Release 4.4.0 BETA
Release Summary
This is a BETA Release of ansible-oracle. Do not use it in production environments!
Minor Changes
- ansible-doctor: Update to 4.0.1 (#397)
- oradb_manage_db: Added support for aliasnames for Oracle Wallet (#400)
- oradb_manage_db: allow multiline values for keys in sqlnet_ansible.ora (#400)
- oradb_manage_wallet: New role for managing Oracle Wallets (#400)
- pre-commit: Update multiple hooks (#397)
Security Fixes
- dependabo: Update ansible-core in dev-tools (#398)
- dependabo: bump ansible from 6.7.0 to 8.5.0 in /tools/ansible (#395)
- dependabo: bump tj-actions/changed-files from 31 to 41 in /.github/workflows (#396)
- oradb_manage_db: Remove visible password for sys, system and dbsnmp from dbca responsefile for 12.2+ (#401)