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executable file
1089 lines (675 loc) · 76.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. If a contribution does not have a mention next to it, @geelen or @mxstbr did it.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


v4.4.1 - 2019-10-30

  • Fix styled-components's react-native import for React Native Web, by @fiberjw (see #2797)

  • Remove dev-time warning if referencing a theme prop without an outer ThemeProvider, the check for it isn't smart enough to handle cases with "or" or ternary fallbacks and creates undesirable noise in various third party integrations

v4.4.0 - 2019-09-23

  • Fix to use ownerDocument instead of global document, by @yamachig (see #2721)

  • Backport fix for SSR classname mismatches in development mode for some environments like next.js (see #2701)

  • Fix attrs not properly taking precedence over props

  • Backport fix where classnames are composed in the wrong order if custom class names are passed in (see #2760)

  • Fix add check for style tag detached - sheet in the style tag is null in this case, by @newying61 (see #2707)

v4.3.2 - 2019-06-19

  • Fix usage of the "css" prop with the styled-components babel macro (relevant to CRA 2.x users), by @jamesknelson (see #2633)

v4.3.1 - 2019-06-06

  • Revert #2586; breaks rehydration in dev for certain runtimes like next.js

v4.3.0 - 2019-06-05

  • Make it possible to initialize SC_ATTR and SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY via REACT_APP_* .env variables for easier integration with CRA applications (see #2501)

  • Fix theme prop for styled native components, also fixes theme in defaultProps for them.

  • Add "forwardedAs" prop to allow deeply passing a different "as" prop value to underlying components when using styled() as a higher-order component

  • Implement defaultProps folding (see #2597)

v4.2.1 - 2019-05-30

  • Remove className usage checker dev utility due to excessive false-positive noise in certain runtime environments like next.js and the related warning suppression prop (see #2563).

  • Attach displayName to forwardRef function as described in React docs (see #2508).

  • Compatibility with react-native-web 0.11 (see #2453).

  • Add stack trace to .attrs warning (see #2486).

  • Fix functions as values for object literals. (see 2489)

  • Remove validation in Babel macro, by @mAAdhaTTah (see #2427)

v4.2.0 - 2019-03-23

  • Reduced GC pressure when using component selector styles. (see #2424).

  • Add svg tag marker to domElements.js (see #2389)

  • Make the GlobalStyleComponent created by createGlobalStyle call the base constructor with props (see #2321).

  • Move to Mono repository structure with lerna @imbhargav5 (see #2326)

  • Expose StyleSheetContext and StyleSheetConsumer for you fancy babes doing wild stuff

  • Filter suppressClassNameWarning to not to pass down to the wrapped components @taneba (see #2365)

  • Fix an edge case where React would break streaming inside <textarea> elements, which have special child behavior and aren't a suitable place to inject a style tag (see #2413)

v4.1.3 - 2018-12-17

  • Under the hood code cleanup of the Babel macro, by @lucleray (see #2286)

v4.1.2 - 2018-11-28

  • Fix function-form attrs to receive the full execution context (including theme) (see #2210)

  • Adjust innerRef deprecation warning to not be fired if wrapping a custom component, since that underlying component may not be on forwardRef yet and actually using the prop (see #2211)

  • Expose the ThemeConsumer and ThemeContext exports for the native and primitives entries (see #2217)

  • Remove createGlobalStyle multimount warning; Concurrent and Strict modes intentionally render the same component multiple times, which causes this warning to be triggered always even when usage is correct in the application (see #2216)

  • Folded components are now targettable via component selector as in v3 if you used the old .extend API (see #2239)

  • Don't treat uppercased strings as tag-like components and don't filter out props from them (see #2225)

v4.1.1 - 2018-11-12

  • Put back the try/catch guard around a part of the flattener that sometimes receives undetectable SFCs (fixes an errand hard error in an edge case)

v4.1.0 - 2018-11-12

  • Performance optimization for fully static (no function interpolation) styled-components by avoiding using ThemeConsumer since it isn't necessary, by @mxstbr (see #2166)

  • Allow disabling "speedy" mode via global SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY variable, by @devrelm (see #2185)

    To make use of this, you can either set SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY in your app's entry file or use something like webpack.DefinePlugin to do it at build time:

      SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY: true,
  • Attrs can now be passed a function (see #2200); thanks @oliverlaz for providing an early PoC PR for this!


    styled.div.attrs(props => ({ 'aria-title': props.title }))``;
  • Fix the warnTooManyClasses dev helper not being totally dead code eliminated in production (see #2200)

  • Deprecate functions as object keys for object-form attrs (see #2200)


    styled.div.attrs({ 'aria-title': props => props.title })``; // bad
    styled.div.attrs(props => ({ 'aria-title': props.title }))``; // good

    Support for this will be removed in styled-components v5. The primary impetus behind this change is to eliminate confusion around basic functions vs styled-components vs React components provided as values in the object-form attrs constructor, each of which has different handling behaviors. The single outer function to receive the props and then return a props object is conceptually simpler.

