Releases: oravirt/ansible-oracle
Release 4.4.0 BETA
Release Summary
This is a BETA Release of ansible-oracle. Do not use it in production environments!
Minor Changes
- ansible-doctor: Update to 4.0.1 (#397)
- oradb_manage_db: Added support for aliasnames for Oracle Wallet (#400)
- oradb_manage_db: allow multiline values for keys in sqlnet_ansible.ora (#400)
- oradb_manage_wallet: New role for managing Oracle Wallets (#400)
- pre-commit: Update multiple hooks (#397)
Security Fixes
- dependabo: Update ansible-core in dev-tools (#398)
- dependabo: bump ansible from 6.7.0 to 8.5.0 in /tools/ansible (#395)
- dependabo: bump tj-actions/changed-files from 31 to 41 in /.github/workflows (#396)
- oradb_manage_db: Remove visible password for sys, system and dbsnmp from dbca responsefile for 12.2+ (#401)
Rlease 4.3.0 BETA
Release v4.2.0 BETA
Release Summary
This is a BETA Release of ansible-oracle. Do not use it in production environments!
Major Changes
- Ansible 7 (2.14) is new minimal version in ansible-oracle 4.x (#384)
Minor Changes
- example: added oracle_listeners_config and listener_installed due to new asserts in 4.0 (#384)
- experimental support for OracleLinux 9 (#384)
- molecule: Switch to RU 19.21 (#384)
Breaking Changes / Porting Guide
- Ansible 7 (2.14) is new minimal version in ansible-oracle 4.x (#384)
- oraswdb_golden_image: Fixed wrong varible names oraswdb_golen_* to oraswdb_golden_* from breaking change #383 (#384)
- oraswgi_golden_image: Fixed wrong varible names oraswgi_golen_* to oraswgi_golden_* from breaking change #383 (#384)
- oraswdb_manage_patches: bugfix for wrong stage directory when oracle_sw_copy=true (#384)
ansible-oracle v4.1.0 BETA
Release Summary
This is a BETA Release of ansible-oracle. Do not use it in production environments!
Minor Changes
- ansible-lint V6.20.3 (#383)
- molecule: new stage download to prepare dbfs stage (#383)
- molecule: new stage golden to create golden images (#383)
- oiraswgi: Added Support for -applyRU for 19c and 21c (#383)
- oraasm_manage_diskgroups: Refactoring and bugfixes for 4.0 (#383)
- oracle_opatch: replace sqlplus -V with oraversion for newer releases (#383)
- oraswdb_golen_image: Rename created archive to fixed name (#383)
- oraswgi_golen_image: Rename created archive to fixed name (#383)
Breaking Changes / Porting Guide
- oraswdb_golen_image: New variable oraswdb_golen_image_create: false (#383)
- oraswgi_golen_image: New variable oraswgi_golen_image_create: false (#383)
- Bugfix for state=absent in oracle_databases with CDB (#383)
- molecule: Use shared inventory with download scenario (#383)
- oracle_opatch: fix wrong rolling parameter definition, fix broken opatch opatchauto rollback (#383)
- oradb_datapatch: allow execution of role with empty oracle_databases and oracle_pdbs (#383)
- oradb_manage_db: Regather oradb_facts after database change (#383)
- oradb_manage_statspack: Bugfix for nonCDB setups (#383)
- orahost: Do not set NOZEROCONF on SuSE platform (#383)
ansible-oracle v4.0.0 BETA
Release Summary
This is a BETA Release of ansible-oracle. Do not use it in production environments!
The release introduce[ansible-doctor] for documentation with annotations.
Please make sure, that furture Pull-Requests have updated included, when changes in annotations are included.
A new github Action will check for it.
Some variable defaults have been changed.
Minor Changes
- Added molecule to improve testing in development (#318)
- Renamed all playbooks for collection compatibility and added symbolic links (#318)
- ansible-lint 6.17.0 (#318)
- antsibull-changelog: Update to 0.23.0 in development tools (#318)
- common: ansible-doctor (#318)
- cxoracle: ansible-doctor (#318)
- cxoracle: removed pip installation for Python2 (#318)
- github Action ansible-doctor (#318)
- github Action changelog filecheck only during pull requests (#318)
- molecule: helper for easier development in ansible-oracle (#318)
- oradb_facts: new role for module (#318)
- oradb_manage_db: sys and system passwords could be different in database creation (#318)
- oradb_manage_profiles: added missing option mode for normal/sysdba connections (#318)
- oradb_manage_statspack: major code refactoring (#318)
- oradb_manage_tablespace: added missing option mode for normal/sysdba connections (#318)
- orahost: 1st test of ansible-doctor (#318)
- orahost: refactoring role (#318)
- orahost_cron: ansible-doctor (#318)
- orahost_logrotate: ansible-doctor (#318)
- orahost_meta: ansible-doctor (#318)
- orahost_meta: moved some variables from orahost into orahost_meta (#318)
- oraswdb_install: optimize installations with oracle_sw_copy (#318)
- oraswgi_instal: replace .profile_grid with ocenv (#318)
- oraswgi_meta: added asserts for inventory variables ()
- pre-commit: added ShellCheck Hook (#318)
- python-venv: helper for easier development in ansible-oracle (#318)
- replaced ansible_hostname with oracle_hostname in oracle manage roles (#318)
- make scripte shellcheck happy (#318)
Breaking Changes / Porting Guide
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Please replace configure_cluster with oracle_install_option_gi (#318)
- change configure_cluster to _oraswgi_meta_configure_cluster (#318)
- changed variable defaults for (#318)
- dbhome-conversion tool removed (#318)
- oracle_acfs: Rename module to disable it due to broken code (#318)
- oracle_asmdg: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_asmvol: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_awr: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_datapatch: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_directory: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_facts: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_gi_facts: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_grants: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_jobclass: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_jobs: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_jobschedule: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_jobwindow: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_ldapuser: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_parameter: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_pdb: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_privs: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_profile: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_redo: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_role: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_rsrc_consgroup: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_services: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_sql: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_sqldba: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_stat_prefs: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_tablespace: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- oracle_user: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#318)
- orahost: removed default values for host_fs_layout (#318)
Removed Features (previously deprecated)
- Remove old desupported playbooks from playbooks/desupported (#318)
- Removed duplicate role oraswgi_opatch. Use oraswgi_manage_patches (#318)
- Removed inventory folder, comes back in example at later time (#318)
- removed role oraemagent_install (#318)
Known Issues
ansible-oracle v3.12.0
Minor Changes
- oradb_facts: add missing attributes collected by oracle_facts module (#375)
Security Fixes
- oracle_awr: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_facts: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_job: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobclass: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobschedule: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobwindow: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_ldapuser: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_rsrc_consgroup: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oradb_rman: better handle rman_jobs with state: absent (#374)
ansible-oracle v3.11.0
ansible-oracle v3.10.1
ansible-oracle v3.10.0
ansible-oracle v3.9.0
Release Summary
This release adds support for db_domain in init.ora for nonCDB and CDB. Read (#356) for requirements and notes.
Minor Changes
- Added support for db_domain in init.ora (#356)
- oradb_facts: Backported role from dev release (#356)
- oraswdb_install: fixed wrong creates in curl.yml (#354)
- oraswdb_install: enable CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7 for Golden-Image on OL/RHEL8 (#355)