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Orbito Render

Headless render engine: data+tpl to optimized HTML & CSS, for pages, ads and emails.

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boilerplate & example repository

Docker Image


Image with baked-in files

Build an image where the locales and templates are baked in, thus can be pushed to a image repository and used/deployed directly.

FROM bemiteu/render

COPY --chown=node:node ./locales /home/node/app/locales
COPY --chown=node:node ./templates /home/node/app/templates

Docker Compose Setup

Example setup of a docker-compose suite, with public APIs and redis for caching stylesheets.

version: "3.9"
        image: "bemiteu/render"
            ACCESS_PUBLIC_DESCRIBE: "yes"
            ACCESS_PUBLIC_RENDER: "yes"
            APP_ENV: local
            NODE_ENV: development
            REDIS_HOST: redis:6379
            PORT: 80
            OA_SERVER_SELECT: "false"
            OA_SERVER_URL: auto
            CACHE_EX_STYLE: 600
            # HOME_FOOTER: "<span>my org</span>"
            # HOME_NO_DOCS: "yes"
            - ./locales:/home/node/app/locales
            - ./templates:/home/node/app/templates
            - redis
            - "3000:80"

        image: redis:alpine


Configure with ENV variables.

ENV Vars: ID

The following variables allows restricting the API for authenticated users, using JWTs as bearer token in authorization header.

Enabled by setting either ID_KEY_URL or ID_KEY_MEM.

  • ID_ISSUER: [string], for issuer validation
  • ID_KEY_MEM: [string], the JWT secret key to use
  • ID_KEY_URL: [string], the url from where to load the JWT public key, e.g. /verify-key
  • ID_KEY_ALGO: [string], defaults to HS256
  • ID_AUDIENCE: [string], enforces audience validation
  • ID_HOST: [string], host of your ID service, required for ID_KEY_URL

ENV Vars: Log

The following variables enables logging with Google Cloud Log.

  • GCP_LOG: [string], path to the authentication file, if set enables google cloud logging
  • LOG_PROJECT: [string], id of the google cloud project
  • LOG_ID: [string], id of the logging bucket
  • LOG_SERVICE_NAME: [string], used in resource.labels.service
  • labels
    • APP_ENV as `

ENV Vars: Access, Caching & Misc.

  • CACHE_EX_STYLE: [number], how long built styles should be cached, in seconds
  • ACCESS_PUBLIC_RENDER: ['true' | '1' | 'yes' | 'on'], if the render endpoint can be accessed without authentication
  • ACCESS_PUBLIC_DESCRIBE: ['true' | '1' | 'yes' | 'on'], if the document-types APIs can be accessed without authentication
  • HOME_NO_DOCS: ['true' | '1' | 'yes' | 'on'], if truly will show links to docs on home
  • HOME_FOOTER: [string], if set used as footer on home, must only contain HTML which is allowed in p
  • OA_SERVER_SELECT: ['true' | '1' | 'yes' | 'on'], when truly will allow user to select server
  • OA_SERVER_URL: ['auto' | string], used as the OpenAPI Server URL, when auto using the current host

Template Setup

Creates a new template folder & file structure in the templates folder.

for docker-compose

Uses the mounts from docker-compose.yml, so nothing to add here.

docker-compose run --rm render node cli.js tpl:init my-tpl

Optionally specify which locale should be created with the second param:

docker-compose run --rm render node cli.js tpl:init my-tpl fr

for docker

Also requires all ENV vars!

Using current folder on Windows:

docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/templates:/home/node/app/templates -v %cd%/locales:/home/node/app/locales bemiteu/render node cli.js tpl:init my-tpl

Using current folder on Unix:

docker run --rm -it \
    -v `pwd`/templates:/home/node/app/templates \
    -v `pwd`/locales:/home/node/app/locales \
    bemiteu/render node cli.js tpl:init my-tpl



This project adheres to semver, until 1.0.0 and beginning with 0.1.0: all 0.x.0 releases are like MAJOR releases and all 0.0.x like MINOR or PATCH, modules below 0.1.0 should be considered experimental.

latest releases


This project is free software distributed under the MIT License.

© 2022 bemit UG (haftungsbeschränkt)