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A geek who loves DIY smart home, with a dream to create a personal artificial intelligence assistant.
Amphibious Man AmphibiousMan
When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who’s running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind…

The Swamp Netherlands

Apes mindcont
Love python, ffmpeg, oh-my-zsh, matlab, pi 3b+ and diy smart hardware.
time 🔮 timenotspace
💻 timenotspace production 🏯 WRWC creative ops 🥻 designer fashion & art

[ time labs ] 👁️‍🗨️

Adrian Hirt admarhi
Biophysics @ UAM | R Dev @ isi GmbH


JD Web Programmer jdwebprogrammer
AI Research & Development / Machine Learning / Neural Networks / Data Science / AutoSynthetix


Ersin İşimtekin isimtekin
Tech Lead | Software Arch

Finbyte Berlin, Germany

Sushant SushantIndupuru
always bored

Pleasanton, California

Gustavo Henrique Oliveira Monteiro henrimonteiro
Student of engineer mechanical of University Federal of Amazonas


devbrones devbrones
Software and hardware engineer based in Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden