0.2.0 (2020-09-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Limit object types in default graph view #89
- Include time point argument in requests to Graph API #84
- Display graph as main page #81
- Decrease graph force #75
- Include cluster and node objects in namespace view #74
- Customize alerts table #72
- Render table from node data #70
- Stretch details box to full height #69
- Add object type selector #66
- Customize alerts table #60
- Switch to dark mode #50
- Add on-demand graph reloading #40
- Extend graph payload in Mock API #39
- Highlight alerts #38
- Add graph stats #37
- Update browser title #36
- Add CORS headers to Mock API #34
- Add graph loading animation #31
- Add graph filtering by app namespace #30
- Add alerts filtering #29
- Add alerts list #28
- Add datetime picker #26
- Add object details box #25
- Add graph centering and rescaling #22
- Create production Dockerfile #19
- Improve graph navigation #18
- Update orca-mock API with CORS headers #16
- Load graph structure from Mock API #13
- Prepare Docker compose for development #12
- Dockerize the UI #9
- Implement UI MVP #7
- Mock graph API #6
- Add styling to graph nodes #5
- Add sample graph visualization using D3.js #3
Fixed bugs:
- Attribute transform error for large graph #91
- Invalid root for alerts payload #86
- Double icons #64
- Alerts not visible after namespace filtering #53
- Fix date picker position #52
Merged pull requests:
- Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 #99 (dependabot[bot])
- Add UI screens to README #98 (bzurkowski)
- Attribute transform large graph error #97 (k-jano)
- Horizontal pod autoscaler icon #96 (filwie)
- Labels #95 (filwie)
- Cluster, node, pod and alert as default type #94 (k-jano)
- Render a table in detail card, switch type and name atributes #93 (k-jano)
- Adjust graph force #88 (bzurkowski)
- Fix alerts root #87 (bzurkowski)
- Use timestamp param in graph endpoint #85 (bzurkowski)
- Customize alerts table #83 (k-jano)
- Graph as a main route #82 (k-jano)
- Change styling of bottom navbar to fit with the rest of the app (#68) #80 (filwie)
- Linter fixes in alerts dashboard #79 (k-jano)
- Object type multi selector #78 (k-jano)
- Display cluster and proper nodes objects in namespace view #77 (k-jano)
- Add node icons #63 (filwie)
- Alert dashboard #62 (k-jano)
- Bump elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.3 #61 (dependabot[bot])
- Display graph statistics #58 (k-jano)
- Add alerts nodes to proper namespace #57 (k-jano)
- Change default margin for DatePicker component #56 (k-jano)
- Show only relevant information in card #54 (filwie)
- Dark UI mode #51 (bzurkowski)
- Detail card #49 (bzurkowski)
- Add extended graph payload #48 (bzurkowski)
- Graph filtering by namespace #47 (k-jano)
- Node style - colors #45 (filwie)
- Add scale graph feature #44 (k-jano)
- Update browser title #43 (k-jano)
- Adding reload button #42 (k-jano)
- Add CORS headers #41 (aleksandra-galara)
- Adding graph reloading #35 (k-jano)
- Datetime picker #33 (k-jano)
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 #24 (dependabot[bot])
- Add extended graph payload #23 (bzurkowski)
- Improve graph navigation #21 (k-jano)
- Production dockerfile and related stuff #20 (filwie)
- Add reverse proxy in front of services to avoid violating CORS policy #17 (filwie)
- Add docker-compose.yaml for development #15 (filwie)
- Dockerize UI #11 (k-jano)
- Graph API mock #10 (bzurkowski)
- Community stuff #8 (bzurkowski)
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 #2 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump lodash.template from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 #1 (dependabot[bot])
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator