Releases: operator-framework/api
Releases · operator-framework/api
What's Changed
- Fix a panic when reading annotations if the bundle is not there by @bcrochet in #255
- introduce spec.runAsRoot field by @grokspawn in #258
- (catsrc) move runAsRoot to spec.GrpcConfig from top level spec by @anik120 in #259
- (catsrc) rename grpcPodConfig.runAsRoot to grpcPodConfig.SecurityContextConfig by @anik120 in #261
New Contributors
- @bcrochet made their first contribution in #255
- @grokspawn made their first contribution in #258
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
What's Changed
- Fix a source of flakyness in the removed apis test by @perdasilva in #245
- move check bundle name to the Good Practices validator by @camilamacedo86 in #238
- ✨ feat: new validator to check Multiple Architectures configuration by @camilamacedo86 in #233
- Bump go version from 1.17 to 1.18 by @timflannagan in #251
- Add Affinity stanza to Subscription spec.config by @perdasilva in #253
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
What's Changed
- 🐛 fix channel naming validation by @camilamacedo86 in #231
- Add CRD description check validation by @ryantking in #234
- Introduce UpgradeStrategy to OperatorGroups by @awgreene in #235
- 🌱 good practices validator nit clean up by @camilamacedo86 in #240
- ✨ (GoodPracticesValidator) : Add a new check to warn authors when permissions to create CRDs are found by @camilamacedo86 in #241
- chore: bump k8s deps to 1.24 & makefile go 1.18 support by @everettraven in #242
New Contributors
- @ryantking made their first contribution in #234
- @everettraven made their first contribution in #242
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0
What's Changed
- chore: Bump k8s dependencies to 1.23 by @varshaprasad96 in #212
- fix: alm-example parse check should not fail when the annotation if empty by @camilamacedo86 in #215
- Added field for optional manifests by @fgiloux in #209
- Remove estroz from OWNERS by @estroz in #216
- Add awgreene to list of approvers in OWNERS file by @kevinrizza in #218
- (catsrc) add custom unmarshaller for registry poll interval by @anik120 in #169
- Add perdasilva to approvers by @perdasilva in #219
- deprecate-api validator: add checks for removed APIs on 1.25 and 1.26 by @camilamacedo86 in #208
- Purge the root vendor directory by @timflannagan in #213
- .github/workflows: Add workflow_dispatch event trigger by @timflannagan in #214
- feat: add warning for being defined when validating csv by @tylerslaton in #217
- refactor(constraint): update none compound constraint to be not by @tylerslaton in #221
- .github/workflows: Update the pull_request trigger for the Go workflow by @timflannagan in #224
- Add some extra clarifications via code comments by @camilamacedo86 in #222
- add bundle size validator check by @camilamacedo86 in #210
- fix: ensure that all load bundle methods will check the size by @camilamacedo86 in #227
- bundle size validator: fix and improvements by @camilamacedo86 in #229
New Contributors
- @fgiloux made their first contribution in #209
- @tylerslaton made their first contribution in #217
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.14.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0
What's Changed
- refactor(constraint): update none compound constraint to be not by @tylerslaton in (#221)
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.12.0
What's Changed
- validator/good practices: Improve message by @camilamacedo86 in #206
- csv_validator: add check to ensure that the example is a valid JSON by @camilamacedo86 in #207
- fix(constraint): Correct the message field to be failureMessage by @dinhxuanvu in #211
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1
What's Changed
- chore(docs): emphasize release versioning requirements by @estroz in #162
- GoDoc operatorhub validator by @camilamacedo86 in #159
- fix: add missing allowed category by @camilamacedo86 in #164
- Fix Scorecard configuration ServiceAccount tag by @sergioifg94 in #166
- fix: clarifies message error regards service account by @camilamacedo86 in #174
- doc: fix layout of OperatorHub doc by @camilamacedo86 in #171
- deprecate: CommunityValidator by @camilamacedo86 in #199
- Add format to verify target by @awgreene in #200
- feat: update catalog source spec with config by @perdasilva in #173
- Add perdasilva to list of reviewers by @perdasilva in #201
- Introduce OLMConfig CRD by @awgreene in #198
- feat: add new validator to check/warning when the resource request is not defined for a container used/shipped in the bundle by @camilamacedo86 in #197
- feat(cel): Add CEL custom library for semver comparison by @dinhxuanvu in #202
- bugfix: make spec.grpcPodConfig.priorityClassName a *string by @perdasilva in #204
- feat(constraints): add compound constraints and olm.constraint value parser by @estroz in #203
- doc: further information and example of usage by @camilamacedo86 in #205
New Contributors
- @sergioifg94 made their first contribution in #166
- @perdasilva made their first contribution in #173
Full Changelog: v0.10.7...v0.11.0
v0.10.6: Add Service Account Config to Scorecard (#153)
- Add Service Account Config to Scorecard (#153)
- feat: add new validator to only check the usage of deprecate apis (#156)
- Modified the controller-runtime and controller-tools versions (#154)
- Add validation for Kind and APIVersion (#152)
- Add Timestamp to Scorecard Test Results (#137)
- fix: Fix check to verify OCP label versions when it is =v4.x (#148)
- Add maxOpenShiftVersion test for parsing full version string (#147)
- Warn on maxOpenShiftVersion specifying more than major.minor (#146)
- feat: bump k8s to v0.22.0 (#145)