kube-airflow provides a set of tools to run Airflow in a Kubernetes cluster This is useful when you'd want:
- Easy high availability of the Airflow scheduler
- Running multiple schedulers for high availability isn't safe so it isn't the way to go in the first place. Someone in the internet tried to implement a wrapper to implement leader election on top of the scheduler so that only one scheduler executes the tasks at a time. It is possbile but can't we just utilize a kind of cluster manager here? This is where Kubernetes comes into play.
- Easy parallelism of task executions
- The common way to scale out workers in Airflow is to utilize Celery. However, managing a H/A backend database and Celery workers just for parallelising task executions sounds like a hassle. This is where Kubernetes comes into play, again. If you already had a K8S cluster, just let K8S manage them for you.
- If you have ever considered to avoid Celery for task parallelism, yes, K8S can still help you for a while. Just keep using
instead ofCeleryExecutor
and delegate actual tasks to Kubernetes by calling e.g.kubectl run --restart=Never ...
from your tasks. It will work until the concurrentkubectl run
executions(up to the concurrency implied by scheduler'smax_threads
and LocalExecutor'sparallelism
. See this SO question for gotchas) consumes all the resources a single airflow-scheduler pod provides, which will be after the pretty long time.
This repository contains:
- Dockerfile(.template) of airflow for Docker images published to the public Docker Hub Registry.
- airflow.all.yaml for creating Kubernetes services and deployments to run Airflow on Kubernetes
- Highly inspired by the great work puckel/docker-airflow
- Based on Debian Jessie official Image debian:jessie and uses the official Postgres as backend and RabbitMQ as queue
- Following the Airflow release from Python Package Index
gcloud container clusters create airflow-cluster2 --enable-autorepair --machine-type=n1-standard-2 --num-nodes=1
bigquery data owner
bigquery job user
storage object admin
git clone
this repository and then just run:
export PROJECT_ID=xxxxx
# Set the version of airflow dags to replace KUBE_AIRFLOW_VERSION in Makefile
cd ../ && export VERSION="$(TZ=Asia/Tokyo date +%Y%m%dt%H%M%S)-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" && echo $VERSION && cd -
GCP_JSON_PATH=~/Documents/Archive/GCPProjectID-c06dcd1e8e67-airflow.json make apply
GCP_JSON_PATH=~/Documents/Archive/GCPProjectID-c06dcd1e8e67-airflow.json make publish
make rolling-update
apply task depends on publish task which depend on build task
Create all the deployments and services for Airflow:
make publish
Create all the deployments and services to run Airflow on Kubernetse: vim airflow.all.yaml make create # first deployment make deploy #update
make list-pods
make list-services
pod_name="web-2874099158-lxgm2" make pod-login
It will create deployments for:
- postgres
- rabbitmq
- airflow-webserver
- airflow-scheduler
- airflow-flower
- airflow-worker
and services for:
- postgres
- rabbitmq
- airflow-webserver
- airflow-flower
Login into pod
pod_name="scheduler-1413753147-fd3q7" make login-pod
You can browse the Airflow dashboard via running:
make browse-web
the Flower dashboard via running:
make browse-flower
If you want to use Ad hoc query, make sure you've configured connections:
Go to Admin -> Connections and Edit "mysql_default" set this values (equivalent to values in config/airflow.cfg
) :
- Host : mysql
- Schema : airflow
- Login : airflow
- Password : airflow
Check Airflow Documentation
kubectl exec web-<id> --namespace airflow-dev airflow backfill tutorial -s 2015-05-01 -e 2015-06-01
For now, update the value for the replicas
field of the deployment you want to scale and then:
make apply
gcloud container clusters get-credentials airflow-cluster --zone us-central1-a --project spinappadjust
kubectl proxy