "Categories picker screen title" }, - "basic_details": "Basic Details", - "product_name": "Product Name", - "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", - "brand_name": "Brand name", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", - "quantity": "Quantity and weight", - "barcode": "條碼", - "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "basic_details": "基本信息", + "product_name": "产品名称", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "请输入产品名称", + "brand_name": "品牌", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "请输入品牌名称", + "quantity": "数量和重量", + "barcode": "条形码", + "barcode_barcode": "条码: {barcode}", "@barcode_barcode": { "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", "placeholders": { @@ -1738,9 +1738,9 @@ } } }, - "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", - "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", - "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "barcode_invalid_error": "无效的条形码", + "basic_details_add_success": "基本信息添加成功", + "basic_details_add_error": "无法添加基本信息,请稍后再试", "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, @@ -1748,14 +1748,14 @@ "@confirm_clearclear_search": { "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" }, - "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_clear": "您即将清除整个历史记录:您确定要继续吗?", "@confirm_clear": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" }, - "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", - "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", - "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "你即将清除历史记录中选定的项目", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "您确定要继续吗?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "请选择一个或多个要清理的项目", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "您即将清除此列表 ({name}):您确定要继续吗?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, - "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "importance_label": "{name} 重要性: {id}", "@importance_label": { "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", "placeholders": { @@ -1793,58 +1793,58 @@ } } }, - "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "user_list_all_title": "列表", "@user_list_all_title": { "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" }, - "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "user_list_all_empty": "创建您的第一个列表", "@user_list_all_empty": { "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" }, - "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "product_list_select": "请选择一个列表", "@product_list_select": { "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" }, - "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{空列表} =1{一款产品} other{{count} 产品}}", "@user_list_length": { "description": "Length of a user product list", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "add_list_label": "Add list", + "add_list_label": "创建列表", "@add_list_label": { "description": "Label for the add list button" }, - "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "编辑您的食物偏好", "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" }, - "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "add_photo_button_label": "添加照片", "@add_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add photo button" }, - "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "对任何包装/回收信息拍照", "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "choose_image_source_title": "选择图片来源", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, - "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "choose_image_source_body": "请选择图片来源", "@choose_image_source_body": { "description": "Body for the image source chooser" }, - "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "gallery_source_label": "相册", "@gallery_source_label": { "description": "Label for the gallery image source" }, - "share": "分享", + "share": "推荐给好友", "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -1862,53 +1862,53 @@ } } }, - "capture": "Capture New", + "capture": "拍摄", "@capture": { "description": "Button label for taking a photo" }, - "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "choose_from_gallery": "从相册选择", "@choose_from_gallery": { "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" }, - "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "image_upload_queued": "图片将尽快上传。", "@image_upload_queued": { "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" }, - "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "开始刷新本地存储的所有产品", "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" }, - "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "background_task_title_top_n": "开始下载最受欢迎的产品", "@background_task_title_top_n": { "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "expand_nutrition_facts": "展开营养成分表", "@expand_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", - "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "扩大营养成分表", + "expand_ingredients": "展开成分", "@expand_ingredients": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", - "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "expand_ingredients_body": "保持成分面板扩展", + "no_internet_connection": "无互联网连接", "@no_internet_connection": { "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" }, - "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "world_results_label": "整个世界", "@world_results_label": { "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" }, - "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "world_results_action": "将您的搜索扩大到全世界", "@world_results_action": { "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" }, - "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "copy_to_clipboard": "复制", "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "将条形码复制到剪贴板", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1918,34 +1918,34 @@ } } }, - "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "条码 {barcode} 已复制到剪贴板!", "language_picker_label": "Your language", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" }, - "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "帮助 OpenFoodFacts", "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { "description": "Label for the email title" }, - "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "product_task_background_schedule": "产品将尽快在后台更新。", "@product_task_background_schedule": { "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "没有电子邮件应用!", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "请手动向我们发送一封电子邮件到", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "all_images": "All Images", - "selected_images": "Selected Images", - "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "all_images": "所有图像", + "selected_images": "选定图片", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "移除产品", "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" }, - "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "扫描到一个新条形码:{barcode}", "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", "placeholders": { @@ -1955,15 +1955,15 @@ } } }, - "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "从扫描结果轮播中删除所有产品", "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "请扫描至少两个产品以进行比较", "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "点击以比较您扫描过的产品", "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" }, @@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { "description": "Button to force restart a product search" }, - "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "portion_calculator_description": "计算特定数量的营养成分", "@portion_calculator_description": { "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." }, @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ } } }, - "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "portion_calculator_result_title": "{grams} 克(或毫升)的营养成分", "@portion_calculator_result_title": { "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", "placeholders": { @@ -2020,15 +2020,15 @@ } } }, - "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "offline_data": "离线数据", "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "上传图片以自动提取其包含的信息。", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, - "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "upload_image": "上传图片", "@upload_image": { "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" }, @@ -2036,58 +2036,59 @@ "@word_separator_char": { "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" }, - "word_separator": ", ", + "word_separator": ",", "@word_separator": { "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" }, - "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "image_download_error": "图片下载失败", "@image_download_error": { "description": "Error message, when image download fails" }, - "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "image_edit_url_error": "由于未设置图片 URL,无法编辑图片。", "@image_edit_url_error": { "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." }, - "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "user_picture_source_remember": "记住我的选择", "@user_picture_source_remember": { "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" }, - "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "user_picture_source_select": "每次都选择", "@user_picture_source_select": { "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" }, - "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "robotoff_continue": "继续", "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "下{count,plural, =1{一个问题} other{ {count} 个问题}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "show_password": "Show Password", + "show_password": "显示密码", "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, - "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", - "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", - "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", - "not_really": "Not really", - "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", - "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "rate_app": "评价此应用", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "大!让其他人知道您对这个应用程式的看法!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "评价此应用", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "稍后", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "您喜欢这个应用吗?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "是的!", + "not_really": "不太喜欢", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "我们很遗憾听到这个消息!你能告诉我们发生了什么吗?", + "edit_packagings_title": "包装成分", "@edit_packagings_title": { "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" }, - "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "edit_packagings_element_add": "添加包装成分", "@edit_packagings_element_add": { "description": "Button label" }, - "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", - "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "edit_packagings_completed": "此包装成分已完整", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "包装成分 #{index}", "@edit_packagings_element_title": { "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", "placeholders": { @@ -2100,84 +2101,84 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "输入产品中包含的相同形状和材料的包装单位数量。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形状", "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "输入回收说明中列出的形状名称(如果可用),或选择一个形状。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "瓶子", "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "材料", "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "如果可以确定,请输入具体材料(三角形内的材料代码通常可以在包装部件上找到),如果您不确定,请输入通用材料(例如塑料或金属)。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "玻璃", "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "回收说明", "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "只有在产品上列出的回收说明才可输入。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "回收", "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "每单位产品净数量", "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "输入净重或净体积并注明单位(例如克 g 或毫升 ml)。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "一个空单位的重量(克)", "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "在称重之前,请清除所有剩余的食物并清洗和干燥包装部分。如果可能,使用精度为 0.1g 或 0.01g 的秤。", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", - "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", - "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", - "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", - "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", - "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", - "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", - "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", - "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", - "background_task_run_started": "started", - "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", - "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", - "feed_back": "Feedback", - "undo": "Undo", - "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "background_task_title": "待处理贡献", + "background_task_subtitle": "您的贡献会自动保存到我们的服务器,但并不总是实时的。", + "background_task_list_empty": "没有待处理的后台任务", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "服务器超时", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "网络连接错误,请稍后再试。", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "未知操作类型", + "background_task_operation_details": "详细更改", + "background_task_operation_image": "照片上传", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "照片上传后刷新延迟", + "background_task_run_started": "已开始", + "background_task_run_not_started": "尚未开始", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "待删除", + "background_task_question_stop": "您想尽快停止该任务吗?", + "feed_back": "意见反馈", + "undo": "撤销", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "复制电子邮箱到剪贴板", "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" }, - "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", - "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", - "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "请手动向我们发送电子邮件至", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "电子邮件地址已复制到剪贴板", + "select_accent_color": "选择强调色", "@select_accent_color": { "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." }, @@ -2185,67 +2186,67 @@ "@theme_amoled": { "description": "AMOLED theme mode." }, - "color_blue": "Blue", + "color_blue": "蓝色", "@color_blue": { "description": "Color Blue" }, - "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "color_cyan": "青色", "@color_cyan": { "description": "Color Cyan" }, - "color_green": "Green", + "color_green": "绿色", "@color_green": { "description": "Color Green" }, - "color_light_brown": "Default", + "color_light_brown": "默认", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, - "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "color_magenta": "洋红色", "@color_magenta": { "description": "Color Magenta" }, - "color_orange": "Orange", + "color_orange": "橙色", "@color_orange": { "description": "Color Orange" }, - "color_pink": "Pink", + "color_pink": "粉色", "@color_pink": { "description": "Color Pink" }, - "color_red": "Red", + "color_red": "红色", "@color_red": { "description": "Color Red" }, - "color_rust": "Rust", + "color_rust": "赤色", "@color_rust": { "description": "Color Rust" }, - "color_teal": "Teal", + "color_teal": "鸭青色", "@color_teal": { "description": "Color Teal" }, - "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "text_contrast_mode": "文本对比度", "@text_contrast_mode": { "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" }, - "contrast_high": "High", + "contrast_high": "高", "@contrast_high": { "description": "High Contrast Text Color" }, - "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "contrast_medium": "中等", "@contrast_medium": { "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" }, - "contrast_low": "Low", + "contrast_low": "低", "@contrast_low": { "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" }, - "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "product_loader_not_found_title": "未找到该产品!", "@product_loader_not_found_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" }, - "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "product_loader_not_found_message": "我们的数据库中不存在以下条形码对应的产品:{barcode}", "@product_loader_not_found_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", "placeholders": { @@ -2254,31 +2255,31 @@ } } }, - "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "product_loader_network_error_title": "无网络连接", "@product_loader_network_error_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "product_loader_network_error_message": "请检查您的智能手机是否已连接无线网络或已启用移动数据", "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "page_not_found_title": "页面未找到", "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, - "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "page_not_found_button": "返回首页", "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "Download data", + "download_data": "下载数据", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, - "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "download_top_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 1000 的产品进行即时扫描", "@download_top_products": { "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" }, - "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "download_top_n_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 {count,plural, other{{count} 的产品}}进行即时扫描", "@download_top_n_products": { "placeholders": { "count": { @@ -2286,11 +2287,11 @@ } } }, - "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "download_in_progress": "正在下载数据\n这可能需要一段时间", "@download_in_progress": { "description": "Download in progress" }, - "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "downloaded_products": "{num} 个产品被添加", "@downloaded_products": { "description": "text to show when products added", "placeholders": { @@ -2299,23 +2300,23 @@ } } }, - "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "update_offline_data": "更新离线产品数据", "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "clear_local_database": "清除离线产品数据", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, - "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "clear_local_database_sub": "清除应用中的所有本地产品数据以释放空间", "@clear_local_database_sub": { "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" }, - "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "deleted_products": "{num} 个产品被删除", "@deleted_products": { "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", "placeholders": { @@ -2324,23 +2325,23 @@ } } }, - "loading": "載入中……", + "loading": "正在加载…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, - "know_more": "Know More", + "know_more": "了解更多", "@know_more": { "description": "Know More" }, - "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "offline_data_desc": "点击了解更多有关离线数据的信息", "@offline_data_desc": { "description": "Click to know more about offline data" }, - "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "offline_product_data_title": "离线产品数据", "@offline_product_data_title": { "description": "Offline Product Data" }, - "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "available_for_download": "{num} 产品可供立即扫描", "@available_for_download": { "description": "text to show details of products available for download", "placeholders": { @@ -2353,7 +2354,11 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, - "action_delete_list": "刪除", + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "删除", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, @@ -2361,12 +2366,31 @@ "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, - "product_list_create": "新增", + "product_list_create": "创建", "@product_list_create": { "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" }, "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From de7de4aaed7ace036f49464072eb11c3facb503a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 108/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Traditional) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 1222 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 611 insertions(+), 611 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb index 0dd07634366..ee4bc1b27a6 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -4,161 +4,161 @@ "@sep": { "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." }, - "yes": "是的", + "yes": "是", "@yes": {}, - "add": "加入产品", + "add": "新增", "@add": {}, - "account_delete_message": "您确定要删除您的账户吗?\n如果有特殊原因,请在下面分享", + "account_delete_message": "您確定要刪除您的帳戶嗎?\n如果有具體原因,請在下方分享", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "原因", "@reason": {}, - "okay": "好的", + "okay": "確定", "@okay": {}, - "create": "创建", + "create": "Create", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "应用", + "applyButtonText": "套用", "@applyButtonText": {}, - "next_label": "下一个", + "next_label": "下一個", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, - "go_back_to_top": "返回顶端", - "save": "保存", - "save_confirmation": "您确定要保存吗?", - "skip": "跳过", + "go_back_to_top": "回到頂端", + "save": "儲存", + "save_confirmation": "您確定要存檔嗎?", + "skip": "Skip", "cancel": "取消", "@cancel": {}, "ignore": "忽略", "@ignore": { "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." }, - "close": "关闭", + "close": "關閉", "@close": {}, - "no": "不", + "no": "否", "@no": {}, "stop": "停止", "@stop": {}, - "finish": "完成", + "finish": "Finish", "@finish": {}, - "calculate": "计算", + "calculate": "計算", "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "重设食物偏好", + "reset_food_prefs": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, - "error": "出错", + "error": "出現錯誤", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "发生错误", + "error_occurred": "發生錯誤", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "我们正在开发此功能,敬请期待", + "featureInProgress": "我們仍在開發此功能,敬請期待", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "在网站查看", + "label_web": "在瀏覽器上查看", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "更多信息", + "learnMore": "瞭解更多", "@learnMore": {}, - "unknown": "未知", + "unknown": "不明", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, - "match_very_good": "优秀的配对", + "match_very_good": "Very good match", "@match_very_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_good": "不错的配对", + "match_good": "Good match", "@match_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_poor": "较差的配对", + "match_poor": "Poor match", "@match_poor": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_may_not": "可能不匹配", + "match_may_not": "May not match", "@match_may_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_does_not": "不匹配", + "match_does_not": "Does not match", "@match_does_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_unknown": "是否适合未知", + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", "@match_unknown": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "match_short_very_good": "优秀的配对", + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", "@match_short_very_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_short_good": "不错的配对", + "match_short_good": "Good match", "@match_short_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_short_poor": "较差的配对", + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", "@match_short_poor": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_short_may_not": "可能不匹配", + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", "@match_short_may_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_short_does_not": "不匹配", + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", "@match_short_does_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_short_unknown": "是否适合未知", + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", "@match_short_unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "licenses": "许可证", + "licenses": "Licences", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "查找", + "looking_for": "尋找", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, - "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "欢迎使用 Open Food Facts!", + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "歡迎來到 Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, - "offUtility": "选择对您和地球有益的食物。", + "offUtility": "選擇對您和地球都有益的食物。", "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "查看和您的偏好有关的食品数据。", + "productDataUtility": "查看與您的偏好相關的食物資料。", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "选择对您有益的食品。", + "healthCardUtility": "選擇對您有益的食物。", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, - "ecoCardUtility": "选择对地球有益的食品。", + "ecoCardUtility": "選擇對地球有益的食物。", "@ecoCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", - "incorrect_credentials": "用户名或密码错误。", - "login": "用户名", + "incorrect_credentials": "使用者名稱或密碼錯誤。", + "login": "用戶名", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "请输入用户名或邮箱", - "login_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", - "create_account": "创建账号", + "login_page_username_or_email": "請輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", + "create_account": "創建帳號", "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, - "sign_in": "登录", + "sign_in": "登入", "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, - "sign_in_mandatory": "您需要登录才可以使用该功能", + "sign_in_mandatory": "對於該功能,我們需要您先登入。", "@sign_in_mandatory": { "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" }, @@ -166,60 +166,60 @@ "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "您确定要登出吗?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "確定要登出嗎?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, - "password": "密码", - "forgot_password": "忘记密码", + "password": "密碼", + "forgot_password": "忘記密碼", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, - "view_profile": "查看个人资料", + "view_profile": "檢視個人檔案", "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "重置密码", + "reset_password": "重設密碼", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘记密码,请输入您的用户名或邮箱地址以接收重置密码验证邮件。请检查您的收件箱,另外,也请记得检查垃圾邮件文件夹。", - "username_or_email": "用户名或邮箱", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘記密碼,請輸入您的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址以接收重置密碼的步驟說明。另外,記得檢查垃圾郵件的文件夾。", + "username_or_email": "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "一封包含重置密码链接的电子邮件已发送到与您的账户关联的电子邮件地址,请检查您的收件箱或垃圾邮件文件夹。", - "send_reset_password_mail": "更改密码", + "reset_password_done": "一封含有重設密碼連結的電子郵件已寄給您的帳戶中所設定的電子郵件地址。另外,請檢查垃圾郵件。", + "send_reset_password_mail": "修改密碼", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "请填写信息", + "enter_some_text": "請輸入內容", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, - "sign_up_page_title": "注册", + "sign_up_page_title": "註冊", "@sign_up_page_title": { "description": "Header" }, - "sign_up_page_action_button": "注册", + "sign_up_page_action_button": "註冊", "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "正在注册…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "註冊中…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜! 您的账户已经被创建。", - "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名称", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "请输入您想使用的显示名称", - "sign_up_page_email_hint": "电子邮件", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "电子邮件是必需的", - "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "无效电子邮件", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "用户名: 公开可见", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "请输入用户名", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "请输入有效的用户名", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "用户名不能包含空格、大写字母或特殊字符。", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "用户名不能超过 {value} 个字符", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜!您已經成功創建帳號。", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名稱", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "請輸入您想要使用的顯示名稱", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "電子郵件", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "電子郵件(必填)", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "電子信箱無效", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "使用者名稱:公開可見", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "請填入使用者名稱", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "請輸入一個有效的使用者名稱", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "使用者名稱不能包含空格、大寫字母或特殊字符", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "使用者名稱的長度不能超過 {value} 個字元", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -227,45 +227,45 @@ } } }, - "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密码", - "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "请输入密码", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "请输入一个有效密码 (包含至少6个字符)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "确认密码", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "请确认密码", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密码不相符", + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密碼", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "請輸入有效密碼(至少 6 個字元)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "再次輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "請再次輸入密碼", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密碼錯誤", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用条款和贡献", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用及貢獻條款", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, - "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, - "donate_url": "", + "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." }, - "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "创建帐户时, 必须同意使用条款, 然而, 仍然可以通过应用程序进行匿名贡献", + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "創建帳號時,必須同意使用條款,但是您仍然可以通過應用程式進行匿名捐款", "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, - "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生产商", - "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生产商/品牌", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "请输入生产商或品牌名称", + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生產商", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生產商/品牌", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "請輸入生產商或品牌名稱", "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "该用户名已存在,请选择一个不同的用户名。", - "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已存在。登录该账号或尝试其他电子邮件地址。", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "请提供一个有效的电子邮箱地址。", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "這個使用者名稱已存在,請改用其他名稱。", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已經存在,請直接登入、或改用其他電子郵件。", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "請提供有效的電子郵件地址。", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "设置", + "settingsTitle": "設定", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "主题", + "darkmode": "主題", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, @@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ "@darkmode_dark": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" }, - "darkmode_light": "浅色", + "darkmode_light": "淺色", "@darkmode_light": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" }, - "darkmode_system_default": "系统默认", + "darkmode_system_default": "系統預設值", "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, @@ -285,28 +285,28 @@ "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "贡献者", - "support": "支持", + "contributors": "合作者", + "support": "Support", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, - "support_join_slack": "在我们的Slack频道寻求帮助", - "support_via_forum": "在我们的社区上寻求帮助", - "support_via_email": "给我们发送电子邮件", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "发送应用日志?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望在电子邮件附件中包含应用程序日志?", - "termsOfUse": "使用条款", + "support_join_slack": "在我們的 Slack 頻道尋求幫助", + "support_via_forum": "在論壇上尋求幫助", + "support_via_email": "給我們傳送電子郵件", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "要將紀錄送出嗎?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望將應用程式紀錄附在電子郵件中?", + "termsOfUse": "使用條款", "@termsOfUse": {}, - "about_this_app": "关于这个应用程序", + "about_this_app": "關於本程式", "@about_this_app": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" }, "@About this app section": {}, - "contribute": "贡献", + "contribute": "貢獻", "@contribute": { "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" }, - "contribute_sw_development": "软件开发", + "contribute_sw_development": "軟體開發", "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, @@ -314,31 +314,31 @@ "@contribute_develop_text": {}, "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "开发模式?", - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "启用开发者模式", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "開發模式?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "起用開發模式", "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, - "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "待完成的产品", + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" }, - "contribute_improve_header": "改进", + "contribute_improve_header": "改善", "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_header": "翻译", + "contribute_translate_header": "翻譯", "@contribute_translate_header": { "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" }, - "contribute_translate_link_text": "开始翻译", + "contribute_translate_link_text": "開始翻譯", "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻译是项目的关键任务之一", + "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻譯是專案的關鍵任務之一", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, @@ -346,33 +346,33 @@ "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, - "tap_to_answer": "点击此处回答问题", + "tap_to_answer": "點擊此處回答問題", "@tap_to_answer": { "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "点击此处回答有关该产品的问题", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "點擊此處並回答有關此產品的問題", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, - "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "正在加载有关该产品的问题,请稍候", + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, - "saving_answer": "保存您的答案", + "saving_answer": "儲存您的回覆", "@saving_answer": { "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." }, - "contribute_to_get_rewards": "为提高食品透明度提供帮助并获得奖励", + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "幫忙提高食品透明度並獲得獎勵", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", - "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答“是”", - "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答“否”", - "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳过该题", - "tap_to_edit_search": "点击打开搜索框", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答是", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答不是", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳過此問題", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "我的偏好", + "myPreferences": "我的偏好設定", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, @@ -380,55 +380,55 @@ "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, - "join_us": "加入我们", + "join_us": "加入我們", "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的个人信息", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的個人檔案", "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", - "myPreferences_settings_title": "应用设置", - "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "深色模式,分析,...", - "myPreferences_food_title": "食物偏好", - "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "选择对您最重要的食物信息.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "應用程式設定", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "食品偏好選項", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "選擇對您最至關重要的食物資訊", "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", - "confirmResetPreferences": "重置您的食物偏好?", + "confirmResetPreferences": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的个性化排名", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的個人化排名", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, "ranking_tab_all": "全部", - "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "非常适合", - "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "非常不适合", - "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "是否适合未知", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "使用您的新偏好刷新列表", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, - "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "重新加载新的偏好设置", + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" }, "@other": {}, - "profile_navbar_label": "个人资料", + "profile_navbar_label": "個人檔案", "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "扫描", + "scan_navbar_label": "掃描", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "历史记录", + "history_navbar_label": "歷史紀錄", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, - "list_navbar_label": "列表", + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", "@list_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" }, - "category": "按类别筛选", + "category": "按類別篩選", "@category": { "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" }, @@ -436,121 +436,121 @@ "@category_al": { "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" }, - "category_search": "(类别搜索)", - "filter": "过滤器", + "category_search": "(類別搜尋)", + "filter": "篩選器", "@filter": { "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" }, - "scan": "扫描结果", + "scan": "Scan session", "@scan": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" }, - "scan_history": "扫描历史记录", + "scan_history": "Scan history", "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, - "search": "搜索", + "search": "搜尋", "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, - "tap_for_more": "点击获取更多信息", + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", "@Product": {}, - "product": "产品", + "product": "產品", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "未知品牌", "@unknownBrand": {}, - "unknownProductName": "未知产品名称", + "unknownProductName": "未知產品名稱", "@unknownProductName": {}, - "label_refresh": "刷新", + "label_refresh": "重新整理", "@label_refresh": { "description": "Refresh the cached product" }, - "image": "图片", + "image": "圖片", "front_photo": "正面照片", "@front_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" }, "ingredients": "成分", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保留原顺序。指定时显示百分比。使用逗号或连字符分隔,用括号将配料表的成分括起来,并用下划线标出过敏原。", - "ingredients_editing_error": "未能保存配料表。", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能获取配料表图像。", - "ingredients_editing_title": "编辑配料表", - "ingredients_photo": "原料的照片", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保持原來的順序。在指定的情況下輸入百分比。用逗號或連字號分隔項目,用括號表示一種成分中含有的成分細項,並在下劃線之間輸入過敏原。", + "ingredients_editing_error": "儲存成分失敗。", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能獲取新的成分圖像。", + "ingredients_editing_title": "編輯成分", + "ingredients_photo": "成分照片", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, - "packaging_editing_instructions": "列出用逗号或换行符分隔的所有包装零件,以及它们的数量(例如1或6)类型(例如瓶、盒、罐)、材料(例如塑料、金属、铝)以及它们的尺寸(例如33cl)和回收说明。示例:1个要回收的玻璃瓶,1个要丢弃的塑料软木塞", - "packaging_editing_error": "无法保存包装信息。", - "packaging_editing_image_error": "无法获得新的包装图片。", - "packaging_editing_title": "编辑包装信息", - "nutrition": "营养", + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "營養成分", "@nutrition": {}, - "nutrition_facts_photo": "营养成分的照片", + "nutrition_facts_photo": "營養標示相片", "@nutrition_facts_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" }, - "packaging_information": "包装信息", + "packaging_information": "包裝資訊", "@packaging_information": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" }, - "packaging_information_photo": "包装信息照片", + "packaging_information_photo": "包裝資訊照片", "@packaging_information_photo": {}, - "missing_product": "你发现了一件新产品!", + "missing_product": "您發現了一個新產品!", "@missing_product": {}, "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, - "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "请您先拍几张照片,你可以在以后完成操作", + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, - "add_product_information_button_label": "添加产品信息", + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, - "new_product": "新产品", + "new_product": "新的產品", "@new_product": {}, - "new_product_dialog_title": "你发现了一件新产品!", + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", "@new_product_dialog_title": { "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "new_product_leave_message": "看起来你没有输入任何内容。你真的想要离开这个页面吗?", + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", "@new_product_leave_message": { "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." }, - "new_product_dialog_description": "拍摄包装照片以将此产品添加到我们的数据库中", + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", "@new_product_dialog_description": { "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "产品的正面照片", + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, - "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "确认上传产品的正面照片", + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." }, - "confirm_button_label": "确认", - "send_image_button_label": "发送图片", - "crop_page_action_saving": "正在保存图像…", + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", "@crop_page_action_saving": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_cropping": "剪裁图像…", + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", "@crop_page_action_cropping": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local": "保存本地版本…", + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", "@crop_page_action_local": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "啊噢…你的照片有点问题!", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", "@crop_page_action_local_title": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "在把图片上传到服务器前,我们没有办法在本地进行处理。请稍后再试,如果仍有问题请联系我们。", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", "@crop_page_action_local_message": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "图片尺寸过小", + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "图片上传的最小尺寸(以像素为单位)为 {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}。当前图片的尺寸为 {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}。", + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", "placeholders": { @@ -568,57 +568,57 @@ } } }, - "crop_page_action_server": "准备调用服务器…", + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", "@crop_page_action_server": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "front_packaging_photo_title": "正面包装照片", - "ingredients_photo_title": "配料表照片", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "营养成分表", - "recycling_photo_title": "循环利用照片", - "other_interesting_photo_title": "其他有趣的照片", - "front_photo_uploaded": "已上传正面照片", + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "更多奇妙的相片", + "front_photo_uploaded": "已上載正面包裝的相片", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, - "ingredients_photo_button_label": "原料的照片", + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "成分照片", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, - "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上传配料表照片", + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上載成分的相片", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, - "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "无法从缓存中加载营养成分", - "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "营养成分的照片", + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "營養標示相片", "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, - "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "输入营养成分表", - "nutritional_facts_added": "已添加营养成分表", - "categories_added": "分类已添加", - "new_product_title_nutriscore": "计算 Nutri-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "通过填写食品类别和营养成分获得它", - "new_product_title_ecoscore": "计算 Eco-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "通过填写至少一个类别获得它", - "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "通过补充原产地、包装等信息使 Eco-Score 得分计算更加精确", - "new_product_title_nova": "计算食品加工水平(NOVA)", - "new_product_subtitle_nova": "通过填写食品类别和配料获得它", - "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工水平未知", - "new_product_title_pictures": "让我们拍一些照片吧!", - "new_product_title_misc": "还有一些基本数据…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "现在点击并回答 3 个问题即可帮助计算 Nutri-Score、Eco-Score 和食品加工水平 (NOVA)!", - "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "已上传营养成分表照片", + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工程度未知", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, - "recycling_photo_button_label": "循环利用信息照片", + "recycling_photo_button_label": "回收資訊的相片", "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, - "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上传循环利用照片", + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上載回收的相片", "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, - "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "其他有趣的照片", + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "更多奇妙的相片", "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, - "other_photo_uploaded": "已上传其他照片", + "other_photo_uploaded": "已上傳其它相片", "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, "retake_photo_button_label": "重拍", "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "正在选择照片", + "selecting_photo": "選取相片", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, - "uploading_image": "正在向服务器上传照片", + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, @@ -646,93 +646,93 @@ "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺失的成分", - "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "添加缺失的包装照片", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "添加缺失的营养成分", - "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺失的产品类别", - "score_add_missing_product_countries": "添加缺失的产品产地国", - "score_add_missing_product_emb": "添加缺失的产品代码(翻译注:可能是条形码", - "score_add_missing_product_labels": "添加缺失的产品标签", - "score_add_missing_product_origins": "添加缺失的产品来源", - "score_add_missing_product_stores": "添加缺失的产品来源商店", - "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新营养成分表", - "nutrition_page_title": "营养成分表", - "nutrition_page_unspecified": "产品未标明营养成分", + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺少的成分", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "補充營養成分", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺少的產品類別", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新營養成分", + "nutrition_page_title": "營養成分", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "產品未具體標明營養成分", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "每 100 克", - "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每份", - "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "添加营养", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每個包含", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", - "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "无效的数字", - "nutrition_page_update_running": "正在更新服务器上的产品…", - "nutrition_page_update_done": "产品已更新!", - "more_photos": "更有趣的照片", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "無效數值", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "產品更新了!", + "more_photos": "更多奇妙照片", "@more_photos": {}, - "no_product_found": "没有找到的产品", + "no_product_found": "未發現產品", "@no_product_found": {}, - "not_found": "未找到:", - "searchPanelHeader": "搜索或扫描您的第一个产品", + "not_found": "無法查明:", + "searchPanelHeader": "搜尋或是掃瞄您的第一項產品", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "产品更新中", + "refreshing_product": "食品重新整理中", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, - "product_refreshed": "产品已更新", + "product_refreshed": "產品更新", "@product_refreshed": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" }, - "deprecated_header": "你正在使用较老版本的app", + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", "@deprecated_header": { "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" }, - "click_here": "点击此处", + "click_here": "Click here", "@click_here": { "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" }, - "download_new_version": "下载最新版app", + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", "@download_new_version": { "description": "Download new version of the app text" }, - "could_not_refresh": "无法刷新产品", + "could_not_refresh": "無法重新整理產品", "@could_not_refresh": { "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" }, - "product_internet_error": "由于网络错误,无法获取有关此产品的信息。", - "cached_results_from": "显示结果来自:", + "product_internet_error": "因為網路錯誤,無法取得關於此產品的資訊。", + "cached_results_from": "顯示結果自:", "@cached_results_from": { "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" }, "@Product Addition": {}, - "added_product_thanks": "感谢您添加这个产品!", + "added_product_thanks": "謝謝您新增此產品。", "@added_product_thanks": {}, - "product_search_same_category": "对比类别", + "product_search_same_category": "同類別中的其它產品", "@product_search_same_category": { "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" }, - "product_improvement_add_category": "添加类别以计算Nutri-Score。", + "product_improvement_add_category": "新增一個類別以計算 Nutri-Score。", "@product_improvement_add_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "添加营养成分以计算Nutri-Score。", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "添加营养成分和类别以计算 Nutri-Score。", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "无法计算此产品的营养评分,这可能是由于例如:非标准类别。如果这被认为是错误,请与我们联系。", + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "营养表图片已过时,请刷新。", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "此營養成分表已過時:請更新。", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, - "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "Eco-Score 会参考配料的来源地。请给配料表和/或地理说明拍照,或者编辑该产品,以便于计算。", + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "请提供国家信息", + "country_chooser_label": "請選擇國家", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, @@ -740,15 +740,15 @@ "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "有些环境特征是因地而异的。", + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, - "product_removed_comparison": "已从对比中删除该产品", + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", "@product_removed_comparison": { "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" }, - "native_app_settings": "本机应用程序设置", + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, @@ -756,104 +756,104 @@ "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, - "product_removed_history": "已从历史记录中删除该产品", + "product_removed_history": "產品已從歷史記錄中刪除", "@product_removed_history": { "description": "Product got removed from history" }, - "product_removed_list": "把产品从列表移除", + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", "@product_removed_list": { "description": "Product got removed from list" }, - "product_could_not_remove": "无法移除产品", + "product_could_not_remove": "無法移除產品", "@product_could_not_remove": { "description": "Could not remove product from a list" }, "@Lists": {}, - "no_prodcut_in_list": "这个列表中没有产品", - "no_product_in_section": "这个区域没有产品", - "recently_seen_products": "历史记录", + "no_prodcut_in_list": "此清單裡沒有任何產品", + "no_product_in_section": "此部門仍未有產品", + "recently_seen_products": "歷史紀錄", "clear": "清除", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, - "really_clear": "确定要删除此列表吗?", + "really_clear": "您確定要刪除此清單嗎?", "@Plural": {}, - "pct_match": "{Percent}% 匹配度", + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", "@pct_match": { "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", "placeholders": { "percent": {} } }, - "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{一天前} other{{count} 天前}}", + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", "@plural_ago_days": { "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{一小时前} other{{count} 小时前}}", + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", "@plural_ago_hours": { "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{不到一分钟前} =1{1 分钟前} other{{count} 分钟前}}", + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", "@plural_ago_minutes": { "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{一个月前} other{{count} 个月前}}", + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", "@plural_ago_months": { "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{一周前} other{{count} 周前}}", + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", "@plural_ago_weeks": { "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{比较一种产品} other{比较 {count} 种产品}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "比较产品", + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "比较产品", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, - "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "请至少选择两个产品", + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, - "retry_button_label": "重试", - "connect_with_us": "联系我们", + "retry_button_label": "重試", + "connect_with_us": "聯繫我們", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", "twitter": "Twitter", "twitter_link": "", - "blog": "博客", - "faq": "常见问题", - "discover": "发现", - "how_to_contribute": "如何贡献数据", - "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "点击卡片任意部分获取更多信息。立即尝试!", + "blog": "部落格", + "faq": "常見問題", + "discover": "探索", + "how_to_contribute": "如何貢獻", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "您可以點擊卡片的任何部分以獲取有關您所看到內容的更多詳細信息。現在就試試!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" }, - "consent_analytics_title": "发送匿名分析", + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -861,23 +861,23 @@ "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "permissions_page_title": "相机访问权限", + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", "@permissions_page_title": { "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body1": "请授权访问摄像头,不然你不能扫描条形码", + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置里启用或禁用此功能。", + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "contact_form_body_android": "操作系统:Android(SDK Int: {sdkInt} / 版本: {release})\n型号: {model}\n产品: {product}\n设备: {device}\n品牌:{brand}", + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", "@contact_form_body_android": { "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", "placeholders": { @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body_ios": "操作系统: iOS ({version})\n型: {model}\n本地化模型: {localizedModel}", + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", "@contact_form_body_ios": { "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", "placeholders": { @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\n应用版本:{appVersion}\n应用内部版本号:{appBuildNumber}\n应用包名称:{appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -947,23 +947,23 @@ } } }, - "authorize_button_label": "授权", + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", "@authorize": { "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" }, - "refuse_button_label": "拒绝", + "refuse_button_label": "拒絕", "@refuse": { "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" }, - "ask_me_later_button_label": "稍后", + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", "@ask_me_later": { "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" }, - "are_you_sure": "确定吗?", + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", "@are_you_sure": { "description": "Are you sure?" }, - "knowledge_panel_text_source": "继续了解 {sourceName}", + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", "placeholders": { @@ -972,73 +972,73 @@ } } }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "我们在 2012 年发明了\n协作\n扫描应用程序", + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "当我们 10 岁时,\n我们正在从头开始重新改变它\n!", + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "正在加载您的第一个产品", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "好像没有您的语言的示例产品", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" }, - "product_list_your_ranking": "您的排名", + "product_list_your_ranking": "你的排名", "@product_list_your_ranking": { "description": "Your ranking screen title" }, - "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "无历史记录", + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "無歷史資料", "@product_list_icon_desc": { "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_title": "开始扫描", + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", "@product_list_empty_title": { "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_message": "扫描的产品会出现在这里,您可以查看详细信息。", + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "重新加载在你历史记录中的{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{产品} =1{产品} other{产品}}重新加载完成", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下载数据", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下載資料", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, - "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "无法下载数据", + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "無法下載資料", "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { "description": "Default loading dialog error message" }, - "account_delete": "删除账号", + "account_delete": "刪除帳號", "@account_delete": { "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" }, - "account_deletion_subject": "注销 删除账号", + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", "@account_deletion_subject": { "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" }, - "user_profile": "账户", + "user_profile": "Account", "@user_profile": { "description": "User account (if connected)" }, - "user_profile_title_guest": "欢迎!", + "user_profile_title_guest": "歡迎!", "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ } } }, - "user_profile_title_id_default": "欢迎 {id}!", + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", "@user_profile_title_id_default": { "description": "User login (when it's an id)", "placeholders": { @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ } } }, - "email_subject_account_deletion": "删除账号", + "email_subject_account_deletion": "刪除帳號", "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, @@ -1074,31 +1074,31 @@ } } }, - "settings_app_app": "应用程序", - "settings_app_data": "隐私和监控", - "settings_app_camera": "相机", - "settings_app_products": "产品", - "settings_app_miscellaneous": "其他", + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "產品", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "在扫描时播放声音", + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "每次成功扫描都会发出蜂鸣声", + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_title": "振动 触觉", + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "执行某些操作后的振动(条形码已解码,产品已移除…)。", + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "崩溃报告", + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "发送匿名数据", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1114,16 +1114,16 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "product_edit_photo_title": "编辑照片", + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, - "permission_photo_error": "错误", + "permission_photo_error": "錯誤", "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, - "permission_photo_denied_title": "允许使用照相机扫描条码", - "permission_photo_denied_message": "为了提高使用体验,请允许{appName}访问您的照相机。以便于直接扫描条码。", + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", "@permission_photo_denied_message": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", "placeholders": { @@ -1132,28 +1132,28 @@ } } }, - "permission_photo_denied_button": "允许", + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", "@permission_photo_denied_button": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "没有权限", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "因为之前拒绝了访问照相机,所以只能在设置里手动允许使用照相机。", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "打开权限设置", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "開啟設定", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "取消", - "permission_photo_none_found": "没有检测到摄像头", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", "@permission_photo_none_found": { "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" }, - "permission_photo_denied": "未授权访问照相机", + "permission_photo_denied": "未授權相機訪問權限", "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "编辑产品", + "edit_product_label": "編輯產品", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "添加新的 {itemType}", - "description": "当用户长按 (+) 按钮时显示的工具提示", + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { "itemType": { @@ -1161,23 +1161,23 @@ } } }, - "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "条形码", + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "條碼", "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { "description": "Product edition - Barcode" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本信息", + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本資料", "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "产品名称、品牌、数量", + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "產品名稱、品牌、數量", "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "额外细节", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "产品网站…", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, @@ -1185,23 +1185,23 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或刷新照片", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或更新照片", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "标签和证书", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "標籤和認證", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "环保、质量标签…", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "标签", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "標籤", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "标签", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "標籤", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" }, @@ -1217,71 +1217,71 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "起源", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "產地", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "西班牙", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "国家", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "國家", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "添加你可以在包装上找到的任何原产地标记。你不必担心直接在成份列表中显示的原产地。", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "示例:来自阿根廷的牛肉,大豆不是来自欧盟", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "国家/地区", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "地區", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "西班牙", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "国家", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "國家", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "产品广泛销售的国家(不包括专营外国产品的商店)。", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "可追踪码", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "產銷履歷代碼", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062,FR 62.448.034 CE,84 R 20,33 RECOLANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "可追踪码", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "產銷履歷代碼", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "在欧洲,使用椭圆形编码,带有 2 个国家/地区首字母,后跟一个数字和 CE。\n示例:EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLTANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分类", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "類別", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分类", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "類別", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分类", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "類別", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "仅指明最具体的类别。