  • The standalone CDN build is now UMD-compliant and can be used with RequireJS, etc.

  • Add pixels to unitless numbers when object interpolation is used, by @Fer0x (see #2173)

  • Trying to interpolate a non-styled component into CSS is now a hard error, rather than a warning (see #2173)

v4.0.3 - 2018-10-30

  • Interpolating a styled component into a string now returns the static component selector (emotion cross-compat)

    import styled from 'styled-components';
    const Comp = styled.div`
      color: red;
    `${Comp}`; // .sc-hash
  • Add suppressClassNameWarning prop to disable warning when wrapping a React component with styled() and the className isn't used, by @Fer0x (see #2156)

  • Expose ThemeContext to enable static contextType support for React 16.6, by @imbhargav5 (see #2152)

  • Filter out invalid HTML attributes from attrs, by @Fer0x (see #2133)

  • Add warning if an attrs prop is a function that returns an element, by @timswalling (see #2162)

v4.0.2 - 2018-10-18

  • Handle an edge case where an at-rule was being supplied to the self-reference stylis plugin at an incorrect context setting, by @probablyup (see #2114)

v4.0.1 - 2018-10-17

  • Add suppressMultiMountWarning prop to disable warning on multiple cgs mount, by @imbhargav5 (see #2107)

  • Fix self-reference replacement edge cases, by @probablyup (see #2109)

v4.0.0 - 2018-10-15

This is a rollup of the highlights of beta 0-11 for convenience. See the migration guide for easy updating steps and the beta announcement blog for our summary of v4's changes, thought process, etc.

New stuff

  • Add babel macro for full-featured interop with create react app v2+, by @lucleray (see #2032)

  • Expose ThemeConsumer component, context consumer render prop component from the React.createContext API if people are interested in using it rather than / in addition to the withTheme HOC, by @probablyup

  • Add createGlobalStyle that returns a component which, when mounting, will apply global styles. This is a replacement for the injectGlobal API. It can be updated, replaced, removed, etc like any normal component and the global scope will update accordingly, by @JamieDixon @marionebl, @yjimk, and @imbhargav5 (see #1416)

    const GlobalStyles = createGlobalStyle`
      html {
        color: 'red';
    // then put it in your React tree somewhere:
    // <GlobalStyles />
  • Added a first-class API for rendering polymorphism via "as" prop. In most cases, this new prop will replace your need to use the .withComponent API. It allows you to control what underlying element or component is rendered at runtime, while not messing with the styles, by @probablyup (see #1962)

    import { Link } from 'react-router'
    const Component = styled.div`
      color: red;
    // Examples
    <Component>Hello world!</Component>
    <Component as="span">Hello world!</Component>
    <Component as={Link} to="home">Hello world!</Component>

Breaking changes

  • Fix how ampersand is handled in self-referential selector combinations, e.g. & + & (see #2071)

  • Remove deprecated consolidateStreamedStyles API, by @probablyup (see #1906)

  • Remove deprecated jsnext:main entry point from package.json, by @probablyup (see #1907)

  • Remove deprecated .extend API, by @probablyup (see #1908)

  • Migrate to new context API, by @alexandernanberg (see #1894)

  • Remove TS typings; they are now to be found in DefinitelyTyped, by @probablyup. See styled-components#1778 for more information.

  • Add new data-styled-version attribute to generated <style> tags to allow multiple versions of styled-components to function on the page at once without clobbering each other, by @probablyup

    It's still highly recommended to use aliasing via your bundler to dedupe libraries like styled-components and react.

  • [Breaking change] Refactor keyframes helper, by @fer0x (see #1930).

    Keyframes is now implemented in a "lazy" manner: its styles will be injected with the render phase of components using them.

    keyframes no longer returns an animation name, instead it returns an object which has method .getName() for the purpose of getting the animation name.

  • Migrate to use new React.forwardRef API, by @probablyup; note that this removes the innerRef API since it is no longer needed.

