diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22f4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 007cc65..0fc8dc6 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,13 +1,34 @@
-FROM registry.puzzle.ch/docker.io/node:${NODE_VERSION} as dev
+FROM node:${NODE_VERSION} as qwc2_base
+ARG QWC2_VERSION_HASH="86ba224001cd3c9813ad645f4ccf4de7a17db801"
+ARG QWC2_DOWNLOAD_PATH="https://github.com/qgis/qwc2/archive/$QWC2_VERSION_HASH.zip"
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ bash \
+ curl && \
+ curl -L -O $QWC2_DOWNLOAD_PATH && \
+ unzip $QWC2_VERSION_HASH.zip && \
+ rm $QWC2_VERSION_HASH.zip && \
+ mv qwc2-$QWC2_VERSION_HASH /qwc2 && \
+ echo "$QWC2_VERSION_HASH" > /qwc2/.qwc2.version.txt && \
+ echo "$QWC2_DOWNLOAD_PATH" > /qwc2/.qwc2.download_source.txt
+COPY ./app/.yarnrc /qwc2
+WORKDIR /qwc2
+RUN yarn install
+FROM qwc2_base as dev
-RUN apt update && apt install -y \
- make \
- bash \
- git
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ make
CMD ["/usr/bin/make", "clean", "serve-dev"]
@@ -16,7 +37,7 @@ CMD ["/usr/bin/make", "clean", "serve-dev"]
FROM dev as builder
-COPY app/ /app
+COPY ./app /app
@@ -26,7 +47,7 @@ RUN /usr/bin/make clean build
# Stage prod
-FROM registry.puzzle.ch/docker.io/nginx:stable as prod
+FROM nginx:1.23.2 as prod
COPY --from=builder /app/prod /usr/share/nginx/html
+COPY ./example_config/config.json ./example_config/themes.json /usr/share/nginx/html/
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aabbceb..b7bb751 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,4 +18,19 @@ Administration => Kunde/opengis
\ No newline at end of file
+docker build -t qwc2_minimal:latest --target prod .
+docker build -t qwc2_minimal:latest-builder --target builder .
+docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/example_config/themes.json:/app/static/themes.json -v $(pwd)/example_config/themesConfig.json:/app/themesConfig.json -u $(id -u):$(id -g) qwc2_minimal:latest-builder npm run themesconfig
+docker run --rm -p 80:80 qwc2_minimal:latest
diff --git a/app/.gitattributes b/app/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a3de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+*.png binary
+*.ico binary
+*.jpg binary
diff --git a/app/.gitignore b/app/.gitignore
index 9b736be..4f33f58 100644
--- a/app/.gitignore
+++ b/app/.gitignore
@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ dist/
diff --git a/app/.yarnrc b/app/.yarnrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04aaf4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/.yarnrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--modules-folder /node_modules
diff --git a/app/Makefile b/app/Makefile
index c8aff67..be78791 100644
--- a/app/Makefile
+++ b/app/Makefile
@@ -1,24 +1,11 @@
- git clone $(QWC2_REPO_URL) $(QWC2_FOLDER)
- touch $@
-qwc2/.timestamp-checkout: qwc2/.timestamp-clone
- cd $(QWC2_FOLDER) && git checkout $(QWC2_VERSION_HASH)
-node_modules/.timestamp-install: qwc2/.timestamp-checkout
- yarn install
- touch $@
-prod/.timestamp-build: node_modules/.timestamp-install
- npm run tsupdate
- npm run iconfont
-# npm run themesconfig
+QWC2_VERSION_HASH=$(shell cat /qwc2/.qwc2.version.txt)
+QWC2_REPO_URL=$(shell cat /qwc2/.qwc2.download_source.txt)
- node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production --progress
+prod/.timestamp-build: install
+ node /qwc2/scripts/updateTranslations.js
+ node /qwc2/scripts/makeIconkit.js
+ /node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production --progress
echo "" >> ./prod/index.html
echo "" >> ./prod/index.html
echo "" >> ./prod/index.html
@@ -28,11 +15,14 @@ prod/.timestamp-build: node_modules/.timestamp-install
touch $@
.PHONY: install
-install: node_modules/.timestamp-install
+install: package.json
+ yarn install
.PHONY: serve-dev
serve-dev: install
- yarn start
+ node /qwc2/scripts/updateTranslations.js
+ node /qwc2/scripts/makeIconkit.js
+ /node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js serve --mode development --progress --host --port $(DEV_SERVER_PORT)
.PHONY: clean
@@ -44,3 +34,7 @@ clean:
.PHONY: build
build: prod/.timestamp-build
+.PHONY: generate-themes
+generate-themes: themesConfig.json
+ node /qwc2/scripts/themesConfig.js
diff --git a/app/package.json b/app/package.json
index c443c14..2001ca0 100644
--- a/app/package.json
+++ b/app/package.json