将自动添加父类别。", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, @@ -1289,76 +1289,76 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "示例:橄榄油中的沙丁鱼、浓缩橙汁", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "是否再离开页面前保存?", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "保存更改", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "放弃更改", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "成分", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入产品", - "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "请先输入文字", - "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "移除", - "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "回收说明照片", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "新增", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "营养成分", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養成分", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "营养成分、酒精含量……", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "營養、酒精含量⋯⋯", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "编辑", + "edit_product_form_save": "編輯", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, - "product_field_website_title": "网站", + "product_field_website_title": "Website", "@product_field_website_title": { "description": "Title of a product field: website" }, - "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "完善基本信息", - "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "尚未生效", - "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分类", - "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "提取成分", + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "類別", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, - "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "提取包装信息", + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" }, - "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "刷新照片", + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "无法检测图像中的文本。", + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, - "user_list_dialog_new_title": "新产品列表", + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "重命名列表", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_subtitle_product": "列表", + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", "@user_list_subtitle_product": { "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" }, - "user_list_add_product": "将产品添加到您的列表", + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", "@user_list_add_product": { "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" }, @@ -1366,51 +1366,51 @@ "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, - "user_list_empty_label": "暂无可用列表,请从创建一个新列表开始", + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", "@user_list_empty_label": { "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" }, - "user_list_button_add_product": "添加到列表", + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", "@user_list_button_add_product": { "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" }, - "added_to_list_msg": "已添加到列表", + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", "@added_to_list_msg": { "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" }, - "user_list_popup_clear": "清除历史记录", + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", "@user_list_popup_clear": { "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" }, - "user_list_popup_rename": "重命名", + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", "@user_list_popup_rename": { "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" }, - "user_list_name_hint": "我的列表", + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_name_error_empty": "名称是必填项", + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "名称已被使用", + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, - "user_list_name_error_same": "名称重复", + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "重试", + "try_again": "Try Again", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "有错误产生", + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, - "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "没有 {items} 对应的类别", + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { "description": "Label when no category is available", "placeholders": { @@ -1419,27 +1419,27 @@ } } }, - "camera_toggle_camera": "在后置和前置相机之间切换", + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", "@camera_toggle_camera": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" }, - "camera_toggle_flash": "打开或关闭摄像头的闪光灯", + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "打开闪光灯", + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "禁用闪光灯", + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "发生错误", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "更改闪光灯状态时发生错误。请确保你的智能手机尚未启用手电筒。", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, @@ -1447,27 +1447,27 @@ "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, - "dev_preferences_screen_title": "开发模式", + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "重置引导流程", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "你必须重新启动应用才能再次看到它。", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "在 (PROD) 和测试环境之间切换", + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "测试环境参数", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "当前测试环境的基本 URL: {url}", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", "placeholders": { @@ -1476,47 +1476,47 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "测试环境主机", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "使用机器学习套件", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "您需要重新启动此应用", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "产品页面上的附加按钮", + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "通过信息面板按钮编辑成分", + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "导出历史记录", + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "异常", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "找到产品", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "未找到产品", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "导出历史记录", + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "确定", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "好", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1524,8 +1524,8 @@ "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" }, - "dev_preferences_migration_title": "从 V1 迁移数据", - "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "状态:{status}", + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { "placeholders": { "status": { @@ -1533,29 +1533,29 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "成功或全新安装", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "成功", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "错误", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "进行中", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "需要(点击开始)", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "未知", - "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "导入历史记录", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "将清除历史记录并在其中放置 3 个产品", + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "完成", + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "已完成", "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "扫描模式", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "当前扫描模式: \"{mode}\"", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", "placeholders": { @@ -1564,39 +1564,39 @@ } } }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "扫描模式", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" }, - "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "排除 Eco-Score", + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "仅摄像头流,不扫描", + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "相机流和完整图像预处理,不扫描", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "相机流和半图像预处理,不扫描", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "全幅扫描", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "半幅扫描", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, - "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "沿用與編輯此搜尋的項目", "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, - "product_search_no_more_results": "已成功加载 {totalSize} 产品.", + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", "@product_search_no_more_results": { "description": "Product search list - No more results available", "placeholders": { @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ } } }, - "product_search_button_download_more": "再加载 {count} 产品\n已经加载 {totalSize} 产品中的 {downloaded} 产品.", + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", "@product_search_button_download_more": { "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", "placeholders": { @@ -1620,35 +1620,35 @@ } } }, - "user_search_contributor_title": "我添加的产品", + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", "@user_search_contributor_title": { "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" }, - "user_search_informer_title": "我编辑过的产品", + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", "@user_search_informer_title": { "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" }, - "user_search_photographer_title": "我拍摄过的产品", + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", "@user_search_photographer_title": { "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" }, - "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "需要完善信息的产品", + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" }, - "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "所有待完善产品", + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" }, - "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "重拍", + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_take_picture": "拍摄", + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_confirm": "确认", + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, @@ -1656,15 +1656,15 @@ "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用条款和贡献", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用及貢獻條款", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, - "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "分析图标", + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" }, - "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", "placeholders": { @@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ } } }, - "preferences_page_loading_error": "错误: {error}", + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", "@preferences_page_loading_error": { "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", "placeholders": { @@ -1682,54 +1682,54 @@ } } }, - "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "完善基本信息", + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "编辑", + "edit_photo_button_label": "編輯", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, - "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "取消选择照片", + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "选择现有图像", + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "现有图像", + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { "description": "Page title" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "正在获取现有图像…", + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { "description": "Dialog label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "没有以前上传的与此产品相关的图像。", + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { "description": "Error message" }, - "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "暂无该语言的图像", + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "暂无图像", + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, - "category_picker_screen_title": "分类", + "category_picker_screen_title": "類別", "@category_picker_screen_title": { "description": "Categories picker screen title" }, - "basic_details": "基本信息", - "product_name": "产品名称", - "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "请输入产品名称", - "brand_name": "品牌", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "请输入品牌名称", - "quantity": "数量和重量", - "barcode": "条形码", - "barcode_barcode": "条码: {barcode}", + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "條碼", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", "@barcode_barcode": { "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", "placeholders": { @@ -1738,9 +1738,9 @@ } } }, - "barcode_invalid_error": "无效的条形码", - "basic_details_add_success": "基本信息添加成功", - "basic_details_add_error": "无法添加基本信息,请稍后再试", + "barcode_invalid_error": "條碼無效", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, @@ -1748,14 +1748,14 @@ "@confirm_clearclear_search": { "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" }, - "confirm_clear": "您即将清除整个历史记录:您确定要继续吗?", + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", "@confirm_clear": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" }, - "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "你即将清除历史记录中选定的项目", - "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "您确定要继续吗?", - "alert_select_items_to_clear": "请选择一个或多个要清理的项目", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "您即将清除此列表 ({name}):您确定要继续吗?", + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, - "importance_label": "{name} 重要性: {id}", + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", "@importance_label": { "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", "placeholders": { @@ -1793,54 +1793,54 @@ } } }, - "user_list_all_title": "列表", + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", "@user_list_all_title": { "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" }, - "user_list_all_empty": "创建您的第一个列表", + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", "@user_list_all_empty": { "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" }, - "product_list_select": "请选择一个列表", + "product_list_select": "Select a list", "@product_list_select": { "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" }, - "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{空列表} =1{一款产品} other{{count} 产品}}", + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", "@user_list_length": { "description": "Length of a user product list", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "add_list_label": "创建列表", + "add_list_label": "Add list", "@add_list_label": { "description": "Label for the add list button" }, - "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "编辑您的食物偏好", + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" }, - "add_photo_button_label": "添加照片", + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", "@add_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add photo button" }, - "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "对任何包装/回收信息拍照", + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "选择图片来源", + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, - "choose_image_source_body": "请选择图片来源", + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", "@choose_image_source_body": { "description": "Body for the image source chooser" }, - "gallery_source_label": "相册", + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", "@gallery_source_label": { "description": "Label for the gallery image source" }, - "share": "推荐给好友", + "share": "分享", "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, @@ -1862,53 +1862,53 @@ } } }, - "capture": "拍摄", + "capture": "Capture New", "@capture": { "description": "Button label for taking a photo" }, - "choose_from_gallery": "从相册选择", + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", "@choose_from_gallery": { "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" }, - "image_upload_queued": "图片将尽快上传。", + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", "@image_upload_queued": { "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" }, - "background_task_title_full_refresh": "开始刷新本地存储的所有产品", + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" }, - "background_task_title_top_n": "开始下载最受欢迎的产品", + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", "@background_task_title_top_n": { "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts": "展开营养成分表", + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", "@expand_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "扩大营养成分表", - "expand_ingredients": "展开成分", + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", "@expand_ingredients": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_ingredients_body": "保持成分面板扩展", - "no_internet_connection": "无互联网连接", + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", "@no_internet_connection": { "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" }, - "world_results_label": "整个世界", + "world_results_label": "Entire world", "@world_results_label": { "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" }, - "world_results_action": "将您的搜索扩大到全世界", + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", "@world_results_action": { "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" }, - "copy_to_clipboard": "复制", + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "将条形码复制到剪贴板", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1918,34 +1918,34 @@ } } }, - "clipboard_barcode_copied": "条码 {barcode} 已复制到剪贴板!", + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", "language_picker_label": "Your language", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" }, - "help_with_openfoodfacts": "帮助 OpenFoodFacts", + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { "description": "Label for the email title" }, - "product_task_background_schedule": "产品将尽快在后台更新。", + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", "@product_task_background_schedule": { "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "没有电子邮件应用!", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "请手动向我们发送一封电子邮件到", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "all_images": "所有图像", - "selected_images": "选定图片", - "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "移除产品", + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" }, - "scan_announce_new_barcode": "扫描到一个新条形码:{barcode}", + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", "placeholders": { @@ -1955,15 +1955,15 @@ } } }, - "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "从扫描结果轮播中删除所有产品", + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "请扫描至少两个产品以进行比较", + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "点击以比较您扫描过的产品", + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" }, @@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { "description": "Button to force restart a product search" }, - "portion_calculator_description": "计算特定数量的营养成分", + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", "@portion_calculator_description": { "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." }, @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ } } }, - "portion_calculator_result_title": "{grams} 克(或毫升)的营养成分", + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", "@portion_calculator_result_title": { "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", "placeholders": { @@ -2020,15 +2020,15 @@ } } }, - "offline_data": "离线数据", + "offline_data": "Offline Data", "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "上传图片以自动提取其包含的信息。", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, - "upload_image": "上传图片", + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", "@upload_image": { "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" }, @@ -2036,59 +2036,59 @@ "@word_separator_char": { "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" }, - "word_separator": ",", + "word_separator": ", ", "@word_separator": { "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" }, - "image_download_error": "图片下载失败", + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", "@image_download_error": { "description": "Error message, when image download fails" }, - "image_edit_url_error": "由于未设置图片 URL,无法编辑图片。", + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", "@image_edit_url_error": { "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." }, - "user_picture_source_remember": "记住我的选择", + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", "@user_picture_source_remember": { "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" }, - "user_picture_source_select": "每次都选择", + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", "@user_picture_source_select": { "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" }, - "robotoff_continue": "继续", + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "下{count,plural, =1{一个问题} other{ {count} 个问题}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "show_password": "显示密码", + "show_password": "Show Password", "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, - "rate_app": "评价此应用", - "app_rating_dialog_title": "大!让其他人知道您对这个应用程式的看法!", - "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "评价此应用", - "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "稍后", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "您喜欢这个应用吗?", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "是的!", - "not_really": "不太喜欢", - "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "我们很遗憾听到这个消息!你能告诉我们发生了什么吗?", - "edit_packagings_title": "包装成分", + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", "@edit_packagings_title": { "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" }, - "edit_packagings_element_add": "添加包装成分", + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", "@edit_packagings_element_add": { "description": "Button label" }, - "edit_packagings_completed": "此包装成分已完整", - "edit_packagings_element_title": "包装成分 #{index}", + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", "@edit_packagings_element_title": { "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", "placeholders": { @@ -2101,84 +2101,84 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "输入产品中包含的相同形状和材料的包装单位数量。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形状", + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形狀", "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "输入回收说明中列出的形状名称(如果可用),或选择一个形状。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "瓶子", + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "材料", + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "如果可以确定,请输入具体材料(三角形内的材料代码通常可以在包装部件上找到),如果您不确定,请输入通用材料(例如塑料或金属)。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "玻璃", + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "回收说明", + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "只有在产品上列出的回收说明才可输入。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "回收", + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { "description": "Text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "每单位产品净数量", + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "输入净重或净体积并注明单位(例如克 g 或毫升 ml)。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "一个空单位的重量(克)", + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "在称重之前,请清除所有剩余的食物并清洗和干燥包装部分。如果可能,使用精度为 0.1g 或 0.01g 的秤。", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "background_task_title": "待处理贡献", - "background_task_subtitle": "您的贡献会自动保存到我们的服务器,但并不总是实时的。", - "background_task_list_empty": "没有待处理的后台任务", - "background_task_error_server_time_out": "服务器超时", - "background_task_error_no_internet": "网络连接错误,请稍后再试。", - "background_task_operation_unknown": "未知操作类型", - "background_task_operation_details": "详细更改", - "background_task_operation_image": "照片上传", - "background_task_operation_refresh": "照片上传后刷新延迟", - "background_task_run_started": "已开始", - "background_task_run_not_started": "尚未开始", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "待删除", - "background_task_question_stop": "您想尽快停止该任务吗?", - "feed_back": "意见反馈", - "undo": "撤销", - "copy_email_to_clip_board": "复制电子邮箱到剪贴板", + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" }, - "please_send_us_an_email_to": "请手动向我们发送电子邮件至", - "email_copied_to_clip_board": "电子邮件地址已复制到剪贴板", - "select_accent_color": "选择强调色", + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", "@select_accent_color": { "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." }, @@ -2186,67 +2186,67 @@ "@theme_amoled": { "description": "AMOLED theme mode." }, - "color_blue": "蓝色", + "color_blue": "Blue", "@color_blue": { "description": "Color Blue" }, - "color_cyan": "青色", + "color_cyan": "Cyan", "@color_cyan": { "description": "Color Cyan" }, - "color_green": "绿色", + "color_green": "Green", "@color_green": { "description": "Color Green" }, - "color_light_brown": "默认", + "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, - "color_magenta": "洋红色", + "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { "description": "Color Magenta" }, - "color_orange": "橙色", + "color_orange": "Orange", "@color_orange": { "description": "Color Orange" }, - "color_pink": "粉色", + "color_pink": "Pink", "@color_pink": { "description": "Color Pink" }, - "color_red": "红色", + "color_red": "Red", "@color_red": { "description": "Color Red" }, - "color_rust": "赤色", + "color_rust": "Rust", "@color_rust": { "description": "Color Rust" }, - "color_teal": "鸭青色", + "color_teal": "Teal", "@color_teal": { "description": "Color Teal" }, - "text_contrast_mode": "文本对比度", + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", "@text_contrast_mode": { "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" }, - "contrast_high": "高", + "contrast_high": "High", "@contrast_high": { "description": "High Contrast Text Color" }, - "contrast_medium": "中等", + "contrast_medium": "Medium", "@contrast_medium": { "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" }, - "contrast_low": "低", + "contrast_low": "Low", "@contrast_low": { "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" }, - "product_loader_not_found_title": "未找到该产品!", + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", "@product_loader_not_found_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" }, - "product_loader_not_found_message": "我们的数据库中不存在以下条形码对应的产品:{barcode}", + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", "@product_loader_not_found_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", "placeholders": { @@ -2255,31 +2255,31 @@ } } }, - "product_loader_network_error_title": "无网络连接", + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", "@product_loader_network_error_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "product_loader_network_error_message": "请检查您的智能手机是否已连接无线网络或已启用移动数据", + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "page_not_found_title": "页面未找到", + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, - "page_not_found_button": "返回首页", + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "下载数据", + "download_data": "Download data", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, - "download_top_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 1000 的产品进行即时扫描", + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", "@download_top_products": { "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" }, - "download_top_n_products": "下载您所在国家/地区排名前 {count,plural, other{{count} 的产品}}进行即时扫描", + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", "@download_top_n_products": { "placeholders": { "count": { @@ -2287,11 +2287,11 @@ } } }, - "download_in_progress": "正在下载数据\n这可能需要一段时间", + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", "@download_in_progress": { "description": "Download in progress" }, - "downloaded_products": "{num} 个产品被添加", + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", "@downloaded_products": { "description": "text to show when products added", "placeholders": { @@ -2300,7 +2300,7 @@ } } }, - "update_offline_data": "更新离线产品数据", + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, @@ -2308,15 +2308,15 @@ "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "清除离线产品数据", + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, - "clear_local_database_sub": "清除应用中的所有本地产品数据以释放空间", + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", "@clear_local_database_sub": { "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" }, - "deleted_products": "{num} 个产品被删除", + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", "@deleted_products": { "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", "placeholders": { @@ -2325,23 +2325,23 @@ } } }, - "loading": "正在加载…", + "loading": "載入中…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, - "know_more": "了解更多", + "know_more": "Know More", "@know_more": { "description": "Know More" }, - "offline_data_desc": "点击了解更多有关离线数据的信息", + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", "@offline_data_desc": { "description": "Click to know more about offline data" }, - "offline_product_data_title": "离线产品数据", + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", "@offline_product_data_title": { "description": "Offline Product Data" }, - "available_for_download": "{num} 产品可供立即扫描", + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", "@available_for_download": { "description": "text to show details of products available for download", "placeholders": { @@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ "@language_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" }, - "action_delete_list": "删除", + "action_delete_list": "刪除", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, @@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, - "product_list_create": "创建", + "product_list_create": "Create", "@product_list_create": { "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" }, From 96bea77f9f1939ce5422aab5a18ebe2c5c754abd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 109/216] New translations app_en.arb (Zulu) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zu.arb index dfda7f5e692..56c9802aa15 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 533deb19ee535a1260fcec2dbdce358fd02fc726 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 110/216] New translations app_en.arb (English) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb index 864d25ddbc0..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -2393,4 +2393,4 @@ "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" -} +} \ No newline at end of file From 65b0a57f03445e1492b473d3762ab164506f440e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 111/216] New translations app_en.arb (Vietnamese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb index ccb1a8912e6..6712f49265e 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vi.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Chào mừng đến với Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts là dự án toàn cầu phi lợi nhuận được bảo trợ bởi các cộng đồng địa phương.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Lựa chọn thực phẩm tốt cho bạn và hành tinh này.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Xem dữ liệu thực phẩm liên quan đến sở thích của bạn.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Đăng nhập vào tài khoản Open Foof Facts của bạn để lưu những đóng góp của mình", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Tên đăng nhập hoặc mật khẩu không đúng.", "login": "Tên người dùng", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Xác nhận mật khẩu", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vui lòng xác nhận mật khẩu", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Mật khẩu không khớp", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Tôi đồng ý với Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "điều khoản sử dụng và đóng góp", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Tôi là nhà sản xuất thực phẩm", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Nhà sản xuất/thương hiệu", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Vui lòng nhập tên nhà sản xuất hoặc thương hiệu", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Tôi muốn đăng kí nhận bản tin từ Open Food Facts (bạn có thể hủy đăng kí bất kì lúc nào)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Tên người dùng đã tồn tại, vui lòng chọn tên người dùng khác.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "đã tồn tại, đăng nhập vào tài khoản hoặc thử với một email khác.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Vui lòng cung cấp một địa chỉ email hợp lệ.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Cảm ơn sự đóng góp của bạn", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Mã nguồn của mọi sản phẩm Open Food Facts đều ở trên GitHub. Chúng tôi hoan nghênh việc bạn sử dụng lại mã nguồn (vì mã nguồn mở) và giúp chúng tôi cải thiện nó, cho mọi người, và trên cả hành tinh.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Bạn có thể tham gia phòng trò chuyện Slack của Open Food Facts, đây là cách đặt câu hỏi được ưu tiên.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Chế độ DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Kích hoạt Chế độ DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Đóng góp cho Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Các sản phẩm cần được hoàn thành", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Cơ sở dữ liệu là phần cốt lõi của dự án. Hoàn toàn dễ dàng và nhanh chóng để bạn có thể tham gia hỗ trợ. Bạn có thể tải ứng dụng về điện thoại của mình, và bắt đầu thêm hoặc bổ sung về sản phẩm.\nMặt khác, website của Open Food Facts còn cung cấp thêm nhiều cách khác để bạn có thể tham gia đóng góp: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Dịch", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Fact là một dự án toàn cầu, bao gồm các sản phẩm từ hơn 160 quốc gia. Open Food Facrs được dịch ra hàng chục ngôn ngữ, với nội dung không ngừng phát triển.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Phiên dịch là một trong những nhiệm vụ trọng tâm của dự án", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Chia sẻ Open Food Facts với bạn bè", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Tôi muốn giới thiệu với bạn về ứng dụng mà tôi đang sử dụng, Open Food Facts, một ứng dụng cho phép bạn biết thêm về tác động của thực phẩm đến sức khỏe và môi trường, theo cách thức được cá nhân hóa. Ứng dụng hoạt động dựa trên việc quét mã vạch trên bao big. Hơn cả nó hoàn toàn miễn phí, không yêu cầu đăng kí, và bạn vẫn có thể giúp đỡ làm gia tăng thêm số lượng sản phẩm được lấy thông tin. Bạn có thể dùng đường dẫn này để tải ứng dụng về điện thoại:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Nhấn vào đây để trả lời câu hỏi", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Giúp cải thiện tính minh bạch của thực phẩm và nhận phần thưởng", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Đăng nhập vào tài khoản Open Food Facts của bạn để những đóng góp của bạn được công nhận", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Có", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Không", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Bỏ qua câu hỏi này", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Tạo tài khoản của bạn và tham gia cộng đồng Open Food Facts để giúp xây dựng kiến thức về thực phẩm trên toàn thế giới!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Thông tin của bạn", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Quản lý tài khoản người đóng góp thông tin cho Open Food Facts của bạn.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Cài đặt ứng dụng", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Sở thích ăn uống", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Chọn loại thông tin về thực phẩm quan trọng nhất đối với bạn.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Chọn thông tin về thực phẩm đóng vai trò quan trọng nhất đối với bạn, để xếp loại thực phẩm theo tiêu chí của mình, xem thông tin bạn quan tâm đầu tiên, và có bản tóm tắt về độ phù hợp. Những tiêu chí về thực phẩm sẽ luôn ở trên thiết bị của bạn, và không liên kết với tài khoản người đóng góp cho Open Food Facts mà bạn có.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Đặt lại sở thích ăn uống của bạn?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Bạn đã tìm thấy một sản phẩm mới!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Chụp ảnh bao bì để thêm sản phẩm này vào Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Đầu tiên xin vui lòng chụp một số hình ảnh. Bạn luôn có thể hoàn thiện thông tin sản phẩm sau đó.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Tải hình ảnh mặt trước lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Tải hình ảnh nguyên liệu lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Tải hình ảnh thông tin dinh dưỡng lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Tải hình ảnh bao bì lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Tải hình ảnh khác lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Tải hình ảnh lên Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Giúp các tình nguyện viên của Open Food Facts cải thiện ứng dụng. Bạn có quyền lựa chọn ẩn danh hoặc không.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Đăng nhập hoặc đăng kí để tham gia cộng đồng Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Đăng nhập Open Food Facts: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Xin chào, vui lòng xóa tài khoản Open Food Facts của tôi: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Khi được bật, báo cáo sự cố sẽ tự động được gửi đến hệ thống theo dõi lỗi của Open Food Facts, để các lỗi có thể được sửa và từ đó cải thiện ứng dụng.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Khi được bật, một số thông tin ẩn danh liên quan đến việc sử dụng ứng dụng sẽ được gửi đến máy chủ Open Food Facts, để chúng tôi có thể hiểu cách thức và mức độ sử dụng các tính năng để cải thiện chúng.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Trong trường hợp một danh mục không có sẵn chế độ tự thêm, bạn hoàn toàn có thể thêm nó vào, điều này sẽ giúp chúng tôi cải tiến Open Food Facts tại quốc gia của bạn.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Tôi đồng ý với Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Xem sản phẩm trên Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Hãy xem danh sách các sản phẩm của tôi trên Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Tuyệt quá! Hãy cho người khác biết bạn nghĩ gì về ứng dụng này nhé!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Để sau", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Mặc định", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Đỏ tươi", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu sản phẩm địa phương với dữ liệu mới nhất từ Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Xóa", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Tạo danh sách mới", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 50f3f5195853ab931aa1d57ed36d01bbb830f34d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 112/216] New translations app_en.arb (Galician) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gl.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gl.arb index c71ee844b23..becf04cffeb 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gl.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos para completar", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Eliminar", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b394ab2663dbe1c8660d4645f36d9a2307560999 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 113/216] New translations app_en.arb (Icelandic) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_is.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_is.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_is.arb index 430c427511c..a403239a695 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_is.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_is.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From cd9149f7134f1019ad7d6a31b64699f933052941 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 114/216] New translations app_en.arb (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb | 868 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 434 insertions(+), 434 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb index f8e8155abe3..db18d0488f4 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ }, "yes": "Sim", "@yes": {}, - "add": "Adicionar", + "add": "Adicione", "@add": {}, - "account_delete_message": "Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, partilhe-o a seguir", + "account_delete_message": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir sua conta?\nSe houver um motivo específico, compartilhe abaixo", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "Motivo", "@reason": {}, @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, - "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao topo", + "go_back_to_top": "Voltar ao início", "save": "Guardar", - "save_confirmation": "Tem a certeza de que quer guardar?", + "save_confirmation": "Você tem certeza de que deseja salvar?", "skip": "Pular", "cancel": "Cancelar", "@cancel": {}, @@ -46,94 +46,94 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Repor preferências alimentares", + "reset_food_prefs": "Resetar preferências alimentares", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, - "error": "Surgiu um erro", + "error": "Algo correu mal", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "Surgiu um erro", + "error_occurred": "Ocorreu um erro", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos a trabalhar nesta funcionalidade, fique atento", + "featureInProgress": "Ainda estamos trabalhando nesse recurso, fique atento", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "Ver na web", + "label_web": "Visualizar no navegador", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Mais informações", + "learnMore": "Saiba mais", "@learnMore": {}, "unknown": "Desconhecido", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, - "match_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", + "match_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", "@match_very_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_good": "Boa correspondência", + "match_good": "Boa compatibilidade", "@match_good": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_poor": "Baixa correspondência", + "match_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", "@match_poor": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", + "match_may_not": "Pode não combinar", "@match_may_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_does_not": "Não corresponde", + "match_does_not": "Não combina", "@match_does_not": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "match_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", "@match_unknown": { "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, - "match_short_very_good": "Correspondência excelente", + "match_short_very_good": "Muito boa compatibilidade", "@match_short_very_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" }, - "match_short_good": "Boa correspondência", + "match_short_good": "Boa compatibilidade", "@match_short_good": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" }, - "match_short_poor": "Baixa correspondência", + "match_short_poor": "Baixa compatibilidade", "@match_short_poor": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" }, - "match_short_may_not": "Pode não corresponder", + "match_short_may_not": "Pode não combinar", "@match_short_may_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" }, - "match_short_does_not": "Não corresponde", + "match_short_does_not": "Não combina", "@match_short_does_not": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" }, - "match_short_unknown": "Correspondência desconhecida", + "match_short_unknown": "Combinação desconhecida", "@match_short_unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" }, "licenses": "Licenças", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "A procurar por", + "looking_for": "Procurando", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, - "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Bem-vindo ao Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos dinamizada pelas comunidades locais.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts é uma organização global sem fins lucrativos desenvolvida por comunidades locais.", "@whatIsOff": { "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, - "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si e para o planeta.", + "offUtility": "Escolha alimentos que são bons para você e para o planeta.", "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Veja os dados alimentares relevantes para as suas preferências.", + "productDataUtility": "Veja as informações nutricionais relevantes às suas preferências.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Escolha alimentos que sejam bons para si.", + "healthCardUtility": "▶ Escolha os alimentos que são bons para você.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para guardar as suas contribuições", - "incorrect_credentials": "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe incorrectos.", - "login": "Iniciar sessão", + "sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para salvar suas contribuições", + "incorrect_credentials": "Nome do usuário ou senha incorretos.", + "login": "Nome de Utilizador", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, insira o nome de utilizador ou o e-mail", - "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", - "create_account": "Criar conta", + "login_page_username_or_email": "Por favor, digite o nome de usuário ou e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", + "create_account": "Criar uma conta", "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, @@ -158,20 +158,20 @@ "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, - "sign_in_mandatory": "Para essa funcionalidade tem de entrar na sua conta.", + "sign_in_mandatory": "Para usar esse recurso, entre na sua conta.", "@sign_in_mandatory": { "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" }, - "sign_out": "Terminar sessão", + "sign_out": "Sair", "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "Quer mesmo terminar a sessão?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "Você tem certeza que deseja sair?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, "password": "Palavra-passe", - "forgot_password": "Esqueci-me da palavra-passe", + "forgot_password": "Esqueci a senha", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, @@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso se tenha esquecido da palavra-passe, introduza o seu nome de utilizador ou e-mail para receber instruções para a criação de uma nova palavra-passe. Lembre-se também de verificar a pasta \"Spam\".", - "username_or_email": "Nome de utilizador ou e-mail", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "Caso de esqueça sua senha, digite seu nome de usuário ou e-mail e receberá instruções para redefinir a senha. Verifique também a pasta \"Spam\" de seu e-mail.", + "username_or_email": "Nome de usuário ou e-mail", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "Enviámos um e-mail para o endereço associado à sua conta, com uma hiperligação para redefinir a palavra-passe. Verifique tambem a sua pasta \"Spam\"", - "send_reset_password_mail": "Mudar a palavra-passe", + "reset_password_done": "Um e-mail com um link para redefinir sua senha foi enviado para o endereço de e-mail associado à sua conta. Não se esqueça de checar também a sua pasta \"Spam\"", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Alterar senha", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "Por favor introduza algum texto", + "enter_some_text": "Por favor, insira algum texto", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, @@ -205,21 +205,21 @@ "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "A registar…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrando…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! A sua conta foi criada com sucesso.", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Parabéns! Sua conta acabou de ser criada.", "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nome", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, escolha o nome que deseja usar", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Por favor, digite o nome de exibição que você deseja usar", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "O e-mail é obrigatório", "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "E-mail inválido", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de utilizador: público", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza um nome de utilizador válido", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de utilizador não pode conter espaços, maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de utilizador não pode exceder {value} caracteres", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Nome de usuário: publicamente visível", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário válido", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "O nome de usuário não pode conter espaços, letras maiúsculas ou caracteres especiais.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "O nome de usuário não pode exceder {value} caracteres", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -228,44 +228,44 @@ } }, "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Palavra-passe", - "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza uma palavra-passe", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor introduza uma palavra-passe com pelo menos 6 caracteres", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirme a palavra-passe", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a palavra-passe", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As palavras-passe não coincidem", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Concordo com Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Por favor, insira uma senha", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Por favor, insira uma senha válida (pelo menos 6 caracteres)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirmar senha", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Por favor, confirme a senha", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "As senhas não conferem", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de utilização e contribuição", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "termos de uso e contribuição", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, - "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, - "donate_url": "", + "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." }, - "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de utilização. No entanto, podem ser feitas contribuições anónimas através da aplicação", + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "Ao criar uma conta, é obrigatório concordar com os Termos de Uso, porém, contribuições anônimas ainda podem ser feitas através do app", "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Sou um produtor de alimentos", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produtor/marca", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, introduza o nome de um produtor ou de uma marca", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Gostaria de subscrever o boletim informativo (newsletter) Open Food Facts (pode cancelar a sua subscrição em qualquer momento)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Este nome já existe; escolha outro.", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Por favor, insira um nome de um produtor ou marca", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Eu gostaria de assinar a newsletter da Open Food Facts (você pode cancelar a assinatura a qualquer momento)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "O nome de usuário já existe, por favor escolha outro nome.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "já existe, faça o login na conta ou tente com outro e-mail.", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, indique um endereço de email válido.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Por favor, forneça um endereço de e-mail válido.", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "Configurações", + "settingsTitle": "Definições", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "Modo noturno", + "darkmode": "Tema", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, @@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ "@darkmode_light": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" }, - "darkmode_system_default": "Predefinição do sistema", + "darkmode_system_default": "Padrão do sistema", "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado pela sua contribuição!", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Obrigado por sua contribuição!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, - "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda no nosso canal Slack", - "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda no nosso fórum", + "support_join_slack": "Peça ajuda em nosso canal Slack", + "support_via_forum": "Peça ajuda em nosso fórum", "support_via_email": "Envie-nos um e-mail", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar registos da aplicação?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Quer incluir os registos da aplicação anexados ao seu e-mail?", - "termsOfUse": "Termos de utilização", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Enviar logs do aplicativo?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Deseja incluir logs do aplicativo anexos ao seu e-mail?", + "termsOfUse": "Termos de uso", "@termsOfUse": {}, - "about_this_app": "Sobre esta aplicação", + "about_this_app": "Sobre este aplicativo", "@about_this_app": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" }, @@ -310,39 +310,39 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "O código de cada produto Open Food Facts está disponível em GitHub. Pode reutilizar o código (é de fonte aberta) e ajudar-nos a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", + "contribute_develop_text": "O código para cada produto do Open Food Facts está disponível no GitHub. Você pode reutilizar o código (é de código aberto) e nos ajudar a melhorá-lo, para todos, em todo o planeta.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Pode juntar-se à sala de chat Slack da Open Food Facts, que é a opção preferida para colocar questões.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "Você pode participar da sala de bate-papo Open Food Facts que é a melhor forma de fazer perguntas.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Modo DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Ativar o modo DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Fazer um donativo à Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Contribua para o Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, - "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos que precisam ser completados", + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produtos a completar", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" }, - "contribute_improve_header": "Melhorar", + "contribute_improve_header": "Aprimorando", "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "A base de dados é a parte central do projeto. É muito fácil e rápido colaborar. Pode descarregar a aplicação móvel para o seu telemóvel e começar a adicionar ou a melhorar produtos.\n\nPor outro lado, o website Open Food Facts permite contribuir de várias formas: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "O banco de dados é o núcleo do projeto. Ajudar é fácil e rápido. Você pode baixar o aplicativo no seu telefone e começar a adicionar produtos ou fazer correções.\n\nAlém disso, o site Open Food Facts oferece muitas maneiras de contribuir: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Traduzir", "@contribute_translate_header": { "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" }, - "contribute_translate_link_text": "Começar a traduzir", + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Comece a traduzir", "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, que contém produtos de mais de 160 países. Open Food Facts traduz-se em dezenas de línguas, com conteúdos em constante evolução.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts é um projeto global, contendo produtos de mais de 160 países. O Open Food Facts está traduzido em dezenas de idiomas, com conteúdo em constante evolução.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "A tradução é uma das principais tarefas do projeto", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Partilhe Open Food Facts com os amigos", + "contribute_share_header": "Compartilhe o Open Food Facts com seus amigos", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Quero dar-vos a conhecer a aplicação que tenho vindo a utilizar, Open Food Facts, que permite conhecer os impactos dos alimentos na saúde e no ambiente, de forma personalizada. Funciona através da leitura dos códigos de barras das embalagens. É gratuito, não requer registo e pode mesmo contribuir para aumentar o número de produtos descodificados. Este é o link para instalar no seu telemóvel:", + "contribute_share_content": "Eu queria que você soubesse sobre o aplicativo que tenho usado, Open Food Facts, que permite que você descubra os impactos de sua alimentação na saúde e no meio ambiente de forma personalizada. Funciona digitalizando os códigos de barras na embalagem. Por fim, é gratuito, não requer registro e você pode até ajudar a aumentar o número de produtos decodificados. Aqui está o link para baixá-lo no seu telefone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, @@ -350,33 +350,33 @@ "@tap_to_answer": { "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "Prima aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Toque aqui para responder a perguntas sobre este produto", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, - "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto são carregadas", + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Por favor, aguarde enquanto as perguntas sobre este produto estão sendo carregadas", "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, - "saving_answer": "A guardar a sua resposta", + "saving_answer": "Salvando sua resposta", "@saving_answer": { "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." }, - "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e receba recompensas", + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Ajude a melhorar a transparência alimentar e obtenha recompensas", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Inicie sessão na sua conta Open Food Facts para ser creditado pelo seu contributo", - "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responder sim", - "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responder não", - "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Ignorar esta pergunta", - "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar a pesquisa", + "question_sign_in_text": "Entre na sua conta Open Food Facts para ganhar crédito pelas suas contribuições", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com sim", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Responda com não", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Pular essa pergunta", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Toque para editar pesquisa", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "As minhas preferências", + "myPreferences": "Minhas preferências", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Crie a sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a aumentar o conhecimento sobre os alimentos de todo o mundo!", + "account_create_message": "Crie sua conta e junte-se à comunidade Open Food Facts para ajudar a construir conhecimento sobre alimentos em todo o mundo!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -384,30 +384,30 @@ "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "O seu perfil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerir a sua conta como colaborador do Open Food Facts.", - "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações da aplicação", - "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analíticas…", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Seu perfil", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Gerencie sua conta de colaborador da Open Food Facts.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "Configurações do aplicativo", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Modo escuro, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferências alimentares", - "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha as informações que mais lhe importam sobre a sua comida.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", - "confirmResetPreferences": "Repor as suas preferências alimentares?", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Escolha quais informações sobre alimentos são mais importantes para você.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Escolha quais informações sobre os alimentos são mais importantes para você, a fim de classificar os alimentos de acordo com suas preferências, ver as informações que lhe interessam primeiro e obter um resumo de compatibilidade. Essas preferências alimentares permanecem no seu dispositivo e não são associadas à sua conta de colaborador do Open Food Facts, se você tiver uma.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Redefinir suas preferências alimentares?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "A minha classificação personalizada", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Minha classificação personalizada", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, "ranking_tab_all": "Todos", - "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma boa correspondência", - "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Correspondência muito baixa", - "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Correspondência desconhecida", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com as suas novas preferências", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Uma ótima combinação para você", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Combinação muito fraca", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Combinação desconhecida", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Atualize a lista com suas novas preferências", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, - "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com as suas novas preferências", + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Recarregado com suas novas preferências", "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" }, @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "Digitalizar", + "scan_navbar_label": "Escanear", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, @@ -441,11 +441,11 @@ "@filter": { "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" }, - "scan": "Sessão de pesquisa", + "scan": "Escanear sessão", "@scan": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" }, - "scan_history": "Histórico de pesquisa", + "scan_history": "Histórico de escaneamento", "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, @@ -453,13 +453,13 @@ "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, - "tap_for_more": "Clique para mais informação…", + "tap_for_more": "Clique para ver mais informações…", "@Product": {}, "product": "Produto", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "Marca desconhecida", "@unknownBrand": {}, - "unknownProductName": "Nome do produto desconhecido", + "unknownProductName": "Nome de produto desconhecido", "@unknownProductName": {}, "label_refresh": "Atualizar", "@label_refresh": { @@ -472,16 +472,16 @@ }, "ingredients": "Ingredientes", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a percentagem quando especificada. Separe com uma vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique alergénios entre _traços sublinhados_.", - "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar os ingredientes.", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem dos ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Mantenha a ordem original. Indique a porcentagem quando especificada. Separe com vírgula ou hífen, use parênteses para os ingredientes de um ingrediente e indique os alérgenos entre sublinhados.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar os ingredientes.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de ingredientes.", "ingredients_editing_title": "Editar ingredientes", "ingredients_photo": "Foto de ingredientes", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, - "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou paragrafo, com a sua quantidade (ex: 1 ou 6), formato (ex: garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex: plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex: 33 cl) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 rolha de plástico para deitar fora", - "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao guardar a embalagem.", + "packaging_editing_instructions": "Indique todas as partes da embalagem separadas por uma vírgula ou linha, com a sua quantidade (ex. 1 ou 6), tipo (ex. garrafa, caixa, lata), material (ex. plástico, metal, alumínio) e, se disponível, o tamanho (ex. 330 ml) e instruções de reciclagem.\nExemplo: 1 garrafa de vidro para reciclar, 1 tampa de plástico para descartar", + "packaging_editing_error": "Falha ao salvar a embalagem.", "packaging_editing_image_error": "Falha ao obter uma nova imagem de embalagem.", "packaging_editing_title": "Editar embalagem", "nutrition": "Nutrição", @@ -490,59 +490,59 @@ "@nutrition_facts_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" }, - "packaging_information": "Informação da embalagem", + "packaging_information": "Informação de embalagem", "@packaging_information": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" }, "packaging_information_photo": "Foto de informações da embalagem", "@packaging_information_photo": {}, - "missing_product": "Encontrou um novo produto!", + "missing_product": "Você encontrou um novo produto!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Fotografe a embalagem para adicionar este produto ao Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, - "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Por favor, tire algumas fotografias primeiro. Pode concluir os dados do produto mais tarde.", + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Primeiro tire algumas fotos. Você poderá completar os dados do produto mais tarde.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, "add_product_information_button_label": "Adicione informações sobre o produto", "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, - "new_product": "Novo produto", + "new_product": "Produto Novo", "@new_product": {}, - "new_product_dialog_title": "Acaba de encontrar um novo produto!", + "new_product_dialog_title": "Você acabou de encontrar um novo produto!", "@new_product_dialog_title": { "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que não introduziu nada. Quer mesmo sair desta página?", + "new_product_leave_message": "Parece que você não colocou algo. Quer realmente sair desta página?", "@new_product_leave_message": { "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." }, - "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor fotografe a embalagem do produto para o adicionar à nossa base de dados", + "new_product_dialog_description": "Por favor, fotografe a embalagem para adicionar esse produto à nossa base de dados comum", "@new_product_dialog_description": { "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." }, - "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Fotografia frontal do produto", + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Foto frontal do produto", "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, - "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da fotografia frontal do produto", + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirmar envio da foto frontal do produto", "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." }, "confirm_button_label": "Confirmar", "send_image_button_label": "Enviar imagem", - "crop_page_action_saving": "A guardar a imagem…", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Salvando a imagem…", "@crop_page_action_saving": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_cropping": "A redimensionar a imagem…", + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Recortando a imagem…", "@crop_page_action_cropping": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local": "A guardar uma versão local…", + "crop_page_action_local": "Salvando versão local…", "@crop_page_action_local": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops... há um problema com a foto!", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Ops… há algo com a sua foto!", "@crop_page_action_local_title": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, - "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não estamos a conseguir processar a sua imagem antes de a enviar para o nosso servidor. Tente novamente mais tarde ou contacte-nos se o problema persistir.", + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "Não foi possível processar a imagem localmente, antes de enviá-la para nosso servidor. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde ou entre em contato conosco se o problema persistir.", "@crop_page_action_local_message": { "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" }, @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" }, - "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "Para carregar imagens o tamanho mínimo em píxeis é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem selecionada tem {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "O tamanho mínimo em pixels para upload de imagens é {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. A imagem atual é {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", "placeholders": { @@ -568,94 +568,94 @@ } } }, - "crop_page_action_server": "A preparar um telefonema para o servidor…", + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparando uma chamada para o servidor…", "@crop_page_action_server": { "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" }, - "front_packaging_photo_title": "Fotografia frontal da embalagem", - "ingredients_photo_title": "Fotografia dos ingredientes", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais", - "recycling_photo_title": "Fotografia de reciclagem", - "other_interesting_photo_title": "Outras fotografias interessantes", - "front_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia inicial enviada", + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto frontal da embalagem", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto dos ingredientes", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto das Informações Nutricionais", + "recycling_photo_title": "Reciclagem de imagem", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Mais fotos interessantes", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto inicial carregada", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto de ingredientes", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, - "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de ingredientes enviada", + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto dos ingredientes enviada", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, - "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar os nutrientes da cache", + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Não é possível carregar nutrientes do cache", "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações nutricionais", "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, - "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Introduzir dados nutricionais", + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Preencher informações nutricionais", "nutritional_facts_added": "Informações nutricionais adicionadas", "categories_added": "Categorias adicionadas", "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Calcular o Nutri-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os valores nutricionais", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Obtenha preenchendo a categoria de alimentos e valores nutricionais", "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Calcular o Eco-Score", - "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha-o preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", - "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Tornar o cálculo do Eco-Score mais exato com a indicação da origem, da embalagem e outras informações", - "new_product_title_nova": "Calcular o nível de processamento de alimentos (NOVA)", - "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Obter o produto preenchendo a categoria do alimento e os ingredientes", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Obtenha preenchendo pelo menos uma categoria", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Torne o cálculo do Eco-Score mais preciso com as origens, embalagens & muito mais", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute o nível de processamento alimentar (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Ganhe em preencher a categoria e ingredientes alimentares", "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Nível desconhecido de processamento do alimento", - "new_product_title_pictures": "Tiremos algumas fotos!", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Vamos tirar algumas fotos!", "new_product_title_misc": "E alguns dados básicos…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para calcular o Nutri-Score, Eco-Score e Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", - "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia das informações nutricionais enviada", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Toque para responder a 3 perguntas AGORA para avaliar o Nutri-Score, o Eco-Score e o Ultra-processamento (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto das informações nutricionais enviada", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, - "recycling_photo_button_label": "Fotografia das informações sobre reciclagem", + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto de informações sobre reciclagem", "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, - "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia de reciclagem enviada", + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Foto de reciclagem enviada", "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, - "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Outras fotografias interessantes", + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Mais fotos interessantes", "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, - "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotografia diversa enviada", + "other_photo_uploaded": "Fotos diversas enviadas", "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, "retake_photo_button_label": "Tirar novamente", "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "Selecionando fotografia", + "selecting_photo": "Selecionando foto", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, - "uploading_image": "A enviar fotografia para o servidor", + "uploading_image": "Enviando imagem para o servidor", "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Enviando a imagem frontal para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Enviando imagem de ingredientes para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Enviando imagem nutricional para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Enviando imagem de embalagem para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Enviando outra imagem para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Enviando imagem para a Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicionar ingredientes que faltam", - "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem de embalagem que falta", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicionar informações nutricionais que faltam", - "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria que falta", - "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países que faltam de produtos", - "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade que faltam de produtos", - "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos que faltam de produtos", - "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens que faltam de produtos", - "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas que faltam de produtos", - "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar dados nutricionais", + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Adicione os ingredientes que faltam", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Adicionar imagem faltando na embalagem", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais ausentes", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Adicionar categoria de produto ausente", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Adicionar países de produtos faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Adicionar códigos de rastreabilidade de produto ausentes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Adicionar rótulos de produto faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Adicionar origens de produto faltando", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Adicionar lojas de produto faltando", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Atualizar informações nutricionais", "nutrition_page_title": "Informações nutricionais", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "A informação nutricional não é está presente no produto", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "por 100g", @@ -663,16 +663,16 @@ "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Adicionar um nutriente", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tamanho da porção", "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Número inválido", - "nutrition_page_update_running": "A atualizar o produto no servidor…", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Atualizando o produto no servidor…", "nutrition_page_update_done": "Produto atualizado!", - "more_photos": "Mais fotografias interessantes", + "more_photos": "Mais fotos interessantes", "@more_photos": {}, - "no_product_found": "Não foi encontrado nenhum produto", + "no_product_found": "Nenhum produto encontrado", "@no_product_found": {}, "not_found": "não encontrado:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou digitalize o seu primeiro produto", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pesquise ou escaneie seu primeiro produto", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "Atualizar produto", + "refreshing_product": "Atualizando o produto", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ "@product_refreshed": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" }, - "deprecated_header": "Está a utilizar uma versão antiga da aplicação.", + "deprecated_header": "Você está usando uma versão obsoleta do aplicativo.", "@deprecated_header": { "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" }, @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ "@click_here": { "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" }, - "download_new_version": "Descarregar a nova versão da aplicação", + "download_new_version": "Baixe a nova versão do aplicativo", "@download_new_version": { "description": "Download new version of the app text" }, @@ -696,15 +696,15 @@ "@could_not_refresh": { "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" }, - "product_internet_error": "Não foi possível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", - "cached_results_from": "Mostrar resultados de:", + "product_internet_error": "Impossível obter informações sobre este produto devido a um erro de rede.", + "cached_results_from": "Exibir resultados de:", "@cached_results_from": { "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" }, "@Product Addition": {}, "added_product_thanks": "Obrigado por adicionar este produto!", "@added_product_thanks": {}, - "product_search_same_category": "Comparar com a categoria", + "product_search_same_category": "Compare com categoria", "@product_search_same_category": { "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" }, @@ -712,35 +712,35 @@ "@product_improvement_add_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione as informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Adicione informações nutricionais para calcular o Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione as informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Adicione informações nutricionais e uma categoria para calcular o Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido, por exemplo, a uma categoria fora do normal. Se isso for considerado um erro, contacte-nos.", + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "O Nutri-Score para este produto não pode ser calculado, o que pode ser devido a, por exemplo, uma categoria não padrão. Se isto for considerado um erro, por favor contacte-nos.", "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: atualize-a.", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "A imagem nutricional está obsoleta: por favor, atualize-a.", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, - "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em consideração a origem dos ingredientes. Tire uma fotografia da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para que possam ser levados em consideração.", + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "O Eco-Score leva em conta as origens dos ingredientes. Por favor, tire uma foto da lista de ingredientes e/ou qualquer reivindicação geográfica ou edite o produto, para serem considerados.", "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "Escolha um país", + "country_chooser_label": "Por favor, escolha um país", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, - "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "O seu país", + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Seu país", "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas características ambientais dependem do local", + "country_selection_explanation": "Algumas funções ambientais são específicas do local", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Abrir configurações de sistemas para Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -770,13 +770,13 @@ }, "@Lists": {}, "no_prodcut_in_list": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", - "no_product_in_section": "Não há nenhum produto nesta lista", + "no_product_in_section": "Não há produto nessa seção", "recently_seen_products": "Histórico", "clear": "Limpar", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, - "really_clear": "Quer mesmo eliminar esta lista?", + "really_clear": "Você realmente deseja excluir esta lista?", "@Plural": {}, "pct_match": "{percent}% de correspondência", "@pct_match": { @@ -785,99 +785,99 @@ "percent": {} } }, - "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia antes} other{{count} dias antes}}", + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{um dia atrás} other{{count} dias atrás}}", "@plural_ago_days": { "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{há uma hora} other{há {count} horas}}", + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{uma hora atrás} other{{count} horas atrás}}", "@plural_ago_hours": { "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{ há menos de um minuto} =1{há um minuto} other{há {count} minutos}}", + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{menos de um minuto atrás} =1{um minuto atrás} other{{count} minutos atrás}}", "@plural_ago_minutes": { "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{há um mês} other{há {count} meses}}", + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{um mês atrás} other{{count} meses atrás}}", "@plural_ago_months": { "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{há uma semana} other{há {count} semanas}}", + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{uma semana atrás} other{{count} semanas atrás}}", "@plural_ago_weeks": { "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um produto} other{Comparar {count} Productos}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Comparar um Produto} other{Comparar {count} Produtos}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Compare produtos", + "compare_products_mode": "Comparar produtos", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare produtos", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Comparar produtos", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, - "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione pelo menos dois produtos", + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Selecione ao menos dois produtos", "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, "retry_button_label": "Repetir", - "connect_with_us": "Lige-se a nós", + "connect_with_us": "Conecte-se conosco", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", "twitter": "Twitter", "twitter_link": "", "blog": "Blogue", - "faq": "Perguntas frequentes", - "discover": "Descobrir", + "faq": "Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)", + "discover": "Descubra", "how_to_contribute": "Como contribuir", - "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que vê. Tente agora!", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Você pode tocar em qualquer parte do cartão para obter mais detalhes sobre o que você vê. Experimente agora!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" }, - "consent_analytics_title": "Enviar estatísticas anónimas", + "consent_analytics_title": "Compartilhar dados anônimos", "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Ajude os voluntários da Open Food Facts a melhorar o aplicativo. Você decide se deseja enviar análises anônimas.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "consent_analytics_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmara", + "permissions_page_title": "Acesso à câmera", "@permissions_page_title": { "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmara do telemóvel, por favor conceda o acesso.", + "permissions_page_body1": "Para digitalizar códigos de barras com a câmera do seu celular, por favor autorize o acesso.", "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "Se mudar de ideias, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", + "permissions_page_body2": "Se você mudar de ideia, esta opção pode ser ativada e desativada a qualquer momento nas configurações.", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / lançamento: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", + "contact_form_body_android": "SO: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModelo: {model}\nProduto: {product}\nDispositivo: {device}\nMarca: {brand}", "@contact_form_body_android": { "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", "placeholders": { @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão da aplicação: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação da aplicação: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote da aplicação: {appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nVersão do aplicativo: {appVersion}\nNúmero de compilação do aplicativo: {appBuildNumber}\nNome do pacote do aplicativo: {appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ "@refuse": { "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" }, - "ask_me_later_button_label": "Lembrar-me depois", + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Mais tarde", "@ask_me_later": { "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" }, @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ "@are_you_sure": { "description": "Are you sure?" }, - "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Mais informação em {sourceName}", + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Aprofundar-se em {sourceName}", "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", "placeholders": { @@ -972,23 +972,23 @@ } } }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Inventamos\na aplicação de digitalização\ncolaborativa em 2012", + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "Nós inventamos o aplicativo\nde digitalização colaborativo\nem 2012", "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "À medida que fazemos 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-a\ndo zero!", + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "Ao completar 10 anos,\nestamos reinventando-o\ndo zero!", "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando o seu primeiro exemplo de produto", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Carregando seu primeiro produto de exemplo", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" }, - "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não há nenhum exemplo de produto no seu idioma", + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Parece que não tem nenhum produto de exemplo em seu idioma", "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" }, - "product_list_your_ranking": "A sua classificação", + "product_list_your_ranking": "Sua classificação", "@product_list_your_ranking": { "description": "Your ranking screen title" }, @@ -996,41 +996,41 @@ "@product_list_icon_desc": { "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_title": "Iniciar a digitalização", + "product_list_empty_title": "Comece a escanear", "@product_list_empty_title": { "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos digitalizados aparecerão aqui e poderá ver informações detalhadas sobre eles", + "product_list_empty_message": "Os produtos que você digitalizar aparecerão aqui e você poderá verificar informações detalhadas sobre eles", "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Atualizando {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} no seu histórico", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Recarregando {count,plural, =0{os produtos} =1{o produto} other{os produtos}} no seu histórico", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Atualização de {count,plural, =0{produto} =1{produto} other{produtos}} completa", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "Carregamento de {count,plural, =0{Produto} =1{Produto} other{Produtos}} completo", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "A descarregar os dados", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Baixando dados", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, - "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível descarregar os dados", + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Não foi possível baixar os dados", "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { "description": "Default loading dialog error message" }, - "account_delete": "Eliminar a conta", + "account_delete": "Excluir a conta", "@account_delete": { "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" }, - "account_deletion_subject": "Eliminar a minha conta", + "account_deletion_subject": "Excluir minha conta", "@account_deletion_subject": { "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" }, @@ -1038,12 +1038,12 @@ "@user_profile": { "description": "User account (if connected)" }, - "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo(a)!", + "user_profile_title_guest": "Bem-vindo!", "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Faça login ou cadastre-se para participar da comunidade Open Food Facts", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Login no Open Food Facts: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ } } }, - "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo(a) {id}!", + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Bem-vindo {id}!", "@user_profile_title_id_default": { "description": "User login (when it's an id)", "placeholders": { @@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@ } } }, - "email_subject_account_deletion": "Eliminar a conta", + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Excluir a conta", "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Olá, por favor exclua minha conta Open Food Fact: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1074,43 +1074,43 @@ } } }, - "settings_app_app": "Aplicação", - "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitorização", - "settings_app_camera": "Câmara", + "settings_app_app": "Aplicativo", + "settings_app_data": "Privacidade e monitoramento", + "settings_app_camera": "Câmera", "settings_app_products": "Produtos", "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Diversos", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "Reproduzir um som durante a digitalização", + "camera_play_sound_title": "Emitir um som durante o escaneamento", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Irá emitir um sinal sonoro em cada digitalização bem sucedida", + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Emite um alerta sonoro a cada escaneamento bem-sucedido", "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibração e resposta tátil", + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Intensidade da vibração e da resposta tátil", "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrações após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibração após executar algumas ações (código de barras decodificado, produto removido…).", "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de falhas", + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Relatório de erro", "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, os relatórios de falhas são enviados automaticamente ao sistema de rastreamento de erros do Open Food Facts, para que os bugs possam ser corrigidos e, assim, melhorar o aplicativo.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anónimos", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Enviar dados anônimos", "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Quando ativado, algumas informações anônimas sobre o uso do aplicativo serão enviadas aos servidores do Open Food Facts, para que possamos entender como e quantos recursos são usados para melhorá-los.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1122,8 +1122,8 @@ "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, - "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmara para digitalizar códigos de barras", - "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma melhor experiência, conceda a permissão ao {appName} de acesso à sua câmara. Poderá digitalizar códigos de barras diretamente.", + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Permitir o uso da câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "Para uma experiência aprimorada, permita que o {appName} acesse a sua câmera. Você poderá ler códigos de barras diretamente.", "@permission_photo_denied_message": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", "placeholders": { @@ -1137,23 +1137,23 @@ "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permissão negada", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmara, tem de conseder a permissão manualmente nas Configurações.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Como anteriormente negou a permissão da câmera, você deve permiti-la manualmente nas Configurações.", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Abrir configurações", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancelar", "permission_photo_none_found": "Nenhuma câmera detetada", "@permission_photo_none_found": { "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" }, - "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmara concedido", + "permission_photo_denied": "Nenhum acesso à câmera concedido", "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "Editar produto", + "edit_product_label": "Modificar produto", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicionar um novo {itemType}", - "description": "Dica para mostrar quando o utilizador pressiona o botão (+) durante muito tempo", + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Adicione um novo {itemType}", + "description": "Dica de ferramenta para mostrar quando o usuário pressiona longamente o botão (+)", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { "itemType": { @@ -1177,11 +1177,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Site…", + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotografias", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Fotos", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, @@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Ambiental, Rótulos de qualidade…", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Rótulos de Qualidade Ambiental…", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, @@ -1229,11 +1229,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que encontrar na embalagem. Não precisa de se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Adicione quaisquer indicações de origem que você encontrar na embalagem. Você não precisa se preocupar com as origens indicadas diretamente na lista de ingredientes.", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne de vaca da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Europeia", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Exemplos: Carne bovina da Argentina, A soja não vem da União Européia", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto está amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Países onde o produto é amplamente disponível (não incluindo lojas especializadas em produtos estrangeiros).", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" }, @@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, o código numa elipse com as iniciais de 2 países seguidas por um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "Na Europa, codifique como uma elipse com as 2 iniciais do pais seguidas de um número e CE.\nExemplos: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" }, @@ -1281,33 +1281,33 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicar apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias-mãe serão adicionadas automaticamente. Por exemplo introduzindo \"iogurtes líquidos aromatizados\", será adicionado automaticamente às categorias-mãe \"iogurtes líquidos\", \"iogurtes\", \"lacticínios\".", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indique apenas a categoria mais específica. As categorias principais serão adicionadas automaticamente.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "Caso uma categoria não esteja disponível no preenchimento automático, sinta-se à vontade para adicioná-la de qualquer maneira, isso nos ajudará a melhorar o Open Food Facts em seu país.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Refrigerante, Cereais de pequeno almoço, Iogurtes aromatizados", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Exemplos: Sardinhas em azeite, Suco de Laranja concentrado", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Quer guardar as alterações antes de deixar esta página?", - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Guardar alterações", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Deseja salvar suas alterações antes de sair desta página?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Salvar as alterações", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Descartar alterações", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredientes", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicionar", - "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor introduza texto", - "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Eliminar", - "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Fotografia das instruções de reciclagem", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Adicione", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Por favor, digite um texto primeiro", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remover", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Foto de instruções de reciclagem", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Dados nutricionais", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Informação nutricional", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, @@ -1315,22 +1315,22 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "Editar", + "edit_product_form_save": "Edite", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, - "product_field_website_title": "Site", + "product_field_website_title": "Website", "@product_field_website_title": { "description": "Title of a product field: website" }, - "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Detalhes básicos completos", + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Completar detalhes básicos", "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Ainda não implementado", "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorias", "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extrair ingredientes", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, - "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" }, @@ -1338,11 +1338,11 @@ "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" }, - "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar fotografia", + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Atualizar foto", "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" }, - "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falha ao detetar texto na imagem.", + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Falhou em detectar texto em imagem.", "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, @@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Alterar nome da lista", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Renomear lista", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, @@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, - "user_list_empty_label": "Ainda não existe nenhuma lista disponível, por favor comece por criar uma", + "user_list_empty_label": "Não há lista disponível ainda, por favor inicie criando uma lista nova", "@user_list_empty_label": { "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" }, @@ -1378,15 +1378,15 @@ "@added_to_list_msg": { "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" }, - "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpar histórico", + "user_list_popup_clear": "Limpe seu histórico", "@user_list_popup_clear": { "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" }, - "user_list_popup_rename": "Alterar nome", + "user_list_popup_rename": "Renomear", "@user_list_popup_rename": { "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" }, - "user_list_name_hint": "A minha lista", + "user_list_name_hint": "Minha lista", "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, @@ -1394,19 +1394,19 @@ "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está a ser usado", + "user_list_name_error_already": "Esse nome já está em uso", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, - "user_list_name_error_same": "É o mesmo nome", + "user_list_name_error_same": "Esse é o mesmo nome", "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "Tentar novamente", + "try_again": "Tente novamente", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "Ocorreu um erro", + "there_was_an_error": "Houve um erro", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, @@ -1419,19 +1419,19 @@ } } }, - "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre as câmaras posterior e frontal", + "camera_toggle_camera": "Alternar entre a câmera frontal e traseira", "@camera_toggle_camera": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" }, - "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligar ou desligar o flash da câmara", + "camera_toggle_flash": "Ligue ou desligue o flash da câmera", "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "Ligar flash", + "camera_enable_flash": "Ativar flash", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "Desligar flash", + "camera_disable_flash": "Desativar flash", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, @@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado do seu flash. Por favor verifique que o seu smartphone não tem a tocha já ativada.", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar o estado de seu flash. Por favor, certifique-se de que seu smartphone não tem a tocha já habilitada.", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, @@ -1447,11 +1447,11 @@ "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, - "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo programador", + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "Modo DEV", "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Relançar experiência de boas-vindas", + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Reiniciar tutorial", "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" }, @@ -1476,15 +1476,15 @@ } } }, - "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Hospedeiro do ambiente de teste", + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Domínio do ambiente de teste", "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar kit de ML", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Usar Kit ML", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então terá que reiniciar esta aplicação", + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "então você precisa reiniciar este aplicativo", "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" }, @@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Editar ingredientes através de um botão do painel de conhecimento", + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edite ingredientes por meio de um botão do painel de conhecimento", "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1524,8 +1524,8 @@ "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" }, - "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados da V1", - "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Estado: {status}", + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Migração de dados de V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { "placeholders": { "status": { @@ -1536,14 +1536,14 @@ "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "sucesso ou nova instalação", "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "sucesso", "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "erro", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "a decorrer", - "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "necessário (clique para começar)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "em progresso", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "obrigatório (clique para começar)", "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "desconhecido", - "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Importar histórico", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Histórico de importação", "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Irá limpar o histórico e colocar 3 produtos lá", + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "O histórico será limpo e serão colocados 3 produtos lá", "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" }, @@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de digitalização atual é: \"{mode}\"", + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "O modo de varredura atual é: \"{mode}\"", "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", "placeholders": { @@ -1572,31 +1572,31 @@ "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" }, - "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas o fluxo da câmara, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Apenas transmissão de câmera, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento total da imagem, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Reprodução de câmera e pré-processamento completo imagem, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Fluxo da câmara e pré-processamento de metade da imagem, sem digitalização", + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Transmissão de câmera e pré-processamento parcial de imagem, sem digitalização", "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização total da imagem", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Digitalização completa de imagem", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" }, - "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização de metade da imagem", + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Digitalização parcial de imagem", "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, - "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reproduzir e editar esta pesquisa", + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reutilizar e editar esta pesquisa", "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, - "product_search_no_more_results": "Descarregou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", + "product_search_no_more_results": "Você baixou todos os {totalSize} produtos.", "@product_search_no_more_results": { "description": "Product search list - No more results available", "placeholders": { @@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ } } }, - "product_search_button_download_more": "Descarregar mais {count} produtos\nJá descarregou {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", + "product_search_button_download_more": "Baixe mais {count} produtos\nJá foram baixados {downloaded} de {totalSize}.", "@product_search_button_download_more": { "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", "placeholders": { @@ -1640,11 +1640,11 @@ "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" }, - "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tornar a fotografar", + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Tirar foto novamente", "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" }, - "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Fotografar", + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Tirar foto", "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" }, @@ -1652,11 +1652,11 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "Eu concordo com a Open Food Facts", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de utilização e contribuição", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "termos de uso e contribuição", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, @@ -1682,15 +1682,15 @@ } } }, - "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Detalhes básicos completos", + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Completar detalhes básicos", "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "Editar", + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edite", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, - "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar fotografia", + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Desmarcar foto", "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" }, @@ -1702,19 +1702,19 @@ "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { "description": "Page title" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "A recuperar imagens existentes…", + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Recuperando imagens existentes…", "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { "description": "Dialog label" }, - "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens previamente carregadas relacionadas com este produto.", + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "Não há imagens anteriormente enviadas relacionadas a este produto.", "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { "description": "Error message" }, - "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não existem imagens nessa língua", + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "Ainda não há imagem para este idioma", "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "Nenhuma imagem ainda", + "edit_photo_language_none": "Ainda não há imagem", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, @@ -1724,9 +1724,9 @@ }, "basic_details": "Detalhes básicos", "product_name": "Nome do produto", - "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Introduza o nome do produto", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Por favor, digite o nome do produto", "brand_name": "Nome da marca", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Introduza o nome da marca", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Por favor, insira o nome da marca", "quantity": "Quantidade e peso", "barcode": "Código de barras", "barcode_barcode": "Código de barras: {barcode}", @@ -1744,18 +1744,18 @@ "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, - "clear_search": "Limpar a pesquisa", + "clear_search": "Limpe a sua busca", "@confirm_clearclear_search": { "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" }, - "confirm_clear": "Está prestes a limpar todo o seu histórico: tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "confirm_clear": "Você está prestes a excluir todo o seu histórico. Tem certeza que quer continuar?", "@confirm_clear": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" }, - "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados do seu histórico", - "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Tem a certeza que quer continuar?", - "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecione um ou mais itens para eliminar", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "Está prestes a limpar a lista ({name}): tem a certeza que quer continuar?", + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar os itens selecionados em seu histórico", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Você tem certeza que deseja continuar?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Por favor selecione um ou mais arquivos para excluir", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Você está prestes a limpar esta lista ({name}): tem certeza que quer continuar?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Excluir lista?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "Você está prestes a excluir esta lista ({name}). Tem certeza que quer continuar?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ } } }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Sim, eu confirmo", "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { "description": "Button to delete a list" }, @@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ "@user_list_all_title": { "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" }, - "user_list_all_empty": "Crie a sua primeira lista", + "user_list_all_empty": "Crie sua primeira lista", "@user_list_all_empty": { "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" }, @@ -1820,19 +1820,19 @@ "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" }, - "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar fotografia", + "add_photo_button_label": "Adicionar foto", "@add_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add photo button" }, - "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tirar fotos de qualquer informação sobre embalagem/reciclagem", + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Tire fotos de qualquer informação de embalagem/reciclagem", "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "Escolher fonte da imagem", + "choose_image_source_title": "Escolha a fonte da imagem", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, - "choose_image_source_body": "Escolha uma fonte da imagem", + "choose_image_source_body": "Por favor, escolha uma fonte de imagem", "@choose_image_source_body": { "description": "Body for the image source chooser" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Dê uma olhada neste produto na Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Dê uma olhada na minha lista de produtos do Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ } } }, - "capture": "Fotografar mais recente", + "capture": "Capturar nova", "@capture": { "description": "Button label for taking a photo" }, @@ -1870,37 +1870,37 @@ "@choose_from_gallery": { "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" }, - "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano o mais rápido possível.", + "image_upload_queued": "A imagem será carregada em segundo plano assim que possível.", "@image_upload_queued": { "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" }, - "background_task_title_full_refresh": "A Iniciar a atualização dos produtos armazenados localmente", + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Iniciando a atualização de todos os produtos armazenados localmente", "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" }, - "background_task_title_top_n": "A iniciar a transferência dos produtos mais procurados", + "background_task_title_top_n": "Iniciando o download dos produtos mais populares", "@background_task_title_top_n": { "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de factos nutricionais", + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expandir tabela de informações nutricionais", "@expand_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Mantenha a tabela de factos nutricionais expandida", - "expand_ingredients": "Expandir os ingredientes", + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Manter a tabela de informações nutricionais expandida", + "expand_ingredients": "Expandir ingredientes", "@expand_ingredients": { "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" }, - "expand_ingredients_body": "Mantenha o painel de ingredientes expandido", - "no_internet_connection": "Sem ligação à Internet", + "expand_ingredients_body": "Manter o painel de ingredientes expandido", + "no_internet_connection": "Sem conexão com a internet", "@no_internet_connection": { "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" }, - "world_results_label": "Todo o mundo", + "world_results_label": "No mundo inteiro", "@world_results_label": { "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" }, - "world_results_action": "Alargar a pesquisa a todo o mundo", + "world_results_action": "Amplie sua pesquisa para o mundo", "@world_results_action": { "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" }, @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar código de barras para a área de transferência", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copiar o código de barras para a área de transferência", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1919,11 +1919,11 @@ } }, "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Código de barras {barcode} copiado para a área de transferência!", - "language_picker_label": "O seu idioma", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" }, - "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Uma ajuda com OpenFoodFacts", "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { "description": "Label for the email title" }, @@ -1935,17 +1935,17 @@ "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Por favor, envie manualmente um e-mail para", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, "all_images": "Todas as imagens", - "selected_images": "Imagens selecionadas", + "selected_images": "Imagens seleccionadas", "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remover produto", "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" }, - "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras digitalizado: {barcode}", + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "Novo código de barras escaneado: {barcode}", "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", "placeholders": { @@ -1955,39 +1955,39 @@ } } }, - "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remover todos os produtos do carrossel", + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remova todos os produtos do carrinho", "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Por favor, digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Digitalize pelo menos dois produtos para compará-los", "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" }, - "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clicar para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Clique para comparar os produtos que digitalizou", "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" }, - "scan_product_loading": "Digitalizou o código de barras:", + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", "@scan_product_loading": { "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_initial": "Estamos à procura deste produto!\nPor favor, aguarde alguns segundos…", + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", "@scan_product_loading_initial": { "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_long_request": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto!\nVerifica que demora muito tempo a carregar? Nós também…", + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "Ainda estamos à procura deste produto.\nGostaria de reiniciar a pesquisa?", + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." }, - "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Reiniciar pesquisa", + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { "description": "Button to force restart a product search" }, - "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular dados nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", + "portion_calculator_description": "Calcular as informações nutricionais para uma quantidade específica", "@portion_calculator_description": { "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." }, @@ -1995,11 +1995,11 @@ "@portion_calculator_hint": { "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." }, - "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Introduza uma quantidade para calcular as informações nutricionais", + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Insira a quantidade para calcular os dados nutriciais", "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." }, - "portion_calculator_error": "Introduzir uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", + "portion_calculator_error": "Por favor, insira uma quantidade entre {min} e {max} g", "@portion_calculator_error": { "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", "placeholders": { @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ } } }, - "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais para {grams} g (ou ml)", + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Informações nutricionais em {grams} g (ou ml)", "@portion_calculator_result_title": { "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", "placeholders": { @@ -2020,15 +2020,15 @@ } } }, - "offline_data": "Dados off-line", + "offline_data": "Dados offline", "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para extrair automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Carregue uma imagem para obter automaticamente as informações que ela contém.", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, - "upload_image": "Enviar fotografia", + "upload_image": "Carregar foto", "@upload_image": { "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" }, @@ -2040,19 +2040,19 @@ "@word_separator": { "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" }, - "image_download_error": "Falha ao descarregar a imagem", + "image_download_error": "Falha ao baixar a imagem", "@image_download_error": { "description": "Error message, when image download fails" }, - "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL da imagem não foi definido.", + "image_edit_url_error": "Falha ao editar a imagem porque o URL não foi definido.", "@image_edit_url_error": { "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." }, - "user_picture_source_remember": "Memorizar a minha escolha", + "user_picture_source_remember": "Lembrar minha escolha", "@user_picture_source_remember": { "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" }, - "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar a cada vez", + "user_picture_source_select": "Selecionar cada vez", "@user_picture_source_select": { "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" }, @@ -2060,7 +2060,7 @@ "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Próxima {count,plural, =1{pergunta} other{{count} perguntas}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,14 +2071,14 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, - "rate_app": "Avaliar a aplicação", - "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Deixe que os outros saibam o que pensa desta aplicação!", - "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avaliar a aplicação", - "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Lembrar-me depois", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Está a gostar da aplicação?", - "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Muito!", - "not_really": "Nem por isso", - "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos saber isso! Pode contar-nos o que aconteceu?", + "rate_app": "Avalie o aplicativo", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Ótimo! Conte aos outros o que você acha deste aplicativo!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Avalie o aplicativo", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Mais tarde", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Você está gostando deste aplicativo?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Isso!", + "not_really": "Não muito", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "Lamentamos ouvir isso! Poderia nos dizer o que aconteceu?", "edit_packagings_title": "Componentes da embalagem", "@edit_packagings_title": { "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" @@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Introduza o número de unidades de embalagens com o mesmo formato e material.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Insira o número de unidades de embalagem do mesmo formato e material contidos no produto.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Introduza o nome do formato indicado nas instruções de reciclagem, se estiverem disponíveis ou selecione um formato.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Digite o nome do formato listado nas instruções de reciclagem se estiverem disponíveis, ou selecione um formato.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Escreva o material específico se souber (pode-se ver muitas vezes um código de material dentro de um triângulo na embalagem) ou um material genérico (por exemplo plástico ou metal) se não tiver a certeza.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Digite o material específico se ele puder ser determinado (um código de material dentro de um triângulo pode muitas vezes ser encontrado em partes de embalagens), ou um material genérico (por exemplo, plástico ou metal) se você não tiver certeza.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Introduza as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem indicadas no produto.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Digite as instruções de reciclagem apenas se estiverem listadas no produto.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Introduza o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo g ou ml).", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Digite o peso líquido ou o volume líquido e indique a unidade (por exemplo, g ou ml).", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2153,32 +2153,32 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer resto de comida, lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remova qualquer alimento restante, e lave e seque a parte da embalagem antes de pesar. Se possível, use uma balança com precisão de 0,1g ou 0,01g.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, "background_task_title": "Contribuições pendentes", - "background_task_subtitle": "As suas contribuições são guardadas automaticamente no nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", - "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma tarefa em segundo plano pendente", - "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", - "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de ligação à Internet. Tente mais tarde.", - "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecida", + "background_task_subtitle": "Suas contribuições são salvas automaticamente em nosso servidor, mas nem sempre em tempo real.", + "background_task_list_empty": "Nenhuma Tarefa em Segundo Plano Pendente", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Sem resposta do servidor", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Erro de conexão com a internet. Tente mais tarde.