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Please make sure to run an up-to-date installation (you can call the updater via Help>Update Fiji). There was a bug in the HamamatsuHam driver that has been fixed in the meantime (many thanks to Patrick Gregorio of Hamamatsu who helped us a lot to resolve this issue).
We use BitTorrent Sync (now Resilio) to have a shared directory of images and stuff. After installing BitTorrent Sync, you will need to add a folder using this "secret": fUS9i4Ps/g+MLohUPun1rEfK8b0A+ABQitckZiONwPZK5BPm1N/wYg==
The ideal way, of course, is to add a Wiki page to this Wiki. However, if you want to work on a macro together with somebody else, the easiest way is to use kind of a shared clipboard.
In Fiji, run the command Plugins>Macros>Startup Macros... and add the following lines to the end:
macro AutoRun {
("Micro-Manager Studio");
If you want the SPIM plugin to be called every time when Micro-Manager starts, add the following lines to the Fiji.app/MMStartup.bsh file:
import org.micromanager.MMStudioMainFrame.PluginItem;
for (PluginItem plugin : gui.plugins_)
(plugin.className.equals("SPIMAcquisition")) {
There are two ways, really. The Fiji way:
ImageJ-win32 --run Micro-Manager_Studio
Call the Studio directly, without first starting ImageJ:
ImageJ-win32 --main-class=org.micromanager.MMStudioMainFrame
At the time of writing, we know that the Hammamatsu camera works with both Windows XP and Windows 7 using the DCAM driver.
Please have a look at this page.
Micro-Manager runs and loads my configuration, but the OpenSPIM plugin won't start, what should I do?
Try zeroing the positions of all the stages, especially the twister. You can do this either by opening the Picard software (USB 4D-Stage Version 1.0) and clicking "All Home" and also "Set Zero" for the twister, or you can do it in Micro-Manager by doing the following:
Launch Micro-Manager
Click Tools > Script Panel
Type or copy/paste the following (if you did not use the default twister name, be sure to replace the text in the line below with the correct name):
mmc.setPosition("Picard Twister", 0);
- Press enter.
If this doesn't correct the problem, repeat for the X, Y, and Z stages.
Whatever you do, first have a look at the file CoreLog.txt, located in Fiji.app/ or whatever directory Micro-Manager was started in.
- Make sure the .dll is present in bin_Win32/mm/Win32/
- If you copied the driver from an independent micro-manager installation, make sure the micromanager version the driver comes from corresponds to version embedded into OpenSpim.
- Use the Dependency Walker to detect missing dependencies
In theory any hardware supported by micro-manager should work in OpenSPIM. If the driver for your hardware is not listed in OpenSPIM, you can add it to the OpenSPIM driver list by copying the .dll to the /mm/Win32/ folder. Watch out that the versions of micro-manager from which the drivers originates and the version of OpenSPIM your are using are compatible. For instance, OpenSPIM-20130131 is built on micro-manager v1.4.9.
Micro-Manager's memory management is not very safe on the driver side. Try to start Fiji with less memory reserved for Java, e.g. --mem=512m.
If that does not help, try to find out what's in the CoreLog and if that fails, too, you might have more luck using Visual Studio's interactive debugger.
Start Fiji, and before starting Micro-Manager use Visual Studio's Debug>Attach to Process... to attach to the process. After that, you may set breakpoints (optional) and then start Micro-Manager in Fiji.
- Make sure you have Eclipse installed.
- Add Fiji's JRE to Eclipse:
- Window -> Preferences; under Java, select Installed JREs and
click Add...
- Use Standard VM.
- Set the JRE Home to Fiji.app/java/win32/jdk1.6.0_24 (or similar). Eclipse should fill in the rest.
- Click Finish.
- Check the checkbox next to the newly-added JRE.
- Window -> Preferences; under Java, select Installed JREs and
click Add...
- Create a new project for Micro-Manager Studio:
- File -> New -> Java Project...
- Uncheck "Use Default Location"
- Point Location to /src/fiji/3rdparty/micromanager/mmstudio
- Eclipse should auto-configure all sorts of useful things.
- Click Next.
- On the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs...
- From /src/fiji/3rdparty/bin_Win32/jars/:
- bsh.jar
- commons-math-2.0.jar
- ij-.jar
- MMCoreJ.jar
- MMAcqEngine.jar
- swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
- swingx-0.9.5.jar
- From /src/fiji/3rdparty/bin_Win32/jars/:
- On the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs...
- Click Finish.
- File -> New -> Java Project...
- Create a project for SPIMAcquisition:
- File -> New -> Java Project...
- Uncheck "Use Default Location"
- Point Location to /src/fiji/3rdparty/micromanager/plugins/SPIMAcquisition/src/main/java
- Let Eclipse auto-configure things.
- Click Next.
- On the Projects tab, click Add... and select the mmstudio project added above.
- On the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs...
- From /src/fiji/3rdparty/bin_Win32/jars/:
- ij-.jar
- MMCoreJ.jar
- From /src/fiji/3rdparty/bin_Win32/jars/:
- Click Finish.
- File -> New -> Java Project...
- Depending on your workspace settings, you may need to reduce the
enforced JRE level for both projects:
- Right click on each project and go to Properties.
- Select Java Compiler.
- Enable project-specific settings and set the Compiler Compliance Level to 1.6 (depending on the JDK used by Fiji).
- Click Apply then OK.
- Set up the debug configuration:
- Run -> Debug Configurations...
- Create a fresh launch configuration
- Use SPIMAcquisition as the project.
- For the Main class, click Search... and find ij.ImageJ
- On the Arguments tab, under VM arguments, pass the
(modifying as appropriate). - On the Classpath tab, select SPIMAcquisition, then Add
External JARs...
- From fiji/3rdparty/micromanager/bin_Win32/jars:
- MMAcqEngine.jar
- From fiji/3rdparty/micromanager/bin_Win32/jars:
- Click Apply.
- Click Debug to make sure everything works.
- Run -> Debug Configurations...
- Follow steps 1-3 above. Additionally install m2e for Maven support in Eclipse.
- Import the SPIMAcquisition Maven project
- File -> Import...
- Select Maven -> Existing Maven projects
- Browse to micromanager/plugins/SPIMAcquisition and let m2e work.
- Click Finish
- Continue on steps 5 and 6 above.