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
- "name": "QWC2App",
- "version": "2021.11.24",
- "description": "QGIS Web Client 2 application",
- "author": "Sourcepole",
- "license": "BSD-2-Clause",
- "repository": "git@github.com:sourcepole/qwc2-demo-app.git",
- "private": true,
- "workspaces": [
- "qwc2"
- ],
- "devDependencies": {
- "babel-loader": "8.2.3",
- "css-loader": "6.4.0",
- "eslint": "7.32.0",
- "eslint-plugin-react": "7.26.1",
- "source-map-loader": "3.0.0",
- "string-replace-loader": "3.0.3",
- "style-loader": "3.3.1",
- "webpack": "5.59.1",
- "webpack-bundle-size-analyzer": "3.1.0",
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- "html-webpack-plugin": "5.4.0",
- "clean-webpack-plugin": "4.0.0",
- "copy-webpack-plugin": "9.0.0"
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- "prod": "webpack --mode production --progress",
- "start": "webpack serve --mode development --progress --host --port 8081",
- "report": "webpack --profile -m static > stats.html",
- "iconfont": "node qwc2/scripts/makeIconkit.js",
- "themesconfig": "node qwc2/scripts/themesConfig.js",
- "tsupdate": "node qwc2/scripts/updateTranslations.js",
- "build": "npm run prod",
- "analyze": "webpack --mode production --json | webpack-bundle-size-analyzer",
- "release": "node -e \"process.exit(require('os').platform() === 'win32' ? 0 : 1)\" && qwc2\\scripts\\package-commands.bat release || ./qwc2/scripts/package-commands.sh release"
- }
+ "name": "QWC2App",
+ "version": "2021.11.24",
+ "description": "QGIS Web Client 2 application",
+ "author": "Sourcepole",
+ "license": "BSD-2-Clause",
+ "repository": "git@github.com:sourcepole/qwc2-demo-app.git",
+ "private": true,
+ "workspaces": [
+ "../qwc2"
+ ],
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "babel-loader": "8.2.3",
+ "css-loader": "6.4.0",
+ "eslint": "7.32.0",
+ "eslint-plugin-react": "7.26.1",
+ "source-map-loader": "3.0.0",
+ "string-replace-loader": "3.0.3",
+ "style-loader": "3.3.1",
+ "webpack": "5.59.1",
+ "webpack-bundle-size-analyzer": "3.1.0",
+ "webpack-cli": "4.9.1",
+ "webpack-dev-server": "4.3.1",
+ "html-webpack-plugin": "5.4.0",
+ "clean-webpack-plugin": "4.0.0",
+ "copy-webpack-plugin": "9.0.0"
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+ "scripts": {
+ "analyze": "/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production --json | webpack-bundle-size-analyzer",
+ "start": "/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js serve --mode development --progress --host --port 8081",
+ "build": "npm run prod",
+ "prod": "/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production --progress",
+ "release": "/qwc2/scripts/package-commands.sh release",
+ "report": "/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --profile -m static > stats.html",
+ "themesconfig": "node /qwc2/scripts/themesConfig.js",
+ "tsupdate": "node /qwc2/scripts/updateTranslations.js",
+ "iconfont": "node /qwc2/scripts/makeIconkit.js"
+ }
diff --git a/app/static/assets/img/mapthumbs/bauprojekte.png b/app/static/assets/img/mapthumbs/bauprojekte.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46e57d
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/static/assets/img/mapthumbs/bauprojekte.png differ
diff --git a/themes.json b/app/static/themes.json
similarity index 70%
rename from themes.json
rename to app/static/themes.json
index d8048d1..73fa68b 100644
--- a/themes.json
+++ b/app/static/themes.json
@@ -1,7 +1,268 @@
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+ "onlineResource": "http://qwc2.sourcepole.ch/ows/qwc_demo",
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"items": [
"url": "http://qwc2.sourcepole.ch/ows/uster/bauprojekte",
@@ -219,260 +480,7 @@
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- "OnlineResource": ""
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- "onlineResource": "http://qwc2.sourcepole.ch/ows/qwc_demo",
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- "name": "A4 Landscape",
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- "editConfig": null,
- "thumbnail": "img/mapthumbs/default.jpg"
+ "thumbnail": "img/genmapthumbs/bauprojekte.png"
"defaultTheme": "qwc_demo",
diff --git a/app/webpack.config.js b/app/webpack.config.js
index 1b4018a..595644e 100644
--- a/app/webpack.config.js
+++ b/app/webpack.config.js