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "tipo de operação desconhecido", "background_task_operation_details": "alterações detalhadas", - "background_task_operation_image": "envio de fotografia", - "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após o envio da fotografia", + "background_task_operation_image": "envio de foto", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "atualização atrasada após envio de foto", "background_task_run_started": "iniciado", - "background_task_run_not_started": "ainda não iniciado", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser eliminado", - "background_task_question_stop": "Quer interromper esta tarefa o mais rápido possível?", + "background_task_run_not_started": "não iniciado", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "a ser excluído", + "background_task_question_stop": "Você quer parar a tarefa o mais rápido possível?", "feed_back": "Opinião", "undo": "Desfazer", - "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copiar e-mail para a área de transferência", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copie e-mail para a área de transferência", "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" }, - "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor envie-nos um email para", - "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copiado!", - "select_accent_color": "Selecionar cor de destaque", + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Por favor, envie-nos manualmente um e-mail para", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "E-mail copiado para a área de transferência!", + "select_accent_color": "Selecione Cor de Destaque", "@select_accent_color": { "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." }, @@ -2198,7 +2198,7 @@ "@color_green": { "description": "Color Green" }, - "color_light_brown": "Predefinido", + "color_light_brown": "Padrão", "@color_light_brown": { "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, @@ -2222,11 +2222,11 @@ "@color_rust": { "description": "Color Rust" }, - "color_teal": "Azul-petróleo", + "color_teal": "Turquesa", "@color_teal": { "description": "Color Teal" }, - "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste do Texto", + "text_contrast_mode": "Contraste de texto", "@text_contrast_mode": { "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" }, @@ -2246,7 +2246,7 @@ "@product_loader_not_found_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" }, - "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto com o seguinte código de barras na nossa base de dados: {barcode}", + "product_loader_not_found_message": "Não existe nenhum produto em nosso banco de dados com o seguinte código de barras: {barcode}", "@product_loader_not_found_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", "placeholders": { @@ -2255,11 +2255,11 @@ } } }, - "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem ligação à Internet!", + "product_loader_network_error_title": "Sem conexão com a internet!", "@product_loader_network_error_title": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, - "product_loader_network_error_message": "Verificar se o telemóvel está ligado a uma rede Wi-Fi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Por favor, verifique se seu smartphone está em uma rede WiFi ou se os dados móveis estão ativados", "@product_loader_network_error_message": { "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" }, @@ -2267,19 +2267,19 @@ "@page_not_found_title": { "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" }, - "page_not_found_button": "Voltar à página inicial", + "page_not_found_button": "Volte à página inicial", "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "Descarregar dados", + "download_data": "Dados de download", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, - "download_top_products": "Descarregar os 1000 melhores produtos do seu país para verificação imediata", + "download_top_products": "Faça o download dos melhores 1000 produtos do seu país para escaneamento instantâneo", "@download_top_products": { "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" }, - "download_top_n_products": "Descarregar os melhores {count,plural, other{{count} produtos}} no seu país para consulta imediata", + "download_top_n_products": "Baixe o topo {count,plural, one {}other{{count} produtos}} em seu país para digitalização instantânea", "@download_top_n_products": { "placeholders": { "count": { @@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ } } }, - "download_in_progress": "Descarregar dados\nEste processo poderá demorar algum tempo", + "download_in_progress": "Baixando os dados\nIsso demorar algum tempo", "@download_in_progress": { "description": "Download in progress" }, @@ -2300,19 +2300,19 @@ } } }, - "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produtos offline", + "update_offline_data": "Atualizar dados de produto offline", "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Atualize o banco de dados de produtos locais com os últimos dados do Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "Remover dados de produtos offline", + "clear_local_database": "Limpe dados de produtos offline", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, - "clear_local_database_sub": "Para libertar espaço da sua aplicação remover por completo os dados de um determinado produto", + "clear_local_database_sub": "Limpe todos os dados de produtos locais do seu aplicativo para liberar espaço", "@clear_local_database_sub": { "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "A carregar…", + "loading": "Carregando…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ "@offline_product_data_title": { "description": "Offline Product Data" }, - "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para verificação imediata", + "available_for_download": "{num} produtos disponíveis para escaneamento imediato", "@available_for_download": { "description": "text to show details of products available for download", "placeholders": { @@ -2350,11 +2350,11 @@ } } }, - "country_selector_title": "Selecione o seu país:", + "country_selector_title": "Selecione seu país:", "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, - "language_selector_title": "Selecione o seu idioma:", + "language_selector_title": "Selecione seu idioma:", "@language_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" }, @@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "action_change_list": "Alterar a guia atual", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2379,16 +2379,16 @@ "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", - "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", - "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Nutri-Score Desconhecido", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score não aplicável", "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", - "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", - "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", - "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Eco-Pontuação Desconhecida", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score não é aplicável", + "nova_group_1": "Grupo NOVA 1", "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", From a7dba9b053d305e7e9740854c9e0bbee14635042 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 115/216] New translations app_en.arb (Indonesian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_id.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_id.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_id.arb index 7faddf67a28..f9044446b87 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_id.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_id.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Selamat datang di Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts adalah organisasi nirlaba global yang didukung oleh komunitas lokal.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Pilih makanan yang baik untuk Anda dan untuk planet ini.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Lihat data makanan yang cocok dengan preferensi Anda.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Masuk ke akun Open Food Facts untuk menyimpan kontribusi Anda", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nama pengguna atau kata sandi Anda salah.", "login": "Masuk", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Konfirmasi kata sandi", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Harap konfirmasi kata sandi", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Kata sandi tidak cocok", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Saya setuju dengan Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "syarat penggunaan dan kontribusi", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Saya seorang produsen makanan", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produsen/merek", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Silakan masukkan nama produsen atau merek", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "Saya ingin berlangganan buletin Open Food Facts (Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan kapan saja)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Username telah terdaftar, silahkan pilih nama lain.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "telah terdaftar, masuk ke akun atau coba dengan email lain.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Mohon berikan alamat email yang benar.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Terima kasih atas kontribusi Anda", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kode untuk setiap produk Open Food Facts tersedia di GitHub. Anda dipersilahkan untuk menggunakan kode tersebut kembali (bersifat open-source) dan bantu kami memperbaikinya untuk semua orang di seluruh planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Anda dapat bergabung dengan ruang obrolan Slack Open Food Facts yang juga merupakan cara yang lebih disukai untuk mengajukan pertanyaan.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "Mode DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Aktifkan Mode DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Berdonasi ke Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produk - produk yang perlu dilengkapi", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Pembangunan database adalah inti dari proyek ini. Kontribusi dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan cepat. Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi seluler untuk ponsel Anda dan mulai menambahkan atau meningkatkan produk.\n\nDi sisi lain, situs web Open Food Facts menyediakan banyak cara untuk berkontribusi: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Terjemahkan", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts adalah proyek global yang berisi produk dari lebih dari 160 negara. Open Food Facts diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa, dengan konten yang terus dikembangkan.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Penerjemahan adalah salah satu tugas utama dari proyek ini", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Bagikan Open Food Facts dengan teman-teman anda", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "Saya ingin memberi tahu kamu tentang aplikasi yang saya gunakan, Open Food Facts, yang memungkinkan kamu untuk mengetahui dampak kesehatan dan lingkungan dari makananmu, secara personal. Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan memindai barcode pada kemasan. Aplikasi ini gratis, tidak perlu pendaftaran, dan kamu bahkan bisa membantu menambah jumlah produk yang diuraikan. Ini tautan untuk mendapatkannya di hpmu:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Ketuk di sini untuk menjawab pertanyaan", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Ketuk di sini untuk menjawab pertanyaan terkait produk ", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Bantu tingkatkan transparansi makanan dan dapatkan hadiah", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Masuk ke akun Open Food Facts, untuk mendapatkan kredit atas kontribusi Anda", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Jawab dengan ya", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Jawab dengan tidak", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Lewati pertanyaan ini", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Buat akun Anda dan bergabunglah dengan komunitas Open Food Facts untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang makanan di seluruh dunia!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Profil Anda", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Kelola akun kontributor Open Food Facts Anda.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Pengaturan Aplikasi", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Mode gelap, Analitis…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Preferensi Makanan", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Pilih informasi tentang makanan yang paling penting bagi anda.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Pilih informasi tentang makanan yang paling penting bagi anda, untuk memberi peringkat makanan sesuai preferensi anda, melihat informasi yang paling anda minati lebih dahulu dan dapatkan ringkasan kompatibilitas. Preferensi makanan tersebut tetap ada di perangkat anda, dan tidak terkait dengan akun kontributor Open Food Facts anda jika anda memilikinya.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Atur ulang preferensi makanan anda?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Anda menemukan produk baru!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Ambil foto kemasan untuk menambahkan produk ini ke Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Mohon ambil beberapa foto terlebih dahulu. Anda selalu dapat menyelesaikan produk di lain waktu.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Mengunggah gambar depan ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Mengunggah gambar bahan ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Mengunggah gambar nutrisi ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Mengunggah gambar kemasan ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Mengunggah gambar lain ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Mengunggah gambar ke Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Pengaturan sistem terbuka untuk Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Bantu sukarelawan Open Food Facts untuk meningkatkan aplikasi. Anda dapat memutuskan untuk mengirim analisa secara anonim.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Masuk atau daftar untuk bergabung dengan komunitas Open Food Facts", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts masuk: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Halo, tolong hapus akun Open Food Facts saya: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "Saat diaktikan, laporan kerusakan secara otomatis dikirimkan ke sistem pelacakan kesalahan Open Food Facts, sehingga bug dapat diperbaiki sehingga dapat meningkatkan aplikasi.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "Saat diaktifkan, beberapa informasi anonim terkait penggunaan aplikasi akan dikirimkan ke peladen Open Food Facts, sehingga kami dapat memahami bagaimana dan berapa banyak fitur digunakan untuk meningkatkannya.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Hebat! Beri tahu orang lain pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi ini!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Nanti", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Pilih bahasa:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Hapus", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Buat daftar baru", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4f89ba43e85eeb46388858385f2463401f6e446a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 116/216] New translations app_en.arb (Persian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb index 9a3dab26878..9fb301f1a65 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "می توانید به چت روم Open Food Facts Slack بپیوندید که روش ترجیحی برای پرسیدن سوالات است.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "پایگاه داده هسته اصلی پروژه است. کمک کردن بسیار آسان و سریع است. می توانید برنامه تلفن همراه را برای تلفن خود بارگیری کرده و افزودن یا بهبود محصولات را شروع کنید.\n\nاز سوی دیگر ، وب سایت Open Food Facts راه های زیادی را برای مشارکت ارائه می دهد: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "ترجمه", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts یک پروژه جهانی است که شامل محصولات بیش از 160 کشور است. Open Food Facts به ده ها زبان ترجمه شده است و محتوای آن دائماً در حال تغییر است.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "ترجمه یکی از وظایف کلیدی پروژه است", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "پاک کردن", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e420f9cd6bec94f6eb0272011fe61c6635f78b9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 117/216] New translations app_en.arb (Khmer) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_km.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_km.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_km.arb index ee6e866a8a9..7225c175405 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_km.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_km.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "លុប", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From ee30122472fb8faa238ee0c40dce5677a670d61c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 118/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tamil) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ta.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ta.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ta.arb index 8ab5b97d39f..80b1cc75953 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ta.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ta.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "இந்தத் தயாரிப்புபற்றிய கேள்விகளுக்குப் பதிலளிக்க இங்கே தட்டவும்", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "நீக்கு", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 6326bdd575d9ec5b8b5fcccb0b956098e6c270c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 119/216] New translations app_en.arb (Bengali) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bn.arb index fea19cc1398..ac8ca807832 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "ওপেন ফুড ফ্যাক্টসে আপনাকে স্বাগতম", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "ওপেন ফুড ফ্যাক্টস স্থানীয়ভাবে পরিচালিত একটি আন্তর্জাতিক অলাভজনক প্রতিষ্ঠান।", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "এমন খাবার বাছাই করুন যা আপনার জন্য ভালো এবং পৃথিবীর জন্যও ভালো।", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "আপনার পছন্দসই খাবার সংশ্লিষ্ট তথ্যাবলি দেখুন।", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "আপনার কন্ট্রিবিউশনগুলো সেভ করতে ওপেন ফুড ফ্যাক্টসে আপনার একাউন্টে সাইন ইন করুন।", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "আপনি ভুল ইউজারনেম অথবা পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়েছেন।", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Open Food Facts কে দান করুন", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "মুছুন", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 099a789654025e7e72c99e4b0c810bac1fa8c550 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 120/216] New translations app_en.arb (Marathi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mr.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mr.arb index b0d50f09cdf..30ef38fe629 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mr.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From caf2d8a4ff40720f3b2b2b18faf22a7e78200535 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 121/216] New translations app_en.arb (Thai) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb index 52f4b64773c..922b45921a0 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_th.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ โอเพ้น ฟู๊ด แฟค", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "โอเพ้นฟู๊ดแฟคเป็น องค์กรไม่แสวงหาผลกำไร ทำงานด้วยการเคลื่อนไหวของชุมชนท้องถิ่น", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "เลือกอาหาร ที่ดีสำหรับคุณ และโลกนี้", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "ดูข้อมูลอาหาร ที่คุณสนใจ(ความต้องการ)", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "ล๊อคอินเข้าสู่ โอเพ้น ฟู๊ด แฟค แอคเค้าท์ เพื่อบันทึกงานของคุณ", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "ชื่อและพาสเวิร์ดไม่ถูกต้อง", "login": "ชื่อผู้ใช้", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "ยืนยันรหัส", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "กรุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "ฉันยินดียอมรับข้อแม้ที่สมัคร โอเพ้น ฟู๊ด แทรค", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "ข้อมูลและเงื่อนไขการใช้งาน", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "ฉันเป็นผู้ผลิตอาหาร", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "ผู้ผลิต/ยี่ห้อ", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "โปรดป้อนผู้ผลิตหรือยี่ห้อ", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "ต้องการสมัครรับจดหมายข่าวจาก Open Food Facts (คุณสามารถยกเลิกการสมัครได้ทุกเมื่อ)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "ชื่อผู้ใช้นี้มีอยู่แล้ว โปรดเลือกชื่อผู้ใช้อื่น", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "มีอยู่แล้ว โปรดเข้าสู่ระบบหรือลองด้วยอีเมลอื่น", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "โปรดใส่ที่อยู่อีเมลที่ถูกต้อง", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "ขอบคุณสำหรับการมีส่วนร่วม", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "ข้อมูลทุกผลิตภัณฑ์ใน Open Food Facts ทุกชิ้นมีอยู่ใน GitHub (ด้วยสัญญาโอเพ่นซอร์ส) คุณสามารถนำไปใช้ได้ทันที และช่วยเราปรับปรุงข้อมูลเพื่อทุกคนทั่วโลก", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "แนะนำให้ใช้ Open Food Facts บน Slack เพื่อสอบถามปัญหาต่างๆ", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "โหมด DEV?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "เปิดใช้งานโหมด DEV", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "ฐานข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารคือหัวใจสำคัญของ Open Food Facts คุณสามารถมีส่วนร่วมได้ง่ายๆ โดยดาวน์โหลดแอปมือถือสำหรับโทรศัพท์ของคุณ และเริ่มเพิ่มหรือปรับปรุงฐานข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร หรือ สามารถทำผ่านเว็บไซต์ Open Food Facts ได้เข่นกัน\n\nนอกจากนั้น เว็บไซต์ Open Food Facts ยังมีอีกหลายอย่างรอให้คุณช่วยปรับปรุงให้ดีขึ้น ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "แปลภาษา", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts เป็นโครงการระดับโลกที่มีผลิตภัณฑ์จากกว่า 160 ประเทศ Open Food Facts ได้รับการแปลเป็นภาษาต่างๆ มากมาย โดยมีเนื้อหาที่พัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่อง", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "การแปลเป็นหนึ่งในงานหลักของโครงการ", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "แชร์ Open Food Facts กับเพื่อนของคุณ", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "ฉันอยากแนะนำแอพ Open Food Facts ให้คุณ ซึ่งสามารถบอกคุณเกี่ยวกับผลกระทบด้านสุขภาพและสิ่งแวดล้อมจากอาหารของคุณอย่างเป็นการส่วนตัว แอพทำงานโดยการสแกนบาร์โคดบนห่อ แอพนี้ฟรี ไม่จำเป็นต้องลงทะเบียน และคุณยังสามารถช่วยเพิ่มจำนวนผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ถอดรหัสแล้วได้ด้วย กดลิงค์นี้เพื่อโหลดลงโทรศัพท์คุณ:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "แตะที่นี่เพื่อตอบคำถาม", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "แตะที่นี่เพื่อตอบคำถามเกี่ยวกับผลิตภัณฑ์", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "ช่วยปรับปรุงความโปร่งใสของอาหารและรับรางวัล", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "เข้าสู่ระบบบัญชี Open Food Facts ของคุณเพื่อรับเครดิตสำหรับการมีส่วนร่วมของคุณ", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "ตอบด้วยใช่", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "ตอบด้วยไม่", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "ข้ามคำถามนี้", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "สร้างบัญชี Open Food Facts และเข้าร่วมคอมมิวนิตี้เพื่อช่วยแบ่งปันความรู้ด้านอาหารทั่วโลก!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "โปรไฟล์ของคุณ", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "จัดการบัญชีผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล Open Food Facts ของคุณ", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "การตั้งค่าแอพ", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "โหมดกลางคิน, การวิเคราะห์…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "เลือกข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับอาหารที่สำคัญที่สุดสำหรับคุณ", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "เลือกข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับอาหารที่สำคัญที่สุดสำหรับคุณเพื่อที่จะจัดอันดับอาหารตามความชอบของคุณ ดูข้อมูลที่คุณใส่ใจอันดับแรกสุดและรับข้อมูลสรุปความเข้ากันได้ ข้อมูลนี้จะอยู่ในเครื่องของคุณและจะไม่เชื่อมโยงกับบัญชีผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล Open Food Facts ของคุณหากคุณมี", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "คุณพบสินค้าใหม่", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "ถ่ายรูป ลักษณะบรรจุภัณฑ์ของสินค้า โอเพ้น ฟู๊ดแฟค", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "ลบ", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 7789255b04be507de4013841ab0df198c181d6f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 122/216] New translations app_en.arb (Croatian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hr.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hr.arb index 0f2c775b475..1078765547b 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hr.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Dobrodošli na otvorene činjenice o hrani", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 088a57e039cf8b383ade5e641f447ece0a9e0435 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 123/216] New translations app_en.arb (Norwegian Nynorsk) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb index c96ab4a2820..6b680381996 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Slett", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 2c1327c8c816b27a566c893d17e93277ad641d81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 124/216] New translations app_en.arb (Kazakh) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kk.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kk.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kk.arb index c31ab3a15b4..8c39488c8cf 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kk.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kk.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Жою", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 5892e5aec61d04e1cb38515694dd404a7d36920e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 125/216] New translations app_en.arb (Estonian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_et.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_et.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_et.arb index 9bb2ebc7ac4..4cb5391653f 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_et.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_et.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Kinnita salasõna", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Olen toidutootja", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Tootja või kaubamärk", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Palun sisesta tootja või kaubamärgi nimi", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Tooted, mida täiendada", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Tõlkimine", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Kustuta", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 04ec6005a41d63943690b6d7cde95b894d3ea692 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 126/216] New translations app_en.arb (Latvian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lv.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lv.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lv.arb index d1953b05e25..86110429afa 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lv.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lv.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Ziedot Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Produkta nosaukums jāpabeidz", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Lieliski! Ļaujiet citiem uzzināt, ko jūs domājat par šo lietotni!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Dzēst", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 0247295c8fbf494ce73e82174e9b8fa886219da2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 127/216] New translations app_en.arb (Azerbaijani) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_az.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_az.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_az.arb index 12ebf030a34..c2fd1926294 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_az.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_az.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Sil", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 3663bb666f19524d87a3e0612bfc51ae1fd2d7eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 128/216] New translations app_en.arb (Hindi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb index 303b8c1d756..2a99460a0b3 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_hi.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "नष्ट करे", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4813874e4e4006e938e3cb1b0286b0cf65bc30f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 129/216] New translations app_en.arb (Kyrgyz) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ky.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ky.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ky.arb index 65390ff214d..6707c22aae9 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ky.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ky.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Өчүрүү", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e600934333b2dac531bfe329b647c9dacbe8e223 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 130/216] New translations app_en.arb (Malay) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ms.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ms.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ms.arb index 316f6e53462..2ce0594fa96 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ms.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ms.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Lihat data makanan yang berkaitan dengan pilihan anda.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Nama pengguna atau kata laluan salah.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Saya bersetuju dengan Fakta Makanan Terbuka", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "syarat penggunaan dan sumbangan", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "Kod untuk setiap produk Open Food Facts ada terdapat di GitHub. Anda dialu-alukan untuk menggunakan semula kod tersebut (sumber terbukanya) dan bantu kami menambah baiknya, untuk semua orang, di seluruh planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "Anda boleh menyertai ruang sembang Open Food Facts Slack yang merupakan cara yang digemari untuk mengajukan pertanyaan.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Dermalah kepada Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "Pangkalan data adalah teras projek. Ia sangat mudah dan cepat untuk membantu. Anda boleh memuat turun aplikasi mudah alih ini untuk telefon anda, dan mula menambah atau menambah baik produk.\n\nManakala, laman web Fakta Makanan Terbuka menawarkan banyak cara untuk menyumbang: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Terjemahkan", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Fakta Makanan Terbuka adalah projek global, yang mengandungi produk dari lebih 160 negara. Fakta Makanan Terbuka diterjemahkan ke dalam berdozen bahasa, dengan kandungan yang terus berkembang.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Terjemahan adalah satu daripada tugas utama projek", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "Anda telah menemui produk baharu!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Ambil foto pembungkusan untuk menambahkan produk ini ke Fakta Makanan Terbuka", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From d81caf4241109bf3d437d5c430af3724e9832fe3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 131/216] New translations app_en.arb (Maori) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mi.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mi.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mi.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mi.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mi.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 33b86c1711285676802ab7d80f2bf2a6f41efd1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 132/216] New translations app_en.arb (Telugu) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_te.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_te.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_te.arb index 54fde1a0401..0dd49e2e15f 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_te.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_te.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "ఉత్పత్తులు పూర్తవుతాయి", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "తొలగించు", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e1909df2c7cce3579eeee5232037958966e48e8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 133/216] New translations app_en.arb (English, Australia) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb index a4dcf7f3122..1c920900898 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalised ranking", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Loading…", + "loading": "Loading...", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, From 02fdd702be398d6d5aadee27fd5955ecbfebe264 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 134/216] New translations app_en.arb (English, United Kingdom) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb index 1c920900898..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalised ranking", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Ok", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "Loading…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, From 7bc1b296c70178786314c790e3bd119ef814fff6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 135/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tagalog) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tl.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tl.arb index f73a1dfc258..1c4974840bd 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tl.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Magbigay sa Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Burahin", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From fefcdcef570db1119d24a24ff096a7fb86a0939c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:11:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 136/216] New translations app_en.arb (Burmese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_my.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_my.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_my.arb index f96d9161fe2..70f12b4967f 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_my.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_my.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "ဖ်က္မည္", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b08a02cfa2ed903112767d2825c4d6a91a14e2a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 137/216] New translations app_en.arb (Yiddish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yi.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yi.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yi.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yi.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yi.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a1db55243c0d2c566d43dab867baae912ae8a346 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 138/216] New translations app_en.arb (Maltese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mt.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mt.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mt.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mt.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mt.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a538592b4f5db27845d5a65e99ff6014fd7c6559 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 139/216] New translations app_en.arb (Welsh) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb index 50b5f0645bd..1e08d8f4719 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cy.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 77c135ac02e1eacf44a46049e10694b07d9fb46d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 140/216] New translations app_en.arb (Faroese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fo.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From c8d32ea5f2eddba7c3e4a4095fe3270b44f10aef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 141/216] New translations app_en.arb (Esperanto) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eo.arb index b2cb220886d..9f1e7a694f2 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_eo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Forigi", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 736438c1b7453f31eec97ee8df8691b6231f3e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 142/216] New translations app_en.arb (Uyghur) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ug.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ug.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ug.arb index ae44b440a05..389ed7026c3 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ug.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ug.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "ئۆچۈرۈش", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a5609ab16ed4efdc5df5b3b86d881e28866b24c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 143/216] New translations app_en.arb (Filipino) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fil.arb | 110 ++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fil.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fil.arb index 1c9336a793d..a5f752cde3a 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fil.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_fil.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Mag-donate sa Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Burahin", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 81497a4d57fcce725457f91445c737937bcdf24d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 144/216] New translations app_en.arb (Luxembourgish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lb.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lb.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lb.arb index 149add0e633..478f17fc0ed 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lb.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lb.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Benotzernumm", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Spenden un Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 8e3e41bf66e51c637f8343069cef0516033421ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 145/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb | 398 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 199 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb index ee4bc1b27a6..1289ee843e3 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -6,31 +6,31 @@ }, "yes": "是", "@yes": {}, - "add": "新增", + "add": "加入產品", "@add": {}, - "account_delete_message": "您確定要刪除您的帳戶嗎?\n如果有具體原因,請在下方分享", + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", "@account_delete_message": {}, - "reason": "原因", + "reason": "Reason", "@reason": {}, - "okay": "確定", + "okay": "好的", "@okay": {}, - "create": "Create", + "create": "新增", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "套用", + "applyButtonText": "應用", "@applyButtonText": {}, "next_label": "下一個", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, - "go_back_to_top": "回到頂端", + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", "save": "儲存", - "save_confirmation": "您確定要存檔嗎?", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", "skip": "Skip", "cancel": "取消", "@cancel": {}, - "ignore": "忽略", + "ignore": "Ignore", "@ignore": { "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." }, @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ "@stop": {}, "finish": "Finish", "@finish": {}, - "calculate": "計算", + "calculate": "Calculate", "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", + "reset_food_prefs": "重設食物偏好", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ "@error": {}, "error_occurred": "發生錯誤", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "我們仍在開發此功能,敬請期待", + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "在瀏覽器上查看", + "label_web": "View on the web", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "瞭解更多", + "learnMore": "Learn more", "@learnMore": {}, "unknown": "不明", "@unknown": { @@ -114,43 +114,43 @@ }, "licenses": "Licences", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "尋找", + "looking_for": "Looking for", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, - "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "歡迎來到 Open Food Facts", + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, - "offUtility": "選擇對您和地球都有益的食物。", + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "查看與您的偏好相關的食物資料。", + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "選擇對您有益的食物。", + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, - "ecoCardUtility": "選擇對地球有益的食物。", + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", "@ecoCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", - "incorrect_credentials": "使用者名稱或密碼錯誤。", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "用戶名", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "請輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件", - "login_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", - "create_account": "創建帳號", + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, - "sign_in_mandatory": "對於該功能,我們需要您先登入。", + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", "@sign_in_mandatory": { "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" }, @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ "@sign_out": { "description": "Button label: For sign out" }, - "sign_out_confirmation": "確定要登出嗎?", + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, - "view_profile": "檢視個人檔案", + "view_profile": "View profile", "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, @@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "如果忘記密碼,請輸入您的使用者名稱或電子郵件地址以接收重置密碼的步驟說明。另外,記得檢查垃圾郵件的文件夾。", - "username_or_email": "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "一封含有重設密碼連結的電子郵件已寄給您的帳戶中所設定的電子郵件地址。另外,請檢查垃圾郵件。", - "send_reset_password_mail": "修改密碼", + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "請輸入內容", + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, @@ -205,21 +205,21 @@ "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "註冊中…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "恭喜!您已經成功創建帳號。", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "名稱", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "請輸入您想要使用的顯示名稱", - "sign_up_page_email_hint": "電子郵件", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "電子郵件(必填)", - "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "電子信箱無效", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "使用者名稱:公開可見", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "請填入使用者名稱", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "請輸入一個有效的使用者名稱", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "使用者名稱不能包含空格、大寫字母或特殊字符", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "使用者名稱的長度不能超過 {value} 個字元", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -228,56 +228,56 @@ } }, "sign_up_page_password_hint": "密碼", - "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "請輸入密碼", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "請輸入有效密碼(至少 6 個字元)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "再次輸入密碼", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "請再次輸入密碼", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "密碼錯誤", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "使用及貢獻條款", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, - "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, - "donate_url": "", + "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." }, - "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "創建帳號時,必須同意使用條款,但是您仍然可以通過應用程式進行匿名捐款", + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, - "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "我是食品生產商", - "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "生產商/品牌", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "請輸入生產商或品牌名稱", + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "這個使用者名稱已存在,請改用其他名稱。", - "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "已經存在,請直接登入、或改用其他電子郵件。", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "請提供有效的電子郵件地址。", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", "@Settings": {}, "settingsTitle": "設定", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "主題", + "darkmode": "Theme", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, - "darkmode_dark": "深色", + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", "@darkmode_dark": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" }, - "darkmode_light": "淺色", + "darkmode_light": "Light", "@darkmode_light": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" }, - "darkmode_system_default": "系統預設值", + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, @@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, - "support_join_slack": "在我們的 Slack 頻道尋求幫助", - "support_via_forum": "在論壇上尋求幫助", - "support_via_email": "給我們傳送電子郵件", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "要將紀錄送出嗎?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "您是否希望將應用程式紀錄附在電子郵件中?", + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", "termsOfUse": "使用條款", "@termsOfUse": {}, - "about_this_app": "關於本程式", + "about_this_app": "About this app", "@about_this_app": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" }, @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ "@contribute": { "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" }, - "contribute_sw_development": "軟體開發", + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, @@ -314,31 +314,31 @@ "@contribute_develop_text": {}, "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "開發模式?", - "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "起用開發模式", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" }, - "contribute_improve_header": "改善", + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_header": "翻譯", + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" }, - "contribute_translate_link_text": "開始翻譯", + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, - "contribute_translate_text_2": "翻譯是專案的關鍵任務之一", + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, @@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, - "tap_to_answer": "點擊此處回答問題", + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "tap_to_answer_hint": "點擊此處並回答有關此產品的問題", + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." }, @@ -358,21 +358,21 @@ "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" }, - "saving_answer": "儲存您的回覆", + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", "@saving_answer": { "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." }, - "contribute_to_get_rewards": "幫忙提高食品透明度並獲得獎勵", + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", - "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "回答是", - "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "回答不是", - "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "跳過此問題", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "我的偏好設定", + "myPreferences": "My preferences", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, @@ -380,26 +380,26 @@ "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, - "join_us": "加入我們", + "join_us": "Join us", "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "您的個人檔案", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", - "myPreferences_settings_title": "應用程式設定", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", - "myPreferences_food_title": "食品偏好選項", - "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "選擇對您最至關重要的食物資訊", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", - "confirmResetPreferences": "重新設定食物偏好選項?", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "我的個人化排名", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, - "ranking_tab_all": "全部", + "ranking_tab_all": "All", "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" }, "@other": {}, - "profile_navbar_label": "個人檔案", + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "歷史紀錄", + "history_navbar_label": "查看紀錄", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, @@ -428,16 +428,16 @@ "@list_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" }, - "category": "按類別篩選", + "category": "Filter by category", "@category": { "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" }, - "category_all": "全部", + "category_all": "All", "@category_al": { "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" }, - "category_search": "(類別搜尋)", - "filter": "篩選器", + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", "@filter": { "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" }, @@ -457,26 +457,26 @@ "@Product": {}, "product": "產品", "@product": {}, - "unknownBrand": "未知品牌", + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", "@unknownBrand": {}, - "unknownProductName": "未知產品名稱", + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", "@unknownProductName": {}, - "label_refresh": "重新整理", + "label_refresh": "Refresh", "@label_refresh": { "description": "Refresh the cached product" }, - "image": "圖片", - "front_photo": "正面照片", + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", "@front_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" }, "ingredients": "成分", "@ingredients": {}, - "ingredients_editing_instructions": "保持原來的順序。在指定的情況下輸入百分比。用逗號或連字號分隔項目,用括號表示一種成分中含有的成分細項,並在下劃線之間輸入過敏原。", - "ingredients_editing_error": "儲存成分失敗。", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "未能獲取新的成分圖像。", - "ingredients_editing_title": "編輯成分", - "ingredients_photo": "成分照片", + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, @@ -484,19 +484,19 @@ "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", - "nutrition": "營養成分", + "nutrition": "營養素", "@nutrition": {}, - "nutrition_facts_photo": "營養標示相片", + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", "@nutrition_facts_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" }, - "packaging_information": "包裝資訊", + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", "@packaging_information": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" }, - "packaging_information_photo": "包裝資訊照片", + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", "@packaging_information_photo": {}, - "missing_product": "您發現了一個新產品!", + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, - "new_product": "新的產品", + "new_product": "New Product", "@new_product": {}, "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", "@new_product_dialog_title": { @@ -576,15 +576,15 @@ "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", - "other_interesting_photo_title": "更多奇妙的相片", - "front_photo_uploaded": "已上載正面包裝的相片", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, - "ingredients_photo_button_label": "成分照片", + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, - "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "已上載成分的相片", + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", - "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "營養標示相片", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", @@ -596,25 +596,25 @@ "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", - "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "食品加工程度未知", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, - "recycling_photo_button_label": "回收資訊的相片", + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, - "recycling_photo_uploaded": "已上載回收的相片", + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, - "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "更多奇妙的相片", + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, - "other_photo_uploaded": "已上傳其它相片", + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, - "retake_photo_button_label": "重拍", + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "選取相片", + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, @@ -646,37 +646,37 @@ "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "score_add_missing_ingredients": "添加缺少的成分", + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", - "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "補充營養成分", - "score_add_missing_product_category": "添加缺少的產品類別", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", - "score_update_nutrition_facts": "更新營養成分", - "nutrition_page_title": "營養成分", - "nutrition_page_unspecified": "產品未具體標明營養成分", - "nutrition_page_per_100g": "每 100 克", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "營養標籤", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", "nutrition_page_per_serving": "每個包含", - "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "新增營養素", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "份量", - "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "無效數值", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", - "nutrition_page_update_done": "產品更新了!", - "more_photos": "更多奇妙照片", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", "@more_photos": {}, - "no_product_found": "未發現產品", + "no_product_found": "No product found", "@no_product_found": {}, - "not_found": "無法查明:", - "searchPanelHeader": "搜尋或是掃瞄您的第一項產品", + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "食品重新整理中", + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, - "product_refreshed": "產品更新", + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", "@product_refreshed": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" }, @@ -692,31 +692,31 @@ "@download_new_version": { "description": "Download new version of the app text" }, - "could_not_refresh": "無法重新整理產品", + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", "@could_not_refresh": { "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" }, - "product_internet_error": "因為網路錯誤,無法取得關於此產品的資訊。", - "cached_results_from": "顯示結果自:", + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", "@cached_results_from": { "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" }, "@Product Addition": {}, - "added_product_thanks": "謝謝您新增此產品。", + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", "@added_product_thanks": {}, - "product_search_same_category": "同類別中的其它產品", + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", "@product_search_same_category": { "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" }, - "product_improvement_add_category": "新增一個類別以計算 Nutri-Score。", + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" }, - "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "新增營養成分和類別以計算營養評分。", + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" }, @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "此營養成分表已過時:請更新。", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "請選擇國家", + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, @@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, - "product_removed_history": "產品已從歷史記錄中刪除", + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", "@product_removed_history": { "description": "Product got removed from history" }, @@ -764,19 +764,19 @@ "@product_removed_list": { "description": "Product got removed from list" }, - "product_could_not_remove": "無法移除產品", + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", "@product_could_not_remove": { "description": "Could not remove product from a list" }, "@Lists": {}, - "no_prodcut_in_list": "此清單裡沒有任何產品", - "no_product_in_section": "此部門仍未有產品", - "recently_seen_products": "歷史紀錄", + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "查看紀錄", "clear": "清除", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, - "really_clear": "您確定要刪除此清單嗎?", + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", "@Plural": {}, "pct_match": "{percent}% match", "@pct_match": { @@ -840,16 +840,16 @@ "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, "retry_button_label": "重試", - "connect_with_us": "聯繫我們", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", "twitter": "Twitter", "twitter_link": "", - "blog": "部落格", - "faq": "常見問題", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", "discover": "探索", - "how_to_contribute": "如何貢獻", - "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "您可以點擊卡片的任何部分以獲取有關您所看到內容的更多詳細信息。現在就試試!", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" }, @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ "@authorize": { "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" }, - "refuse_button_label": "拒絕", + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", "@refuse": { "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" }, @@ -988,11 +988,11 @@ "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" }, - "product_list_your_ranking": "你的排名", + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", "@product_list_your_ranking": { "description": "Your ranking screen title" }, - "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "無歷史資料", + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", "@product_list_icon_desc": { "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" }, @@ -1018,15 +1018,15 @@ "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "正在下載資料", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, - "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "無法下載資料", + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { "description": "Default loading dialog error message" }, - "account_delete": "刪除帳號", + "account_delete": "Delete account", "@account_delete": { "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" }, @@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ "@user_profile": { "description": "User account (if connected)" }, - "user_profile_title_guest": "歡迎!", + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ } } }, - "email_subject_account_deletion": "刪除帳號", + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, @@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ "@permission_photo_none_found": { "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" }, - "permission_photo_denied": "未授權相機訪問權限", + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, @@ -1165,11 +1165,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { "description": "Product edition - Barcode" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "基本資料", + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "產品名稱、品牌、數量", + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" }, @@ -1181,15 +1181,15 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "照片", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "相片", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "添加或更新照片", + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "標籤和認證", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, @@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "產地", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "原產地", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" }, @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "地區", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" }, @@ -1253,15 +1253,15 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "產銷履歷代碼", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062,FR 62.448.034 CE,84 R 20,33 RECOLANT 522", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062、FR 62.448.034 CE、84 R 20、33 RECOLANT 522", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "產銷履歷代碼", + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" }, @@ -1269,15 +1269,15 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "類別", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "分類", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "類別", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "分類", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "類別", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "分類", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, @@ -1300,18 +1300,18 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "新增", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "加入產品", "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養成分", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "營養素表", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "營養、酒精含量⋯⋯", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, @@ -1325,8 +1325,8 @@ }, "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", - "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "類別", - "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "分類", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "摘錄成分", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, @@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ "@user_list_empty_label": { "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" }, - "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "user_list_button_add_product": "加入列表", "@user_list_button_add_product": { "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "好", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "確定", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" }, - "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "已完成", + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" }, @@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" }, - "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "沿用與編輯此搜尋的項目", + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" }, @@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "使用及貢獻條款", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, @@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, - "category_picker_screen_title": "類別", + "category_picker_screen_title": "分類", "@category_picker_screen_title": { "description": "Categories picker screen title" }, @@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ } } }, - "barcode_invalid_error": "條碼無效", + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", "@basic_details_add_error": { @@ -2105,7 +2105,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "形狀", + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { "description": "Field label" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "載入中…", + "loading": "載入中……", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, - "product_list_create": "Create", + "product_list_create": "新增", "@product_list_create": { "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" }, From 3bb3dbd2aa3c8cf80ddfc938cf3754f8e3bae8d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 146/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tatar) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tt.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tt.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tt.arb index 78efd0c7876..b1aa8f132db 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tt.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tt.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Логин", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Тәрҗемә итү", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Бетерү", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From dd1a985de248857e707e1fa661d8b73b24197bd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 147/216] New translations app_en.arb (Malayalam) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ml.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ml.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ml.arb index 97477932a92..31ce90c3a81 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ml.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ml.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 7c03c929c6087b63c5592f3c01e7e7f6187631ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 148/216] New translations app_en.arb (Breton) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_br.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_br.