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Dr. Muhammad Anjum Qureshi qureshi85
PhD, Bilkent University, Türkiye
Narges Ghanbari nargesghan
computer sciense student at IUST


Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
Hongyu Zhang orion-orion
Federated Learning | Graph ML | RecSys | former captain of @SCPCLab

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Shenzhen, China

Fehim Köylü fehimkoylu

Erciyes University Computer Engineering Department

Sevda Öğüt ogutsevda
PhD Candidate at LTS4

EPFL Switzerland

Azuremis Azuremis
ML Engineer + AI scholar | Searching for the ghost in the shell 🤖

Adeptus Mechanicus

Leepand leepand

安博思创始人 Beijing

Hikmet Şimşir HikmetSimsir

Bilkent University Ankara