Releases: openstyles/stylus
- styles will be auto-converted to USO-archive when checking for updates.
The original site has become so slow it's unusable. - The failed sync login window won't reappear every now and then.
- Sync error will be indicated on the extension icon.
- Sync in Vivaldi should work now.
See the commit log for other fixes/changes.
- Option to patch CSP (Content-Security-Policy)
- Editor: bookmarking via click on a line number, right-click to cycle bookmarks
- Editor: Stylelint 13.8.0 (previously 8.0.0)
- Editor: CSSLint adds new rules
- Simple-window editor: an icon in the top-right corner that opens the popup
Style search in the popup switched to USO-archive site. It's fast now.
We use its index directly so no info is sent upstream. -
Import/export options in backup json.
Exported automatically. Imported on demand: an additional button is shown if the current options are different. -
Option: Instant injection via synchronous XHR in Chrome.
Enable it if you often see a flash of unstyled content (FOUC) when loading sites. -
Option: Simple window (no omnibox) for the editor when opening it from the popup
- Section names are displayed in a list at the left.
To add a name to a section, put it inside a comment at the very beginning of the section's code. - Style name input field in the editor can be used to customize the local displayed name of external styles.
- Color palette shows all document colors in color picker dialog.
- Section names are displayed in a list at the left.
The minimum required version of Chrome is 55.
It's because none of us has any time or desire to support the ancient versions. Chrome 55 was chosen as the new minimum because it's the first version that implements async/await syntax natively.
See v1.5.13...v1.5.14 commit log for more info.
Bug fixes and new features.
See v1.5.12...v1.5.13 commit log for more info.
- Fix usercss install error.
- Show style update error.
- Fix inline searching.
- Fix detection of CSP.
- Fix dynamic changing of manager options.
- Fix cursor moving between multiple editors.
- Fix beautify adding extra carriage returns.
- Allow
comments in UserCSS metadata. - Miscellaneous bug fixes.