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Dong-Ha Oh ohdongha
I study extremophyte and other plant genomes and develop tools to compare genomes and GRNs,

Computercraft Baton Rouge, LA

Changwoo Ok okchang95

Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Kicheol kicheolkim
Scientist, Biomarker discovery || Bioinformatics Scientist at Everest Detection (@Everest-Detection) || Former postdoc at UCSF (@baranzini-lab)

Everest Detection San Francisco Bay Area

KyuTae ilovegreentea
Skku MS-Ph.D student(Bioinformatics)

UNC LCCC Chapel Hill,NC

Hajin Jeon Hajin-Jeon
Hajin Jeon (전하진) Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from InfoLab, DGIST

Korea Bioinformation Center (KOBIC) Daejeon, Republic of Korea