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_br.arb index a5d3e6ad8ee..f39c00ed24f 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_br.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_br.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Anv arveriad", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Dilemel", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b496218be1ebbdb0d4e9b7aaa2005a9dc0dadd35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 149/216] New translations app_en.arb (Romansh) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_rm.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_rm.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_rm.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_rm.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_rm.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b11d54bf55f5394ff9a5d1e757492ef65c4e8b0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 150/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tibetan) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bo.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 654826528cb370e88252b195d5b566b3f98e8f43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 151/216] New translations app_en.arb (Latin) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_la.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_la.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_la.arb index deaf02f2993..efdd8a59ad2 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_la.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_la.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 4fdd5964d483eab9551a403315b246532a43b398 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 152/216] New translations app_en.arb (Flemish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vls.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vls.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vls.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vls.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vls.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From aeaeb5e33d66d8ebcec45e35f305ca658dced006 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 153/216] New translations app_en.arb (Bosnian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bs.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bs.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bs.arb index 0ffe7aa5a92..b787ccad471 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bs.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bs.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Dobrodošli u Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts je globalna neprofitna organizacija koju pokreću lokalne zajednice.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Birajte hranu koja je dobra za vas i planetu.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Pogledajte podatke o hrani koji su relevantni za vaše preference.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Prijavite se na svoj račun Open Food Facts da sačuvate svoje doprinose", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Netačno korisničko ime ili lozinka.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 5f36f79f3c2d1eeebbd103d5e079ae1e13163ee8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 154/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sinhala) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_si.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_si.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_si.arb index d7e96447e16..085f6b591b9 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_si.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_si.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 94b803bcaaec2fbf59beb3ff7614f8b48c34c97d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 155/216] New translations app_en.arb (Cornish) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kw.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kw.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kw.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kw.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kw.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From be3387a1923f6e829c2ab834d9bd65d8fbf56a3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 156/216] New translations app_en.arb (Uzbek) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uz.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uz.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uz.arb index 2a80dca2f98..fd10e46485c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uz.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_uz.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Open Food Facts ga ehson qilish", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 6301e5ca4a63a8834a4ca001b5e9a475280f1536 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 157/216] New translations app_en.arb (Kannada) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kn.arb index 5399790db0a..91697e934a5 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "ಅಳಿಸಿ", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 05a5271ce3662ae154af541a420a65bd53535cbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 158/216] New translations app_en.arb (Akan) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ak.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ak.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ak.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ak.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ak.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 0fcc62d3175724b4a1abdb0d31b71882c7e80c76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 159/216] New translations app_en.arb (Songhay) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_son.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_son.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_son.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_son.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_son.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 85a5773a1fd395a51b484b65e1782e1091b45814 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 160/216] New translations app_en.arb (Assamese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_as.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_as.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_as.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_as.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_as.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 13745b485bbc2b27040f58afa14333423a94dfa7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 161/216] New translations app_en.arb (Scottish Gaelic) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gd.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gd.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gd.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gd.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_gd.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From aa38d94a7e25eb4bb72278037532727b86de0004 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 162/216] New translations app_en.arb (Wolof) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wo.arb index 27a6a4cc4ad..870c8edb8b4 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 8f406e38ea55a70d76989d102710a489679291d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 163/216] New translations app_en.arb (Southern Ndebele) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nr.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nr.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nr.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From d96d3be63f639357f36b674c05d16daac700e77a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 164/216] New translations app_en.arb (Walloon) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wa.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wa.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wa.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wa.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_wa.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 78069934cbec3bc769ad43f926a16abaf68a2bcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 165/216] New translations app_en.arb (Asturian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ast.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ast.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ast.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ast.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ast.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 320b23708e836dc520666e25f459d09a8ed6c7d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 166/216] New translations app_en.arb (Malagasy) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mg.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mg.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mg.arb index 051eb7641ab..d1a635b4ce0 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mg.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_mg.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Hanome fanampiana ny Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From eddffea303dcbdf224371cb77a859b59a3df2441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 167/216] New translations app_en.arb (Acholi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ach.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ach.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ach.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ach.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..95172e2aefb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ach.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Cv", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "J", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Uk bodor", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "P", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 016106c0e9318a77d090cd500663d1752df890f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 168/216] New translations app_en.arb (Swahili) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sw.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sw.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sw.arb index e86cb57d285..567467bb9ce 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sw.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sw.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 638931d8e2c3f22727e0f100002a017cf9e1c961 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 169/216] New translations app_en.arb (Odia) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb index 2e6de9e39a0..a688ed69c6a 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_or.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "ଯୋଗଦାନ ପାଇଁ ଧନ୍ୟଵାଦ", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "ଅନୁଵାଦ କରନ୍ତୁ", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "ହଁ ବୋଲି ଉତ୍ତର ଦେବା", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "ନାହିଁ ବୋଲି ଉତ୍ତର ଦେବା", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "ଏହି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଟିକୁ ବାଦ୍ ଦିଅ", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e5c01146d6e40362e8ede93092989df4248026d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 170/216] New translations app_en.arb (Norwegian Bokmal) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb | 184 +++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb index b4a324f5ae3..1f62420ae1f 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nb.arb @@ -114,20 +114,20 @@ }, "licenses": "Lisenser", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Looking for", + "looking_for": "Leter etter", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Velkommen til Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts er en global, ideell organisasjon, som er drevet av lokale.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Velg mat som er bra for deg og planeten.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "Se matdata som er relevant for dine preferanser.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Logg inn med din Open Food Facts-konto for å lagre dine bidrag", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Feil brukernavn eller passord.", - "login": "Username", + "login": "Logg inn", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, "password": "Passord", - "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "forgot_password": "Glemt passordet", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" }, @@ -183,43 +183,43 @@ "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, - "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", - "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "reset_password_explanation_text": "I tilfelle du har glemt passordet ditt, skriv inn brukernavnet eller e-postadressen din for å motta instruksjoner for tilbakestilling av passordet. Husk å sjekke Spam-mappen om du ikke mottar e-posten.", + "username_or_email": "Brukernavn eller e-post", "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", - "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "reset_password_done": "En e-post med en lenke for å tilbakestille passordet ditt er sendt til e-posten knyttet til kontoen din. Sjekk også spam-mappen din", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Bytt passord", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" }, - "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "enter_some_text": "Skriv inn tekst", "@enter_some_text": { "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" }, - "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "sign_up_page_title": "Registrer deg", "@sign_up_page_title": { "description": "Header" }, - "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Registrer deg", "@sign_up_page_action_button": { "description": "Button for signing up" }, - "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Registrerer…", "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, - "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Gratulerer! Kontoen din er nå opprettet.", "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Navn", - "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", - "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", - "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", - "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", - "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Vennligst skriv inn navnet du vil andre skal se deg som", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-post", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-post er påkrevd", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ugyldig e-postadresse", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Brukernavn: Synlig offentlig", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Skriv inn et brukernavn", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig brukernavn", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Brukernavnet kan ikke inneholde mellomrom, store bokstaver eller spesialtegn.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Brukernavnet kan ikke være på over {value} tegn totalt", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -229,21 +229,21 @@ }, "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Passord", "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Vennligst angi passord", - "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig passord (minst 6 tegn)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bekreft passord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Vennligst bekreft passordet ditt", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passordene er ikke like", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, - "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "vilkår for bruk og bidrag", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -253,19 +253,19 @@ "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" }, - "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", - "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", - "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", - "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", - "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", - "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "Jeg er en matprodusent", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Produsent/merke", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Skriv inn navnet på produsenten eller et merkenavn", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "Brukernavnet er allerede i bruk, velg et annet brukernavn.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "er allerede i bruk, logg inn på kontoen eller prøv med en annen e-post.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig epostadresse.", "@Settings": {}, "settingsTitle": "Innstillinger", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, - "darkmode": "Theme", + "darkmode": "Tema", "@darkmode": { "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" }, @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" }, "support_join_slack": "Be om hjelp i vår Slack-kanal", - "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_forum": "Be om hjelp på forumet vårt", "support_via_email": "Send oss en e-post", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Sende app-logger til support?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Ønsker du å inkludere applikasjonslogger som vedlegg til e-posten din?", "termsOfUse": "Bruksvilkår", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "Om denne appen", @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Doner til Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Oversett", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Din profil", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "Appinnstillinger", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Matpreferanser", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Velg den informasjonen om mat som er viktigst for deg.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Tilbakestill matpreferansene dine?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,11 +1652,11 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "vilkår for bruk og bidrag", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Slett", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From cadf3170e8286c1738c53fe578c57422c290bbd4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 171/216] New translations app_en.arb (Occitan) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_oc.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_oc.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_oc.arb index aec0005be9e..e2bd752057b 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_oc.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_oc.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Suprimir", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 5cf2da4a5f408f66ce11392480ed61dc8643b8b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 172/216] New translations app_en.arb (Valencian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_val.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_val.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_val.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_val.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..efdd8a59ad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_val.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Username", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From e7a5de81d6298c366b45a8599af443bda68f6843 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 173/216] New translations app_en.arb (Serbian (Latin)) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb | 130 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb index 59fdac9ebcb..a638ecbb96d 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb @@ -4,28 +4,28 @@ "@sep": { "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." }, - "yes": "Yes", + "yes": "Da", "@yes": {}, - "add": "Додај", + "add": "Dodajte", "@add": {}, "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "Reason", "@reason": {}, - "okay": "Okay", + "okay": "U redu", "@okay": {}, "create": "Create", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "applyButtonText": "Primeni", "@applyButtonText": {}, - "next_label": "Next", + "next_label": "Sledeće", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", - "save": "Save", + "save": "Sačuvaj", "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", "skip": "Skip", "cancel": "Cancel", @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ "@ignore": { "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." }, - "close": "Затвори", + "close": "Zatvori", "@close": {}, - "no": "No", + "no": "Ne", "@no": {}, - "stop": "Stop", + "stop": "Stani", "@stop": {}, "finish": "Finish", "@finish": {}, @@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "reset_food_prefs": "Resetujte preferencije hrane", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, "error": "Something went wrong", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "error_occurred": "Došlo je do greške", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "featureInProgress": "I dalje radimo na ovoj funkciji, budite u toku", "@featureInProgress": {}, "label_web": "View on the web", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Learn more", + "learnMore": "Saznajte Više", "@learnMore": {}, - "unknown": "Unknown", + "unknown": "Nepoznato", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ }, "licenses": "Licences", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Looking for", + "looking_for": "Tražimo", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, @@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "productDataUtility": "Pogledajte podatke o hrani koji su relevantni za vaše preferencije.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "healthCardUtility": "Birajte hranu koja je dobra za vas.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", - "login": "Login", + "login": "Korisničko ime", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, - "sign_in": "Sign in", + "sign_in": "Prijavite se", "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ "@sign_out_confirmation": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" }, - "password": "Password", + "password": "Lozinka", "forgot_password": "Forgot password", "@forgot_password": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "Reset password", + "reset_password": "Resetuj lozinku", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" }, "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", - "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naziv", "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ } } }, - "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Lozinka", "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", "@Settings": {}, - "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "settingsTitle": "Podešavanja", "@settingsTitle": { "description": "The title of the Settings page" }, @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "Contributors", + "contributors": "Saradnici", "support": "Support", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", - "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "termsOfUse": "Uslovi korišćenja", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "About this app", "@about_this_app": { @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "myPreferences": "Moje preference", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "Moje personalizovano rangiranje", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, @@ -416,11 +416,11 @@ "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "Скенирање", + "scan_navbar_label": "Skeniraj", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, - "history_navbar_label": "History", + "history_navbar_label": "Istorija", "@history_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" }, @@ -449,13 +449,13 @@ "@scan_history": { "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" }, - "search": "Search", + "search": "Pretraživanje", "@search": { "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" }, "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", "@Product": {}, - "product": "Производ", + "product": "Proizvod", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", "@unknownBrand": {}, @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ "@front_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" }, - "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "ingredients": "Sastojci", "@ingredients": {}, "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", - "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "nutrition": "Nutritivne vrednosti", "@nutrition": {}, "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", "@nutrition_facts_photo": { @@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", - "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "po porciji", "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", - "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porcija", "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ "no_product_found": "No product found", "@no_product_found": {}, "not_found": "not found:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "searchPanelHeader": "Pretraži ili skeniraj svoj prvi artikal", "@Product query status": {}, "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", "@refreshing_product": { @@ -771,8 +771,8 @@ "@Lists": {}, "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", - "recently_seen_products": "History", - "clear": "Clear", + "recently_seen_products": "Istorija", + "clear": "Obriši", "@clear": { "description": "Clears a product list" }, @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, - "retry_button_label": "Покушај поново", + "retry_button_label": "Pokušaj ponovo", "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ "twitter_link": "", "blog": "Blog", "faq": "FAQ", - "discover": "Discover", + "discover": "Otkrij", "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ "settings_app_app": "Application", "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", "settings_app_camera": "Camera", - "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_products": "Proizvodi", "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" @@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, - "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "permission_photo_error": "Greška", "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ "@permission_photo_denied": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" }, - "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "edit_product_label": "Izmenite proizvod", "@edit_product_label": { "description": "Edit product button label" }, @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ } } }, - "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barkod", "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { "description": "Product edition - Barcode" }, @@ -1197,23 +1197,23 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "oznaka", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "oznaka", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Prodavnice", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "prodavnica", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "prodavnica", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "држава", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "država", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, @@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "држава", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "država", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, @@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категорија", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategorija", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категорија", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategorija", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, @@ -1296,18 +1296,18 @@ "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", - "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Sastojci", "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Додај", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Dodajte", "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Hranljiva vrednost", "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" }, @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "edit_product_form_save": "Izmeni", "@edit_product_form_save": { "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" }, @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Назад", + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Nazad", "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { "description": "Button label when no category is available" }, @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ОК", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" }, - "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "edit_photo_button_label": "Izmeni", "@edit_photo_button_label": { "description": "Edit photo button label" }, @@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ "brand_name": "Brand name", "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", "quantity": "Quantity and weight", - "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode": "Barkod", "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", "@barcode_barcode": { "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", @@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ "@gallery_source_label": { "description": "Label for the gallery image source" }, - "share": "Share", + "share": "Podeli", "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Loading…", + "loading": "Učitavam", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ "@language_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" }, - "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "action_delete_list": "Obriši", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, From 70d15a8fdc1577b395e0240c51c770b80d9f977d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 174/216] New translations app_en.arb (Amharic) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_am.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_am.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_am.arb index a0482e4b8cb..8b7abebb39a 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_am.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_am.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 6dc1cecf6e5d2e76958c169e1fe85c2cba0f63bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 175/216] New translations app_en.arb (Nepali) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ne.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ne.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ne.arb index 65ed5ea5bc3..19f46fde4ef 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ne.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ne.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "प्रयोगकर्ता नाम", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b00ce095aeec5d391654872035ed18d743b0748e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 176/216] New translations app_en.arb (Montenegrin (Cyrillic)) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb | 78 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb index a638ecbb96d..4d7475c3435 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sr.arb @@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ }, "yes": "Da", "@yes": {}, - "add": "Dodajte", + "add": "Додај", "@add": {}, "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", "@account_delete_message": {}, "reason": "Reason", "@reason": {}, - "okay": "U redu", + "okay": "Okay", "@okay": {}, "create": "Create", "@create": { "description": "An action to create" }, - "applyButtonText": "Primeni", + "applyButtonText": "Apply", "@applyButtonText": {}, - "next_label": "Sledeće", + "next_label": "Next", "@next_label": { "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." }, @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "@close": {}, "no": "Ne", "@no": {}, - "stop": "Stani", + "stop": "Stop", "@stop": {}, "finish": "Finish", "@finish": {}, @@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ "@calculate": { "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." }, - "reset_food_prefs": "Resetujte preferencije hrane", + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", "@reset": { "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." }, "error": "Something went wrong", "@error": {}, - "error_occurred": "Došlo je do greške", + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", "@error_occurred": {}, - "featureInProgress": "I dalje radimo na ovoj funkciji, budite u toku", + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", "@featureInProgress": {}, "label_web": "View on the web", "@label_web": {}, - "learnMore": "Saznajte Više", + "learnMore": "Learn more", "@learnMore": {}, - "unknown": "Nepoznato", + "unknown": "Unknown", "@unknown": { "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" }, @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ }, "licenses": "Licences", "@licenses": {}, - "looking_for": "Tražimo", + "looking_for": "Looking for", "@looking_for": { "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" }, @@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Pogledajte podatke o hrani koji su relevantni za vaše preferencije.", + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Birajte hranu koja je dobra za vas.", + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "@create_account": { "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" }, - "sign_in": "Prijavite se", + "sign_in": "Sign in", "@sign_in": { "description": "Button label: For sign in" }, @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "Resetuj lozinku", + "reset_password": "Reset password", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "Saradnici", + "contributors": "Contributors", "support": "Support", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", - "termsOfUse": "Uslovi korišćenja", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "About this app", "@about_this_app": { @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", "@Personal preferences": {}, - "myPreferences": "Moje preference", + "myPreferences": "My preferences", "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" }, - "myPersonalizedRanking": "Moje personalizovano rangiranje", + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "@profile_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" }, - "scan_navbar_label": "Skeniraj", + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", "@scan_navbar_label": { "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" }, @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ }, "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", "@Product": {}, - "product": "Proizvod", + "product": "Производ", "@product": {}, "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", "@unknownBrand": {}, @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", - "nutrition_page_per_serving": "po porciji", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Porcija", "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ "no_product_found": "No product found", "@no_product_found": {}, "not_found": "not found:", - "searchPanelHeader": "Pretraži ili skeniraj svoj prvi artikal", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", "@Product query status": {}, "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", "@refreshing_product": { @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" }, - "retry_button_label": "Pokušaj ponovo", + "retry_button_label": "Retry", "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", "instagram": "Instagram", "instagram_link": "", @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ "twitter_link": "", "blog": "Blog", "faq": "FAQ", - "discover": "Otkrij", + "discover": "Discover", "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ "settings_app_app": "Application", "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", "settings_app_camera": "Camera", - "settings_app_products": "Proizvodi", + "settings_app_products": "Products", "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" @@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, - "permission_photo_error": "Greška", + "permission_photo_error": "Error", "@permission_photo_error": { "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" }, @@ -1197,11 +1197,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "oznaka", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "oznaka", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" }, @@ -1209,11 +1209,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "prodavnica", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "prodavnica", + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" }, @@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "država", + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "држава", "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" }, @@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "država", + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "држава", "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" }, @@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "kategorija", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "категорија", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "kategorija", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "категорија", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, @@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" }, - "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Dodajte", + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Додај", "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", @@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" }, - "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ОК", + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" }, @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ } } }, - "loading": "Učitavam", + "loading": "Loading…", "@loading": { "description": "Loading…" }, @@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ "@language_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" }, - "action_delete_list": "Obriši", + "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, From eb99c4c6b69e90bfaf7aaac50d5fe2e3cb26b71f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 177/216] New translations app_en.arb (Dutch, Belgium) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb | 176 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb index c70c50bea4c..445249441fa 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_nl.arb @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ "@no": {}, "stop": "Stop", "@stop": {}, - "finish": "Voltooien", + "finish": "Beëindigen", "@finish": {}, "calculate": "Berekenen", "@calculate": { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ "@error_occurred": {}, "featureInProgress": "We werken nog aan deze functie, wacht af", "@featureInProgress": {}, - "label_web": "Bekijk in een browser", + "label_web": "Bekijk op het web", "@label_web": {}, "learnMore": "Meer informatie", "@learnMore": {}, @@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ "@offUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, - "productDataUtility": "Zie de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", + "productDataUtility": "Bekijk de voedselgegevens die relevant zijn voor uw voorkeuren.", "@productDataUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." }, - "healthCardUtility": "Kies de producten die goed voor je zijn.", + "healthCardUtility": "Kies voedingsmiddelen die goed voor je zijn.", "@healthCardUtility": { "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." }, @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ "@user_management": {}, "sign_in_text": "Log in op je Open Food Facts account om je bijdragen op te slaan", "incorrect_credentials": "Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.", - "login": "Inloggen", + "login": "Log in", "@login": { "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" }, - "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", + "login_page_username_or_email": "Voer je gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in", "login_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", "create_account": "Account aanmaken", "@create_account": { @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ "@view_profile": { "description": "Button label: For to show your account" }, - "reset_password": "Wachtwoord resetten", + "reset_password": "Paswoord resetten", "@reset_password": { "description": "Forgot password page title" }, @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ "@username_or_email": { "description": "Text field hint for password reset" }, - "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap.", + "reset_password_done": "Een e-mail met een link om je wachtwoord te resetten is verstuurd naar het e-mailadres dat gekoppeld is aan je account. Controleer ook je spammap", "send_reset_password_mail": "Wachtwoord wijzigen", "@send_reset_password_mail": { "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Naam", "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Voer de weergavenaam in die u wilt gebruiken", "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", - "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is verplicht", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is vereist", "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Ongeldig e-mailadres", "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Gebruikersnaam: Openbaar zichtbaar", - "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer een gebruikersnaam in", - "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a.u.b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Voer aub. een gebruikersnaam in", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Vul a. u. b. een geldige gebruikersnaam in", "sign_up_page_username_description": "Gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties, hoofdletters of speciale tekens bevatten.", - "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "De gebruikersnaam mag niet langer zijn dan {value} tekens", "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Wachtwoord", "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Voer een wachtwoord in alstublieft", "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Voer een geldig wachtwoord in (minimaal 6 tekens)", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Bevestig wachtwoord", - "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig a.u.b. het nieuwe wachtwoord", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Wachtwoord bevestigen", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Bevestig uw wachtwoord", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen", "sign_up_page_agree_text": "Ik ga akkoord met de Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, - "contributors": "Medewerkers", + "contributors": "Bijdragers", "support": "Ondersteuning", "@support": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ "support_via_forum": "Vraag om hulp op ons forum", "support_via_email": "Stuur ons een e-mail", "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "App-logboeken verzenden?", - "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken als bijlage bij uw e-mail voegen?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Wilt u toepassingslogboeken toevoegen aan uw e-mail?", "termsOfUse": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden", "@termsOfUse": {}, "about_this_app": "Over deze app", @@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ "@join_us": { "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, - "myPreferences_profile_title": "Uw profiel", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Jouw profiel", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Beheer je Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App-instellingen", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Donkere modus, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Voedselvoorkeuren", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als je er een hebt.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Kies welke informatie over voedsel voor u het belangrijkst is, om voedsel te rangschikken volgens uw voorkeuren, bekijk eerst de informatie die u belangrijk vindt en ontvang een compatibiliteitsoverzicht. Die voedselvoorkeuren blijven op uw apparaat staan en zijn niet gekoppeld aan uw Open Food Facts-bijdragersaccount, als u er een heeft.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Voedselvoorkeuren resetten?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ "@myPersonalizedRanking": { "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." }, - "ranking_tab_all": "Alles", + "ranking_tab_all": "Alle", "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "Een geweldige overeenkomst voor u", "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Zeer slechte overeenkomst", "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Onbekende overeenkomst", - "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Ververs de lijst met je nieuwe voorkeuren", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Vernieuw de lijst met uw nieuwe voorkeuren", "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" }, @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ "@category": { "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" }, - "category_all": "Alles", + "category_all": "Alle", "@category_al": { "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" }, @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ "@unknownBrand": {}, "unknownProductName": "Onbekende productnaam", "@unknownProductName": {}, - "label_refresh": "Vernieuw", + "label_refresh": "Herladen", "@label_refresh": { "description": "Refresh the cached product" }, @@ -474,9 +474,9 @@ "@ingredients": {}, "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Bewaar de originele volgorde. Vermeld het percentage indien gespecificeerd. Scheid met een komma of koppelteken, gebruik haakjes voor ingrediënten van een ingrediënt en geef allergenen aan tussen onderstrepingstekens.", "ingredients_editing_error": "Kan de ingrediënten niet opslaan.", - "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Kan geen afbeelding voor de nieuwe ingrediënten ophalen.", "ingredients_editing_title": "Ingrediënten bewerken", - "ingredients_photo": "Ingrediënten foto", + "ingredients_photo": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", "@ingredients_photo": { "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" }, @@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ }, "front_packaging_photo_title": "Foto van voorkant verpakking", "ingredients_photo_title": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", - "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van de voedingswaardetabel", - "recycling_photo_title": "Foto recycleren", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Foto van voedingswaarden", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling afbeelding", "other_interesting_photo_title": "Andere interessante foto's", "front_photo_uploaded": "Foto voorkant geüpload", "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, - "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingrediënten foto", + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Foto van de ingrediëntenlijst", "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Foto van ingrediënten geüpload", "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Voedselverwerkingsniveau onbekend", "new_product_title_pictures": "Laten we wat foto's maken!", "new_product_title_misc": "En enkele basisgegevens…", - "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tik om 3 vragen NU te beantwoorden om de Nutri-Score, de Eco-Score & de Ultra-verwerking (NOVA) te berekenen!", "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Foto van voedingswaarden geüpload", "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, "recycling_photo_button_label": "Foto van recyclen", @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ "@retake_photo_button_label": { "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." }, - "selecting_photo": "Selecteer foto", + "selecting_photo": "Foto selecteren", "@selecting_photo": { "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" }, @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Afbeelding van de voorkant uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Voorste afbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Voedingswaardenafbeelding uploaden naar Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploaden van afbeelding van voedingswaarden naar Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ "not_found": "niet gevonden:", "searchPanelHeader": "Zoek of scan uw eerste product", "@Product query status": {}, - "refreshing_product": "Herladen product", + "refreshing_product": "Product herladen", "@refreshing_product": { "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" }, @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" }, - "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: ververs deze alstublieft.", + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "De voedingsafbeelding is verouderd: vernieuw deze alstublieft.", "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" }, @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" }, - "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b", + "country_chooser_label": "Kies een land a.u.b.", "@country_chooser_label": { "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" }, @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" }, - "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige milieukenmerken zijn locatie-specifiek", + "country_selection_explanation": "Sommige omgevingskenmerken zijn locatiespecifiek", "@country_label": { "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." }, @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ "@product_removed_comparison": { "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" }, - "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "native_app_settings": "Native app-instellingen", "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, @@ -820,18 +820,18 @@ "count": {} } }, - "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Vergelijk {count} producten}}", "@plural_compare_x_products": { "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "compare_products_mode": "Vergelijk Producten", + "compare_products_mode": "Producten vergelijken", "@compare_products_mode": { "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" }, - "compare_products_appbar_title": "Vergelijk Producten", + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Producten vergelijken", "@compare_products_appbar_title": { "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " }, @@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", + "consent_analytics_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", "@consent_analytics_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "@permissions_page_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, - "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden in- en uitgeschakeld.", + "permissions_page_body2": "Als u van gedachten verandert, kan deze optie op elk moment in de instellingen worden aan- en uitgeschakeld.", "@permissions_page_body2": { "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" }, @@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ } } }, - "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp versie:{appVersion}\nApp build nummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package naam:{appPackageName}", + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp-versie:{appVersion}\nApp-buildnummer:{appBuildNumber}\nApp-pakketnaam:{appPackageName}", "@contact_form_body": { "description": "Contact form content", "placeholders": { @@ -1004,21 +1004,21 @@ "@product_list_empty_message": { "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" }, - "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Verversen van {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in jouw geschiedens", "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Producten}} verversen voltooid", "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens worden gedownload...", + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Gegevens downloaden", "@loading_dialog_default_title": { "description": "Default loading dialog title" }, @@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ "@camera_settings_title": { "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" }, - "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij scannen", + "camera_play_sound_title": "Een geluid afspelen bij het scannen", "@camera_play_sound_title": { "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" }, @@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto bewerken", + "product_edit_photo_title": "Foto Bewerken", "@product_edit_photo_title": { "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" }, @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ }, "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Toestemming geweigerd", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "Omdat je eerder de cameratoestemming hebt geweigerd, moet je deze handmatig toestaan via de Instellingen.", - "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open instellingen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Instellingen openen", "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Annuleer", "permission_photo_none_found": "Geen camera gedetecteerd", "@permission_photo_none_found": { @@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ "description": "Edit product button label" }, "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Voeg een nieuw(e) {itemType} toe", - "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "description": "Tooltip om te laten zien wanneer de gebruiker lang op de (+) knop drukt", "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { "placeholders": { "itemType": { @@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" }, - "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels en certificeringen", + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Etiketten & certificaten", "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" }, @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Vermeld alleen de meest specifieke categorie. Bovenliggende categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Duid enkel de meest specifieke categorie aan. De \"verwante\" categorieën worden automatisch toegevoegd.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, @@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" }, - "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan voor het verlaten van deze pagina?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Wilt u uw wijzigingen opslaan voordat u deze pagina verlaat?", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Wijzigingen opslaan", "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Wijzigingen negeren", "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingrediënten", @@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Basisdetails aanvullen", "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Nog niet geïmplementeerd", "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categorieën", - "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Ingrediënten extraheren", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingrediënten", "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" }, @@ -1346,11 +1346,11 @@ "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" }, - "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst van producten", + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "Nieuwe lijst met producten", "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijst hernoemen", + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Lijstnaam wijzigen", "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" }, @@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ "@user_list_add_product": { "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" }, - "user_list_button_new": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", + "user_list_button_new": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", "@user_list_button_new": { "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" }, @@ -1390,11 +1390,11 @@ "@user_list_name_hint": { "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" }, - "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht!", + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Naam is verplicht", "@user_list_name_error_empty": { "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" }, - "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik!", + "user_list_name_error_already": "Deze naam is al in gebruik", "@user_list_name_error_already": { "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" }, @@ -1402,11 +1402,11 @@ "@user_list_name_error_same": { "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" }, - "try_again": "Probeer opnieuw", + "try_again": "Probeer het opnieuw", "@try_again": { "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" }, - "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden!", + "there_was_an_error": "Er is een fout opgetreden", "@there_was_an_error": { "description": "Label that presents a error" }, @@ -1427,11 +1427,11 @@ "@camera_toggle_flash": { "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" }, - "camera_enable_flash": "Schakel flitser in", + "camera_enable_flash": "Flits inschakelen", "@camera_enable_flash": { "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" }, - "camera_disable_flash": "Flitser uitschakelen", + "camera_disable_flash": "Flits uitschakelen", "@camera_disable_flash": { "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" }, @@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, - "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het wijzigen van de status van uw flitser. Zorg ervoor dat de zaklamp niet reeds is ingeschakeld op uw smartphone.", "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" }, @@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" }, - "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "Uitzondering", + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "uitzondering", "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" }, @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" }, - "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeeldingen", + "edit_photo_language_none": "Nog geen afbeelding", "@edit_photo_language_none": { "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" }, @@ -1722,11 +1722,11 @@ "@category_picker_screen_title": { "description": "Categories picker screen title" }, - "basic_details": "Basisgegevens", + "basic_details": "Basisdetails", "product_name": "Productnaam", "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Voer de productnaam in", "brand_name": "Merknaam", - "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a.u.b. de merknaam in", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Vul a. u. b. de merknaam in", "quantity": "Hoeveelheid en gewicht", "barcode": "Streepjescode", "barcode_barcode": "Streepjescode: {barcode}", @@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ }, "barcode_invalid_error": "Ongeldige barcode", "basic_details_add_success": "Basisgegevens succesvol toegevoegd", - "basic_details_add_error": "Kan basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", + "basic_details_add_error": "Kan de basisgegevens niet toevoegen. Probeer het later opnieuw", "@basic_details_add_error": { "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" }, @@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "U staat op het punt geselecteerde items in uw geschiedenis te wissen", "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Selecteer een of meer items om te wissen", - "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst ({name}) te wissen: weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan?", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "Je staat op het punt deze lijst te wissen ({name}): weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?", "@confirm_clear_user_list": { "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" }, - "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "U staat op het punt de lijst \"{name}\" te verwijderen.