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ module.exports = (env, argv) => {
compress: true,
- hot: true,
- port: 8080
+ hot: true
resolve: {
extensions: [".mjs", ".js", ".jsx"],
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ module.exports = (env, argv) => {
BuildDate: JSON.stringify(buildDate)
- new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/openlayers$/, path.join(__dirname, "qwc2", "libs", "openlayers")),
+ new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/openlayers$/, "/qwc2/libs/openlayers"),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: path.resolve(__dirname, "index.html"),
build: buildDate,
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ module.exports = (env, argv) => {
exclude: /node_modules(\\|\/)(?!qwc2)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
- options: { babelrcRoots: ['.', path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'qwc2')] }
+ options: { babelrcRoots: ['.', '/qwc2', '/node_modules'] }
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2cda8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+version: "3.8"
+ qwc2-minimal:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ target: dev
+ ports:
+ - "8081:8081"
+ volumes:
+ - ./app:/app
+ - ./example_config/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json
+ - ./example_config/themes.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/themes.json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/differences/DIFFERENCES.md b/docs/differences/DIFFERENCES.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f93b5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/differences/DIFFERENCES.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Differences to QWC2 demo app
+Due to the slightly different approach how to handle QWC2 and its parts there are some
+differences to the setup as it is suggested in [QWC2 demo app](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app).
+Node Modules in root path
+QWC2 in root path
+App in /app
diff --git a/docs/differences/img/package.json.difference.png b/docs/differences/img/package.json.difference.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c4fa6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/differences/img/package.json.difference.png differ
diff --git a/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.1.png b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c221619
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.1.png differ
diff --git a/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.2.png b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d82bf59
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.2.png differ
diff --git a/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.3.png b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58daaac
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/differences/img/webpack.config.js.difference.3.png differ
diff --git a/docs/main/MAIN.md b/docs/main/MAIN.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518e817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/main/MAIN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# QWC2 minimal
+## Overview
+The regular [QWC2 Demo App](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app) is a good point to start and
+have a quick application running. But when it comes to deployment and to maintain code over
+time in different projects it lacks a bit of organization. This is mainly introduced by two things:
+1. [QWC2 is a sub repository in this project](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2)
+1. There is no packaging/release mechanism
+Both facts seem to stand in the way of rapid development. Despite they aren't. It is true that
+building packages and managing dependencies is a pain. But not solving this inside the
+project with all the knowledge of the developers who produce the code shifts the pain to
+integrators or users. They do not have a clue about the software and therefore come up with silly
+ideas how to solve things upstream. Creating high gain of noise and blocking DEVs from their real
+work. So in the end the time meant to be saved is blocked just in another way.
+## This repository
+This approach tries to solve some of this pain. Even if it is not a final solution since it
+only handles upstream. It does not manipulate it.
