From 2e0d247edcf4799f0e882326967c3eb47cadc367 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: George Lemon <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 05:57:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update

Signed-off-by: George Lemon <>
 src/bag.nim     | 22 ++++++++++++++-----
 tests/test1.nim | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 src/bag.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/test1.nim

diff --git a/src/bag.nim b/src/bag.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3acc77d..130d293
--- a/src/bag.nim
+++ b/src/bag.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import std/[macros, tables, times, strutils]
   TField* = enum
-    tNone # used to ignore buttons or submit/reset inputs
+    tNone       # used to ignore `button`, `submit`, `reset` elements
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ proc parseRule(rule: NimNode, isRequired = true): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   result = newRule
-macro newBag*(data, rules) =
+macro bag*(data: typed, rules: untyped, bodyFail: untyped = nil) =
   ## Create a new input bag validation at compile time.
   ## `data` expects a `seq[tuple[k, v: string]]`
@@ -312,15 +312,21 @@ macro newBag*(data, rules) =
       ("password", "123admin"),
       ("remember", "on")
-    newBag data:
+    bag data:
       email: tEmail or "Invalid email address"
       password: tPassword or "Invalid password"
       *remember: tCheckbox  # optional field, default: off/false
+    do:
+      # a runnable block of code in case validation fails
+      # `return` may be required to block code execution
+      echo "oups!"
+      return
+    echo "ok"
   expectKind rules, nnkStmtList
   result = newStmtList()
   let varBagInstance = newVarStmt(
-    ident "Bag",
+    ident "inputBag",
     newCall(ident "InputBag")
   var rulesList = newStmtList()
@@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ macro newBag*(data, rules) =
           ident "addRule",
-          ident "Bag",
+          ident "inputBag",
@@ -342,4 +348,8 @@ macro newBag*(data, rules) =
   result.add varBagInstance
   result.add rulesList
   result.add quote do:
-    Bag.validate(`data`)
\ No newline at end of file
+    inputBag.validate(`data`)
+  if bodyFail != nil:
+    result.add quote do:
+      if inputBag.isInvalid:
+        `bodyFail`
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test1.nim b/tests/test1.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 7bdaa78..91d172a
--- a/tests/test1.nim
+++ b/tests/test1.nim
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ test "can find errors":
     ("message", "Lorem ipsum something better than that")
-  newBag fields:
+  bag fields:
     text: tText or ""
     email: tEmail or ""
     password: tPassword or "auth.error.password"
@@ -16,75 +16,75 @@ test "can find errors":
       min: 10 or "comment.message.min"
       max: 20 or "comment.message.max"
     *remember: tCheckbox
-  check Bag.isValid == false
-  check Bag.getErrors[0][1] == ""
-  check Bag.getErrors[1][1] == "auth.error.password"
-  check Bag.getErrors[2][1] == "comment.message.max"
+  # do:
+  #   check inputBag.isValid == false
+  #   check inputBag.getErrors[0][1] == ""
+  #   check inputBag.getErrors[1][1] == "auth.error.password"
+  #   check inputBag.getErrors[2][1] == "comment.message.max"
 test "check tDate":
   let invalid = [("birthday", "1999-05-05")]
   let valid = [("birthday", "2001-05-05")]
   for data in [invalid, valid]:
-    newBag data:
+    bag data:
       birthday: tDate("yyyy-MM-dd") or "":
         min: "2000-12-01" or ""
         max: "2010-05-06" or ""
-    if not Bag.isValid:
-      check(Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "")
+    # do:
+      # check(inputBag.getErrors[0][1] == "")
 test "check tPassword":
   for data in [[("mypassword", "1234")], [("mypassword", "/iwJN_zCO#@k")]]:
-    newBag data:
+    bag data:
       mypassword: tPassword or "requires.password":
         min: 10 or "invalid.password.min"
         max: 13 or "invalid.password.max"
-    if not Bag.isValid:
-      check Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.password.min"
+    do:
+      check inputBag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.password.min"
 test "check TCheckbox":
   let invalid = [("mycheckbox", "yes")]
   let valid = [("mycheckbox", "true")]
   proc checkValid() =
-    newBag valid:
+    bag valid:
       mycheckbox: tCheckbox or "invalid.checkbox"
-    check Bag.isValid == true
-    check(Bag.getErrors.len == 0)
+    # check Bag.isValid == true
+    # check(Bag.getErrors.len == 0)
   proc checkInvalid() =
-    newBag invalid:
+    bag invalid:
       mycheckbox: tCheckbox or "invalid.checkbox"
-    check Bag.isValid == false
-    check(Bag.getErrors.len == 1)
-    check(Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.checkbox")
+    # check Bag.isValid == false
+    # check(Bag.getErrors.len == 1)
+    # check(Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.checkbox")
 test "check tSelect":
   for data in [[("region", "ibiza")], [("region", "kefalonia")]]:
-    newBag data:
+    bag data:
       region: tSelect:
         options: ["kefalonia", "paros"] or "unknown.region"
-    if not Bag.isValid:
-      check Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "unknown.region"
+    # if not Bag.isValid:
+      # check Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "unknown.region"
 test "check tPasswordStrength":
   let invalid = [("mypass", "sunandmoon12")]
   let valid = [("mypass", "x6y2C8Dt5Lgg")]
   proc checkValid() =
-    newBag valid:
+    bag valid:
       mypass: tPasswordStrength or "invalid.pass"
-    check Bag.isValid == true
-    check(Bag.getErrors.len == 0)
+    # check Bag.isValid == true
+    # check(Bag.getErrors.len == 0)
   proc checkInvalid() =
-    newBag invalid:
+    bag invalid:
       mypass: tPasswordStrength or "invalid.pass"
-    check Bag.isValid == false
-    check(Bag.getErrors.len == 1)
-    check(Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.pass")
+    # check Bag.isValid == false
+    # check(Bag.getErrors.len == 1)
+    # check(Bag.getErrors[0][1] == "invalid.pass")
\ No newline at end of file