\nWeet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?", "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", "placeholders": { @@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ "@product_list_select": { "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" }, - "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Lege lijst} =1{Een product} other{{count} producten}}", "@user_list_length": { "description": "Length of a user product list", "placeholders": { @@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" }, - "choose_image_source_title": "Kies afbeeldingsbron", + "choose_image_source_title": "Kies een afbeeldingsbron", "@choose_image_source_title": { "description": "Title for the image source chooser" }, @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ "@copy_to_clipboard": { "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" }, - "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer streepjescode naar klembord", + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Kopieer de barcode naar het klembord", "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", "placeholders": { @@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ } } }, - "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Streepjescode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} gekopieerd naar het klembord!", "language_picker_label": "Uw taal", "@language_picker_label": { "description": "Choose Application Language" @@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ "@product_task_background_schedule": { "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" }, - "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail-apps!", + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "Geen e-mail apps!", "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" }, @@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ "@offline_data": { "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" }, - "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om de verstrekte informatie automatisch te extraheren.", + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload een afbeelding om automatisch de informatie die erop staat te extraheren.", "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" }, @@ -2060,14 +2060,14 @@ "@robotoff_continue": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" }, - "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Volgende {count,plural, =1{vraag} other{{count} vragen}}", "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, - "show_password": "Toon wachtwoord", + "show_password": "Laat wachtwoord zien", "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, @@ -2133,11 +2133,11 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer alleen recyclinginstructies in als deze op het product staan vermeld.", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Voer recyclinginstructies alleen in als ze op het product vermeld staan.", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, - "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Hergebruik", + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recyclen", "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { "description": "Text field hint" }, @@ -2145,7 +2145,7 @@ "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { "description": "Field label" }, - "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het nettogewicht of het nettovolume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Vul het netto gewicht of netto volume in en geef de eenheid aan (bijvoorbeeld g of ml).", "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" }, @@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ "background_task_operation_refresh": "verversen vertraagd na uploaden van foto", "background_task_run_started": "gestart", "background_task_run_not_started": "nog niet gestart", - "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "om te worden verwijderd", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "wordt verwijderd", "background_task_question_stop": "Wil je die taak ASAP stoppen?", "feed_back": "Feedback", "undo": "Ongedaan maken", @@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ "@page_not_found_button": { "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" }, - "download_data": "Download gegevens", + "download_data": "Gegevens downloaden", "@download_data": { "description": "App bar title for the download data page" }, @@ -2304,11 +2304,11 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update de lokale productdatabase met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Werk de lokale productdatabase bij met de nieuwste gegevens van Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, - "clear_local_database": "Offline productgegevens wissen", + "clear_local_database": "Wis offline productgegevens", "@clear_local_database": { "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" }, @@ -2362,7 +2362,7 @@ "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" }, - "action_change_list": "De huidige lijst wijzigen", + "action_change_list": "Wijzig de huidige lijst", "@action_change_list": { "description": "Action to change the current visible list" }, @@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ "@product_list_create": { "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" }, - "product_list_create_tooltip": "Een nieuwe lijst maken", + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Maak een nieuwe lijst aan", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" }, From 21fa9f2857ee1c58bec231bc6fdd14fbc91b6362 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 178/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tahitian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ty.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ty.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ty.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ty.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ty.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 835cb9d3bed16718896865c6f49022d2b4cbc373 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 179/216] New translations app_en.arb (Hausa) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ha.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ha.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ha.arb index 44a33c9cfe5..1637d7cbb70 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ha.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ha.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 3746a73f8b69c9ad28245b80134e2181dda685bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 180/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chuvash) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cv.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cv.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cv.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cv.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_cv.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 5f9e052cf14dd973b7c956efd2f36c941198cc4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 181/216] New translations app_en.arb (Berber) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ber.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ber.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ber.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ber.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..08f9ce877df --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ber.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "ⵉⴰⵀ", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "ⵔⵏⵓ", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "ⵃⴹⵓ", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "ⵙⵙⵔ", + "@close": {}, + "no": "ⵉⵀⵉ", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Username", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "ⵉⵙⵎ", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Azray", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "ⵔⵣⵓ", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "ⴰⵣⵓⵍ!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "ⵕⵥⵎ ⵜⵉⵙⵖⴰⵍ", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "ⵜⵉⵡⵍⴰⴼⵉⵏ", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "ⵜⴰⵃⴰⵏⵓⵜ", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "ⵜⴰⵃⴰⵏⵓⵜ", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵔⵜ", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵔⵜ", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "ⵔⵏⵓ", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Ori", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "ⴱⴹⵓ", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 0ee4fbc48619a99d41a7aa37c22086a261c30486 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 182/216] New translations app_en.arb (Scots) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sco.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sco.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sco.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sco.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d1e5d17f94f --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sco.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Aye", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Na", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settins", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Sairch", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per servin", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Servin size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Diskiver", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From d6cb452c29ebb715d1afc506bf6603a9cd8203f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 183/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tajik) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tg.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tg.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tg.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tg.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tg.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 81d543998401f4a57f2fcaaac7e7412b9c9b558d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 184/216] New translations app_en.arb (Lao) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lo.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From aa15bc4aee1be0902925bd4a0ff96c3b31c47718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 185/216] New translations app_en.arb (Quechua) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_qu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_qu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_qu.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_qu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_qu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 7f423c899f600685e136653cfff799948fb5a197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 186/216] New translations app_en.arb (Somali) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_so.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_so.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_so.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_so.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_so.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From b75f5e006432c11a98cc495973182cd7e2c602e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:12:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 187/216] New translations app_en.arb (Yoruba) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yo.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yo.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yo.arb index acae8ccfb07..6d7d839e99c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yo.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_yo.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 3a5559ec6b11331a957cd4256ddbc5826cdaa013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 188/216] New translations app_en.arb (Afar) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_aa.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_aa.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_aa.arb index bd53778a4b1..f2051b0dd75 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_aa.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_aa.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From a9a145fade7206fc64ac1e7a3ff360c20aff0433 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 189/216] New translations app_en.arb (Bambara) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bm.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bm.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bm.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bm.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_bm.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From c84503e9c20dbd00b0c24fc64cae3cdd769dcfc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 190/216] New translations app_en.arb (Chechen) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ce.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ce.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ce.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ce.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ce.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 61b6d52175952436d25318d73ca0d2e67ae22afc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 191/216] New translations app_en.arb (Cherokee) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_chr.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_chr.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_chr.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_chr.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_chr.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From e3aba6142ae398c04b04b849693bed8004f47273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 192/216] New translations app_en.arb (Corsican) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_co.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_co.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_co.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_co.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_co.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 38272606b88a6d8c7d50fd99c884cb069a82d8ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 193/216] New translations app_en.arb (Haitian Creole) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ht.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ht.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ht.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ht.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ht.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From cb26df5dcd91256f96f10d5a52db0fc9993f5af2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 194/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sichuan Yi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ii.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ii.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ii.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ii.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ii.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 741b9018a076293446ce2b86f5202597b000213e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 195/216] New translations app_en.arb (Inuktitut) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_iu.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_iu.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_iu.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_iu.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_iu.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From aaccff23ed2b16e4838e0014053c175cac9dc45c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 196/216] New translations app_en.arb (Javanese) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_jv.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_jv.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_jv.arb index ccd2c608778..7b0e005d9ab 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_jv.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_jv.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 41b2877fcb100d2b0406cbc0f772c937f26bed27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 197/216] New translations app_en.arb (Santali) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sat.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sat.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sat.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sat.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..25e18392cf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sat.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "ᱴᱷᱤᱠ", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱫ", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "ᱥᱟᱱᱪᱟᱣ", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "ᱵᱟᱫᱽ", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "ᱵᱟᱹᱰᱨᱟᱹ", + "@close": {}, + "no": "ᱵᱟᱝ", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "ᱥᱠᱟᱱ", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "ᱱᱟᱜᱟᱢ", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "ᱥᱮᱸᱫᱽᱨᱟ", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "ᱱᱟᱜᱟᱢ", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "ᱥᱟᱹᱜᱩᱱ ᱫᱟᱨᱟᱢ!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "ᱵᱟᱫᱽ", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "ᱵᱟᱨᱠᱳᱰ", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱫ", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "ᱨᱩᱣᱟᱹᱲ", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "ᱴᱷᱤᱠ", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "ᱵᱟᱫᱽ", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "ᱵᱟᱨᱠᱳᱰ", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "ᱢᱮᱴᱟᱣ", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 6112ca888c5d33adf8789c084c8f1b049e5df0af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 198/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sardinian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sc.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sc.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sc.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sc.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sc.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e7b629baf3aaf59d83df08c1e316de06274adb10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 199/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sindhi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sd.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sd.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sd.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sd.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sd.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 9d21b8d6735f135df160fc6d90a9357f21322ce2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 200/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sango) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sg.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sg.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sg.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sg.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sg.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From fd8b63959403913131026e069386b2b6e637c6f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 201/216] New translations app_en.arb (Shona) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sn.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sn.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sn.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sn.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sn.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 6b5c86212888a30aa16e53d7393ae5091aa7926a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 202/216] New translations app_en.arb (Tigrinya) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ti.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ti.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ti.arb index f2226e243d3..7a765135a66 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ti.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ti.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Username", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 815c60fdeec593aec4231d13bca46cc6db4889e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 203/216] New translations app_en.arb (Sanskrit) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sa.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sa.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sa.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sa.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sa.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From 921a75513d4cf415562d6b8540b6686c1b525702 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 204/216] New translations app_en.arb (Seychellois Creole) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_crs.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_crs.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_crs.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_crs.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_crs.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 7fb99cb927217253317d46191eebf251d21c9583 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 205/216] New translations app_en.arb (Venetian) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vec.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vec.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vec.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vec.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..25cb7012d2c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_vec.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Sì", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Salva", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Username", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Rejìstrate", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Nome", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Inpostasion", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredienti", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Esplora", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open Settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Còdexe a bare", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "negosio", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "negosio", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredienti", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "Va ben", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Còdexe a bare", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Sparpagna", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From dee71eebcb67a4fbcc32886601129d8f423c663f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 206/216] New translations app_en.arb (Southern Sami) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sma.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sma.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sma.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sma.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_sma.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 0a906744de65a1cbf13b4e75758445bf6c641d35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 207/216] New translations app_en.arb (Akan, Twi) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tw.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tw.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tw.arb index 035cef77883..a4dcf7f3122 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tw.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tw.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From e0487c040e797f691ba5e6a2dbd458f66e147d58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 208/216] New translations app_en.arb (Talossan) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tzl.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tzl.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tzl.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tzl.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4dcf7f3122 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_tzl.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Login", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 4f1f2c1ab55f8b8dbbccda45e53d2a62a4c1cea6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 209/216] New translations app_en.arb (Zeelandic) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zea.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zea.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zea.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zea.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..870c8edb8b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_zea.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Yes", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Add", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Next", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Save", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Skip", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Close", + "@close": {}, + "no": "No", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Finish", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Something went wrong", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Unknown", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Username", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Password", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Reset password", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Name", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Settings", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Support", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Terms of use", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Contribute", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Scan", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "History", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Search", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Product", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Ingredients", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Nutrition", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Serving size", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "History", + "clear": "Clear", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Retry", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Discover", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Welcome!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Products", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Error", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Open Settings", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Cancel", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Barcode", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "label", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Stores", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "store", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Categories", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "category", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Ingredients", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Add", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Edit", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Categories", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Back", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Cancel", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Done", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Edit", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Categories", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Barcode", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Share", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From 71b836ad43f89e9f127e2c9e12721495966070d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 210/216] New translations app_en.arb (Kabyle) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kab.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kab.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kab.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kab.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5478775b493 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_kab.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "Ih", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "Rnu", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\nIf there is a specific reason, please share below", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "Reason", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "Okay", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "Create", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "Apply", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "Ɣer sdat", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "Go back to top", + "save": "Sekles", + "save_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to save?", + "skip": "Meḥyef", + "cancel": "Ssefex", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "Ignore", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "Mdel", + "@close": {}, + "no": "Uhu", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "Stop", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "Afuku", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "Calculate", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "Reset food preferences", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "Yella-d wugur", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "An error occurred", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "We're still working on this feature, stay tuned", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "View on the web", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "Learn more", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "Arusin", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "Good match", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "Very good match", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "Good match", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "Poor match", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "May not match", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "Does not match", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "Unknown match", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "Licences", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "Looking for", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for you.", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "Choose foods that are good for the planet.", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", + "login": "Isem n useqdac", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "Please enter username or e-mail", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "create_account": "Create account", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "Sign in", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "For that feature we need you to sign in.", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "Sign out", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to sign out?", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "Tasarut", + "forgot_password": "Forgot password", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "View profile", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "Beddel tasarutt", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "In case of a forgotten password, enter your username or e-mail address to receive instructions for a password reset. Also, remember to check the Spam folder.", + "username_or_email": "Username or e-mail", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. Also check your spam", + "send_reset_password_mail": "Change password", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "Please enter some text", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "Sign Up", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "Signing up…", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "Congratulations! Your account has just been created.", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "Isem", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "Please enter the display name you want to use", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "E-mail", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "E-mail is required", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "Invalid e-mail", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "Username: Publicly visible", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "Please enter a username", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid username", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "Username cannot contains spaces, caps or special characters.", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "Username cannot exceed {value} characters", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "Tasarut", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "Please enter a password", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "Please enter a valid password (at least 6 characters)", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "When creating an account, agreeing to the Terms of Use is mandatory, however, anonymous contributions can still be made through the app", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "Iɣewwaren", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "Theme", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "Dark", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "Light", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "System default", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "Contributors", + "support": "Tallalt", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "Ask for help in our Slack channel", + "support_via_forum": "Ask for help on our forum", + "support_via_email": "Send us an e-mail", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "Send app logs?", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "Do you wish to include application logs in attachment to your email?", + "termsOfUse": "Tiwtilin n useqdec", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "About this app", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "Ttekki", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "Software development", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "Improving", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "Start Translating", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "Please wait while questions about this product are loaded", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "Saving your answer", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", + "tap_to_edit_search": "Tap to edit search", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "My preferences", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "Join us", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", + "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "My personalized ranking", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "All", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "A great match for you", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "Very poor match", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "Unknown match", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "Refresh the list with your new preferences", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "Reloaded with your new preferences", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "Profile", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "Semḍen", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "Amazray", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "Lists", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "Filter by category", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "All", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "(category search)", + "filter": "Filter", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "Scan session", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "Scan history", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "Nadi", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "Tap to see more info…", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "Afaris", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "Unknown brand", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "Unknown product name", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "Refresh", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "Image", + "front_photo": "Front photo", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "Isufar", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "Keep the original order. Indicate the percentage when specified. Separate with a comma or hyphen, use parentheses for ingredients of an ingredient, and indicate allergens between underscores.", + "ingredients_editing_error": "Failed to save the ingredients.", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new ingredients image.", + "ingredients_editing_title": "Edit Ingredients", + "ingredients_photo": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "List all packaging parts separated by a comma or line feed, with their amount (e.g. 1 or 6) type (e.g. bottle, box, can), material (e.g. plastic, metal, aluminium) and if available their size (e.g. 33cl) and recycling instructions.\nExample: 1 glass bottle to recycle, 1 plastic cork to throw away", + "packaging_editing_error": "Failed to save the packaging.", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "Failed to get a new packaging image.", + "packaging_editing_title": "Edit Packaging", + "nutrition": "Tuččit", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "Packaging information", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "Packaging information photo", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "You found a new product!", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "Add product information", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "New Product", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "You have just found a new product!", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "It looks like you didn't input anything. Do you really want to leave this page?", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "Please take photos of the packaging to add this product to our common database", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Product front photo", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "Confirm upload of Product front photo", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "Confirm", + "send_image_button_label": "Send image", + "crop_page_action_saving": "Saving the image…", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "Cropping the image…", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "Saving a local version…", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "Oops… there's something with your photo!", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "We are unable to process the image locally, before sending it to our server. Please try again later or contact-us if the issue persists.", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "The image is too small!", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "The minimum size in pixels for picture upload is {expectedMinWidth}x{expectedMinHeight}. The current picture is {actualWidth}x{actualHeight}.", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "Preparing a call to the server…", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "Front Packaging Photo", + "ingredients_photo_title": "Ingredients Photo", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "Nutrition Facts Photo", + "recycling_photo_title": "Recycling Photo", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "Other interesting photos", + "front_photo_uploaded": "Front photo uploaded", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "Ingredients photo", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "Ingredients photo uploaded", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "Unable to load nutrients from cache", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "Nutrition facts photo", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "Input nutrition facts", + "nutritional_facts_added": "Nutrition facts added", + "categories_added": "Categories added", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "Compute the Nutri-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "Get it by filling the food category and nutritional values", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "Compute the Eco-Score", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "Get it by filling at least a category", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "Make Eco-Score computation more precise with origins, packaging & more", + "new_product_title_nova": "Compute the food processing level (NOVA)", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "Get it by filling the food category and ingredients", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "Food processing level unknown", + "new_product_title_pictures": "Let's take some pictures!", + "new_product_title_misc": "And some basic data…", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "Tap to answer 3 questions NOW to compute Nutri-Score, Eco-Score & Ultra-processing (NOVA)!", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "Nutrition facts photo uploaded", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "Recycling information photo", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "Recycling photo uploaded", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "Other interesting photos", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "Miscellaneous photo uploaded", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "Retake", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "Selecting photo", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "Uploading photo to the server", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "Add missing ingredients", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "Add missing packaging image", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "Add missing nutrition facts", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "Add missing product category", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "Add missing product countries", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "Add missing product traceability codes", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "Add missing product labels", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "Add missing product origins", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "Add missing product stores", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "Update nutrition facts", + "nutrition_page_title": "Nutrition Facts", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "Nutrition facts are not specified on the product", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "per 100g", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "per serving", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "Add a nutrient", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "Tiddi n tunt", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "Invalid number", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "Updating the product on the server…", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "Product updated!", + "more_photos": "More interesting photos", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "No product found", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "not found:", + "searchPanelHeader": "Search or scan your first product", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "Refreshing product", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "Product refreshed", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "You are using a deprecated version of the app.", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "Click here", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "Download the new version of the app", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "Could not refresh product", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "Impossible to fetch information about this product due to a network error.", + "cached_results_from": "Show results from:", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "Thank you for adding this product!", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "Compare to Category", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "Add a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "Add nutrition facts to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "Add nutrition facts and a category to calculate the Nutri-Score.", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "The Nutri-Score for this product can't be calculated, which may be due to e.g. a non-standard category. If this is considered an error, please contact us.", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "The nutrition image is obsolete: please refresh it.", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "The Eco-Score takes into account the origins of the ingredients. Please take a photo of the ingredient list and/or any geographic claim or edit the product, so they can be taken into account.", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "Please choose a country", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "Your country", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "Some environmental features are location-specific", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "Product removed from comparison", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "Native App Settings", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "Product removed from history", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "Product removed from list", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "Could not remove product", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "There is no product in this list", + "no_product_in_section": "There is no product in this section", + "recently_seen_products": "Amazray", + "clear": "Sfeḍ", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "Do you really want to delete this list?", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "{percent}% match", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "{count,plural, =1{one day ago} other{{count} days ago}}", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "{count,plural, =1{one hour ago} other{{count} hours ago}}", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "{count,plural, =0{less than a minute ago} =1{one minute ago} other{{count} minutes ago}}", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "{count,plural, =1{one month ago} other{{count} months ago}}", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "{count,plural, =1{one week ago} other{{count} weeks ago}}", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "{count,plural, =1{Compare one Product} other{Compare {count} Products}}", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "Compare products", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "Please select at least two products", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "Ɛreḍ tikelt nniḍen\n", + "connect_with_us": "Connect with us", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "instagram_link": "", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "twitter_link": "", + "blog": "Blog", + "faq": "FAQ", + "discover": "Wali", + "how_to_contribute": "How to Contribute", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "Your can tap on any part of the card to get more details about what you see. Try it now!", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "Send anonymous analytics", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "Camera access", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "To scan barcodes with your phone's camera, please Authorise the access.", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "If you change your mind, this option can be enabled and disabled at any time from the settings.", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "OS: Android (SDK Int: {sdkInt} / Release: {release})\nModel: {model}\nProduct: {product}\nDevice: {device}\nBrand:{brand}", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "OS: iOS ({version})\nModel: {model}\nLocalized model: {localizedModel}", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "{osContent}\nApp version:{appVersion}\nApp build number:{appBuildNumber}\nApp package name:{appPackageName}", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "Authorise", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "Refuse", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "Later", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "Go further on {sourceName}", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "We invented\nthe collaborative\nscanning app in 2012", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "As we turn 10,\nwe're reinventing it\nfrom the ground up!", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "Loading your first example product", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "Seems like there is no example product in your language", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "Your ranking", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "History not available", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "Start scanning", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "Scanned products will appear here and you can check detailed information about them", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "Refreshing {count,plural, =0{product} =1{product} other{products}} in your history", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "{count,plural, =0{Product} =1{Product} other{Products}} refresh complete", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "Downloading data", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "Could not download data", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "Delete account", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "Delete my account", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "Account", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "Anṣuf!", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "Welcome {id}!", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "Delete account", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "Application", + "settings_app_data": "Privacy & monitoring", + "settings_app_camera": "Camera", + "settings_app_products": "Ifarisen", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "Play a sound on scan", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "Will beep on each successful scan", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "Vibration & Haptics", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "Vibrations after executing some actions (barcode decoded, product removed…).", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "Crash reporting", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "Send anonymous data", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "Edit Photo", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "Tuccḍa", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "Allow camera use to scan barcodes", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "For an enhanced experience, please allow {appName} to access your camera. You will be able to directly scan barcodes.", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "Allow", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "Permission denied", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "As you've previously denied the camera permission, you must allow it manually from the Settings.", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "Ldi iγewwaṛen", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "Ssefex", + "permission_photo_none_found": "No camera detected", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "No camera access granted", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "Edit product", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "Add a new {itemType}", + "description": "Tooltip to show when the user long presses the (+) button", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "Tangalt s yifeggagen", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "Basic details", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "Product name, brand, quantity", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "Additional details", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "Website…", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "Tugniwin", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "Add or refresh photos", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "Labels & Certifications", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "Environmental, Quality labels…", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "tabzimt", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "tabzimt", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "Taḥanutt", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "taḥanutt", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "taḥanutt", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "Origins", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "tamurt", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "Add any indications of origins you can find on the packaging. You need not worry about origins indicated directly in the ingredient list.", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "Examples: Beef from Argentina, The soy does not come from the European Union", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "Country", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "Spain", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "tamurt", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "Countries where the product is widely available (not including stores specialising in foreign products).", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "Traceability codes", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "traceability code", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "In Europe, code in an ellipse with the 2 country initials followed by a number and CE.\nExamples: EMB 53062, FR 62.448.034 CE, 84 R 20, 33 RECOLTANT 522", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "Taggayin", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "taggayt", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "taggayt", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "Indicate only the most specific category. Parent categories will be automatically added.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "Examples: Sardines in olive oil, Orange juice from concentrate", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page?", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "Save changes", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "Discard changes", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "Isufar", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "Rnu", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "Please enter a text first", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "Remove", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "Recycling instructions photo", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "Nutrition facts", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "Nutrition, alcohol content…", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "Ẓreg", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "Website", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "Complete basic details", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "Not implemented yet", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "Taggayin", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "Extract ingredients", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "Extract packaging", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "Refresh photo", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "Failed to detect text in image.", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "New list of products", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "Rename list", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "Lists", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "Add the product to your lists", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "Create a new list", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "No list available yet, please start by creating one", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "Add to list", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "Added to list", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "Clear your history", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "Rename", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "My list", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "Name is mandatory", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "That name is already used", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "That is the same name", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "Try Again", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "There was an error", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "No category found for {items}", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "Switch between back and front camera", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "Turn ON or OFF the flash of the camera", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "Enable flash", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "Disable flash", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "An error occurred!", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "An error occurred while changing the state of your flash. Please ensure your smartphone has not the torch already enabled.", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "Tuɣalin", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "DEV Mode", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "Restart onboarding", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "You then have to restart the App to see it again.", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "Switch between (PROD) and test env", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "Test environment parameters", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "Base URL for current test env: {url}", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "Test environment host", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "Use ML Kit", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "then you have to restart this app", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "Additional button on product page", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "Edit ingredients via a knowledge panel button", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "Export History", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "exception", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "product found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "product NOT found", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "Export history", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "OK", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "Ssefex", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "Data migration from V1", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "Status: {status}", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "success or fresh install", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "success", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "error", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "in progress", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "required (click to start)", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "unknown", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "Import History", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "Will clear history and put 3 products in there", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "Tfukk", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "Current scan mode is: \"{mode}\"", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "Scan Mode", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "Exclude Eco-Score", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "Only camera stream, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "Camera stream and full image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "Camera stream and half image preprocessing, no scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "Full image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "Half image scanning", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "Reuse and edit this search", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "You've downloaded all the {totalSize} products.", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "Download {count} more products\nAlready downloaded {downloaded} out of {totalSize}.", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "Products I added", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "Products I edited", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "Products I photographed", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "My to-be-completed products", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "All to-be-completed products", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "Retake photo", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "Take photo", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "Confirm", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "terms of use and contribution", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "Analytics icon", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "Fatal Error: {error}", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "Complete basic details", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "Ẓreg", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "Unselect photo", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "Select an existing image", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "Existing images", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "Retrieving existing images…", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "There are no images previously uploaded related to this product.", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "No image in that language yet", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "No image yet", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "Taggayin", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "Basic Details", + "product_name": "Product Name", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "Please enter the product name", + "brand_name": "Brand name", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "Please enter the brand name", + "quantity": "Quantity and weight", + "barcode": "Tangalt s yifeggagen", + "barcode_barcode": "Barcode: {barcode}", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "Invalid barcode", + "basic_details_add_success": "Basic details added successfully", + "basic_details_add_error": "Unable to add basic details. Please try again after some time", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "Clear your search", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "You're about to clear your entire history: are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "You're about to clear selected items in your history", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "Are you sure you want to continue?", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "Please select one or more items to clear", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "You're about to clear this list ({name}): are you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "Delete the list?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "You're about to delete the list \"{name}\".\nAre you sure you want to continue?", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "Yes, I confirm", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "{name} importance: {id}", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "Lists", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "Create your first list", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "Select a list", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "{count,plural, =0{Empty list} =1{One product} other{{count} products}}", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "Add list", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "Edit your food preferences", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "Add photo", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "Take photos of any packaging/recycling information", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "Choose image source", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "Please choose a image source", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "Gallery", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "Bḍu", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "Capture New", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "Choose from gallery", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "The image will be uploaded in the background as soon as possible.", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "Starting the refresh of all the products locally stored", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "Starting the download of the most popular products", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "Expand nutrition facts table", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "Keep the nutrition facts table expanded", + "expand_ingredients": "Expand ingredients", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "Keep the ingredients panel expanded", + "no_internet_connection": "No internet connection", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "Entire world", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "Extend your search to the world", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "Copy barcode to clipboard", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "Barcode {barcode} copied to the clipboard!", + "language_picker_label": "Your language", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "Help with OpenFoodFacts", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "The product will be updated in the background as soon as possible.", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "No email apps!", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "Please send us manually an email to", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "All Images", + "selected_images": "Selected Images", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "Remove product", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "New barcode scanned: {barcode}", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "Remove all products from the carousel", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "Please scan at least two products to compare them", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "Click to compare the products you have scanned", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "You have scanned\nthe barcode:", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "We're looking for this product!