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baki gul gulbaki

Arma group holding Kocaeli,Gebze

Little-data Little-Data
HAF(Half A Fruit 半个水果)


Pedro Rossi Pedr0Ross1
Owner and CEO at Impar Technology Company SA (Senior Developer, ERP Designer, Data Scientist, IT Manager, Computer Engineer, Designer, Ai Scientist)

Impar Technology Company SA Santa Cruz do Sul - RS, Brazil

W3LabKr w3labkr
World Wide Web Laboratory

Republic of Korea

Akimoto BillScott1024
Be Harder, Be A Better Game Developer.


Patrick Lewis locus313

@deluxe-host Kent, WA

Yehonal Yehonal
Starting with TCL , Pascal, Java and Delphi in 2006. Working with C++, JS/TS, PHP, SQL, Bash every day.
