This chart is an extension of OpenTelemetry Demo and OpenTelemetry Demo Chart.
This chart only retains those core services to ensure the shopping flow. Below is the current service diagram:
graph TD
subgraph Service Diagram
adservice(Ad Service):::java
dataservice(Data Service):::java
cartservice(Cart Service):::dotnet
checkoutservice-v2(Checkout Service):::golang
loadgenerator([Load Generator]):::python
paymentservice(Payment Service):::javascript
productcatalogservice(Product Catalog Service):::golang
quoteservice(Quote Service):::php
shippingservice(Shipping Service):::rust
adstore[(DataService Store<br/>(Mysql DB))]
Internet -->|HTTP| frontend
loadgenerator -->|HTTP| frontend
checkoutservice-v2 --->|gRPC| cartservice -->|TCP| cache
checkoutservice-v2 --->|gRPC| productcatalogservice
checkoutservice-v2 --->|gRPC| paymentservice
checkoutservice-v2 -->|gRPC| shippingservice
frontend -->|gRPC| adservice
frontend -->|gRPC| cartservice
frontend -->|gRPC| productcatalogservice
frontend -->|gRPC| checkoutservice-v2
frontend -->|gRPC| shippingservice -->|HTTP| quoteservice
adservice -->|HTTP| dataservice
dataservice ---> |TCP| adstore
classDef dotnet fill:#178600,color:white;
classDef golang fill:#00add8,color:black;
classDef java fill:#b07219,color:white;
classDef javascript fill:#f1e05a,color:black;
classDef php fill:#4f5d95,color:white;
classDef python fill:#3572A5,color:white;
classDef rust fill:#dea584,color:black;
classDef typescript fill:#e98516,color:black;
graph TD
subgraph Service Legend
classDef dotnet fill:#178600,color:white;
classDef golang fill:#00add8,color:black;
classDef java fill:#b07219,color:white;
classDef javascript fill:#f1e05a,color:black;
classDef php fill:#4f5d95,color:white;
classDef python fill:#3572A5,color:white;
classDef rust fill:#dea584,color:black;
classDef typescript fill:#e98516,color:black;
We have made certain modifications to the official demo, and the following are the specific details of the modifications.
- integrate nacos
- integrate sentinel
- support grpcurl
- expose Prometheus metrics
- mock latency
- 50% error rate
- call Dataservice to get Ad data
- doesn't depend Emailservice
- doesn't depend Currencyservice
- doesn't depend Kafka
This service only used by Adservice. It will accept Adservice's http request then response Ad data from mysql.
Close all none business services, such as Opentelemetry collector, Prometheus, Jaeger, Grafana, all service's telemetry data will fellow this data flow:
Components --> Insight-agent OTel collector
。 -
Support deploying Redis instance from a Redis operator(Make sure Redis operator already works).
Note:make sure Insight agent already works(If--set .global.middleware.redis.deployBy=redisCR
, make sure Redis
operator already works)
helm repo add open-insight
helm install webstore-demo open-insight/opentelemetry-demo-lite -n webstore-demo --create-namespace
Please use values.schema.json
to get to know how to control the deployment behavior of this chart(use
json schema editor to parse the schema and use
json-to-yaml to generate values.yaml).