\nPlease wait a few seconds…", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "We're still looking for this product!\nDo you find it takes a long time to load? So are we…", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "We're still looking for this product.\nWould you like to restart the search?", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "Restart search", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "Calculate nutrition facts for a specific quantity", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "Quantity in", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "Input a quantity to calculate nutrition facts", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "Please enter a quantity between {min} and {max} g", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "Nutrition facts for {grams} g (or ml)", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "Offline Data", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "Upload an image to automatically extract the information it contains.", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "Upload Photo", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": ",", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": ", ", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "Failed to download image", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "Failed to edit image because the image URL was not set.", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "Remember my choice", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "Select each time", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "Continue", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "Next {count,plural, =1{question} other{{count} questions}}", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "Show Password", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "Are you enjoying this app?", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "Yeah!", + "not_really": "Not really", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "We are so sorry to hear that! Could you tell us what happened?", + "edit_packagings_title": "Packaging components", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "Add a packaging component", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "The packaging is complete", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "Packaging component #{index}", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "Number of units", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "Enter the number of packaging units of the same shape and material contained in the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "Shape", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "Enter the shape name listed in the recycling instructions if they are available, or select a shape.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "Bottle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "Material", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "Enter the specific material if it can be determined (a material code inside a triangle can often be found on packaging parts), or a generic material (for instance plastic or metal) if you are unsure.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "Glass", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "Recycling instruction", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "Enter recycling instructions only if they are listed on the product.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "Recycle", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "Net quantity of product per unit", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "Enter the net weight or net volume and indicate the unit (for example g or ml).", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "Weight of one empty unit (g)", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "Remove any remaining food and wash and dry the packaging part before weighing. If possible, use a scale with 0.1g or 0.01g precision.", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "Pending contributions", + "background_task_subtitle": "Your contributions are automatically saved to our server, but not always in real-time.", + "background_task_list_empty": "No Pending Background Tasks", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "Server timeout", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "Internet connection error. Try later.", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "unknown operation type", + "background_task_operation_details": "detailed changes", + "background_task_operation_image": "photo upload", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "refresh delayed after photo upload", + "background_task_run_started": "started", + "background_task_run_not_started": "not started yet", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "to be deleted", + "background_task_question_stop": "Do you want to stop that task ASAP?", + "feed_back": "Feedback", + "undo": "Undo", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "Copy email to clipboard", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "Please send us manually an email to", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "Email copied to clipboard!", + "select_accent_color": "Select Accent Color", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "AMOLED", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "Blue", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "Cyan", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "Green", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "Default", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "Magenta", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "Orange", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "Pink", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "Red", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "Rust", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "Teal", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "Text Contrast", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "High", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "Medium", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "Low", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "Product not found!", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "A product with the following barcode doesn't exist in our database: {barcode}", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "No internet connection!", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "Please check that your smartphone is on a WiFi network or has mobile data enabled", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "Page not found!", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "Go back to the homepage", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "Download data", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "Download the top {count,plural, other{{count} products}} in your country for instant scanning", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "Downloading data\nThis may take a while", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "{num} products added", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "Update offline product data", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "Clear offline product data", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "{num} products deleted", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "Loading…", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "Know More", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "Click to know more about offline data", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "Offline product data", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "{num} products available for immediate scaning", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "Select your country:", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "Delete", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "Change the current list", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "Create", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" +} \ No newline at end of file From c2acb3f332558e0f576441ba1ec310703275723a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 211/216] New translations app_en.arb (Urdu (India)) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ur.arb | 110 +++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ur.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ur.arb index 363aa368b90..b49c5fbee8d 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ur.arb +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_ur.arb @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ "@Introduction screen": {}, "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "Welcome to Open Food Facts", "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, - "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", + "whatIsOff": "Open Food Facts is a global non-profit powered by local communities.", "@whatIsOff": { - "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." }, "offUtility": "Choose food that is good for you and the planet.", "@offUtility": { - "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." }, "productDataUtility": "See the food data relevant to your preferences.", "@productDataUtility": { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." }, "@user_management": {}, - "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", + "sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to save your contributions", "incorrect_credentials": "Incorrect username or password.", "login": "Login", "@login": { @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "Confirm Password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "Please confirm the password", "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "Passwords don't match", - "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "I agree to the Open Food Facts", "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { - "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" }, "sign_up_page_terms_text": "terms of use and contribution", "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ }, "sign_up_page_agree_url": "", "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { - "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" }, "donate_url": "", "@donate_url": { @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "I am a food producer", "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "Producer/brand", "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "Please enter a producer or a brand name", - "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "I'd like to subscribe to the Open Food Facts newsletter (You can unsubscribe from it at any time)", "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "The user name already exists, please choose another username.", "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "already exists, login to the account or try with another email.", "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "Please provide a valid email address.", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "@darkmode_system_default": { "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" }, - "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing", + "thanks_for_contributing": "Thanks for contributing!", "@contributors": { "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" }, @@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ "@contribute_sw_development": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" }, - "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", + "contribute_develop_text": "The code for every Open Food Facts product is available on GitHub. You are welcome to reuse the code (it's open source) and help us improve it, for everyone, on all the planet.", "@contribute_develop_text": {}, - "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", + "contribute_develop_text_2": "You can join the Open Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions.", "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "DEV Mode?", "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "Activate the DEV Mode", - "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", + "contribute_donate_header": "Donate to Open Food Facts", "@contribute_donate_header": {}, "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "Products to be completed", "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ "@contribute_improve_header": { "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" }, - "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", + "contribute_improve_text": "The database is the core of the project. It's easy and very quick to help. You can download the mobile app for your phone, and start adding or improving products.\n\nOn the other hand, Open Food Facts website offers many ways to contribute: ", "@contribute_improve_text": {}, "contribute_translate_header": "Translate", "@contribute_translate_header": { @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ "@contribute_translate_link_text": { "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" }, - "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", + "contribute_translate_text": "Open Food Facts is a global project, containing products from more than 160 countries. Open Food Facts is translated into dozens of languages, with constantly evolving content.", "@contribute_translate_text": {}, "contribute_translate_text_2": "Translations is one of the key tasks of the project", "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, - "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", + "contribute_share_header": "Share Open Food Facts with your friends", "@contribute_share_header": {}, - "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", + "contribute_share_content": "I wanted to let you know about the app I've been using, Open Food Facts, which allows you to get the health and environmental impacts of your food, in a personalized way. It works by scanning the barcodes on the packaging. Finally it's free, does not require registration, and you can even help increase the number of products decyphered. Here's the link to get it for your phone:", "@contribute_share_content": { "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" }, "tap_to_answer": "Tap here to answer questions", "@tap_to_answer": { - "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, "tap_to_answer_hint": "Tap here to answer questions about this product", "@tap_to_answer_hint": { @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ }, "contribute_to_get_rewards": "Help improve food transparency and get rewards", "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { - "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open food facts and gain rewards." + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." }, - "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", + "question_sign_in_text": "Sign in to your Open Food Facts account to get credit for your contributions", "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with yes", "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "Answer with no", "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "Skip this question", @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ "@myPreferences": { "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" }, - "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", + "account_create_message": "Create your account and join the Open Food Facts community to help build food knowledge all over the world!", "@account_create_message": { "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" }, @@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ "description": "Join which is actually Signup" }, "myPreferences_profile_title": "Your Profile", - "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "Manage your Open Food Facts contributor account.", "myPreferences_settings_title": "App Settings", "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "Dark mode, Analytics…", "myPreferences_food_title": "Food Preferences", "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "Choose what information about food matters most to you.", - "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "Choose what information about food matters most to you, in order to rank food according to your preferences, see the information you care about first, and get a compatibility summary. Those food preferences stay on your device, and are not associated with your Open Food Facts contributor account if you have one.", "confirmResetPreferences": "Reset your food preferences?", "@confirmResetPreferences": { "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "@packaging_information_photo": {}, "missing_product": "You found a new product!", "@missing_product": {}, - "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", + "add_product_take_photos": "Take photos of the packaging to add this product to Open Food Facts", "@add_product_take_photos": {}, "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "Please take some photos first. You may always complete the product at a later time.", "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, @@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ "@uploading_image": { "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_front": "Uploading front image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_front": { "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "Uploading ingredients image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "Uploading nutrition image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "Uploading packaging image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_other": "Uploading other image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_other": { "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" }, - "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", + "uploading_image_type_generic": "Uploading image to Open Food Facts", "@uploading_image_type_generic": { "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" }, @@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ "@native_app_settings": { "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" }, - "native_app_description": "Open system settings for Open Food Facts", + "native_app_description": "Open systems settings for Open Food Facts", "@native_app_description": { "description": "Native App description in app settings" }, @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ "@consent_analytics_title": { "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" }, - "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", + "consent_analytics_body1": "Help the Open Food Facts volunteers to improve the app. You decide whether to submit anonymous analytics.", "@conset_analytics_body1": { "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" }, @@ -1042,8 +1042,8 @@ "@user_profile_title_guest": { "description": "When the user is not connected" }, - "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", - "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "Sign-in or sign-up to join the Open Food Facts community", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "Open Food Facts login: {email}", "@user_profile_title_id_email": { "description": "User login (when it's an email)", "placeholders": { @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ "@email_subject_account_deletion": { "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" }, - "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", + "email_body_account_deletion": "Hi there, please delete my Open Food Facts account: {userId}", "@email_body_account_deletion": { "description": "Email body for an account deletion", "placeholders": { @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" }, - "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, crash reports are automatically submitted to Open Food Facts' error tracking system, so that bugs can be fixed and thus improve the app.", "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" }, @@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, - "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "When enabled, some anonymous information regarding app usage will be sent to the Open Food Facts servers, so that we can understand how and how much features are used in order to improve them.", "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" }, @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" }, - "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "In case a category is not available in autocomplete, feel free to add it anyway, that will help us improve Open Food Facts in your country.", "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" }, @@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ "@edit_product_action_confirm": { "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" }, - "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "I agree to the Open Food Facts ", "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" }, @@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ "@share": { "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" }, - "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_text": "Have a look at this product on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", "placeholders": { @@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ } } }, - "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", + "share_product_list_text": "Have a look at my list of products on Open Food Facts: {url}", "@share_product_list_text": { "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", "placeholders": { @@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@ "@show_password": { "description": "Show hidden password in password field" }, + "rate_app": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_title": "Great! Let others know what you think of this app!", "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "Rate the app", "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "Later", @@ -2199,7 +2200,7 @@ }, "color_light_brown": "Default", "@color_light_brown": { - "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" }, "color_magenta": "Magenta", "@color_magenta": { @@ -2303,7 +2304,7 @@ "@update_offline_data": { "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" }, - "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", + "update_local_database_sub": "Update the local product database with the latest data from Open Food Facts", "@update_local_database_sub": { "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" }, @@ -2353,6 +2354,10 @@ "@country_selector_title": { "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" }, + "language_selector_title": "Select your language:", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, "action_delete_list": "Delete", "@action_delete_list": { "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" @@ -2368,5 +2373,24 @@ "product_list_create_tooltip": "Create a new list", "@product_list_create_tooltip": { "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" - } + }, + "nutriscore_a": "Nutri-Score A", + "nutriscore_b": "Nutri-Score B", + "nutriscore_c": "Nutri-Score C", + "nutriscore_d": "Nutri-Score D", + "nutriscore_e": "Nutri-Score E", + "nutriscore_unknown": "Unknown Nutri-Score", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "Nutri-Score is not applicable", + "ecoscore_a": "Eco-Score A", + "ecoscore_b": "Eco-Score B", + "ecoscore_c": "Eco-Score C", + "ecoscore_d": "Eco-Score D", + "ecoscore_e": "Eco-Score E", + "ecoscore_unknown": "Unknown Eco-Score", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "Eco-Score is not applicable", + "nova_group_1": "NOVA Group 1", + "nova_group_2": "NOVA Group 2", + "nova_group_3": "NOVA Group 3", + "nova_group_4": "NOVA Group 4", + "nova_group_unknown": "Unknown NOVA Group" } \ No newline at end of file From d43f55287e542cceb77a0da7bc0c28397cd7a920 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 212/216] New translations app_en.arb (LOLCAT) --- packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lol.arb | 2396 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2396 insertions(+) create mode 100644 packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lol.arb diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lol.arb b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lol.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b4e8e8c01cf --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/smooth_app/lib/l10n/app_lol.arb @@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@ +{ + "@Utils": {}, + "sep": "crwdns220549:0crwdne220549:0", + "@sep": { + "description": "Separator just before a colon (':'). Probably only populated in French and empty in other languages." + }, + "yes": "crwdns220551:0crwdne220551:0", + "@yes": {}, + "add": "crwdns220553:0crwdne220553:0", + "@add": {}, + "account_delete_message": "crwdns220555:0crwdne220555:0", + "@account_delete_message": {}, + "reason": "crwdns220557:0crwdne220557:0", + "@reason": {}, + "okay": "crwdns220559:0crwdne220559:0", + "@okay": {}, + "create": "crwdns220561:0crwdne220561:0", + "@create": { + "description": "An action to create" + }, + "applyButtonText": "crwdns220563:0crwdne220563:0", + "@applyButtonText": {}, + "next_label": "crwdns220565:0crwdne220565:0", + "@next_label": { + "description": "A label on a button that says 'Next', pressing the button takes the user to the next screen." + }, + "go_back_to_top": "crwdns220567:0crwdne220567:0", + "save": "crwdns220569:0crwdne220569:0", + "save_confirmation": "crwdns220571:0crwdne220571:0", + "skip": "crwdns220573:0crwdne220573:0", + "cancel": "crwdns220575:0crwdne220575:0", + "@cancel": {}, + "ignore": "crwdns220577:0crwdne220577:0", + "@ignore": { + "description": "'Ignore' button. Typical use case in combination with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons." + }, + "close": "crwdns220579:0crwdne220579:0", + "@close": {}, + "no": "crwdns220581:0crwdne220581:0", + "@no": {}, + "stop": "crwdns220583:0crwdne220583:0", + "@stop": {}, + "finish": "crwdns220585:0crwdne220585:0", + "@finish": {}, + "calculate": "crwdns220587:0crwdne220587:0", + "@calculate": { + "description": "'Calculate' button. Typical use case: the user inputs data then clicks on the 'calculate' button." + }, + "reset_food_prefs": "crwdns220589:0crwdne220589:0", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button label, clicking on the button will reset user's food preferences." + }, + "error": "crwdns220591:0crwdne220591:0", + "@error": {}, + "error_occurred": "crwdns220593:0crwdne220593:0", + "@error_occurred": {}, + "featureInProgress": "crwdns220595:0crwdne220595:0", + "@featureInProgress": {}, + "label_web": "crwdns220597:0crwdne220597:0", + "@label_web": {}, + "learnMore": "crwdns220599:0crwdne220599:0", + "@learnMore": {}, + "unknown": "crwdns220601:0crwdne220601:0", + "@unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view: the compatibility of that product with your preferences is unknown" + }, + "match_very_good": "crwdns220603:0crwdne220603:0", + "@match_very_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_good": "crwdns220605:0crwdne220605:0", + "@match_good": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_poor": "crwdns220607:0crwdne220607:0", + "@match_poor": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_may_not": "crwdns220609:0crwdne220609:0", + "@match_may_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_does_not": "crwdns220611:0crwdne220611:0", + "@match_does_not": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_unknown": "crwdns220613:0crwdne220613:0", + "@match_unknown": { + "description": "Label for product page regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "match_short_very_good": "crwdns220615:0crwdne220615:0", + "@match_short_very_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: very good match" + }, + "match_short_good": "crwdns220617:0crwdne220617:0", + "@match_short_good": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: good match" + }, + "match_short_poor": "crwdns220619:0crwdne220619:0", + "@match_short_poor": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: poor match" + }, + "match_short_may_not": "crwdns220621:0crwdne220621:0", + "@match_short_may_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: may not match" + }, + "match_short_does_not": "crwdns220623:0crwdne220623:0", + "@match_short_does_not": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: does not match" + }, + "match_short_unknown": "crwdns220625:0crwdne220625:0", + "@match_short_unknown": { + "description": "Short label for product list view regarding product compatibility with the user preferences: unknown match" + }, + "licenses": "crwdns220627:0crwdne220627:0", + "@licenses": {}, + "looking_for": "crwdns220629:0crwdne220629:0", + "@looking_for": { + "description": "Looking for: BARCODE" + }, + "@Introduction screen": {}, + "welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": "crwdns220631:0crwdne220631:0", + "@welcomeToOpenFoodFacts": {}, + "whatIsOff": "crwdns244713:0crwdne244713:0", + "@whatIsOff": { + "description": "Description of Open Food Facts organization." + }, + "offUtility": "crwdns220635:0crwdne220635:0", + "@offUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use Open Food Facts for." + }, + "productDataUtility": "crwdns220637:0crwdne220637:0", + "@productDataUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the product data for." + }, + "healthCardUtility": "crwdns220639:0crwdne220639:0", + "@healthCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the health data in a product for." + }, + "ecoCardUtility": "crwdns220641:0crwdne220641:0", + "@ecoCardUtility": { + "description": "Description of what a user can use the Eco data in a product for." + }, + "@user_management": {}, + "sign_in_text": "crwdns244715:0crwdne244715:0", + "incorrect_credentials": "crwdns220645:0crwdne220645:0", + "login": "crwdns220647:0crwdne220647:0", + "@login": { + "description": "Text field hint: unified name for either username or e-mail address" + }, + "login_page_username_or_email": "crwdns220649:0crwdne220649:0", + "login_page_password_error_empty": "crwdns220651:0crwdne220651:0", + "create_account": "crwdns220653:0crwdne220653:0", + "@create_account": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a new user can register" + }, + "sign_in": "crwdns220655:0crwdne220655:0", + "@sign_in": { + "description": "Button label: For sign in" + }, + "sign_in_mandatory": "crwdns220657:0crwdne220657:0", + "@sign_in_mandatory": { + "description": "Error message: for some features like product edits you need to be signed in" + }, + "sign_out": "crwdns220659:0crwdne220659:0", + "@sign_out": { + "description": "Button label: For sign out" + }, + "sign_out_confirmation": "crwdns220661:0crwdne220661:0", + "@sign_out_confirmation": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the user really want to sign out" + }, + "password": "crwdns220663:0crwdne220663:0", + "forgot_password": "crwdns220665:0crwdne220665:0", + "@forgot_password": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a page where a password reset e-mail can be requested" + }, + "view_profile": "crwdns220667:0crwdne220667:0", + "@view_profile": { + "description": "Button label: For to show your account" + }, + "reset_password": "crwdns220669:0crwdne220669:0", + "@reset_password": { + "description": "Forgot password page title" + }, + "reset_password_explanation_text": "crwdns220671:0crwdne220671:0", + "username_or_email": "crwdns220673:0crwdne220673:0", + "@username_or_email": { + "description": "Text field hint for password reset" + }, + "reset_password_done": "crwdns220675:0crwdne220675:0", + "send_reset_password_mail": "crwdns220677:0crwdne220677:0", + "@send_reset_password_mail": { + "description": "Button label: Submit the password reset e-mail request" + }, + "enter_some_text": "crwdns220679:0crwdne220679:0", + "@enter_some_text": { + "description": "Error when a required text field is empty" + }, + "sign_up_page_title": "crwdns220681:0crwdne220681:0", + "@sign_up_page_title": { + "description": "Header" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_button": "crwdns220683:0crwdne220683:0", + "@sign_up_page_action_button": { + "description": "Button for signing up" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_doing_it": "crwdns220685:0crwdne220685:0", + "@sign_up_page_action_doing_it": { + "description": "Progress indicator dialog during the actual signing up process" + }, + "sign_up_page_action_ok": "crwdns220687:0crwdne220687:0", + "sign_up_page_display_name_hint": "crwdns220689:0crwdne220689:0", + "sign_up_page_display_name_error_empty": "crwdns220691:0crwdne220691:0", + "sign_up_page_email_hint": "crwdns220693:0crwdne220693:0", + "sign_up_page_email_error_empty": "crwdns220695:0crwdne220695:0", + "sign_up_page_email_error_invalid": "crwdns220697:0crwdne220697:0", + "sign_up_page_username_hint": "crwdns220699:0crwdne220699:0", + "sign_up_page_username_error_empty": "crwdns220701:0crwdne220701:0", + "sign_up_page_username_error_invalid": "crwdns220703:0crwdne220703:0", + "sign_up_page_username_description": "crwdns220705:0crwdne220705:0", + "sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": "crwdns220707:0{value}crwdne220707:0", + "@sign_up_page_username_length_invalid": { + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "sign_up_page_password_hint": "crwdns220709:0crwdne220709:0", + "sign_up_page_password_error_empty": "crwdns220711:0crwdne220711:0", + "sign_up_page_password_error_invalid": "crwdns220713:0crwdne220713:0", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_hint": "crwdns220715:0crwdne220715:0", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_empty": "crwdns220717:0crwdne220717:0", + "sign_up_page_confirm_password_error_invalid": "crwdns220719:0crwdne220719:0", + "sign_up_page_agree_text": "crwdns244717:0crwdne244717:0", + "@sign_up_page_agree_text": { + "description": "I agree to the Open Food Facts is followed by sign_up_page_terms_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_terms_text": "crwdns220723:0crwdne220723:0", + "@sign_up_page_terms_text": { + "description": "terms of use and contribution is preceded by sign_up_page_agree_text" + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_url": "crwdns220725:0crwdne220725:0", + "@sign_up_page_agree_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url here. Go to the Open Food Facts homepage, switch to your country and then on the bottom left footer is Terms of use from which the url should be taken" + }, + "donate_url": "crwdns220727:0crwdne220727:0", + "@donate_url": { + "description": "Please insert the right url from the website here." + }, + "sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": "crwdns220729:0crwdne220729:0", + "@sign_up_page_agree_error_invalid": { + "description": "Error message: You have to agree to the terms-of-use (A checkbox to do so is above this error message)" + }, + "sign_up_page_producer_checkbox": "crwdns220731:0crwdne220731:0", + "sign_up_page_producer_hint": "crwdns220733:0crwdne220733:0", + "sign_up_page_producer_error_empty": "crwdns220735:0crwdne220735:0", + "sign_up_page_subscribe_checkbox": "crwdns244719:0crwdne244719:0", + "sign_up_page_user_name_already_used": "crwdns220739:0crwdne220739:0", + "sign_up_page_email_already_exists": "crwdns220741:0crwdne220741:0", + "sign_up_page_provide_valid_email": "crwdns220743:0crwdne220743:0", + "@Settings": {}, + "settingsTitle": "crwdns220745:0crwdne220745:0", + "@settingsTitle": { + "description": "The title of the Settings page" + }, + "darkmode": "crwdns220747:0crwdne220747:0", + "@darkmode": { + "description": "The name of the darkmode on off switch" + }, + "darkmode_dark": "crwdns220749:0crwdne220749:0", + "@darkmode_dark": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (dark)" + }, + "darkmode_light": "crwdns220751:0crwdne220751:0", + "@darkmode_light": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (light)" + }, + "darkmode_system_default": "crwdns220753:0crwdne220753:0", + "@darkmode_system_default": { + "description": "Indicator inside the darkmode switch (system default)" + }, + "thanks_for_contributing": "crwdns244721:0crwdne244721:0", + "@contributors": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all contributors of this app are shown" + }, + "contributors": "crwdns220757:0crwdne220757:0", + "support": "crwdns220759:0crwdne220759:0", + "@support": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window where all ways to get support are shown" + }, + "support_join_slack": "crwdns220761:0crwdne220761:0", + "support_via_forum": "crwdns220763:0crwdne220763:0", + "support_via_email": "crwdns220765:0crwdne220765:0", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_title": "crwdns220767:0crwdne220767:0", + "support_via_email_include_logs_dialog_body": "crwdns220769:0crwdne220769:0", + "termsOfUse": "crwdns220771:0crwdne220771:0", + "@termsOfUse": {}, + "about_this_app": "crwdns220773:0crwdne220773:0", + "@about_this_app": { + "description": "Button label: Opens a pop up window which shows information about the app" + }, + "@About this app section": {}, + "contribute": "crwdns220775:0crwdne220775:0", + "@contribute": { + "description": "Button label: Shows multiple ways how users can contribute to OFF" + }, + "contribute_sw_development": "crwdns220777:0crwdne220777:0", + "@contribute_sw_development": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to help" + }, + "contribute_develop_text": "crwdns244723:0crwdne244723:0", + "@contribute_develop_text": {}, + "contribute_develop_text_2": "crwdns244725:0crwdne244725:0", + "@contribute_develop_text_2": {}, + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_title": "crwdns220783:0crwdne220783:0", + "contribute_develop_dev_mode_subtitle": "crwdns220785:0crwdne220785:0", + "contribute_donate_header": "crwdns244727:0crwdne244727:0", + "@contribute_donate_header": {}, + "contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": "crwdns220789:0crwdne220789:0", + "@contribute_improve_ProductsToBeCompleted": { + "description": "Button label: Shows a list of products which aren't completed" + }, + "contribute_improve_header": "crwdns220791:0crwdne220791:0", + "@contribute_improve_header": { + "description": "Button label + page title: Ways to improve the database" + }, + "contribute_improve_text": "crwdns244729:0crwdne244729:0", + "@contribute_improve_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_header": "crwdns220795:0crwdne220795:0", + "@contribute_translate_header": { + "description": "Button label + pop up window title: Shows information about helping by translating" + }, + "contribute_translate_link_text": "crwdns220797:0crwdne220797:0", + "@contribute_translate_link_text": { + "description": "Button label: Opens the Crowdin translation portal" + }, + "contribute_translate_text": "crwdns244731:0crwdne244731:0", + "@contribute_translate_text": {}, + "contribute_translate_text_2": "crwdns220801:0crwdne220801:0", + "@contribute_translate_text_2": {}, + "contribute_share_header": "crwdns244733:0crwdne244733:0", + "@contribute_share_header": {}, + "contribute_share_content": "crwdns244735:0crwdne244735:0", + "@contribute_share_content": { + "description": "Content that will be shared, don't forget to include the URL" + }, + "tap_to_answer": "crwdns220807:0crwdne220807:0", + "@tap_to_answer": { + "description": "Button label shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "tap_to_answer_hint": "crwdns220809:0crwdne220809:0", + "@tap_to_answer_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers to answer Robotoff questions." + }, + "robotoff_questions_loading_hint": "crwdns220811:0crwdne220811:0", + "@robotoff_questions_loading_hint": { + "description": "Hint for accessibility readers while Robotoff questions are loaded" + }, + "saving_answer": "crwdns220813:0crwdne220813:0", + "@saving_answer": { + "description": "Dialog shown to users after they have answered a question, while the answer is being saved in the BE." + }, + "contribute_to_get_rewards": "crwdns220815:0crwdne220815:0", + "@contribute_to_get_rewards": { + "description": "Button description shown on a product, clicking the button opens a card with unanswered product questions, users can answer these to contribute to Open Food Facts and gain rewards." + }, + "question_sign_in_text": "crwdns244737:0crwdne244737:0", + "question_yes_button_accessibility_value": "crwdns220819:0crwdne220819:0", + "question_no_button_accessibility_value": "crwdns220821:0crwdne220821:0", + "question_skip_button_accessibility_value": "crwdns220823:0crwdne220823:0", + "tap_to_edit_search": "crwdns220825:0crwdne220825:0", + "@Personal preferences": {}, + "myPreferences": "crwdns220827:0crwdne220827:0", + "@myPreferences": { + "description": "Page title: Page where the ranking preferences can be changed" + }, + "account_create_message": "crwdns244739:0crwdne244739:0", + "@account_create_message": { + "description": "The Message to be displayed if the user does not have an account and wants to contribute" + }, + "join_us": "crwdns220831:0crwdne220831:0", + "@join_us": { + "description": "Join which is actually Signup" + }, + "myPreferences_profile_title": "crwdns220833:0crwdne220833:0", + "myPreferences_profile_subtitle": "crwdns244741:0crwdne244741:0", + "myPreferences_settings_title": "crwdns220837:0crwdne220837:0", + "myPreferences_settings_subtitle": "crwdns220839:0crwdne220839:0", + "myPreferences_food_title": "crwdns220841:0crwdne220841:0", + "myPreferences_food_subtitle": "crwdns220843:0crwdne220843:0", + "myPreferences_food_comment": "crwdns244743:0crwdne244743:0", + "confirmResetPreferences": "crwdns220847:0crwdne220847:0", + "@confirmResetPreferences": { + "description": "Pop up title: Reassuring if the food preferences should really be reset" + }, + "myPersonalizedRanking": "crwdns220849:0crwdne220849:0", + "@myPersonalizedRanking": { + "description": "When you press this button, all products (in list or category) are sorted according to your preferences." + }, + "ranking_tab_all": "crwdns220851:0crwdne220851:0", + "ranking_subtitle_match_yes": "crwdns220853:0crwdne220853:0", + "ranking_subtitle_match_no": "crwdns220855:0crwdne220855:0", + "ranking_subtitle_match_maybe": "crwdns220857:0crwdne220857:0", + "refresh_with_new_preferences": "crwdns220859:0crwdne220859:0", + "@refresh_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Action button label: Refresh the list with your new preferences" + }, + "reloaded_with_new_preferences": "crwdns220861:0crwdne220861:0", + "@reloaded_with_new_preferences": { + "description": "Snackbar title: Shows that the modified settings have been applied" + }, + "@other": {}, + "profile_navbar_label": "crwdns220863:0crwdne220863:0", + "@profile_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the profile and personal preferences page" + }, + "scan_navbar_label": "crwdns220865:0crwdne220865:0", + "@scan_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the scanning of products" + }, + "history_navbar_label": "crwdns220867:0crwdne220867:0", + "@history_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the history and compare mode" + }, + "list_navbar_label": "crwdns220869:0crwdne220869:0", + "@list_navbar_label": { + "description": "BottomNavigationBarLabel: For the lists" + }, + "category": "crwdns220871:0crwdne220871:0", + "@category": { + "description": "From a product list, there's a category filter: this is its title" + }, + "category_all": "crwdns220873:0crwdne220873:0", + "@category_al": { + "description": "Top meta-entry on a category filter" + }, + "category_search": "crwdns220875:0crwdne220875:0", + "filter": "crwdns220877:0crwdne220877:0", + "@filter": { + "description": "A button that opens a menu where you can filter within categories. Juices => Apple juices/Orange juices" + }, + "scan": "crwdns220879:0crwdne220879:0", + "@scan": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the scan session" + }, + "scan_history": "crwdns220881:0crwdne220881:0", + "@scan_history": { + "description": "Page title: List type: Products in the whole scan history" + }, + "search": "crwdns220883:0crwdne220883:0", + "@search": { + "description": "Hint text of a search text input field" + }, + "tap_for_more": "crwdns220885:0crwdne220885:0", + "@Product": {}, + "product": "crwdns220887:0crwdne220887:0", + "@product": {}, + "unknownBrand": "crwdns220889:0crwdne220889:0", + "@unknownBrand": {}, + "unknownProductName": "crwdns220891:0crwdne220891:0", + "@unknownProductName": {}, + "label_refresh": "crwdns220893:0crwdne220893:0", + "@label_refresh": { + "description": "Refresh the cached product" + }, + "image": "crwdns220895:0crwdne220895:0", + "front_photo": "crwdns220897:0crwdne220897:0", + "@front_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the front of a product" + }, + "ingredients": "crwdns220899:0crwdne220899:0", + "@ingredients": {}, + "ingredients_editing_instructions": "crwdns220901:0crwdne220901:0", + "ingredients_editing_error": "crwdns220903:0crwdne220903:0", + "ingredients_editing_image_error": "crwdns220905:0crwdne220905:0", + "ingredients_editing_title": "crwdns220909:0crwdne220909:0", + "ingredients_photo": "crwdns220911:0crwdne220911:0", + "@ingredients_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the Ingredients of a product" + }, + "packaging_editing_instructions": "crwdns220913:0crwdne220913:0", + "packaging_editing_error": "crwdns220915:0crwdne220915:0", + "packaging_editing_image_error": "crwdns220919:0crwdne220919:0", + "packaging_editing_title": "crwdns220921:0crwdne220921:0", + "nutrition": "crwdns220923:0crwdne220923:0", + "@nutrition": {}, + "nutrition_facts_photo": "crwdns220927:0crwdne220927:0", + "@nutrition_facts_photo": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the nutrition facts of a product" + }, + "packaging_information": "crwdns220929:0crwdne220929:0", + "@packaging_information": { + "description": "Button label: For adding a picture of the packaging of a product" + }, + "packaging_information_photo": "crwdns220933:0crwdne220933:0", + "@packaging_information_photo": {}, + "missing_product": "crwdns220941:0crwdne220941:0", + "@missing_product": {}, + "add_product_take_photos": "crwdns244745:0crwdne244745:0", + "@add_product_take_photos": {}, + "add_product_take_photos_descriptive": "crwdns220947:0crwdne220947:0", + "@add_product_take_photos_descriptive": {}, + "add_product_information_button_label": "crwdns220949:0crwdne220949:0", + "@add_product_information_button_label": {}, + "new_product": "crwdns220951:0crwdne220951:0", + "@new_product": {}, + "new_product_dialog_title": "crwdns220955:0crwdne220955:0", + "@new_product_dialog_title": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like 50 characters. Title of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "new_product_leave_message": "crwdns220957:0crwdne220957:0", + "@new_product_leave_message": { + "description": "Alert dialog message when a user landed on the 'add new product' page, didn't input anything and tried to leave the page." + }, + "new_product_dialog_description": "crwdns220959:0crwdne220959:0", + "@new_product_dialog_description": { + "description": "Please keep it short, like less than 100 characters. Explanatory text of the dialog when the user searched for an unknown barcode." + }, + "front_packaging_photo_button_label": "crwdns220963:0crwdne220963:0", + "@front_packaging_photo_button_label": {}, + "confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": "crwdns220965:0crwdne220965:0", + "@confirm_front_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which confirms the picture of the front of product that user just took." + }, + "confirm_button_label": "crwdns220967:0crwdne220967:0", + "send_image_button_label": "crwdns220971:0crwdne220971:0", + "crop_page_action_saving": "crwdns220973:0crwdne220973:0", + "@crop_page_action_saving": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_cropping": "crwdns220977:0crwdne220977:0", + "@crop_page_action_cropping": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local": "crwdns220979:0crwdne220979:0", + "@crop_page_action_local": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_title": "crwdns220981:0crwdne220981:0", + "@crop_page_action_local_title": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_action_local_failed_message": "crwdns220985:0crwdne220985:0", + "@crop_page_action_local_message": { + "description": "The save of the picture locally failed - error dialog message" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_title": "crwdns220987:0crwdne220987:0", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_title": { + "description": "Title of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload" + }, + "crop_page_too_small_image_message": "crwdns220991:0{expectedMinWidth}crwdnd220991:0{expectedMinHeight}crwdnd220991:0{actualWidth}crwdnd220991:0{actualHeight}crwdne220991:0", + "@crop_page_too_small_image_message": { + "description": "Message of a dialog warning the user that the image is too small for upload", + "placeholders": { + "expectedMinWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "expectedMinHeight": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualWidth": { + "type": "int" + }, + "actualHeight": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "crop_page_action_server": "crwdns220995:0crwdne220995:0", + "@crop_page_action_server": { + "description": "Action being performed on the crop page" + }, + "front_packaging_photo_title": "crwdns220997:0crwdne220997:0", + "ingredients_photo_title": "crwdns220999:0crwdne220999:0", + "nutritional_facts_photo_title": "crwdns221003:0crwdne221003:0", + "recycling_photo_title": "crwdns221005:0crwdne221005:0", + "other_interesting_photo_title": "crwdns221007:0crwdne221007:0", + "front_photo_uploaded": "crwdns221011:0crwdne221011:0", + "@front_photo_uploaded": {}, + "ingredients_photo_button_label": "crwdns221015:0crwdne221015:0", + "@ingredients_photo_button_label": {}, + "ingredients_photo_uploaded": "crwdns221017:0crwdne221017:0", + "@ingredients_photo_uploaded": {}, + "nutrition_cache_loading_error": "crwdns221021:0crwdne221021:0", + "nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": "crwdns221025:0crwdne221025:0", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_button_label": {}, + "nutritional_facts_input_button_label": "crwdns221027:0crwdne221027:0", + "nutritional_facts_added": "crwdns221029:0crwdne221029:0", + "categories_added": "crwdns221033:0crwdne221033:0", + "new_product_title_nutriscore": "crwdns221037:0crwdne221037:0", + "new_product_subtitle_nutriscore": "crwdns221039:0crwdne221039:0", + "new_product_title_ecoscore": "crwdns221047:0crwdne221047:0", + "new_product_subtitle_ecoscore": "crwdns221049:0crwdne221049:0", + "new_product_additional_ecoscore": "crwdns221053:0crwdne221053:0", + "new_product_title_nova": "crwdns221055:0crwdne221055:0", + "new_product_subtitle_nova": "crwdns221057:0crwdne221057:0", + "new_product_desc_nova_unknown": "crwdns221069:0crwdne221069:0", + "new_product_title_pictures": "crwdns221071:0crwdne221071:0", + "new_product_title_misc": "crwdns221075:0crwdne221075:0", + "hey_incomplete_product_message": "crwdns221085:0crwdne221085:0", + "nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": "crwdns221087:0crwdne221087:0", + "@nutritional_facts_photo_uploaded": {}, + "recycling_photo_button_label": "crwdns221089:0crwdne221089:0", + "@recycling_photo_button_label": {}, + "recycling_photo_uploaded": "crwdns221091:0crwdne221091:0", + "@recycling_photo_uploaded": {}, + "other_interesting_photo_button_label": "crwdns221095:0crwdne221095:0", + "@other_interesting_photo_button_label": {}, + "other_photo_uploaded": "crwdns221099:0crwdne221099:0", + "@other_photo_uploaded": {}, + "retake_photo_button_label": "crwdns221101:0crwdne221101:0", + "@retake_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Button clicking on which allows users to retake the last photo they took." + }, + "selecting_photo": "crwdns221103:0crwdne221103:0", + "@selecting_photo": { + "description": "Progress indicator when the users takes a photo" + }, + "uploading_image": "crwdns221107:0crwdne221107:0", + "@uploading_image": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is uploading to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_front": "crwdns244747:0crwdne244747:0", + "@uploading_image_type_front": { + "description": "Message when a new front picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_ingredients": "crwdns244749:0crwdne244749:0", + "@uploading_image_type_ingredients": { + "description": "Message when a new ingredients picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_nutrition": "crwdns244751:0crwdne244751:0", + "@uploading_image_type_nutrition": { + "description": "Message when a new nutrition picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_packaging": "crwdns244753:0crwdne244753:0", + "@uploading_image_type_packaging": { + "description": "Message when a new packaging picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_other": "crwdns244755:0crwdne244755:0", + "@uploading_image_type_other": { + "description": "Message when a new other picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "uploading_image_type_generic": "crwdns244757:0crwdne244757:0", + "@uploading_image_type_generic": { + "description": "Message when a new picture is being uploaded to the server" + }, + "score_add_missing_ingredients": "crwdns221123:0crwdne221123:0", + "score_add_missing_packaging_image": "crwdns221125:0crwdne221125:0", + "score_add_missing_nutrition_facts": "crwdns221127:0crwdne221127:0", + "score_add_missing_product_category": "crwdns221129:0crwdne221129:0", + "score_add_missing_product_countries": "crwdns221131:0crwdne221131:0", + "score_add_missing_product_emb": "crwdns221133:0crwdne221133:0", + "score_add_missing_product_labels": "crwdns221135:0crwdne221135:0", + "score_add_missing_product_origins": "crwdns221137:0crwdne221137:0", + "score_add_missing_product_stores": "crwdns221139:0crwdne221139:0", + "score_update_nutrition_facts": "crwdns221141:0crwdne221141:0", + "nutrition_page_title": "crwdns221143:0crwdne221143:0", + "nutrition_page_unspecified": "crwdns221145:0crwdne221145:0", + "nutrition_page_per_100g": "crwdns221147:0crwdne221147:0", + "nutrition_page_per_serving": "crwdns221149:0crwdne221149:0", + "nutrition_page_add_nutrient": "crwdns221151:0crwdne221151:0", + "nutrition_page_serving_size": "crwdns221153:0crwdne221153:0", + "nutrition_page_invalid_number": "crwdns221155:0crwdne221155:0", + "nutrition_page_update_running": "crwdns221157:0crwdne221157:0", + "nutrition_page_update_done": "crwdns221159:0crwdne221159:0", + "more_photos": "crwdns221161:0crwdne221161:0", + "@more_photos": {}, + "no_product_found": "crwdns221163:0crwdne221163:0", + "@no_product_found": {}, + "not_found": "crwdns221165:0crwdne221165:0", + "searchPanelHeader": "crwdns221167:0crwdne221167:0", + "@Product query status": {}, + "refreshing_product": "crwdns221169:0crwdne221169:0", + "@refreshing_product": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data of a cached product is queried again" + }, + "product_refreshed": "crwdns221171:0crwdne221171:0", + "@product_refreshed": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the product data refresh is done" + }, + "deprecated_header": "crwdns221173:0crwdne221173:0", + "@deprecated_header": { + "description": "Confirmation, that the user can upgrade to new version of the app" + }, + "click_here": "crwdns221175:0crwdne221175:0", + "@click_here": { + "description": "Confirmation click to download new version of the app" + }, + "download_new_version": "crwdns221177:0crwdne221177:0", + "@download_new_version": { + "description": "Download new version of the app text" + }, + "could_not_refresh": "crwdns221179:0crwdne221179:0", + "@could_not_refresh": { + "description": "The product data couldn't be refreshed" + }, + "product_internet_error": "crwdns221181:0crwdne221181:0", + "cached_results_from": "crwdns221183:0crwdne221183:0", + "@cached_results_from": { + "description": "Cached results from: x time ago (time ago should not be added to the string)" + }, + "@Product Addition": {}, + "added_product_thanks": "crwdns221185:0crwdne221185:0", + "@added_product_thanks": {}, + "product_search_same_category": "crwdns221187:0crwdne221187:0", + "@product_search_same_category": { + "description": "Button looking for the other products within the same category. Less than 30 characters" + }, + "product_improvement_add_category": "crwdns221189:0crwdne221189:0", + "@product_improvement_add_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": "crwdns221191:0crwdne221191:0", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS" + }, + "product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": "crwdns221193:0crwdne221193:0", + "@product_improvement_add_nutrition_facts_and_category": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ADD_NUTRITION_FACTS_AND_CATEGORY" + }, + "product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": "crwdns221195:0crwdne221195:0", + "@product_improvement_categories_but_no_nutriscore": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.CATEGORIES_BUT_NO_NUTRISCORE" + }, + "product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": "crwdns221197:0crwdne221197:0", + "@product_improvement_obsolete_nutrition_image": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.OBSOLETE_NUTRITION_IMAGE" + }, + "product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": "crwdns221199:0crwdne221199:0", + "@product_improvement_origins_to_be_completed": { + "description": "Message for ProductImprovement.ORIGINS_TO_BE_COMPLETED" + }, + "country_chooser_label": "crwdns221201:0crwdne221201:0", + "@country_chooser_label": { + "description": "Label shown above a selector where the user can select their country (in the onboarding)" + }, + "country_chooser_label_from_settings": "crwdns221203:0crwdne221203:0", + "@country_chooser_label_from_settings": { + "description": "Label to use in the settings to change the user country" + }, + "country_selection_explanation": "crwdns221205:0crwdne221205:0", + "@country_label": { + "description": "Explanation as to why users should select their country." + }, + "product_removed_comparison": "crwdns221207:0crwdne221207:0", + "@product_removed_comparison": { + "description": "Product got removed from comparison list" + }, + "native_app_settings": "crwdns221209:0crwdne221209:0", + "@native_app_settings": { + "description": "Native App Settings in app settings" + }, + "native_app_description": "crwdns244759:0crwdne244759:0", + "@native_app_description": { + "description": "Native App description in app settings" + }, + "product_removed_history": "crwdns221213:0crwdne221213:0", + "@product_removed_history": { + "description": "Product got removed from history" + }, + "product_removed_list": "crwdns221215:0crwdne221215:0", + "@product_removed_list": { + "description": "Product got removed from list" + }, + "product_could_not_remove": "crwdns221217:0crwdne221217:0", + "@product_could_not_remove": { + "description": "Could not remove product from a list" + }, + "@Lists": {}, + "no_prodcut_in_list": "crwdns221219:0crwdne221219:0", + "no_product_in_section": "crwdns221221:0crwdne221221:0", + "recently_seen_products": "crwdns221223:0crwdne221223:0", + "clear": "crwdns221225:0crwdne221225:0", + "@clear": { + "description": "Clears a product list" + }, + "really_clear": "crwdns221227:0crwdne221227:0", + "@Plural": {}, + "pct_match": "crwdns221229:0{percent}crwdne221229:0", + "@pct_match": { + "description": "This product has a x percent match with your preferences", + "placeholders": { + "percent": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_days": "crwdns221231:0count={count}crwdnd221231:0count={count}crwdne221231:0", + "@plural_ago_days": { + "description": "Cached results from: x days ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_hours": "crwdns221233:0count={count}crwdnd221233:0count={count}crwdne221233:0", + "@plural_ago_hours": { + "description": "Cached results from: x hours ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_minutes": "crwdns221235:0count={count}crwdnd221235:0count={count}crwdne221235:0", + "@plural_ago_minutes": { + "description": "Cached results from: x minutes ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_months": "crwdns221237:0count={count}crwdnd221237:0count={count}crwdne221237:0", + "@plural_ago_months": { + "description": "Cached results from: x months ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_ago_weeks": "crwdns221239:0count={count}crwdnd221239:0count={count}crwdne221239:0", + "@plural_ago_weeks": { + "description": "Cached results from: x weeks ago", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "plural_compare_x_products": "crwdns221241:0count={count}crwdnd221241:0count={count}crwdne221241:0", + "@plural_compare_x_products": { + "description": "Button label to open a page to compare all selected products to each other", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "compare_products_mode": "crwdns221243:0crwdne221243:0", + "@compare_products_mode": { + "description": "Button to switch to 'compare products mode'" + }, + "compare_products_appbar_title": "crwdns221245:0crwdne221245:0", + "@compare_products_appbar_title": { + "description": "AppBar title when in comparison mode " + }, + "compare_products_appbar_subtitle": "crwdns221247:0crwdne221247:0", + "@compare_products_appbar_subtitle": { + "description": "AppBar subtitle when in comparison mode" + }, + "retry_button_label": "crwdns221249:0crwdne221249:0", + "connect_with_us": "crwdns221251:0crwdne221251:0", + "instagram": "crwdns221253:0crwdne221253:0", + "instagram_link": "crwdns221255:0crwdne221255:0", + "twitter": "crwdns221257:0crwdne221257:0", + "twitter_link": "crwdns221259:0crwdne221259:0", + "blog": "crwdns221261:0crwdne221261:0", + "faq": "crwdns221263:0crwdne221263:0", + "discover": "crwdns221265:0crwdne221265:0", + "how_to_contribute": "crwdns221267:0crwdne221267:0", + "hint_knowledge_panel_message": "crwdns221269:0crwdne221269:0", + "@hint_knowledge_panel_message": { + "description": "Hint