title | parent | thumbnail | tags | date | description | MRM | author | xredirect | slug | |||
Deploying and monitoring a Redis cluster to Oracle Container Engine (OKE) |
assets/redis-dashboard.png |
2021-12-15 13:34 |
Redis, Prometheus, OKE, oh my! |
WWMK211213P00053 |
ali-mukadam |
deploying-monitoring-redis-oke |
{% slides %} In the previous post, you learned how to add a simple extension to the terraform-oci-oke project so that it uses the Redis helm chart to deploy a Redis cluster on Kubernetes.
In the current tutorial, you'll build on this background by exploring how set up Promtheus to monitor your Redis cluster.
Key tasks include how to:
- Deploy a Redis cluster
- Monitor the Redis cluster with Prometheus
- Populate the Redis cluster with existing data using Redis Mass Insertion
- Visualize the mass-insertion process with Grafana
- Use the Terraform helm provider as an alternate deployment and monitoring procedure
For additional information, see:
- An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Free Tier account. [Start for Free]({{ site.urls.always_free }}).
- A MacOS, Linux, or Windows computer with
support installed. - Access to Grafana.
- Access to helm.
To get things started, open a terminal and create a namespace for Prometheus:
kubectl create namespace monitoring
If you are using the
module and have provisioned the bastion host, helm is already installed and pre-configured for you! Just login to the bastion host and deploy the Prometheus operator:helm install --namespace monitoring \ stable/prometheus-operator \ --name prom-operator \ --set kubeDns.enabled=true \ --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false \ --set coreDns.enabled=false \ --set kubeControllerManager.enabled=false \ --set kubeEtcd.enabled=false \ --set kubeScheduler.enabled=false
By setting
to false you ensure that all ServiceMonitors will be selected. -
Get a list of pods and identify the ones associated with Prometheus:
kubectl -n monitoring get pods | grep prometheus
The system will echo something similar to the following:
alertmanager-prom-operator-prometheus-o-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 18s prom-operator-prometheus-node-exporter-9xhzr 1/1 Running 0 24s prom-operator-prometheus-node-exporter-qtbvv 1/1 Running 0 24s prom-operator-prometheus-node-exporter-wjbfp 1/1 Running 0 24s prom-operator-prometheus-o-operator-79ff98787f-4t4k7 1/1 Running 0 23s prometheus-prom-operator-prometheus-o-prometheus-0 3/3 Running 1 11s
In another terminal, set your local
environment variable and runkubectl port-forward
locally to access the Prometheus Expression Browser:export KUBECONFIG=generated/kubeconfig kubectl -n monitoring port-forward prometheus-prom-operator- prometheus-o-prometheus-0 9090:9090
To verify the targets, open your browser and access the Prometheus Expression Browser at
{% imgx assets/redis-prometheus-targets.png "Prometheus targets" %}
Next, you'll verify that Grafana has been configured properly and already has Prometheus as a datasource. With this set, you'll be able monitor your Redis installation once it's been deployed.
In a console, get a list of pods and identify the ones associated with Grafana:
kubectl -n monitoring get pods | grep grafana
This will echo something similiar to the following:
grafanaprom-operator-grafana-77cdf86d94-m8pv5 2/2 Running 0 57s
kubectl port-forward
locally to access Grafana:kubectl -n monitoring port-forward prom-operator-grafana-77cdf86d94-m8pv5 3000:3000
Access Grafana by connecting to port 30 on your browser (
).Login with admin/prom-operator. Use the default username and password if you have not yet changed them. Once you've logged in, you should be able to see the default Kubernetes dashboards.
Create a namespace for Redis:
kubectl create namespace redis
Use helm to deploy the Redis cluster:
helm install --namespace redis \ stable/redis \ --name redis \ --set cluster.enabled=true \ --set cluster.slaveCount=3 \ --set master.persistence.size=50Gi \ --set slave.persistence.size=50Gi \ --set metrics.enabled=true \ --set metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled=true \ --set metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace=monitoring
Access the Prometheus Expression Browser again (
) and verify that Redis is now listed as one of the targets:{% imgx assets/redis-prometheus-targets-updated.png "Prometheus now with Redis target" %}
Login to Grafana (
). -
Select + on the left-hand menu to import a dashboard.
Enter the dashboard id
in the Grafana.com dashboard field:{% imgx assets/redis-import-grafana.png "Import screen in Grafana" %}
After the dashboard is loaded, select the Prometheus datasource:
{% imgx assets/redis-grafana-imported.png "Grafana with Prometheus loaded" %}
Select Import. You should now have a functioning Redis dashboard in Grafana!
{% imgx assets/redis-dashboard.png "A functioning Redis dashboard in Grafana" %}
In this step, you'll learn a neat little time saver that will allow you to import large amounts of data into Redis using a csv file.
First, make sure that your
data file is set up with the same format as the one shown below:id, first name, age, gender, nickname, salary 1, John Smith, 40, Male, John, 10000 2, Marco Polo, 43, Male, Marco, 10000 … 1999999, Tom Cruse, 50, Male, Tom, 10001
To import your csv file into Redis, run the following command in your console:
awk -F, 'NR > 1{ print "SET", "\"employee_"$1"\"", "\""$0"\"" }' file.csv | redis-cli --pipe
In this part, you'll be using the mimesis package to create a dataset based on the information you provided in file.csv
In a console, install mimesis:
pip install mimesis
Your initial dataset will need a little tweaking to be ready for use in Redis. So, in this part, you'll adapt the mimesis schema a little bit to create a new csv file using Python. Create a
file with the following content:import csv from mimesis import Person from mimesis.enums import Gender en = Person('en') with open('file.csv',mode='w') as csv_file: field_names = ['id', 'full name', 'age', 'gender', 'username', 'weight'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=field_names) writer.writeheader() for n in range(100000): writer.writerow({'id': str(n), 'first name': en.full_name(), 'age': str(en.age()), 'gender': en.gender(), 'username':en.username(), 'weight':str(en.weight())})
In a console, run the Python script to generate the data:
python names.py
This will create a
in the current directory. You can configure a PersistentVolume to store and load the data, but for the purpose of this tutorial, you'll do a quick hack by installing Redis on the bastion.
In your console, run:
sudo yum install redis -y
This will allow you to use the redis-cli from the bastion where you've generated/uploaded your
. -
On the bastion, get a list of Redis pods:
kubectl -n redis get pods
The system will echo something similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE redis-master-0 1/1 Running 0 156m redis-metrics-794db76ff7-xmd2q 1/1 Running 0 156m redis-slave-7fd8b55f7-25w8d 1/1 Running 1 156m redis-slave-7fd8b55f7-hvhmc 1/1 Running 1 156m redis-slave-7fd8b55f7-mjq8q 1/1 Running 1 156m
Afterwards, use
so you can access the Redis master using the redis-cli:k -n redis port-forward redis-master-0 6379:6379
Redis wil echo something similar to the following:
Forwarding from -> 6379
Open a new terminal, login to the bastion and obtain the Redis password:
export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)
Just as a check, do a quick test to see if you can connect to Redis. In a cosole, run:
redis-cli -a $REDIS_PASSWORD127.0.0.1:6379>
Redis will echo with something similar to the following:
ping PONG>
Before you import your csv, you'll first need to access Grafana (http://localhost:3000
In a new terminal, run
kubectl port-forward
locally. Also, make sure that you navigate to the Redis Dashboard and set the refresh to every 5 seconds:kubectl -n monitoring port-forward prom-operator-grafana-77cdf86d94-m8pv5 3000:3000
Import your csv:
awk -F, 'NR > 1{ print "SET", "\"employee_"$1"\"", "\""$0"\"" }' file.csv | redis-cli -a $REDIS_PASSWORD --pipe
The system will echo with something similar to:
All data transferred. Waiting for the last reply... Last reply received from server. errors: 0, replies: 1000000
The Redis cluster is now deployed and actively being monitored by Prometheus!
At this point, you may want to watch the Redis dashboard in Grafana. You can see the immediate jump in Network IO, the number of items in the DB as well as the amount of memory used.
{% imgx assets/redis-dashboard-after-insertion.png "Redis Dashboard after mass insertion" %}
Earlier in this tutorial, you learned how to manually install the Prometheus Operator and Redis Cluster through the cli, but this isn't the only option available to you. You can also achieve the same results using the Terraform helm provider, but there are a few important things to keep in mind while doing so.
As you're enabling monitoring on Redis, you'll now need to ensure that the relevant custom resource definitions (CRDs) are created. Previously, the manual steps you performed made certain that the CRDs were created and in the proper order.
However, when you use Terraform to do the provisioning, you'll need to explicitly set the order as follows:
resource "helm_release" "prometheus-operator" {
resource "helm_release" "redis" {
depends_on = ["helm_release.prometheus-operator"]
Congratulations! After performing these steps, you've ensured that the prometheus-operator release is created first, along with all the necessary CRDs that the Redis release will need (like Alertmanager, Prometheus, PrometheusRule, and ServiceMonitor) for Prometheus to be able to monitor the Redis cluster.
You have successfully deployed a Redis cluser and enabled monitoring with Prometheus.
To explore more information about development with Oracle products:
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