+It implements the following ideas:
+- inspired by the [QWC2 Demo App](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app) this reflects an instance
+ of a WebGIS which might be adapted to further needs or can be served as is
+- Everything is encapsulated in Docker
+- Running any command should not leave any touched files but necessary ones on the host
+- A DEV server to conveniently develop code locally
+- Updating the basic lib [QWC2](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2) shouldn't pollute the implementation project
+- the basic lib [QWC2](https://github.com/qgis/qwc2) is handled as a singleton
+- Node modules are not polluting the host system
+It is meant to be used as is for really simple cases where we only want to offer a basic WebGIS
+with some themes, layers, print templates, etc. It can be slightly adapted to the clients needs
+as of the symbols and the cartographic content.
+As soon as there should be any custom functionality this repository should be used as a pattern
+for a custom implementation. It's not worth to customize it directly. However, some parts may be
+reused. Especially the Docker images described in the next section.
+## The Docker structure
+There are 4 Docker images/targets:
+1. qwc2_base
+1. dev
+1. builder
+1. prod
+They depend on each other in the order stated above.
+### qwc2_base
+It includes the QWC2 code in a defined version (HASH) in the root folder `/qwc2` and all
+the Node modules it depends on which are stored in the root folder `node_modules`.
+The main interesting point here is the [.yarnrc file](../../app/.yarnrc) which tells
+Node to store the packages in a defined path. This file is copied to the image at build
+It does not contain an instance of QWC2 which can be started.
+### dev
+It includes nothing but the things of the stage `qwc2_base`. It sets the working directory
+to `app`.
+It is meant to be used as the development environment. The content of the `app` folder of
+this repository should be mounted along with Docker run command:
+docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/app:/app qwc2_minimal:latest-dev
+That runs the stack in dev mode to develop things. It is useful to integrate with the newest
+version of QWC2 since this often comes with changes in configuration and code. Using this
+repository is a safe and local way to achieve this without manipulating clients infrastructure.
+### builder
+This stage is mainly used to prepare the static assets of the QWC2 app in a way that they can
+be served by a simple webserver in the end. The result is used in the next stage.
+But it includes also the toolset of QWC2 which is for building fonts, icon sets
+(not the clients custom icons), translations and the most important => the themes.json
+So we can use this Docker image directly to produce a `themes.json` out of a `themesConfig.json`.
+Most use cases show needs that this `themesConfig.json` is handled by the client and heavily depends
+on services running in the client's infrastructure. As a QGIS-Server accessing local databases etc.
+In this infrastructure we can use the `builder` to generate the artifact needed by QWC2 => `themes.json`:
+docker run --rm \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/themes.json:/app/static/themes.json \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/themesConfig.json:/app/themesConfig.json \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/map_thumbs:/app/static/assets/img/genmapthumbs \
+ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
+ qwc2_minimal:latest-builder make generate-themes
+Since QWC2 can also create preview thumbs for the theme selection tool we also mount that dir
+to obtain generated thumbs.
+### prod
+> **NOTE**: You may want to delete or disable the cache of you browser to force load the correct files
+> instead of using the browsers cache.
+It contains a simple nginx serving the static assets and so a fully working instance of QWC2 but without
+any cartographic data.
+docker run --rm -p 80:80 qwc2_minimal:latest
+However, this can be easily adapted to a clients setup where the client has an own `config.json`
+to enable/disable things in the WebGIS (buttons, toolbars, etc.) and an own `themesConfig.json`
+which was already *built* to a `themes.json`.
+To show how it might work this repository ships with an example set of such data in the folder
+You might try to use that with the following Docker command:
+docker run --rm \
+ -p 80:80 \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/themes.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/themes.json \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/app_logos/logo.svg:/usr/share/nginx/html/assets/img/logo.svg \
+ -v $(pwd)/example_config/app_logos/favicon.ico:/usr/share/nginx/html/assets/img/favicon.ico \
+ qwc2_minimal:latest
+TODO: add better map theme setup to describe how it works.
