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+# OCPSTRATS-1515 - Reflecting the mirrored operators only in catalogs mirrored by oc-mirror
+**This document is a work in progress and will be updated along with the decisions and implementations that will come in the future.**
+## Table of contents
+- [OCPSTRATS-1515 - Reflecting the mirrored operators only in catalogs mirrored by oc-mirror](#ocpstrats-1515---reflecting-the-mirrored-operators-only-in-catalogs-mirrored-by-oc-mirror)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Background](#background)
+ - [Feature request](#feature-request)
+ - [Implementation - rebuilding catalogs](#implementation---rebuilding-catalogs)
+ - [Description](#description)
+ - [TLDR; complexity + uncertainty level estimation](#tldr-complexity--uncertainty-level-estimation)
+ - [Generating the FBC](#generating-the-fbc)
+ - [Solution 1: Relying on existing POC(preferred)](#solution-1-relying-on-existing-pocpreferred)
+ - [Pros](#pros)
+ - [Cons](#cons)
+ - [Complexity](#complexity)
+ - [Solution 2: Adapting existing filtering](#solution-2-adapting-existing-filtering)
+ - [Pros](#pros-1)
+ - [Cons](#cons-1)
+ - [Complexity](#complexity-1)
+ - [Preparing catalog files](#preparing-catalog-files)
+ - [Complexity](#complexity-2)
+ - [Building the container image](#building-the-container-image)
+ - [Requirements:](#requirements)
+ - [Implementation](#implementation)
+ - [Complexity level estimation](#complexity-level-estimation)
+ - [Risks](#risks)
+ - [Alternatives](#alternatives)
+ - [Pros:](#pros-2)
+ - [Cons:](#cons-2)
+ - [Conclusion](#conclusion)
+## Background
+In oc-mirror v2 (and in v1 after bug fix [OCPBUGS-31536](https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-31536)), oc-mirror doesn't rebuild catalogs.
+* The filtered declarative config isn't recreated based on the imagesetconfig filter
+* The catalog cache isn't regenerated
+* The catalog image isn't rebuilt based on the above 2 elements
+* Instead, the original catalog image is pushed as is to the mirror registry. Its declarative config will show all operators, and for each operator all channels and all bundles.
+* This behavior is causing some inconvenience to our users, especially [OCPBUGS-35386](https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-35386)
+## Feature request
+oc-mirror customers would like the mirrored catalog to reflect the reality of the operators that are really available in the mirrored registy.
+This way, on air-gapped clusters, OPS engineers cannot by mistake attempt to upgrade an operator to an operator version that is listed in the catalog but isn't available in the mirror registry.
+## Implementation - rebuilding catalogs
+### Description
+Rebuilding catalogs was oc-mirror v1's answer to the problem stated in OCPSTRATS-1515.
+Building a filtered catalog entails the following tasks:
+1. **Generate a catalog FBC (File based Catalog)**, that contains the filtered operators, and their respective packages, channels and bundles.
+2. **Prepare the binaries and files for the filtered catalog**, which include the opm binary and eventually catalog cache that is compatible with FBC AND the opm version chosen
+3. **Building the container image**, based on the above.
+In the following sections, we will attempt to analyze each task, describe the possible solutions and give an estimation of the level of complexity for the task.
+### TLDR; complexity + uncertainty level estimation
+| Task | Complexity | Uncertainty |
+| Generate catalog FBC | medium | :red_circle::red_circle::red_circle::red_circle::white_circle:|
+| Prepare catalog files | medium |:red_circle::red_circle::red_circle::white_circle::white_circle:|
+| Build catalog image | medium | :red_circle::red_circle::red_circle::red_circle::white_circle:|
+### Generating the FBC
+#### Solution 1: Relying on existing [POC](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-registry/pull/1231)(preferred)
+This POC proposes a new `CatalogFilter` interface that can be used when calling `opm render` in `operator-registry`. The command accepts a filtering configuration file as input, which can be used in order to generate a FBC file containing filtered packages, channels (with valid upgrade graphs) and bundles.
+The implementation within the [PR](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-registry/pull/1231) has the following specificities:
+* Allows to start from an image reference as the source FBC, or an on-disk FBC : which is a very positive point as it allows it to be easily pluggable to oc-mirror
+* Produces filtered and valid FBCs, making sure channels have a single head.
+* Weird, but it doesn't take skipRange into account at all => Question for Joe
+* The filtering configuration file uses the semVer notation to formulate a minVersion maxVersion
+* In its current format, this POC covers 2/19 oc-mirror filtering use cases. This is because:
+ * When no filtering is set, renders all versions within the selected channel - This is not what oc-mirror expects: we'd need the head of the channel only
+ * when filtering config is empty, renders zero operators - in this case, oc-mirror expects to have the head of each operator
+ * when filtering by operator name only, renders all bundles, all channels - in this case, oc-mirror expects the channel head alone.
+ * `full` is used in oc-mirror in order to specify that all the channel contents (not only head) needs to be rendered. This is not part of the POC PR
+ * Filtering directly on minVersion and maxVersion (without specifying a channel) is recognized as valid filtering in oc-mirror. This is not part of the POC PR
+ * Filtering by `SelectedBundles` is recognized as valid filtering in oc-mirror. This is not part of the POC PR
+##### Pros
+* Done by OLM, this POC closest probably to what the OLM on cluster would expect from an operator's upgrade path.
+* It's a step towards the introspection tool
+* A filtering that relies on the FBC API (`replace`, `skip` and NOT `skipRange`) , instead of the current oc-mirror v2 implementation which simply relies on semver, and was originally designed as a temporary filtering.
