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Anthonie Bishop Weyland AnthonieWeyland
A maverick who is driven by challenge, undeterred by obstacles, and committed innovating and furthering a sustainable future.

WeylandLabs Sparks NV

Sergey Kryukov SergeiKriukov
Сергей Крюков, Lawyer, LegalTech @lawlabs

Law Office "Kryukov, Anishin & Partners"

Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Samier Saeed ss108
GPU poor; CPU rich


Christian B. cbrown1515
LegalTech Attorney | Legal AI Engineer | Fractional General Counsel | Fractional Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer

Code & Counsel, PLLC Texas


Lokadhatu Research

Rens Jansen romjansen
🔮 Developing pan-European legal research solutions at @moonlit-ai

Deloitte Netherlands

Milena Higgins milenacorn
Physicist who stumbled into law and discovered legal tech. After years of helping lawyers analyze things, I now build software to help them do their job.

St Paul, MN

Muloka muloka
🔮 Casual DJ

Toronto, Canada


cypresslaw Louisiana

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Antonio Rocha antoniosrferreira
My journey with management started a long time ago; but within the data realm around 2014. Read my manager to get to know me better :)

TBD London, UK

Vipul Saklani Vipulsaklani
Learn, learn ,learn...
Brooks Brasfield brasfb
Law Student. Might as well learn about coding & AI, right?

Nashville, Tennessee

Bernhard Waltl bwaltl


Karolina Naranjo k-naranjo
Ph.D candidate in Data Science | ML | Legal NLP

University of Virginia United States

Steph P. StephieLaPugh
IP damages economist and python noob

Denver, CO

Lluis Faus lfaus Miami, FL

Andrew Parsons afparsons

Boston, Massachusetts