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File metadata and controls

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Create your first Go operator


  • Git

  • Go version 1.12.x

  • operator-sdk version v0.8.x

  • docker version 17.03+ or buildah version 1.8.2+

  • oc

  • Access to an OpenShift cluster

  • Quay account

Scaffolding project

Note: You can chose between using dep or modules. Modules are used by default. In next versions it will also be added support by default for external vendoring (i.e. --vendor=false).

cd projects
operator-sdk new hellogo-operator
cd hellogo-operator

After that review the generated code and resources. Pay special attention to the following:

  • deploy: folder containing yaml files to easily run your operator on kubernetes

  • cmd/manager: The manager register the scheme for all custom resources under pkg/apis and run all controlers under pkg/controller

  • pkg/controller: The controllers implementation

  • pkg/apis: The custom types definitions

Check the [project scaffolding layout]( for more details

Let’s add a new CRD

operator-sdk add api --kind=HelloGo

After that we can see the following changed:

  • deploy/crds is created with a basic CRD (including OpenApiV3Schema validation) and a sample CR

  • pkg/apis/hellogo/v1alpha1 contains a file hellogo_types.go with the CRD structs

Create the controller for our CRD

operator-sdk add controller --kind=HelloGo

Let’s review:

  • pkg/controller/hellogo/hellogo_controller.go has a default implementation that creates a busybox pod

Define the CRD

To update the spec of your CRD, go to the pkg/apis/hellogo/v1alpha1/hellogo_types.go file and add the necessary attributes - in this example we add a size attribute

type HelloGoSpec struct {
	// INSERT ADDITIONAL SPEC FIELDS - desired state of cluster
	// Important: Run "operator-sdk generate k8s" to regenerate code after modifying this file
	// Add custom validation using kubebuilder tags:

	Size int32 `json:"size"`

When finished, run the following to update the generated code:

operator-sdk generate k8s
Run this command each time you change the types

Generate the OpenAPI validation

operator-sdk generate openapi
Run this command only when you want to replace the CRD with the new generated values. This will overwrite any customization

Implement the controller

  • Watch for changes in owned objects: just add here the ones you feel necessary.

  • Implement the reconcile loop: You will receive notification changes for all the watched objects (CustomResources and OwnedObjects). Create the owned objects that are missing or replace them if the expected objects don’t match with the existing ones. Let’s replace the busybox image with the helloworld one.

// newPodForCR returns a busybox pod with the same name/namespace as the cr
func newPodForCR(cr *hellogov1alpha1.HelloGo) *corev1.Pod {
        labels := map[string]string{
                "app": cr.Name,
        return &corev1.Pod{
                ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                        Name:      cr.Name + "-pod",
                        Namespace: cr.Namespace,
                        Labels:    labels,
                Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
                        Containers: []corev1.Container{
                                        Name:    "hellogo",  					// changed here
                                        Image:   "openshift/hello-openshift",   // changed here
                                        Command: []string{"sleep", "3600"},     // remove this line
  • Update the role.yaml in case different permissions are required (e.g. create ingress or route)

Run the Operator locally

Replace <myuser-namespace> with your namespace
oc project <myuser-namespace>
oc create -f deploy/crds/hellogo.workshop.redhat.com_hellogos_crd.yaml
go mod vendor
operator-sdk up local --namespace=<myuser-namespace>

Now you can create an example CR. Notice that the generated CR is not valid.

Build the Operator

Replace <user> with your own username
operator-sdk build --image-builder docker {{IMAGE_REGISTRY}}/<user/>go-operator:latest
INFO[0008] Operator build complete.

Push the image to your repository (make sure the repository is public for this workshop)

docker push {{IMAGE_REGISTRY}}/<user/>go-operator:latest

Deploy the Operator

Before deploying the Operator make sure you replaced all the placeholders:

sed -i 's|REPLACE_IMAGE|{{IMAGE_REGISTRY}}/<user/>go-operator:latest|g' deploy/operator.yaml

Create all the necessary resources:

oc create -f deploy
deployment.apps/hellogo-operator created created created
serviceaccount/hellogo-operator created

Deploy the CR and check if the hello pod is created by the operator

oc create -f deploy/crds/hellogo.workshop.redhat.com_v1alpha1_hellogo_cr.yaml
oc get pods


oc delete -f deploy/crds/*cr.yaml
oc delete -f deploy/crds/*crd.yaml
oc delete -f deploy