popup indicating the card is clickable during onboarding" + }, + "consent_analytics_title": "crwdns221271:0crwdne221271:0", + "@consent_analytics_title": { + "description": "Title for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body1": "crwdns244761:0crwdne244761:0", + "@conset_analytics_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "consent_analytics_body2": "crwdns221275:0crwdne221275:0", + "@consent_analytics_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the consent analytics UI Page" + }, + "permissions_page_title": "crwdns221277:0crwdne221277:0", + "@permissions_page_title": { + "description": "Title for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body1": "crwdns221279:0crwdne221279:0", + "@permissions_page_body1": { + "description": "first paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "permissions_page_body2": "crwdns221281:0crwdne221281:0", + "@permissions_page_body2": { + "description": "second paragraph for the camera permission's page (onboarding)" + }, + "contact_form_body_android": "crwdns221283:0{sdkInt}crwdnd221283:0{release}crwdnd221283:0{model}crwdnd221283:0{product}crwdnd221283:0{device}crwdnd221283:0{brand}crwdne221283:0", + "@contact_form_body_android": { + "description": "Contact form content for Android devices", + "placeholders": { + "sdkInt": { + "type": "int?", + "description": "SDK Int = Version of Android SDK" + }, + "release": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the release" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Model of the device" + }, + "product": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "device": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the device (depending on device, it can be its codename or its real name)" + }, + "brand": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Brand of the device (eg: Samsung)" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body_ios": "crwdns221285:0{version}crwdnd221285:0{model}crwdnd221285:0{localizedModel}crwdne221285:0", + "@contact_form_body_ios": { + "description": "Contact form content for iOS devices", + "placeholders": { + "version": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Version of IOS (eg: 15)" + }, + "model": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Name of the iPhone" + }, + "localizedModel": { + "type": "String?", + "description": "Localized name of the iPhone" + } + } + }, + "contact_form_body": "crwdns221287:0{osContent}crwdnd221287:0{appVersion}crwdnd221287:0{appBuildNumber}crwdnd221287:0{appPackageName}crwdne221287:0", + "@contact_form_body": { + "description": "Contact form content", + "placeholders": { + "osContent": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Content from contact_form_body_ios key (on iOS) or contact_form_body_android (on Android)" + }, + "appVersion": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version name of the app (eg: 1.0.0)" + }, + "appBuildNumber": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Version code of the app (a number)" + }, + "appPackageName": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Name/package of the app" + } + } + }, + "authorize_button_label": "crwdns221289:0crwdne221289:0", + "@authorize": { + "description": "Button to accept the request of sending the anonymous analytics or authorize the camera permission" + }, + "refuse_button_label": "crwdns221291:0crwdne221291:0", + "@refuse": { + "description": "Button to decline the request of sending the anonymous analytics" + }, + "ask_me_later_button_label": "crwdns221293:0crwdne221293:0", + "@ask_me_later": { + "description": "Button to ignore the camera permission request" + }, + "are_you_sure": "crwdns221295:0crwdne221295:0", + "@are_you_sure": { + "description": "Are you sure?" + }, + "knowledge_panel_text_source": "crwdns221297:0{sourceName}crwdne221297:0", + "@knowledge_panel_text_source": { + "description": "When we show information from for example Wikipedia or health authorities, this is the button label to open the source website", + "placeholders": { + "sourceName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text1": "crwdns221299:0crwdne221299:0", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text1": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 1/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_reinventing_text2": "crwdns221301:0crwdne221301:0", + "@onboarding_reinventing_text2": { + "description": "Onboarding / Reinventing page: text 2/2. If possible, balanced on 3 lines." + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": "crwdns221303:0crwdne221303:0", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the onboarding loading dialog" + }, + "onboarding_welcome_loading_error": "crwdns221305:0crwdne221305:0", + "@onboarding_welcome_loading_error": { + "description": "Seems like there is no example product in your language" + }, + "product_list_your_ranking": "crwdns221307:0crwdne221307:0", + "@product_list_your_ranking": { + "description": "Your ranking screen title" + }, + "product_list_empty_icon_desc": "crwdns221309:0crwdne221309:0", + "@product_list_icon_desc": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, icon description (for accessibility) of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_title": "crwdns221311:0crwdne221311:0", + "@product_list_empty_title": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, title of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_empty_message": "crwdns221313:0crwdne221313:0", + "@product_list_empty_message": { + "description": "When the history list is empty, body of the message explaining to start scanning" + }, + "product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": "crwdns221315:0count={count}crwdne221315:0", + "@product_list_reloading_in_progress_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show while loading previous scanned items", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "product_list_reloading_success_multiple": "crwdns221317:0count={count}crwdne221317:0", + "@product_list_reloading_success_multiple": { + "description": "Message to show once previous scanned items are loaded", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "loading_dialog_default_title": "crwdns221319:0crwdne221319:0", + "@loading_dialog_default_title": { + "description": "Default loading dialog title" + }, + "loading_dialog_default_error_message": "crwdns221321:0crwdne221321:0", + "@loading_dialog_default_error_message": { + "description": "Default loading dialog error message" + }, + "account_delete": "crwdns221323:0crwdne221323:0", + "@account_delete": { + "description": "Delete account button (user profile)" + }, + "account_deletion_subject": "crwdns221325:0crwdne221325:0", + "@account_deletion_subject": { + "description": "Subject of the webview open when the user wants to delete his account" + }, + "user_profile": "crwdns221327:0crwdne221327:0", + "@user_profile": { + "description": "User account (if connected)" + }, + "user_profile_title_guest": "crwdns221329:0crwdne221329:0", + "@user_profile_title_guest": { + "description": "When the user is not connected" + }, + "user_profile_subtitle_guest": "crwdns244763:0crwdne244763:0", + "user_profile_title_id_email": "crwdns244765:0{email}crwdne244765:0", + "@user_profile_title_id_email": { + "description": "User login (when it's an email)", + "placeholders": { + "email": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_profile_title_id_default": "crwdns221335:0{id}crwdne221335:0", + "@user_profile_title_id_default": { + "description": "User login (when it's an id)", + "placeholders": { + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "email_subject_account_deletion": "crwdns221337:0crwdne221337:0", + "@email_subject_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email subject for an account deletion" + }, + "email_body_account_deletion": "crwdns244767:0{userId}crwdne244767:0", + "@email_body_account_deletion": { + "description": "Email body for an account deletion", + "placeholders": { + "userId": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settings_app_app": "crwdns221341:0crwdne221341:0", + "settings_app_data": "crwdns221343:0crwdne221343:0", + "settings_app_camera": "crwdns221345:0crwdne221345:0", + "settings_app_products": "crwdns221347:0crwdne221347:0", + "settings_app_miscellaneous": "crwdns221349:0crwdne221349:0", + "@camera_settings_title": { + "description": "Name of the camera section in the settings" + }, + "camera_play_sound_title": "crwdns221351:0crwdne221351:0", + "@camera_play_sound_title": { + "description": "Title for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "camera_play_sound_subtitle": "crwdns221353:0crwdne221353:0", + "@camera_play_sound_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Camera play sound toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_title": "crwdns221355:0crwdne221355:0", + "@app_haptic_feedback_title": { + "description": "Title for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": "crwdns221357:0crwdne221357:0", + "@app_haptic_feedback_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Haptic feedback toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_title": "crwdns221359:0crwdne221359:0", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": "crwdns244769:0crwdne244769:0", + "@crash_reporting_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Crash reporting toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_title": "crwdns221363:0crwdne221363:0", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_title": { + "description": "Title for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "send_anonymous_data_toggle_subtitle": "crwdns244771:0crwdne244771:0", + "@send_anonymous_toggle_subtitle": { + "description": "SubTitle for the Send anonymous data toggle" + }, + "product_edit_photo_title": "crwdns221367:0crwdne221367:0", + "@product_edit_photo_title": { + "description": "Toolbar Title while editing a photo (Android only)" + }, + "permission_photo_error": "crwdns221369:0crwdne221369:0", + "@permission_photo_error": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission failed to be acquired (!= denied)" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_title": "crwdns221371:0crwdne221371:0", + "permission_photo_denied_message": "crwdns221373:0{appName}crwdne221373:0", + "@permission_photo_denied_message": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user", + "placeholders": { + "appName": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "permission_photo_denied_button": "crwdns221375:0crwdne221375:0", + "@permission_photo_denied_button": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_title": "crwdns221377:0crwdne221377:0", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_message": "crwdns221379:0crwdne221379:0", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_open": "crwdns221381:0crwdne221381:0", + "permission_photo_denied_dialog_settings_button_cancel": "crwdns221383:0crwdne221383:0", + "permission_photo_none_found": "crwdns221385:0crwdne221385:0", + "@permission_photo_none_found": { + "description": "Message for the user when no camera was detected, replacing the barcode scanner" + }, + "permission_photo_denied": "crwdns221387:0crwdne221387:0", + "@permission_photo_denied": { + "description": "When the camera/photo permission is denied by user" + }, + "edit_product_label": "crwdns221389:0crwdne221389:0", + "@edit_product_label": { + "description": "Edit product button label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_action": "crwdns221391:0{itemType}crwdne221391:0", + "description": "crwdns221393:0crwdne221393:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_add_action": { + "placeholders": { + "itemType": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "edit_product_form_item_barcode": "crwdns221395:0crwdne221395:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_barcode": { + "description": "Product edition - Barcode" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_title": "crwdns221397:0crwdne221397:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": "crwdns221399:0crwdne221399:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Basic Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": "crwdns221401:0crwdne221401:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": "crwdns221403:0crwdne221403:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_other_details_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Other Details - Subtitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_title": "crwdns221405:0crwdne221405:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": "crwdns221407:0crwdne221407:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_photos_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Photos - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_title": "crwdns221409:0crwdne221409:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": "crwdns221411:0crwdne221411:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": "crwdns221413:0crwdne221413:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_labels_type": "crwdns221415:0crwdne221415:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_labels_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Labels - input textfield label" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_title": "crwdns221417:0crwdne221417:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": "crwdns221419:0crwdne221419:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_stores_type": "crwdns221421:0crwdne221421:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_stores_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Stores - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_title": "crwdns221423:0crwdne221423:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": "crwdns221425:0crwdne221425:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_type": "crwdns221427:0crwdne221427:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": "crwdns221429:0crwdne221429:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": "crwdns221431:0crwdne221431:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_origins_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Origins - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_title": "crwdns221433:0crwdne221433:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": "crwdns221435:0crwdne221435:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_type": "crwdns221437:0crwdne221437:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": "crwdns221439:0crwdne221439:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_countries_explanations": { + "description": "Product edition - Countries - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": "crwdns221441:0crwdne221441:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability codes - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": "crwdns221443:0crwdne221443:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": "crwdns221445:0crwdne221445:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Traceability Codes - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_explanations": "crwdns221447:0crwdne221447:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_emb_codes_examples": { + "description": "Product edition - EMB Codes - explanations" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_title": "crwdns221449:0crwdne221449:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": "crwdns221451:0crwdne221451:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_hint": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield hint" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_type": "crwdns221453:0crwdne221453:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_type": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input textfield type" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": "crwdns221455:0crwdne221455:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_1": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 1" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": "crwdns244773:0crwdne244773:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_2": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 2" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": "crwdns221459:0crwdne221459:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_categories_explainer_3": { + "description": "Product edition - Categories - input explainer, part 3" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation": "crwdns221461:0crwdne221461:0", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_positive_button": "crwdns221463:0crwdne221463:0", + "edit_product_form_item_exit_confirmation_negative_button": "crwdns221465:0crwdne221465:0", + "edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": "crwdns221467:0crwdne221467:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_ingredients_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Ingredients - Title (note: this section was previously called Ingredients & Origins)" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_add_valid_item_tooltip": "crwdns221469:0crwdne221469:0", + "edit_product_form_item_add_invalid_item_tooltip": "crwdns221471:0crwdne221471:0", + "edit_product_form_item_remove_item_tooltip": "crwdns221473:0crwdne221473:0", + "edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": "crwdns221475:0crwdne221475:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_packaging_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Packaging - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": "crwdns221477:0crwdne221477:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_title": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Title" + }, + "edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": "crwdns221479:0crwdne221479:0", + "@edit_product_form_item_nutrition_facts_subtitle": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - SubTitle" + }, + "edit_product_form_save": "crwdns221481:0crwdne221481:0", + "@edit_product_form_save": { + "description": "Product edition - Nutrition facts - Save button" + }, + "product_field_website_title": "crwdns221483:0crwdne221483:0", + "@product_field_website_title": { + "description": "Title of a product field: website" + }, + "completed_basic_details_btn_text": "crwdns221485:0crwdne221485:0", + "not_implemented_snackbar_text": "crwdns221487:0crwdne221487:0", + "category_picker_page_appbar_text": "crwdns221489:0crwdne221489:0", + "edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": "crwdns221491:0crwdne221491:0", + "@edit_ingredients_extrait_ingredients_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Extract ingredients" + }, + "edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": "crwdns221493:0crwdne221493:0", + "@edit_ingredients_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Ingredients edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": "crwdns221495:0crwdne221495:0", + "@edit_packaging_extract_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - OCR-Extract packaging" + }, + "edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": "crwdns221497:0crwdne221497:0", + "@edit_packaging_refresh_photo_btn_text": { + "description": "Packaging edition - Refresh photo" + }, + "edit_ocr_extract_failed": "crwdns221499:0crwdne221499:0", + "@edit_ocr_extract_failed": { + "description": "OCR extraction - message for failed" + }, + "user_list_dialog_new_title": "crwdns221501:0crwdne221501:0", + "@user_list_dialog_new_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'new user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_dialog_rename_title": "crwdns221503:0crwdne221503:0", + "@user_list_dialog_rename_title": { + "description": "Title of the 'rename user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_subtitle_product": "crwdns221505:0crwdne221505:0", + "@user_list_subtitle_product": { + "description": "Subtitle of a paragraph about user lists in a product context" + }, + "user_list_add_product": "crwdns221507:0crwdne221507:0", + "@user_list_add_product": { + "description": "Label for the dialog to add a product to a list" + }, + "user_list_button_new": "crwdns221509:0crwdne221509:0", + "@user_list_button_new": { + "description": "Short label of a 'create a new list' button" + }, + "user_list_empty_label": "crwdns221511:0crwdne221511:0", + "@user_list_empty_label": { + "description": "Content displayed when there is no list" + }, + "user_list_button_add_product": "crwdns221513:0crwdne221513:0", + "@user_list_button_add_product": { + "description": "Short label of an 'add to list' button from a product context" + }, + "added_to_list_msg": "crwdns221515:0crwdne221515:0", + "@added_to_list_msg": { + "description": "Message when products have been successfully added to a list" + }, + "user_list_popup_clear": "crwdns221517:0crwdne221517:0", + "@user_list_popup_clear": { + "description": "Short label of a 'clear your history list' popup" + }, + "user_list_popup_rename": "crwdns221519:0crwdne221519:0", + "@user_list_popup_rename": { + "description": "Short label of a 'rename list' popup" + }, + "user_list_name_hint": "crwdns221521:0crwdne221521:0", + "@user_list_name_hint": { + "description": "Hint of a user list name text-field in a 'user list' dialog" + }, + "user_list_name_error_empty": "crwdns221523:0crwdne221523:0", + "@user_list_name_error_empty": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that cannot be empty" + }, + "user_list_name_error_already": "crwdns221525:0crwdne221525:0", + "@user_list_name_error_already": { + "description": "Validation error about the name that is already used for another list" + }, + "user_list_name_error_same": "crwdns221527:0crwdne221527:0", + "@user_list_name_error_same": { + "description": "Validation error about the renamed name that is the same as the initial list name" + }, + "try_again": "crwdns221529:0crwdne221529:0", + "@try_again": { + "description": "Label for buttons that try to repeat a failed action" + }, + "there_was_an_error": "crwdns221531:0crwdne221531:0", + "@there_was_an_error": { + "description": "Label that presents a error" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_message": "crwdns221533:0{items}crwdne221533:0", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_message": { + "description": "Label when no category is available", + "placeholders": { + "items": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "camera_toggle_camera": "crwdns221535:0crwdne221535:0", + "@camera_toggle_camera": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to switch between cameras" + }, + "camera_toggle_flash": "crwdns221537:0crwdne221537:0", + "@camera_toggle_flash": { + "description": "Explanation for the icon to turn on/off the flash" + }, + "camera_enable_flash": "crwdns221539:0crwdne221539:0", + "@camera_enable_flash": { + "description": "Enable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_disable_flash": "crwdns221541:0crwdne221541:0", + "@camera_disable_flash": { + "description": "Disable flash (tooltip)" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_title": "crwdns221543:0crwdne221543:0", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "camera_flash_error_dialog_message": "crwdns221545:0crwdne221545:0", + "@camera_flash_error_dialog_message": { + "description": "Content of the dialog explaining that an error happened while enabling/disabling the flash of the camera" + }, + "category_picker_no_category_found_button": "crwdns221547:0crwdne221547:0", + "@category_picker_no_category_found_button": { + "description": "Button label when no category is available" + }, + "dev_preferences_screen_title": "crwdns221549:0crwdne221549:0", + "@dev_preferences_screen_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": "crwdns221551:0crwdne221551:0", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": "crwdns221553:0crwdne221553:0", + "@dev_preferences_reset_onboarding_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Reset onboarding - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": "crwdns221555:0crwdne221555:0", + "@dev_preferences_environment_switch_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Environment (prod/test) switcher - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_title": "crwdns221557:0crwdne221557:0", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": "crwdns221559:0{url}crwdne221559:0", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Value", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": "crwdns221561:0crwdne221561:0", + "@dev_preferences_test_environment_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Info about test environment - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": "crwdns221563:0crwdne221563:0", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": "crwdns221565:0crwdne221565:0", + "@dev_preferences_ml_kit_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Enable ML Kit - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": "crwdns221567:0crwdne221567:0", + "@dev_preferences_product_additional_features_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": "crwdns221569:0crwdne221569:0", + "@dev_preferences_edit_ingredients_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Additional buttons on product page - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_title": "crwdns221571:0crwdne221571:0", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": "crwdns221573:0crwdne221573:0", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_error": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Error" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": "crwdns221575:0crwdne221575:0", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": "crwdns221577:0crwdne221577:0", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_progress_not_found": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Item - Not found" + }, + "dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": "crwdns221579:0crwdne221579:0", + "@dev_preferences_export_history_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Export history - Dialog title" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_positive": "crwdns221581:0crwdne221581:0", + "@dev_preferences_button_positive": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Positive button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_button_negative": "crwdns221583:0crwdne221583:0", + "@dev_preferences_button_negative": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Negative button label" + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_title": "crwdns221585:0crwdne221585:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": "crwdns221587:0{status}crwdne221587:0", + "@dev_preferences_migration_subtitle": { + "placeholders": { + "status": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_preferences_migration_status_already_done": "crwdns221589:0crwdne221589:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_success": "crwdns221591:0crwdne221591:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_error": "crwdns221593:0crwdne221593:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_in_progress": "crwdns221595:0crwdne221595:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_required": "crwdns221597:0crwdne221597:0", + "dev_preferences_migration_status_not_started": "crwdns221599:0crwdne221599:0", + "dev_preferences_import_history_title": "crwdns221601:0crwdne221601:0", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Title" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": "crwdns221603:0crwdne221603:0", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Subtitle" + }, + "dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": "crwdns221605:0crwdne221605:0", + "@dev_preferences_import_history_result_success": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Import history - Result successful" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_title": "crwdns221607:0crwdne221607:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": "crwdns221609:0{mode}crwdne221609:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_subtitle": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Subtitle", + "placeholders": { + "mode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": "crwdns221611:0crwdne221611:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_mode_dialog_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Scan mode - Dialog Title" + }, + "dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": "crwdns221613:0crwdne221613:0", + "@dev_mode_hide_ecoscore_title": { + "description": "User dev preferences - Disable Ecoscore - Title" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_camera_only": "crwdns221615:0crwdne221615:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_camera_only": { + "description": "Scan mode - Camera only" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": "crwdns221617:0crwdne221617:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": "crwdns221619:0crwdne221619:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_preprocess_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Preprocess half image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": "crwdns221621:0crwdne221621:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_full_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan full image" + }, + "dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": "crwdns221623:0crwdne221623:0", + "@dev_mode_scan_scan_half_image": { + "description": "Scan mode - Scan half image" + }, + "search_history_item_edit_tooltip": "crwdns221625:0crwdne221625:0", + "@search_history_item_edit_tooltip": { + "description": "A tooltip to explain the Pen button near a search term -> it allows to reuse the item" + }, + "product_search_no_more_results": "crwdns221627:0{totalSize}crwdne221627:0", + "@product_search_no_more_results": { + "description": "Product search list - No more results available", + "placeholders": { + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "product_search_button_download_more": "crwdns221629:0{count}crwdnd221629:0{downloaded}crwdnd221629:0{totalSize}crwdne221629:0", + "@product_search_button_download_more": { + "description": "Product search list - Button to download more results", + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + }, + "downloaded": { + "type": "int" + }, + "totalSize": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "user_search_contributor_title": "crwdns221631:0crwdne221631:0", + "@user_search_contributor_title": { + "description": "User search (contributor): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_informer_title": "crwdns221633:0crwdne221633:0", + "@user_search_informer_title": { + "description": "User search (informer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_photographer_title": "crwdns221635:0crwdne221635:0", + "@user_search_photographer_title": { + "description": "User search (photographer): list tile title" + }, + "user_search_to_be_completed_title": "crwdns221637:0crwdne221637:0", + "@user_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "User search (to be completed): list tile title" + }, + "all_search_to_be_completed_title": "crwdns221639:0crwdne221639:0", + "@all_search_to_be_completed_title": { + "description": "All products to be completed: list tile title" + }, + "edit_product_action_retake_picture": "crwdns221641:0crwdne221641:0", + "@edit_product_action_retake_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - retake a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_take_picture": "crwdns221643:0crwdne221643:0", + "@edit_product_action_take_picture": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - take a picture" + }, + "edit_product_action_confirm": "crwdns221645:0crwdne221645:0", + "@edit_product_action_confirm": { + "description": "Product edition - FAB actions - confirm" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": "crwdns244775:0crwdne244775:0", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line1": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 1)" + }, + "signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": "crwdns221649:0crwdne221649:0", + "@signup_page_terms_of_use_line2": { + "description": "User consent for terms of use (line 2)" + }, + "analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": "crwdns221651:0crwdne221651:0", + "@analytics_consent_image_semantic_label": { + "description": "Consent Analytics icon semantics label" + }, + "knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": "crwdns221653:0{error}crwdne221653:0", + "@knowledge_panel_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Knowledge panel page template - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "preferences_page_loading_error": "crwdns221655:0{error}crwdne221655:0", + "@preferences_page_loading_error": { + "description": "Preferences page - Error while loading future", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "Object?" + } + } + }, + "summary_card_button_add_basic_details": "crwdns221657:0crwdne221657:0", + "@summary_card_button_add_basic_details": { + "description": "Summary card - Button to add details about the product" + }, + "edit_photo_button_label": "crwdns221659:0crwdne221659:0", + "@edit_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Edit photo button label" + }, + "edit_photo_unselect_button_label": "crwdns221661:0crwdne221661:0", + "@edit_photo_unselect_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'unselect photo' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": "crwdns221663:0crwdne221663:0", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_button_label": { + "description": "Edit 'select existing image' button label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": "crwdns221665:0crwdne221665:0", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_all_label": { + "description": "Page title" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": "crwdns221667:0crwdne221667:0", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_download_label": { + "description": "Dialog label" + }, + "edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": "crwdns221669:0crwdne221669:0", + "@edit_photo_select_existing_downloaded_none": { + "description": "Error message" + }, + "edit_photo_language_not_this_one": "crwdns221671:0crwdne221671:0", + "@edit_photo_language_not_this_one": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are 'translated' images, but not in that language" + }, + "edit_photo_language_none": "crwdns221673:0crwdne221673:0", + "@edit_photo_language_none": { + "description": "Warning message: for this product and this field, there are no images at all, in any language" + }, + "category_picker_screen_title": "crwdns221675:0crwdne221675:0", + "@category_picker_screen_title": { + "description": "Categories picker screen title" + }, + "basic_details": "crwdns221677:0crwdne221677:0", + "product_name": "crwdns221679:0crwdne221679:0", + "add_basic_details_product_name_error": "crwdns221681:0crwdne221681:0", + "brand_name": "crwdns221683:0crwdne221683:0", + "add_basic_details_brand_name_error": "crwdns221685:0crwdne221685:0", + "quantity": "crwdns221687:0crwdne221687:0", + "barcode": "crwdns221689:0crwdne221689:0", + "barcode_barcode": "crwdns221691:0{barcode}crwdne221691:0", + "@barcode_barcode": { + "description": "Displaying the raw barcode with label", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "barcode_invalid_error": "crwdns221693:0crwdne221693:0", + "basic_details_add_success": "crwdns221695:0crwdne221695:0", + "basic_details_add_error": "crwdns221697:0crwdne221697:0", + "@basic_details_add_error": { + "description": "Error message when error occurs while submitting basic details" + }, + "clear_search": "crwdns221699:0crwdne221699:0", + "@confirm_clearclear_search": { + "description": "Tooltip to explain that the X button clears the content of the search" + }, + "confirm_clear": "crwdns221701:0crwdne221701:0", + "@confirm_clear": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the history list or not" + }, + "alert_clear_selected_user_list": "crwdns221703:0crwdne221703:0", + "confirm_clear_selected_user_list": "crwdns221705:0crwdne221705:0", + "alert_select_items_to_clear": "crwdns221707:0crwdne221707:0", + "confirm_clear_user_list": "crwdns221709:0{name}crwdne221709:0", + "@confirm_clear_user_list": { + "description": "Asking about whether to clear the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_title": "crwdns221711:0crwdne221711:0", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_title": { + "description": "Title when asking about whether to delete the list or not" + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_message": "crwdns221713:0{name}crwdne221713:0", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_message": { + "description": "Message when asking about whether to delete the list or not", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "confirm_delete_user_list_button": "crwdns221715:0crwdne221715:0", + "@confirm_delete_user_list_button": { + "description": "Button to delete a list" + }, + "importance_label": "crwdns221717:0{name}crwdnd221717:0{id}crwdne221717:0", + "@importance_label": { + "description": "Used when user selects a food preference. example: Vegan importance; mandatory", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "type": "String" + }, + "id": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "user_list_all_title": "crwdns221719:0crwdne221719:0", + "@user_list_all_title": { + "description": "Title about the user lists in the user preferences" + }, + "user_list_all_empty": "crwdns221721:0crwdne221721:0", + "@user_list_all_empty": { + "description": "Small message when there are no user lists" + }, + "product_list_select": "crwdns221723:0crwdne221723:0", + "@product_list_select": { + "description": "Top title for the selection of a list" + }, + "user_list_length": "crwdns221725:0count={count}crwdnd221725:0count={count}crwdne221725:0", + "@user_list_length": { + "description": "Length of a user product list", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "add_list_label": "crwdns221727:0crwdne221727:0", + "@add_list_label": { + "description": "Label for the add list button" + }, + "open_food_preferences_tooltip": "crwdns221729:0crwdne221729:0", + "@open_food_preferences_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message displayed on long press) to open the user food preferences" + }, + "add_photo_button_label": "crwdns221731:0crwdne221731:0", + "@add_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add photo button" + }, + "add_packaging_photo_button_label": "crwdns221733:0crwdne221733:0", + "@add_packaging_photo_button_label": { + "description": "Label for the add PACKAGING photo button" + }, + "choose_image_source_title": "crwdns221735:0crwdne221735:0", + "@choose_image_source_title": { + "description": "Title for the image source chooser" + }, + "choose_image_source_body": "crwdns221737:0crwdne221737:0", + "@choose_image_source_body": { + "description": "Body for the image source chooser" + }, + "gallery_source_label": "crwdns221739:0crwdne221739:0", + "@gallery_source_label": { + "description": "Label for the gallery image source" + }, + "share": "crwdns221741:0crwdne221741:0", + "@share": { + "description": "Button label for sharing something on another app. For example sharing the link to a product via Email" + }, + "share_product_text": "crwdns244777:0{url}crwdne244777:0", + "@share_product_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "share_product_list_text": "crwdns244779:0{url}crwdne244779:0", + "@share_product_list_text": { + "description": "The content which is send, when sharing a product list", + "placeholders": { + "url": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "capture": "crwdns221747:0crwdne221747:0", + "@capture": { + "description": "Button label for taking a photo" + }, + "choose_from_gallery": "crwdns221749:0crwdne221749:0", + "@choose_from_gallery": { + "description": "Button label for choosing a photo from gallery" + }, + "image_upload_queued": "crwdns221751:0crwdne221751:0", + "@image_upload_queued": { + "description": "Message when a photo is queued for upload" + }, + "background_task_title_full_refresh": "crwdns221753:0crwdne221753:0", + "@background_task_title_full_refresh": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a full refresh is started" + }, + "background_task_title_top_n": "crwdns221755:0crwdne221755:0", + "@background_task_title_top_n": { + "description": "Snackbar message when a download of the most popular products is started" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts": "crwdns221757:0crwdne221757:0", + "@expand_nutrition_facts": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_nutrition_facts_body": "crwdns221759:0crwdne221759:0", + "expand_ingredients": "crwdns221761:0crwdne221761:0", + "@expand_ingredients": { + "description": "Label for expanding nutrition facts table in application setting" + }, + "expand_ingredients_body": "crwdns221763:0crwdne221763:0", + "no_internet_connection": "crwdns221765:0crwdne221765:0", + "@no_internet_connection": { + "description": "Message when there is no internet connection" + }, + "world_results_label": "crwdns221767:0crwdne221767:0", + "@world_results_label": { + "description": "Label describing the current source of the results: the entire world. Keep it short" + }, + "world_results_action": "crwdns221769:0crwdne221769:0", + "@world_results_action": { + "description": "Label for the action button that displays the results from the entire world" + }, + "copy_to_clipboard": "crwdns221771:0crwdne221771:0", + "@copy_to_clipboard": { + "description": "Copy to clipboard button description" + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copy": "crwdns221773:0crwdne221773:0", + "@clipboard_barcode_copied": { + "description": "Snackbar label after clipboard copy", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "clipboard_barcode_copied": "crwdns221775:0{barcode}crwdne221775:0", + "language_picker_label": "crwdns221777:0crwdne221777:0", + "@language_picker_label": { + "description": "Choose Application Language" + }, + "help_with_openfoodfacts": "crwdns221779:0crwdne221779:0", + "@help_with_openfoodfacts": { + "description": "Label for the email title" + }, + "product_task_background_schedule": "crwdns221781:0crwdne221781:0", + "@product_task_background_schedule": { + "description": "Message when a product is scheduled for background update" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_title": "crwdns221783:0crwdne221783:0", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_title": { + "description": "Title for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "no_email_client_available_dialog_content": "crwdns221785:0crwdne221785:0", + "@no_email_client_available_dialog_content": { + "description": "Content for the dialog when no email client is installed on the device" + }, + "all_images": "crwdns221787:0crwdne221787:0", + "selected_images": "crwdns221789:0crwdne221789:0", + "product_card_remove_product_tooltip": "crwdns221791:0crwdne221791:0", + "@product_card_remove_product_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on a product item in the carousel" + }, + "scan_announce_new_barcode": "crwdns221793:0{barcode}crwdne221793:0", + "@scan_announce_new_barcode": { + "description": "Text to pronounce by the Accessibility tool when a new barcode is decoded", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String", + "description": "barcode" + } + } + }, + "scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": "crwdns221795:0crwdne221795:0", + "@scan_header_clear_button_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Clear button on top of the scanner" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": "crwdns221797:0crwdne221797:0", + "@scan_header_compare_button_invalid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is just one product scanned" + }, + "scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": "crwdns221799:0crwdne221799:0", + "@scan_header_compare_button_valid_state_tooltip": { + "description": "Tooltip (message visible with a long-press) on the Compare button on top of the scanner, when there is at least two prodiucts" + }, + "scan_product_loading": "crwdns221801:0crwdne221801:0", + "@scan_product_loading": { + "description": "Title when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_initial": "crwdns221803:0crwdne221803:0", + "@scan_product_loading_initial": { + "description": "Message when a product is loading (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_long_request": "crwdns221805:0crwdne221805:0", + "@scan_product_loading_long_request": { + "description": "Message when a product is long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_unresponsive": "crwdns221807:0crwdne221807:0", + "@scan_product_loading_unresponsive": { + "description": "Message when a product is too long to load (carousel card). Please ensure to keep the line break." + }, + "scan_product_loading_restart_button": "crwdns221809:0crwdne221809:0", + "@scan_product_loading_restart_button": { + "description": "Button to force restart a product search" + }, + "portion_calculator_description": "crwdns221811:0crwdne221811:0", + "@portion_calculator_description": { + "description": "Sort of title that describes the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_hint": "crwdns221813:0crwdne221813:0", + "@portion_calculator_hint": { + "description": "Hint to show when a quantity is empty in the portion calculator." + }, + "portion_calculator_accessibility": "crwdns221815:0crwdne221815:0", + "@portion_calculator_accessibility": { + "description": "Hint for the acessibility to explain to enter a quantity." + }, + "portion_calculator_error": "crwdns221817:0{min}crwdnd221817:0{max}crwdne221817:0", + "@portion_calculator_error": { + "description": "Error message to explain that the quantity is invalid.", + "placeholders": { + "min": { + "type": "int" + }, + "max": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "portion_calculator_result_title": "crwdns221819:0{grams}crwdne221819:0", + "@portion_calculator_result_title": { + "description": "Title of the results of the portion calculator.", + "placeholders": { + "grams": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "offline_data": "crwdns221821:0crwdne221821:0", + "@offline_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the offline data page" + }, + "ocr_image_upload_instruction": "crwdns221823:0crwdne221823:0", + "@ocr_image_upload_instruction": { + "description": "Message shown when there is no image on the OCR extraction page for ingredients or recycling instructions" + }, + "upload_image": "crwdns221825:0crwdne221825:0", + "@upload_image": { + "description": "Message shown on asking to upload image" + }, + "word_separator_char": "crwdns221827:0crwdne221827:0", + "@word_separator_char": { + "description": "Word separator character. In English language, this is a comma: ','" + }, + "word_separator": "crwdns221829:0crwdne221829:0", + "@word_separator": { + "description": "Word separator string. In English, this is a comma followed by a space: ', '" + }, + "image_download_error": "crwdns221831:0crwdne221831:0", + "@image_download_error": { + "description": "Error message, when image download fails" + }, + "image_edit_url_error": "crwdns221833:0crwdne221833:0", + "@image_edit_url_error": { + "description": "Error message, when editing image fails, due to missing url." + }, + "user_picture_source_remember": "crwdns221835:0crwdne221835:0", + "@user_picture_source_remember": { + "description": "Checkbox label when select a picture source" + }, + "user_picture_source_select": "crwdns221837:0crwdne221837:0", + "@user_picture_source_select": { + "description": "Choice of selecting the picture source each time" + }, + "robotoff_continue": "crwdns221839:0crwdne221839:0", + "@robotoff_continue": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering" + }, + "robotoff_next_n_questions": "crwdns221841:0count={count}crwdnd221841:0count={count}crwdne221841:0", + "@robotoff_next_n_questions": { + "description": "Shown when robotoff question are all answered and user wants to continue answering", + "placeholders": { + "count": {} + } + }, + "show_password": "crwdns221843:0crwdne221843:0", + "@show_password": { + "description": "Show hidden password in password field" + }, + "rate_app": "crwdns244711:0crwdne244711:0", + "app_rating_dialog_title": "crwdns221845:0crwdne221845:0", + "app_rating_dialog_positive_action": "crwdns221847:0crwdne221847:0", + "app_rating_dialog_negative_action": "crwdns221849:0crwdne221849:0", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_app": "crwdns221851:0crwdne221851:0", + "app_rating_dialog_title_enjoying_positive_actions": "crwdns221853:0crwdne221853:0", + "not_really": "crwdns221855:0crwdne221855:0", + "app_rating_dialog_title_not_enjoying_app": "crwdns221857:0crwdne221857:0", + "edit_packagings_title": "crwdns221859:0crwdne221859:0", + "@edit_packagings_title": { + "description": "Title of the structured packagings page" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_add": "crwdns221861:0crwdne221861:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_add": { + "description": "Button label" + }, + "edit_packagings_completed": "crwdns221863:0crwdne221863:0", + "edit_packagings_element_title": "crwdns221865:0#{index}crwdne221865:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_title": { + "description": "Element title. Please do not change the index placeholder", + "placeholders": { + "index": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_units": "crwdns221867:0crwdne221867:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_units": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_units": "crwdns221869:0crwdne221869:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_units": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_shape": "crwdns221871:0crwdne221871:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_shape": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": "crwdns221873:0crwdne221873:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_shape": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_shape": "crwdns221875:0crwdne221875:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_shape": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_material": "crwdns221877:0crwdne221877:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_material": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_material": "crwdns221879:0crwdne221879:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_material": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_material": "crwdns221881:0crwdne221881:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_material": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": "crwdns221883:0crwdne221883:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_recycling": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": "crwdns221885:0crwdne221885:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_recycling": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": "crwdns221887:0crwdne221887:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_example_recycling": { + "description": "Text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": "crwdns221889:0crwdne221889:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_quantity": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": "crwdns221891:0crwdne221891:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_quantity": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_field_weight": "crwdns221893:0crwdne221893:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_field_weight": { + "description": "Field label" + }, + "edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": "crwdns221895:0crwdne221895:0", + "@edit_packagings_element_hint_weight": { + "description": "Field verbose hint, more like an info than a text field hint" + }, + "background_task_title": "crwdns221897:0crwdne221897:0", + "background_task_subtitle": "crwdns221899:0crwdne221899:0", + "background_task_list_empty": "crwdns221901:0crwdne221901:0", + "background_task_error_server_time_out": "crwdns221903:0crwdne221903:0", + "background_task_error_no_internet": "crwdns221905:0crwdne221905:0", + "background_task_operation_unknown": "crwdns221907:0crwdne221907:0", + "background_task_operation_details": "crwdns221909:0crwdne221909:0", + "background_task_operation_image": "crwdns221911:0crwdne221911:0", + "background_task_operation_refresh": "crwdns221913:0crwdne221913:0", + "background_task_run_started": "crwdns221915:0crwdne221915:0", + "background_task_run_not_started": "crwdns221917:0crwdne221917:0", + "background_task_run_to_be_deleted": "crwdns221919:0crwdne221919:0", + "background_task_question_stop": "crwdns221921:0crwdne221921:0", + "feed_back": "crwdns221923:0crwdne221923:0", + "undo": "crwdns221925:0crwdne221925:0", + "copy_email_to_clip_board": "crwdns221927:0crwdne221927:0", + "@copy_email_to_clip_board": { + "description": "Button: Copy the email adress to the clipboard. Shown when an automatic opening of an email application is not possible" + }, + "please_send_us_an_email_to": "crwdns221929:0crwdne221929:0", + "email_copied_to_clip_board": "crwdns221931:0crwdne221931:0", + "select_accent_color": "crwdns221933:0crwdne221933:0", + "@select_accent_color": { + "description": "Accent Color for the application in AMOLED mode." + }, + "theme_amoled": "crwdns221935:0crwdne221935:0", + "@theme_amoled": { + "description": "AMOLED theme mode." + }, + "color_blue": "crwdns221937:0crwdne221937:0", + "@color_blue": { + "description": "Color Blue" + }, + "color_cyan": "crwdns221939:0crwdne221939:0", + "@color_cyan": { + "description": "Color Cyan" + }, + "color_green": "crwdns221941:0crwdne221941:0", + "@color_green": { + "description": "Color Green" + }, + "color_light_brown": "crwdns221943:0crwdne221943:0", + "@color_light_brown": { + "description": "Color Light Brown, Default Open Food Facts Color" + }, + "color_magenta": "crwdns221945:0crwdne221945:0", + "@color_magenta": { + "description": "Color Magenta" + }, + "color_orange": "crwdns221947:0crwdne221947:0", + "@color_orange": { + "description": "Color Orange" + }, + "color_pink": "crwdns221949:0crwdne221949:0", + "@color_pink": { + "description": "Color Pink" + }, + "color_red": "crwdns221951:0crwdne221951:0", + "@color_red": { + "description": "Color Red" + }, + "color_rust": "crwdns221953:0crwdne221953:0", + "@color_rust": { + "description": "Color Rust" + }, + "color_teal": "crwdns221955:0crwdne221955:0", + "@color_teal": { + "description": "Color Teal" + }, + "text_contrast_mode": "crwdns221957:0crwdne221957:0", + "@text_contrast_mode": { + "description": "Text Contrast Color Mode" + }, + "contrast_high": "crwdns221959:0crwdne221959:0", + "@contrast_high": { + "description": "High Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_medium": "crwdns221961:0crwdne221961:0", + "@contrast_medium": { + "description": "Medium Contrast Text Color" + }, + "contrast_low": "crwdns221963:0crwdne221963:0", + "@contrast_low": { + "description": "Low Contrast Text Color" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_title": "crwdns221965:0crwdne221965:0", + "@product_loader_not_found_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and it doesn't exist" + }, + "product_loader_not_found_message": "crwdns221967:0{barcode}crwdne221967:0", + "@product_loader_not_found_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link, it doesn't exist", + "placeholders": { + "barcode": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "product_loader_network_error_title": "crwdns221969:0crwdne221969:0", + "@product_loader_network_error_title": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "product_loader_network_error_message": "crwdns221971:0crwdne221971:0", + "@product_loader_network_error_message": { + "description": "When fetching a product opened via a link and there is no connection" + }, + "page_not_found_title": "crwdns221973:0crwdne221973:0", + "@page_not_found_title": { + "description": "Title for a page not found (when an URL is not recognized)" + }, + "page_not_found_button": "crwdns221975:0crwdne221975:0", + "@page_not_found_button": { + "description": "Button to go back to the homepage" + }, + "download_data": "crwdns221977:0crwdne221977:0", + "@download_data": { + "description": "App bar title for the download data page" + }, + "download_top_products": "crwdns221979:0crwdne221979:0", + "@download_top_products": { + "description": "Download the top 1000 products in your country for instant scanning" + }, + "download_top_n_products": "crwdns221981:0count={count}crwdnd221981:0count={count}crwdne221981:0", + "@download_top_n_products": { + "placeholders": { + "count": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "download_in_progress": "crwdns221983:0crwdne221983:0", + "@download_in_progress": { + "description": "Download in progress" + }, + "downloaded_products": "crwdns221985:0{num}crwdne221985:0", + "@downloaded_products": { + "description": "text to show when products added", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "update_offline_data": "crwdns221987:0crwdne221987:0", + "@update_offline_data": { + "description": "List tile title for the update offline data page" + }, + "update_local_database_sub": "crwdns244781:0crwdne244781:0", + "@update_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Update the local product database with the latest data from server" + }, + "clear_local_database": "crwdns221991:0crwdne221991:0", + "@clear_local_database": { + "description": "List tile title for the clear local database page" + }, + "clear_local_database_sub": "crwdns221993:0crwdne221993:0", + "@clear_local_database_sub": { + "description": "Clear all local product data from your app to free up space" + }, + "deleted_products": "crwdns221995:0{num}crwdne221995:0", + "@deleted_products": { + "description": "text to show when products are deleted from local databse", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "loading": "crwdns221997:0crwdne221997:0", + "@loading": { + "description": "Loading…" + }, + "know_more": "crwdns221999:0crwdne221999:0", + "@know_more": { + "description": "Know More" + }, + "offline_data_desc": "crwdns222001:0crwdne222001:0", + "@offline_data_desc": { + "description": "Click to know more about offline data" + }, + "offline_product_data_title": "crwdns222003:0crwdne222003:0", + "@offline_product_data_title": { + "description": "Offline Product Data" + }, + "available_for_download": "crwdns222005:0{num}crwdne222005:0", + "@available_for_download": { + "description": "text to show details of products available for download", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int" + } + } + }, + "country_selector_title": "crwdns222007:0crwdne222007:0", + "@country_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user country" + }, + "language_selector_title": "crwdns244709:0crwdne244709:0", + "@language_selector_title": { + "description": "Label written as the title of the dialog to select the user language" + }, + "action_delete_list": "crwdns222009:0crwdne222009:0", + "@action_delete_list": { + "description": "Delete a list action in a menu" + }, + "action_change_list": "crwdns222011:0crwdne222011:0", + "@action_change_list": { + "description": "Action to change the current visible list" + }, + "product_list_create": "crwdns222013:0crwdne222013:0", + "@product_list_create": { + "description": "Button label to create a new list (short word)" + }, + "product_list_create_tooltip": "crwdns222015:0crwdne222015:0", + "@product_list_create_tooltip": { + "description": "Button description to create a new list (long sentence)" + }, + "nutriscore_a": "crwdns244783:0crwdne244783:0", + "nutriscore_b": "crwdns244785:0crwdne244785:0", + "nutriscore_c": "crwdns244787:0crwdne244787:0", + "nutriscore_d": "crwdns244789:0crwdne244789:0", + "nutriscore_e": "crwdns244791:0crwdne244791:0", + "nutriscore_unknown": "crwdns244793:0crwdne244793:0", + "nutriscore_not_applicable": "crwdns244795:0crwdne244795:0", + "ecoscore_a": "crwdns244797:0crwdne244797:0", + "ecoscore_b": "crwdns244799:0crwdne244799:0", + "ecoscore_c": "crwdns244801:0crwdne244801:0", + "ecoscore_d": "crwdns244803:0crwdne244803:0", + "ecoscore_e": "crwdns244805:0crwdne244805:0", + "ecoscore_unknown": "crwdns244807:0crwdne244807:0", + "ecoscore_not_applicable": "crwdns244809:0crwdne244809:0", + "nova_group_1": "crwdns244811:0crwdne244811:0", + "nova_group_2": "crwdns244813:0crwdne244813:0", + "nova_group_3": "crwdns244815:0crwdne244815:0", + "nova_group_4": "crwdns244817:0crwdne244817:0", + "nova_group_unknown": "crwdns244819:0crwdne244819:0" +} \ No newline at end of file From 4ba6925978ecb8beda92031b461690467a0a36eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:13:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 213/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Portuguese) --- packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index 88a746ef6ae..2ae82cb28cf 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -1 +1 @@ -NSCameraUsageDescription = "Este aplicativo precisa de acesso à câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras e tirar fotos de produtos"; +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Esta aplicação precisa de acesso à câmara para ler códigos de barras e tirar fotografias de produtos"; From 1d1ccd103f34223d5c0f335ad27325e4359af9bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:14:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 214/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index 2ae82cb28cf..88a746ef6ae 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/pt.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -1 +1 @@ -NSCameraUsageDescription = "Esta aplicação precisa de acesso à câmara para ler códigos de barras e tirar fotografias de produtos"; +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Este aplicativo precisa de acesso à câmera para digitalizar códigos de barras e tirar fotos de produtos"; From 4177d262f75af7cfc5df277a3522ef72e9829f41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:14:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 215/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (Norwegian Bokmal) --- packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index 96121c1b1b3..b1f20219279 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/nb.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -1 +1 @@ -NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs camera access to scan barcodes and to take product photos"; +NSCameraUsageDescription = "Kameratilgang er nødvendig for å skanne strekkoder og ta produktbilder"; From ca3c79732403294e29a4e02bd4f4eabe35e3b0a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Slamich Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:15:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 216/216] New translations InfoPlist.strings (LOLCAT) --- packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/lol.lproj/InfoPlist.strings | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/lol.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/lol.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index 6773e2f1dc5..8b9a298e60c 100644 --- a/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/lol.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/packages/smooth_app/ios/Runner/lol.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -1 +1 @@ -NSCameraUsageDescription = "crwdns196872:0crwdne196872:0"; +NSCameraUsageDescription = "crwdns222115:0crwdne222115:0";