  • Implement styled() wrapper folding. In a nutshell, when you nest styled wrappers (e.g. styled(styled.div)) the components are now folded such that only one is mounted that contains the merged styles of its ancestors. This is conceptually equivalent to the removed "extend" functionality, but without many of the downsides -- and it's automatic, by @probablyup (see #1962)

Developer experience improvements

  • Add warning when component is not a styled component and cannot be referred via component selector, by @egdbear (see #2070)

    When using CRA v2, import styled components from styled-components/macro instead to gain all the benefits of our babel plugin.

  • Add a warning when wrapping a React component with styled() and the className isn't used (meaning styling isn't applied), by @Fer0x (see #2073)

  • Tweak the styled components base component naming to look nicer in DevTools, by @probablyup (see #2012)

  • Beef up the error message that sometimes occurs when multiple versions of styled components are used together and the StyleSheet instance can't be found, by @probablyup (see #2012)


  • Add enzymeFind test utility to easily grab instances of a styled-component from enyzme mounted testing scenarios, by @probablyup (see #2049)

    import { mount } from 'enzyme';
    import React from 'react';
    import styled from 'styled-components';
    import { enzymeFind } from 'styled-components/test-utils';
    const Thing = styled.div`
      color: red;
    const wrapper = mount(
        <Thing isCool />
    const thing = enzymeFind(wrapper, Thing);
    // expect(thing.props()).toHaveProperty('isCool') etc
  • Inline and optimize the static hoisting functionality to avoid a bundler bug and shed a bit of package weight, by @probablyup (see #2021

v4.0.0-beta.11 - 2018-10-08

  • Add warning when component is not a styled component and cannot be referred via component selector, by @egdbear (see #2070)

  • Fix how ampersand is handled in self-referential selector combinations, e.g. & + & (see #2071)

  • Add babel macro for full-featured interop with create react app v2+, by @lucleray (see #2032)

    When using CRA v2, import styled components from styled-components/macro instead to gain all the benefits of our babel plugin.

  • Add a warning when wrapping a React component with styled() and the className isn't used (meaning styling isn't applied), by @Fer0x (see #2073)

v4.0.0-beta.10 - 2018-10-04

  • Add support for as to be used with attrs for better polymorphism, by @imbhargav5 (see #2055)

  • Fix withTheme HOC to use a theme defined in defaultProps of the wrapped component, by @theboyWhoCriedWoolf (see #2033)

  • Add enzymeFind test utility to easily grab instances of a styled-component from enyzme mounted testing scenarios, by @probablyup (see #2049)

import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { enzymeFind } from 'styled-components/test-utils';

const Thing = styled.div`
  color: red;

const wrapper = mount(
    <Thing isCool />

const thing = enzymeFind(wrapper, Thing);

// expect(thing.props()).toHaveProperty('isCool') etc

v4.0.0-beta.9 - 2018-09-24

v4.0.0-beta.8 - 2018-09-20

  • Inline and optimize the static hoisting functionality to avoid a bundler bug and shed a bit of package weight, by @probablyup (see #2021)

v4.0.0-beta.7 - 2018-09-18

  • Revise createGlobalStyle HMR back to the original PR code without using componentDidMount, by @probablyup (see #2017)

  • Some light refactoring to further reduce object allocations, by @probablyup (see #2016)

v4.0.0-beta.6 - 2018-09-17

  • Fix a bug introduced from some refactoring that went into beta.5 around usage of keyframes with multiple interpolations, by @probablyup (see #2013)

  • Tweak the styled components base component naming to look nicer in DevTools, by @probablyup (see #2012)

  • Beef up the error message that sometimes occurs when multiple versions of styled components are used together and the StyleSheet instance can't be found, by @probablyup (see #2012)

v4.0.0-beta.5 - 2018-09-14

v4.0.0-beta.4 - 2018-09-12

  • Use PureComponent instead of Component for the StyledComponent base class, by @probablyup

  • Internal refactoring to simplify the codebase and make it more readily DCE-able, by @probablyup

v4.0.0-beta.3 - 2018-09-10

  • Fix an issue when streaming with very large amounts of output where sometimes styles might not make it to the client, by @probablyup (see #1996)

  • Fix the createGlobalStyle multiusage warning having false positives, by @probablyup (see #1993)

v4.0.0-beta.2 - 2018-09-09

  • Expose ThemeConsumer component, context consumer render prop component from the React.createContext API if people are interested in using it rather than / in addition to the withTheme HOC, by @probablyup

  • Remove "no tags" experiment, by @probablyup (see #1987)

  • Fixed an issue with createGlobalStyle when the component was composed in multiple places and render of the subsequent component instance happened before unmount of the original; previously we removed styles immediately upon unmount of any instance without checking how many copies were still alive, by @probablyup (see #1989)

v4.0.0-beta.1 - 2018-09-06

  • Fixed an issue where createGlobalStyle was clobbering the very next style to be applied during rehydration in production mode, by @probablyup (see #1976)