+Loading `http://localhost:80` in your browser will show an empty WebGIS (no cartographic data). This is not
+different to the command above. But the WebGIS does have a top toolbar. This is because one was configured
+in the `config.json`. You may also recognize the different logo in the header and for the favicon.
diff --git a/example_config/app_logos/favicon.ico b/example_config/app_logos/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee951d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_config/app_logos/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/example_config/app_logos/logo.png b/example_config/app_logos/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d60e42
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_config/app_logos/logo.png differ
diff --git a/example_config/app_logos/logo.svg b/example_config/app_logos/logo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9cef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example_config/app_logos/logo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
diff --git a/config.json b/example_config/config.json
similarity index 74%
rename from config.json
rename to example_config/config.json
index 56d35dd..9910753 100644
--- a/config.json
+++ b/example_config/config.json
@@ -176,6 +176,50 @@
"position": 0
+ {
+ "name": "TopBar",
+ "cfg": {
+ "menuItems": [
+ {"key": "ThemeSwitcher", "icon": "themes"},
+ {"key": "LayerTree", "icon": "layers"},
+ {"key": "LayerCatalog", "icon": "catalog"},
+ {"key": "Share", "icon": "share"},
+ {"key": "Bookmark", "icon": "bookmark"},
+ {"key": "Tools", "icon": "tools", "subitems": [
+ {"key": "Identify", "icon": "identify_region", "mode": "Region"},
+ {"key": "TimeManager", "icon": "clock"},
+ {"key": "Measure", "icon": "measure"},
+ {"key": "Redlining", "icon": "draw"},
+ {"key": "Editing", "icon": "editing"},
+ {"key": "FeatureForm", "icon": "featureform"},
+ {"key": "AttributeTable", "icon": "editing"},
+ {"key": "DxfExport", "icon": "dxfexport"},
+ {"key": "RasterExport", "icon": "rasterexport"}
+ ]},
+ {"key": "Print", "icon": "print"},
+ {"key": "Help", "icon": "info"},
+ {"key": "ExternalLink", "icon": "link", "url": "http://example.com?extent=$e$", "target": "iframe"}
+ ],
+ "toolbarItems": [
+ {"key": "Measure", "mode": "LineString", "icon": "measure_line"},
+ {"key": "Measure", "mode": "Polygon", "icon": "measure_polygon"},
+ {"key": "Print", "icon": "print"},
+ {"key": "Identify", "icon": "identify_region", "mode": "Region"},
+ {"key": "FeatureForm", "icon": "featureform"}
+ ],
+ "searchOptions": {
+ "minScaleDenom": 1000,
+ "showProviderSelection": true,
+ "providerSelectionAllowAll": true,
+ "zoomToLayers": false,
+ "showProvidersInPlaceholder": false
+ },
+ "appMenuClearsTask": true,
+ "appMenuFilterField": true,
+ "appMenuVisibleOnStartup": false,
+ "logoUrl": "/"
+ }
+ },
"name": "BottomBar",
"cfg": {
diff --git a/example_config/map_thumbs/bauprojekte.png b/example_config/map_thumbs/bauprojekte.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46e57d
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_config/map_thumbs/bauprojekte.png differ
diff --git a/example_config/themes.json b/example_config/themes.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88fccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example_config/themes.json
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ "themes": {
+ "title": "root",
+ "subdirs": [],
+ "items": [],
