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Seshu Kumar Damarla seshu-damarla

University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Yantai, Shandong, China

Upprcav ucm14
No such thing as life that better than yours
Yehor Smoliakov egorsmkv
Speech-to-Text, Text-to-Speech, Voice over Internet Protocol
NguyenS (he/him) sangnguyens
Data Scientist

Vietnam Petroleum Institute Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam

Zheng Ran ranzhengcode
The avatar was released by gorkhs on pixabay

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin

Hoang Minh Phan HoangMinhPhan

KU Leuven Belgium

David Bernal davidbemel
Data Engineer | Industrial Engineer and Supply chain Specialist


Ange Valli (Ángel Valli Maldonado) AngeValli
PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics

Université Paris-Saclay / CentraleSupélec Paris

CoderPanda data-panda

Eindhoven University of Technology Pune

Ryan Guidry (Ryne) rguid31
engineering, art, blockchain, history, computing, and futurology.

Baton Rouge, LA

Leandro de Oliveira leo-smi
Elec. Eng. & Master | PPGTCA

UTFPR Brazil

once upon a time i woke up in silence to see myself as raijin
Tengku Romansyah tengkuroman
Hey! 😺

Bandung, Indonesia

Joshua Edward Hammond joshuaeh
Derive actionable insights from data, modeling and optimization

The University of Texas-Austin Austin

Joel Sansana joelsansana

University of Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal

Ph.D. student @ Technion

Tel Aviv

Mehdi Zallaghi mzallaghi4
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences

Tarbiat Modares University Tehran



APMonitor APMonitor
Gekko and APMonitor software for machine learning, mixed-integer, and time-series optimization.

Advanced Process Solutions, LLC 712 Main St, Suite 3200, Houston, TX 77002

Volkan Kumtepeli ElektrikAkar
Yet another person.

United Kingdom