  • Removed some unused code, by @probablyup (see #1976)

  • Switched createGlobalStyle to be a PureComponent, by @probablyup (see #1976)

v4.0.0-beta.0 - 2018-09-04

  • Remove deprecated consolidateStreamedStyles API, by @probablyup (see #1906)

  • Remove deprecated jsnext:main entry point from package.json, by @probablyup (see #1907)

  • Remove deprecated .extend API, by @probablyup (see #1908)

  • Migrate to new context API, by @alexandernanberg (see #1894)

  • Remove TS typings; they are now to be found in DefinitelyTyped, by @probablyup. See styled-components#1778 for more information.

  • Add new data-styled-version attribute to generated <style> tags to allow multiple versions of styled-components to function on the page at once without clobbering each other, by @probablyup

    It's still highly recommended to use aliasing via your bundler to dedupe libraries like styled-components and react.

  • [Breaking change] Refactor keyframes helper, by @fer0x (see #1930).

    Keyframes is now implemented in a "lazy" manner: its styles will be injected with the render phase of components using them.

    keyframes no longer returns an animation name, instead it returns an object which has method .getName() for the purpose of getting the animation name.

  • Add createGlobalStyle that returns a component which, when mounting, will apply global styles. This is a replacement for the injectGlobal API. It can be updated, replaced, removed, etc like any normal component and the global scope will update accordingly, by @JamieDixon @marionebl, @yjimk, and @imbhargav5 (see #1416)

    const GlobalStyles = createGlobalStyle`
      html {
        color: 'red';
    // then put it in your React tree somewhere:
    // <GlobalStyles />
  • Migrate to use new React.forwardRef API, by @probablyup; note that this removes the innerRef API since it is no longer needed.

  • Implement styled() wrapper folding. In a nutshell, when you nest styled wrappers (e.g. styled(styled.div)) the components are now folded such that only one is mounted that contains the merged styles of its ancestors. This is conceptually equivalent to the removed "extend" functionality, but without many of the downsides -- and it's automatic, by @probablyup (see #1962)

  • Added a first-class API for rendering polymorphism via "as" prop. In most cases, this new prop will replace your need to use the .withComponent API. It allows you to control what underlying element or component is rendered at runtime, while not messing with the styles, by @probablyup (see #1962)

    import { Link } from 'react-router'
    const Component = styled.div`
      color: red;
    // Examples
    <Component>Hello world!</Component>
    <Component as="span">Hello world!</Component>
    <Component as={Link} to="home">Hello world!</Component>

[3.4.10] - 2018-10-09

  • Added a few iframe attributes to the valid attribute list: allow, allowUserMedia, allowPaymentRequest, by @asoltys (see #2083 and #2085)

v3.4.9 - 2018-09-18

  • Remove the injectGlobal warning; it's not actionable since the replacement API is in v4 only, so why say anything?

v3.4.8 - 2018-09-17

  • Fix the injectGlobal warning not being properly guarded for production, by @probablyup

v3.4.7 - 2018-09-17

  • Add warning for the upcoming removal of the injectGlobal API in v4.0, by @rainboxx (see #1867)

  • Backport from v4: Beef up the error message that sometimes occurs when multiple versions of styled components are used together and the StyleSheet instance can't be found, by @probablyup (see #2012)

v3.4.6 - 2018-09-10

  • Fix an issue when streaming with very large amounts of output where sometimes styles might not make it to the client, by @probablyup (see #1997)

v3.4.5 - 2018-08-23

  • Tone down the dev warnings for deprecated APIs (they were console.error, now console.warn), by @probablyup

v3.4.4 - 2018-08-21

  • Fix warning function not having a production fallback, by @mitoyarzun (see #1938)

v3.4.3 - 2018-08-21

  • Add warning for the upcoming removal of the extend API in v4.0, by @probablyup (see #1909)

  • Throw Error if a React component was mistakenly interpolated within styles, by @imbhargav5 (see #1883)

  • Fix the primitives build, by @probablyup (see 24f097)

v3.4.2 - 2018-08-07

  • Fix a regression from #1843 that breaks deferred injection and duplicates rules, by @kitten (see #1892)

  • [TS] Fix missing generic type arguments in .d.ts, by @PzYon (see #1886)

v3.4.1 - 2018-08-04

  • Fixed a bug in typings where isStyledComponent was defined using an undefined variable, by @MayhemYDG (see #1876)

  • Add error system, by @probablyup (see #1881)

  • Fix "stream" module not being properly eliminated by rollup, by @probablyup

v3.4.0 - 2018-08-02

  • Add first-class support for functions that return objects, by @acjay (see #1820)

    const Comp = styled.div((({ color }) => ({
  • Add support for the prop variants used by Preact (autofocus, class, for), by @probablyup (see #1823)

  • Various performance improvements, by @probablyup (see #1843)

  • [TS] Revert #1798, by @Igorbek (see #1840)

  • [Internal] Add benchmarking suite, by @mxstbr (see #1833)

v3.3.3 - 2018-06-20

  • Fixed a regression when extending a styled(StyledComponent) introduced in 3.3.0, by @probablyup (see #1819)

  • Adjust how displayName is generated when not using Babel to properly preserve a displayName passed via withConfig, by @probablyup (see #1755)

  • [TS] Fix props being removed when indexed types are passed to WithOptionalTheme, by @devrelm (see #1806)

  • [TS] Allow TypeScript 2.9.1 to accept tagged template type argument, by @Igorbek (see #1798)

  • Add ref documentation for React.createRef(), by @julmot (see #1792)

v3.3.2 - 2018-06-04

v3.3.1 was skipped due to a bad deploy.

v3.3.0 - 2018-05-25

  • Fix off-by-one error in insertRuleHelpers.js, by @migueloller (see #1749)

  • Add first-class support for objects, by @mxstbr (see #1732)

    const Component = styled.div({
      color: 'blue'
  • Fix typo in console warning about multiple instances, by @lucianbuzzo (see #1730)

  • Make the multiple instance warning criteria a little more strict to avoid badgering people running unit tests, by @probablyup (see #1693)

  • Fix React.createRef() values for innerRef being ignored in React Native, by @simonbuchan (see #1718)

  • Hoist non-react static properties on wrapped classes, by @probablyup (see #1750)

  • Support attributes prefixed by x-, by @mlecoq (see #1753)

v3.2.6 - 2018-04-17

  • Fix cascade: false being erroneously set on the Stylis rule splitter (see #1677)

  • Fix typo in ComponentStyle.js comments (see #1678)

  • Accept ref forwarding components in styled constructor (see #1658)

  • Fix onInvalid check in validAttrs, by @slootsantos (see #1668)

  • Fix makeSpeedyTag's css method (see #1663)

  • Fix ComponentStyle caching strategy to take StyleSheet cache into account, by @darthtrevino (see #1634)

  • Add new test-utils to simplify finding styled-components in the DOM in unit testing scenarios, by @jamiebuilds (see #1652)

  • Add minified commonjs and esm builds for bundle size tracking (see #1681)

v3.2.5 - 2018-03-30

  • Deprecate experimental preprocess mode, by @Samatar26 (see #1619)
  • Added ability to override SC_ATTR via process.env.SC_ATTR (see #1632)

v3.2.3 - 2018-03-14

  • Fix SSR memory leak where StyleSheet clones are never freed (see #1612)

v3.2.2 - 2018-03-13

  • Fix ServerTag.clone() not properly cloning its names and markers (see #1605)

  • Fix nested media at-rules by upgrading to stylis@^3.5.0 and stylis-rule-sheet@^0.0.10 (see #1595)

  • Fix the IS_BROWSER check to work more reliably in projects where window may be shimmed, by @danieldunderfelt (see #1599)

v3.2.1 - 2018-03-07

  • Fix @import rules not being enforced to appear at the beginning of stylesheets (see #1577)

  • Fix StyleTags toElement outputting inline CSS which would cause URL encoding (see #1580)

v3.2.0 - 2018-03-05

  • Remove type="text/css"-attribute from style tag to remove warnings from w3c validator (see #1551)

  • Add foreignObject svg element (see #1544)

  • Add controlsList to validAttr list (see #1537)

  • Enable stylis' semicolon autocompletion which was accidentally disabled for a lot of prior releases (see #1532)

  • Fix insertRule injection (speedy mode in production) of nested media queries by upgrading stylis-rule-sheet (see #1529 and #1528)

  • Add StyleSheet.remove API method to be able to delete rules related to a component (see #1514)

  • Replace murmurhash implementation and avoid destructuring tag function arguments (see #1516)

  • Rewrite and refactor StyleSheet and ServerStyleSheet (no breaking change, see #1501)

  • Add warning if there are several instances of styled-components initialized on the page (see #1412)

  • Add target prop to StyleSheetManager component to enable specifying where style tags should render (see #1491)

v3.1.6 - 2018-02-03

  • Bugfix for the last style tag sometimes being emitted multiple times during streaming (see #1479)