+ "defaultScales": [
+ 4000000,
+ 2000000,
+ 1000000,
+ 400000,
+ 200000,
+ 80000,
+ 40000,
+ 20000,
+ 10000,
+ 8000,
+ 6000,
+ 4000,
+ 2000,
+ 1000,
+ 500,
+ 250,
+ 100
+ ],
+ "defaultPrintGrid": [
+ {
+ "s": 10000,
+ "x": 1000,
+ "y": 1000
+ },
+ {
+ "s": 1000,
+ "x": 100,
+ "y": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "s": 100,
+ "x": 10,
+ "y": 10
+ }
+ ],
+ "externalLayers": [],
+ "backgroundLayers": [
+ {
+ "type": "wmts",
+ "url": "https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/1.0.0/ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung/default/current/2056/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.jpeg",
+ "title": "SWISSTOPO: Leichte Basiskarte",
+ "name": "ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung",
+ "tileMatrixPrefix": "",
+ "tileMatrixSet": "2056_26",
+ "originX": 2420000,
+ "originY": 1350000,
+ "projection:": "EPSG:2056",
+ "resolutions": [
+ 4000,
+ 3750,
+ 3500,
+ 3250,
+ 3000,
+ 2750,
+ 2500,
+ 2250,
+ 2000,
+ 1750,
+ 1500,
+ 1250,
+ 1000,
+ 750,
+ 650,
+ 500,
+ 250,
+ 100,
+ 50,
+ 20,
+ 10,
+ 5,
+ 2.5,
+ 2,
+ 1.5,
+ 1,
+ 0.5,
+ 0.25
+ ],
+ "tileSize": [
+ 256,
+ 256
+ ],
+ "attribution": {
+ "Title": {
+ "Title": "Hintergrundkarte © swisstopo"
+ }
+ },
+ "thumbnail": "img/mapthumbs/default.jpg"
+ }
+ ],
+ "defaultWMSVersion": "1.3.0"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example_config/themesConfig.json b/example_config/themesConfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a2438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example_config/themesConfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ "themes":{
+ "items":[],
+ "externalLayers":[],
+ "backgroundLayers":[{
+ "type":"wmts",
+ "url":"https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/1.0.0/ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung/default/current/2056/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.jpeg",
+ "title":"SWISSTOPO: Leichte Basiskarte",
+ "name":"ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung",
+ "tileMatrixPrefix":"",
+ "tileMatrixSet":"2056_26",
+ "originX":2420000.0,
+ "originY":1350000.0,
+ "projection:":"EPSG:2056",
+ "resolutions":[
+ 4000,
+ 3750,
+ 3500,
+ 3250,
+ 3000,
+ 2750,
+ 2500,
+ 2250,
+ 2000,
+ 1750,
+ 1500,
+ 1250,
+ 1000,
+ 750,
+ 650,
+ 500,
+ 250,
+ 100,
+ 50,
+ 20,
+ 10,
+ 5,
+ 2.5,
+ 2,
+ 1.5,
+ 1,
+ 0.5,
+ 0.25
+ ],
+ "tileSize":[
+ 256,
+ 256
+ ],
+ "attribution":{
+ "Title":"Hintergrundkarte © swisstopo"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ "defaultScales":[
+ 4000000,
+ 2000000,
+ 1000000,
+ 400000,
+ 200000,
+ 80000,
+ 40000,
+ 20000,
+ 10000,
+ 8000,
+ 6000,
+ 4000,
+ 2000,
+ 1000,
+ 500,
+ 250,
+ 100
+ ],
+ "defaultPrintGrid":[
+ {
+ "s":10000,
+ "x":1000,
+ "y":1000
+ },
+ {
+ "s":1000,
+ "x":100,
+ "y":100
+ },
+ {
+ "s":100,
+ "x":10,
+ "y":10
+ }
+ ],
+ "defaultWMSVersion":"1.3.0"
diff --git a/stats.html b/stats.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/themesConfig.json b/themesConfig.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b46c92..0000000
--- a/themesConfig.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
- "themes":{
- "items":[
- {
- "url":"http://qwc2.sourcepole.ch/ows/uster/bauprojekte",
- "attribution":"Stadt Uster",
- "attributionUrl":"https://gis.uster.ch/",
- "scales":[
- 80000,
- 40000,
- 20000,
- 10000,
- 8000,
- 6000,
- 4000,
- 2000,
- 1000,
- 500,
- 250,
- 100
- ],
- "printScales":[
- 80000,
- 40000,
- 20000,
- 10000,
- 8000,
- 6000,
- 4000,
- 2000,
- 1000,
- 500,
- 250,
- 100
- ],
- "printResolutions":[
- 150,
- 300,
- 600
- ],
- "backgroundLayers":[
- {
- "name":"mapnik",
- "visibility":true
- },
- {
- "name":"opentopomap"
- }
- ],
- "searchProviders":[
- "coordinates",
- "uster",
- {
- "key": "nominatim",
- "params": {
- "countrycodes": "ch"
- }
- }
- ],
- "mapCrs":"EPSG:3857",
- "additionalMouseCrs":[
- "EPSG:21781",
- "EPSG:2056"
- ]
- },
- {
- "title": "Demo",
- "url": "http://qwc2.sourcepole.ch/ows/qwc_demo",
- "default": true,
- "attribution": "Demo attribution",
- "attributionUrl": "",
- "backgroundLayers": [
- {
- "name": "bluemarble",
- "printLayer": "bluemarble_bg",
- "visibility": true
- },
- {
- "name": "mapnik",
- "printLayer": "osm_bg"
- }
- ],
- "searchProviders": [
- "coordinates",
- "nominatim"
- ],
- "mapCrs": "EPSG:3857",
- "additionalMouseCrs": [],
- "extent": [-1000000, 4000000, 3000000, 8000000],
- "skipEmptyFeatureAttributes": true,
- "printResolutions": [300],
- "thumbnail": "default.jpg"
- }
- ],
- "externalLayers":[
- {
- "name":"bauzonen",
- "type":"wms",
- "tiled": true,
- "url":"https://wms.geo.admin.ch",
- "params":{"LAYERS":"ch.are.bauzonen"},
- "infoFormats":["text/plain"]
- }
- ],
- "backgroundLayers":[
- {
- "name":"mapnik",
- "title":"Open Street Map",
- "type":"osm",
- "source":"osm",
- "thumbnail":"mapnik.jpg",
- "attribution":"OpenStreetMap contributors",
- "attributionUrl":"https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"
- },
- {
- "name":"Night2012",
- "title":"NASAGIBS Night 2012",
- "type":"tileprovider",
- "source":"nasagibs",
- "provider":"NASAGIBS.ViirsEarthAtNight2012",
- "thumbnail":"Night2012.jpg",
- "attribution":"Suomi NPP / VIIRS via NASA Earth Observatory"
- },
- {
- "name":"StamenWatercolor",
- "title":"Stamen Watercolor/OSM",
- "group":"stamen",
- "type":"tileprovider",
- "source":"stamen",
- "provider":"Stamen.Watercolor"
- },
- {
- "name":"StamenToner",
- "title":"Stamen Toner/OSM",
- "group":"stamen",
- "type":"tileprovider",
- "source":"stamen",
- "provider":"Stamen.Toner"
- },
- {
- "name":"group",
- "title":"Group",
- "type":"group",
- "items":[
- {
- "ref":"Gemeindegrenzen",
- "minScale":10000,
- "maxScale":300000
- },
- {
- "ref":"oevhaltestellen"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "name":"Gemeindegrenzen",
- "title":"Gemeindegrenzen",
- "type":"wms",
- "url":"http://wms.geo.admin.ch/",
- "tiled":false,
- "params":{
- "LAYERS":"ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill",
- "STYLES":"default"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"oevhaltestellen",
- "title":"Haltestellen öV",
- "type":"wms",
- "url":"http://wms.geo.admin.ch/",
- "tiled": true,
- "params": {
- "LAYERS":"ch.bav.haltestellen-oev",
- "STYLES":"default"
- }
- },
- {
- "type":"wmts",
- "url":"http://gibs.earthdata.nasa.gov/wmts/epsg3857/best/BlueMarble_ShadedRelief/default/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileRow}/{TileCol}.jpeg",
- "title":"Blue Marble",
- "name":"bluemarble",
- "tileMatrixPrefix":"",
- "tileMatrixSet":"GoogleMapsCompatible_Level8",
- "originX":-20037508.34278925,
- "originY":20037508.34278925,
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- 19567.87923828125,
- 9783.939619140625,
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- 1222.9924523925781
- ],
- "tileSize":[
- 256,
- 256
- ],
- "thumbnail":"default.jpg"
- },
- {
- "type":"wms",
