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Danilo Martins Gazzoli danilo-gazzoli
Hi, my name is Danilo and i'm a begginer developer looking to improve my development skills.

Vitória ES, Brazil

Daniel Rodrigues danielvor
"The Word Is Bravery!" is the 51st and final episode of Soul Eater.

Duno Inc São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Izabele Cabral izacabral
I’m an avid self-learner and curious. I used to be an architect and am currently studying software engineering at 42 | Rio, my new passion. 👩‍💻
Paula Alves milkshakedeamora
eu to tentando melhorar ta
Débora Abrahão Furlan dabrafur
🏳️‍🌈 • Cadet @42sp • Tech Enthusiast

42sp São Paulo - BR

Eduardo Castro educastrob
codes and codes.

@42sp localhost

Augusto César augustocesar99
📍 Brazilian | Software Engineering student at 42 SP 🚀
Lília Paula Lilia10010
Trilhando no universo da tecnologia | Software Engineering student at @42sp


Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷


Jonatas Arão de Carvalho Neves JonatasArao
Formado como Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (ETEC) e Licenciatura em Matemática (IFSP), atualmente sou Cadete (Aluno) na 42 São Paulo.
Renato Thives renatothives

@solussaude Londrina, PR

Luiz Gandra LuizGandra
Web Developer Full Stack, UI / UX Designer | React, Node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript | @42sp

SP - São Paulo

Vinícius Lima vinislima
Software Engineering student | Cadet at @42sp

São Paulo/Brasil

Pedro Monteiro peda-cos
Software Engineer • Cadet @42sp

@42sp São Paulo/Brazil

Leonardo Sales LeonardoSabar
👋 Leonardo from Brazil 🌎 | Software Engineering student at 42 SP 🚀 | Passionate about coding and continuous learning

Sao Paulo - Brazil

Lucas Niehues de Farias lucasnfarias
I'm graduated in Biomedicine. Currently, I'm an alumni at 42SP and working as TSE at RTB House. I'm fascinated about Programming, Human Psychology and Music.

42 São Paulo | RTB House São Paulo

developer composer

São Paulo, Brazil

Tuca Pulcinelli Tucapulcinelli
It & Software Engeneer at 42sp Cadet at 42sp, learning C and Python Photographer & Videomaker Entrepreneur

@42sp São Paulo

José Costa DevJotace
💻 Estudante de programação, iniciando com C e rumo ao Full Stack! Explorando bases sólidas em backend para construir soluções completas. 🚀
Rainan Miranda de Jesus rainanDeveloper
FullStack Developer | Nodejs | Nest.js | Javascript (ES6) | Typescript | React | Next.js | Golang | C# | MySQL


Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Kheyla Thais KheyThay
- Student in Software Engineering

São Paulo, Brazil

Esmael Adriano esmaeladriano
Sou um jovem angolano estudante
Hudson Mateque Hudson512
Open to new challenges

42 Luanda luanda

Ren Wro RenWro

São Paulo - SP

grs Cipher-gr
Always learning
Eduardo Mosko eduardomosko

Moskos' CodeField Curitiba

Emerson H. Schula EmersonSchula
Web Developer | Front-End | HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Git | GitHub

São Paulo

Ricardo Pereira ricardopra
HTML, CSS, Javascript, UX e UI, React, Python, Java

são paulo

Ana Chaia Ana-Chaia
capixaba, curiosa, nerd & comunicativa :)
Ana Laura alaurai

@MagaluPay Remote, Brazil

Igor Gonçalves igords-goncalves
Front-end Developer with a research impetus who loves programming and problem solving.

Rio de Janeiro