  • Bugfix for speedy mode rehydration and added handling for out-of-order style injection (see #1482)

v3.1.5 - 2018-02-01

  • Apply a workaround to re-enable "speedy" mode for IE/Edge (see #1468)

  • Fix memory leak in the server-side streaming logic (see #1475)

v3.1.4 - 2018-01-29

  • Disable "speedy" mode for IE and Edge. There seems to be some incompatibility with how the insertRule API functions in their rendering stack compared to the other vendors. (see #1465)

v3.1.3 - 2018-01-29

  • Disable "speedy" mode for non-production environments, fixes jest-styled-components compatibility (see #1460)

v3.1.1 - 2018-01-29

v3.1.0 - 2018-01-29

  • Compile out error messages for production builds (see #1445)
  • Use much faster CSS injection in the browser, by @schwers and @philpl (see #1208)
  • Add support for streaming server-side rendering, by @probablyup (see #1430)

v3.0.2 - 2018-01-22

  • Add secret internals for jest-styled-components (do not use or you will be haunted by spooky ghosts 👻) (see #1438)

v3.0.1 - 2018-01-22

  • Add support for SafeAreaView when using styled-components in a React Native project (see #1339)

  • Remove support for deprecated Navigator when using styled-components in a React Native project (see #1339)

  • Ship flat bundles for each possible entry, thanks to @Andarist (see #1362)

  • Add ESLint precommit hook, thanks to @lukebelliveau (see #1393)

  • Fixed nested themes not being republished on outer theme changes, thanks to @Andarist (see #1382)

  • Add warning if you've accidently imported 'styled-components' on React Native instead of 'styled-components/native', thanks to @tazsingh and @gribnoysup (see #1391 and #1394)

  • Fixed bug where innerRef could be passed as undefined to components when using withTheme. This could cause issues when using prop spread within the component (e.g. {...this.props}), because React will still warn you about using a non-dom prop even though it's undefined. (see #1414)

  • Expose isStyledComponent utility as a named export. This functionality is useful in some edge cases, such as knowing whether or not to use innerRef vs ref and detecting if a component class needs to be wrapped such that it can be used in a component selector. (see #1418)

  • Remove trailing commas on function arguments (not compatible with ES5 JS engines)

  • Ship source maps (see #1425)

  • Upgrade test suites to run against react v16 (see #1426)

  • Streaming rendering support (requires React 16, see #1430)

v2.4.0 - 2017-12-22

  • remove some extra information from the generated hash that can differ between build environments (see #1381)

v2.3.3 - 2017-12-20

v2.3.2 - 2017-12-19

  • Hotfix a bug in the attr filtering in v2.3.1 (see #1372)

v2.3.1 - 2017-12-19

v2.3.0 - 2017-12-15

  • Add development sandbox to repo for easier contributing, thanks to @gribnoysup (see #1257)
  • Add basic support for style objects in the Typescript definitions, thanks to @nbostrom (see #1123)
  • Fix ref warning using withTheme HOC and stateless function components, thanks to @MatthieuLemoine (see #1205)
  • Consistently escape displayNames when creating componentId, thanks to @evan-scott-zocdoc (see #1313)
  • Better issue template (see #1342)

v2.2.4 - 2017-11-29

  • Disable static styles caching when hot module replacement is enabled.
  • Bump minimum stylis version to 3.4.0, adjust the semver caret target (see #1296)

v2.2.3 - 2017-10-29

  • Fix incorrect StyledNativeComponent#componentWillReceiveProps implementation (see #1276)

v2.2.2 - 2017-10-24

  • Prevent withTheme HOC from breaking when passing a theme from defaultProps, thanks to @kutyel (see #1130)
  • Refactor out theme logic in StyledComponent's componentWillMount & componentWillReceiveProps (see #1130)
  • Add onReset to valid react props list (see #1234)
  • Add support for ServerStyleSheet PropType in both StyleSheetManager and StyledComponent (see #1245)
  • Prevent component styles from being static if attrs are dynamic (see #1219)
  • Changed 'too many classes' error to recommend attrs for frequently changed styles (see #1213)

v2.2.1 - 2017-10-04

v2.2.0 - 2017-09-27

  • Fixed downstream minification issue with replacing process (see #1150)
  • Fixed nonce missing from global styles (see #1088)
  • Improve component mount and unmount performance with changes to createBroadcast. Deprecates usage of CHANNEL as a function, will be update to CHANNEL_NEXT's propType in a future version. (see #1048)
  • Fixed comments in react-native (see #1041)
  • Add support for the __webpack_nonce__ CSP attribute (see #1022 and #1043)
  • Add react-native ImageBackground alias (see #1028)
  • Refactor variable in generateAlphabeticName.js (see #1040)
  • Enable the Node environment for SSR tests, switch some output verification to snapshot testing (see #1023)
  • Add .extend and .withComponent deterministic ID generation (see #1044)
  • Add marquee tag to domElements (see #1167)