- "url":"https://maps.omniscale.net/v2/swl-33d96aa8/style.default/map",
- "title":"osm",
- "name":"osm",
- "srs":"EPSG:25832",
- "params":{
- "LAYERS":"osm",
- "STYLES":"",
- "VERSION":"1.1.1"
- },
- "thumbnail":"default2.jpg"
- },
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- "type":"tileprovider",
- "provider":"OpenTopoMap",
- "title":"OpenTopoMap",
- "name":"opentopomap",
- "thumbnail":"default.jpg",
- "attribution":"Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors, SRTM | Map style: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)"
- },
- {
- "type":"wmts",
- "url":"https://wxs.ign.fr/pratique/geoportail/wmts",
- "title":"IGN",
- "format":"image/jpeg",
- "style":"normal",
- "originX":-20037508,
- "originY":20037508,
- "projection":"EPSG:3857",
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- 2445.98490512564,
- 1222.99245256282,
- 611.49622628141,
- 305.748113140705,
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- 76.43702828517625,
- 38.21851414258813,
- 19.109257071294063,
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- ],
- "tileSize":[
- 256,
- 256
- ],
- "requestEncoding":"KVP",
- "tileMatrixSet":"PM",
- "tileMatrixPrefix":"",
- "thumbnail":"ign.png",
- "attribution":""
- },
- {
- "type":"group",
- "title":"Karte farbig",
- "name":"pixelkarte",
- "items":[
- {
- "ref":"av_grundbuchplan-color",
- "minScale":0,
- "maxScale":2000
- },
- {
- "ref":"swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe",
- "minScale":2001
- }
- ],
- "thumbnail":"default.jpg"
- },
- {
- "type":"wmts",
- "url":"https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/1.0.0/ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe/default/current/2056/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.jpeg",
- "title":"swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe",
- "name":"swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe",
- "tileMatrixPrefix":"",
- "tileMatrixSet":"2056_26",
- "originX":2420000.0,
- "originY":1350000.0,
- "projection:":"EPSG:2056",
- "resolutions":[
- 4000,
- 3750,
- 3500,
- 3250,
- 3000,
- 2750,
- 2500,
- 2250,
- 2000,
- 1750,
- 1500,
- 1250,
- 1000,
- 750,
- 650,
- 500,
- 250,
- 100,
- 50,
- 20,
- 10,
- 5,
- 2.5,
- 2,
- 1.5,
- 1,
- 0.5,
- 0.25
- ],
- "tileSize":[
- 256,
- 256
- ],
- "attribution":{
- "Title":"Hintergrundkarte © swisstopo"
- }
- },
- {
- "type":"wms",
- "name":"av_grundbuchplan-color",
- "title":"av_grundbuchplan-color",
- "url":"https://iap-map.gl.ch/ows/mainmap",
- "params":{
- "LAYERS":"ch.gl.cadastre.av_grundbuchplan-color",
- "STYLES":"default"
- }
- },
- {
- "name":"luftbild_zh_2015",
- "title":"Luftbild ZH 2015",
- "type":"wms",
- "url":"http://localhost/qgis/qgis_mapserv.fcgi",
- "params":{
- "LAYERS":"Orthofoto_2015_stdzh_0.5_jpeg",
- "STYLES":"default",
- "VERSION":"1.3.0",
- "MAP": "/home/sandro/wms/luftbild_zh.qgs"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "defaultScales":[
- 4000000,
- 2000000,
- 1000000,
- 400000,
- 200000,
- 80000,
- 40000,
- 20000,
- 10000,
- 8000,
- 6000,
- 4000,
- 2000,
- 1000,
- 500,
- 250,
- 100
- ],
- "defaultPrintGrid":[
- {
- "s":10000,
- "x":1000,
- "y":1000
- },
- {
- "s":1000,
- "x":100,
- "y":100
- },
- {
- "s":100,
- "x":10,
- "y":10
- }
- ],
- "defaultWMSVersion":"1.3.0"
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
deleted file mode 100644
index fb57ccd..0000000
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# yarn lockfile v1