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Shivani Bhat shivanibhat24
Exploring Variety to Unleash my full Potential!🔥✨ Interests: Embedded Systems, Chip Design, Algorithms, Space, Defence, Coding, Music, Sports, Food and Fun!


Siddhant Bali kintsugi-programmer
UG Researcher, Computational Biology @microbiome Informatics Lab | Human Centered Design Dept. @PerSIsst Lab | WebAdmin HCD | CSD Junior @ IIIT-Delhi
vanamgangireddy vanam93
student of CSE NIT AGARTLA


António Pedro antonio-pedro99
Software Engineer | Ex-Undergraduate Researcher at IIITD's MIDAS Lab | LFX mentee'23 at CNCF working on Strimzi | OpenHack'2

Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Angola, Luanda