v2.1.1 - 2017-07-03

  • Upgrade stylis to 2.3 and use constructor to fix bugs with multiple libs using stylis simultaneously (see #962)

v2.1.0 - 2017-06-15

v2.0.1 - 2017-06-07

  • Fixed extend not working with 3 or more inheritances, thanks to @brunolemos. (see #871)
  • Added a test for withComponent followed by attrs, thanks to @btmills. (see #851)
  • Fix Flow type signatures for compatibility with Flow v0.47.0 (see #840)
  • Upgraded stylis to v3.0. (see #829 and #876)
  • Remove dead code used previously for auto-prefixing. (see #881)

v2.0.0 - 2017-05-25

  • Update css-to-react-native - you'll now need to add units to your React Native styles (see css-to-react-native, code mod)
  • Update stylis to latest version (see #496).
  • Added per-component class names (see #227).
  • Added the ability to override one component's styles from another.
  • Injecting an empty class for each instance of a component in development.
  • Added attrs constructor for passing extra attributes/properties to the underlying element.
  • Added warnings for components generating a lot of classes, thanks to @vdanchenkov. (see #268)
  • Standardised styled(Comp) to work the same in all cases, rather than a special extension case where Comp is another Styled Component. Comp.extend now covers that case. (see #518).
  • Added Comp.withComponent(Other) to allow cloning of an existing SC with a new tag. (see #814.
  • Added a separate no-parser entrypoint for preprocessed CSS, which doesn't depend on stylis. The preprocessing is part of our babel plugin. (see babel-plugin-styled-components/#26)
  • Fix defaultProps used instead of ThemeProvider on first render @k15a, restored.
  • Refactor StyledComponent for performance optimization.
  • Prevent leakage of the innerRef prop to wrapped child; under the hood it is converted into a normal React ref. (see #592)
  • Pass innerRef through to wrapped Styled Components, so that it refers to the actual DOM node. (see #629)
  • Added a dedicated Server-Side-Rendering API, with optimised rehydration on the client. Keys are now sequential.
  • Add hoisting static (non-React) properties for withTheme HOC, thanks to @brunolemos. (See #712)
  • Add innerRef support to withTheme HOC. (see #710)
  • Switch to babel-preset-env. (see #717)
  • Update StyledNativeComponent to match StyledComponent implementation.
  • Fix Theme context for StyledComponent for IE <10. (see #807)
  • Restore setNativeProps in StyledNativeComponent, thanks to @MatthieuLemoine. (see #764)
  • Fix ref being passed to Stateless Functional Components in StyledNativeComponent. (see #828)
  • Add displayName to componentId when both are present (see #821)
  • Test node 8.x as well in travis (see #1153)

v1.4.6 - 2017-05-02


  • Support for jsdom and other browsers that do not implement ownerNode, thanks to @zvictor


  • Upgrade babel-plugin-flow-react-proptypes to version 2.1.3, fixing prop-types warnings; thanks to @EnoahNetzach

v1.4.5 - 2017-04-14


  • Migrated from the deprecated React.PropTypes to the prop-types package, thanks to @YasserKaddour. (see #668)
  • Add FlatList, SectionList & VirtualizedList support, thanks to @Kureev( (see #662)
  • Removed dependency on glamor and migrated remaining references to the internal vendored glamor module. (see #663)
  • Fix missing autoprefixing on GlobalStyle model. (see #702)
  • Better support for keyframes on older iOS/webkit browsers (see #720)

v1.4.4 — 2017-03-01


  • Improve theming support in TypeScript, thanks to @patrick91. (see #460)
  • Add TypeScript definitions for withTheme, thanks to @patrick91. (see #521)
  • Exclude test files from npm, thanks to @Amwam. (see #464)
  • Change the default displayName to styled(Component), thanks to @k15a. (see #470)

v1.4.3 - 2017-02-04


  • Improve TypeScript typings, thanks to @igorbek. (see #428 and #432)
  • Fix SSR bug introduced in v1.4.2, thanks to @xcoderzach. (see #440)
  • Fix defaultProps used instead of ThemeProvider on first render @k15a. (#450)
  • displayName will now default to Styled(Component) @k15a

v1.4.2 - 2017-01-28


  • Fix performance issue when using @font-face by creating a separate style tag for global styles, thanks to @xcoderzach. (see #415)

v1.4.1 - 2017-01-27


v1.4.0 - 2017-01-25


v1.3.1 - 2017-01-18


  • Fix <Styled(undefined)> in React Developer Tools, thanks to @iamssen. (see #383)
  • Fix themes support in IE <= 10, thanks to @saschagehlich. (see #379)
  • Fixed Touchable not recognising styled components as ReactNative components, thanks to @michalkvasnicak. (see #372)


