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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


bantano mentano


Ame アメ ameknite
✦ Character Artist • Main: BlueSky • Support me: Ko-fi • Links:
Eliécer Hernández Paraguanads

@DexKit Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela

Andrew Khassapov AndrewKhassapov
Automation, apps and whatnot from Melbourne, Australia.

State Government Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Justin K kimjust6
I am a full stack developer who enjoys climbing.

Seneca College Ontario, Canada

MonkeyMike.eth mon-key-mike
I build Blockchain Business Services, along with other infrastructures. Available to Hire. I work for DAOs, Communitities, and Private companies

@MonkeyMike Inside the Singularity of the Multiverse, and then residing within that inside the microcosmic reflection of the our Universe. My location is right in front of you.

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

BananaBruceWayne BananaBruceWayne
Lego Batman's Imaginary Friend. The MadBananaUnion; On a mission of $MAD-ness Bringing #BlockChain back to its /root & The People up 2 Par

Mad Banana Union Gotham



A Very Mad Lab, LLC MadMoneyLab
$MAD for the Money, Bananas for the Chain, were already batshit, then we went inSANE.

@MadBananaUnion-DAO The Mad Lab, located in the Mad Lands

Ptera dev-ptera
Potassium addicted Pteranodon
Downtoearthdev downtoearthdev
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.

Scorchedcode Here

Lucios Crhysttoffer


SizzlingPotassium642 SP642
I really like studying
banobo yellowsalmonbear
I am a Yellow Salmon Bear

City of Rainbows

Italo A. G. italoag

Santander Brasil São Paulo, SP

Michael L MichaelLeenheer
Just a guy trying to get his company's website working.


Victor Peña victorpena13
Full Stack Software Developer

San Antonio, Texas

Bobby Songhausen bsonghausen

Chiron Cryptography, Inc. Michigan

Ana Gonzalez analani
Activista por el clima.

kekorraelagua España