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A collection of openly available software platforms for creating behavioral tasks.
Also included are collections of available task implementations.
The following are open-source or free-to-use software platforms for creating tasks.
Psychopy is a package for creating and running behavioral tasks.
Expyriment is a package for creating and running behavioral tasks.
OpenSesame is a package for creating and running behavioral tasks.
PyControl is a system of software and hardware for controlling behavioral experiments based on the MicroPython microcontroller.
PsychToolbox is a package for creating and running behavioral tasks.
jsPsych is a package for creating behavioral tasks, and running them in web browsers.
lab.js is an online study builder, for building tasks for web browsers.
StimuliApp is an app / platform for creating psychophysics tasks for iOS and iPadOS devices (phones and tablets).
The following are collection of or individual tasks implementations.
Pavlovia is a forum for researchers to share and run experiments.
Homepage - List of Experiments
- A memory span task, implemented in Python
- A stop-signal task, implemented in Python
- Some experiments, in OpenSesame and Psychopy, by James E Bartlett