  • Added styled.Button alias for ReactNative, thanks to @Ginhing. (see #322)


  • Fix regression from previous release and only delete innerRef if it is being passed down to native elements, thanks to @IljaDaderko. (see #368)
  • Fixed defaultProps theme overriding ThemeProvider theme, thanks to @diegohaz. (see #345)
  • Removed custom flowtype suppressor in favour of default $FlowFixMe @relekang. (see #335)
  • Updated all dependencies to latest semver, thanks to @amilajack. (see #324)
  • Updated all demos to link to latest version, thanks to @relekang. (see #350)
  • Converted to DangerJS, thanks to @orta. (see #169)


  • Fixed flowtype errors and added flow check to CI, thanks to @relekang. (see #319)


  • Added withTheme higher order component; thanks @brunolemos. (see #312)
  • Added support for media queries, pseudo selectors and nesting in styles-as-objects. (see #280)


  • Do not pass innerRef to the component, thanks @mkhazov. (see #310)
  • Fixed prop changes not updating style on react native; thanks @brunolemos. (see #311)
  • Extract DOM shorthands, thanks @philpl. (see #172)


  • Fixed theme changes in ThemeProviders not re-rendering correctly, thanks @k15a. (see #264)
  • Fixed overriding theme through props, thanks @k15a. (see #295)
  • Removed lodash dependency in favor of small utility packages to knock down bundle size by ~0.5kB


  • Add // @flow to files missing them and fix ThemeProvider types, thanks to @relekang. (see #225)


  • Fixed setting the default theme via defaultProps and theme changes not re-rendering components with new styles, thanks to @michalkvasnicak. (see #253)
  • Improve ReactNative style generation performance, thanks to @sheepsteak. (see #171)


  • Bumped css-to-react-native to v1.0.3 to avoid floating points number bug.


  • Expose API for Server Side rendering: styleSheet.reset() and styleSheet.getCSS(), thanks to @thisguychris, (see #214) fixes #124
  • Added support for deeply nested styles in ReactNative (e.g. transform), thanks @jacobp100. (see #139)
  • Added support for camelized style properties in ReactNative (e.g. fontWeight), thanks @jacobp100. (see #145)
  • Properly expose flow typings by adding a flow:build step and flow support docs, thanks to @ryyppy. (see #219)


v1.0.11 - 2016-11-14


  • Pass props to interpolated functions in React Native, thanks to @haikyuu. (see #190)


v1.0.10 - 2016-10-28


  • Huge performance improvement by injecting styles outside of render, thanks to @JamieDixon. (see #137)

v1.0.9 - 2016-10-26



  • Fixed theme prop in styledComponent and styledNativeComponent so that it will properly inherit values for theme when defaultProps are set, thanks to @bhough. (see #136)

v1.0.8 - 2016-10-18



  • Fixed <ThemeProvider> component hot reloading

v1.0.7 – 2016-10-18


  • Documentation about integrating with an existing CSS codebase
  • Support for CSS custom variables


  • Move react from dependencies to peer– & devDependencies, thanks to @sheepsteak! (see #93)
  • Fix cyclical dependency deadlock in .es.js bundle that forced us to revert v1.0.6, thanks to @Rich-Harris! (see #100)
  • Refactored and added to e2e test suite

v1.0.6 - 2016-10-16 REVERTED


  • for tracking changes between versions
  • Support for Internet Explorer by removing Symbol from the transpiled output
  • .es.js bundle for Webpack v2 or Rollup users to take advantage of tree shaking, thanks to @Rich-Harris! (see #96)


  • Fixed inheritance of statics (like defaultProps) with styled(StyledComponent), thanks to @diegohaz! (see #90)
  • UMD bundle is now built with Rollup, which means a 22% reduction in size and a 60% reducing in parse time, thanks to @Rich-Harris! (see #96)

v1.0.5 - 2016-10-15


  • Fixed theming on ReactNative

v1.0.4 - 2016-10-15


  • Fixed compatibility with other react-broadcast-based systems (like react-router v4)