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Minty Nyahstic2
Hello, I'm Nyahstic! You found me, this is my alt.
Eduardo Bagarrão BagarraoEduardo
Hi! I'm a Software Developer with over 5 years of experience! I currently work with the .NET stack, and I also develop games in my free times ✌️

Software Developer Barreiro

Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

realybin realybin
C# developer and indie software vendor.
Alexandre Mutel xoofx
C#/.NET OSS, lang/compilers, GPU/sound, architecture 🏎️ Microsoft MVP, ex-demoscene PC/Amiga 🎆 Veggie 🌿, opinions are my own.

Grenoble - France

Noah Yannis Guderjahn NoahYannis
Hey, there. I'm an Apprentice Software Developer at Hottgenroth Software. I love learning new things and practising by working on personal projects :)

Hottgenroth Software AG Wernigerode, Germany

Daniel Woodard danielwoodard

@streamlineit San Jose, CA


Saudi Arabia

Christian DoOmChRiXx
C# / VB

Alessandria, Italy

Tony Belial Baphomet ogslimtony

NEKO-ARTS Jyväskylä, Finland

Guo Zongqi gzq87

Lenovo Shanghai, China

Vyacheslav FroggerHH
Discord: @JustAFrogger
CTimet CTimet
Just a middle school student from China😜
HaoJu Zheng hjzheng

Xi'an Shannxi China

Full-stack Developer| C# | LARAVEL | NODEJS

Singular Tech Somewhere in the Land of the Holy Cross

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Soren Saket SorenSaket
Working on

Aarhus Denmark

xun.z xun-zh
Computer Science major, Sichuan University, like to learn new things.