+##### Cons
+* The POC implementation is not inline with what oc-mirror expects. A new implementation is necessary
+* The current v2 filtering would need to be re-written in order to rely on this catalogFilter
+##### Complexity
+In operator-registry [fork](https://github.com/sherine-k/operator-registry/tree/filter-fbc) and the following [demo](https://github.com/sherine-k/catalog-filter), we can show that starting from the PR, it was easy to create a new `CatalogFilter` implementation that respects oc-mirror's requirements for filtering.
+** This implementation passes 11/19 filtering use cases **. This implementation effort was timeboxed to 2days.
+On these grounds, **complexity is estimated to medium**, with the following identified subtasks
+* :white_check_mark: case of no filter at all should return heads of all operators
+* :white_check_mark: case of filtering by operator name should return heads of those operators
+* :white_check_mark: when `full` is used all channel contents are returned
+* :white_square_button: case of filtering by min and/or max without any specified channels
+* :white_square_button: case of filtering by selectedBundles
+* :white_square_button: Creating an independant repository: [PR#1231](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-registry/pull/1231) won't merge into opm. Filtering needs to be a separate tool. This is because, long term, the opm binary will only be useful for v0 operations.
+#### Solution 2: Adapting existing filtering
+During the work on oc-mirror v2, a simple and temporary filtering implementation based on the bundle version. This filtering helps select the images that need to be mirrored, but is not used to produce a new FBC.
+One possible solution is to improve this filtering in order to render an FBC as well as (as currently) a list of related images within filter.
+This work shouldn't be underestimated: A valid FBC from the point of view of OLM needs to have:
+* A default channel that is included in the FBC
+* No dangling versions, ie no versions that cannot reach the channel head
+* A single channel head
+**The risk here remains that filtering by semver is not the same as relying on the FBC API (`skip`, `replace` and `skipRange`)** and can produce catalogs that are unuseable by OLM. To illustrate the complexity of such a task, let's consider the following channel, and an imageSetConfig that instructs oc-mirror to take `maxVersion: 6` as filtering for this channel.
+Following the semver filtering, bundles 1,2,3,4,5,6 are considered within the filter.
+But a channel containing these 6 bundles is not a valid channel from the point of view of OLM as it contains 2 heads: 5 and 6.
+:warning: Mitigation : This type of scenario doesn’t seem to exist in redhat catalogs. Probably in community catalogs or certified catalogs.
+##### Pros
+* A solution that can be proper to oc-mirror
+##### Cons
+* May lead to invalid catalogs
+##### Complexity
+**complexity is estimated to large** as the implementation needs to be modified :
+* to produce FBC along with a list of images
+* the produced FBC should be valid, and not contain multiple heads, which requires implementing a complex logic
+### Preparing catalog files
+A catalog image is:
+* based (FROM statement) on an opm image
+* contains the FBC catalog, under the /configs folder
+* contains the cache folder corresponding to the FBC catalog
+* proper labels and CMD are needed in order to link everything together properly
+To the best of our knowledge, the best strategy for rebuilding the catalog image is to disregard the incoming catalog image (and the opm binary it contains): we don't know if the image is binary-less ([OPRUN-3346](https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPRUN-3346)) or cache-less([OPRUN-3347](https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OPRUN-3347)), both or none...
+Instead, `operator-registry` (opm) provides a `opm generate dockerfile` which could be used to prepare a Dockerfile. This Dockerfile once built, would provide an image that includes an opm binary, the FBC and corresponding cache.
+Which tag should we use with ` --binary-image`?
+* Should this tag depend on the `operator-registry` module version used in oc-mirror's go.mod?
+* Or should this tag depend on the release? Ie. For oc-mirror v4.17, we should be using quay.io/operator-framework/opm:4.17?
+* Or should this tag depend on the catalog tag (not always reliable)? ie. for redhat-operator-index:v4.14, we should be using quay.io/operator-framework/opm:4.14?
+#### Complexity
+Once the uncertainty about the implementation details taken away, this task should be a **small sized complexity task**.
+### Building the container image
+From the Dockerfile obtained in the previous task, we need to build the container image.
+#### Requirements:
+* should be able to build images for catalogs that are registry based or file based . This should not be a problem: as stated in the previous section, we should not build the filtered catalog using FROM the catalog referenced in the imageSetConfig
+* should build multi-arch images
+* should be able to build images in enclave environment. ie. respect auth, tls, registries.conf and proxy as stated in flags and env vars
+#### Implementation
+Several Go modules provide a way to build containers in go:
+| Solution | Description |
+| Shell-out to podman | Creates an external dependency on podman.
Command can be different according to platform and OS.
Cannot build when on disk oci catalogs are used.
+| Buildah | Relies on `containers/image` suite.
Makes oc-mirror harder to debug.
Cannot build when on disk oci catalogs are used.
+| ORAS |No POC|
+| go-containerregistry| No POC.
Not compatible with registries.conf|
+## Complexity level estimation
+Without POCs on the other modules, it is hard to estimate exactly the complexity of this issue.
+## Risks
+The main risk of rebuilding the catalog is that the signature, SBOM and other attestations will not match the new rebuilt catalog.
+This may lead to customers mistaking filtered catalogs with untrusted catalogs.
+## Alternatives
+An alternative that we previously discussed with the OLM team without reaching concensus is to not rebuild the catalogs, and include filtered bundles (or filtering instructions) as a configmap that can be referenced with the catalogsource.
+### Pros:
+Signature and SBOM are not impacted
+### Cons:
+Users of `oc-mirror list` will not benefit from the metadata included in the configmap. Therefore, they cannot rely on `oc-mirror list mirror.acme.com/mirrored-catalog:latest` in order to get the list of operator bundles that are available on the mirror registry for `mirrored-catalog`.
+## Conclusion
+We are closing CLID-226 at this time while we wait for further instructions from Program Management. This document shall be updated based on future decisions.
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