+ Additional information
+ {isExpanded ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ Expand this section to add more data about your
+ production location, including product types, number of
+ workers, parent company and more.
+ {isExpanded && (
+ <>
+ Sector(s)
+ Select the sector(s) that this location
+ operates in. For example: Apparel,
+ Electronics, Renewable Energy.
+ Product Type(s)
+ Enter the type of products produced at this
+ location. For example: Shirts, Laptops,
+ Solar Panels.
+ Location Type(s)
+ Select the location type(s) for this
+ production location. For example: Final
+ Product Assembly, Raw Materials Production
+ or Processing, Office/HQ.
+ Processing Type(s)
+ Select the type of processing activities
+ that take place at this location. For
+ example: Printing, Tooling, Assembly.
+ Number of Workers
+ Select a number or a range for the number of
+ people employed at the location. For
+ example: 100, 100-150.
+ Parent Company
+ Enter the company that holds majority
+ ownership for this production.
+ >
+ )}